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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Which does /pol/ like more?
Turkey, because of kebab
yugoslavia. i have a fetish for armenians theyre so hot and sexy
austrians 100%. much more relaxed and friendly like balkans. germans have a stick up their ass
a fat german guy yelled at me at a gas station last week that we are all a bunch of nazi racists.
dunno what it was all about but i took it as a compliment.
Enrique Gonzalez Rodriguez probably thought of Albanians. Which still doesn't make any sense but you know... mutt common-core "education" literally dumbs them all down to the level of the stupidest nigger in their class.
I dont even like Turkiye, so the other place.
>austrians 100%. much more relaxed and friendly like balkans

its cause of Balkan gene, they larp as german
Slavs are mildly annoying, Turks are subhumans who should be purged from the face of this planet. If every last Turkish man, woman, and child died tomorrow, nothing of value would be lost.
why do they look like arabs?
are they even europeans?
i know that armenian migrants living in usa live in la koreatown a lot

Enlightened folks that openly discuss genocide based on religion and race.

Turks are hittite-greek-balkan-turkik-persian-arab-slavic mutts with - statistically- the smallest dicks in the world, they worship a jew and love niggers.
yugo niggers gassed my entire family when I was a child and nearly killed us with sleeping gas to rob the train
Turkey, because I am turkish, but I think the average German also prefers Turkey over Yugoslavia, I guess it's because the many gypsies that are from there and criminality.
They dont, they have some cavemen phenotype from ancient Europeans and brown from greek/med dna
Turks are gyppos
the other way around balkanoids are turkish rape babies t
How about neither
every time i look at armenians, it makes me feel like i see figures in christian religious paintings
they are completely opposite to us (they have completely strong facial features)
so every time i see them, I feel very heterogeneous
Ga in Schiedam Nieuwland wonen dan leer je je fetish voor kakkerlak-mensjes spoedig af.
Oh you talk about armenians. Bro they are caucassian mountain goblin mystery origin
Research how much Turkish DNA is in the Serbian population and how much Serbian DNA is in the Turkish population. Come back to me with the results.
Croats fought hard to keep ottoman Turks out of Europe and I’m quite proud of that. Serbs were totally occupied and suffered for centuries and it kinda turned them into a bunch of orcs. Austrians were partners in keeping the Turks out and contributed a lot to civilization in Croatia. Communist Yugoslavia was partially a result of eastern barbarism being introduced into the area by the Turks. People were seduced by the idea that they were going to be part of some kind of Slavic horde that would dominate the globe. A lot of it goes back to Mongolian influence across Russia, Turkey and into the balkans. Also, Jews.
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Turkish government literally bans DNA projects ever since Turks started realising they're everything but Turks.
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Aren't y'all forgetting someone? Ahem. Albania.
Lmao, mehmet. There are no Anatolian markers in the Balkan population. There is a lot of Balkan gene in Turkey. Any "similiarity" between the genetic structures (we're about as close to actual Turks as we're close to Finns) is due to our admixture in your population.
How on earth do you think us, on average 185cm tall, are rapebabies of you, 170cm tall, is something you're going to have to answer.
I heard talks that there has been some research and they don't like the results AT ALL, lol.
Turkroaches contributed more to the world while Yugoniggers are the lesser evil
Yes because they are mutts. A little bit of slavic circassian and med from sex slaves. Armenian and greek from native populations. Asian from central asians who were already mutts themselves. And a little bit of arab and persian. Truly the masterrace
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just because one makes döner and the other steals BMWs doesnt mean the world profits from either of them.
they are all lesser races that need to feel the german reichcock again.
Turkey because Berlin is the most beautiful Turkish city on the planet.
>Page active since 2017
>The last post: 2021
>"DNA research is not banned in Türkiye
>Current year is 2024
You tell me. They're calling rapebabies people who have one of the most developed DNA projects on the entire planet (at least Serbs, don't know about the others in the Balkans).
While they're shutting down every research because Turks lost their minds when they realised they're mostly Greco-Anatolian people with a lot of Balkan and Caucasian blood.
The ones with the most Turkish admixture (still not even nearly the majority) are what they see as their backward hillbillies in the east.
There is no actual problem with being a mix but they've shot themselves in the foot with the dumb nationalism that wasn't directed very well.
>Turkroaches contributed more
Name ONE Turk that isn't Ataturk or a modern politician.
There is not a pitch of Turkish heritage in the Balkans that isn't some food and words that came as a byproduct of Turkey being a large empire and a middleman between Europe and Asia.
No poems, no buildings, nothing. Turkey was an empire of extortion and tax collection with some murders here and there.
Food and architecture
Where? You will not find any remnants of it here. Austrohungarians left more architectural heritage in 10 years than Turks in their entire history. All they built were mosques which we razed. Backward empire.
Most of it is not even theirs. As I am saying, they were the middleman. The food traditionally seen as "Turkish" like for example rolled cabbage with meat appeared in ancient Assyria.
Anyways, bragging about having "good food" is Indian tier. Wypipo didn't spicey dey food before Turks.
Yugoslavia, on the other hand, led a 3rd block during the cold war and had international political power and influence Turkey will never have.
Where else? In Turkey obviously
>Most of it is not even theirs.
Ok but the only Southeast Euros who rival them gastronomically are the Greeks
>In Turkey
Architecture is supposed to be exported and imitated.
shitskin armenian from glendale
Add Albania or fick off
Yugoslavia obviously. Turks need not reply
its the same
Hör auf im Deutschland rumzustinken, Mehmet Cigötürkü. Du bist dort nicht willkommen, du wirst dort nicht gemocht und das wird sich auch nicht ändern.
Sounds like he was telling you, a pole, to off yourself by calling you something german related.
Countries in europe ranked in order of how much I currently like them
No matter what, turkey's at the bottom.
Lol, you couldn't point out Montenegro on a map.
Yugoslavia, most based commie nation otherwise I don't find other commie nations interesting.
Our gravest mistake was not getting nukes.
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Only the Brits and us are human. The rest are filthy shitskins that NEED NOT apply.
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yea so we can nuke each other into annihilation, great idea retard
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Of course Yugoslavia.
Every turk ought to return to Turkey. I'll take 10 niggers over one turk.
> Unironic lefty "but muh food"
Kek, checking this delicious bait out
We all know you'll take both, no matter how hard you vote.
>Shows Map of Switzerland
Kys mahmet
That doesn't sound too bad.
They are caucasians
I like Turkish kebab in my mouth
Not being a bunch of commies probably would have been smart as well
Based Turknigger hater

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