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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Have you ever wondered how many people in the world are actually real sentient human beings with free will, and how many are just NPC's?
Let's break it down statistically. Only about 15% of the population have an IQ above 115, which is the threshold for rational thinking and seeing through propaganda.
That's a pretty generous estimate too. So, only 15% of people are capable of genuine, independent thought. The rest? Lines of code following their programming. No real thoughts, no free will.
Those in the 115+ range have difficulty comprehending the actions and thoughts of those <95 because normies just like talking about genitalia, celebrities, pubic hair 24/7. It's like if orangutans were allowed on the internet and just kept spamming about bananas on every website

How do you even communicate with these bots?
Only you and everyone who agrees with your worldview are real, champ. Everyone else is an NPC bot and trying to argue otherwise is pointless because, while it's true, it's also an unfalsifiable claim to begin with.
It unironically takes death to achieve sentience. I will not expand on this.
Please do actually elaborate.
I have drowned. I have died in a car wreck. I have died in a motorcycle wreck, twice. Yet here I am. Everything seems normal. My life continues. I feel that my experience in death gives me sentience. As we transition timelines or realities or whatever they are, we ascend.
I think it's more than just IQ, as east asians have a higher IQ on average. IQ is a good measurement of abstract pattern recognition but it is not the only measure that should be used when filtering out who is and is not an NPC.
There is also creativity, originality.
The ability to see through propaganda is a good rule of thumb also, but plenty of high IQ people were fooled by the covid psyop and now they are a different species.
We need a metric or some kind of aggregate of different scores for NPC sorting.
That being said the vast majority of people are NPCs, based on the above and my own experience
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I ask myself all the time and I have since I was a kid, probably.
It is legitimately disheartening to see that most people really don't do much apart from acting as relays for propaganda, since they simply regurgitate the information they receive as to put themselves on a moral pedestal.
All these people criticizing israel for the Palestinians don't know shit about how israel came into being in the first place and how it obtained its independence. Let alone being aware of any of the immense power they exert over the West through the media and financial companies they run.
You don't have free will and neither does any other human being. Starting your assumption with the word "statistically", without having any data or statistics to rely on signifies your room temperature IQ. Based on the text you've provided I would say you qualify perfectly as a NPC.

Humanity is pretty advanced when it comes to measuring. For now we cannot prove that our brains give the needed signal to fulfil a task. The first signal comes before the brain is able to register and comprehend the information. When someone throws a ball at you, your body reacts before your brain is able to register the impulse.

This universe is determined. There is no free will.


the brain ‘decides’ to initiate or, at least, prepare to initiate [certain actions] before there is any reportable subjective awareness that such a decision has taken place” and that “If the ‘act now’ process is initiated unconsciously, then conscious free will is not doing it.”
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> your room temperature IQ
> you may be ready to react for some event before you see it so no free will
I don't think it is something as simple as IQ, East Asians have had tons of practical inventions, but virtually all of their philosopy was taken from pajeets.
No, there is free will, for better for for worse. There are generalised timelines in a high level sense, depending on what decisions are made by the majority of humanity and importantly by what is believed by the masses. NPCs included obviously. They shape this world immensely through their belief hence the need to keep the sheep in the pen so the Shepard's keep power, and why the bread and circus is so necessary.
The brain is not the only source of 'thought' if you want to call it that. Your body has its own kind of intellect/intelligence and so does your heart.
"The brain doesn't react before you catch the ball therefore free will doesn't exist" ya that's a bit of a jump there buddy
Over 50. S9mething like 70 percent of niggers based on crime stats bell curve.
Interacting with normies is quite easy. Politeness and civility ensure that. Your pleases and thank you’s are there for a reason, along the small talk about the weather, sports ball or vehicles. Provided you do not deviate from that script you can maintain their company almost indefinitely. Not to say being polite or engaging in small talk are low brow activities but they are there to act as interactivity buffer. To remove the you from the conversation and avoid discussing the ideas themselves.
under 20%, in my estimation, possibly as low as 5%
hey OP
the word you are looking for is HYLICS
It's not too hard to differentiate between the thinking population with free will vs. the chimps.
Chimps are easy to influence and brainwash. They also have a hard time grasping higher order ideas, and suffer from group think far more than free thinking individuals.
They are incapable of meaningful introspection which addresses their own problems. They are incapable of admitting to their own shortcomings, but must protect themselves with artificial constructs.
In short, they are very similar to women and children.
2024 is when all the reactionaries who lived in their own bubble are being forced to face reality.
Gnostics are worse than npcs.
30-50% of people don't have an inner monologue. how fucking nuts is that.
Just fucking die already if you're this retarded
The idea of NPC is autistic concept good for faggots, everyone are sentient you stupid nigger.
did you experience continuity of ego past these episodes of "death"?
All variation in sense of feeling is due to a difference
of electric conditioning in pulsing wave matter. If puls-
ing wave matter is but an electric wave record of
thought, sensation likewise is but an electric wave
record of thought. Neither of them have reality. Neither
of them are the thought they record.
It also follows that if matter, motion and substance are
electric records of thought, then sensation has no reali-
ty-for sensation is but an electrical awareness of wave
motion by other waves.
It likewise follows that if matter, motion and sub- '
stance are electric wave recordings of thought, then
electricity which records thought, and thought itself, are
>walter Russell
>Neither of them have reality
cool, then you'll be fine with me tazing your nipples
Extremely easy to tell and have undeniable proof of it: any Whites who didn't get the jewish injection, never did a test and never wore a mask are the only ones who are sentient human beings.
I forgot but does that mean they only have thoughts based on external stimul? For example if you put them in a isolation chamber would they have little to no thoughts?
>I have drowned. I have died in a car wreck. I have died in a motorcycle wreck, twice.

Yet here you are. Proving none of the above happened. You did not die at all.
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We're not giving your data to make your Ai chatbot smarter fuck off, your "everybody is an NPC" psyop ended already. Everyone here volunteered how they see an apple, for free. No more freebies.
I don't communicate with them. I interact with them at the most basic level until they're done with their dialogue and begin their next task so I can continue what I'm doing.
Are you one of those fags with the rolled up sleeves on their flannel and the hat with the leather patch from the local micro brewery?
Oh shit wrong tab.
No more than 35% are sentient. Source: The scamdemic. They may talk and try to sound reasonable but put them through the same scenario again and they'll do all kinds of nonsense just to fit in, avoid oppression and get access to what they want, even if it means being guinea pig for big pharma with the chance to suffer or die. What they WON'T do it take the same risk to fight against nonsense and for their existing rights, for some reason. Most people also failed to use the internet to inform themselves. They just didn't do it.

So what do we have here, in modern civilization ? People that mostly play along, even if exactly that makes everything worse. Even in absurd scenarios. Even when being stepped on. Even when being treated unjust. And they'll reason for it, despite being spineless cowards unwilling to stand for anything good and right and also unwilling to inform themselves. They won't listen to your reasons though, if you try to warn them or point out any wrongs. Automatons.
Normies are going to hump. This is a fact of life. They are going to grunt; they are going to sweat. After the monkey mating ritual, whence the eyes are locked, the flesh gyrated, and the subtle signs communicated, the two lovers will undress their little pale monkey bodies and commence the hump. They’ll sweat and hump, grunting and groaning, as their pale monkey bodies collide over and over again. They’ll oohh and they’ll ahh as they grunt and groan and ohhh gooodd. Flailing and contortion is a matter of course. After many oohhs and aahhs their muscles will contract and ohhh gooood will their muscles contract. The muscles contract so good that the chimps will exhale and sigh and cease the hump, sweating and breathing hard. They will do this because it is their purpose.

Often times they’ll get so into the oohhs and aahhs and grunting and humping that reason will leave them; the female becomes pregnant. “How did this happen?” They’ll wonder. Sometimes the males will become aggravated after the hump. They’ll go to other chimps, bar their teeth and jump up and down: “My muscles contracted sooo good after we went oohh aahh, your muscles have not contracted in such a manner, I bet you wish your muscles contracted so good.” Seldom a chimp (or perhaps the mating pair together) will regret their oohh aahh grunting muscle contractions and turn to their tribal shaman, saying: “I feel bad about my muscle contractions, what should I do?” in which case they will be instructed to sing ritual prayers into the void and limit such muscle contractions as best they can. This is the average normie existence.
I wouldn't trust people that can't even program an OS that doesn't have technical issues to make such broad assumptions about the universe, especially if their other theories aren't working out despite making up concepts to try to make them work. Modern science has turned into e-celeb-like garbage, only that in place of an e-celeb you get their topic presented so they can secure funding. It's just not trustworthy anymore. Humans in general also always had and have the mental flaw of viewing everything according to their assumptions without extensive error-checking by running with the assumption that all they think, know and assume may be wrong. With complicated knowledge stacked on top of another it's easy to get flaws. Yes, it's logical that everything is just a process running the only way possible, but still people shouldn't make such broad assumptions until they know and understand everything - which is impossible. It's okay though to label it as a theory though and cover the points of it. This on the other hand is an absolute statement without absolute knowledge.
It's ez to guess. Just see how many refused the vaxx. That's all to it
10% at best, being very generous. A good litmus test is asking then if they had covid, if they say they did theyre beyond hope, if they say they didnt but dont deny covids existence its a 50-50.
There was a small study done where people had to record if they had an inner monologue at random times. I think it was a college psychology class. They had alarms that would go off at random times.

Only about 25% had an inner monologue the majority of the time. Many are capable, but simply don’t have anything going on in their heads.

I tested it in myself, and so can you. Set an alarm on your phone for each hour, but at random times. For instance 6:47, 7:33, 8:40, 9:22, 10:35, and so on throughout the day. When it goes off, write down or make a mental not of what you were just thinking about. Do it for two weeks (more than enough time to acclimate to the change) and see what your results are. During that time I found myself without a monologue a single time; I was falling asleep on the sofa watching Arrested Development.
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I go by IQ. People with low IQ are subhuman. People with high IQ are superhuman. Midwits are merely human. To err is human. Humanity is flawed. It's a spectrum but it's safe to say 25% of people are just animals with no higher level thinking going on. Personally I think everyone should have their IQ tatoo'd on their forehead so I can tell right away when a moron is speaking. I want to know right away who is on my level and who is a lesser creature not worthy of my time.
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less than you'd think
how many took the vaccine, of those that didn't take the vax, more than half of those are npcs that had someone tell them not to take it.

but not everyone that's sentient is good, there's a reason why there's so much evil in the world, and it's due in part to those "sentient humans"

there's so few good PC's that they have to hide so that they dont get attacked, destroyed and give way for the evil PC's to reign supreme.
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i can summon an apple, in detail, but mostly in gray, rarely in color.
it's the damn vax they give us as children, before then i could see in color.

i hope they get theirs, fire and brimstone
Checked. Not only can I see the apple in HD and full color, I can taste it. I can even imagine the texture, the crunch, how the bite feels. Your processor is just damaged, do some maintenance, eat healthy, quit all substances, exercise your brain, get sun and fresh air, denounce the Talmud.
referring to people as npcs is pure autism. dehumanizing others is a sign on mental illness.

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Those studies were only ever done on people who had already gotten accepted into university. Let that sink in.
>eat healthy
i have for years, if i eat food that isn't healthy i can feel it in my blood
>quit all substances
i dont smoke or do drugs
>excercise your brain
i need to get back to reading, but i do practices, i play instruments, draw, do some woodcrafts, etc, i'm always creating things or analyzing ideas/concepts
>get sun and fresh air
i do, every few hours
>denounce the talmud
i never embraced it, i only abide by the bible

Jesus is Lord.
>Most people also failed to use the internet to inform themselves.
I just can't figure this out.
Sorry frienderino, it seems thats your peak them. Owari da
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There are no NPC's
G-d have crafted everything
Stop trying to think you are better than anyone
Just be
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Exactly 5%
There is probably only a handful of people who can be considered really being able to have "free will" and in control since their wealth makes them capable of doing whatever they want and influencing everyone else. Every time they start losing money or feel bad, they can easily raise money from investors and the government. Every time they feel bad, there are millions of sycophants propping them up. For the rest of you, you are expected to fall in line or suffer.
>No more than 35% are sentient. Source: The scamdemic.
Do you believe official government numbers after everything that happened? Tsc, not gonna make it.

Theyre goyim cattle and the electric Talmud aka TV or the pocket version aka smartphone dictates their every thought.
The moment Talmudvision and pocketalmud said to inject themselves it was over.
The whole thing was so fucking funny and nightmarish at the same time, it was literally the common cold. At this point I dont even believe in the existence of viruses anymore and think it was all people poisoning themselves with injections, goyslop and shit lifestyle. Its all bullshit man reality is a hoax
They are comfortable where they are and how the world is. However hellish that may seem to you and me.

"The world is normal, nothing is wrong, we are at peak civilisation, just listen to those who are certified and therefore smarter than you, google is great for recipes and checking sports results you know anon, that and funny cat videos and porn"
If they never get the intuition that something is wrong, and that they are not safe, they will never seek information to the contrary. Nevermind trusting their own opinion or evidence not backed by an authority
Just look them into their eyes. If their eyes spark and look for the gaze of others, 99% they are not animals
I think varies depending on the country, and it is not about IQ.
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oh well, such is life, once i break out i'm taking the world with me, fr fr, no cap
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thanks fellow fellow goy, i will take this to heart
>possesses them
more like is possesed by them
How is the weather in Tel-Aviv rabbi?
Wealth is not the same as free will. The money we have today is paper backed by belief. gold, silver and other precious metals are better, but can you eat them?
There are much better things than having an abstracted form of value in a majority soulless world, how about a culture where everyone has what they need to survive without the needs Darwinian inspired drudgery so we slave away 9-5 to make some asshole richer? Escape the capitalism-communism paradigm that we have been forced into through fear
This. My IQ is over 130 and I consider myself sentient but I also know a lot of NPC people with at least close to my IQ. They literally behave like automatons. They have ZERO (0) spirituality. They never stop to think anything abstract. These people are your doctors, lawyers and other skilled professionals who can perform cognitively demanding tasks but have no depth to them as humans.

Essentially garbage people who could be replaced by artificial intelligence.
I like to use the redshift/blueshift example to highlight that time is likely an illusion.

If you were to look at a redshifted galaxy and had a super telescope which could zoom in onto it and see the aliens living there, you would be observing their ancient past.

If you took the super telescope and peered onto the plante in a blueshifted galaxy, you may observe a highly advanced technological civilization..

Time is relative to the position of the observer.. if the people living in the blueshifted galaxy has the same super telescope and pointed it back at us, they would be observing earth in the future!

The future has already happened and is complete. The universe is just one big blob of time and matter all in one.
>World's population sentient.
A fraction of a percentage point.
Not my wife, that’s for damn sure.
Aggregates. Conglomerates. Emergent phenomenon being more than the sum of it's parts. The chemical composition of each organ in your body determines your personality and psychological state. You are a "we", not an "I".
The proper definition of a 'human' is called, on this board, a 'race'. A conglomerate of multiple people that functions as a group (give mind).
Most people here are the result of generations of conditioning to destroy our natural interaction with others, separate us from the many, and inundate us with arrogance and pride in our individual selves.
The left hand path.
The many are merely components of a greater structure.
Probably we are a natural means of cleansing a tainted give mind, though, based on observation of current events and recent history
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How much of the worlds population have blue eyes?
Cope, NPC
based Schneerposter, based rebbe-posting, based and mitzvahpilled
Calling a normie person an NPC really fucks them up. It causes them to really think about their condition. It may even break some of the normies conditioning... though, i havent fully observed this myself. For many their brainwashing is too complete for the effects to be reversed..
A lot of people didnt realize it but all those Disney movies we all watched as kids were some serious MK ultra type shit.
You just blew my mind
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I’ve been wondering this. When smartphones/the Internet became ubiquitous, did a number of the world’s people go from having internal monologues to being “current thing” retards that dance and do other gay shit on camera? How many would-be normal people are stuck beyond saving deep inside of these freaks out there?
>Everything is just mundane matter
>There is no absolute arbiter of morality
>Therefore I can do whatever I want and not feel guilty about it
lmao, even
You're still looking into the past when viewing a blue shifted galaxy.

The galaxy is moving towards us and the light waves condense slightly. The light isn't speeding up or anything.

It's still light from however billions of years ago.
Free will is ascientific by definition. The most robust definition of free will is the idea that our decisions aren't entirely deterministic. If you had free will and you could somehow rewind the universe a few seconds, you could hypothetically make a different decision.
No amount of experimentation will prove or disprove free will, because we don't have control over time.
>the brain ‘decides’ to initiate or, at least, prepare to initiate [certain actions] before there is any reportable subjective awareness that such a decision has taken place”
The computer pre-loading the ABS system in my car so full braking strength is immediately available isn't removing my decision to step on the pedal
Sometimes I wonder if I’m sentient or if I’m just following my program. I do the same or similar stuff every day.
I don't think it's a sign of good mental health to have constant inner monologues. I don't think a lot when I'm working on menial tasks, but sometimes I will comment on something briefly if it annoys me or pleases me. Most of my monologues happen when I need to weigh opinions on a subject or when I'm at home. You can probably practice this better by putting 5 minutes aside to yourself every now and then. Ask yourself questions like "how am I doing right now?" "what did x mean by y?". I also find myself daydreaming a lot, acting out scenarios I would have handled differently, don't you do that too?
>I don't think it's a sign of good mental health to have constant inner monologues.
It generally isn't. I can't shut my brain off. It's not an asset at all. I think it was an asset when I was younger and that sort of non-stop curiousity and analysis was encouraged, but as you get older it's an extreme burden. I basically taught myself to read and write before I was even out of pre-school because I was desperate for more means of input and communication.

It's generally one of the reasons I prefer being alone to being with people. People are boring to me. You don't think in your heads; you think out loud and expect others to do the work for you. You rarely come close to producing even a fraction of data from which a sentient thought can be extracted that I haven't already predicted and had an entire conversation about in my head. And you are all EXTREMELY predictable.

The sad part? I keep giving people the benefit of the doubt. And I keep being disappointed. I suppose that's my fault, though. It's like I'm hungry, and the fridge is empty, but I'm locked in a house with no food, so my only recourse is to keep opening the fridge. Not because I expect there to be food, but because the alternative is to finally give up and embrace being a total misanthrope who nobody wants to be around. To be fair, I think the only thing preventing that final step over the past few years has been my wife.
You gonna cry about it?
That does sound draining. Perhaps you could try turning those monologues into more productive and positive ones instead. I also used to be very annoyed by midwits and lower intelligence people, but you must remember; most of them can't help it and they wish they could be like us. it's burdensome some times, but also creates so many avenues for success and sharing your gifts.
On those racing monologues, do you literally narrate everything? I perceive most tasks on an abstract level. As in I don't literally tell myself "this retard is about to make a hard turn into my lane", I just sort of register it, feel a flash of annoyance and mutter "retard" or something like that then carry on with my day. Sometimes I will pause an audiobook or podcast to try and properly articulate my views on it because I find that part difficult.
>tfw 116
50% of the world's population are mouth breathers
>most of them can't help it and they wish they could be like us
Lmao, they do not. I think there are multiple ways to "be like us". It can come naturally, or you can actually work at developing mental acuity and practicing a given craft or skill until you excel at it. The latter is probably extremely satisfying. The former? It's tiring, up front, all at once.

>On those racing monologues, do you literally narrate everything?
No, not always. I can if I want, and I usually do because I have the free brainpower for it. I find reality extremely unengaging, most of the time. Things created by people can be cool, because they're generally a product of a myriad of interesting throughts, experiences, and efforts over a lifetime, and I enjoy reverse engineering those things in order to gain an appreciation for the process. But a single person's ideas at any given moment? A single person? Christ, no thanks.
Only humans who capable of deep intropection are human.
Probably about 5% of people.
Others are just wild animals 95% of the time purely acting their reactions to stimuli
How about an unrelenting streaming of consciousness coming faster than the speed of light 24/7 to the point where you know and predict traffic like that guy that is going to swerve into your lane or when talking to people as you are talking you recognize toner, context, micro facial expressions, etc.. so you know what they want, why they want it and everything else before they finish talking to you and the only sweet release is an explosive orgasm to disrupt them enough to finally go to bed.
the brain automates stuff you do regularly so you get better at it and dont waste resources to do it as much, its basically ECO mode and also allows to use the rest of your brain for other things when needed, in practice i just mind wander and waste my life

questioning everything is pretty taxing and doesnt feel good either

NPCs are real people they just wanna feel good and dont care/know about shit
The NPC accusation is a claim to have a bigger God complex. They aren't prepared for such impropriety.
>to the point where you know and predict traffic like that guy that is going to swerve into your lane
Shit like this isn't even hard to do. Driving in traffic regularly is honesty one of the biggest indicators of rudimentary cognition. You have a bunch of vehicles travelling together in a straight line, locked to a path, with a set of rules to follow and relatively few options for independent movement.

If you can't git gud at predicting the flow of traffic around you at a glance and reacting accordingly, you need to have your fucking license revoked, because you're one of the people CAUSING traffic.
>Shit like this isn't even hard to do
You wouldnt know it driving around lately, its like american ninja warrior trying to navigate these idiots.
Why do you pick 115? because you have 120?
I honestly can report that from daily interaction the worst people are the ones in the ranges from 105-120.
I don't want to be mean, but there are so many people in that range that are arrogant assholes like leftist teachers or other people that were able to go to uni, barely survive it, but get a degree. And now they think they are the elite, while not understanding the basic mechanisms of the world, economy, politics and mathematics. They just repeat what their gatekeepers in the corporate media (only the newspapers that the elite likes to read) chew up for them, but they never try to actually dive in deeper.
I honestly know 95IQ handymen that are more reflected on the real world than most 120 IQ liberal midwits that I stumble over.
There are sentinent retards and fully NPC-mode midwits.
I think you can't generalize it, but the midwit meme seems to be at least kinda true.

But if you really want to wake up you will have to realize that 30% of humans are straight up non-functioning retards, at least another 30% are caught in propaganda and can't escape, 20% simply don't care and only 10% are able to link themselves in a halfway decent conversation about metaphysics, politics, geopolitics, economic and psychological principles and other topics that are important for how society is shaped.
Sounds to me like you have buried yourself in pessimism. I have stupid friends and they appreciate when I help them figure stuff out, something as simple as fixing their computer or talking about their personal issues, they know I don't give two shits about star wars or whatever and respect that. I save exchanging more profound ideas for my smart friends because I don't expect more out of people than what they can deliver and cut people like you out of my life very fast because as smart as you may be, you're not smart enough to see the value in maintaining relationships.
That sounds like a malfunction of your brain's filter. I don't think we're supposed to notice every single detail happening around us at all times that makes no sense from an bio economical standpoint. The body wants to conserve as much energy as possible to be able to spend it in bursts on things that require immediate attention.
>You wouldnt know it driving around lately
That's the problem. Most people are vacant and selfish around the clock.

I've been commuting for my job the past 10+ years, and I've pracitcally witnessed the erosion of competence. Part of it, obviously, is distracted driving/phone usage, but really that is just enabling people; their brains are barely even capable of one (1) conscious thought at a time, so the second they put on a podcast or whatever, it's game over.

>30% of humans are straight up non-functioning retards,
It's utterly depressing how true it is. It's at the point where I'm mad at people who are only just realizing it. Like I'll be hanging out with friends and they'll all take turns telling stories about this or that random idiot that ruined their day, and they'll always end it with like, "Can you believe that?", and in my head I'm just reeling because can you NOT believe that? It's CONSTANT.

I remember the fucking day I realized my own mother was an NPC. I was like 7. To be honest I don't think I ever fully recovered.
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I was wondering lads. Since IQ (and intelligence in general) is mostly predetermined by genetics, and if it's the sole factor in a person being an NPC or not, should we really hate those who can't help but be normies? In such a case they would be victims more than anything else, while we would be privileged rather than deserving of praise. It's an important question since it decides how we treat those of lesser intelligence.
Blame society for not selecting for the smartest anymore like it did for the last 10000 years at least in europe. The social state will be the downfall of humanity because it incentivices retards to breed and scares off the smart ones.
The retards themselves are at no fault, but you will have to realize that you should not deal with them on certain topics.
The real problems are the midwits that moralize and destroy our society by promoting devolution.
I fully understand if someone doesn't want to realize this, as it could make you go depressive about the state of the world if you are prone to being depressed.
In the West it's maybe a quarter. I imagine it's significantly less in most less developed places, so maybe 10-15%.
>you're not smart enough to see the value in maintaining relationships.
Yeesh, I thought you were smart. Nothing in my post says a single thing about not maintaining relationships. I merely said I don't value them because they offer me nothing in return, intellectually. If I didn't actually have some level of human connection, I'd have probably killed myself years ago.
Honestly.. I was just getting bored with the conversation and kind of felt obligated to reply. Sounds like you need some new friends then. Good luck with that and have a nice evening.
>the brain ‘decides’ to initiate or, at least, prepare to initiate [certain actions] before there is any reportable subjective awareness that such a decision has taken place” and that “If the ‘act now’ process is initiated unconsciously, then conscious free will is not doing it.”
this is more a consequence of how our brains work, not how the universe works.
the conscious mind is not in charge. The decision maker is not the part of you that identifies as "you".
The conscious mind is a pathilogical liar, constantly making up stories about why you are doing the things you are doing, because your conscious mind is completely removed from the decision making process and has no idea what the real story is. But, it needs a story, because one of the 2 jobs your consciousness has is interacting with other humans, and others will have questions. (the other job is truth gatekeeper)
>as it could make you go depressive about the state of the world if you are prone to being depressed.
Honestly I've been sitting here for the past 24 hours feeling like I'm taking crazy pills because I just watched my home country irreversibly declare that the most powerful office in the world has unlimited legal immunity for "official" business, without any actual delineation between "official" and "unofficial", and I feel like that's just too many sentient thoughts that have to be linked together for folks to understand how viscerally dystopian it is.

If it weren't giving them too much credit, I'd say maybe they understood that it was already effectively true for pretty much my entire lifetime, as American leaders never faced true consequences for their corruption, but sliding the curtain off of it is some uniquely horrifying and depressing shit.

>Honestly.. I was just getting bored with the conversation
Finally. I was waiting for you to catch up.
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Everyone has free will. 20% of people have real souls.
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Wtf did I just read
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>that's beautiful, man.
well said anon.
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Depends. being aware of the JQ and CQ = not Npc.
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Only jews are real humans
I sort of believe I "can't die" as of yet. Not sure how to explain it. I was very sick as a baby with the deadliest toxin known to man. Also I've had sepsis and similar stuff a few times.
All I can say is that the world gets weirder and "easier" each time, almost as if there is a difficulty setting that automatically adjusts itself if you are really terrible at "playing the game"
Free will is an illusion no one of any IQ has it. That said the proportion of the population that has any real critical thinking skills does seem to be alarmingly low.
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Fewer every day. The critical mass of empty husks was reached decades ago. There is no fixing this. Just do you and enjoy the decline.
The COVID thing came down to two factors. One is listening to authority, two is about fitting in and the acceptance of others. If you are very status focused or just "normal" about worrying what others will think and say, you're very likely to have gotten the vax.
For instance Iranians as a group and individually are very into saving face. Similar to Japanese, but perhaps Japanese have learned something as the vax uptake wasn't 100%. With Iranians it's virtually 100%.
Funny thing, supposedly Iranians are known as conspiracy theorists because they accused the British and Russians of carving up greater Iran. But I don't think I've ever met one, any Iranian with any kind of willingness to have these thoughts or share them.
I'm pretty sure that the Shah was red pilled, his 60 minutes interview is golden
"Let's let the computer decide ("if jews control the media "/)
>How much of the worlds population are real sentient human beings?
there's no one. I'm literally the only person here. The whole planet is a prison, if thats even what this place is, a "planet". I cant see the bars that have me caged or the restraints that have me bound, but i know they are there. I have somehow been stripped of my abilities which include telepathy, clairvoyance, influence, super-speed and strength. I dont know any who's or whats or whysI dont know if I am a POW or if Im just a head of cattle to some kind of alien farmer that uses stress, pain and suffering as some kind of sustenance or delicacy. I really kind of hate it here. Its like a shitty simulation. a low budget matrix. Whatever this place is, it does a really shitty job at trying to convince me that I live among fellow sentient humans,
What's the other job of the conscious mind?
he's just describing Einstein's block universe

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