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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No, but you are. All fields. Back to the drawing board, shilltard.
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yes it is. Someone that did a thing said if voting changed anything you wouldn't be allowed to do it
Like I said earlier. By voting you are saying niggers are equal to you since both your votes count the same.
women apparently voot more than men according to this statistic, at least in USA that is.
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Hey just vote harder faggot.
Only at 3am
No shit sherlock everyone knows that
i didn't
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Do you even need to ask.
>Zero Votes: The Futility of Electoral Politics
Bump, voting is useless and politics as a whole is fucking retarded
In Australia you can literally go down to your local voting booth after the cut off and audit the count for yourself. Its not some Seppo system where numbers magically appear for no reason. There are like 20 schizos just like you sitting there autistically counting the votes alongside the official vote counters.

Also if you're lucky the snag people will still be there and you can get some free bread and sausages.
>voting is le fake and gay

Yeah guys don't vote just let the niggers and leftist and beaners vote and then wonder why your country no longer represents your interest.

You're literally quoting an ultra feminist jew you fat retard
Yes but I still do it in the unlikely event that I'm wrong. Takes 20 minutes, not a big deal.
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>just keep vooting goys
>Is voting fake & gay?

To a certain extent, yes. But you have to do it anyway.

The riggers can only rig so much. It's not as simple as one guy just going into a computer somewhere and changing the number of votes to 81 gorillion. It requires a massive nationwide network of people gaming the system in a variety of ways in order to tip the vote by even a few percent. If nothing else, make them have to work so hard at it that it becomes painfully obvious for EVERYONE to see.
But I voOOTe and my country still ended up not representing my interests…. So yes voting is fake and gay
No, it's the counting that's the problem.
>The riggers can only rig so much

It's not that you retard, the point is that they don't even have to rig the elections since left or right, the result will always be the same.
the only way to honestly serve your country is to become a domestic terrorist
Maybe but you may as well vote anyways. Not voting is globohomo faggot behavior, fr.
What you're missing is that the mechanism has to be made available. Otherwise, you've got China, and that model hasn't historically worked well long term in the west.
Sure, over a wide range of standards of living, the divide and conquer approach allows the kikes and their allies to keep a lid on things, but there's still a layer of discontent that shuffles things up with voting shifts before an outfight conflagration.
It gives other kike factions a change to adjust and pander to the factors threatening their hold before anything really bad happens.
It's basically provides a release valve, and maintaining the illusion of participation is probably a good thing overall compared to millions of retards actively going at one another.

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