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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Reality does not matter.
Only feelings.
This is how the Jew pilpul’d the entire western world in to globohomo nonsense.
lmao it is as real as holocaust.
Social media was a huge mistake.
well, first he had to i doctrinate his kid on who is the bad and who is the good guy. Both are bad. Really doing a good job for his kid, making him a cheerleader in politics.
my two year old just told me that biden's economic and immigration policies are a recipe for disaster in the long-term despite the appeal to base emotions
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It's cute how convinced they are of their own morality.

Biden lied about soldiers not dying on his watch, then he lied about trumps abortion ban, he also lied about his sons laptop and that he had nothing to do with hunters earnings in Ukraine. So who’s the liar?
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They still do the "my 4/5/6 year old kid made a wise, beyond their years astute observation and the whole room clapped" thing kek
>and then everyone clapped
MAGAChuds SEETHING HAHAHAHA. Your guy lost in 2020 and he’ll lose again this year. The world has no room nor patience for hate anymore. Touch grass.
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The neighbors next door overheard our conversation too. They all came over to give him $100 and a round of applause.
>authors crime bill sending more niggers to prison for less charges
>good person
I have to agree on this one
What's your strategy for rigging it this time? I hear that you're signing up millions of illegals to vote and I'm guessing your ballot harvesting organizations are going to go into overdrive. Are you getting a whole state above 100% turnout this time?
I'm not one
>Says debate doesn't matter
>Because the guy who can't debate failed to debate
>Gonna vote not based on how the debate went
First the story is fucking lie. Secondly these people should be executed.
Im stroking and tugging my dick rn, I have a red MAGA hat on too. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.

They blocked Kennedy from the debate, the only one the Jews are actually afraid of.

Enjoy getting cucked again. More money to Israel, more money to Ukraine, and more money to Fauci thanks to ZOGnald
Biden wouldn't even hesitate to french kiss your child
Is this the new strategy? Both are bad so don't vote? Fuck you.
No, it's bow claiming it doesn't matter, both sides bad so don't vote, etc. because their guy's brain is a fried egg and he embarrassed himself on TV and there's no actual way, even by cheating, the D can win this year. So it's going to be "hurr durr they're both the same, voting is for losers anyway." I already see new shrill threads popping up here today with that exact message: voting doesn't matter, chuds. Fuck you, voting Trump anyway and so is my whole family. Hey, it doesn't matter anyway, right?
We get your new talking point, shill. Don't care, still voting Trump.
I take it you've been posting like this for four years? That's pretty impressive anon.
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>pack of lies
Yeah, RFK really got handed the short end of the stick.
If you can't explain why you're right, you're probably wrong.

>my 4 years old said..

The lazy fucks can't even be bothered to do fresh content.
Is this satire?
Did everyone clap too?
what's your strategy to win 2024? how are you going to rig it this time? please tell me
>It's sad to watch a pack of lies beat a good person just because the good person can't speak
True. If only Joe didn't have a stutter.
And everyone clapped.
This is so fucking fake.

But also the fucking emotions these leftist fucks have is absolutely fucking disgusting.
The more I try to empathize with leftists and try to understand their perspective. The more I despise them and hate them.
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how many children and trannies will Jew Biden grope today?
>my 9yr old just said

He forgot the best part
Even the niggers are making up shit for politics now.
I'm still clapping.
guy in OP is a Jewish Judge from NYC
Then everyone stood up and clapped.
The kid's name? Hillary Clinton
>Everyone clapped
And how does his base feel about the shitshow in Palestine, hmm?
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Some years ago there was this huge push with ideas like "time to forget facts", "its all about emotions" and this was from left leaning people. In EU they openly discussed that they cant argue immigration politics with facts so we have to use feelings and emotions. Ofcourse when it blew into their face they started to blame that it was becaus of the "right".
Feelings will either get you shot or help you avoid getting shot.
So does this mean there's zero inflation from the 4 trillion dollars biden printed?!?!my groceries still cost DOUBLE what I paid 5 years ago, my gas is DOUBLE what I paid 5 years ago, the building materials I buy for my business are DOUBLE what I paid 5 years ago. When this go tits up, I'm going house to house , looking at their social media to determine deletion or not.

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