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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
/int/cel thread
Actually I spend more time on r/de than on /int/.
title your threads r/deutsch
Here some news:

The Woke outlet "Gekte" on reddit has had a discussion on immigration.
Some of them are now red-pilled (or red-red-pilled)
by Sahra Wagenknecht, that immigration only serves the rich to press down wages and true socialists should oppose immigration.


How about elsewere ? Are your Wokists throwing the Towel too ?
r/de has had lots of threads on crimes committed by migrants.
Will do.
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jews brainwashed you into beliving that "wokists throwing the towel" is a big fucking win, totaly ignoring the year long campaign of the jew to undermine any host society.
Just because they cant fuck your kids, cant mutulate their genetailia or tell them how to think and feel about their sexuality and their society for this decade, does not mean the jews will stop trying to subvert you, if its not this generation, it will be the next, and the one after that, and the one after that.
the only winning move is to remove the jew complety so stop hogwashing you supposed win as a triumph for the west and whites, it is merely a beginning, a stepping stone, a small anti semitic drop in a sea of kikey jews
>"German" IP
>hates jews so much he thought they are the topic here
>thinks "fuck kids" would trigger Germans

Nope Achmed, what happens with "the Jew" or the next generation is not your business, as you will be back in Anatolia sooner as you think.
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present an alternative then (without tranime or natsöyism)

ich zieh dir deinen brimmel lang
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>ad hominem attacke
>wortwörtlich 1 rausgekackter satz als reply in halbwegs passablen englisch
>grüntextet mich voll

du kannst auch einfach mal deine 80IQ-Punkte fresse halten du stinkende pisslache eines obdachlosen
Based aggro thread
Muss an der schlimmen Hitze liegen
Ich weiss man, hier ists den halben tag 30 grad und dann regnets auf einmal extrem und dass schon den ganzen monat. Ziemlich comfy eigendlich weil ich dann weniger arbeiten muss.
Aber wenns dir so warm ist kannst du dich ja gerne ausziehen
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>30 Grad
Not my problem, kek
An meinen flirting skills muss ich wohl noch arbeiten
Wohnst du nicht in der nähe vom Meer? 30 grad am Meer sind doch voll geil
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safe from norfies
Is she dead from the heat? I bet she's melting in the sun you little snowflake
checked, 15°C in da haven
Cleaned my room today, you want to come over and make it dirty?
I don't date Soufländer, sorry
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am in the finishing face of my econ bachelor degree -_-
Have you already picked your thesis topic?
shieeeet, checked

yes, but I have to write an exposé... still have to defend this seminar thesis I have written (literally this weekend)
Not even for a hatefuck?
>dago wanting to refute körst's thesis
another promise broken
What is your thesis about?

Choose microeconomics topics if you can. It is easier to get top marks for a microeconomics thesis than for a macro one, especially if you collect the data yourself.

Write it step by step. Add a bit to it every day.

t. Cambridge econ
micro, funnily due to the reason you mentioned :)
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Pic related

Dann kann ja nichts schiefgehen
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hat er sich mal wieder mit dem arsch in die bremesseln gesetzt
Once I paid a prostitute in swiss 100€ to lick her butt
yeah, but I have to defend a macro thesis for the seminar... ack!
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>mfw I see the penis pasta
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You can be my bidet for free.
Great minds think alike :)
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built for my BBC (big bad crocodile)
Here's your finance bros >>472814905
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will my curioesque hairline win kerstin?

>or in other words, shall I just gymmax and go bald?
Have you tried nizoral? It's for dandruff but helps hair regrow. Over counter is 1% and prescription is 2%. Try those newish shampooing silicone brush.
>Körst is going bald
Isch over.
cata wants him to take finasteride (and kill his gabagool in the process)
>take finasteride
Doesn't that stuff chemically castrate you?
Cata wants you to take it so you end up chemically castrated and can't breed with an Asian woman to create the biggest hapa cuckposter the world has ever seen...!
not quite, but it does fuck with your brimmel and libido
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new mission unlocked
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Good evenings ... :)
Post vagina first and I'll think about it
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isch over for us when dago discovers this

dleet tis, she's an amerihog
I wouldn't take it then. Fuck that shit. Fucking around with hormones is a bad fucking idea.

Asked a Q last night, must've been past your bedtime
Have sex incel they told me
sticking it in 'hilda is bestiality tho
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islam is the most anti intellectual religion on the planet
stupid idol worshippers
Lmao I hope she reads that
However I still demand at least an tittie image from her (and Tay, just imagine tays perfect tits)
Which one is it Tay?
What can an average guy buy himself from all that intellectualism?
100 bucks on 38 B, 50 on 40 A
My guess is kleine spitztittchen
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Bullet bra style
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Seen it now, must have passed out right after the not my teaching part. Glad to see you two talk again ... and sorry if I interrupted, stressful days, the inner beast likes to come out then.
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nigga on fire today. some takes you might enjoy https://x.com/blauer_gamer
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with real intellctualism and not science worship?
god gave us steel to build
he gave us stars to explore
not using the most of it would be an insult to creation
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how come the raut is so dead nowadays
strong decline for years
hell i even got a job and stopped being here as much
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I do like your enthusiasm. :)
>i even got a job
Bernd kauft erstmal den Höcke Taler

For the average man all of these things are out of reach. Religions biggest advantage, that of Islam in particular, is that it helps with immediate goals.

>the average man

Höhöhöhö ...
ich halte twitter nicht mehr aus, zuviel cringe
It's called x actually
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it's been stale
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serving the machine god
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>For the average man all of these things are out of reach. Religions biggest advantage, that of Islam in particular, is that it helps with immediate goals.
out of reach for you maybe.
brainlet who cant into tech or chemistry thinks its impossible to create things.
you could be making meth right now!
>you could be making meth right now!
This is what happens when one does have egro dna
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He prefers on-Europan and ugly Euro women because they fuel his ego
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im a sandnigger.
but meth is the white mans drug
only for the white underbelly. aristocratic snowniggers opt for cocaine
Once I was faceblind for roughly 2 years because of drugs, could still recognize people by their voices or people I already knew
Was quite difficult but I guess my brain developed new mechanisms to get the shit managed it's only at ~10% now
wagie wagie get back in the cagey
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not a wageslave once im finally done with training.
much better pay then bernds callcenter
bleh at this pic
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Start wearing the Bremerhaven bandana!
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>Witzige Pfosten: 0
>Unterhaltsames Bildmaterial: 0
>Wert: 0
jawohl, das ist ein Deutschfaden
körst called this
> but meth is the white mans drug
Meth is a white trash drug.

If anything maybe cocaine, heroin and ashwagandha. And that is a big if
true, pol sucks, too...

>it's the X screenshots

captcha: VAXHV
Why does Welthaven.de always have this ONE cuckpost on the catalog?
They are trying to collectively negotiate for reverse bigamy but even then they won't be happy because only simps do it. They already did not want one of these guys, why get two of them?
I am in Germany soon, one of my uncles gets married (again)
Meth is meh and meh is the new bleh, which was the old kek.
Hab mein gesamtes Erspartes in Höcke-Taler investiert, ich glaube an die Sache!
>And ashawhanda

What is this nigger saying
Whatabout lsd, dmt and shrooms?
Meant Ayahuasca

No idea, drugs are not my thing. The only thing that interests me are those things that make me better, not worse
Ayahuasca is basically dmt
Get the fuck outta here with that shit
The only thing I want is Sculptra
No reason to get fresh with me Colgate
Hopefully on Sylt.
>The only thing that interests me are those things that make me better, not worse
Okay, but how does Bremerhaven and Krost factor into this?
You get what you validate.
No the most white drug is Xanax and any pharma pain killer. Coke is like 21 year old girl at a college party. They move on to Xanax and pain killers after they've had children and are established mothers and wives. Of course, after their 56+ Botox injections. I wouldn't recommend Botox until after children.
The driver picks the music!


> Okay, but how does Bremerhaven and Krost factor into this?
Negatively I assume
Heroin is also pretty white drug. the natural plant one not the street stuff with fentanyl in it. Pain killers like Xanax really fuck up your brain, however. Its addiction is incredibly strong even for people who seem to be able to abandon drugs anytimes.
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your opinion on ukraine
>The driver picks the music!
I'm too clueless to interpret this. Anyway, drop by and lunch at Budersand is on me.
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found some Speisetäublinge this time around - delicious.
also found Halsbandschwindlinge and Samtfußrüblinge (inedible).
btw, Heisse Zitrone from penny markt (with vit C and Zink) + magnesiocard (verla), Kalium verla and a quarter of a teaspoon of monosodiumcarbonate in 500-700 ml of cold water makes for an excellent isotonic beverage (Kalium verla is quite strong, not recommended if you have problems with your kidneys, body has to be able to get rid of the excecss. you could use half a package and its still a good amount of Kalium.)
> street stuff with fentanyl
How do people even make sure there isn't any contamination with it? It is insane

Pro Ukraine

The interpretation is that I get the keys, not my brother.
> Budersand
Bavaria is the target
we're gonna listen to a 10 hour loop of this and you're gonna like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rCOK6cBs-k
>Samtfußrüblinge (inedible)
U wot?
Ah geh', viel Spass.
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Why does kraut/pol/ keep saying Bremerhaveners are cucks, when they voted the chuds with 20%???

I would punish you by singing it the entire time, even making the audio effects. I am the worst co-driver.

Meh, a psychologist Sarah Wagenknecht clone.
Many don't, but some seem to have some testers with it. But yeah many do not and even buying off people with a prescription, you can't be sure they aren't cutting it either. The best way is to have your own prescription.
>How do people even make sure there isn't any contamination with it? It is insane
By sending it to an official lab in swiss to get it tested, oder schnelltest
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I am pretty sure some fixer does not go through that amount of due diligence
>I would punish you by singing it the entire time, even making the audio effects
The whitest way to get it is to pay your doctor buddy friend off well, for a script. That's how most well to do whites do it.
If anything this stuff will only the AfD more votes in the long-term because the Nazi shaming has really become a losing strategy. They overdid it. Everything is racist now. Fucking Norway spend over a million to study if paint is racist. Fuck off


Wouldn't it be easier just to be clean? Drugs age people like shit

>an excellent isotonic beverage

Good to know with my muscle cramps!! o/
Had no time to scout for shrooms yet sadly. Weather still wet, I assume once the sun comes out again it would be a good time ...

>problems with your kidneys

Nope. Those work all too well. :D


Perfectly plausible!
>a psychologist Sarah Wagenknecht clone
He likes to be dommed. H-how nice. :3
Oh I don't recommend it. But some people genuinely have no purpose or reason to live. It also takes away every single bit of pain physically and emotionally. But you're also talking about people that can still get Botox and other shit too. Not every drug addict is a homeless crackhead with no teeth, idiot. Some of the biggest drug addicts are white housewives.
If I were married to our Boomer, I would need a prescription for Xanax. I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional pain he causes.
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Here's a nice wedding gift. Hand it over to her, of course.
Xanax is literally the bluest of blue pills
>If anything this stuff will only the AfD more votes in the long-term because the Nazi shaming has really become a losing strategy. They overdid it. Everything is racist now.
Maybe. Or maybe the Nazi comparisons to the AfD remind people that the Nazis were uncaring at best and murderous at worst, and while the AfD may not be murderous yet, they certainly share the trait of being uncaring.
Not really, he is the typical woody type of Western Euro and IMHO that makes him attractive for this kind of woman, she cannot make him do shit because of his non-reactive ways. Hypergamy is satisfied. For that she accepts him being an oldhead
Spottem gottem has such a dysgenic, revolting face, it's bad even by nigger standards.
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If you´d think yourself happier with me then ... XD
Unless you don't want to get her pregnant, then you pull out and pee on her leg...

You're too soft, I thought you were supposed to be tough ?
"emotional pain", pfft.
Oh fuck off

You can really see there is nothing behind these eyes. If he wasn't such a faggot he probably would have gotten the poison needle in another timeline.
I'm surprised (this time negatively). Please differentiate between public and private appearance.
>hating on spottemgottem
fuck off kike
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Spottemgottem that nigga stole my heart and drank my seed
humongous nothingburger
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Yeah shit, like I could do that. Get all too enthusiastic halfway in ... ;)
>supposed to be tough ?
Puffy inside and outside.
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Could try... consoling your stress with your own wife?
oops, Samtfußkrempling, not -rübling... Kriegspilz, hence kinda inedible.
>Oh fuck off
Why? I mean if I look at Britain's party that is similar to the AfD - Reform UK led by Nigel Farage - I see the same uncaringness.

I think people in parties like that don't care one bit about the electorate. They don't care about providing help for the poor or disadvantaged in society, whether those people are white or not.
He is just like my dad, they are into these overbearing women, then never do as they say which they secretly get off to because women love to work on projects but never making any real progress, you only have to give them the occasional glimpse of hope to keep them going. My mom is exactly like that
> But I had planned it like that
Gee, I didn't feel it. t. dad

She is like me in that aspect.

What, she is a saint. An angel, a divine being. Can only annoy her that many times a week. :)
>They don't care about providing help for the poor or disadvantaged in society, whether those people are white or not.
But the Jews in the other party totally do!
Ok, fine then. Wish your uncle all the best.
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>SPD 29%
Voting is a meme, but thats tragic
Because Germany is already full of dysgenic programs. Germans are degenerating at neck-breaking pace. The last thing Germany needs is more socialism, the BSW party is already the ugly head of these tendencies because boomers who feel superfluous vote for commies
Europeans are higher quality than American men.
Yep fittest of the Jewish race. You're a beneficiary of Judaism and peon of Jews. That's what bragging about your strength here looks like. No the American housewife needs 1/4th of a Xanax per day. Id also have you install a pool and a spa. Relax in the spa all day on a xannies with a neck flotation device so I don't fucking drown when I get some rest.
stunning and brave
Going against all instinct, I know...
Still, can be fun. Target practice, etc. :)

Needs a firm hand, that one.
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We will see, she is relatively cute. It is really funny though how they visually picked very similar women. Even his first wife. who died of cancer, was like that

> Yep fittest of the Jewish race. You're a beneficiary of Judaism and peon of Jews.
I am one of the effectively least Jewish supporting people here given I pulled my tax contribution of indirect zionist funding by pretty much 100% due to moving to a neutral country. Any tax you pay partially ends up supporting them.
When are we going to Lynch them?
>firm hand
Yeah, she's such a case. Lost without.

This study is only about a small sample (Italian province) and comorbidities aren't accounted for AFAIK.

>relatively cute
Good. Hope he makes sure her psycho shit doesn't manipulates him (unless he consents).
He is too holzig for that
Don't tell me that, I keep a Korst on the side as a side piece in case I need seed. So that doesn't help for me. Thanks.
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And she knows it too.

Don't ya ? :)
>in case I need seed.
So like the last seven years?

Asking for it. But somehow doesn't present herself as the answer.
The irony, right ?
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Peut-être? I mean, pretty over here too by now. :D


>Target practice, etc. :)

I let her play gunner every now and then for that.
Nature is a harsh mistress.

Off now, travel and all that. Cheerio frens. :)
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It's a long way to...
I think parties in the centre are less likely to screw people over.

>Germans are degenerating at neck-breaking pace
Germany is still comfortably the biggest economy in Europe. Okay sure maybe that's distorted by Germany's bigger population than other European countries, but even on GDP per capita, Germany ranks very well within Europe, only beaten by a few countries like Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the Nordics.
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important beta uprising watch

Checked and adios.

>I think parties in the centre are less likely to screw people over.
lmfao they are busy arguing which shade of brown is the best replacement

c u

ok, i look it up

Shall I add more detail? Got a tendency to get the barrel overheated while well out of ammo. Thinks it funny to see how long I can sit still through this.

Edit: Getting a lot of sealioning in response to this post. Not an invite to discussion, y'all. Look up "media literacy"
Edit 2: Okay seriously, stop DMing me about my post history or I'm gonna start handing out bans. Age of consent laws ain't the same everywhere!
Edit 3: The transhate in this thread is getting out of control. Locking this until y'all get some social awareness <3
>Shall I add more detail?
No, I don't think that the kiddies reading can handle it...
But I understand. :)

>I don't think that the kiddies reading can handle it...

That has been my thinking ... :D

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Czeched, damn right! ^^
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Nehmt euch n zimmer
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Na scheiße ... :P
Checked, that Panzerfaust is almost as big as he is ! :O

>Rankommen lassen ...

Not required to carry it around, just get the right timing with lifting it over his shoulder.
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guess what, g?
mystic. I was just about to post this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3WsLhy86w
Based and thoughtful of the future
Go out with a bang, eh ? :)

Now youse gotta leave.
Sieht mehr aus wie Petr Bystron
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7 figure club has been reached (and no, nothing to do with a trust fund at all)
Liquid in 1-3 years, hope to 10x+ by then
Unironically went with the Cata gameplan

We’re so back

Now that would be something. :)
While hoping the rookies figure out to fall back after disabling that bloody steel monstrosity.
lay it out for me. obligatory
>cata wuz rite
>nothing to do with a trust fund at all
Uh-huh. Cata neither... :/
Stop ignoring me you hurt my feelings
Disgusting how many subhuman roaches infest germany

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>beating it on hard mode

Höhöhöhöhö ... :D
Are there any conspiracies about the UEFA? Watched the EM this year and it's komisch
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New stuff now, big bada boom. :)
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okay I’ll email tomorrow when I’m home
Suppose confirmation is needed to help my cause in winning back my woman
Don’t ever (You) me again you filthy poorfag subhuman
You disgust me
It's probably rigged for either England or Germany to win. To rally up national pride just before starting the war ofc
You don't give me orders, you untermensch brown boy.
One thing you've got going in your favor ? At ~30, at least you're still not living with your mommy...


Ah yes? ^^
Half my meme folder still on the dead rig but even happy with keeping it entirely conventional.
I mean I watched some games and it's really fucked up haven't seen shit like that ever und jetzt komm ich nicht klar deswegen. Is the UEFA a political instrument? They pay hundreds of millions for a single player, and those players are a vorbild for entire generations. So basically it would be more stupid to not utilize the uefa, brot und spiele und so.
Get on Sculptra
grazie, amico

we doin skincare redpills now?
I’m not balding
Exactly what somebody who's balding would say. Curious.
It is important. It is funny, all these treatments were invented for women and yet they work so much better on men

No, but you are at an age where your skin is slowly going to go downhill if you don't hit the breaks. You have some advantage over some guys since you are darker skinned though, but no reason to get too relaxed.
aight, what's your daily bateman stack
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You gotta stay looking fabulous for years to come
Very basic actually

Mild peeling
don't need concealer anymore since I have gotten eyebag fillers

I am playing around with various supplements and injectables though.

>this makes me bigly

Yes, mine is military grade, ladies ... XD
The problem is that most of the stuff the commoners do is only superficial, it does not even go down to the needed deeper layers of the skin. It is like the supplements you buy at the drug store tier basically
Very basic actually

I'll share mine. I prefer to keep things simple, so I stick to the proven ingredients. lot of stuff doesn't do anything or it's close to unnoticeable
>vitamin c serum
>SPF 50+ sunscreen
>retinol serum
>peptide serum
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>be man
>put on concealer
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Hah, all I see is us both becoming ever more timeless. ^^
Curcumine + puperine

Vitamine c
And all that shit

Yeah right? I like her slight wrinkles. Perfectly frame those eyes. :)
There's some other anti aging stuff but(t) to lazy to find the zettel now
>assault peener
well, you have to be a brown, muslim foreigner to get away with it...
at least they raided the mosk where they stored a bunch of automat kalashnikovas in the mosks basement.
>le tiresome
well, if the wamens would get the hint that the left doesnt care for them anymore if they are white, so they should come to the rightwingers, maybe things would change more quickly. problem is, rightwingers demand that the wamens behave (properly, not like retarded children) :/
> Retinol serum
I use the pills instead, they are much more potent, you have to be careful with those though, too much of them and ... yeah you will not like that.

If you have Mediterranean eyebags it absolutely makes sense to do so. Either way, I have fillers now.

Have you actually tested your levels? You know that having too much iron is as bad as having too little, right?
Goodbye Israel
What’s your routine?
3 heaping scoops of Subhumanine Poorfagalyte-6 daily?

lol peasant shut your mouth and know your role
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Why did we ally with turks in ww2
Retarded niggers honking their cars
They are also not over-the-counter, but you can buy them online if you use these self-prescription sites.
Mine was chanel under eye cream, or olehenrikse vitamin c banana under eye cream, recommend as it feels like sunlight coming out of your eyes. Which is my goal in life, to radiate sunlight from within.
Cut off any supply line to “Israel”
>Have you actually tested your levels?
I will, soon.
However, the ex girlfriend of my brother studied biochemistry and gesundheitswissenschaften and I've held rücksprache with her about that
Anarcho-collectivism is the most adaptive leadership.

Our armies are volunteers.
The enemies armies are slaves/conscripts/victims!
2x glass of his own piss to be taken in the morning before his nap and the evening
20 oz total of his own semen taken intermittently throughout the day (administered via autofellatio)
50 oz of copium
1x goyshlop frozen pizza for dindins
I would support it for the lols because the troons wont get their shots anymore then, they are overwhelmingly made in Israel

Too much iron and you will be shitting and barfing like crazy because the body attempts to get rid off it again.
The sanity the world needs.
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I do tend to get away with a lot. Not without some burnthrough but still ...

>snek stahp!!

I demand periodic maintenance. Otherwise, never did need to ask for much. Not for loyalty in particular. Is that me or did I simply stumble over a saint out in the grass ... :D
bjünti dodged net worth questions. probably got cut down to low 6 figures after the divorce. literoli a poorfag
You shitroccans were doing the same last WC
Meine Antwort hab ich vom Würth geklaut.

"1, 2, viel".
If you want to change your skin color then eat 2x orange carrot everyday. You will become orange. I think if you manage to find the all deep purple carrots, that it might counteract any yellowing in your skin.


Damn, where are my neutron bombs again ...
Salted earth? Do know something better ... peppered with kobalt! :D
My skin is unique in a way, I don't want to become a Trump clone.
you don't come here to rub your schniedelwutz in everyone's faces. I have no reason to doubt your accomplishments. hilarious for him tho. nigger even takes credit for his government's actions, but dodges the real questions. sad and pathetic
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Fucking hell, am I the only heterosexual left here who doesn't see this as totally gay ?
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Human nature. Such a pwecious overpowering enchanting thing ... :)
Sunscreen gives skin cancer better just limit sun exposure
>implying he was ever above 6 figures
I bet 5
Technically I only have been right a few times, but what has Peter Thiel done? The same at a larger scale. Unlike him I did not fuck people over or drop some sort of Minority Report BS on people.

Nah, Chief. Got your back there. Not even our last stand. :)
There were substances found in some sunscreens, the sun is a known carcinogenic.
nigga straps his adult diaper on extra tight when he goes golfing cuz the fear of ppl noticing his fake rolex sets off his incontinence. sad affair
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Türkhässerdiggas... es ist vorbei
I don't even blame him for this one, he just is an oldhead. Youth has become a status signal in a society where becoming old is almost certain. My dad does not get it either until I explained it to him like this.
Sunscreen is just as bad if not worse.
he doesn't get hate cuz he's old. we just make fun of his age cuz he's repeatedly demonstrated he's insecure about it
Another victim to the alt right news cycle. I am not saying they are always wrong but the inverse NPC position is not sustainable. Sunscreens do work and in Europe are also subject to better tests. This entire thing goes back to there being found some substances in relatively minor amounts in American sunscreens. The entire right newsmedia is out to find stuff to pick apart, you have to be careful with it because they are about "debunking" stuff for the sake of it.

He just does not get it, the times have changed. Being old is worth shit anymore because these days everyone gets old. Fucking niggers reach 60 or so
And then they cry if they get gassed
Bro I didn’t read that whole essay, if you wanna say something keep it short.
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>Being old is worth shit anymore because these days everyone gets old.
you can always shag teenagers with daddy issues
based. cata's worth reading tho

>body of a 20 yrs old ...

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speaking from experience eh?
When I was young (8-10) my mom bullied me because I had "ticks"
She even filmed me once just to show me afterwards to proof I have it, during the entire recording I've controlled it since then I've learned to turn it off basically
>body of a 20 yrs old ...
bühmer's?? I WILL NOT ask how you know that ..
Except I get triggered too hard
You can see the same stuff with how people saw rich men in the past. George Carlin (I don't get why the boomers liked him, he was a prick) in his anti-European sketches described millionaires as cigar-smoking fatties. I mean yeah the occasional cigar is smoked but the overall tendency is to strive for youth as that has become the new measure of status in a greying world.

Maybe this general is not for you then.

If you look much younger you can get normal woman who are much younger. Moreso than probably ever before as so many men drop out.
Alcohol and weed helps a lot
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Hm. Oh hello dear ... you doing fine I hope? :)
during master i had my last crush, almost a unicorn... problem is, if they are after you for your money, they play the pretend game until you bit the bait, then comes the switch :/
also i dont want to pay her exes the ficki ficki they had with her. if she wants to be a hoe she has to demand money like a hoe... hence she wouldnt become a hoe in the first place.

We do age pretty damn well but that is not my point. ^^
of course not, i'm only 25 years old
just observing that the number of broken families is increasing = the number of girls with mental problems is increasing
and they want to be degraded by their elders
bullying works. gg for the poor sap you'll eventually mow down in a rage fit tho
How anyone can do that anymore after knowing about Yuval Noah Harari and how he plans the future is beyond me.

>almost a unicorn...

A unicorn will be after *you*. And be pretty demanding as a side dish. Conditionally. Just a consideration ...
Drugs are bad mkay

I would NEVER take advantage of that !! What do you think me, a monster?!
Never heard about him and don't care
What makes his opinion more worth than mine?
tall, lush and thick hair, green eyes
the only drawback is that I started to turn gray at the age of 22
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>tried it again
>>but cannot tell the difference between Lower Saxon and Bavarian girls
Senile before 4 decades
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>What do you think me, a monster?!
YES and I hope you prove me right one day
He is a WEF consultant-

I have some defect in my hairs where I occasionally get indiviual red and platin blonde hairs.
Most good traits come with negative traits. Without retinol I can still break out as a guy nearing 30. However, my skin has otherwise excellent markers. Such is live, one can't have it all
i meant a unicorn in the sense of the wisdom of
Dago says worrying about your looks is gay

>green eyes

Hm, decent enough for duty.


Sure does give you character at least.


Dear grid coordinates ... there is no second thoughts in this, I got these covered by a damn fine volunteer already.


>the things I did ...

survival in the raut is recognizing the many baits of dago
He still has some things to learn as do I in other areas but I can tell you with great certainty that my stance on this is correct. Maybe I overdo it from the POV of some people but consider this, if there were no people as myself you would not have many great things in life. It is the insane people who are obsessed that move the needle forward.
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Hello humble pussycat poster, which anime have you watched recently?
>there is no second thoughts
Indeed, there'd have to be a first thought
Worry about your 1 rep max on the bench press and your looks will take care of themselves
Lifting to total exhaustion also ages you.
>Sure does give you character at least.
witchermaxxing is the plan as all my hair goes gray one day

btw can you discipline the eternal piefke? they keep throwing niggers across our borders
How will that fill my eyebags tho

>Indeed, there'd have to be a first thought

Better come up with some quickly. I do like what I see so far, fyi .... points taken and given. Iceberg warning ... --- ...
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>witchermaxxing is the plan as all my hair goes gray one day

Bitches love ... :)

>btw can you discipline the eternal piefke? they keep throwing niggers across our borders

Oh, sure. Off border effects included ofc. Nah, that would be inconsiderate ofc. :)
If you don't have it good for you, some people do though. And it did not fit to my self-image.
The reason is that working with extreme weights causes extreme facial manipulation and that increases the length and depth of wrinkles. Add to that inflammatory diets, roids. Heavy-lifting based bodybuilding aimed at mass building in most cases is absolutely is not in line with anti-aging
Total poorfag, yep. Who has somehow managed to survive and thrive for 20 years without working... :)

I use a combo of sunscreen / insect repellent maybe a dozen times a year. Back of the neck and ears.

Whew, good, two trad male heteros still here then...

Last of the high test greatest generation, bruh.
I'm convinced running also makes you look older (not just from the increased sun exposure)
Especially marathon for sure, they are all overtrained and suffer from inflammation. Also these extreme low bf percentages attack the collagen reserves in the skin. Imho they are as unattractive as the fatties. Just look what Connelly did to herself
Only my beard is gray, my hair remains gloriously ubermensch blonde... :)
It probably already is on the spectrum of body dysmorphia. Keep in mind my objective is not to look like Ken or do some buccal fat removals. It is about looking young.
Do have it, just fits the aesthetic.
>Iceberg warning ... --- ...
As in the carful what you ask for sense?
I've done 7, means jack shit
do you have any sort of workout routine?
Yeah, living with your mommy. Cata's done 30, you've got a long way to go to match his neetdom...
If you are happy with it, for me it does not fit to my self-identity.

Pretty basic stuff, like Dago I go to the gym, I change my plan occasionally but my objective is not to gain muscle mass but to not lose any. Added to that I go swimming (chlorine-free pool).

Almost feel surrounded. :D


All ahead full and brace for impact. :)
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My plan is a 3er split btw
The kids are gay, what can I say ?

You simply are behind the times.
All if the shit I took the time an read you posted is immediately worthless because of that nonsense
All of
It's your fault
post a list of cata approved cosmetic procedures.
it's very easy to live off your self via NEETmaxxing. not an achievement for an old fucker like yourself living in poorfag conditions.
>Cata's done 30
Retard doesn't know what "NotinEmploymentEducationorTraining" means

Something in the water for certain!!
You just don't get it, but fine keep being an anachronism. I won't force you at gunpoint.

Botox (forehead only)
We can discuss in the next thread, if there is one...

>Retard doesn't know what "NotinEmploymentEducationorTraining" means
4 years in uni on the parent's dime doesn't mean much. and that's long over.
So, 26 years then ?

Puberty blockers. :D

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