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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Are Scandinavians the most overrated whites?

What have they contributed except pickled fish and nigger worship again?
Nigger worship is an anglo innvention.
Anglos like pretending their shittiest inventions were done by others.
Finland also vely white saar pls
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Beer, cars, eco materials, clothing, etc. If Scandinavians aren't inventive or innovatived, then how do you explain the high percentage of patents?
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They're tall, white, generally attractive and have a 20% resistance to cold and are tolerant to lactose.

They're a pretty decent race. I usually like playing them if I'm trying to bang a lot of girls from other races. Usually get a pretty cool combination of a child for you to take over and continue playing as.
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Their women are hot but that's about it
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all nordchinks are over-rated. Meds are the master race.
Kneel, plebeian.
Nords arent even on this graph you retard. Scandanavian Hunter Gatherers are a small fraction of modern Scandanavian DNA.
They are ancestors of England and the white part of Russia and Ukraine because of their Viking raids on them. Those Viking genes probably went right into those English colonists who went and settled America and Australia. The Netherlands people also colonized a lot of America and Africa.
Das rite. We build america, germany and soviet union, even china.
nothing really they got pozzed on the mainland pretty quickly
the government want all your money over here and they force rules upon you in the disguise of "safety"

im taking my motorcycle license right now and because of strict rules it will cost me like 3.2k USD to drive a motorcycle when ive already been driving a car for 11 years.

I can use a 1100 HP lambo in the middle of Oslo no problem but i have to dish out 3.2k to use a motorcycle above 600cc.

it makes my blood boil honestly.
God fucking damn it fuck off you hag I'm not fucking my cousins fuck off already fucking you bitch
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The tyskneger will never know what it's like to have a dammsugare with their coffee during fika. Sad!
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God damn! Posting in a DAMMSUGARE-thread!
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Anglos are synonymous with racism, while the Dutch were massively into racemixing in their NYC colony, as the Dutch always put money over ethnic loyalty, and even today that it true.
Nigger rights and Nordic progressives are the same thing, as they got to America in the Ellis Islander group with the idea that it was an imperfect union that needed to be upgraded, and you see it with Judge Earl Warren (Anglicized surname, but a half-Swede/half-Norwegian), who passed the rigger rights laws on the back of this Swedish nigger-rights book.
Other than Nordics, the only nigger-rights activists have been Jews and Irish, not Anglos.
>Ralph Bunche—who was the first African American to receive a Nobel Prize—served as Gunnar Myrdal's main researcher and writer at the start of the project in the fall of 1938
Uh oh
>Are Scandinavians the most overrated whites?
I like their simplicity, although i would never live like them, estranged from each other while pretending to love niggers they like to import, i guess south is strong with me
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They're ideal bugmen
my kryptonite
One word "Lego"
Ohh and all the Germanic people.
I don't rate them. They've been bigger shitholes for ALL of history up until the past 100 years (which at this point is safer to attribute to a fluke), and as soon they gained civilized status they replace themselves kek
they are about 21 million people total, mostly in small villages so auto governed. that is just the correct way to organize any country.
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Lego and Minecraft and all that crap is literally what turned white males into pathetic shut-ins and autists. Thank you very much for continueing to sissify our race.
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they are not
just a bunch of albino snowmonkeys
they walk like geese in alltogether in a straight line/column
they would be obliterated in a war
their language is hoarse and their manners are coarse like the grunts and growls of an animal
their women have no breasts, a flat forehead and snarl like the wild beasts they are unless they vituperate while berating their men that keep silent and face the ground
disgusting subhuman species like a color opposite of a nigger a snownigger
Yeah I'm sure that's the cause and not boomers destroying civilization and being horrible parents.
>mostly in small villages
The guy that invented it was (like Jesus) a carpenter, and his name Ole Kirk Christiansen (Kirk = church), and the name Lego is meant to mean 'play well', but it is really a play on Loge, the French word for (masonic) Lodge. Obvious masonic mockery throughout, and masonry is stone masonry, becomes plastic masonry.
Take your medicine skizo

If you have children and are passing through Denmark, stop by Legoland in Billund!
>What have they contributed
Navigation. Anglos would've been pale isle niggers without them.
Quality of publications are shit in Sweden, it’s always sone retarded shit about “muh climate”.
t. Got my doctorate from t20 school
English colonists were mainly from South England, what drugs are you on?
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My family doesn’t marry Scandiniggers, we’re actually 12th generation Saxons who larp as Swedes.
Anglos have been ahead of Nordics for centuries, at least 600 years, and Nordics added nothing new, certainly not to navigation, while Anglos revolutionized navigation with the marine chromometer invention, then later GPS (2 of the 3 inventors were Anglos). Nordics had shallow draft Phoenician ships, nothing more.

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