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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Who said that men can't get pregnant?
Musk! Ah aaaaaaahhh
Saviour of the white race!
Musk! Ah aaaaaaahhh
He'll fuck everyone one of us!
is elon an alcoholic? if so he hides it well, but that liver aint looking so good
wait, elon is a woman?
eeeeeewwww women fuck that nasty cracker?
off season bro
afraid so
This post just makes me hate women more. How can a women be a busy executive and have 3 children???
How is he not being raped in the ass for child support?
by being elon s baby mama???
Impressive number, very nice
Maybe try to find it a name better than a serial number this time tho
>12th child
looks more like thats all muscle tissue and spermatic cord
guy is building a dynasty
absolutely based and world domination pilled
i genuinely cant wait for his children to grow up
watch a single thunderf00t episode and see how their father is a complete fraud that has fucked over this country far more than helped.
His children will all grow to hate him.
yeah im talking to you musky shit i know you browse here.
apologize for twitter and hyperloop tomorrow.
hard to find a unique name these days
Every billionaire should be forced to have 20 kids and slkt his wealth accordingly
fuck you
I never fucked any of my relatives fuck off
Did he marry them?
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cringe also your post indicates you having a multitude of psychosocial complexes that you apparently are having a hard time working over
he's rich, you dumb incel
Can you imagine having sex with this disgusting dude
Peak genetic miracle, no wonder he is rich
he has contracts with these woman to get IVF and in return they get to live like royalty.
They have nannies, tutors, etc and only see their kids a couple of times a week at meal times which is pretty common for most elites.
he looks powerful.
Nooo, you can't just be one of the richest people on earth and enjoy succulent meals and extreme gamer sessions until you have a mildly protruding belly!!!!! AAAAAA!!!!
No one respects that gay fag with the ponytail
ok defend the hyperloop, defend him fucking our space program, defend the cyber truck.
everything he has done has been a complete fraud
>4chan mods work under elon
>they post on x
>x is is begin also ran by 4chan
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How big are his lungs holy
>Biggest launch provider in the world
>Operator of the largest fleet of satellites in the world
Just a prank/fraud bro
Fuck you I cringe face back!
That's fat.

That's what his wagies do, he couldn't.

Even at his wealth levels, atherosclerosis can not be cured.
There's K2, nattokinase, starvation diet, immune suppression etc., but it can only deflate the deposits a bit.
It's mostly too late when you are past 45.
does thunderchud have any kids?
There is no way Mr. PHd big brain onions boy is not a virgin incel
Reminder that he pays chinese zogbots to spread positive stories about him.
has he launched any reusable rockets or helped design and build the largest rocket ever made?
after the 10th child you start naming them with an excel table
>Rich dude has a ton of kids

Commies seeth

>Lowanda has a ton of kids

Commies want to tax the white man more
Dude, he literally pay to get access to a lab, as in no one will fund his BS
ah, so he just seethes on youtube for pennies. got it.
how does he do it bros?
he’s a powerhouse, imagine all the pussies he left in ruins
reddit does
How do you even achieve this build? Probably harder to get ripped then to look like this
Because child support is 75% of discretionary income
He reports the minimum for top bracket every year and the rest is business income
they don't sue him for it and he probably is as he only pays himself 40k a year and lives in a one bedroom company apartment in Texas
A lot of South Africans look like that. It's the alcohol consumption. We're a bunch of drunks.
He got ozempic'd and is fine now.
>Fucking your employees
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That's all muscle.
Elon has like 3 of his kids with him all the time. There was a vid touring his factory and they were following him around the whole time. It was very cute.
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Yes, look at our boy Henry and (((his))) "wife"
but what about
>muh population growth
He inherited money from his father's blood diamond mine in South Africa. Do you think any woman would touch that bald loser with no money on the table? He is a hypocrite. He may as well shun his Dad but without his money he would he NOTHING. Funny enough Elon is not even the shadow of his father, at least his father was a decent dad, but Elon raised a tranny.
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Not true Elon did not speak with his father for decades, he actually lived in his office for two years when he moved to the usa since he could not afford to rent.
He's just a man woth a womb
>Saviour of the white race!
Musk is jewish.
This was revealed in the DNA website data leak a few months back.
i bet you believe everything Warren Buffett tells you too
He was paid an allowance of 20,000 dollars to go to school. He has been helped immensely by his fathers money and his father has stated multiple times Elon has received more assistance than he lets on.

Compare your life to his, he might be ambitious and smart, but if he wasn't his fathers child that wouldn't be where he is.
Elon literally means oak in hebrew
That is such a load of shit
I don’t think he is making sex. He does the ivf hence he has so many twins.
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Thread is way too woke for the ‘trainees’ on this board
he would need to have like 10000 children for that to happen
people always act like Elon is their best friend, or he used to be their best friend but he betrayed them

it's really weird how everyone acts like they have direct social bonds with this guy, and get so emotional about him
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Amongst other things
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Nigger Elon
elon is a jew
Food tastes good. If you were famous and a billionaire, you would quickly realize you have a cheat code to have any young attractive woman you want. Which might cause you to start valuing tasty food over keeping fit.
Aw sweet, schizo thread!
It's called a parasocial relationship.

It's very common in the age of the internet.
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You may not like it, but this is what peak Troon performance looks like.
What does that Neuralink executive look like?
what are you talking about?
5th test coming up soon
Bro elon musk can have 50,000 children and they will all be richer than anyone you knew growing up.
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He's the world's richest person, why wouldn't he spread his seeds?
lmao imagine believing what el*n says

back in the day he told stories in interviews of how he went around with emeralds in his pockets and sold them to jewelers in new york, nowadays he claims there never was an emerald mine
he's chubby but dude has a barrel chest
he's fat as a fatass
what a fucking chad. This is the only way to live.

create a star trek future while impregnating everyone along the way
he is fat but his wallet is even fatter
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Here Elon is a faggot congressman. He hated this posted to X

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