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My best friend trooned out and now he won't speak to me anymore. Any other anons been through this? He was a good bro, and chuddy as I was. No idea how the trannies ever got to him.
A friend of mine became so Catholic he stopped talking to me because I'm racist. I have no idea why some people are susceptible to weird leftisms. There's nothing you can do anon. I'm sorry.
That's fucked. Atleast he might come around one day with you. My friend is too far gone. Was so weird watching it happen too. Like he was gripped by some insidious disease that warped his mind overtime.
Is she cute? Ask her on a date.
Fuck you paki faggot
He smokes weed doesn't he
Fuck you for not sampling that sweet bussy.
Nah, don't think so at least. He never mentioned it in the decade I knew him.
Have you tried respecting her wishes? If she really doesn't want to talk to you anymore then you just have to deal with it. I'm convinced you made this up or are leaving out details on purpose.
How's her rack?
kys memeflag. And he won't talk to me because shit got heated and I made him cry.
Kiss and make up.
Go back to your tranny board
Does she post there?
How the fuck would I know? If he does he's probably whining about ever being a le ebil chud like he was right before he blocked me.
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It's kind of like having a friend who otherwise seemed smart, but gets suckered into a pyramid scheme. Your friend has some underlying psychological issues he's never worked out, and some other troons online have convinced him they'll all go away if he becomes like them.
It sucks, and it's happened to 3 friends I used to game with in the past, one untrooned, but never did anything medical anyway, so he wasn't in too deep. People just don't talk about their problems that much online, so you had no way of knowing. Whether it was "i hate myself, but I'll love the new transformed me," or "my mom and sister won't leave me if I'm a girl," or even "Women are disgusting holes and I need to be degraded and fucked like one," he just never told you about that impulse going on in the back of his mind.
Not a lot you can do.
friends don't let friends use Discord.
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Memeflag was a mistake. Anyway, it sounds like she has a pretty good reason to not talk to you anymore. I 100% knew it was because of something you said during a speg-out. She's better off without having to deal with your negativity. I hope she has other friends with a sense of loyalty and a willingness to understand. She didn't choose the easy way out, respect. It's better to be yourself than repress forever.
I had 2 childhood friends become troons and I didn't have a lot of childhood friends.
Sometimes you just have to accept that you don't know people as well as you thought you did. You haven't lost anything, you just gained peace of mind.
Focus on yourself. I moved to a non-cucked area, practically innawoods. Got married, have a family now. Wouldn't want that kind of degeneracy anywhere near my life.
Yeah. I've accepted it. I tried to speak reason to him. It was like talking to a brick wall.
You cannot reason with unreasonable people. When people show you who they truly are, thank them and walk firmly in the other direction.
The last thing you need is that kind of evil and darkness influencing your life.
>No idea how the trannies ever got to him.
Depression usually
Trannyism is the same phenomenon as someone trying to reinvent themselves after highschool with a new personality, new nickname and new style, because they dont like themselves or the perceptions others have about themselves, same reason people use steroids
These 3 things and others are all linked to being uncomfortable as yourself due to depression.

Its rooted in the desire to be somebody else, the gender shit is just one way of it manifesting
All you can do is beg them not to rush into medical decisions, and to talk to a psychiatrist about their underlying motivations. It's kind of like telling a friend on the verge of signing onto a MLM to talk to a financial advisor and not spend money right away, it may work, but they'll probably still decide they can't pass up the opportunity of being a vitamin suppliment tycoon or something.
You do realize he hated your fucking tranny guts only 3 or so years ago right? You stupid tranny fuck
I'm just so tired anon. So so tired.
I just want my bro back man. It haunts me.
He's been taking tranny meds for a year and only told me two months ago. Apparently he got a therapist and she's also supportive of this shit.
actually yes I've been through this exact.
I showed complete support for them
I gave them a hug when they told me they broke up with their gf who i was also friends with.
I told them I'd be there for them.
I wanted to stay their friend.
They completely abandoned me.
I really wanted to be there for them anyway i could.
Then it seemed like they would only speak to other people who transitioned.
They ghosted me when i'd invite them to play games or anything.
I had no idea if i had somehow offended them.
Every single one of their twitter posts became negative.
I understand having to go through a lot of bullshit especially these days , but it seems like they surrounded themselves in the hatred retards pointed at them and became a pariah .
I kinda do miss them still.
>He's been taking tranny meds for a year and only told me two months ago. Apparently he got a therapist and she's also supportive of this shit.
Well he's irrevocably fucked. Eventually there'll come a time where the "Eurphoria," as they call it, of transformation will wear off, or become less intense with each advancement, he'll realize he's still depressed, and either turn to suicide or hardcore body modifications, and become an orc or something.
So two years on titty skittles must have helped her get a pretty cute pair of boobs by now. :3
he sounds novus ordo.
I slept over at Jesse Buds house and this dude pulled up Baily Jay and starts talking about how it’s not gay because she has boobs or some shit, idk it was some really weird mental gymnastics for him bein in the closet.
my best friend from college, justin, married a man
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Wow so she knows who I am? Small world, but I doubt it's the same tranny (the only one) I know. On a more serious note, people change and she could have been repressing for a long time. Shit like that is not uncommon at all. Pic rel. I'm not trans by the way.
Yeah, he's fucked for sure. I don't know if he's deep into the reddit/twitter tranny shit though like that.
>I'm not trans by the way
Sure you aren't, kek. Who do you think you're kidding? Normal people don't defend trannies on /pol/ you faggot
he has assworms
It's a parasite. Get them to take ivermectin ASAP
You didn't lose a bro, you just learned that you never had one.
It warrants grieving but remember that once someone touches that kind of evil and degeneracy, it's like a disease. They are doing you a massive favor by not being anywhere near you.
You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Even having no one, hopefully temporarily, is better than having someone who will drag you into depravity.
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bros don't let bros troon out so obviously you weren't much of a fren senpai
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That's how life works, sometimes you lose people you knew for a long time amd there's generally nothing you can do.
I've lost several people in my life and I'm only 3 years away from turning 30.
That's why you treasure the people that stick with you thin and thick
What can I say? I have an affinity for people willing to do what they want and be who they are even when it isn't easy. I admire that kind of courage and determination.
Same. A male friend of mine admits to chemically fucking with his hormones (HRT) like multiple times. Made me actually cry. But they claim they haven't chopped their dick off... idk if HRT alone is reversible. I guess it can be akin to taking drugs. Can someone give me a good explanation as to why so many trooners claim they feel like they are the wrong gender at birth? I dont understand. I'm a male and I've felt emasculated for the entirety of my life, but I have never ever thought about transitioning because I always knew I could overcome anything, or die like a man. Both ways are honorable.
There is nothing courageous about destroying your body to satisfy your mental illness and delusions
I fucking hate clownworld so much. I know I'll move on and be better without his influence but fuck is it painful. I miss playing comfy vidya with him.
>That's why you treasure the people that stick with you thin and thick
Damb true.
You are a tranime posting tranny nigger. You can admit that.
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Its to do with hating yourself and wishing to be somebody else
Gender is just one way it can manifest
But you also have all the pro tranny propoganda basically telling people that if you transition people will like you or atleast be forced to be nice to you by corpos and government
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I had this happen. there's not much you can do.

In the end I just said:

>You will never be a woman
>Stop jerking off
>Go to gym
>Read bible
>Stop being a faggot

And then he stopped talking to me.
were u the dominant one in the relationship?
The thing is though... my friend claims it was from birth. So it had to be something related to the things he received from his mother during pregnancy. The thing that makes me so sad is the realization that the only escape trooners have is to literally just kill themselves. Even if they only take HRT
Wtf do you let this shitholes memes affect your relationships with your friends and acquintaces? I hope you are not srs and i hope you dont use any of this cesspool's rhetoric unironically or without humour
So how come Ameritroons on /pol/ always say "meh troons are 0.0001% of Americans it's all blown out of proportion" yet so many anons itt have one OR MORE friends that trooned out ? Riddle me that bitches.
I just read some of the posts some more and it's like we are living the same life. My friend literally just went from engaging with me 24/7 to not even wanting to write to me out of nowhere and eventually gone. Out of my life. Fuck this world... the only way to get what you want is through force, everything else is a cope
he's been gaslit into thinking it's "since birth". if it was since birth, then this problem would have existed in all countries for thousands of years.
I chose all the games we played and shit usually, if that's what you mean.
You write like a tranny. And I can't tolerate friendship with a tranny, especially one who used to be based.
I would be willing to bet she knew she would be met with spitefulness and dwelled on it for a while. In the end, she obviously decided to take up the gauntlet and take the first step towards the life she wanted for herself. I'd call that courageous.
Who says that? The most recent stats indicate that like 30% of Gen Z is faggothomo/lgbtq.
Hang in there anon. It's always sad when someone outs themselves as a degenerate and you thought you knew them.
After you've had a moment for some grief and pity, consider getting some sort of hobby that gets you outside. Pick something you'd actually enjoy, ideally something social. Can be anything from church to a sports or running group to volunteering...whatever you want.
Hell I just responded to a random neighbor on Nextdoor and got an entire group of extremely based rich older friends that way.
Good people don't do this kind of shit, and they love helping each other. They're out there, you just need to find them when you're ready.
Im propably physically and menttaly bigger chud than you moron, the thing is im not a delusional sperg who sucks every negative rhetoric, meme and psyop and pollute my life with it to the point, i burn bridges with real people and bring the shit that should remain in /pol/ to real context
I never understood global statistics. The world is too chaotic to ever have something, other than a really local environment, be put in a statistic. But what do I know.... its not like the technology we use is given to us by aliens in exchange for human blood
>30% of Gen Z is faggothomo/lgbtq.
Holy shit that's a lot. Frankly I don't believe it, are you sure it's not just kikes skewing the stats in order to make the potential troons think it's more common than it is.
I mean it's basically 1 in 3, do you see that when you go out (if you do go out but then at least at the supermarket ? Unless your mom does all the shopping)
Because the bulk of them aren't actually troons.
Troonery in its true, raw form is rare. It stems from an uncommon mental disorder.
However, any time you get something into victim status territory, degenerates of all types and sizes will flock to it willingly, because they have no personality of their own and desperately seek something which will make them both "different" and adversarial to normal people -- something that excuses their shortcomings as human beings.
That, and you have an increasing number of teens being preyed upon during a stage of life when most normal people are insecure and feel odd about their natural bodies due to its rapid changes.
Depending on where you are, one in three is covered in tattoos with some non-natural hair color. Those are clears signs of faggotry.
Refusing to go along with trannyfaggot insanity isn't "sperging out". It's actually the way a sane and principled man should react to clown world.

You're a weak beta male if you go along with globohomo shit just so you don't "burn bridges"
If you were playing videogames with a cute submissive femboy and you didn't give him regular testosterone injections via your penis then what happened is on you.
I go shooting and mountain biking. Now that I think about it though I want to take up archery or some other fun shit.
Soiboi numale faggot detected.
Your friend is psychotic, cut him loose. That's it.
Morbid question: does your friend have OCD?
Don't think he did. I only know he had a depression diagnosis and PTSD.
If they wanna be a woman you make them feel like one. Ram your dick up his ass and assert dominance
>No idea how the trannies ever got to him.
It was the porn
A lot of it is women saying "I'm bi teehee".

But yeah I kind of believe it. All of the kids have been inundated in porn and pride flags during their formative years. its a Jewish agenda.
>and you have an increasing number of teens being preyed upon during a stage of life when most normal people are insecure and feel odd about their natural bodies due to its rapid changes.
So as I said in my other posts, kikes skewing the stats to make potential customers (chop-chop) believe everybody's doing it.
Idk about tattoos, often guys who want to be tough also put tatoos
>Inb4 they are closeted troons
Not really, at least here.
If it's some nationalistic shit on the forearm or shoulder then it's some based retard, football fans always have like Croatian coat of arms or some shit.
OTOH I knew a guy who had a flower on his ankle, he didn't look, dress or talk like a fag and he was like 40-50, I think he had a wife and kids but he had to be a fag because of that tattoo.
Blue/pink hair is more of a fag sign though, far more than even fake blond chuds.

hes dead to you now
let him drown in his degeneracy.
You're a faggot
Okay, predditor
It is your two replies combined for the same reason budding schizophrenics should never take psychedelics.
I had a black friend stop hanging out with me because he decided I’m racist
Had another friend who didn’t exactly troon out, but grew incredibly more distant as he got to know a “girl” in an mmo who then turned out to be a guy, and my friend was so far in he just said “fuck it I’ll go gay”
Sad case
Take your tranny former frens ankles and stretch them back to her ears and rub your bulge against hers until she has a sissygasm.
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What's it like waking up and seeing a man in the mirror every morning while believing in such bold lies? I hope you nick yourself the next time you shave your man face.
It's not just fag/straight anymore, anon. They have new categories. Troons themselves aren't the same as faggots, they have their own category, "transexual". And then there are weird ones like "pan" and "intersex". Idk what these are but I'm pretty sure it's targeted at women.. most of the women with dyed hair and piercings say that they are "pansexual"..

Basically if you are slightly weird and don't fit in in junior high and high school, these lgbt clubs will groom you and say that all of your problems are because you are "demisexual" or something. And the schools and corporations and governments condone and support this.

Every single adult that promotes this shit needs to be executed.
You're a faggot
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your gif only shows your own failure of IQ tests and closed hateful mind
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you were never a good friend
Fuck that's hot
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>What's it like waking up and seeing a man in the mirror every morning while believing in such bold lies?
I'm a cis male, so a day like any other, I guess. Also, where's the lie?
>I hope you nick yourself the next time you shave your man face.
Happens more than you think because of my sharp jawline so you just might get your wish!
>I'm a bad friend for not wanting to support someone sterilizing himself
Fuck off retard. You wouldn't know shit. Ontop of the tranny shit I watched him go off the deep end and I was there the whole time until the straw broke the camels back. I even listened to him bitch and cry about how bad he felt about all the shit we had said and done and how he was "gettng his karma" before he trooned.
Yes. He still spoke to me but it was just hard to be friends with him seeing him do that. Eventually my friend detransitioned and now hates trannies but he is still gay and does the femboy thing. But at least he isn’t a tranny
Jesus you've been on this thread for an hour and 40 minutes you either have no life or you had a crush on your tranny best friend.
You're why your type is getting "great replaced" because all other races are actually getting bitches and touching grass.
Just suck her willy. Or let her suck yours. Kiss and make up.
>le ebil chud
Go back, faggot, you dont belong here
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>not wifing up your tranny friend and turning him into a passable dream tranny

cmon OP I bet your friend fantasizes about it. just do it
friends don't let friends discord
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for this thread alone, you deserve punishment
Ain't happening, fag
Mental illness, propaganda, and poor mental health care
Beep boop
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>ID: s6am4mS+
we decide what happens, pleb
not you
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Good he can fuck right off
Catholics who buy into that shit deserve to have their bloodline erased by trannyism and homosexuality
>your type is getting "great replaced"
How brown are you?
Can I ask why it became so heated? What was discussed? Why didn't he listen to reason?
>Can I ask why it became so heated?
Sexual tension.
>Can I ask why it became so heated? What was discussed? Why didn't he listen to reason?
I told him he was a self-sterilizing faggot, that his father would kill himself out of shame if he weren't already dead, and that all his problems would be better fixed with gear and church. Trying to be gentle with him didn't work before so I thought giving the harsh cold truth treatment might work instead. The father bit was the last thing I told him before he broke down and ended our call and blocked me.
Im grippin rn
alena has a great cock and ass btw
>Trying to be gentle with him didn't work before
Ah, she likes it rough then.
>and church.
yeah... that's the normally the last thing you want to mention.
At least you said what you really thought. Don't forget that. I can imagine that the situation is still hard for you, but you will have less regrets because of this. Do what is in your control. I am in a similar situation where someone close to me has come out to and I told him that I am not going to acknowledge his delusion and that it makes no sense/that he IS a guy. It is so painful to not be able to do anything about it but oh well. I am virtually the only one in my surroundings speaking out against this. Just know that you are not the only one going through this.
Go suck nigger dick
How come?
>Go suck nigger dick
See that's a hobby that OP and his friend can share now. Verification not required.
>No idea how the trannies ever got to him.
Poisoned his food and drink, I'll guarantee it.
You're a porn sick gay man.
Let me know when you sucked nigger dick
>bitches about loony troons
>plays video games
You’re no better
Cults don't need a message that makes sense because they bypass the brain and target the heart. Your friend was emotionally vulnerable.
Meant to reply to >>472840965 as well. But at least catholicism doesn't literally castrate and deform you I guess.
>cutting your dick off is equally bad as consuming interactive entertainment
he wants to chop off his balls and trust le science. it's one of those logical fallacies, i forget which one, but it's the one that's just going to further cement and reinforce his belief and life choices. best thing is to just drop it and let his face hit the wall.
you can't Tell some people to not touch hot lava, even though they already burnt themselves on the hot stove.
Why, do you want to lick it clean afterwards?
sounds like you deserved it
This guy is going to troon out. I'm able to predict which people become troons with near 100% accuracy.
So? Let it cement, at least you are saying what you think is the solution. Sometimes there has to be conflict.
Your solution is what? Letting him cut off the dick? He can't go back after that so your lava example has no use.
Have you sucked nigger dick yet? Yes or no.
Hell appreciate your honesty one day
Ok Matt Walsh, clean up the rabbi's cum from your ear
Fuck him straight
now but two of my friends vaxx maxxed and stopped talking to me because I was spreading missinformation.
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Anyone else in this thread? I see a lot of weird replies to OP but I don't think I am an expert like you.
i'm saying tis' probably a phase, and medical studies show most young adolescents revert after it's over.
Treating the COVID-19 as an ebola pandemic has incredibly long-term negative side effects. you could die from the cough, but you were probably going to die soon anyway if that were the case.
he could lop the nutsack off, and he was probably going to do it anyway as well. Save the energy and just find something else to worry about. his body her choice or something something. You can't be a white knight beta for everything
imagine saying this to someone and not realize you're socially retarded
>I'm convinced you made this up or are leaving out details
Because its so unbelievable that a troon would act mentally ill? kek
excellent bait, 11/10
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>he was probably going to do it anyway as well.
You don't know how much influence your say might have had. Your way of thinking although sound is a little bit too apathetic. Sometimes cognitive dissonance is actually a productive trigger. I wish there was a step-by-step book on preventing/reverting transgenders.
You can read the thread for yourself. I was right, he did hold back info and his friend was right to cut contact. She deserves better company than this.
you live long enough and you learn to quit early.
everyone dies, die happy at least.
helping others die happy increases your chances of dying happy.
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kys faggot
As long as there are people that would miss me, this will never happen. Judging by the way you and the OP treat people, you probably wouldn't understand the feeling.
>i was being a piece of shit to my friend and now he won't talk to me. It must be the trannies' fault!
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>As long as there are people that would miss me
no one will miss you, your death will bring a release of held disgust for what you have become and the disappointment you have brought to your parents and family. Everyone you know laughs at you behind your back, you are the butt of ever joke in the room. Passing children stare because they know what you are is a lie
>best friend
Real or internet friendship?
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someone's a little edgy today *wink* *wink*
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I'm sorry bro.
>being so angry you replied to yourself by mistake
Anyway, these thing happen to the best of us so I won't give you too much shit for it.
Hopefully one day you will mature a bit and learn to be a little more respectful, understanding, and patient with people you don't immediately resonate with.
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So on one hand, he might unironically have a parasitic infection. See if you can't get him to try some anti-parasitic medicine like ivermectine, or at least try eating raw garlic or black walnut oil regularly for a few weeks and seeing if he shits out any worms.

On the more simple/human side of things, how close do you live to eachother? Are you able to just swing by his place, ring the bell, give him a hug and ask him if you guys can sit down and talk it out? Being physically present is a lot better for solving shit like this than calling/texting, etc. Also IMO if you guys hang out a lot and have a good enough rapport, just take him on a hike or something that gets him outdoors, moving and sweating. Physical activity is a great way to process emotional/mental baggage, humans are literally built for it.
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Wasn't my best friend but we were pretty close

Now I see their pics with dyed blue hair and die inside. Yet also reminded, no matter how shit my life has been, I still NEVER TROONED
Probably went a bit too far. I would of probably at least tried to show the problems with it first.
There's a complete lack of awareness with the issues hormones and the surgeries give, I've scared one or two away from it showing that to them.
If that doesn't work at least try to convince them to be a femboy, at least being a femboy you aren't actively destroying your body with drugs and surgeries, and he'll probably be fine health wise coming out of his fag phase.
Ya I had a friend I met in the Navy whilst training to operate the nuclear reactors on a sub or carrier. He was probably the smartest person I've ever met. No shit, if you had a question about anything in the world, he'd have an answer and it was a very good, sourced, and accurate answer. Poor seaman Brown got out to the fleet, med-eval'd out after only a single year at sea and now is your typical twitter/Facebook troonie constantly complaining about fascism. He was remarkably unattractive and definitely a virgin even when I met him in our 20s. I doubt he ever saw a pussy in real life so he trooned out and plays pretend as a woman now. The world lost a decent soul with his transition. Best dwarf fortress player I ever met too. Pretty sure he only did the troon thing because hes an ugly, no social, virgin who girls thought were creepy so if he became a girl, he could invade their spaces and force himself around them. Sounds kind of like why any guy does this.
lol you sound fucking retarded and a miserable lot.
It was IRL for most of it. But I had to move for work a few years ago and we stayed in contact through vidya and calls.
Huh? Do you just come to 4chan to be abrasive? I simply told a story about a friend of mine trooning out as is the subject of OP.

Might want to do some physical exercise or go outside or somethin, mate.
im probably better shape then you'll ever get close to mate. and you're not abrasive? it's the same thing over and over with transphob retards. how about go have a conversation with a trans person and maybe learn they are just human too? but that might actually take a shred of empathy.
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and yet you keep coming here, kys troon
Ahhhh I see it's a lefty that's angry about voluntarily coming to a website that regularly speaks against your malformed beliefs and interacting with it's users. oh man, xir, whatever, it must be so awful to make the active decision to interact with people you hate. Oh woe is you. Must feel pretty powerful, finally being mean to someone. Pity it's through the Internet as you don't have the guts to be this way irl.
Prove your athleticism. Do it. I'm waiting. I'll post face, chest and abdomen if you upload your physique with timestamp.
Does 69 count?
What a cunt you are, at least they're much better off without you! Off to better and brighter times
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>Off to better and bri-ACK!!!
There's nothing wrong with being trans and please stop using slurs like "troon" and "trannies" because it's incredibly offensive.
>and now he won't
It's SHE. At least please get it right, bigot
Your "friend" becomes a tranny you cut him off to his face, simple as that. I hope they hang themselves sooner than later
lol a navy man asking for pic from a guy color me shocked. you're the one who came here and said cruel things about their friend just for being trans. and you call me mean. grown the fuck up. id wager you're about 40ish pounds over weight and call yourself "fit"?

lol mad sad small lad
Why dont you fuck him.
Or is he ugly?
Then that's just sad.
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>lol mad sad sm-ACK!!!!!
No, 165 on a good day at 5'11". I fluctuate a lot because I fast. It's good to be used to being hungry and builds discipline. Of course I said cruel things about him. Why wouldn't I? His life decisions have led him down a demonic path. His malaise and sedentary lifestyle ultimately caused him to have zero relationship prospects into his adult life, something that's 100% percent against our natural, biological needs of reproduction. Any man who's weakness overcomes them and they start putting on dresses, trying to invade innocent women's spaces is a detriment to society and should be shunned. Bully a troon, call them a faggot to their face. I don't care if he was a friend of mine back then. His decisions are what will bring a nation to its knees. The trooning out of society has only one end, and that's total collapse of the natural reproductive tendencies of its population. So yea, I'll make fun od them and make fun of you too for being a part of this menace to society.

Your ideals are an affront to the spiritual world.
He has spent the last few years jerking off to sissy porn and it finally broke him.
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>shit got heated and I made him cry
It's one thing to not approve of his lifestyle decisions/mental trauma, but you really should've been able to converse with him without escalating the situation or making him cry. Now that the friendship is over (path A), he's still a tranny and you're 1 friend short. Had you handled things differently (path B), you would still have a friend and the price would simply be you not telling him in quite such detail how much you disapprove of being a tranny. I'm not saying you need to pretend to like the changes, or even keep hanging out as much as before. Maybe you wouldn't be able to look past your differences and just let the acquaintance fizzle out silently. But I bet you'd prefer to leave the friendship on good terms, rather than the way things now went?
is your trans friend girl looking?
and there it is
>my way of life is better than everyone else
lol and ill keep laughing at you for believing in an imaginary man in the sky. enjoy your lack of empathy lol

btw im in better shape than you ;)
>and the price would simply be you not telling him in quite such detail how much you disapprove of being a tranny
No, he simply refused to play make-believe with a full grown man. Simple as. Anyone that does is doing more harm than good
>ill keep laughing at you for believing in an imaginary man
And the world will keep laughing at you for believing you are an imaginary woman
>Let people be happy
If someone wants to use heroin and get addicted to porn and gambling then it is okay because at least they are "happy"? No. A lot of people are irresponsible and in our current society people do not even comment on it irl. Have some backbone and speak up. Your way of thinking/acting is basically letting people do whatever they want, no matter how irresponsible.
Oops, meant this:
>Let people be happy
If someone wants to use heroin and get addicted to porn and gambling then it is okay because at least they are "happy"? No. A lot of people are irresponsible and in our current society people do not even comment on it irl. Have some backbone and speak up. Your way of thinking/acting is basically letting people do whatever they want, no matter how irresponsible.
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now you can marry your friend, start a family and you will be a wonderful couple with the same hobbies, then you can have children with the help of a surrogate mother
Kek nice. The dude is practicing pilpul btw. I'm done talking to him/her
After reading the thread, it doesn't sound like you actually want your friend back; it sounds like you just want to be "right" or some shit.

I had a friend troon out; wasn't very good friends with him, his personality didn't really change (obnoxious arrogant nerd) so much as he swapped out nerd shit for SJW shit and decided that he was now a she and that men are to blame or whatever and women are superior.
So, an obnoxious person. He also transitioned in his mid 20s so he did not look good.
He got roped it into by a tranny friend of his that transitioned really young such that "she" passes, sounds female, etc (my only clue upon meeting her that she was a tranny was that she was good at video games).

But anyway, I have a best friend that has a fat wife. She's fucking fat, they're plapjak but it's his fetish so I assume (based on them having several children) that he has the coomer face instead of the forlorn face while they have sex.
I don't exactly support his fat wife lifestyle, I think it's unhealthy for her and probably bad for his back, but he's an adult and it's his choice if he wants to do the extra squats and deadlifts needed to change his body to be able to be what he wants.
>I don't exactly support his fat wife lifestyle, I think it's unhealthy for her and probably bad for his back, but he's an adult and it's his choice if he wants to do the extra squats and deadlifts needed to change his body to be able to be what he wants.
lol are you seriously comparing chemical castration of children with marrying a fat woman?
He is a full grown man, period. If he is going to cry over words then he needs to man up, ironically.
It's porn addiction, anime obsession, ironic humor, brand whoring, constantly trying to please, consumerism, and generally being a suck up to large companies.
These things disconnect you from reality.
>I'm done talking
Are you seriously a hysterical faggot that needs to make everything about children?

OP's friend is basically a bodybuilder except the body he's building is female. Why is it a big fucking deal?
I wouldn't do it, but I don't feel the need to stop somebody. The only reason any of you niggers hate trannies is because most of them are obnoxious and ugly.
If they all looked like gorgeous women, half of you would be taking the pills.
> troon mad
>He got roped it into by a tranny friend of his that transitioned really young
you are the one who brought up transitioning children. And don't pretend that troons are not targeting kids.
>except the body he's building is female
It's not. And pretending it is will only lead it to suicide for never being one
>Why is it a big fucking deal?
What the fuck is wrong with you for asking this? The guy is cutting his dick off and going against healthy instincts. That is what is wrong.
>I don't feel the need to stop somebody.
What if it was a family member of yours? Or a friend? Or all of them? Are you going to let them all cut off their dicks in the name of "individual freedom" or "live and let live" worldviews? I doubt it.
You're not the arbiter of responsibility. You don't get to decide that. Either way, something like transitioning is a personal choice and not something anyone but the person considering it should have the final say in. This is not at all comparable to something like heroin use. The way these two thing effect the individual and the society they're in are not even close to the same.
I'm phone posting. ID has changed 3 times during our convos but you can tell who is who if you read.
if you went to a doctor and asked them to remove your hands, they wouldn't just shrug and so "well its a personal choice!" They would try and get you treatment. The fact these troons are targeting children is reason enough to kill them on sight.
American problems require American solutions.
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It is perfectly fine to judge people.
>You're not the arbiter of responsibility.
Yes I am. I am part of society and more importantly the direct social circle.
>You don't get to decide that.
Yes I do. I pay taxes to spread transgender propaganda.

>something like transitioning is a personal choice
It is not if that person is part of my society.
>anyone but the person considering it should have the final say in
From what age?

>This is not at all comparable to something like heroin use.
Why not? Both are bad for you. Tell my how transgenderism or heroin raises the QoL of someone?
>if you went to a doctor and asked them to remove your hands, they wouldn't just shrug and so "well its a personal choice!"
Good one.
Give the outlandish comparisons a rest already, it's ridiculous. Just threat this as it's own thing. Oh and really, it's so disingenuous to paint everyone that transitions with the same brush like that. Not everyone that transitions is a predatory freak out to diddle kids. I'd wager most don't but that's pure speculation on my part.
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I have troon thoughts and feelings a lot but never tell a soul
People would either forever lose respect for you and see you as a fucking lunatic coomer, or worse, try encourage you to troon out and start calling yourself Betty and wearing a dress
Yeah I don’t feel like I belong in this body and I get really down about it sometimes, but im at least sane enough to know that different clothes and hormone induced moobs wouldn’t change a damn thing
There is 0 support for people like me btw, we’re just told that either we troon out or well one day break down and kill ourselves
I wonder how many people reluctantly give in because of their fear of death
It is a perfectly fine comparison. Both are body parts being removed with basically no questions asked. Your way of thinking all boils down to "let people do whatever they want".
How much porn do you watch? I don't buy that you are a "troon". You are just very confused.
push him to kill himself, he's lost now.
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Show flag, Moshe.
Regular amount I think, fap 3 or 4 times a week
Sometimes to straight porn sometimes to gay
Im only attracted to guys
And im not a troon, just confused and mentally fucked up like you say
I blame my mother being put on steroids for health reasons while she was pregnant with me, definitely affected the hormone balances early on
Yeah. Tons of people are starting to take hormone therapy. I think they're all freaks. So, whatever got to them has really turned them. I can maybe vaguely understand if they are single, but why rope innocent children into your fucked up delusions? I just don't think these freaks are safe around kids.
fucking newfaggot. And the troon should kill itself
I literally cannot fathom this. Is this seriously a problem in america right now? How many trannies a day do you see outside?
Yes this happened to a friend of mine. His friend trooned out in his 40s. Never spoke to him again was weird af. Married and everything. Now he is a “lesbian”
Chuddyism is as much a sign of mental instability as trannyism. The way zoomers here "convert" to Catholicism is not different from how Twitter zoomers fixate on LGBT crap.
Having grown up with Minecraft and YouTube, you are utterly bereft of culture, lacking of personhood. All your life, you've never been more than a comment among tens of thousands. Gone utterly unnoticed your whole life.
It's no surprise that you gravitate towards esoteric faiths or gender identities in a vain attempt to stand out...
Because you grew up with the same things, because you have no life outside of this, the internet, you are the same. Only the shell is different.
So it's hardly surprising that one can switch to the other just like that, the same way weather can turn a male reptile female.
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You don't play along, but also don't push people away. It's like how half the women I hang out with are complete whores. I don't tell them to their faces I think they suck dick like trinity eats beans, and neither do I praise them for being promiscuous or pretend they're virtuous. We talk about movies or whatever. How hard is it to just acknowledge someone's faults and still enjoy the good parts of their personalities? Again, friendships end and that's ok. You can't hold on to everyone in every circumstance. But OP inadvertently ended a friendship he apparently appreciated, and got nothing except sadness for it. Had he been better at social skills and taken a step back to review the situation before things got heated, he would've been able to assess whether he wanted that friendship or not now that things had changed, and from this decide how to best proceed forward. This way the breakup would've been nicer for the both of them, and it would've cost nothing of value
top keke I just wanna see one of these things up close real life... only got to once in passing
>It is perfectly fine to judge people.
>Yes I am. I am part of society and more importantly the direct social circle.
One of many, that doesn't give you the right to make decisions on other people's behalf.
>Yes I do. I pay taxes to spread transgender propaganda.
Again, one of many. What you call propaganda others would call raising awareness or education. I'll give you this one though because I'm very much against tax dollars funding it either way.
>It is not if that person is part of my society.
It's not YOUR society, a society is not something that belongs to one person.
>From what age?
Not for me (or you) to decide.
>Why not? Both are bad for you. Tell my how transgenderism or heroin raises the QoL of someone?
Transitioning can raise a person's quality of life by allowing them to be the person they want to be. That kind of personal freedom is invaluable and not something another person should get in the way of. Transitioning is not inherently bad for someone's health in the same way heroin is. Nor does it have an effect on anyone else's health. Heroin on the other hand is addictive and damages the body. Treating heroin addicts is costly and the drug itself (plus the withdrawal symptoms) can make people do terrible things so therefore, it makes sense to want to ban such a dangerous drug.
your friend was dead the moment he trooned out, all you can legally due is mourn his death
This entire thread is a LGBT fag invasion Sage
I saw him at Bunnings recently and it was a giant man in a dress. 0/10 would not recommend
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That is a fairly "normal" amount of porn. Have you always been attracted to guys? I will tell you a bit about my sexual confusion in my teens. I got mindfucked by gay propaganda and doubted my sexuality. So I wanted to be sure if I was gay or not by watching gay porn. I forced myself to watch a whole clip even if my entire body refused. Well, I did not get a boner and I got very disgusted. I saw a naked woman thumbnail and my thing went up. I am straight but was obviously confused for a while. Point is, I was either pretty shy/socially unhandy around women or overly (physically) aggressive around women. I had no idea how to deal with them because of puberty and related insecurities. I do now. Can I ask how your dating life is?

You can't really blame your mother for having health problems. She did what she could to get you born. How does a mother on steroids affect the baby if I can ask? Wouldn't that make you more masculine?
Here's your 12 shekels Moshe
Just wanted to make sure because jews would love it if more whites died. There is not really any benefit in OP getting his friend killed, it's not just "a tranny" to him, but a friend. He must (and should) have some hope in getting him back.
I would be in stiches
I am done conversing with you you liberal piece of shit. You have no backbone and are not a + to society.
rape him straight
Why didn't you respect xeir pronouns?
did he ever get into occult, specifically jewish sigils & etc?
did he try any shrooms, hallucinogens, or research chems?
i only ask because i just recently had a good friend who was well-versed in a lot of conspiracies, never took the vax, etc, and out of nowhere he became an extreme lefty, and began vehemently fighting me about things that we agreed upon for over a decade.

first it was him getting into sigils, but when he did the shrooms he went off the rails. i haven't spoken with him, but i would not doubt that he's a faggot or tranny or some shit.
Works for me, I'm not at all surprised you opted to bow out considering how out of your league you are.
What do tranny kisses taste like?
Women like to put on some label to be quirky, either lesbo or bi or some other such thing, but either way there are too many of them around.
please continue talking just like that, even after the collapse. you'll be a lot easier to identify that way, for when we begin public executions.
but even if you didn't, you'll still stick out as the obvious man trying to dress like a woman.
fucking kek
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>hello my fellow "chuds" trannies sure are winning aren't they.
>can't even pass on a anonymous internet forum.
No, he has religious trauma and hated the topic or subject. He wasn't big into drugs either, only thing he really did to my knowledge was drink. I think Covid is unironically what broke him. He got really fucking sick two or so years ago and from that point on seemed to slowly lose himself.
>No, he has religious trauma and hated the topic or subject.
that in its own right could be the thing that was brewing for his entire life.

>He got really fucking sick two or so years ago and from that point on seemed to slowly lose himself.
oh, i didn't bother to read the entire thread, was he vaxxed?
>that in its own right could be the thing that was brewing for his entire life.
Yeah, I don't know. He never talked about it much.
>oh, i didn't bother to read the entire thread, was he vaxxed?
Nah, he was based back then still. He ended up in the hospital anyways.
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Weird fantasy but I'll play along.
>please continue talking just like that, even after the collapse.
Will do buddy, I'll be waiting on that collapse.
>you'll still stick out as the obvious man trying to dress like a woman
As I've said before, I'm not trans. You'll be looking for a cis male. How are you going to round me up for my public execution if you can't even get that right? You'd make for a terrible DM, fantasy scenarios are not your thing.
>Weird fantasy but I'll play along.
it won't feel very playful, but yes, you will.
>I'll be waiting on that collapse.
ought not be much longer. be patient.
>As I've said before, I'm not trans.
since you advocate for it, you're in the same boat.
>How are you going to round me up for my public execution if you can't even get that right?
that's not to be revealed yet. like i said, be patient.
I had a similar experience with a friend, supported him an all, but the more time it passed the more disappointing I found him as a person.
he's right, being gentle gets you nowhere with these freaks. nothing does, they're mentally ill and brain fucked by hormones. ghosting and shaming is the only way to deal with them
although the father shit was a tad much
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wow scary!!!
You won't do shit, that's the /pol/tard way.
it's this very attitude which is going to cause you to be very unprepared for when things begin to kick off. poetic, in a way.
yes, there's no collapse coming. how silly of me. don't buy any food. don't make plans with neighbors.
nothing will happen. nobody will do shit. remember?
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sounds like you were a shitty friend.
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I wouldn't recommend you try to hold your breath waiting, but you're the prophetic badass so I'm sure you don't need my advice. I'll be on the lookout, little man.
>but you're the prophetic badass
it doesn't require magic to see what's coming. just common sense. but since you advocate for trannydom and other forms of faggotry, clearly you lack this.
fuck off troon freak ywnbaw.
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>tfw trooned out and pass well
>even more racist than my friends now thx to negative shitskin experiences
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Sheesh, and you say trans girls are mentally ill. Your delusional worldview and poor interpretation of political events is not what someone would call common sense.
>is not what someone would call common sense.
those without common sense tend to have a warped view of what common sense means.
thanks for demonstrating.

but to be fair, common sense isn't all that common anymore. we'll have to find another phrase to define it.
Just fuck him bro, get a blowjob.
>we'll have to find another phrase to define it.
Healthy sense
works for me.
>those without common sense tend to have a warped view of what common sense means.
Yeah yours is pretty warped.
> common sense isn't all that common anymore
Thanks for the boomer adage dude. Haven't heard that one before.
>Yeah yours is pretty warped.
no u
>Haven't heard that one before.
clearly not.
Help validate his blooming feminity by fucking him in the ass lovingly. and telling him how beautiful he is and slowly get him to become trad wife material. Out jew the jews/ And become the ultimate jew
Guarantee he's White
I have never seen a young shemale in my life, or know anyone like that in my social circle at all, they are whores for the whore neighborhood, for foreigners mostly. Are you sure you dont live in a gay neighborhood or something?
he's gone bro. pretend to support him when he decides to cut his dick off so he kills himself faster
There must be some way to get him back if he really values the friendship and is willing to go an extra mile?
That's rough buddy, I'm sorry.
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I'm sorry to hearthat your friend died.
Based. He will ACK himself soon
Chud to Troon pipeline
Was he actually "based?" Like did he hate Jews? Or was he just a liberal with edgy humor?
If there's one thing rainbow people aren't interested in it's Christianity
>If there's one thing rainbow people aren't interested in it's Christianity
True and really makes you think. Then later they demonstrate for more muslim immigrants
Now you can suck his dick and not be a complete gay sperg. every situation comes with opportunities anon and you live in the land of opportunity. go for it bro
Anon, it's a societal contagion that is going on. Gender Disphoria has been documented for ages. It's extremely unlikely both your friends have the genetic defect just as it's statistically improbably that Megan Fox has two children who gender disphoria and weren't coaxed into it.
Hang yourself ASAP

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