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Today is my birthday, frens. I’m 30 years old now. I’m a lawyer with a career. No girlfriend, no wife, no children. I love my parents, but they are aging. I love my siblings, but they have their own lives now. I love my friends, but they have already started their own families and are too busy to hang out like in the old days. They are busy men now, but I live in perpetual teenage with my money.

Today I’ve realized something: I’m a failure. I have no offspring, and whoring won’t take away the loneliness within my heart. Drinking won’t make me less miserable, and buying material stuff won’t fill any hole in my heart. I have money but I'm a failure, because success is not what society told you it is, hoarding wealth is COPE, the real success is what you were designed for; REPRODUCTION.

Take this lesson to heart: EVERYTHING YOU KNOW AND EVERYTHING YOU LOVE WILL DISAPPEAR SOONER OR LATER. Maybe in 10 years or 20, but your parents aren’t eternal. Siblings and parents will start their own lives away from you. As you age your circle will dwine and you will end up lonely. DONT LET THAT HAPPEN WHILE YOU ARE STILL YOUNG.

Don't fucking let that happen, if you are an incel then hit the gym, or if you have to date a younger girl, maybe a 17 years old do so, but don't end up alone. There is no merit in materialism. Believe me, as you age your world fall apart, people leaves your life, you end up very lonely without a family at your side. God bless you.
Stop trying to use word salad you're just ugly and that's it
Yeah yeah whatever tl;dr dude.
What the fuck is going on with the entry level normie taste in that picture?
you have your reward. you don't need to lecture people who haven't made your mistake. get back in your cage, wagie.
Im 20 live with boomer adoptive parents that are in 80s no friends barely any family left no job constant fear of them dying. You’re better off then me
Man you live in Mexico, just date a younger woman.
All right it's a misery contest!
Happy birthday!
Now go pick some cutie up from the streets and breed her, ya taco-faggot.
Shut up kike
its my birthday too but i aint making a thread
i spit on you op

happy birthday birthday bro
have a bahn mi for me this week
The spoiled brat is mad

Who cares, I'll reincarnate as a straight Far Right National Socialist White Guy anyway.
The spoiled race is mad
fucking beaner, you should of followed the Bible, instead of being a stupid fucking atheist.
Now you get what you sowed beaner.
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Maybe next year I'll try
You are an individual
Speak for yourself f****
I'm a woman and I'm 30, so nobody wants me anyway. I'm dying alone regardless so might as well enjoy it
was basically always alone anyway
Maybe go outside or something.
I've given up on all that shit long ago. I'm 31 and have a career, my own home, own car, zero debt outside of mortgage. Plenty of fulfilling hobbies to keep me occupied.
And I'm still a virgin. I gave up on women a decade ago. It's just inviting evil into your life, allowing parasites to grab onto you. I focused on myself throughout my 20s and now that I'm successful I am not going to just hand half of it over to some woman.
Call me a loser, call me a failure. Whatever, I'm living my life the way I want to. Why are you so upset that I'M the one not out desperately chasing after women? Dancing like a monkey to maybe possibly get a pity fuck out of an obese STD ridden whore? I don't need women and they don't want me so why should I even give a damn?
post tits
Hey, get into classical piano, painting or sculpture:

There's a life outside of consumerism, even without kids.
This is the way
I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you
>I have money but I'm a failure, because success is not what society told you it is, hoarding wealth is COPE, the real success is what you were designed for; REPRODUCTION.

Both sounds like cope desu, you are one of those people looking for something that doesn't exist. Some higher purpose that will fill you with eternal light and make your life full of happiness. You gotta be autistic and since you are OP also sucking dicks, you have no idea how much people can enjoy lonely life.
I work a white collar job at a fortune 100 company
I live with my parents
I just made 15k USD on a stock trade
The amount of money I’m able to save and the amount of money I get by investing smartly is just stupid
My friends and coworkers with gfs are literally destitute because it is impossible to save while you’re with a modern woman
They are incredibly foolish with money and just foolish in general
It’s not my fault they were given a high degree of autonomy by Jews 100 years ago
I've always been happier alone but constant Jewish propaganda makes me want a family out of spite. Not sure if I should suck it up and procreate or live alone and comfy.
lol what a loser! maybe if you whine harder on this childrens cartoon forum your life will turn around, retard
Feliz cumpleaños
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Happy Birthday beaner bro, happy birthday to you, hope you have a good day despite your troubles.
Had the exact same experience
Happy birthday
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You know the rules......
Tits or GTFO.
That pic is going to be me in a few months.
You're right, but how will going the gym help if you're still socially awkward.
No, puto. Es mi cumpleaños, no el tuyo. Búscate otra fecha. Además, yo onions un neet de 40 años y fumo un chingo de mota.
> I’m 30 years old
> I’m a lawyer
> I’m a failure
Do what all failed 30 year old lawyers do and enter politics in an attempt to become a dictator.
huh, 4chan changes that word to onions. Americans are goblins.
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>There is no merit in materialism

success is attractive to people
Then why is no one attracted to him?
I am the same case as you but I live in a shithole.
We were technically the same country a while ago. It can't be too far in the scale of shitholeness
No onions OPuto, pero es mi cumpleaños. Yo sí acepto el regalo.
consider becoming a merchant marine or something, pays well and has adventure element
soi* yankees retrasados de mierda.
All that achievement and you're focus is on how you haven't asked out a girl in 10 years and are confused why one hasn't fallen from the sky.
No one cares
When is the last time you asked a woman out? No, apps do not count.
happy birthday anon, I turned 34 three days ago. What you say is true.
Find a good girl asap and keep her. No one is single in their 30s, even late 20s without having mad baggage.

>almost 30, same situation
I thought my 20s would be the prime of my life so I decided to stay single, to maintain my "freedom" before settling down. Now all of the women of value are gone, all that's left are hoes and single moms

>inb4 women bad
re-evaluate your neet incel life, you won't know what you're missing until it's too late

>inb4 wagecuck
Get a fucking hobby and make it your profession. If youre good at something, never do it for free. masturbating to cartoons doesn't count
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U got like 15 years left

Yr not a failure dw
Because hes a 5'1 goblin spic
He's a 5'1 goblin spic in a country of 5'1 goblin spics
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29 is pretty young to be fair
Cope and seethe you spoiled sand monkey
>calls out others as spics
I have bad news for you achmed
Seek Jesus. Repent.
Hola nuevomaricón
I find solace in the fact that (hopefully) when I die none of this shit matters. Oblivion can't come soon enough.
Go learn some useful skills for a career while you still have people to take care of you, don't wait until they're gone so you end up having to forcefully work at some shitty job.
Meh I'm 34 and have dated 0 and live with my parents and work full time so idc.
do you not have complexes

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