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What happens when we die?
The world gets a little more brown and gay.
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you wake up
probably not "the void"/existence, which makes no sense on an intuitive level. One lifespan is such a tiny amount of time compared to how long the universe has existed, it's not plausible to be alive and conscious right now if your consciousness doesn't exist before and after your life.
Endless nigger pits.
Heaven if you're a white woman.
*the void/non-existence
bardo state
There are a couple of toll houses where you get tested for your passions. I think most will fall either for lust or laziness, if it's God's will. The final toll house is mercy. If one is not merciful he's ngmi.
>What happens when we die?
This: "The world gets a little more brown and gay"
This: "you wake up"

All part of the Basic Gestalt - We are built from broken parts
>So tell me something I’m unaware of yet.
The 4th Kingdom, is a 4th Density Event
Two seen notes & 0.0pn8 unseen note
The unseen is that here & now there are only a limited amount of Arc's (ARC-FAILURE) [Reset like the all the other times]
But in essence, means many are used to traverse this existence & are both keys & locks
>Humans ordinarily constrained to 2-bit monolog thinking can't into existence yet...NEW AGE is passing us all-by........
One is the low. Zero is the high. The things we will learn on the journey to Two will change everything
Tree of Life (1) - Tree of Death (0)
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” ― Hermes Trismegistus
Endless extrmee unimaginable and hellish torture. I cant even begin to describe to you how bad it is. Imagine feeling every part of your body rottingnsnd falling off while you’re paralyzed, suffocating, forever and ever and ever, ad the pain gets worse and as you can no longer even think- but still percieve the torture. Ever since my NDE 10 years ago, ive been unable to sleep and experience terrors so great they cause insanity. You arent going to like whats on the other side.

whatever you do, DONT DIE.
Once the neurons stop firing there’s nothing left but a rotting, soon to be recycled corpse. Those who believe in life after death are coping faggots. You no longer exist once the various sections of your brain that dictate “who you are” stop receiving inputs.
Lmao That's the feat of leaving this plane of existence that tortured you. Accept your fate, be ready to meet your creator and you'll have it all reversed.
It implies you take care of your unfinished business here so that you go without a heavy soul.
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You'll just have to wait....and see
Abiding in the afterlife, then reincarnation.
I respawn.
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>Da Void/Non-Existence
>probably not "the void"/existence, which makes no sense on an intuitive level.
>what even is this schizo bot?
It's just another Demon-$oldier....Bought with US MIC (Military Industrial Complex's) Jew moneys...
>Ironically by discovering GOD/Source, but still a another 3rd Density being, yet keeps finding religion?, it's all a bit silly & delusional.

Black & white, red all over
Soon - 2week punch up
>Assume that it would become known that everybody can gain biological immortality*
It's your Creation(1) Void(0) [Program]
"Once you know the way you can see it on all things"
*It's a Simulation/Turin Test. Except we are the Subject* 3rd Density moving to 4th Density *Evaluation*
4th Kingdom>>472844066

People argue over semantics with Revelation, I think it's more a guide, *Not 100% Correct*
The Bible has been Co-opted/Subverted/Manipulated & Succumbed to Infallible Translation (Time-Lines/Details are mixed-up)

Terminator 1&2 - Is the movie depiction of the "REAL" Bible not the Bible the masses get.
Also A Perfect Getaway with Milla Jovovich Its a 2009 American thriller
I suggest you watch it a couple of times - As it's very synchronistic about our reality.
>Assume that it would become known that everybody can gain biological immortality in perfect youthful health by*
(65_232_65) The Mother All/Nothing in the middle, Allegory for the Earth _232_(VOID/Creation)

41 (65_232_65)04 Platonic Solid (1) >{New Age} Positive [+] Arc 1-2-3-4(1) Positive [+] Merkaba Machine Plan 101 Egregors ie Chicken/Egg
That's 4 Gods/Sources of Light & Creation 1 + Allegory of the Elements
04 (65_232_65)41 Inverted Platonic Solid (0) >{Old Age} Negative [-] Arc 5-6-7-8(0) Negative [-] TIBPD Ouroboros ie Dragon/Snake
That's 0 Creation & 4 Gods/Sources of Dark + Allegory of the Elements
That depends. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior?
I hate this question. The premise of "we" is wrong in the first place. Not everything has a soul and even then it's not as though your soul is guaranteed an afterlife. The part of peoples mental theatre - without which makes you an NPC - that makes you feel conscious is just that, a feeling and an illusion. Or as the easterns would call it maya. Behind and below that part is the source creating it.
The Greeks had the idea that you die and simply couldn't access that part of yourself. You would forget who and what you are and roam around as an unconscious ghost. If you were ascendant you would pass on to Elysium, the rest go to Hades.
Many modern christians share a similar idea that most souls are "destroyed" and go onto non-existence while those who choose to live with God go on. You'll find this more or less in every religion that only a select few get to go on.
95% of posters here don't even know that that's how it works and for them I just feel like they finally get to rest.
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first time I see
A parenthesis in the void closes.
>which makes no sense on an intuitive level.
>it's not plausible to be alive and conscious right now if your consciousness doesn't exist before and after your life.
You've simply not mourned your own death yet. You're afraid to die, to be forgotten.
Embrace the ephemerality of your existence, it only makes it more astounding and beautiful.
The game is ending only when I have a happy end and get my happy ending.
Nonsense cope. Absolute nonsense.
>I can’t fathom not being conscious therefore it’s impossible

Your body shits eatself and then bacteria, flies and worms get to work

> I mean the soul

Can't exist when the fly larvae eat through your brain
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You fly above the firmament and you hang out with a bunch of Latinos and Africans.
>soon to be recycled corpse
Recycled, yes our energy will be as well.

>your brain that dictate “who you are” stop receiving input
>stop receiving input
Receiving input from where? Wherever it is, we go back to it.
I never understood how people from these dirty countries always end up so stupidly hopeful of an afterlife. Didn’t your life suck enough already? Aren’t you tired of getting dysentery?
you escape kikeworld enslavement
Romanticism and bullshit. You go in the ground.
You guys don't feel like all the Universe is one? Everything is connected by the underlying atomic particles that make up the very fabric of everything?
Not at all?
Remember what it was like before you existed? It's exactly lile that.
It the moments before death that count.
Take as many as you can
Seems a bit unfair to all the people since the beginning of humans who died before He was even born.
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Port-Key 101 Happens - it's part of the Gestalt Universal construct rule 101
>Gestalt</>Universal Mathematical Language aka Positive [+] Negative [-] 3[Energy]6[Frequency]9[Vibration] ie (1) (0) (∞) Sacred Geometry Grand Unified Thought/Theory

One is the low. Zero is the high. The things we will learn on the journey to Two will change everything
Tree of Life (1) - Tree of Death (0)
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” ― Hermes Trismegistus
All ill gains with drug deals & fucked up Human behavior....Negative [-] 369

I don't look down!
[Below is what's going to happen if you seek to harm to others, you don't won't to get a Negative deposition Arc]
Descension] Low 369(EFV) Below 5/4/3/2/1/0/00 - Realm Configuration Arc 5-6-7-8(0) Regress - Return Density {Dystopian}
NPC *Non-Playing Character* (0) Negative [-] Dark/Off/Asleep/Left/Slave/Order(0) - Chaos(1) NPC = Ego[-]Egg (Ouroboros ie Dragon/Snake Metaphor)
Black Awakening Negative [-] Resonance <285> Artificial Cognitive Dissonance ie Hate/Darkness/Servitude/Control/Fear/Beastly/Merciless/Ugly


- Machine+͛B͛e͛a͛s͛t ∞ + Man (1) Woman (0) = Human/͛B͛e͛a͛s͛t/Machine aka Abomination aka Descension
[369Low] [Negative [-] Subconscious Patterns/Emotions/Thoughts]
Energy/Frequency/Vibration (Mindless/Bodyless/Soulless) (Beast/Machine/Un-Holy Spirit)
Ouroboros/Ego 1-9 ∞ Ego is only the Sailor not the Boat! (Dragon/Snake Metaphor)
04 (65_232_65)41 Inverted Platonic Solid (God/Goddess/Source of Dark/Negative[-]) Gestalt</>UML 369 ie (1) (0) (∞)
But it doesn’t matter dude. If you’re happy imagining that stuff and it makes your life better I’m glad for you
I used to look down on my parents for being so religious but then when I realized it was an easy way for them to justify moments of suffering or coping with their family dying I eased up
I’m probably the most miserable of my family and one of two who doesn’t believe in an afterlife
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No and it's fucking crazy that people do. Yes, quantum entanglement exists at a small and rare scale, but that's like arguing that an afterlife is real because magnets exist.
Here is a different, more worldly question. Why are men forced to keep paying alimony to a woman when the marriage has already ended?
Right on, just curious. Thank you.
Heaven or hell. Accepting this might make you a humbler person, but rejecting won't make a smarter one.
check NDEs and astral travels
you are not your body, idiotish
consciousness is the great mystery
you could be traveling out of your body right now and instead you're posting ignorant bs on 4cucks
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first time, huh?
you are not your body, commiechinkfuck
>Those who believe in life after death are coping faggots.
those who don't communicate with their loved ones from beyond the veil are barely sentient
>You no longer exist once the various sections of your brain that dictate “who you are” stop receiving inputs.
I'm glad you consider yourself a meat computer, that makes erasing you much easier
you gave never lived in a third-world country
hint: they're much happier than you
what they lack in material resources, you lack in emotional and social riches
your body does, or not
you leave that every night however
>it’s a big mystery man
>y-your opinions about it are all wrong!
>Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior?
no, jew
don't be a nigger. repent and serve only God.
>> I mean the soul
>Can't exist when the fly larvae eat through your brain
confusing human and spiritual soul
let it go, elsa
scientism is death
it was born from an obsession with cadavers and measurement
it doesn't deal with living reality
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why is it always these religious retards typing as if they have all the answers,the truth is nobody knows and its all a big gamble,it might be nothing,it might be heaven or hell or it might be reincarnation,there is no definitive answer
You've already been dead before you were born. How was that?
yes they are
it's a mystery to the uninitiated and the material-minded
your western materialistic ignorance is astounding to everyone else on earth but you're under its umbrella and choose not step beyond it because that's what your kiked uncivilization taught you (and let's face it, comfort and cowardice play a big role there)
>i dont know shit therefore nobody does
thing is, you do know
you just refuse to hear
>i dont remember therefore it doesnt exist
how many memories do you have from 3 yo and under?
you're french so your opinion doesn't matter
poor you
france is the land where the oral tradition of alchemy has been kept for the past 700 or more years
You go back to nothingness, not anything you imagine just what it was like before you was born. You wont go anywhere you wont become anything you will simply cease to be, even if over a gazillion years matter somehow reassembles itself into you again, it wont be you it will be a copy. When the train of thoughts and experiences that have made and shaped you end that's it they end. Because you are the continuation of your experiences not the amalgamation of your experiences themselves, so when that continuation stops you stop. The sooner more people realise this instead of denying reality and accepting we only have this life, the sooner we can reach immortality.
None. I don't claim to know for certain. My gut tells me when my brain ceases to function, experiences cease as well. Humans are the paragon of animals but still animals and animals die. All this conjecture feels like wishthinking no?

>confusing human and spiritual soul

coping with reality by inventing stupid shit
This. The only explanation for this dumbass reality is that it's either your own dream or someone else's.
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quantifying reality is still good.
You have a nearly 30% chance of being born Indian in the next life.

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