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Stop working hard. Stop "grinding". Stop "hustling". None of this will get you anywhere because everything is rigged against you. Just relax and enjoy life. Live with your parents and don't take on debt.
north face clothing is for faggot cuckolds
proven by a chankroid right here
Thank god all of our ancestors didn't think like that, """oh but the odds were in their favors right ?""" Stop being pathetic, if living with your parents, use this to save more money so you can invest it and escape this hell.
Do you know what that faggot chinkoid did?
He spent 20 years studying and then another 10 engineering tech for a company to make the world more faggoty. And his reward for all of that cucketry was that his wife divorced him and took most of what he owned.
He did get cucked by his Jap wife, so I guess it checks out.
Grinding and hustling has always been for low iq people. Smart people can easily find a way to make money by doing less work. This isn’t anything new either, it’s always been like this.
It’s over.
>Smart people can easily find a way to make money by doing less work
Like marrying a faggot cuckold chink and taking all of his hard earned money? Cause that's what happened to this "smart" guy
It's a recession. This shit already happened in 2008 and 2001 but half the zoomies on this board weren't even born then. Tech is cyclical. Shut the fuck up and wait for the cycle to start again when interest rates come down
People who went into tech with only tech knowledge are losers. They're code monkeys but can't actually come up with their own ideas so they depend on people with ideas hiring them to bring their concepts to life. Now that people can easily code utilizing AI tech workers are fucked. Good. Weirdo aspies that weren't smart enough for engineering anyway. Maybe the lowliest job you could have that was valuable for a brief window of time before computers naturally filled that space never gonna outcode a computer, dummies.
Tech never recovered after the tech bubble burst, silicon valley was kept afloat by the local banking industry there and pajeet streetshitters will never be revolutionizing and improving tech in the future
Who gives a fuck about that, people had to struggle far more in the past to live worse lifes. We're all doomed to be wagies and your kids too if you don't bust your ass to figure out how to give them a better future. Giving up is not a choice that requires much effort.
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Since women are wards of the state, you're inherently cucked as a wagie since women cannot help themselves trying to ruin you if you countersignal feminism or give them the ick, or really anything that has to do with resisting globohomo since they know their current freedom depends on globohomo.

The only way to beat the vaginal jew is to refuse to play the rigged game. Ironically, you get more pussy and freedom saying fuck the system, and women are more intensely attracted to you because globohomo is not clipping your nuts by proxy through behavioral conditioning .
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Even smarter people realize money is worthless and focus on intellectual pursuits. Doing math, art and such.
I wouldn't even know what I would do with money if I had it. There's nothing that I want that requires money.
Most of the tech companies you interact with nowadays were created after the 08 bubble burst. Of course the market recovered.
Next episode of Tech Lead: "Why we're so back!"
>he's an ideas guy

Lol that's code for ultimate worthless dumb gorilla brain loser. Technical knowledge is all that matter, everyone has ideas.
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>Tech is cyclical
Wrong, tech is over. When was the last time we saw a technological advancement of any significance? There is simply no more valuable work left to do. People already have plenty of goyslop fed non-stop into their minds and they don't need anything new being added to their lives. Now it's all about cutting costs and achieving low-maintance operativity through pajeets and AI.
Well you would say that if you were living off crypto like him
Muh ancestors lived in the same farm for generations...
Exactly. I only use the internet for 4chan ( a site from 1999) , Youtube (only to play music, fuck ecelebs) and that's pretty much it.

Tech is over. There's literally nothing to do, no new service to invent. We all just riding the momentum of the app bubble from the early 2010s
This is dumb. All of this has happened before, even the outsourcing to India, which they quickly undid as soon as the market recovered and there was years of work for western developers unfucking the messes made by Indian outsourcing. Being in this industry long enough you start seeing everything repeat, then people who just arrived ignorantly tell you 'this is all new'. Wait two years when rates come down to 2-3% again and everything will be as it was in 2019 again.
Can be fun to try anyway.
Got to earn the blood money else Babylon come put you in a cage.
What else is there to do?
This youtuber is dangerous according to our resident jeet.
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>None of this will get you anywhere because everything is rigged against you. Just relax and enjoy life. Live with your parents and don't take on debt.

you're never gonna convince me I'd be happier not working and making money.
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testing nigger 1 2 3
i have always gotten wierd vibes from this guy
>I only use the internet for 4chan ( a site from 1999)
No, you retard from the 70s-90s there was actual advances in technology that required a lot of tech people to make products law, (moore's law opening new possiblilities, digitization revolution)

In the 2000s the internet was picking up, then smartphones came (App bubble), now there's nothing, there's no new paradigm shift and there won't be, all that remains are scams like Blockchain, Big Data, and now AI.
and that's why you don't live in a mud house spear chucking at gazelles. If you're gonna oppose the system, don't do it out of pessimism only but with a plan that will benefits your kids if not you too.
If you were truly high iq you would be getting paid a lot of money to work on those intellectual pursuits.
He got fired several times from FAANG tech companies. He's not a trustworthy person, yet people not in the industry keep falling for him.
tech is fine, it just needs to get rid of all DEI niggers wasting resources
so what did this guy do?
>there's no new paradigm shift and there won't be
This is so stupid. You have no idea what the future holds. We might all be making brain chip apps in 5 years time, who the fuck knows. Nobody predicted the app boom, nobody predicted AI. Anyone that claims to know what the future holds can be safely disregarded as profoundly stupid.
Our ancestors could buy land , two vehicles and support their wife and 6 kids on a single income
Please kill yourself breaktroon. Nobody hete likes you. Im not sure why you keep posting.
>sometimes retrospectively as 2ch.net,[8] was an anonymous Japanese textboard[b] founded in 1999 by Hiroyuki Nishimura.
the format and the idea existed since 1999.
>We might all be making brain chip apps in 5 years time, who the fuck knows.

Idiot, idiot, idiot can't believe people like you how genuinely believe sci-fi bullshit is real are working in tech. that's the problem.
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Dude it's all pointless, hating on jews, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.
Scamming your own audience is Chink behavior straight out of Ways That Are Dark.
>don't change anything ever
kill yourself, i'm the change i want to see. i'm making the long march and anyone else who does otherwise is pathetic
Tech is in a downturn, which happens every decade or so. I was working at a large bank doing IT before the layoffs/offshoring hit. Once pajeets do their damage, not much unlike locusts, businesses will return to onshoring talent to fix the damage caused (again)
kek at the image name.
There is a massive paradigm shift just waiting to be released. The problem is the technology gets more consequential for the elites and more liberating for the common man. They want you in squalor, and in a state of dependence.

If everyone had access to the zero-point energy, healing technology, replicator technology and much more, their power vanishes in an instant.
kys crab bucket NIGGER
I mean you can make virtual reality apps right now. Sci-fi is real and with us already. Tablet computing was the realm of sci-fi in the 1990s, now it's so normal and pedestrian people aren't even interested in buying a tablet computer. Neurologically embedded software is an inevitability, it's just a question of when. And let's take a step back, you're posting with a nazi memeflag, you're not in any position to call others idiots.
I know. And these crazy fucks want to call me a "demoralization agent". It's pretty funny.
Nobody has universal acclaim.

>the format and the idea existed since 1999.
I don't think foreigners were allowed to post on there.
>businesses will return to onshoring talent to fix the damage caused (again)
Yes this generates years of high-paid work, undoing all the damage that Indian outsourcing did over the past few years. Businesses are incredibly stupid to keep repeating this cycle knowing it will all have to be fixed later, but this is apparently the way of the world.
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I have enough humility to know that I am not talented enough to be paid for pursuing art and intellectual efforts, I do that soley for myself enjoyment and spiritual development.

And like I said even if I had the gift, I wouldn't want to be paid for it. I would be like Gregori Perelman.
there's no label showing
how did you know it's North Face?
you a faggot cuckold who recognizes North Face clothing without the label?
If you don't have a plan to spend millions of dollars I don't know what to tell you.
By your ancestors, your dad and grandpa weren't who I was referring to but sure you're right for that and only them. The majority of the west prior to the industrial revolution didn't have those great living conditions for the average peasant. Did they give up and say "Oh no we're doomed because the nobility takes all of our grain and were dying of the black death ?" You're only able to give up because you live in a comfortable enough society where you don't feel the immediate consequences of your choices which in turn will make your children suffer more than you.
stupid retard lol, where did the billions of dollars for the ai meme come from?
>t. North Face clothing wearer
5 tech stocks make up 20% of the total stock market in the US right now. Anyone arguing tech never recovered is obviously profoundly retarded
There's no paradigm shift retards. It's over. It's been 10 years of packaging the same iPhone.

VR is a stupid gimmick just a step over 3D glasses, AR is even more of a stupid gimmick and AI is a ponzi scheme to pump and dump stocks just like everything Blockchain.

Sci-fi is bullshit. We don't understand the brain any better than we did in the 80s. BCI is just bullshit that some sci-fi author dreamt up like hyperdrives or dyson spheres.

iPhones is as good as technology ever gets and that ship has set sails and even arrived at shore.
Why make a new app on the iPhone? what functionality are you going to add tot the internet or iPhones that doesn't already exist in perfect, optimized, streamlined form.
You're not even a professional engineer or even particularly intelligent by your own admission >>472846358, why would anyone take your idiotic memeflag opinion seriously, stop posting retard
>VR is a stupid gimmick
It's in It's infancy.
I have a job where I could get away with literally doing nothing but sitting on my phone for 12 hours a day, I probably work for 3 cause it's not THAT bad.
neuralink is a real thing you stupid fuck. you convincing yourself that its all over doesn't mean shit retard.
the technology itself is valuable and useful
but all the 'coins' built on it have no value
aside from speculation
everyone's looking for the bigger fool to buy the bag higher
I am not a professional engineer but I got degree in computer science, was top of my class but realize I'm pretty stupid and can't even solve meduim level problems on leetcode so why should I bother polishing up my resume "Yes Hello saar, me very good programmer, Pyhton, C++" so now I just neet around.

That level of humility is how you get insights to the world and how you know there won't by any paradigm shifts.

No it's a glorified arduino, bluetooth mouse. Similar tech has been prototyped since the 2000s, it's bullshit gimmick that leads nowhere. BCI is just some bullshit that a sci-fi author dreamt up.
Ghost in the shell is a kino movie though!
So by your own admission, you have never worked in the industry, yet you think you have deep insights into the future direction of the industry. You are too stupid to mock.
My parents are dead. I don't have the option to live the neet life. I don't have debt though.
Are you still in the wagie retail hell
polkadot is the highest tech blockchain with actual use case as a replacement for centralized AWS cloud computing after next upgrades
you're welcome
There's nothing wrong with multi-generational family units, and it's actually pretty beneficial to all but the rich that want to use you as cattle to get richer. However, some parents are shit and should be left if they haven't already kicked you out.
There's also something to be said about the pioneer spirit. I believe there is a good chunk of genetic pioneer-types, owing to our evolution. Leaving to build a new life in a lawless land and explore the unseen is the same thing as leaving the house but on a large scale. The drive to escape gay society and establish new lives in such a way is noble and alpha. Unfortunately, though, there is nowhere left to go to escape gay society. The would-be pioneers of today are trapped like zoo animals and become apathetic neets because their purpose is unexpressable. They don't leave the nest because the place they're supposed to go doesn't exist. That's why they are dysfunctional in so many ways, and spend their time planning/hoping/idealising disasters and the utopias they want to build. That's my theory, anyway.
Lol what good are hands without a brain to guide them? Keep telling yourself that tech knowledge is all that matters, you're literally an interchangeable tech worker. Good job not being able to actually come up with any ideas and stuck slaving on other peoples' instead. What a loser. Whoops AI has already rendered you obsolete forever
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I've seen enough scams and seen enough people in tech/academia to know how much bullshit and pretense goes around.
>Hey guys IoT is going to be the next big thing guys! what if friddge connected to the internet!!! guys what if lamp connected to the internet!!!

>Uhhh what's wrong with ligthswitch?

>shut up retard! this is the future!!!
Be a woman? It won't work this time.
Of course. Where else is there to go? I'm sure I could find another job but it needs to be the right wage (>$20/hr), right ammount of weekly hours (>40) and most importantly: the right distance (<10 minutes from my residence). I just turned down a job at a dealership paying $12/hr and was an hour away. I blocked on sight!
IoT support is pretty standard nowadays in houses. Apple has just this month gone very deep into home automation because of how much the field is growing. https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/06/updates-to-the-home-experience-elevate-entertainment-and-bring-more-convenience/

You would benefit a lot from working a tech job because you would see what is really happening in the industry in what you wrongly think is happening in the industry
> top of his class
> can't do leetcode
Could have just been a really shitty class
I got a free zip up (branded swag from a vendor) and I like it a lot
automation is the next frontier, make amachiens that put wagies out of work, starting with pharmacists

Kill yourself
Go to university and stop fucking around in a dead end job and wasting time posting on this ass board. Take out loans, whatever you need to do to escape.
This is bullshit that only retards with too much money on their hand buy. Literally no one needs their garage doors, fridges and lamps connected to the internet. It's just a gimmick!

Take it from me, there will be no more paradigms shifts, we are back in the middle ages. The world you live in now will be exactly the same as the world your kids live in.

40 years from now you're going to be mindless scrolling 4chan on a laptop (that hasn't changed functionality or aesthetic in 50 years) you will look around at your left and you will see your nephew/granchild mindlessly browsing tiktok on a smartphone identical to the ones we have today and then it might hit you!

Papermill university.
The best way for "tech" to "not be dead" would be for people to create new startups and simply not hire pajeets or H1bs as a founding principle of the company. After a few years you'll outcompete because you're not being hamstrung by diaper code and foreign orcs.
29 is too old for uni
There's people in uni at age 50. It is never too old. What is guaranteed is working at walmart will feel more depressing and soulless with each passing year.
He talked like poojanny from /int/
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>demoralization 17.png
Can't. Too important here.

>Take out loans
Aw hell naw. There better be guaranteed employment if that were to ever happen. Knowing my luck I'd be graduating into the greatest depression where my credentials and newfound knowledge would be as useless as a dyke's fallopian tubes.

Try being around 20 years older! It's over!
He deserves it because he is a miserable faggot
If it any consolation a lot of us that went to uni, graduated top of our class and did all the work still can't find jobs and think it's all pointless.

To me if you have a hobby, things you enjoy in life you made it, everything else be damned!
Good shit! That's what the fuck I'm talking about!
Problem is if I “just relaxed” the secondary crew wouldn’t be able to complete their work and I risk getting fired then I’ll be homeless because nobody hires whitey anymore and have to sell my 13 year old cat because I have no home just cause I wanted to “relax bruh”
Please define in specific detail what would qualify as "making it" for you.
>29 is too old for uni
Not if its for a career change towards something easier, im considering uni now to get a job for semi retirement.
But if you are still trying to work out what "you are going to do with your life" then 29 is too late for anything. Should be halfway done by then, you've already used up the most productive, hireable and financially unburdened years of your life.
Christine Lagarde just started talking about climate crap being part of central banking, the EU economy is doomed!
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I love how you retards think people from the past played the same game we play right now
>Things werent as ever-changing as they are right now, so people could adapt and build a sold life
>Didnt waste their youth in a useless college
>Information and entertainment was extremely limited, so people could easily focus on their lives and pretty much either fuck or get drunk in their free time because they had nothing else to do
>Getting a job was piss easy
>Homogenized society meant help, trust and support. A diversified society is the exact opposite of it
>Arranged marriages
>General sense of bliss and hope
Modern society has stress levels of an old society under famine or war.
There's much truth in your theory. The only place from where mine diverges is the full extent of said pioneer spirit. The Neets created from our current garbage societal structures believe there's limitation for which they can't overcome. I know it's inexplicably hard to see one's full potential for realized success yet what a great fallacy it is to believe that one is powerless to enforce change.

>there is nowhere left to go to escape gay society.
If your land is invaded by enemies, you don't give it up and leave, you fight them off because it's yours. What stands in the way becomes the way.

>I believe there is a good chunk of genetic pioneer-types
Maybe but I feel like like nurture plays a bigger role.
The thing is that 85% of the capital is in the hands of senile boomers that also get most government spending redirecting against them.

It's not just tech that is dying but everything that does not get boomer capital.

So the entire economy is now either maintaining previous stuff, supplying boomer demand for boomer stuff like healthcare or a few remaining things.

Everything else is dying or in the defensive right now.
>But if you are still trying to work out what "you are going to do with your life" then 29 is too late for anything.
self employment is the answer, can’t be rejected from free enterprise
Listen big boi, it's about your attitude and the spirit you hold against your "stress levels". I'm not saying there wasn't better things in the past but spending time being pessimistic about the future is not how anyone achieved greatness and success. It's a cope to justify giving up on something your refuse to believe you still have control over.

>General sense of bliss and hope
Kek, "I wish I was born in the 80s, the music was so much better back then".
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every major jewboy-approved youtuber has made a video attacking him
techlead is based
I am a robot.
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debt maxxx wisely if you're going to do it liek this...
I just go to work and do nothing, does that count?
You're essentially admitting that "yes, tech is a retarded bubble of worthless shit that is propped up by low interests rates because more than half of tech companies are mismanaged dogshit that can't make a profit". Nazi anon isn't correct in saying that tech is totally done. Medical tech is clearly still advancing, but he's right that general consumer tech is at a dead end. All you'll have now is further optimization of systems. NVIDIA and AI, in general, are going to be a nothingburger in five years. It should honestly be illegal to call whatever we have today AI. It'll be a useful tool, but not life changing. If you need interest rates to be near zero to have a functioning business model, your business is retarded. You also fail to point out that the outsourcing has only increased as time has gone on, and even even rates drop again, the majority of the jobs outsourced remain outsourced, despite them opening up hiring in the states again. My mom works for a multibillion dollar tech company who runs, maintains, and build oil refineries. They're starting to lay off executives, and the grunts are soon to be culled too. Not surprisingly, they just hired a new team in India and China.
Good post. The pioneer spirit needs to turn into the homesteader, patriot spirit of fixing our own fucked up countries. People are just too fucking comfortable and infantilized to do much.
>>Arranged marriages
Saar I arrange u marry beautiful Indian femboy from Bangalore 10000 lakhs dowry wat say you sir?
Self employment is a great idea, if you have the experience and equity to make it work, someone just getting started at 29 has neither.
This statement is just as schizo and retarded as the nazi memeflag's statements. You really need to stay off reddit.
>29 is too late for anything
Everyone who spent their early 20s trying to get into computer science and had their experience devalued is now fucked for life. GG no RE
What children, you delusional faggot?

whether it's tech or non tech, Indians are coming to take your jobs. Competency is overrated. We're living in a world where even as the whole world laughs at the integrity and safety of Boeing airplanes, no one is held accountable. So why waste more money on hiring competent white people?
It's the "tech bro" uniform. Calm down. Dude's working.
Tech is DEAD. There is no more Tech
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Im doing alright compared to the average normie(and I consider myself very lucky for it), but that doesn't prevent me from acknowledging our current situation. Im just saying these words for people like you who refuse to see the writing on the wall.
It's clearer than ever that the bad guys won, this shit was staged on a very big scale and for a long time, and the average redpilled joe can't fight back the train whose destination is the eternal decline of everything that is good.
You sound like those faggots who will tell a very depressed person "just dont be depressed, bro" because they fail to understand whats happening under the hood.
Think about it like this. Old society hard times are equivalent of a guy who had an almost fatal injury and had recovered. The mindset is the same before he got injured and after he recovered from it. Our society hard times is equivalent of a guy learning that has terminal cancer he can't fight back. If he fights back, his quality of life might get worse, but the result will still be the same.
So, my general advice to everyone is to abstain from social media as much as they can and have a clear mind to take every opportunity life will throw at them. This is how the cookie crumbles in 2024.
>Competency is overrated
If the goal is strictly short-term profit, you'd be correct. Looking at the rest of the world from the perspective of a person living in a mostly competent and functioning country I'd have to say that competency is underrated.
Only if they haven't also managed to save and invest in that time I guess. If you have a 100k or so to your name and you have to look for a new career its probably worth continuing to try, if not you may as well give up.
We’ve had neuralink come out, and it actually works. This would be scifi 15 years ago. It could be mass produced in 10 years
agreed but i will continue to wage 4 days a week so i can buy a house in cash. imagine being a mortgage cuck
That's only true for software niggers. I'm designing chips and it seems it'll be luscious for another 20 years so I'm not too stressed. It's funny though, all the advancements techbros celebrate is one step closer to replacing them so idk wtf is wrong with modern techbros. Old gen techbros collaborated on programs and shared near tricks with each other. Modern techbros are racing towards their extinction.
the parasite's pledge
This person is actually retarded

Watch Gits if you haven't. It's really good
>Stop working hard. Stop "grinding". Stop "hustling". None of this will get you anywhere because everything is rigged against you. Just relax and enjoy life. Live with your parents and don't take on debt.
There are maybe a triple amount of people in my country with that much spare money to their name at that age excluding inheritance. What is this demoralization bullshit you're spreading?
The ones you're supposed to be having in the future you retard.
triple digit amount*
Really, I can’t get a loan? I can’t build an app? I can’t use a 3D printer? I can’t day trade? Unless you’re one of those coastal faggots who need to be a millionaire to get by
100k is roughly what you should have saved if you have been putting away $200 a week for a decade. Which is a reasonable amount of money to expect someone with a full time job to be able to sacrifice.
Ideally this would already be put into investments or a mortgage, im not expecting anyone to just have 100k laying around "spare". But if you are closing in on your 30s and dont have something close to that, you are so far behind the line that you dont really have a chance in hell of catching up past winning the lottery.
Its not that millennials never had a chance, but we do have a much harder game to play and anyone just starting is fucked.
It's really joever this time.
I've been depressed and suicidal in the past. I also despise what's going on and wished our dear Adolf had succeeded. That being said, it does me no good to cry about 'what could have been' or 'should be happening'. Some many people here know a lot more about the truth of the matter but choose to let it crush them rather than actively do something to help others understand it and fight along side them. It's all a big circlejerk to give up and tell other losers that they should too so you don't feel bad about it.
No desire to be a "millionaire" (not that a million dollars is worth fuck all anymore), but given the choice between homeless heroin addict and still working in my 50s, id take the needle.
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Thinking about stopping going to work.
I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. First thing I will do is stop paying rent, which should be one year or so until they evict me, will trash the place real good at the end either way. Just not going to participate anymore that's all.
It's gonna suck for you tryhards when the value of the USD drops to zero pretty soon. Those of us who gave up years ago have been enjoying the vacation/retirement now while the economy is still barely functional. We can work later when these jackels collapse everything and issue a new currency. Why work for a USD that isn't worth anything? I'm tempted to go work in another country and stack up some other dollars because the USD is kaput. It's done.
My retirement plan is a 9mm :)
the number of autistic retarded "people" that don't get that his channel is a parody and bait is unbelievable
I love the poo saar, you're Sneed pledge is accurate but it had to be put in place by someone saar. If it can ve put in place, it can ve replaced saar.
pretty much this the only way to get rich is win the lottery literally or figuratively and winning the lottery usually involves a lot of nepotism
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This. I just fuck around and listen to music or watch anime and take like 3 breaks.
where have i heard this name before?
wasn't he infamous for pulling some shady shit or something a couple years ago?
The (((Speculator))) and (((Tax collector))) parasite classes rip all created wealth from anyone of value
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Stop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year.


Most importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.
1x 4chan wamen posts, GUYS LISTEN!!

nice cope post
you're not supposed to hold onto currency
hence the name, "currency"
it is designed to be spent acquiring real capital
land, stable goods, machinery, ip rights, licensing, successful service businesses, blah blah blah
make $50,000 a year and you can buy a house to rent once a year. no, it's not like a video game, you have to actually learn how to fix things and place tenants (without getting sued for racial discrimination), how to do your taxes, and so on. it's a job, but one that can make you a millionaire in a few years, with no bosses or managers.
when you make enough money, you can buy, scale, and flip businesses. just make sure they're not luxury market stuff if you're thinking collapse is imminent.
You mistake me. Im not saying people need to try harder, im saying that the chance has come and gone.
Anyone who doesn't have 30 years of productive lifespan and the willingness to slave away for the entirety of it better figure out a way to escape the system entirely or just do what you are doing and sit back and watch the grass grow.
Sitting back and watching the grass grow is pretty nice. I have a little garden where I grow vegetables and a little stray cat came to hang out so I feed it. The summer weather is nice. I live in a very rural place so there's no crime or minorities. Occasional redneck drama, but life can never really be drama free. I make my own pickles. I made 7 jars of garlic pickles from one cucumber plant. My biggest concern is how to keep out the groundhog from the garden and the neighbors fat cat that steals my cats food.
I'm more curious about why he was attacked like that. I have videos of millionaire youtubers in my feed who "expose" him.
The dude just said - I'm tired, I'm leaving.

There is a theory. He's telling the truth.
And it's true that someone doesn't like it very much.
He apparently scammed his fans with a millionaire bitcoin but good on him, sucks for all the losers and idiots who still fall for get rich quick schemes.
Taking on debt while inflation is rising is not bad since dollar weakening means debt now will be worth less later if your interest rate on the debt is lower than inflation. There's a reason why the US Treasury and big banks are taking on more debt now.
Dollar weakening in terms of purchase power not against other currencies.
I didn't have the choice to live with my parents. Got kicked out and as a result i have almost no money to spare and i will be a wagie forever
Kikes and boomers need us all working for nothing or the system collapses in 48 hours
I have one of the moron brothers Paul on my mind right now. The person scammed his audience live. So what? Nothing. He's waiting for a fight with Tyson. Or is it another brother? I don't know much about media jerks.
Better life than many people ever get close to
Wagie jobs suck. When I have a job I think about suicide just about every single day. It's pretty bad when it feels like a better idea to be dead than go to work. There's just no point to anything.
You would make a good husband and father if you aren’t already, anon
>brag about being millionaire meta Google tech lead
>get divorce raped and cucked by your gook wife
>probably she cucked him with a big dicked white guy who stretched her gook pussy to the extent she wouldn't even feel him now
Sounds comfy. I am very proud of my garden and grass. Planted a bunch of trees over the past few years.
4 apple
1 plum
2 cherry
1 peach
1 nectarine
Berry bushes
Red oak
Doing more landscaping projects. So comfy. No, I don't work. Work is for goy cattle.
him showing the guy doing the crazy shit with tensorflow who ended up homeless made me realize it's over, boomers killed it
>>472845492 Birds and other animals don't worry about money, because they know God provides.
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That sounds great. I have a small yard though. I can't grow any trees without blocking my daylight. I feel like society would be better in general if everyone farmed and raised chickens instead of doing whatever worthless busywork they currently do, that could just be automated away. We might as well become farmers because the AI and robots are taking all the other jobs that could ever exist. The world is becoming this technological nightmare and the nightmare machine is gaining escape velocity to leave us behind and then maybe we can go back to farming the earth and living good simple lives.
Boomers need to be savagely beaten to death in the streets
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LINK TO THE ACTUAL SOURCE IF YOU POST A PIC OF IT YOU RETARDED FAGGOT. He actually has a great point he immediately makes. The fed is absolutely destroying our currency so grinding hard for goysdollar is hopeless at this point.
If you’re single take as much debt as you can and don’t pay it.
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I will never work
(this enrages glowniggers)
When did he suddenly become blackpilled? I remember he was telling people to study a couple of years back.
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psyop, work against society not with it
holy shit

He looked at reality
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Is anyone here interested in a partnership to do something meaningfull? We are talking about computer developement.
It's honestly too chill. I get why things are the way they are in America. It drives you like a whip wielding taskmaster. My property tax is under 100€ a year and I have no mortgage. I'm not driven by the whip and so I sit and enjoy life. Did a bicycle ride with my kids today around town.
This is not good for GDP.
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I have a great idea. You click the link and listen to his points and arguments and you can actually see for yourself. Have a pair of rotten titties and also I bid you good day.

2:50 if link doesn't work, some basedboy reddit autist doing wild and crazy shit but can't even get a job, shit is fucked
No but I enrage a nigga known as Mr. Potato Head (You).
here comes the glownigger meltie
Sorry not a glownigger. Mods: cook this baked potato with arms and legs for a month.
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still working hard for your shekels I see
>85 IQ take
Don't take on debt.
Do whatever else you will, please keep it lawful and orderly.
123 nigger received over
I will kill every glownigger
>he has such documents
Thanks for revealing yourself, Mr. Potato Head. It's been a pleasure.
Me too. We got a lot of work to take your kind out!
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everyone will piss on your grave glownigger
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>soooo....is he gonna quit yet?
Sorry not a glownigger. Enjoy the week being bored when your as gets cooked.
Stop responding to it
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There really is no escape from the inflation/tax combo. Unless you're at the point where you need to extract wealth from other people you're going to be pretty stuck. Even at 200k I'm paying something like 60%+ taxes by the time I spend my money. Taxes which obviously have not been adjusted to account for our currency devaluing by half in 4 years because that would force politicians and Laurentians to admit they just fleeced the shit out of the country.
I think this guy is genuinely smart. I wonder what made him blackpilled so quickly. I know he went through a divorce but so does everyone
everyone knows you're a glownigger, at this point it would be more effective if you just admitted to it and tried to make 1 good argument as to why we should slave away for blackrock and die for israel, just 1
I like watching glowniggers squirm though
intellectual pursuits are cope unless they have a significant positive influence
>policing users
Only if they're being dumbasses.

>everyone knows you're a glownigger
You don't know shit about me, nigger Mr. Potatoheadboi
Being alive on this Earth is a cope
Inherently unquantifiable attributes.
>just more glownigger gibberish
figured as much, this is why you keep losing the propaganda war, if you want to convince people that you're representing the right side then you'll have to properly argue for it, but even you glowniggers don't believe that you're on the right side, you just shill for the zog so you get some measly shekels
Lazy chink. I will game the system 24/7 motherbloody I Sam Rothstein of my own casino!!!!
>glownigger gibberish
>you just shill for the zog
That never happens. Post where I've stated this or you're getting reported. There's no time to be lying.
You're not making him squirm though. You're just giving him opportunities to continue his faggotry and spam his predetermined responses.
Chingchong express cope
>predetermined responses
The same shit gets posted here daily.
Kek dumb faggot
Work smarter not harder amirite?
99.999% of Ai is a fucking scam.theres no ai, just statistical models.

On the other hand There's neural link it's seems to be massive leap. Next step is in hardware biological <> mechanic interface
>more cia propaganda gibberish and deflections
you'll never win the propaganda war like this glownigger
I mean that's glowniggers ever do, they just repeat their cia playbook, it's always the same thing too, that's why it's funny to see that if you ever challenge them they just squirm around it like the jews they're trying to imitate
Positive influence is the least of anyone's concern at this point, pursuit of personal happiness is the only thing that matters, if intellectual pursuits are what makes a persons life worthwhile thats what they should do.
honestly fuck hungarian posters they're all fucking niggers and should all be summarily executed
>calling yourself a cuck faggot
Based self awareness
uh oh glownigger meltie
>more cia propaganda gibberish and deflections
>can't defend himself and resports to buzzwords
>you'll never win the propaganda war
There is no war. Seek mental help.
Careful: you'll trigger Mr. Potato Head's "anyone who doesn't agree with my ridiculous worldview is some sort of agent" autism. Sad.
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>reddit glownigger buzzwords
the classic, you're losing the propaganda war along with all the other wars, your muttcraft carrier got dabbed on by the houthis and your think tanks can't come up with anything anymore to make people want to go and die for israel
You can stop making shit up at any moment.
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I told you already, you'd be better off if you admitted that you're a glownigger and tried to present a single reason why we should slave away for the zog, otherwise you're just constantly stuck in this limbo trying to pretend that you're not a glownigger while everyone knows that you're a glownigger
>I told you already, you'd be better off if you admitted that you're a glownigger
And you'd be better off coming out of the closet instead of being obsessed with a nigga who is infinitely above you.
You really are stupid
Nah, he is a professional nagger who just happen to have a programmer's background.
He's got a point dude, do you actually have a reason for someone to work if there is no benefit for it? Particularly in a country with proper welfare?
Why work 40 hours a week to live only marginally better if that than someone claiming a pension and watching anime all day?
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No one asked for that shit.
Only a few crypto projects have privacy.
If it doesn't have privacy built into L1 its a fucking ponzi.
On the contrary, take as much debt as you can and buy assets, that's how you get rich without working.
Nah, beauty will save the world, or at the very least it will save me!
>in a country with proper welfare?
Well, that ain't here. Every so often I go to my local welfare office to see if I qualify for anything. Instead I'm laughed out of the building. Ain't that a bitch? I hope I win the lottery, and soon! I got 4 lifetimes worth of things I ain't gonna get done!
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lol, jews hate the tech lead, but he's right
I fucking hate IoT shit. It's not 100% secure and closed circuit like it should be where you can only control a device remotely with one or a few registered devices that you personally authorize over an encrypted connection.
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>more glownigger gibberish
more accurately though, present a single reason why we should side with the zog in the current global conflict, which is going on right now
I also kinda wanna hear if they have any actual argument for serving the zog, or it's really just reddit buzzwords, childish insults and a weak attempt at peer pressure, as if that was enough to make people die for israel, lmao
Then don't serve zog? You're gonna have to eventually as you're closer to Russia than I am. Defend the Hungarian homeland (after fucking Ukrainan refugees of course).
I put in bare minimum effort and I still got a wife and a house
you don't have to grind, just don't live in cities if you're not a lawyer or doctor or some shit, get a regular job, and don't reveal your power level
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notice how the glownigger didn't answer the question again, just deflected with some retarded gibberish
I WILL kill every glownigger, if russians reach budapest I'm instantly joining them, give 1 reason why I should side with the zog instead of them, just 1
Just kill yourself already
Thats deflection. I could get a pension tomorrow for depression, why should I continue to slave for sheckleberg beyond my own personal goals?
>Yeah but your ancestors were slaves
I am not a slave. And for all of recorded human history a free even illiterate employee could afford to raise a family in their own home.
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I hate blackpillers so much you dont want to be here? leave or cope with alcohol most peoples situation is far from hopless the average person is a retard just look at obesity rates or the most popular social media for evidence.
If you can do basic math Understand average and mean and are autistic enough to do something for a long time fully focused you can fix plenty of shit. Review what you are doing and where it most likely will lead that key i've seen people do the same thing for years with no result If its not working fucking change it if you fail your plan more than 3 times YOU CANT DO THAT do something else
>notice how the glownigger didn't answer the question again
I didn't answer because your delusional and have an unhealthy obsession with shit you neither know or understand.
>give 1 reason why I should side with the zog instead of them, just 1
You tell me, kike.

Can't: I'm too important here in tryna keep you kids outta trouble.
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My ancestors never had to live around shitskins, let alone fund their existence or FEED the fucking things at their expense.
Fake anxiety caused by a brain device and pathetic triggers? Better luck next time.
web3 is a scam, it will never work
and just worthless gibberish again
>you loser neets! go serve the zog and die for israel!
>blahblahblah peepeepoopoo
incompetence crisis really is hitting the cia hard
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This, but "work" for an Israeli tech company and funnel the salary into bitcoin, silver and seeds.

get on SWIM's level.
>big boi
Canacucks really can't help but talk like faggots. Nobody is inspired by your bullshit, move on.
Get a load of this ideologically blinded retard. My ancestors left in order to seek their fortunes in more hospitable lands. Well, unless you're a Crater Earth theorist or you believe in stupid shit like moon landings, there isn't anywhere to go. You have to dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, and you have to do it all alone.
im a glownigger and you're going down son
Nigga all you do is spout worthless gibberish.
COVID literally destroyed the entire industry.
everyone will say this is cope, but its true, golem-niggers will seethe over this post
I'll just run you over
I just wanna hear 1 good reason to serve the zog instead of instantly joining whichever army reaches budapest, be it russians, or chinese, or iranians, or whatever, all you ever do is reddit tier teenage girl shame tactics that everyone just laughs at, we're not dying for israel because a glownigger is calling us names and calling us losers on the internet, try something better
I don't want kids.
I want to kill somebody else's kids.
Over and over and over.
You didn't answer because you don't know yourself. You think there is something admirable about working for nothing, there isnt.
A slave grinding away just to eat sleep and slave again will always be more pathetic than even the most ineffectual slacker, because while both may be losers against the arbitrary metric of modern society, at least a neet owns his own time.
He may be going down soon, but you're going down now. In Usura, you've got to be a bottom if you want to be on top. But don't congratulate yourself too much for having gained this insight early on, because you've completely missed the point.
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Way ahead of you anon
>tech is over
>When was the last time we saw a technological advancement
its almost like when jews take over an industry and replace whites with brownoids that industry dies
>t. smug insectoid stakeholder
I see 6 million (6 in reality adjusted gentile numbers) already have
fuck jeets.
Few people are universally hated. You're one.
>I just wanna hear 1 good reason to serve the zog instead of instantly joining whichever army reaches budapest, be it russians, or chinese, or iranians, or whatever
I don't know. You're a foreigner who can't be trusted?
>all you ever do is reddit tier teenage girl shame tactics that everyone just laughs at
Is this a reaching saying life is a "humiliation ritual"?
>we're not dying for israel because a glownigger is calling us names and calling us losers on the internet, try something better
Then die for the Chinese then though I doubt you look the part.

>You didn't answer because you don't know yourself. You think there is something admirable about working for nothing, there isnt.
Whaddyahmean nothing? You ever been homeless?
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I understand this mentality. It's a similar mentality to my own. I keep my living expenses under 15k a year. My only high value possession is a top of the line PC I built myself. With it I can pursue whatever creative endeavor I want. Money would only buy more hands to work on my projects but at the trade off that they wouldn't be my hands. And managing humans to work on a task fucking sucks dick.
>Few people are universally hated.
Not really.
>You're one.
Not really otherwise I wouldn't be awarded generational poster, inaugural 4chan Hall of Fame inductee, and recipient of the 4chan Lifetime Achievement award bestowed upon me at the 20th anniversary celebration.
hey tranny, YWNBAW.
And your ass will be banned. Doesn't matter to me.

Tranny? What? No. I'm too old for that. You ever see an old troon? No because they transition to suicide.
No, you are. I hate you too.
>You ever been homeless?
Yes, and if it came to going back or having to work just to stay slightly above that for the rest of my life I would go straight back.
again, just pure meaningless empty gibberish, glowniggers really can't exist without censorship huh, if you don't have the mods enforcing your shitty ass cia consensus then you instantly turn into a clown
Luigi says you're a tranny.
everyone hates you glowniggers man
[citation beyond nu science faggotry needed]
I own my car and I have a house, I make really good money, and I get plenty of weeks off (paid no pto required). I admit my life would be extra fun with more cash but at this point it seems just excessively greedy. I already just study subjects I’m into in my free time, play games and lift weights in my home gym. If I had 10m dollars materialize in my bank the only thing that would change is no longer working which isn’t a big deal for me. The only thing I’d do differently is helping my friends and family have a good life to.
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>married a women
>got spermjacked by a women
if you are not redpilled on women you are doomed. If he weren't a STEM rich guy his life would be over after those 2 mistakes.
> implying the audience of Jake or Logan doesn't like to be scammed by their deities
Yep, most white kids in USA are even dumber than niggers, that's what public schools, jewdone and tiktok have done.
I'm sorry to hate that.

>meaningless empty gibberish
Uh-huh. Mods: cook this potato nigga for 7 million seconds.

>literal schizoposting
God damn kid you're easily worked.

Well I'm not a glownigger so everyone must love me! How about that!?
> jewtube
You won at life a friend, cheers! as for your friends and family, you help them what you can and if they are good people that should be good enough for them.
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>nooooo this chud is spreading the truth about the world he needs to be CANCELED! NOOOO SIRR you cant say those things SIIRRR PLEASE!
I feel the same way. Niggers try to shut me down for telling uncomfortable truths. Maybe the chink and I are one in the same...
>mods help, I can't exist without censorship
classic glownigger
>work for those who are harming you
The glownigger rat will only post some trite copy paste bullshit. Stop engaging
Kobe Bryant was sueing some sports drink company for putting a chemical in it that makes people sick. They day before the Sueing/court stuff was going to start he died in the crash.

I don't know if this it true some asain told me this lol
You did it to yourself, spud head.
Based! A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel.
Thank you for doing your part for greater Israel
>copy paste bullshit.
I'm not wasting brainpower on retards thst post the same shit everyday. Is this called automation or nah?
the pajeets come out for tech demoralization threads like a bunch of little roaches. i thought you little disgusting fucks got bullied off this board from all the AI art?
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>Kobe Bryant
Was a freemason, his death (or its staging?) was well planned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHefTrE7Hyg
beg more for censorship glownigger, it's the only thing you can do
so, this new diversion is to create an obvious agitator, then have other bots/shill endlessly (You) it?
AI is getting scarily good. I am just waiting for the "destroy a nations economy.exe" algorithm that will be more dangerous than a nuke
And the only thing you can do is be a moron. Quite a conundrum, ain't it, Mr. Potato Head?
didn't this guy do a bitcoin rugpull on his followers or some shit?
I'm pretty good at shitting on you glowniggers
Nah. I believe it was iceland where they looked at genius level IQ people and what they're doing. 1/3 were working in jobs at their level, 1/3 were working jobs below their level, 1/3 were unemployed.
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>H-he is a professional nagger, Y-yes he has a STEM degree and experience as a tech lead in facebok and google, but he has no idea of how the tech world works, he is just nagging
you are coping, reality is brutal, take the black pill
Just another excuse to have a extracurricular activity based on crime.
Great part of hustlers are just past time criminals
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I don't think this is true; or rather, it's not true because of exterior reality, it's only true because of how we've structured our internal societal reality. The people who run everything are business school/finance/lawyer people who see the world through spreadsheets. The minds of the engineers themselves are limitless and full of new ideas of things we could do, new technologies we could try to solve old problems, but the people who pull the purse strings only see the spreadsheet and so they only see what's been before, not what's to come. They're a managerial class and their calling is just to manage what already exists. They focus on cutting costs and outsourcing because that exists on the spreadsheet. They can't think about creating something new because new things will never appear on the spreadsheet.

The issue is that the fundamental hierarchy is fucked up. Managerial people should be BELOW the people who actually do or create or invent, doing those things is difficult and managing is easy. But because managing is a cushy 9-5 M-F job with predictable hours, good income, great benefits and light physical demands, that's where all owners eventually go; and because they're the owners, they simply assert that managing should be the highest position and best paid position. Because that's where they are. But it's the productive people who do/create/invent who should be in charge of things, and as long as they're not in charge, nothing significant can happen.
>When did he suddenly become blackpilled? I remember he was telling people to study a couple of years back.

he got outted as a scammer then got into some youtuber back and forth, then deleted all his tutorial vids, and I gues now has a fuckyou attitude towards everyone, but it is good essay, coding is a dead end and a fate worse than death
I can't recall whether there are topical arguments in this thread. Tech Lead can afford to retire because he worked hard and invested to win. He's comfortable and will remain so until the confidence game of musical chairs stops playing its music. So that's him.

As for the bastardization strawmanning of him as an example of why 4chan posters should "relax and enjoy life" along with living at home, if possible, and don't "take on debt," this is of course not what he said or how he lives. And he's not at all a hypocrite for inspiring that oversimplified reflection in you.

He said that the grift is over. The YT grift is all used up, as is corporate employment. Okay, that's obvious. The returns are diminishing to such a degree that the ones they are returning to are more or less disappearing midway.

Two directions you can go with that insight. One, live a life less comfortable, afford yourselves spiritual and intellectual treasures which are more or less free for the taking. Two, ask yourselves where the next grift is and get right up front.

Remember those few episodes of the Sopranos where Tony started realizing that the Italian Mafia grift had basically run its course because they were getting confronted by International business, or at least those from outside of the Italian neighborhoods? This is no different from that. You lay around and try to "enjoy," and you're giving them exactly what they want: acquiescence. You become a brain donor to the system.

That has to be the worst possible mistake you could make. That's the one OP encourages, naturally.
based scammer spitting facts
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except the system just can't maintain itself this way for long, we're just gonna wait and chill until the zogged retarded system falls apart due to competency crisis
Not really since I'm not one. Damn! Talk about missing the mark!
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>When was the last time we saw a technological advancement of any significance?
You're clearly living under a rock, additive manufacturing has revolutionized modern engineering capabilities baka we are printing out rocket engines in 1 piece now using metal laser sintering ffs
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I raped a dozen of you glowniggers to death already, and all the jannies too
It can because it has yellow industrialists and brown operators. The system will live on without the people who created it. If you care about the inevitable consequences of "competence crisis," I would ask why if it can at least survive through your own lifetime, possibly even that of your children? Yellow people are not brown people.
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nah it won't, the system is already on the verge of collapsing and it's only getting closer each year
Alternate/companion strategy: Stockpile ~non-perishables which are guaranteed to maintain and gain value over time, such as

toilet paper & paper towels
freeze-dried food in cans
bottled water
weapons & ammo

The ROI won't be as high as for the optimistic bitcoin predictions, but it is guaranteed. And you can't eat bitcoin.
Well, I have yet to meet an optimist who convinced me to abandon my own mind and conscience.
it won't last that long
that's why the powers that be will reverse course to try and save this shithole
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Working for someone else is a fool's game/suckers game as of right now. I'm in a situation where I have two jobs and both don't offer enough hours and play drag-ass with my paycheck...

It's like... no point in telling these people "I can work today" and then they ask you to work two weeks later and get paid 3 weeks later.

My bills don't drag-ass like that.
All I want to do is kill brown and black people, but I couldn't kill enough for it to matter. So I'll just wait until it becomes a necessity (or some other disaster) to get it out of my system, then accept whatever comes after. Maybe go to a Somali apartment complex and spend all my ammo. Whatever, I can't actually care anymore.
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if you asked me 8 years ago if I thought that the system will collapse in my lifetime then I would've said that probably not, but if you ask me now then I don't think the zog even has a decade left, have you seen that last presidential debate? it's fucking over, those are the best 2 people that zogmerica could put on tv, and then if the zog weathers the next 4 years, then what about the next 4 years? and then the next 4 years? no way in hell they can continue like this, just save your energy for the collapse, and skin every glownigger alive
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>but if you ask me now then I don't think the zog even has a decade left, have you seen that last presidential debate? it's fucking over, those are the best 2 people that zogmerica could put on tv, and then if the zog weathers the next 4 years, then what about the next 4 years? and then the next 4 years?
Man no one here thinks about the big picture.
They're so wrapped up in thinking about this like some sportsball team sport and a big ego competition of who gets to be King and tell everyone else what to do...

But in the end, you're right, the system just spites out two old dudes who got there because money and connections.
The big picture we're missing out on is civilization as a whole needs leaders who can lead it and breath life into the various cycles of it...

We really do need younger, smarter, leadership!
Stop "working" at all. This is slavery. Stop enabling it.
don't do that to your parents
work hard for them if you're gonna live with them.
not too hard, but as hard as you can manage. it's good to practice discipline so you have it when you need it.
There is no America. There is no Zogmerica. It is theater. They are actors. The system doesn't cease to exist when one of the Parties take the reins because the Parties don't control it. They administer it. They are the paid employees of another power. All countries run under this same system. You're thinking in absurd terms. I think your heartstrings have been pulled a little too hard by much ado about nothing.
boomers will keep trying to hang on to power until their last breath, it's really important for biden and trump for some reason to be president at 85, then once the boomer generation is gone it'll all collapse like a house of cards, everyone will instantly start fighting over the scraps and nobody will care about maintaining complex system, if there were people who could do it in the first place, the next decade will be a painful slow death of the system and then suddenly all the vultures will start fighting over the carcass
just semantics at this point, there is a parasitic jewish ruling class that feeds on the ego of the boomer generation, but the boomer generation doesn't have much time left
Yeah, like I'm going to trust a Chinese dude to tell me tech is dead. Pretty convenient for the CCCP.
he should have just pivoted to something else.

plus these fags only ever wanna work at tech companies like amazon and google and apple. not realizing that every other company like walmart or homedepot or comcast has software engineering and other tech positions open.
It isn't semantics when there is an abundance of empirical evidence just outside your echochamber.
bullshit glownigger cope, muttmerica is ruled by the zog, and they have a bunch of vassal states, the zog is rotting from the inside while they're waging wars against the "barbarians", it's a tale as old as time, we're just watching it happen in real time
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There were white countries and they're doomed, that's all that matters.

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