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> but USA is happy to take up the Role as saviour of Israel, yet again!
Biden said no golems they are on their own
>ww3 cancelled
wrong, the golem fight isreals wars
This actually makes WW3 more likely, since Israels weak position makes Hezbollah, Iran, etc. more likely to attack, and if they did attack and Israel is unable to fight them alone, America will swoop in, resulting in the West being involved in another major war in the Middle East
This means we're closer to the Samsung Auction
Nothing. Ever. Happens.
But we could avoid that by nuking Israel instead?
Oy Vey! This cannot be allowed! we must start drafting americans immediately!!
I’m not sure why they thought they could stretch their small conscript “army” thin by fighting Hezbollah while still involved in the Gaza fiasco. At the end of the day, jews are genetically and culturally a group of cowards. Many have deserted and fled Israel for their original host countries. Dual citizenship should be abolished.
Should Israel be allowed to draft Americans?
The answer may surprise you
Turns out war in fact sucks
>another major war in the Middle East

and at home because Europa has enough gaza supporting migrants and local leftists to chimp out.
In Germany the college students and colleges are very anti Israel. They even occupied a Campus in Berlin and shut down a speech of Annalena Baerbock.

in the middle of the worst conflict they claim in 50 yrs
>let officers leave the army
makes no sense
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not to worry
the "far right" will send whites to fight for them soon
lol yea that's why they're reinstalling drumpf
>My fellow Americans, we must come to the aid of our closest ally
This situation proves once and for all that these parasites simply have to be exterminated. Literally what else can you do?
Jews wetting their pants again.
They never play sports either.
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>Dual citizenship should be abolished.
This. If I were president I'd force all duel citizens back to the other country and they'd have to reapply for citizenship.
This means all the jews go to Israel.
And we wouldn't be letting them back in.
That's how you get rid of the jews without saying so.
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Expose them to the most excrutiating form of torture ever: manual labor.
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Yes jew due to inbreeding you could be retarded.
I thought that term was considered offensive for decades?
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This cannot stand, quickly - send another meatwave into gaza
Damn, 100,000 childrens souls was the limit. Those guys leaving must be the good ones.
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Likud is chasing moderates out of the Israeli army
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>Those guys leaving must be the good ones.
why don't they just not let them leave
didn't they get all the jews from ukraine 2 years ago
>why don't they just not let them leave
Yea they could recall them and threaten to revoke their Israeli citizenship if they don't at least.
>They even occupied a Campus in Berlin and shut down a speech of Annalena Baerbock.
Based BB is a idf shill.
trust the plan goy
Oh no! Don't leave, you need to fight for Israel. No one else is going to do it for you.

These deserters are going to come to America to pack you all into vans in order to keep their own asses safe btw.
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why not
You think all of these immigrants were imported by Globalist Elite to live a life of luxury?
They are connan fodder you fool.
WW3 re engaged.
Check 'em.
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i should clarify
they will send whites to die for the jew
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can't stop them from leaving to yahweh land lol
>They are connan fodder you fool.
Immigrants are exempt you judas goat faggot.
Unfortunately, Trump supporters aren't mindless drones that do what they're told. No one who wouldn't fight for the kikes before will just because Trump says so.
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>thinks they will send the browns instead of the whites
lmao even
Time for Americans to die for Israel!
manual labor isn't worth all that much anymore
more trouble than its worth, and we have our own people that need jobs
there is no argument against total kike death
remember the 6 million goyim that haven't died
You are not getting off that easily.
Don't start something you can't finish.,
Now is the time to pile on israel.
The US isn't send fuck all to fight for them no one is going.
Hubristic and they can just run away. They piss off all their neighbours in part because they can just dip. The Middle East has perhaps never been as unified now that the Shia Sunni feud has died down after flaring up around the 70s, raging in the 2010s, then dying down.
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>Unfortunately, Trump supporters aren't mindless drones that do what they're told.
>Tapping the sign intensifies.
No no no anon

They want American citizens as cannon fodder – the immigrants are the low wage workforce replacement to ensure the oligarchy can continue to live comfortable lives while Amerifats have to deal with rations and lower standard of living.
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>Trump supporters aren't mindless drones that do what they're told.
everyone laugh
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Time to draft americans, they'd love nothing more than to die for Israel.
Deuteronomy 32:30
> 30How can one [person] pursue a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their [Mighty] Rock has sold them out, and the Lord has given them over?
It’s happening.
Immigrants will be LEOs that enforce the draft just like in Turner diaries
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time to die for israel, zogbots
Yes, yes, the shills keep ignoring this so people relax
immigrants will be the labor force when whites are sent to their extinction
let them trust the plan
its already too late
My people are in danger, retards that they are
true but sadly its already too late
nothing can stop what is coming
They ran out of diapers
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Greetings rajeet
American can do Jan. 6 again in D.C
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>1950s: pretend to be a woman to get out of the Army
>2020s: pretend to be a woman to make Major
not a poonigger, jew boy
im actually white
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>American can do Jan. 6 again in D.C
ur funny
DC isn't America...
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>Oys and veys echo through the tunnels as the rats flee
it's time for marines to step in
trump will make sure of that
Then show your real flag then hope your pay comes late
Biden can lie now all he wants as long as its part of official business.
It will be a similar situation to the Vietnam War, which was very unpopular at home in the US especially with the same crowd that is anti Israel today, students and leftists, except now with millions of migrants from the region the war is taking place in. In spite of how unpopular it was, they instituted drafts anyway, but it will be even harder now with an even less willing population. Since a major war in the Middle East will likely lead to other nations seizing the opportunity to accomplish their own military goals while the West is distracted with Russia and the Middle East (e.g. China invading Taiwan, North Korea invading South Korea) there will need to be a far more expansive draft policy as well.

Bringing back right wing nationalism and the removal of Muslims from Europe is the only way they can salvage this and make winning the inevitable upcoming world war possible, which they are currently trying to do with pro Israeli parties like PVV in the Netherlands, RN in France (which will soon win the election), etc. but I doubt they will be able to do this everywhere fast enough, or even do it at all considering how neutered a lot of these parties are, to prevent this disaster from occurring. Reform UK for example, our own kosher right wing populist party, wont have a chance to get into power until 2029 since Labour is guaranteed to win on July 4th. This really goes to show how completely and utterly incompetent the ruling elite is.
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Half a million people left? Where did the million people go? Did the US find homes for the two million? When can the four million refugees return to Israel?
By Crom!
in all seriousness the true number is over 1 million now
they are in america and europe now
If you don’t respond to my post to show your real flag you are a dirty street shitting gas station running raping jeet
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>b-b-b-but the memeflaggot
heres ur shekels jew boy
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Also post hand to prove you are white
The debate was partly a kike dick-sucking contest, partly two old men arguing over their golf games.
Fed twitter post kikes are too cowardly to try anything like that unless they are that stupid
Isn't this the reason theyre trying to pass the law to draft the Orthodox?
No that just means you will be going instead
meaningless, jews cant fight
they need whites to win for them
This is what I heard, though I cannot comprehend that there are still adults who spend time watching these things
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this is Humboldt University Berlin
they hate Nazis of course but they also hate "colonisers"
>and many officer are leaving
so what, they just say "nope." and get up and leave? How does that work?
Common show me real flag
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does the jew not wish to transition into a nugget? (pronouns deep/fried)
As a Jew myself I’ve always supported white nationalism.
I hope isnotreal becomes a crater
>so what, they just say "nope." and get up and leave? How does that work?
they left on a one way trip to hell
Kys kike
more like "murka pls send white people for us to kill"
Explain why they didn't take "Trump's vaccine" then.
If you identify as jewish it literally means you are antiwhite. That is the only unifying factor within all of judaism.
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>Unfortunately, Trump supporters aren't mindless drones that do what they're told
Good one KEK
>Explain why they didn't take "Trump's vaccine" then.
citation needed
too late
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Ignoring the reality that at least 30% to 40% of trump voters took it to keep their jobs. Classic MAGA cult logic.
Most of them did. And even if they didn't most didn't stop supporting him
what is this?
they're going to kill their own wounded?
I think you mean person power. Use DEI to fix this.
Did they run out of diapers or did they grow a heart?

Oh I see. It's expensive to heal the wounded.
the big wave of suicides will come after the kikes lose the war and the nuggets realise that they lost their limbs for nothing
Biden doesn't even know what planet he's on
the left can't meme
fuck off fed
>America will swoop in

with an army of midget mexicans who cant speak english lol
They can just use poos, there are millions of them anyway. I’m sure poos would immigrate to israel
Why can't these kikes junp on india's goypower? They've enough jeets to storm the entire middle east and back. Plus the support, saaars!
“Get the goyim over there!”
Callate puto. Who says I don’t speak no english
>hundreds of thousands suffering from ptsd
>tens of thousands are permanently disabled
>hundreds are committing suicide
>dozens are shooting and killing their own on the battlefield
if only u knew how bad things really are
>America will swoop in
It won't. Even if foreign wars weren't as unpopular, can you imagine the logistics of invading Iran or Libya? US almost lost half its air carriers just by MOVING them from port to port.
A lot of US military might only exists on paper and turned to rust decades ago.
go back to mexico you disgusting goblin
Was going to post exactly this. It smells like they're cooking up Vietnam 2: Jewish Boogaloo, drafts and all.

The one piece you're forgetting is that there WILL BE another 9/11-type of incident. They need their Gulf of Tonkin, but it has to be way, way worse, and it easily can be. They will pull that switch whenever they want, but probably have it pre-planned for decades at this point. The Simpsons probably predicted what will happen in some episode.

Anyway once that occurs, it will whip up all the white American boys once again just like 9/11 and many will voluntarily join to fight the great Satan and spread the love of globohomo tyranny.
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Because I want to gauge how bad things are.
FYI, biden and trump are great defenders of israel, love black people or immigrants, are excellent golfers, and they have great sons and don't fuck porn stars.
Also, the economy is trump's fault and covid deaths are biden's fault.
So no nukes AND Israel is fucked. Good deal.
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wishful thinking because u have no idea whats actually taking place
its good to remain optimistic but reality is much different
of course
they can either have an army that is barely sufficient to defend their own territory against one of their state enemies, or an economy
they cannot maintain even that, since any losses will be impossible to replace
they are up shit creek without even a spoon let alone a paddle
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Israeli Diaper Force Operations Manual...
They have nearly 400,000 men in their reserves. Nearly every single Israeli male has military experience from their conscription days.
This is MSM front-loading for drafting US/Nato soldiers instead. Can't waste soldiers defending the homeland when they're too busy genociding Palestinians.
They were always allowed to do that, melodramatic idiot.
I single-handedly beat the holocost by 97.3% over the last 15 years. Anything holocost related only has a 3.6% valuation of your time, there for it is not valuable, including Israel.
Most of those are probably westerners with cheap retirement homes or migratory tech worker types. Something similar to an ex-pat with a home in the sun. Clearly not willing to sacrifice their grandchildren for it.
those reservists form the core of the industrial side of their military industrial complex, such as it is
they cannot afford them to be decimated
>They have nearly 400,000 men in their reserves.
6 months ago? u think they are not rotating the cripples?
That's why they need an israeli cock sucker more than ever thats why trump might really win this time
Thank god I was getting tired of him being truthful with us.
And do something genuinely good for the rest of humanity and yourselves? Perish the thought! What would your military contractors and AIPAC do then?
>This really goes to show how completely and utterly incompetent the ruling elite is.
Believe me when I tell you this, that suits us very much. You DON'T want competent elites oppressing you. The reason we're in this mess is because the elites in the past shored up wealth and power by being far too shrewd and savvy.
I'm pretty sure /pol/ doesn't realize the implications of the election results this year, but it really does boil down to this:
1.) Biden wins, in which case the amerigolems have actually escaped zionist containment somewhat into left-wing insanity that will inevitably dissolve the nation.
2.) Trump wins, in which case the amerigolems are swiftly brought back into control via right-wing insanity and deep-throating Israel so hard it leads to WW3
3.) (least likely) The elections are declared invalid and the amerigolems finally wake the fuck up that their political system is utterly rigged and pursuing it in any way leads to self-destruction in any scenario. Civil war likely breaks out, but it's by far a tamer option compared to the price they'd pay with options 1.) or 2.)
They'll draft the muttoids
>In spite of how unpopular it was, they instituted drafts anyway
This is not true. There was already a draft in place that never ended since WW2.
No, we are not. The world is beyond ready for the desert people to fucking disappear forever.
Why do you prefer infinite immigration over throwing a few billion at a proxy state in oil country? Pisses me off that people are so desperate to virtue signal their hatred of the kikes that they will slow anything else to happen.
correction, the draft ended in 1945 but then started up again in 1948 and lasted till 1973
This is a kike
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Throw away your country and vote for Biden then. Fucking amazing.
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Communists do all those things.
Who will you vote for?
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who are u trying to fool yahudi?
im not american but i always vote for TKD
This is a kike
Wars too dirty, nobody wants to go to The Hague’s courts.
This. Kill em all
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it is all very tiresome
>Communists do all those things.
All the pro-Trump shills that showed up since the debate keep talking about "communists." It's such obvious non-standard rhetoric for the board. You really get the sense that there are different factions of shills. You have your JIDF shills which focus on calling anyone who is Christian or supports Palestine "brown." You have your pro-Ukraine NAFO and glownigger shills.

This guy is some other kind of boomer shill who comes in here and tells us we have to support a backstabbing jew controlled zionist because of "communism," which is some kind of bizarre neocon talking point that only a boomer could ever think would be effective.
There are also some shills who are usually more sophisticated that will shill across multiple topics. I call these "horizontal shills" and the simpler one topic shills "vertical shills" or "siloed shills." Horizontals often give themselves away when they switch topics in the same thread. Like they're calling you an incel for talking about the woman question and then suddenly they starting talking about "Christcucks"
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*cough cough* Candace Owen's *cough cough* niggers *cough*
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well said
The pissraeli "officers" are like, E2's and E3's over there. There's been like 10 diaper force colonels killed, which if the US lost 10 colonels they'd be pissing themselves and nuking shit because something that has gone insanely, incredibly wrong.
That's really why if Iran or Hezbollah or Lebanon or the Taliban want to do anything to Israel?
Now would be the fucking time.
With Biden in office, it's not just him that entire administration is just a bunch of blundering kikes. They'll react slowly and poorly.
Once Trump gets back in the military will change, and probably a lot of things will change.
Israel will go back to being safe, although I think Ukraine, Israel 2.0 is lost forever and even Trump admits that thank God.
Trump is set up as kosher Hitler, evident since the mugshots
Brit anon, are you jewish? If not, you may want to read this.
The jews have a plan, it is in the Torah. It instructs them to rule over nations. You are in a mafia right now colluding with them, but as they did in America with the Italian mafia, once they are able to, they will do away with you.
Just think about that.
Then again, you are probably a jew, or a short sighted rootless mutt who loves money and thinks in the here and now.
Wars for Israel push Arabs out. Jew (and Church of England) NGOs ship them in.
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Because once again they expect Westerners to become their cannon fodder sacrificial Golem army
Anyone who spends any time here knows they are two sides of the same shekel
Bot Trump's biggest donor and Biden's biggest donor?
Why do you bother man, all of Pol is fileld to the brim with sandniggers and sandnigger enablers.
Jews are also sandniggers
shalom satan
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>This actually makes WW3 more likely, since Israels weak position makes Hezbollah, Iran, etc. more likely to attack, and if they did attack and Israel is unable to fight them alone, America will swoop in, resulting in the West being involved in another major war in the Middle East
You still don't get it. We armed the Taliban on purpose to face the NWO based in Israel. Israel tried to overthrow the DJT government once Q started exposing the the human trafficking operations.

>Israel will go back to being safe, although I think Ukraine, Israel 2.0 is lost forever and even Trump admits that thank God.
Yea there's two factions of kikes. There's the Ukraine faction (democrat/globalist) and the Israel faction (republican/zionist). Obviously there is more overlap than difference between the two and not every kike is clearly bucketed in one or the other group, but there is tension over military and financial resources. Historically these two groups have just pursued their own goals without obstructing each other's and while also maintaining the classical ethnic grievance and networking ties that bind jews together (they all give each other jobs, access to capital, and work to subvert white interests and Christian morality). If Drumpf gets in, they will do a big show of making peace in Ukraine which will give Drumpf big points as a peacemaker. It will also help them reestablish to some degree the fiction that party politics are real and vooting matters.

After they make peace in Ukraine they will pivot to Israel's enemies. They don't have the strength or political capital to fight a full war so they will probably hope that they can get their way through intimidation of having the full attention of the eye of Sauron. Putin could throw a wrench in their plans by demanding punitive terms against Ukraine, but I don't think he will because he's kind of a cuck. His terms should be all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper plus Odessa to Russia, and that the Ukraine rump state is demilitarized and prevented from joining either NATO or the EU. Most likely he will settle for territory already captured and no NATO.

You also appear to have a sort of third glownigger faction of which Cucker Tarlson is the faceman. These types want to maintain the America's dominance as the leader of the classical American Empire and the classic liberal world order and see China as the primary threat. They are against supporting either Ukraine or Israel because they want to go to war with China over Taiwan which is mentally insane. So they are simultaneously both the most and least insane of the three factions. Like the two primary factions, they do not care at all about white interests, although they are mostly agnostic because they actually believe the anti-racism ideology (unlike jews) rather than maliciously hostile

The ideal case for us would be a stalemate between all three factions, and the empire tries to fight Russia, the Muslim world, and China simultaneously, which would probably collapse the dollar and lead to total kike death.
It's theater until they false flag something (again). They want plausible deniability because there are too many noticers nowadays. They need a public panic and crisis ala 9/11 from some dirty CIA payroll desert nigger (no we did not learn anything).
Zionism makes sense. It forces the jews to fight among themselves instead of them all supporting international communism. It's also a giant thorn in the side of Islam which is objectively one of the two most evil ideologies ever created. Plus it results in millions of jews living there instead of here. It's a giant win win for the west.
This is a kike
Worse an anglo that dispises all of the following, globohomo commies, Islam, jew supremacy.
Of course they are leaving. This is what they do every time their host nation goes to war. What chutzpah to think you would be different just because you label yourself like them.
>Israeli media: We are facing a
serious manpower crisis in the
Israeli army, and many officers
are leaving
Wasn't that what America was for?
muttland has a bit of a recruitment problem of its own rn
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well, that's cool. i'm gonna go grab some tacos then.

Still not fighting for Israel even if they try to draft me.
they are already trying to rebrand the white genocide as "christian genocide". see mi6 asset candace owens
>manpower shortage
what the fuck happened? Did arabs finally learn how to fight?
>Trump supporters aren't mindless drones that do what they're told
Yeaaa....about that.
secular jews forgot how to fug
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Jews always trick their enemies into killing each other.
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send in the amerigolems!
They thought that by arranging a beer boycott and putting a few White men in a military ad it would make all the goyim come running like it was 2001
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kek, they are doomed regardless
oh, nice one!
>The Dor Yeshorim brigades
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What about this?
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or even this, I wonder how many of these cringe fucks got their asses blasted by Hamas since then
>country is half muslim now because of refugees from endless wars for Israel
>why dont you just support us goy??
you are jewish
Pampered people are sick of war. People chiseled by hard times with little to nothing have nothing to lose and will fight to the last man. Developed nation's men have no reason to fight all their needs are met so they aren't looking to war. When Westerners were hungry and poor back in the day going to war fed them gave them shoes clothes shelter money. Today mommies do that.
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Is this like mutt nations wasting resources on special needs people to make them feel included in a shared society before tucking them in a corner? Or do they really send these... "people" to the front in the Jewish equivalent of McNamara's Folly?
SURELY they haven't 1 upped them EVUL NAZIS by engaging in Aktion T4 via meat grinder?
trump will send troops to lebenon to fight Hezbollah.
>trump will send troops to lebenon to fight Hezbollah.
Kek, negative.
Scared of Hezbollah
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>here’s your far right nationalist, bro
Communism and judaism are the same thing
>Unfortunately, Trump supporters aren't mindless drones that do what they're told. No one who wouldn't fight for the kikes before will just because Trump says so.
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Denounce the Talmud.
>Dutchman isn't literally Hitler

It's never enough for you faggots
Faggot jew
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lol what planet are you on? He will worship kikes and niggers in your face and you will still be part of the cult
This is the part where the US enters the war officially to help it's greatest ally
You wish. Some of them just came here to smash skulls at college compasses with wooden boards. Those are worse than the guys who stayed in Israel to fight. From a moral perspective at least, they are fighting for their country and might kill some Hamas kidnappers instead of civilians.
>Samsung Auction
How did I miss this beautiful turn of phrase?
Not our problem. Fuck Israel.
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>jews are chickenshits
>refuse to fight their own wars
>anxiety starts to kill their own
>help us reeeeeeeee
how is this not surprising
its literal on point genetic traits of a kike
>"We are the strongest army in the middle east!Save us filthy goyim or they beat us!"
from the river to the sea
one of these days we'll wake up and tel aviv will be full of dead pedos, fags and trannys while muzzies run amok
there's not a lot kikes can do to stop it, and given that the samsung option is also ideal for everyone
Uhhh, just pay some pajeets to do it for you, i guess.
>wait, Benjamin is taking bribes, and fucking the courts
>let's stay here and see how this works out
70k dead or severely wounded joos for the last 8 months are no joke
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are u okay rabbi?
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>pooniggers fighting on the battlefield
i laugh
u dont get to choose, we're already in ww3.
Not to worry master! We have many indolent zoomers to contribute to the war effort that I will happily volunteer to your service!
t. - boomer politician
Nobody can force you to actually fight.
If you are going to die anyway, may as well use the gun they issue you to commit an hero.
yeah but dont forget to ask the hohols for some real advice
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my jeewgle translator says:
we need someone else to die for us
Even with all their missiles, bomber aircrafts, and tanks, these retards still find ways of losing troops, amazing. TKD
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checked and accurate
he has a jihai flag you cunt. how fucking white do you think is he? but if he stays in his country and wont come to white people countries i dont give a rats ass about it.
looky here
im very white with pink nipples and uncut tanned semi brown cock
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Great, fuck kikes.
Can confirm.
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send more shekels!
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Even Jews won't fight for Israel. Between that and demographic collapse, Israel is over. There is no benefit to the US backing Israel and the many wars they create. Just let Israel die and overnight all of our ME enemies disappear. If we'd stopped terrorism at its root in Israel after 9/11 we would be in a much better strategic position today.
Plenty of fresh meat in the orthodox neet comunity.
Jew misinformation. Stop falling for it.
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People who study history end up becoming some of the most dangerous people.
Get two birds stoned at once, man. Dead jews and dead jeets.
yeah but we both know they want the whites dying for them not the brown kike lovers
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lol, have some vintage mural art
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>Samsung Auction
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I don't get it
Dont get to leave jew. This is the fate you have brought amongst yourselves. Humans vs beasts. Beasts win you piece of shit hope you kvetch on your gefilte fish. I also remember a high school class mate must hsve been a poor jew because she went to public school. Really had a nose on her large enough she was even bothered by it. She hated being a jew.
>please wait a white before you post
made me add content and editing faggot jannies
Thats why they will push trump into the WH.
The Samson Option, Israeli plan to nuke Europe out of pure spite and malice if they get fucked. But worry not friend, for nukes are fake an gay
OHhhhNO!!, You're NOT gonna deprive me of my post-Apocalyptic future I was PROMISED for over 30 years...
I even have a Alpha, Bravo, Charlie... ALl the FUCKIN' WAY to Unicorn!!
By GOD I'll have my post-Trib RAPTURE.
Hell, I already have the trading outpoast/brewery, food logistics and security figured out..
The Medicos are working on turning used Wegovy Injecto-pens into stimpacks using high dosages of methamphetamine, Adrenaline, OVER 9000 units of Ascorbic acid, antibiotics and possibly some nutropics derived from the greenhouses--but I'm prolly gonna save that for the Mentats®.
you...YOU CAN'T TAKE this from me...
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>Samson Option
Ohhh okay now I get it. Thanks fren.
Manual Labor will kill 6 million
Import poojeets
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>yea well they would kill themselves
Yea, that is the reason why it's called the Samson Option. They might die but they will take the world with them.
Send in the White goys. Combat is worse than manual labor.
lmao i think you meant
>trump comes back to office and chuddies go head first into the meatgrinder for MIGA and israel lmao
fuck america
>they're going to kill their own wounded?
Cheaper to pay for a funeral than to pay his benefits for the rest of his life. With the added bonus that they can now inflate their causality count in order to attempt to paint the mussies as evil bad guys, for killing soldiers during a war. Or maybe they put out that bullshit headline to distract, while they use the "too injured to fight" soldiers as guinea pigs for the next "pandemic" human trials.
Sounds like they need more migrants
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>but they will take the world with them.
>200 nukes
>the world
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The "Samson option" is a psychological weapon, a trick. Basically it is to trick you into not opposing israel "because you will get nuked if israel loses".
>keep your pics of nigger cunt out of our thread
>look at that herpes outbreak
From Syria, or from Iran.
>implying jews will be fighting in ww3
Tony Blair pls go
>russia, belarus, china, iran and dprk attack Europe
>no ww3
>sandnigger militia launches few drones that don't hit anything
>this is supposed to start a ww3
There go the jews fucking with the numbers again. How is there 120% attendance? Did they count one-fifth of the soldiers twice?
1. You assume they will be nice about it and do Airbursts.
2. You assume they don't have the full strength Tsar Bomba(100 MT) that was acquired after the fall of the USSR
>There go the jews fucking with the numbers again. How is there 120% attendance? Did they count one-fifth of the soldiers twice?

It means dudes volunteering who weren't even mobilized/drafted/requested
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>thinks the nukes are all in Israel and not scattered around in strategic places where they ALREADY have influence..
Point and Laugh, Frens...Point... and... LAFF!
Our Democrats worship Jews and Israel just as much they just have to pretend they don't 15% of the time. Dems vote for legislation/bills that Jews want 90% of the time or don't vote at all so it still gets passed.
Nothing ever happens
Plan long term anons
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What like major cities? Leftist strongholds filled with niggers and kikes? On no.
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>>>russia, belarus, china, iran and dprk attack Europe
Pig-brained retard
trolled by kikes
you probably want some vitamin K in there as well
It was pretty hilarious seeing all those "End wokeness WHYTE PRYDY 1448" twitter accounts shit their pants when Hamas attacked
and make sure these american soldiers are white, young and most importantly biologically male
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>Dropping 2000 pound bombs on refugees, apartment buildings and hospitals in gaza
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" You’re not fighting for your “country.” You’re fighting for Blackrock’s interests. "
Well, times for goyim to step up!
Jews need the goyim to sign up for the draft. Jews need white males to be murdered in wars Jews start. It’s about making shekels and murdering white people. All the white Christians who worship the Jew will have their children drafted and slaughtered by the Jew.
Is this modern journalism? you just make up shit on twitter and provide zero source?
im being visually and auditory nuked by their presence already
would be great if nukes fell. finally cleansed
>jews are genetically and culturally a group of cowards.
This. Troll-blooded sub-humans.
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Torah Jews need to do more than be zionism bread mold.
chief rabbi of universe will summon golems for combat

just wait, you will see it soon

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