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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She is soon getting married to her beloved bisexual African Shaman. Wish her happiness and lots and lots of beautiful mixed children!
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The future of Norway looks bright!
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Even Aryan royalty can't deny the BBC

The Norwegian royals are slaves to Espen Barth Eide. Whether she actually likes the baboon or serves him sexually to appease Espen's cuckold fetishes is left unclear.
She's 52 and already has 2 white adult daughters......
I do not care for the royal families.

She has 3 daughters actually. All of whom Shaman Durek is also fucking. You think Espen's cuck fetishes end with just the mother? LMAO.
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>no eggs
lol, yeah
Dried up. No breeding here.
Bey bey Norway. Your aristocracy is insane.
Absolutely disgusting!
She’s like 60, so thank goodness she can’t birth any royal monkey spawn.
Children? Bitch looks 60
>and lots of beautiful mixed children!
Her ovaries are raisins now. Anyway, sucks to see that even Greece has been infected with the nigger bbc cuck porn shit. What happened to that Big Greek Cock spammer? lol
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Sehr sehr eifersüchtig, haha
The world will become a better place when you and your country ascend to the upper atmosphere via sublimation.
>Children? Bitch looks 60

A whistle blower from Norway just told me that Espen forces the young Norwegian royals to mate with the African baboon as a part of his belief that it would give birth to superior Italian babies. Someone must tell him that Scandinavian + Africa != Italian ...This is pseudo science of the highest order! A complete sham! does not understand genetics & he must be stopped
White bride world wide
Our women need BBC
No offense but how could you see something like this and don't feel the presence of Satan or Moloch himself?
Coalburning Whore with hiv and aids
Rasputin for zoomers
Jajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajjja HAHAHAHHAHHAHHA

enjoy our trash
Most likely is some sort of mental or economic manipulation to normalize bestiality to combat "fascism" or some shit like that, she is a menopausic gramdma, when women are horny they do weird things but this don't happens with menopausic women at least not that often the nog is Homosexual too looks like a theater but I don't know what or why?
She's not actually in the line of succession anymore, right?
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>Wish her happiness and lots and lots of beautiful mixed children!
She is of Greek ancestry
Coalburning Whore with hiv and aids
Bisexual black guys with stds, stis, hiv/aids are the only blacks that go for white girls
Not to mention if she was hornsy for some sexual fetish she can keep it to herself

This have the same feeling like when a transsexuals wins a Beauty contest to make them believe nothing is impossible if they decided to castrate themselves.

This is a massonic ritual to combat racism let them have a feeling of integration and belongings (the niggers) or some shit like that
What's wrong with you people...

Coalburning queen with hiv and aids

She is just the cover for Aspen's royal + African breeding program. If a royal grandma like her needed a man, she could have gotten an old white aristocrat. Aspen is a Communist and he turned the Norwegian royals into his puppet-slaves, they can do nothing without his command and what is more humiliating than mating with baboons? + It helps normalizing Scandi-baboon relationships as it's now seen as a status symbol among Millennial & Zoomer sluts ... Mixing the races is a part of their agenda, since it destroys identities - Their whole idea is to first dilute identities by mixing them & allowing anyone to be what he identifies, than once meaningless, they would cease to exist.
Im glad she is marrying the black guy. Most coalburners catch hiv and aids from their black hook ups then marry a white betabux
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I don't care mate, I am just posting the ARYAN EVROPEAN MONARCHYKINO
So he also sucks dick too? White women lmao

I'm telling you Aspen's evil plan, shared by his WEF masters, but you think that's my own inventions ... WRONG. Just look at >>472852578. They're mixing your royalty with niggers in order to make niggers status symbols among young women.
>The Norwegian royals are slaves to Espen Barth Eide.
barth Eide is a nobody weasel and the former princess was stripped of her title a decade ago.
based jew? I don't even know anymore. at least you're honest. tell me more about this strange man named after a tree.
Fucking yurope
Meh I don't buy it, this has the same feeling of the Black spiderman


Maybe one of the reasons is to de-radicalize immigrants nogs and their variants.

Certainly the royals are clowns from someone else and is related to the international bankers.
Aids ridden bitch
Europe knows they are weak compared to americhads
Some racist white boy probably jerked off to this.
Royalty is an embarrassment. Euros would do well to get rid of these elitist fools
That nigger takes it up the ass while a fat jew watches, wife aint even in the picture.
Many such cases
It’s your agenda, also get the fuck off this website, rat.
He's is trolling with made up bullshit is kind of hilarious desu certainly this is a Show for the masses for what reason? IDK maybe Breivik was gaining momentum

If he's a nobody, how is it that he can order the Norwegian king Herald IV & queen what to say, forcing them to retract previously sent letters? If he's a nobody, why is it that he can force their crown prince Haakon to go into a humiliation ritual in a mosque, where he went to apologize for a man who ACTUALLY HAD BALLS and shot up a mosque? The cuck crown prince was even forced to offer to shake the hands of the Islamic whores, who refused to shake the White man's hand.




I've first met him after I was invited a WEF meeting in Portugal in 2017. He is an insufferable Commie even worse than the most of them. He holds complete dominion over their government from the shadows (Despite being officially the minister of foreign affairs) and every Norwegian be it a politician, public official or businessman was peeing their pants whenever he begun to scream at them ... Either way I wouldn't be surprised if he forces their main bloodline of royals to breed with niggers too.
I think I got it is propaganda to alienate nogs and their alikes the same way they did in France, the whore princess was a useless old bitch anyway but bc she was a princess is a sounding lasting message his husband was a useless depressed faggot and killed himself.

Social engineering again.
He is a weasel a nobody maybe he do belongs to shabbos club but he just follow instructions.

De-radicalizing Muslims is impossible due to the hostile nature of Islam. You could de-Islamize them similarly to how Germans got de-Nazified but who knows. Either way the solution is clear:

A final solution to the issue of illegal migrants and ”refugees”: All illegal migrants/refugee applicants will from now on be rounded up and detained in open air prisons (They broke the law when they entered here illegally). They will have to pay for their own capture and deportation – They would be given a fine worth the amount of money used to capture them + reparations for the damages they caused and to send them back home + all their expenses we have to pay for while they are here – From rent for their cells & tents to amnesties, food and water. They would be sent to work outside of the camp if they cannot pay the fine(s) they would either work on the construction and building our national infrastructure or working for local companies offering jobs to the detained (We will make sure they get fair wages thought that fit their productivity). If they really feel like they are not safe in their home countries they can stay in the work camps and get paid while they are here until they believe it’s time for them to get home/Their refugee status has been determined to be legal (If it has been they would be released and free to remain in our country as residents until their country is safe – Of course in the case of most of them their countries ARE SAFE and they are economic migrants as such they will be able to choose between work camp and going home).
Shut up stupid kike the nasty bitch princess married the homo nog to de-radicalize nogs, integrate them easily and united the different kind of people and facilitate inmigration and comunion.
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Shabos? No we hate him lol. /Poltards think politics are controlled by one faction. So it's either da Jooz or da Gooks or whatever. In reality you talk to different groups. You form & break alliances based on personal interests, national interests, ideology, religion, race and etc. Just because I talk to these filthy sub humans, doesn't mean I'm their friend. Far from it, give me the opportunity & their heads would be rolling :)
Regardless the people who print money worldwide have "loyalty" to Zion, you ride the golden calf of new Babylon (USA) and we know you make and break alliance by convenience with anyone depending of the (future) situation.

Norway is just another cucked western country.
interesting, why is he like that? a cuck, I mean.
and, also, what are the occult groups in these circles? the faggot rituals seem strange>>472854536
The Norwegian family is of ill repute in Norway. The left dislikes them for their privilege and the right for their degeneracy
>everyone hates the elites but no one does anything so they can just do what they please
yup yup, quintessentially EVROPEAN
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Shit brown hair meets shitskin, nothing new and nothing of value lost. Just more shitskin rats buying fake hair and make -up from White people. To look like white people, cause who wants to look like a kike and shitskin
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Either way notice the trend. Norway has a royal-baboon breeding program, so does Italy >>472852578 and so does Britain (Prince Harry). You think that's a coincidence? LMAO.


He was an obnoxious little prick, abusing his underlings while trying to lick my butthole when he heard about my connections (Which he wanted to use), even offered me to join an orgy that included his wife & children, imagine sharing your wife ... After I rejected his BS offers for cooperation & for orgy, I ain't gonna give a shekel to an idiot who stole millions in public money, lest he steal my money too ... He later discovered I'm Jewish & begun to be a prick to me too. Maybe that's his way to bully others to pay I got no idea, I don't really care too much.

Naa I don't roll with faggot rituals. Think about the elite like a decentralized network, you got some groups that do it, some groups that don't, but they all end up meeting to make agreements. Sometimes you exclude people you don't like from a meeting of course, Trump has been an excluded man since 2015 but he created his own clique now which is why I think he can win 2024, the other side doesn't have enough support to pull off another election theft-coup without starting a civil war ... Back to your question people forget that Communism and various other ideologies are kinda religions themselves. Of course you can have people syncretic faiths on that regard. Syncretizing Communism + Satanism and or LGBTP is quite common, probably since they're all Satanic cults to begin wtih. Or you can look at pagan-Nazis who via their paganism can also syncretize with Satanism or Communism (Nazbol) and all that shit.
damn, that's weird. why did he become a prick to you after he learned that you were jewish? I don't think a man like that would be a nazi type. How old are his kids, btw?
>Damn, that's weird. why did he become a prick to you after he learned that you were jewish? I don't think a man like that would be a nazi type.

Neo-Marxists believe in destroying identities. First you do that with race mixing & by demanding people say you are whatever you identify as. Than once they would become meaningless, they'd be gone. Now I'm Jewish, what are we famous for? Never assimilating, our identity is too strong. We are anathema to their end goal.

>How old are his kids, btw?

Oldest was in his 20s I think, the younger ones were probably early teens. I know that cuck son of his got shot by Breivik but survived ... Hopefully next time it hits the mark lol

Continuing the identity thing, creating trannies is not just a surgery, it's a religious ritual. The tranny might not be aware of it, but from the perspective of those who pushed this agenda, they're diluting a most basic identity that you are born with, thus degrading women into a worthless state. Ever wondered why the top feminists don't care about women getting raped by migrants? It's because it was never about women for them. Making men & women equal is the way to make "man" and "woman" irrelevant.
so, how did these neo-marxists get created? it seems strange how prolific they are in governments and how degenerate their behaviors seem to be, considering what the first communists thought of deviant behaviors. and why do jews seem to hate white people so much?
She looks like she owns him. I'd bet they're skirting legal slavery on one end and indulging in female dominant BDSM on the other. She could probably legally slaughter the guy on a whim in certain jurisdictions.
she should do porn.
>so, how did these neo-marxists get created? it seems strange how prolific they are in governments and how degenerate their behaviors seem to be, considering what the first communists thought of deviant behaviors.

It's the nature of every demonic cult to become more degenerate as times go on & don't forget that the OG Commies like Marx were extreme degenerates ... The later ones were just playing along by temporarily syncretizing & corrupted the local East European culture that didn't like sodomy. They're doing the same thing in the West right now. You might think that Islam is an exception which is mostly static at 7th century rock bottom, but they did embrace trannies so ... Maybe they do get worse.


>and why do jews seem to hate white people so much?

Jews are fanatic by nature. A Jew who becomes an ideologue is likely to push it to the end. It can be positive if the ideology or religion he follows are positive, it can become an extreme negative if it's something like Communism. Most Jews identify as White, but if you go for a Jewish Commie, others Jews and other Whites are suddenly the "greatest evil that must be eradicated" + They might want to deny their own Whiteness since they view it as evil, or to simply do so as a part of eradicating their own identities ...
If communist jews begin hating other jews, why don't the other jews remove them? jews hold a lot of power politically and financially, I don't see why they wouldn't. and, in regards to the eastern european cultures, was it stalin who wanted that or was it someone above him? what was so special about the eastern european traditions that commies took that much time and effort in destroying them?
damn i love gay sex
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>If communist jews begin hating other jews, why don't the other jews remove them? jews hold a lot of power politically and financially, I don't see why they wouldn't.

You can't just remove people willy nilly. For the same reason I can't remove a gentile whom I don't like. Do Whites automatically remove their Commies? I would love to see the Communist Control Act of 1954 enforced in the US but it's not & in Europe Communism isn't even always illegal ... + I guess there is always the hope that they'd get back to their senses.

>and, in regards to the eastern european cultures, was it stalin who wanted that or was it someone above him?

They were always syncretizing with culture, Stalin however made it worse by syncretizing Orthodox Christianity with Communism (Pic related).

>what was so special about the eastern european traditions that commies took that much time and effort in destroying them?

Traditions make you different. If you want to make all humans equal you gotta standardize everything including any traditions or conversely get rid of or corrupt them if others wouldn't follow them. So for example instead of Christmas, which being Christian wouldn't be followed by Jews or Muslims, they had Novy God, which was possible for EVERYONE from the to follow USSR. Even Jewish Russians/Ukrainians in Israel observe that tradition to this day.

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