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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Globohomo is losing again.
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It's a 1984 tier psyop. "Ugliness is beauty" or some shit. The goal is just to empower uggos to cause problems and distract normies into wasting energy on shit that doesn't matter. They'd rather have you go "muh marvel" and tank Disney than actually worry about your bank account or voter fraud.
Reminder that she emphatically denounced the nasty racist white supremacist nazis spreading hateful memes like this. BLACK. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
>It's a 1984 tier psyop
i couldn't finish that book , i got to the part were the woman gives him a not that says she loves him and thought that would be a great place to stop.
Treat it as a vaccination against hollywood and waste-of-time media.
>The goal is just to empower uggos
Ever seen an attractive pedo, ruler or banker?
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This is kinoest movie in murica 2024 btw
Not those two examples
She's a woman, they have to do that. They are programmed to conform to the power structure. It's why homosexual socialists uniformly love women voters, and why successful societies have never allowed women to vote.
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do you know what "random" means ? fucking piece of shit american IQ
Random minimum wage cashiers do not, in fact, look like this. Most people are ugly and fat, poor and rural people are even more likely to be ugly and fat than average. Iirc the girl in your photo made that video to jumpstart her tiktok account which is quite successful now, in any case she’s repeated the cashier gimmick several times since then.
they could find pretty niggers if they wanted to. they're using these mixed ay dios mios on purpose
Because without women feeling sorry for everyone/everything, they would never rise to power in the first place...
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The distraction is working, you’re spending time and energy complaining about ugly niggers Hollywood kikes are pushing on you and not acking your treasonous elite and the glowies that work for them.
>They are programmed to conform to the power structure.
This came to be thanks to male power needing to be artificially enforced and beaten into women. Women are the natural rulers and all it took was the deregulation of boobs to make males the simp slaves they have always been.

It's a ridiculous species that does way too much harm on itself.
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>globohomo is losing again.
oh no, flat earthers surge to a stunning .0001 percent minority lol you tards
Da people of sex > da people of collar
I want my desert mulatta concubine
that's a low bar but I do agree. Also pretty funny when Chad dumped the turd world Brown girl for Stacy
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i have 3 random ass nieces who mog that girl in the OP. 2 are in school and 1 works at a fucking water park
>voter fraud.
>talks about psyop
>falls for a psyop
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Not true, we have some pretty cute girls working in the coffee shops and grocery stores here in the Carolinas.

>b-but I never see cute young girls
where would a cute young girl work as her first job? when would she work there? you aren't being strategic and wondering why you aren't finding them. no shit, they won't be working at these places during school year and school hours.
god I hate this modern anti-beauty new-beauty bullshit. Just remove brown people from all media and the problem is fixed.
They are spreading degeneracy and ugliness, but they cannot win against beauty. Hollywood is falling. Nobody likes looking at a genetic disaster or fecal alcohol syndrome face for too long.
>They are spreading degeneracy and ugliness
Are people even watching their shit these days? Feel like most have outsourced that to the booming rage review market, which bores me.
both are equally valid chud

the golem thinks only jews and whites can be represented positively
LMAO. Women can't have a power structure without men enforcing it. Men are the enforcement arm of society. The only reason they have rights is because men allow them to.
It's to demoralize and instill self-hatred in young whites, especially females, to make them aspire even more to nigger tier culture. I hate this country, it's an abomination now.
Shaniqua or whatever her stupid nigger name is was never attractive … ever.
I think all 3 are ugly. The white girls hair has just waaaay too much volume. It's not a look I like. I like straight hair, but not necessarily Asians. Also her face is too sharp.
Pointy elbows
The blonde girl was outted as a tranny here.

Amazing what a decade of make up and HRT can do. Total physop.
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this girl is kind of ugly due to being orc but its nothing compared to having african gene tier of fuck-up

she is completely missing african genes but still look brutish because she belong to northern cavemen group which never was truly civilized altough is now part of civilized countries, they cant get a fancier job than a cashier or waitress due to african tier intellect
>hair too voluminous. Would not bang.
That's a first
You could have told me spoiler alert. Now it's ruined.
It's part of their effort to "deconstruct whiteness".
Nah he's right. I had a dental assistant take an x-ray who was way hotter than anybody to come out of Hollywood recently. other than Sydney's Weenie. Literal random Midwestern chicks are hotter than movie stars now. The communists won.
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Yes they are
Also want men to attain something more realistic
Is that a nigger man or woman? I can never tell
You know you would. Don't lie.
that's the will smith pout
Well she knows blacks are violent savages who would literally form a mob to attack her if she didn't. To me her apology means she is well aware of your violent tendency
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It would be Whites and Jews doing the mobbing.
Well said, there's so much pushing of fetal alcohol syndrome, eyes wide apart actresses recently. Back in the day there was only Opera.
yea i love it when niggers look super retarded
It's sad because Alejandro Jodorowsky would have made Dune flawless, probably the greatest sci fi ever filmed. But no Jews would fund it.
Oooh, ya got me, I'm shitpostan on 4chan at work.
prove it you queer
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what? it was never about imposing new beauty standards
it's all demoralization
Context for this scene:
She's literally getting cucked here. The protagonist is marrying the (white) princes of the entire empire.
tell me, what in this world is NOT crap?
Because you mentioned 1984, I hope for an adequate answer...I'm very interested, without sarcasm.
this always makes me laugh
>It's a 1984 tier psyop. "Ugliness is beauty" or some shit. The goal is just to empower uggos
The goal is to ensure the loyalty of the dysfunctional because post-national economic zones that masquerade as states are not desirable by functional people.
Fags and women are also considered dysfunctional and easily socially engineered by the state through validation and pharmaceutical blackmail into swearing undying loyalty for crumbs of power if it allows them to discharge their frustration and envy on functional normalfags and us, the outliers.
I hate kikes so much its unreal. I want them all dead.
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I make it a rule not to lie on /pol/ so yeah, you're right... I would.

That still doesn't mean she should be in movies.
I'm sure many people could have done better. But the thing is, I still wouldn't watch it. As a principle I don't watch anything from Hollywood. I don't even support the people making thousands of dollars making fun of it online. The reason is because it has been taken over by socialists who insert their messaging into the films at all levels. Anybody with skill or talent has to insert this socialist propaganda into their movies. They all praise the DNC either directly or metaphorically, they all villainize boys and men and depict them getting humiliated, and they all push ideas which contribute to the subversion and breakdown of group-oriented identities. Specifically around being white or male. It's all homosexual socialist liberal propaganda. So watching anything supports this.
I reverted to reading books and manga. There's a manga called claymore which has an almost entirely female cast and zero bullshit in it. It's open minded and even disgusting at times, but truly brilliant.
Only some Japanese weirdo could write this. Hollywood used to be weirdos who made amazing movies. Now it's normies who make weird movies.
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Legitimately this.
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>It's a 1984 tier psyop. "Ugliness is beauty" or some shit.
Same thing happened in the late 70s.
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good lad
fr, whats with the forehead? That taylor-joy bitch is another example, only she's White, so at least not painful to look at. Is it some genetic disease?
The two are basically synonymous. Putting ugly brown goblins on a pedestal is part of the demoralization process.
Harrison Bergeron
>rural people are even more likely to be ugly and fat
I just moved out to a rural area and this couldn't be more true. I go days without seeing an attractive woman. I'm a 6/10 where I'm from but a 9/10 here because everyone is obese or inbred looking.
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Caddyshack is literally one of the most jewish movies of all time. That is a very thought provoking post you just made and now I'm going to be looking for more examples
Haven't heard that name in a while. The Holy Mountain is one of the most insanely beautiful movies I've ever watched. Thanks for the nostalgia, anon
fantastically ugly. I am shocked that #she even exists.
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Wide-set eyes has been a sought-after trait in modeling for a long time.
Modelling is for faggots and retards
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i know where this guy is locked up. i can hook you up if you want
>Wide-set eyes has been a sought-after trait in modeling for a long time.
t. gray zeta reticulean
Because pushing fat and ugly as the new beauty is having people stop and just say no that's fuckin ugly
Both sides of this don’t make sense.

Just being blond does not make you hot.
Just being skinny does not make you hot.
Just being <x> does not make you hot.

Attractiveness is a holistic formula of elements.

It is reported that a daughter was born to Rabbi Shimon, son of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, and he was upset that he did not have a son. His father said to him: Propagation has come to the world through the birth of a daughter. Bar Kappara said to Rabbi Shimon: Your father has consoled you with meaningless consolation, as it is taught in a baraita: The world cannot endure without males and females, as both are needed for the perpetuation of humanity. But fortunate is he whose children are males and woe to him whose children are females. Similarly, the world cannot endure without either a spice dealer whose wares are sweet-smelling, or a tanner [bursi], who is engaged in a foul-smelling occupation. Fortunate is he whose occupation is a spice seller, and woe to him whose occupation is a tanner.

The Talmud teaches us that as long as your daughter is attractive enough to propagate your bloodline, that’s good enough.

On the topic of the sins of Jerusalem and the abundance that existed before its destruction, Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: The people of Jerusalem were people of arrogance. They would couch their crude behavior in euphemisms. A person would say to another: On what did you dine today? Well-kneaded bread or bread that is not well-kneaded? On white wine or on black wine? Sitting on a wide divan or on a narrow divan? With a good friend or a bad friend? And Rav Ḥisda said: And all these allude to promiscuity. These are all euphemisms for different types of women.

A tanna taught in a baraita: A woman is essentially a flask full of feces, a reference to the digestive system, and her mouth is full of blood… yet men still chase after her with desire”.

As Jews, you should be spending your time studying Talmud not focusing on how hot women are
She’s pretty though. In fact she’s so pretty she can look good while trying to look ugly. Unlike zendaya, who can look like a sort of fuckable teen in some movies but not much better
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>pretty niggers
Still smell like a wild animal
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>I'm going to be looking for more examples
They pushed an esthetic that was extremely dysgenic in their leading men/women.
Pushing ugliness as beauty is an unironic classic psyop meant to demoralize the population. You know they're ugly, the people making it know they're ugly, but they push it anyway because they hold the levers of power and you don't. It's all about letting you know that.
smell is an essential sensation during the fug
t. secks connossieur
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Where to find pretty niggers bro?
Asking for a friend
Beastiality is a sin.
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I can remember seeing this as a kid and being shocked at how ugly and vile he was
stop dehumanizing people and spreading your nihilistic garbage pls
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London. Every British TV show has an attractive mulatto in it, so I'm guessing they are all over London.
Bitch looks like Mike Tyson.
Lynch already made a better Dune. I will never watch the new Dune again, while I will surely watch the David Lunch Dune at least once a year.
Holy Mountain is amazing for half, retarded for the other half, with about twenty too many dicks.
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Eh I looked her up awhile back for another anon and I don't feel like doing it again. There isn't much of her out there because apparently she isn't a whore.
Unfortunately London is a hellhole
There are no modern beauty standards or olden or whatever the fuck.

There is beauty and there is the lack of it.

Also why the fuck are people pretending that negress who has her eyes so far apart that you can land a 747 between them, is some kind of beauty. Fuck off.
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Did they add the part where he tells Chani that he's marrying the princess just for political clout and he doesn't give two shits about her?
I hope not for the movie. Let the mutt be cucked. In the book it was a chad move.
Spoiler alert: YWNBAW
Why is she wearing her tank top straps on 1 side? Odd
....wtf did I watch?
>man my relatives are hot as fuck bro
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It’s like they are trying to get the most unattractive females they can find. So unappealing looking that it’s distracting
lighten up, Francis
tanking Disney rn
No, the ugly movie chani-mutt is getting cucked
I know a girl who looks shockingly similar to left picrel.
I think she likes me, might try to date her here soon.
Progressives and christians are similar in that they idolize the weak and the ugly.
Have you ever molested them?
That looks like a 59-year-old Jiffy Lube technician that has had DNR applied to it. Old, yet smooth.
She is Bri ish.
That's a surface level reading. You understand that it's about demoralizing and underming the aryan spirit if you go deeper.
>guys we're winning the culture war by... simping and gooning!
jesus fucking christ
the online """right""" is really hitting rock bottom
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Nah. They'd probably tattle
Is she part Gook or something? Why does her face look like that?
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Is that supposed to be chani?
Fuck Hollywood and their gay bigger shit. I can't stand it anymore. They can lose money.
Imagine what her vagina looks like
literally why though
Chani was white and elfish in the books
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Nah dude. Beasteality is illegal everywhere except for Canada and Germany
No I wouldn't. No. Her facial structure is just too uncanny.
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Like a crackhead's brillo pad, I'd wager
bestiality's illegal in Canada retard, it's been that way for years
The cashier is a tranny.
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Yeah, and in the books she was the one supportive of the relationship with Princess Irulan.

She had to convince Paul it was the right thing to do.
I was at our national holiday celebration yesterday and there was a pretty blonde white girl and a pretty negress hanging together, both dressed all summery. Now I'm racist af but there's something aesthetic about that. It actually reminds me of the 90s.
Them acting chops
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John candy is a national treasure you fucking plebbitor
Is calling every beautiful white girl a troon a psyop to keep beauty standards low?
Shes atleast 50% white
>Haha funny porn reference gif
I hate this coomer humor so much. Face the wall.
And she did it with a shit eating grin while blushing.

She was absolutely fucking flattered.
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look the exact same trannie spam
every single fucking days
Keep your dick out of brown, White man
This literally why we have spics and poojeets to this very day
For the love of God man it's not worth it, and should be punished as bestiality
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No they didn't. Didn't in the book Paul didn't want to marry Princess Irulan and Chani convinced him it was the right thing to do politically?
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OP is a trannie and a pedo
he made that thread exclusively to post a tranny in the OP and compare it to women
you're all a bunch of ultra low IQ niggers baiting to a shitty low effort tranny bait thread
and the filthy moderation groomed the OP because they're pedophiles
>it's not worth it, and should be punished as bestiality
Based and true.
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Sure thing Rajeesh.
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>the horror
Naw she was blacker then that. Like shiny black and far superior feminine negroid bone structure. That's some kind of amerimutt.
Also the white girl looked better and realer than that.
why do megafatties even bother working out? that thing would lose 100 pounds by just eating less for a few months
Read the rest pussy
And other spics say Televisa is racist.
Was Jodorskys version the one that was on TV in about 2002?
Could you imagine the TV ratings on Sunday afternoon?
Thanks that's much more entertaining
that's why you tell her to shave.
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>Imagine what her vagina looks like
A lot of fat people just like to gross normal people out and take up space. Fat people are the niggers of space-taking.
>Just being blond does not make you hot.
>Just being skinny does not make you hot.
These two together do. And it’s very simple for any woman to accomplish. Everyone is fucking fat. If you are skinny you are automatically good lookin g
there's something wrong with that kid, they also pozzed that show up to high hell with gay nigger (((druckmann)))'s cum
Why is that thing allowed to dress like that at the gym
what kind of retarded moron come on /pol/ of all place to have that kind of reddit discussion?
seriously the whole thread
what the fuck are you guys?
not only are you too retarded to understand the OP posting a fucking tranny
you all have the dept of a fat retarded redditor
When people think that beauty standards come from the top down just because media has almost always been full of beautiful people.
Stripes was supposed to have a group of fuck ups. That was the point
that thing put me off my food
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shut the fuck up imbecile

No one actually thinks she's hot. Not one person.
not gonna lie, thats kinda actually racist

not polmeme racism, real racism, and thats bad anon
She will NOT age well.
it's a dude
a male
a man
a dick inbetween the legs
never will be a woman
never ever
whatever gramps. the reason you even thought of the 90s was because of the movie i linked, nigger.
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>John candy is a national treasure you fucking plebbitor
My point was that he wasn't an example of attractiveness. John was one of the last true good guy movie stars. I've seen every one of his movies, most of them in an actual theater. Planes Trains and Automobiles was probably his best performance. But thanks for completely missing the point you chowderhead.
She actually didn't. She didn't demand either. She merely asked people to stop comparing herself to other women. Because the mob wanted to tear her limb from limb.

You do get that some people, espcially White women, didn't volunteer to be spokespeople for White Nationalism. It's easy for you, anon, to not be worried hiding behind your keyboard. She was a target for every nasty vicious anti-White piece of shit in the country.
She simply asked people not to compare her.

Asked. Key word. Asked.
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>lives in phoenix
>wears a yankees hat
If wild animals smelled like cocoa butter and hair gel.
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You call that attractive? Looks like an abomination to me.
Is that a wig? Is she bald under there?
I never even saw that movie because I'm not a faggot. I don't even know which one that is. I was watching wrestling and Natural Born Killers.
But they aren't. Went to London recently and it was WAY WAY whiter than I expected.
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Easy now Leaf. You're going to burst a hemorrhoid. And you know how much you hate nose bleeds.
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because apparently shame has been fucking outlawed or something. we need it back, badly.
>not liking... Volume
Gayest post I have ever read. Big hair was the peak of female fashion
stop lying you old moose fucker. i've lost complete interest in you.
but that's literally doing the opposite

whites with good genetics will be even more valued in a mixed hellscape that awaits further
If she pinched my cheeks and called me sugar she could remove my racism. Until my next encounter with a nigger.
London is literally 54% white. You must have been in the fancy areas the blacks and pakis avoid.
That's a man dipshit
>jerks off to instatranny
no seriously
why retards bait to those shit threads?
I always asked myself how redditor and homo from 9gag could be that low IQ but it's strange to see it on 4chan
the exact same retardedly vapid users flooded the places
looks like some fucking kike
There are faveladas that look much better than this naavi lookin ass
Dunno, she's cute though
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>why retards bait to those shit threads?
have you looked in a mirror and asked yourself why you are posting in a thread you say doesn't deserve the posts? Or are you too busy polishing your menorah?
Anon, I....
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you can barely even speak fucking english. what a fucking shit show
>its a man!
They need to ban virgins from posting.
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I watched Johnny Nemonic the other day. It was peak Keanu. “LIKE, DUDE, CHECK IT OUT, I’M ACTING HERE”. Then Ice-T showed up.
Was fun, I enjoyed.
answer the question stupid cunt
the fuck are you even talking about nigger it's not ebonic enough for you?
This. Mulattos should be the first to get deported.
I recommend rewatching this and listening to the inspirational speech Bill Murray gives them about being "mutts." Coming from /pol/, you'll be struck by what he says. Wild.
the prettiest girl I've seen in the last month was a cashier at a Walmart in the US. All our low-wage workers got replaced by ugly illiterate pajeets. jealous of you guys
Please God don't tell me that's supposed to be Chani.
>taking bait
Yet here you are
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Pure white 'women' are worthless.
>ultra low IQ make no point and think he won internet
I'm here to insult you
the pedo mod
and everyone who baited to that shit
what's your point fucktard
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Call me "saar," goddamn it!
It is.
>Tell 'bout yo Circle-K, cracka.
t. dropped from 103kg to 85 in couple months by almost starving and riding bicycle in high school
later dropoped from 85 to 75 through partying
now at 105 again but at least with muscles and capable to ride bicycle without external source of power 100-200 km a day
I'm glad I'm not the only Lynch DUNC enjoyer. It's magnitudes better and a much comfier watch. They cut all internal monologue because it makes no sense to the new brown audience. "Cerebral" movies aren't liked because they filter browns.
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>pretty niggers
K keep me posted
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>answer the question stupid cunt
stop talking to your self and I might.
The real psyop is that the girl on the left will gleefully watch the niggers on the right and want to copy how they look and act. Physical beauty means nothing for intelligence and even seems to be negatively corollated to it. Yet an even grimmer blackpill is that even gross nerd chicks who would be bottom of the bottom of the barrel in a normal society are becoming whores who play to specialized fetishes because, at the end of the day, a woman’s only biological function is to be bred and produce children, yet birth control cuts the reason for sex out and leaves only hedonist pleasure.
TL;DR: women aren’t worth it, become volcel
She is a good mermaid because she actually looks like a fish.
look at their ugly jungle hair. how can you find this attractive?
What height?
There's a documentary about it, it's phenomenal.
Fucking hell, I would like to be able to unsee this.
God truly has abandoned us.
fuck you retard
kek at your life overpaid brown diversity hire
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translator doesn't work for shitposting, shiteater. i don't normally tell people to go kill themselves on /pol/ but you should think about it
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I spent twn days in the Midwest (MN, Wic , Mich, Ohio) and didn't see one binder, not one stinking pajeet body.
I didn't even know her name when she and Timothee Chalamet came to South Korea for the Asian Premiere of Dune 2 and were featured on our tv show and on the internet all day. But only I thought she was ugly. So I told the people around me that she was ugly and nobody agreed with me and they said she was beautiful and I was racist. I am sick of their virtue signaling. She is not pretty at all.
I would have no problem with I*dians if they stayed in their own containment zone (and off the White internet), these niggers crack me up just by existing kek
This is another reason why zooms are so gay, their women are basically men. May as well be gay with fem ladyboy at the point.
Seriously stop caring about capeshit and cartoons. Time to grow up
That's not jungle hair you dumbass. That hair is pretty and most common in white ginger girls.
wew you're a fucking rebel my retarded redditor
It’s the Ipswich look
>she's a conservative girl that talks to White girls and does wifey White girl things
Volcel is a cope for losers too scared to talk to girls.
>you can only watch
that’s what i live for
reddit hates you too? they love niggers but hate jeets now?
Who cares? What are you a fag OP? Imagine making a post about beauty standards. Go do your makeup
Goddamn. I would
Check your laws dude.
Beastiality is actually legal in Canada.
Your country is a fucking joke.
Americans don't know how good they have it. even the workers in small towns here are pajeets. I went to a town called Hope here, it's about 120 km east of Vancouver. all the fucking workers were INDIANS
Me too!
it's a trannie
and the filthy OP posted that thread expressly just because it's a tranny
and the filthy pedophile mod who groomed OP protect the thread expressly because it's a tranny
>low IQ pretend everyone is a pajeet in his tranny thread
jump off a cliff fat sack of shit
almost 190
you're wrong. it was partially illegal until a few years ago, and it's been fully illegal since before 2021
Strange. All the random Midwest cashiers on 4chan look exactly the same.
what’s a favelada? a poor mystery meat whore?
Stop posting, virgin. People that haven't fucked a woman clearly don't have the expertise to judge what a woman is.
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Its because you will always be a canadian homosexual, anon.
>retarded memeflag pretend everyone is a virgin episode 391
It’s demoralization. By removing beauty you have less to live for
She is not exactly "ugly" her main problem is she is brown and her hair is dark and curly most men are attracted to fair skinned girs her skull is well proportioned she is too skinny to be honest I think she is anorexic due to social pressure.

Make her white with some app and you will see what I am talking about.
Toppest of all keks
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>minimally coherent
lol. lmao
>meltping pot joe the global citizen glownigger pretend he live in a white country
good joke
fuck you
fuck that thread
fuck everyone posting it
fuck the pedo mod protecting it
fuck you again just because you're retarded
No, I wouldn't touch that thing. I'm not an animal. Stop shilling your sexual degeneracy on my board, you disgusting pedo faggot mutt. Nobody invited you here. Go back to your friends on Reddit.
i think i know why this jeet is confused... white people (even men) are so pretty compared to what it knew and experienced growing up in a hovel that it gets extremely paranoid not wanting to be a faggot (but it's still a faggot for white cock)
>weird facial shape
>big chin
>mass of thick kinky hair
>3 gallons of makeup and hair product
I mean, you are English, but even most slags are a better option.
Check that, you probably aren't Engish.
>she’s a conservative
Assuming “she” is indeed a she, a conservative in 2024 is what a liberal would be in 2004. The fact is that “the juice ain’t worth the squeeze” when it comes to modern dating. You can either be happy or be in a relationship.
>messed up tits
>Harrison Bergeron
Yep, I was gonna mention this but I had forgotten the title.
We've come pretty close to that world.
>shit-eating german calling anyone a sexual degenerate
>pretend he live
lmao. native speakers don't do this. you need to have better bantz here than selling 40s at the convenience store
>she's not ugly
What the hell man, that thing is good for work only.
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ok Sukhdeep Dikshit from canada
>doesn't deny being a virgin loser
Stop posting, virgin.
Her main problem is her forehead is too small but she is more attractive than koreans without surgery or bleaching her skin I agree there is a woke agenda but anyway what kind of people you would spect to find in the desert?

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Isn’t a kg less than one pound? Are you a child or a midget anon, you’re fucking anorexic
>God truly has abandoned us.
Feels like it lately.
Her boobs.... making me kinda horny.
>engaging with a memeflaggot
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>>472850066 (checked)
>Assuming “she” is indeed a she, a conservative in 2024 is what a liberal would be in 2004.
That's way better than you, loser. You hate White people and Nazis. That midwest cashier is infintely more valuable than you are, anti-fascist scum.
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Why that cashier not selling her farts and make what she does in a year in a day?
Her face is small overall most women use fake up zendaya is not the first one she is not a GIGA Stacy for sure but she is not ugly neither not ugly of your t levels are above average nowdays.
Give the ugly losers a little power and they will be loyal little footsoldiers.
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jesus christ fuck off redditor
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x disagrees with u chuds
Her nasty legs look like overstuffed corndogs.
>2049 director
spergs will say it's good
In spite of her not because of her
Zandahe was terribly miscast and seeing her along side twinkima was jarring
Her performance lacked depth and the scowling and “oh no you didn’t yt boy clap clap!!!” Was demeaning to the character
its like 200+ pounds burger
This is a no virgin board. Stop posting, loser.

We love Nazism, White women and want a Free Palestine. You don't belong.
Left isn't that hot.
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It's really tragic seeing beauty standards muddied. The highest ideal of beauty is a gorgeous white Germanic woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. I wish I could live in a homogenous society in which my own beauty standards are the standards of society, but instead I'm stuck in this ugly society for trashy demi-humans with mixed genetics.
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If she wasn't brown or had curly hair she would be a Stacy lite she is not ugly she is brown her ass is too flat btw but she can fix that if she stops being anorexic
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Hock tue
>women being over the top nice to the ugly girl
They only do this if they're prettier.
That thread will have been protected for 3 hour.
300 replies.
It's not because the moderation don't see it.
It's not because they think it belong on /pol/.
It's paid psychological warfare aimed at 4chan user base.
Go try to post anything at all the moderation don't want you to on any of the boards they groom underage on and see how fast they delete you.
They know it's a bait.
They even know who posted it.
They're enforcing it.
Investigate 4chan LLC.
The idea is to deconstruct beauty as a divide and conquer tactic. The more traditional beauty, which you need to be born with, is dead, the more you can sell the new replacement commodified beauty through surgeries and pharmaceuticals.
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>Allison Mack
Shit taste
>looks absolutely ratchet
>"she luk lik a goddess"
I guess in their community, she does. LOL.
Nothing beautiful about being nigger skinned, Raj

Stop posting virgin loser.
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4chan LLC is an American registered LLC.
James W. Macfarlane is the only employee listed for the LLC.
His pseudonym is SwagLord.
He's not the only paid employee of 4chan LLC.
The 4chan moderation are the owners of 4chan.
Namely, RapeApe(GrapeApe) is the head of the 4chan moderation.
He is the person deciding what will and will not be moderated.
He is the person who prevent the moderation from moderating.
He's also the person responsible for protecting the sexual predators on 4chan.
He's actively receiving money directly from China and Tencent using Smile for intermediaries.
Yes he's a pedophiles enabler and a traitor receiving money from a foreign enemy country to sell access to 4chan user base.
Hiro is not the owner of 4chan LLC.
He is the face of the moderation so the moderation can hide their activities.
Hiro is a sellout traitor living in Paris, the multicultural epicentre of the world.
Abib is the real administrator of 4chan. He's a known pedophile and sexual predator, and he's guilty of protecting and abating sexual predators activities.
Hunter is the /b/ head moderator. He is a pedophile and a groomer, using his position as an excuse for his child porn collection and habit.
He actively uses his position to frame and entrap underage himself.
Kami, is an active pedophile moderating /lgbtqp/ and is actively using 4chan to frame entrap and groom underage.
The 4chan moderation refuse to apply 4chan own rules.
They don't enforce their age limitation. Don't enforce the content rules.
Protect psychological warfare against 4chan user base.
Investigate 4chan LLC.
Martin Schwimmer is the 4chan LLC. lawyer.
Here's his email: Schwimmer@leasonellis.com
Please ask Mr. Schwimmer where the money is coming from.
The woman on the right is using tons of makeup and zendaya seems like she is having a hangover or haven't sleep in 48 hours come on people not sleeping makes you ugly and repulsive

I do agree she is NOT a "super model" but she is above normie so saying she is ugly is wrong too.
>The way she looks like a goddess on a regular day with regular clothes no makeup no glam no nothing is actually insane
her hair is bleached, that is the only thing exotic about her
I did not even ask you anything. And Stop defending your third world brown comrades. I don't think dark skinned people are attractive.
I thought Chani was fine in the first movie but in the second one she looked fat
Nah that kike would have ruined it so hard we wouldn't be talking about it right now. I watched the Holy Mountain and it was the worst most degenerate garbage I had ever seen. Physically couldn't finish it. Worst filmmaker of all time.
How do you even get your dick in between them cheeks?
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White WOMEN are more right wing than non-White MEN….
This one takes the cake
>You need to be 18 AND White to post on this board
Alicia Silverstone was world wide famous because she was a giga Stacy but that was 6 gorillionz of years ago she is a old hag woke bitch now with barely one bisexuality child btw.
No. It's radical political indoctrination under the guise of education, coupled with unbridled nepotism in the private sector. Look at the top management of Disney. Second and third generation dimwits from oligarch families. Back in the good old days they would have managed a branch hotel in Ashtabula, Ohio and daddy would have made sure that all the real decisions are done somewhere else.
No we don't, they're all either overweight/blue haired or their black and yes i live right on the border between the two.... t. SC born and raised
1 kg is two pounds stupid.
No. It is fact that he is a she. Newfag.
It's like they merged a trucker with a girl and then used digital noise reduction.
I'm not defending anyone I'm just pointing facts her real problem is she is brown and no man prefers brown chics but she is not ugly objectively neither very attractive.
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She's Jewish.
Nice titties
Her problem is her simian facial structure, not her complexion.
He's the only one that's not dysgenic there. He's just fat, which isn't genetic. Do you even know what dysgenic means?
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>kek at your life overpaid brown diversity hire
whatever you say you inbred paki
It's just demoralization by ZOG shills, and incels, like the good goys they are, picked up on it and went with it.

Incels are the biggest anti-fascist scum of all.
>tukroach pretend everyone is a pajeet in his tranny spam thread
find the first wall around you and run face first in it
Stop posting, virgin loser.
Relax faggot Chamalet married the white princess and ended his relationship with the desert brown bitch.
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>I'm racist to the point of being retarded! I'm so based!
whatever you say paco
>one is white, others are black
What is this nazi trying to convey?
>the woman on the right is using tonnes of makeup
I disagree she is a naturally beautiful aryan woman with a body made for bearing many sons.
Also, leave my Queen alone!
Would now she is objectively ugly ut he tit's and ass are fine just put a paper bag over her head.
>Black Chani is fine, my fellow Whites
And White
Those are the rules.
Still wouldn't
>The goal is just to empower uggos to cause problems and distract normies into wasting energy on shit that doesn't matter.
No, the goal is to transform beauty into a purchasable product available to anyone
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i fucking love her so much, little mermaid was amazing, she's so fine and classy
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I got you!
That’s just to cover up the beastial smell. You ever walk by one of those homeless scum? Smell those street apes down the block.
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Her face reminds me of the gingers have souls guy.

A kilogram is 0.22lbs.
Isn't she underage anyways?
honestly Zendaya is talented as fuck. That kind of reaction is so hard to fake lol
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>find the first wall around you and run face first in it
I have walls near me, you have walls "around" you.
>No, the goal is to transform beauty into a punchaable product available to army recruiters
fify bro
It’s literally a tranny. Kys memeflaggot.
I didn't know she was black until my mother brought it up after she heard I watched the movie desu
There are Billions of people in Africa, France and Asia that looks monkey-er than her
You just know that she gets hit on constantly by niggers.
Who are not human.
Even better.
Based zip
I am vomit.
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Funny that her black co-star, Stacey Dash, is based and red pilled.
I admitted she's fuckable but you need to say something about those eyes.
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zendaya is smash, only incels hate her
Your iQ must be over 120
>I didn't know she was black
Holy shit. Digging a deeper hole.

And White
i doubt anyone cares enough to hate her, faggotlips. she's just objectively ugly
Stop posting, virgin loser.
>Bots following a meme celebrity on social media
You don’t say
Your mom's more suckable than that retard
you don't really know that though. also your phrasing is indicative of somebody who is fucking stupid and shouldn't post at all
I don't know what that means but i suspect it's disgusting in context.
but for real though her jaw got fatter between movies I swear
I'm phone posting from your mom's bed
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that's because you're fucking lost and need to go back
That’s a little boy.
>faw real do
And White
I don't hate her, from the neck down. But that nigger/spic combo that's her face, that I can do without.
She looks exotic I like it who is she
In my opinion, the only morally correct solution to the trolley problem is to do nothing, and then kill the survivors. It's the only way to give everyone's life equal value.
>Bulgarian flag
>bad take
Makes sense.
She objectively has nice titties and body
I would blind fold her and play massa
The Holy Mountain is a masterpiece. You obviously didn't understand it smooth brain.
and dump, she's got a fine ass but you're only introducing yourself so you can have a shot at her friends and keep her on the side
Jews don’t want white dudes hookjng up with Asians lol
What cope is this
I feel like I hardly ever see white, blonde, blue eyed women anymore, in media, movies, TV, commercials. Why did the jews erase white women with blonde hair and blue eyes? Are the jews holding a weird grudge for some reason? That's crazy.

Because only boomers and poor fags watch tv
Just watched the trailer. Looks pretty gay. I think I'll pass
It's literally schizophrenia kek. The holy mountain is incomprehensible schizo gibberish
>he doesn't know
Anon, there's some channels on free tv that show uncensored (in most cases) old cartoons and tons of non-pozzed material, some of it veddy veddy baste, my fren.
Laverne & Shirley busts on the Freemasons; much much more.
It’s perhaps becauseJewberoski is a Jew
You are instinctively repulsed by its “Art”
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Passionate sweaty sex with black queens

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