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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Even plebbit is now shifting against pigslam.
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Wow it's over for mudslimes. These Reddit posts have changed eveything.
> r/canada plebbitor mods going in overdrive deleteting every comment and locking post
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Once the progressives no longer shield the filthy muzzies, they'll be kicked out.

Le Pen's party actually making headway saying they'll do deportations and take away passports
This thread was sponsored by the ADL
I even saw a post on world news that was t banned saying maybe Hitler was right after all. The tide is shifting against all of these desert freaks.
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Kek ppl have started calling for deportations
its an op to get them on board with loving Israel

>Le Pen's party
Sponsored by deep, burning hatred for mudslimes.
r/worldnews is one of the (relatively) more based subreddits but still nobody names the Jew.
Holy shit. Fuck Muslims. Seriously.
yeah..ok...but who did they vote for

lol even lmao
Yea but then they lose their shit at any mention of deporting them
Le Pen won't do shit. Just like Trump didn't do shit and Meloni didn't do shit. These "far right" parties are just Zionist controlled opposition.
There's nothing wrong with that, but it's funny how until Oct 7th you couldn't say shit about Muslims then suddenly you can tell the truth and all these "based Redditors" suddenly appear out of thin air.
maybe faggots should stop being faggots
tiktok you fucking filthy niggers, time's up. Can't wait until the nativists rise up across the western world and dispose of the human garbage.

The hour is growing closer one normie awakening high-optics transgression at a time. Each act of mudslime/nigger violence only accelerates the timeline and strengthsn populist conservative voting blocks.
They're not going to do shit. The white birthrate is crippled beyond repair because the women are free to do as they wish, and business needs cheap labor.
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>Women voting is the problem goy
Dunno, I used to daily vomit all my mudslime hate on this board until shortly after Oct 7 happened and most of the board unmasked as mudslime diaspora in the west and I just left /pol/.
I probably come once or twice a month.
It's already repulsive I have mudslimes in my country, I don't want to share my obscure online spaces with them too.
Germany is close to exploding, Spain is getting there too (but not as close as Germany).
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>le Pens
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This happened a decade ago but it was largely contained to r/atheism which was overhauled since it veered from its intended mission of promoting jewish thought.
Literal paki cope
>most of the board unmasked as mudslime diaspora in the west
you're not the only one who has realized it. More and more are waking up to this reality

I think the shoe is also about to drop in Ireland, France, and the UK as well over the next few years.
Go back marrano, we all know you are a filthy Jew asking for more money to israel.
Ah, the regular swamp jew surfaces...
The quickest way to upset the west - beat up some gay white women. If the brownies keep it up, they will have whites rounding them up on the street.
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That one deserves context.
depends if they're hot or not
who am I kidding, dykes are ugly
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a little off topic but still...

I was going through r/maryland and they were discussing Alex Rosen's video about the LGBT dem pedophile he caught a week or two ago and I saw people saying they are from the LGBT community but they are going to vote for Trump because all the mods are banning people and deleting comments about the case.
Here is one screen, but there is another one of an actual gay guy or girl but I can't find it - there are like 100 deleted comments in that thread.

Reddit is falling apart KEK
How is it a cope?
Your whores don't breed.
Anglo whores don't breed.
French whores don't breed.
It takes a literal 1%er white male to date and fuck a white woman. They all demand instagram lifestyles as if they are queens.

Where is the cheap labor coming from?
You understand big boy business doesn't care about the color of your skin?
You understand no one cares about your religious leanings? It's about number GO UP. You don't up. Everything that touches you dies because its literally impossible to get your women to breed with anything that isn't the 0.00000000001%.
>IT’s suddenly ok and trendy to criticize muslims
>magically at the same time jews are fighting muzzies

I hate shitskins muzzies too, but I’m sure it’s all a cohenincidence?
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>everyone who criticizes islam is a jew
:D show flag mudslime
You have to change your perspective. Imagine moving to Europe and having to be inundated with attractive people. You're an Arab Muslim man who looks like a pile of diarrhea wearing clothes. When faced with Europeans, they realize they're disgusting people and they sperg out.
>inb4 a bugernigger posts "hurrrrr but hu put dem there hurrrrrrrrrr"
Well, because they’re currently fighting with jews, anyone who criticizes them is suspiciously jewish
jews put them there moshe
l'eddit momento
l'fat 40IQ nu4shit pooperson momento
western countries have two options, either homophobia or islamophobia, there are no other alternatives, they have to pick one
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Cope, you filthy Moroccan
Oops, meant >>472853470 for
It's OK, because Canada.
We literally share geographical borders.
It costs about 15 bucks to fly from Morocco to Spain.
>(((NGOs))) shipping niggers to your country every fucking day regardless of everyones opinion is totally organic goy
You will have both faggots and islamists and you will like it.
You will all fall in line.
Jews, Muslims, Christians, Faggots, Whites, Blacks, Browns.
You will all submit to financial power whether you like or not. You will work at Mcdonalds, boeing, microshaft, amazoncuck, etc.
You will never do anything.
I find it interesting how religion and Christianity is bad because pedophile priests, but teachers being pedophiles never has them questioning the education system. It's always sympathy for these poor underpaid teachers. Some parents are just losers and blame teachers too much, but they're teaching children. They have a lot of influence as well. Leftists pretty much have free reign over the education system in the US. That doesn't mean every teacher is like that, but they work in a system that favors it. That's how you destabilize countries.

The claim was that the Soviets infiltrated our education system in the 1940s-1950s. Now obviously the culprits may have been misidentified. The most notable Soviet spies in the US were Jews. It's like calling black suspects teens or joggers. Except in this case it was Soviets, Russians, and Communists. Any investigative type person would find it sort of odd that so many of these communists were Jews. It make one question why these people seem to gravitate towards that. It's important to build a profile of the people you're going after. The police know that in an inner city, the profile of a crack user is a black male in a certain age range. Same for the police in a rural area having a profile of the typical meth user, a white male in a certain age bracket. The fact that we learn about the Red Scare and no one ever points out how there were high numbers of Jews. It's especially interesting because Republicans and Democrats will identify trends with other groups, but both will never question it when they people happen to be Jewish. It's even more odd because Jews are only a couple ethnicities and they have a religion. So almost all Jews fit a specific profile. Mixed people exist, but they have no problem identifying Christians, Muslims, or any other groups.

Back to my original point, clearly something was going on in the education system of the US. We're seeing the effects of decades of subversion.
There is no ''mudslime'' plague in this universe, there is a jew plague in this one but I bet you suddenly don't want to talk about that. How convenient.
Hey kike. You are still going to get exterminated. In both your overt and covert form.
>Mudslime seethe
iraq is waiting for you, you dont belong in netherlands you silly infiltrator
Plebbit is merely an indicator of the left extreme. The pendulum is swinging. It was guaranteed given how it eats its own. Faggots hand in hand with Muzzies? KEK!
If men stopped coddling them women would fall in line
I hope Achmed gave it to them good
I am probably way more pure than you, loser. rofl
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JIDF have figured out they need to go after reddit instead of pol since the latest Israel vs Palestine thing.

"mudslime" and "shitskin" are terms only Israelis use
Who are you talking to ? you typing this as if you are looking for validation and support.
there is no where to hide buddy, your tunnels will not allow you to escape this one.
your words and insults useless in the field of battle.
you will be tortured and slain
your feminine ways don't have any effect anymore
it is the end of kikedom
Oh yeah you're definitely a jew. Spaniards have always been mystery meat faggots.
No, we’ve used shitskin on this board since day 1.
>t. Been here since the Dawn of time
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Yep, this..

If you’re not explicitly against the jew, you’re doing Jewish bidding.
Pedophiles will go and infiltrate organisations that deal with children...that's why the UN has a lot of trafficking scandals, That's why foster homes have a lot of abuse scandals, that's why kindergadens and boyscout clubs have a lot of scandals. This has been known for a long time but governments keep letting everyone of the hook and are keeping everything quiet because they set up these organisation - or rather they are supposed to do the oversight, It's very sad when you start digging into it :(
IDF online propagandists have also been on pol since the dawn of time so what are you saying ?
while you are out here fighting over bread and circus the kike is out there creating bullshit issues for you to avoid confronting him.
But it's too late now, you might want to stay focused on these insulting terms and non-issues. But the world is coming to eat the kike wherever it. We will make sure they know pain on such a scale that it will be beyond anything ever encountered in human history.
they will pay for every child who was tortured and killed in their satanic ritual abuses throughout history. every single drop of blood will be avenged for blood never sleeps
let them eat each other (out)
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Yeah coz pol has been psyops since day 1
No a bitch is supposed to eat my dick and not a vagina. otherwise what is the point ????
You should probably go back. You've never seen us with out fangs bared. Ever. I know, you don't believe it, but we are capable of terrible things, and you will not see how it's going to come. I already know how to destroy you and your ilk.
Wake me up when words become action.

The ADL is jewish. It doesn't pay for what it can get for free.
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Yes, women voting is part of the fucking problem, schlomo. Women vote for mass migration. Women vote with empathy - without regard for outcome. That's also why women suck at chess.
>Be me.
>Literal Nobody who likes to get stoned and play chess after his kids go to bed
>Chess Rating: 1960
>Match up against Female with weird name but is also familiar.
>Win the match (it's close)
>Opponent Reveled: Bibisara Assaubayeva
>Top 10 Female Player in the world.
>Rating: 2400
>Just lost to Black 1960 rated literal nobody man (me)
Women have no place in politics, let alone a position that's required to think ahead and plan ahead for future generations. Women cannot think ahead. One of the best female players in the world lost a game to a literal fucking nobody. Because women are inferior, incapalble, and incompetent.
The best women in the world...
Compare to average men.
This trend doesn't stop with Chess. They're all fucking dumb. The smartest, most capable of thinking ahead of all the women in the world... gets fucking shit on by old man, retired military, current farmer, up late, rocking a fucking Stonewall Defense, behind a joint of some fire Sativa, and a glass of Cornmash.
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote - let alone hold political power.
Now KYS Kike - your wife is a loud obnoxious jewess cunt whose only redeeming quality are her massive khazar milkies.
I am the purest a white man could possibly be. You on the other hand are 75% likely to be MIXED and 80% likely to be circumcised.

But yeah, you should definitely be afraid of me.
I'm glad they woke up after the death-blow has been dealth, that's really neato
oh we know how twisted you are with Satanic Ritual abuse and your satanicly run governement.
we know you like to torture kids to death and praise the devil.
That is exaclty why we are coming for every kike on this planet. The monster will be destroyed, and humanity will be free.
and by the way, alot of brave and righteous americans will also participate in your down fall, no doubt about it
Reddit isn't normies. Ians worldnews is a jewish colony.
You dumb, stupid nigger. Go back. We'll kill you. Directly or indirectly. I don't care which way.
>/pol/ supported jews dying by any means necessary
You got filtered because you aren't high-IQ and racist.
Zionists don't deport Muslims. The entire point is to keep Muslims from being drafted or recruited to fight israel
You won't do shit, mutt. Your genes cannot compete against the Aryan.
You're not Aryan.
/pol/ initially started as /b/ - and "Shitskin" and "mudslime" are terms that originated with the initial wave of Middle Eastern Migrants to Northern Europe.
The term "Shitskin" was coined by Norwegians while "Mudslime" came from Britbongs.
>Shitskin - was born in response to "Pigskin" - a common insult leveled at White People from Non-Whites, particularly Muslims who consider the Pig a dirty, disgusting animal.
>Mudslime - Originated as an insult as a play on the world "Muslim"
Although Kikes hate Muslims and have for thousands of years - that doesn't mean they're your friend just because some Muzzie lads raped your cousin. Just know - she probably wanted it.
You are the one who will be killed this time. and Directly. Thats best case scenario for you corrupt degenarate demon. Worst case scenario you will be skinned alive amongst other tortures you filthy animal
they voted for this
Cope, faggot.
I am quite literally the definition, both the old and the new one. You could only wish to be pure like me.
Wow IDF is working overtime during this mutt holiday week. They've actually figured out that memeflags get mocked and are using European IPs. Too bad it's not 2015 anymore and you can't fool us with Israel first kosher nationalism again. Use your high iq to come up with a new scam mosche
larping as white doesn't make you less brown, you could always go back to the middle east and have a family like the rest of you cockroaches

netherlands is for farming and innovation, turkey tried to invade netherlands and their shitty goblins got put in migrant camps instead. we atleast had common sense to separate the muslims from society to some degree.
You're not Aryan. I am a scando snow ape though.
This is what happens when you take different societies with polar opposite ideologies and force them to live together. And it was the brilliant idea of the West to make it happen. Everyone is better off when clear boundaries are drawn based on ideologies and values. NatSocs don't wish other countries to fail, nor do they look down on others with different values. But they do put their society first. This doesn't proclude helping other countries, but it should prevent combining any aid and assistance with a requirement to adopt Western values. That's why every time help is provided by the West, it blows up in our faces. We try to change the Middle East, Africa, etc. to graft our values on societies that don't want it. That's our fault and until we understand this, the cycle will continue until it destroys all societies.
no cope about it. This is 100% a fact. You and the likes of you will be slaughtered. destroyed slowly.
and the world will cheer for we will getting rid of the worst thing to ever happen to humanity. Satanic kikes.
I know your crimes, even tho you try to hide them they have leaked out.
you are done for. your entire pyramid system is crumbling.
i trully can't wait to get my hands on you
LMAO I have never heard "mudslime"

They are both from Israel
It's another downwards tick in trust of Canadian media at least. Yesterday and the day before the Canadian centre-left got the sanitized version of that story in their papers. Today as they browse plebbit they see the same story from the BBC that describes the event in its full ugliness. Why would the Toronto Star not want them to know that their beloved immigrants who are like children who need their help would do such a thing?
You faggots cannot even make the ships you'd need to come over here and kill us. It's a massive cope.
What kind of weird cope is this? How many muslims are invading Spain right now?
How is beating up lesbians a bad thing?
>I don't like what you say so you must be brown!
Seethe, underman. rofl
You don't even have a foreskin, and I bet you couldn't even point out my country on the map without assistance. rofl
The dutch are turbo-cucks. I am Aryan not a cuck like you. Faggot.
And there is it, you worship a Jew. Always the people seething tend to come out as Christcucks
>Worried about the state of my dick.
Yup, you're a Muzzie faggot. May the little boys you're going to rape have their revenge.
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>Never heard the term "Mudslime"
>Plebbit spacing
>Thinks clever, creative, original insults came from Kikes.
Ha ha. Anon, listen... you're so far off I'm not sure we can correct. The fact that you think any clever insults for Pislam must have come from kikes shows how deeply the kike propaganda has you.
Jews aren't creative, anon. They have no capacity for invention or innovation. They can only USE that which has already been created.
There is literally NOTHING ON THE PLANET that originally came from a Jew. Jews are wholly incapable of original thought.
Please don't put me into a uncompfy death camp. Ask yourself what would Jesus do in your situation. Please be gentle and just deport us. I beg you.
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Faggots won't understand that they're widely hated by rational and irrational people alike.
And because they're all exhibitionists, they can't be convinced to carry on their degeneracy with discretion.
As with most leftchuds, they create the conditions for the persecution and violent expulsion they hysterically idealize (and also wish on their enemies).
Only a white ethnostate that hasn't been demoralized to the point of wanting total faggot death can possibly save their lives. The only advice I can give is to begin identifying and carrying out vigilante actions on pedophiles in their community. Only a small movement of "based" faggots can ingratiate themselves to Whites and create a large enough germ of doubt to prevent us from making sodomy a capital crime again.
>Please be gentle and just deport us. I beg you.
We'll deport you with the same energy you use to rape little white girls.
You'll be fine.
Just like they will.
I'm sure.
Good point anon, I've noticed this too.
Same guy who is sulking this thread
Shilled it on Reddit
one one hand, I'm not a big fan of mudslimes. on the other hand, they're definitely right on how women need to be treated to maintain a functioning society
I wonder how that lesbian couple voted.
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LMAO yeah crying "reddit spacing" is jewish as well.
Does it mean I go on reddit?
Who gives a fuck?
Does that undermine my argument?
I never raped anyone in my life. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. I'm still a virgin. Please don't be violent.

I love hearing that nigger cope. They are gonna do shit, sadly for you monky nigger things and it's coming soon.

What, you thought you were gonna conquer europe with just a chip on your shoulder?

I brought this up a back in 2015, I gave it 10 years for the political climate to change because the monkeys brought here won't be exactly what the wokes and SJWs promised, but instead they will bring down the standard of living and safety in Europe and that will not be acceptable and here we are.

Lemme make another prediction, my nigger. In a decade you and your brown brothers will be executed on sight here. So keep telling yourself they won't do shit. I love me a nigger in denial.
1/3rd of French women vote right-wing, with immigration being perhaps the biggest issue, and suddenly hating Muslim men is acceptable again. Goes to show who really has power in life.
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>I am the purest a white man could possibly be
Every redditor fag will be decapitated by Muslim chads
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Need more desert threads, there is nothing more enjoyable than their seethe
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>LMAO yeah crying "reddit spacing" is jewish as well.
This is how Jews argue with people. They think it derails their argument by calling those they argue with "Jewish." They know they're the kike, but they know that calling others the kike frustrates them and thus derails the conversation. Typical kikery.
>Does it mean I go on reddit?
>Who gives a fuck?
Everyone who knows that site is purely a propaganda factory and anyone who regularly visits it is definitely manipulated by their "Hivemind" mentality. It also shows that you're incapable of avoiding propaganda.
>Does that undermine my argument?
It absolutely does. The vast majority of faggots from Plebbit are propagandized losers. Furthermore - you didn't make an argument. You just made false claims that I corrected.
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Always found it endlessly amusing when faggots would champion for the importation of shitskins.

What did they think would fucking happen?
Based im proud of my muslim bros, cleaning the filth in western land. In a sane world they should receive a medal and gibs for their public work.
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meanwhile today's lead story in the star is how hard poojeeta pamosa the temporary resident has it, and her experiences with racism from white canadians and also how the government needs to do more to help temp workers become permanent ones.. Lots of photos of relatively attractive young women as though those are the typical migrants..
What if the world was just Whites and Asians?
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Lmao simping for mudshits
Ephesians 5 already got it right:
We are playing 5D chess on judeo-masons. Larp as left but deeply righty in the heart and extremely antisemitics even more than modern right wingers which are jewish slaves. Muslims will heal the west. Im mean europe. Mutts will get nuked there is no healing for them mutt-slaves.
>Worried about my dick
Well it's kind of an issue when you bitch about ''muh muzzies'' when you have a muzzy dick, now isn't it? Dumbass.
>The purest white country in the world is not as white as I am despite most of my people having dark hair and brown eyes
Yeah, okay Pablo. rofl
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Based romangutan
Space travel unlocked. I'd take the worst Asians over the best niggers, mudslimes, poos etc.
Based sand niggz
We'd have colonies on Mars, the Moon, and in the atmosphere above Venus. We'd be sending our first Joint Mining Expidition to the Astroid Belt. A.I. would handle most of the worlds menial tasks.
The Chess Grand Championships would be like the Superbowl or FIFA World Cup. Everyone in the world would be interested. Games like Football, Baseball, Basketball would be novelties sports like Pickleball or Badminton.
There would be only 3 races:
Hapa's would be seen as an acceptable sub-race. Almost like Hispanics are now but smarter, less violent, with more attractive females and less aggressive males. (Though, there are some absolutely gorgeous hispanic women).
By-And-Large, the world would be a MUCH nicer place.
>all this is based on the assumption that by "Asian" you mean specifically "Oriental" and not "All Subhuman Shitskin Asian streetshitter, mudslime demographics."
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It's a win-win for a straight white male. Let the attacks continue until morale improves.
Were they hot porn lesbians or frumpy middle aged real life lesbians? This is an important distinction.
>plebbit faggots start caring only because degenerates and foids are starting to reap the rewards of their anti-white crusade
Yeah, I don't give a fuck that their invader pets are beating degenerates and whores. If anything, I endorse it.
Stfu you salty moor-rape cousin, look at yourself in the mirror, we are inside of you literally, in your genes, we live in you, through 8 centuries of rape you got forever changed to be like us.
You make us look bad, i feel ashamed to be related you faggots. Maybe you need us to come back and make you religious again.
interesting that no one said anything about tapping le sign
almost as if this entire thing including that le coming months stuff was sponsored
very interesting
Normalfags* you normalfag
Funny how Spanish niggers praise Germanic conquests of their country where Germans raped and pillaged their way across it but seethe at Cordoba even though the Arabs were incredibly tolerant towards the spaniggers. Maybe you are just a slave race, that's why your identity got changed like three times, first by the indo Europeans, then Romans and then you tried to larp as Germans with names like Rodriguez (roderic)
Is this chess thing your crowning achievement or something? You are aware there have been women in chess beating other actual players?
Then it'd be the solar system instead of "the world."
you'll be fine, as well as turks and, sadly, albanians - they will use you as good muslims on the front lines
And he thinks he can somehow lecture us on white purity. The nerve of these guys...
Germany is millimeters away from open revolt right now. Groups are organizing across the land and its a powder keg situation, the slightest little thing could set it off.
now this is enrichment I can support.
>Entire history is basically about raping and murdering
>It's a fucking meme that they kill gays
>The Left still defends them
At this point I just assume it's a targeted attack against White Christians.
You are a muslim rape baby, your culture, your architecture, your cities names, everything about you is made by muslims, and you are in denial
>Le pen
her party's position is civnat at best, yes maybe she will deport the criminals, guess what the majority of migrants aren't criminal and will remain in France. The fight was lost a long time ago and a revolution to reestablish European nations as ethnostates can solve the issue similar to how the concept of Israel is at the moment, which the affluent middle Classes in European nations people like Le Pen support and represent vehemently oppose.
TLDR: this won't get solved until shit hit the fans and the economy goes to shit
>it's actually about people getting mad over lesbians getting beaten
you call this winning?
but they want to free Palestine???
Hate to be that guy but those two definitely voted for it. So, oh well you get what you ask for.
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Because you are the invader, kek.
Your kind has already destroyed Britain.
You are literally the bioweapon of the jews.
When Lesbians say free Palestine what they really mean is “please based arab muslim rape me so that i stop being lesbian”.
t: i previously raped a lesbian that stopped being a lesbian after the rape. She is today a mother of children happily married to man.
Also lesbian marriage have 75% of divorce rate look it up, it’s not natural, women need men and men need women.
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>You are aware there have been women in chess beating other actual players?
Yeah, but the thing is that they're not as good as men with similar ratings. They're given a handicap.
My point is that women who train NON-STOP for their ENTIRE LIVES lose to casual men who fuck around a little drunk and a little stoned.
Anon, you're giving off some serious "I was raised by a stronk independent, single womans" vibe.
Are you a fatherless boy? I'm betting you are.
Your mother is incompetent. Your dad left her because she's toxic af. She thinks she's more capable than she actually is - as most modern women do.
Women have been given a false sense of competence by modern society. The reality is that for every "top tier" woman in her field - there are literally THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of men that are better than her without even trying.
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Based brown rapist you have my blessing of raping lesbians. You can rape faggots too if you are so inclined.
After the SECOND HOLOCAUST of October 7 when 200 chosen babies were burned in ovens suddenly mislim immigrants are bad.
Gert Wilders the Indonesian nazi with blue contact lenses and dyed blonde hair suddenly gets popular and tries to appoint a jewish Israeli spy as his immigration minister.
The National Rally gets popular in France due to following that well-known fascist policy of "I love the jews".
Nigel "I love the jews" Farage and Keir "I love the jews more than you I'm married to one" Starmer suddenly get popular in Britain.
The jews of course organized muslim immigration into the West in the past because it was good for the jews and bad for the goyim.
Now muslim immigrants are bad for the jews so suddenly they've changed their mind.
Jews are psychologically women. They fuck everything up and then change their minds and blame everyone else.

Also the correct tactic if I was a Machiavellian dictator is to use the muslims to kill all the jews and then when that's finished expel all the muslims
Interesting how stupid you are...
You're probaly just trying to lullaby me. I know that Chetniks still want to get rid of us, but now with the cheerful popular support of the whole west. Last time they just put a embargo on us but I'm scared this time westerners will join the ranks of Chetniks. Just be nice and provide quick death if deportations cost too much, please.
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Means nothing. Im not fighting for western governments. They only want to prolong this entire process to replace whites a bit slower because they over reached. Fuck Jews. Not dying for you. Deal with the goat fuckers you imported.

Reddit is the official propaganda arm of the US government. Look up the traffic and from what airforce base it originates from.

No. She isn't going to do shit. She'll export 0.1% non whites while allowing others to come there legally.

We are past fixing this with voting, since any true radical doesn't have the funds to fight the media and government so he'll just get regulated to obscurity or killed if he genuinely looks like a problem.

The system needs to collapse or a literal Hitler, Alexander or Ceaser needs to be reincarnated or perhaps devine intervention but I'm not counting on that.
Same here. The great kike cleansing wave is about to hit us VERY soon. Dont forget the half breed, the ones with a jewish mother but larp as muslims with muslim names, those run to their nearest synagogue at the first emergency, to be treated as a normal jewish demon.
I'm glad the liberals who voted this shit in will now have to face the reality of it. As a tough white man with a good job I don't have to fear walking the streets like these liberal hoes now will.

Maybe they'll learn to vote differently.
>nosebleed and black eye
>brutally beat
It's because lesbianism doesn't exist. It's just to compete with fags but women are naturally bisexual and don't really care who gets them off. Lesbianism wasn't recognized as an actual thing just a few hundred years ago.
isn't that subreddit being heavily astroturfed
LePen is literally Hitler. The question now is how will the periburban apes and the libtard receive her rise to power ? Certainy not by chimping out.
Faggots must be forced dewormed, using turpentine, Ivermectin, chlorine dioxide, if they remain faggots then tossing them from the top of a building is the only cure.
They're also waking up to (((who))) let the mudslime hordes into our nations.
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So you're saying if I want a loli bride I should just go to India?
They're anti-Islam from the perspective of Islam being anti-liberal, anti-LGBT, anti-feminist etc., not out of a sense of white tribalism, seeing them as hostile invaders or anything like that. Same way normies are anti-Israel because they see them as white imperialists oppressing poor innocent brown people, not cause they're JQ aware.
yeah, the problem is that women no longer care about this shit. if you want to get them back in line in the 21st century, you need to subject them to REAL and IMMEDIATE consequences for their misdeeds instead of hoping that they might be punished after they die.
>women are naturally bisexual
This is also why God told us to watch our women, daughters, sisters, wives, aunts, all of our women. Not to be trust to be roam free.
Jews fund and run most of the NGOs that promote open borders and mass immigration of third-worlders to Europe and North America.
You should inject air into your veins.
we don't need ships for we are amongst you. In your meetings. Withing the cabal itself. We know you have no land. you have no nation. you operate out of the void yet we have grasped your ways. We know you own nothing but only steal, the ships you are proud of are made by the goyim, operated by the goyim. you OWN nothing ! we know how lazy you are and how parasitic. We know we have the advantage regardless of the propaganda that you are pushing.
We know this is not the first time we have chased you on this earth.
Jewish fingers typed this.
It normalizes racism (hating a group) for the first time in 80 years, so yes
You can't even trust women with animals anymore either. They're completely out of control. Islam was simply right about this. Women need to be tightly controlled.
>be libshits
>omg we hate consthervathives they’re so, y’know, hathefulllll and, like, they totally hate the LGBTQIAPNC+ community
>OMG yasssss we love our migrants tho! Not like those racist CHUDS!
Muslims in europe will flip the script on the jews. Join us or fight in the jewish ranks, not shit’s given we will defeat the jews and their jewish slaves.
Simple as.
Wheres the video?
They voted for it. Now i want to watch the video of the consequences happening.
How about this instead. You take your sand monkey asses back to Africa, take the jew with you and fight it out there and leave Europe out of this.
Liberals really went and forgot that the rest of the world, especially the third world, is very religious and very conservative.
Suffer, pederasts
r/worldnews is completely astroturfed by Israel. Go to any thread on it and you find nothing but Boomer neocon bots.
Plenty of young women in my church that believe this to a T.
Of course, they expect you to be a man as well, traditional gender roles and all that.
Christianity was also right about it the problem is everyone started ignoring the parts of the teachings they didn't like.
They voted for it. Not my problem.
you claim to be aryan and white, but you speak like a nigger in all of your posts. however i do agree with you women have ruined society by letting shitskins into europe. letting islam into europe was the biggest mistake of the western world.
Even so-called conservative jews like Ben Shapiro want to flood White nations with non-White immigrants.
If normies were waking up, they'd be the ones beating the lesbians.
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>Muslims in europe
Islam doesn't belong in europe any more than judaism does.
You have your own homelands, we have ours.
Europe is Christian, nafri and middle-east is muslims, and that's how it shall stay.
Islamization of europe is jewish, and anyone promoting it shall go with the kikes.
I do however understand the temporary alliance of 'enemy of my enemy is a friend', but understand that you do not belong in europe any more than jews do.
jews have done immeasurable damage to both muslim and christian lands, so getting rid of them for good is in both of our interests.
that doesn't still mean that christians and muslims will be friends
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>Bibble mommies attacked by their pets.
What happened to my heckin multiculturalism? Wasn't cultural diversity our strength?
Muslims/arabs are part of the same genetic tree as jews, they both can trace back to the tribes of Abraham... they're one in the same
Exactly. I didn't post "omg they're beating up a marginalized group, we need to proooootest".
I posted about mudslimes being openly shat on the most normies and left-wing site on the internet.
Christianity is also semitic so the semites simply have their act together when it comes to women. If only we could do the same.
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>r/worldnews is completely astroturfed by Israel
that's the whole of reddit.
If some subreddit isn't already taken over by ADL operators, they will send the global moderation team to nuke anything that goes against kike agenda, from single users and posts to whole subreddits.
Reddit is used by lot of normies so it's imperative for the jews to control the narrative, and subs such as picrel cannot stand.
Learning the bad effects from jewish agenda can lead to questioning it, which can lead to discovery of the JQ and realizing that jews are not our friends
Islam belongs to the world. You europeans are savage barbarians. you claim to be civilized when in reality you have done nothing but destroy other nations in africa and anywhere else. Islam came to free the world from your tyranny. And tiranny needs to be conquered. It does not listen to logic or debates. Tiranny only knows the sword, and the sword you will get
We will meet in the field of battle or the field of ideolgies and we will take over. We do not allow evil to exist just because it is hidden in a geographical place. ENOUGH
we have learned from passed mistakes and we know that passivity does not do well with you european savages. Convert to goodness or perish by the sword
They only make more dissenters lol.
>Christianity is also semitic
Martin Luther would like to have a word with you.

>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

So, what do you think of his plan of action?
Too philosemitic for your taste?
Honestly crazy how spicey the Maritimes gave gotten, gone from a quiet fishing area to Muslims beting up fags and pajeets going on hunger strikes for citizenship, lol.
I don't talk like a nigger at all, you just don't like what I have to say. That's what that is. Islam is only here because whites want them here, it's because your government is run by jews who want to destabilize everything and instead of trying to fix it you blame the symptoms instead of the parasite causing the symptoms.

You're the reason why this country goes to hell.
The dicks are ruining everything and you're bitching about a bunch of shitskins.
Actually, North Africa should be cleansed of mudslimes and be repopulated as part of the New Christendom.
Jews feel safer in "diverse" societies. Diverse societies, also known as "Divide and Conquer", make it easier for jews to rule over the White goyim.
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>globohomo corporates after june ended:
meh nobody cares about mossad asset incidents anymore
especially if the victims are future child abusers
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There are different haplogroups, but you're right for the most part. Semitic peoples are semitic peoples however, the jewish culture is especially destructive and dangerous and without it the muslims wouldn't even be here so the solution seems easy.
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You muslim brownoids truly are 50iq.
You can have your islam in your shitholes, we don't care about that.
You can build whatever kind of shithole civilization you can "free of tyranny" in your own homes.
Just don't bring that shit to our home and keep the fuck out.
Islam and judaism are both tools of the devil, and they shall not come to Europe.
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You ashked fur it
Friendly reminder that Arab translates to “mixed”. You’re just Jews who got blacked, thousands of years ago. All semites can fuck off.
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Luckily for me I have a home on the other side of Europe so I can just leave this shithole any time. But you can't. rofl
Martin Luther was a victim of his time. Poor guy.
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>you blame the symptoms instead of the parasite causing the symptoms.
Yeah jew is bringing the shitskins here, everyone knows this.
But anything that goes against the jewish agenda is good, I don't expect we could get a second Hitler soon, so any small victory like RN rising in France and start to deport shitskins is a victory.
OF COURSE we need to go full hitler and deport or kill every non-european that is infesting european lands, but its much harder sell and unlikely to happen in the near future.
If we can get shitskin deportations going, that is a very good start.
Netanyahu plans to create millions of Arab Muslim refugees and then dump them all on Europe and North America.
Why not both?
>star of remphan
Here's the reason why both left-wing and right-wing jews act this way. It's called the Kosher Sandwich. Both sides are controlled, each side contributing in a different way to enact different parts of the same agenda: replacing Whites.
Probably just the jews controlling reddit pulling the strings with the recent "antisemitism" and gaza war
Arabs invented slavery. Muslims founded the African slave trade.
Mediterraneans have been oppressing the globe longer than white people. Subhuman 75IQ goat fucking cousin breeding faggot.
>Yeah jew is bringing the shitskins here, everyone knows this.
Well apparently he doesn't because as far as he's concerned only muslims are the problem.

> I don't expect we could get a second Hitler soon, so any small victory like RN rising in France and start to deport shitskins is a victory.
You really think they're gonna do that? You saw what happened in Italy, even over here we have the PVV getting the majority of the vote yet we still get a glowie to be the main guy. Nothing's gonna happen, politics is fake.
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True, all the Semites are extremely work allergic, dishonest, deceptive, self-interested, etc. bad people overall, and that's why their own nations are shitholes.
To be a equal-opportunity anti-Semite, you must be against ALL semites, that includes both arabs and jews.
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To be fair - your "country" is more of a meme. We have states with more people, wealth, and firepower than your entire country.
>The Squirrel turn to the Grizzly Bear and says:
>"I bet you can't find my house."
>The Grizzly Bear just walks off.
>Because who the fuck cares about your literal shithole?
That's how your comment reads to Americans.
A rodent telling a bear that the bear can't find it's house. The bear, of course, doesn't give a fuck about the mouse or it's house. And why should it?
Lgbt was always pro muslim, for some weird reason. If i had to guess she did some pro muslim things in the past, i don't feel sorry for them at all
Islam is making Spain great again
And yet you couldn't kill one small group of krauts. Don't bullshit me, you never had any real war on your own soil and if you did you'd be beaten in an instant. Without the Netherlands your country probably wouldn't even have existed as we were vital assets in supplying the revolutionaries with their weapons. Not to mention the fact that most of your ''white'' genes over there come from the Netherlands so don't give me this cringe nonsense. You can do better than that.
My friend, they've been fighting jews and christians and everyone else since the 7th century
I hate Muslims.

However, Islam is right about women.
Islam couldnt even make islamic countries great to start with lol
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By the way, Israel did 9/11:



Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks against us.

>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists"...

And let's not forget the USS Liberty:



Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame it on the Egyptians so that the U.S. would bomb Cairo and send in troops. Fortunately, the Liberty survived (but with 34 dead and 171 wounded). Unfortunately, shabbos goy President Lyndon Johnson (whose mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a Mossad agent) made sure the entire incident was swept under the rug, and the crew of the Liberty was threatened with court martial if they spoke to the press about what happened.

Here are some of the people who helped plan the 9/11 false-flag operation and carry it out: Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Ehud Olmert, Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush, along with the scores of Israeli operatives arrested by the FBI but ordered released by Chertoff and returned to Israel where they were lionized.

Nuke Tel Aviv as payback for 9/11 and give what's left of "Israel" back to the Palestinians.
You could have summed up your message without all that excess text. Not reading it all. Get over yourself.
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>Lgbt was always pro muslim, for some weird reason.
This was always the weirdest thing, the most degenerate lgbt turbofeminists always cheered for more rapefugees more immigration and more islam, like literally the thing that will kill and rape them.
But then again, have you EVER seen a liberal with logic?
Yep, you haven't, they just get their every viewpoint from Jewish media without thinking two times about it.
They just see Jew News or Jewflix or Jewbook or whatever promote the agenda, 'gay good' OK
'islam good' OK 'immigration good' OK.
They don't think twice if their beliefs have some contradictions
Christcucks aren’t human and definitely are not “men”
Dont worry Ireland will be made great under Islam also
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Hiding in the bushes waiting for society to fall apart so you can rule the scraps is pretty pathetic anon.
You deserve to be replaced in the first place.
They're enthralled. Simple as. They're trained to think a particular way and the fear of being ostracized keeps them in line.
filthy muslim, go back to turkey and suck erdogans dick lol
Lol theres a gang of lads from my hometown that have been making a game of kicking the cups out of romanian beggars hands. Very fun to see
And how does that affect me? I am not romanian?
normalfags are now allowed to be aggressive on social media towards muslims as the situation in Gaza spiraled out of control.

just a cohencidence.
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>Nuke Tel Aviv as payback for 9/11
Eradicating the jews would have additional benefit of improving the lives of everyone in the world.
Literally everyone is better off in a world without jews, not just the european races they primarily leech from
It's kind of a faggot issue that you're worried about my dick. Because you're a faggot, just like Mohammed.
Lol doesnt matter to me after a certain point everything east is the same brand of subhuman hahaha allah sucks pug cock
>Le Pen's party actually making headway saying they'll do deportations and take away passports
they will go half measure, they want to keep them they just want to get rid of the ones that are not tolerable to the gay values of today
>siding with LGBT scum
Spain always regretting its trad catholic past and trying to look progressive.
Spain always trying to get an invitation to the cool kids club of central europe. Give it up, Spain. You will never be one of them
Go back home, rajdeep, you are just as much the jews bioweapon as the muzzrats are.
They are now going into overdrive to get people to focus on anything except the banks and Kikes. This was predictable and a tap the sign moment. It isn't a victory until their ability to redirect the hate and masses are removed from power. You have to stop the ones that put holes in the boat before you can patch the holes. Then, finally, you can remove the water.
No Antisemitisms - Le Pen
>you're from turkey!
>you're from iraq!
Make up your mind, faggot. lol
Christianity is a shitskin’s religion. Go back to Africa.
Mohammed was actually a white man.
I hope one day I can buy you as a slave on the market
No. We must cleanse europe from its filth, for God’s law to be applied on earth. European christians are dead, replaced by faggot atheists. God sent us to restore his law.
1. By "small group of krauts" do you mean "the ones that basically conquered all of Europe until we showed up?" We should have stayed out of it. Europe would be better off if Germany had won and that's an objective fact.
2. Revolutionary War, Mexican American War, War of 1812, Civil War. Every conflict we've had on our soil has been more bloody and violent than anything your country has ever seen in the entire history of your country.
3. Without the Netherlands your country probably. . . Would still be the most powerful nation to have ever existed because your country contributed precisely fucking nothing.
4. Most White people in the US are British or German.
5. Literally everything we do is better than you. The Netherlands are named as such because literally no one wants to go to the nether-regions of the world. You're like the cunt of the fat-bitch that is earth. You're good to wander into a fuck once in a while - but other than that, your whole country stinks.
>The claim was that the Soviets infiltrated our education system in the 1940s-1950s. Now obviously the culprits may have been misidentified.

Gyps. Those are fucking gyps and they come to your fucking countries cause every time we strong arm them around here, you fags cry for them and their human rights.

They are fucking pajeet offshoots, they are NOT human. Like their pajeet brothers they resort to petty crimes, like begging and pickpocketing, as the pajeets resort to scam calling.

You want to meet a proper romanian criminal, I'll bring you a couple of lipoveans that used to wipe the floor with carabinieri in Italy, so you can tell the difference between romanian and fucking gyp.
Thread is already gone LMAO nice try yt boi
Sure Arabs invented slavery. Now we will bring it back and we starting with the kikes and then their enablers you retarded fuck.
By the way I studied medicine in ottawa Canada and did my medical residency in mcmaster uni. I robbed you fucks out of +1Millin CAD in student loans and I ain’t paying it back. So suck on my dick you fentanyl having, tent dweller. I shit on you and your shitty country. And soon enough we will straighten you as we straightened your loose women
you are not european that much is certain, i dont care where you come from as long as you disappear or die. your sympathies for islam indicates you are a muslim and therefore you should die or be removed.
Exactly this.
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I eat pork every day so when i cum on a burkawhores face shes guaranteed to go to hell. Plus notice my flag is of my country, youll own nothing you subanimal faggot hahahah
Based. Anyone who robs Canada irrespective of religion or race is based.
>Le Pen's party actually making headway saying they'll do deportations and take away passports
Fucking liar, she literally said she won't deport them.
Le Pen is a leftist, only medias and foreigners keep saying she's a right-wing candidate.
Why do (((they))) allow this once Lgbt scum are always standing against them?

The only solution for (((them))) is trying to retrieve support of heterosexual western males. Women and lgbt will still be siding with muslims, no matter what.
You and your women are prostitutes that we will repair trough hard beating
I know those are gypsies i just need to out achmed as a non native
The chevron deference case is going to upturn all of that shit. ALL of these organizations will be held to account and congress has to do it. The real reason behind the creation of chevron deference was for congress cretins to shirk their duties and keep their hands "clean" for reelection.
>maybe faggots should stop being faggots
definitely checked
10 years too late
It’s about applying God’s law on earth. Europeans failed at keep God’s words. Turned into atheist faggots, God replaces such abominations, historically he always did.
Plus every empire that fucked with us, ended converted to Islam, every single one. You should have kept Nato out of Libya, and mutts out of the middle east.
You are next on the menu. Faggots will cease to exist.
Real Christians are within our ranks, especially when tranny endoctrinement entered your schools.
Shut the fuck up. Cleanse europe. With what? Your pathetic attempts at showing dominance then immediately claiming victimhood status when someone fights back.

No surprise the fucking jews are cleaning house in Palestine, you fucking slims always talk big, real brave soldiers of muhamad when you are fighting defenseless people, but the moment you meet opposition you claim victim status and run like beat up whores. You want to see a cleansing, keep your eyes on Europe for the next decade. We'll show you a cleansing Balkan style.
Pol siding with fucking LGBT!
Fuck you, direction-brained retards!
You're siding with the same people who wants to troon your kids.

I'm done with you,.midwits
Every Canadian female needs to be beaten by a brown man.
every single one.
Your women come here for MY GREASY MICK COCK i will never marry them, yes our women are whores which makes sullying yours all the sweeter. Allah eats pork as he fuck little boys
Lol those retards are always 10 years late, in 10 years they'll be saying maybe we shouldn't be living with niggers and other shitskins that don't have anything to do with us.
Thanks. I am still aiming to rob more god willing. Perhaps another 2 M through some insurance scheme. Might require me to come back to Canada in person a few times a year. But will see if the pain of visiting that cold hell hole is worth it or not
One thing I miss tho is the weed, especially those animal face pre rolls. Just yum
You are tough because of anonymity
You act like a pajeet. Or maybe just low IQ. You're not white, either way. Go back home.
Cleansed through conversion and acceptance of the message of peace of Islam. We did this every single time, it worked every single time, it will work again. Europe will be muslim and christian and antisemite in the same time very very soon.
>We should have stayed out of it
But you DIDN'T! So you fucked up and needed daddy Russia to bail you out like a little bitch.

>Revolutionary War, Mexican American War, War of 1812, Civil War
Those aren't wars, those are disputes amongst each other. Civil wars are not actual wars, you can't be at war with yourself. That's cringe.

>Your country contributed precisely fucking nothing.
False. The Netherlands was instrumental for the development of the modern world. For such a tiny country, it casts a rather large shadow.

: Most White people in the US are British or German.
The Dutch are Germans, you idiot. ''Dutch'' is mispronounced ''Deutsch'' which means German in German. They're the same peoples.
And those peoples are still responsible for the entire modern world so I'd be a little more thankful you fucking mutt.

>Literally everything we do is better than you.
ROFL Your're so funny, you really need to do something with that, maybe become a comedian or something. You're hilarious. You clowns can't even build a normal car you fucking loser. lmfao
What are you? A USA colony? Would your grandparents call themselves LGBT friendly?
I live in your head rent free. The Aryan wins again. rofl
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based noticer and big picture understander
Until white people actually recognize their identity and unite it doesn’t really matter. Redditors do this shit and then say things like “white isn’t a thing” or “the concept of white only exists in America”. The concept of white people definitely exists for the shitskins attacking and villainizing whites.
Im tough because i dont worship a pig fucker, i am handsome, tall and well off, women have rights here you couldnt stop your women from jumping on this big juicy d if you tried. We will breed the religion from your women lol
Aryans are reponsible for every major civilization so technically the whole world is my home. I own this fucking joint. Deal with it, nigger.
>euros claiming that euro essence is to be lgbt friendly
It's over
What are you trolling or are you insane?
Sure thing potato, that is why your women are chasing us and not the other way around
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>Plenty of young women in my church that believe this to a T.
Naive cuck.
You pajeets with you pea sized brains really that stupid?
How do you not realize that Canada is founded on Christianity?
It is you invaders that do not belong there, you can go worship cows back home
Who the fuck claims that? You think people give a shit about 2 lesbos? That's who probably advocated for those sand monkeys to come to Europe because their virtue signaling overtook their common sense, worse even overtook their sense of self preservation, as much as a fucking deranged lesbo could have such sense.

What bothers us is that it's always the same purps. The slims. So fuck them and fuck you if you are implying we should support these camel jockeys. I thought you fucking Brazilians had common sense.
>nooo! evil muslims hurt two innocent lesbians that are for sure not mysandric and for sure do not side with the same feminism that's ruining men's lives!

Poor lesbians!
>If anything, I endorse it.
Even four years ago, I would feel some solidarity with these faggots, but not anymore.
Got called a bigot and a racist too many times for saying the shit they're spouting now. Let them enjoy the violent multicultural bed they've made.
Invaders. Hahahaha.

Those are parasites. Calling them invaders implies they are capable of violence. They aren't. They are just brown pathetic things that don't grow above 1.65 m.
Hahaha not even islamic women want you thats why you need arranged marriages. You think islam is so great yet you live in a christian country, how man christians go for a better life in iraq or afghanistan. Face it buddy your a loser, and your religion is a global laughing stock and the country you came from is a shithole.
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Anglos started the industrial revolution retard. You're not white. You're not Aryan. You do not belong in the West. Inbred cunt.
You low IQ retards are hilarious. Without cheap slave labor we wouldn't have much of what you dream about. If there weren't abused and hated brown/black minorities, we'd be fighting amongst each other on who's accomplished more. Thinking our corrupt and degenerate society would be better off without blacks or middle Easterners is retarded. They or people like them MUST exist for us to enjoy our life. The fact that they have to suffer for our commodities and luxuries should be evidence enough but you're half brained twits that look retarded when they're racist.
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Yeah these "brave warriors" fucking come crying asylum at the border
"plzzzz white man ;;*((((((( i am so opresed , please let me brown litle man in :''((((( *sob* *sob*"
after a Jewish NGOs boat has taken them over the sea

Fucking brave gang rapists of kids they are, fuk them
Euro have been tricked by the kikes into thinking being cucks + whoredom + lgbt = being civilized.
Trully sad. But on the other hand it might be their natural inclination. Whites have abnormal high levels of pedophilia compared to other ethnicities statistically.
Anglos didn't do shit, wannabe. You losers made cringe bullshit like steam powered submarines and had to cover it all up because it was such a massive failure. Everything you losers touch turns to shit. But even then, you're still part of the same race so you're likely the inbreds around here dumbshit.
That is why all you Semites are the same, you're just two-bit thieves and robbers.
That is why every civilization ever built by a semite sucks ass.
We just need for people to move past the modern jewish agenda of 'all races are born equal' and bring back the racist wisdom of old.
No brown face will then be seen in any European lands, and you're leeching will stop.
You can then live amongst your own, rob from each other, like you've always did
The only reason it became acceptable to bash Muslims again is to take the attention off of Israel and the Jews.

It's very obvious that we had almost an overnight uptick of "Muslims Bad" type news, and "far right" viewpoints being astroturfed on normie media. Notice however, that they all love Kikes
>So fuck them and fuck you if you are implying we should support these camel jockeys.
I'm not doing it. Just check the earliest posts and will you realize that is the other way around. I say fuck off to both of them. But many anons are siding with fucking female homossexuals.

Also, you don't have to be muslim to hate on lgbt scum. Europeans of 100 years ago were christian and hated faggots.
You're falling for the "cultural appropriation" fallacy.
Something being more expressive in some culture doesn't make that same culture the exclusive owner of that expression
Cope and seethe, inbred faggot. You're going to be doomed when the welfare state goes away. You depend on whites.
Russia had nothing to do with our own western push. That's anti-american cope.
The WAR of 1812 wasn't a WAR? The MEXICAN AMERICAN WAR wasn't a WAR? Fucking retarded. You must be a shitskin. There is no way a White man can be this retarded.
>Duh Nether-region was SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT.
Keep telling yourself that, Hans.
Take your plebbit spacing back to r/netherlands, faggot. NO one cares about your shithole country. You've contributed as much to the progress of Humanity as Nigerians have. Precisely fucking NOTHING.
>You're an inbred
I thought I was a brown? Either way, you are ruled by literal inbreds so I fail to see how that's even an insult. lol
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>Whites have abnormal high levels of pedophilia compared to other ethnicities statistically.
Jews are not white.
You are talking about some bullshit statistic which count jews as white.
In real white christian countries like the nordics the statistic is much less than any muslim country.
Well sweden doesn't count anymore since muslims rape so much kids that it numbers have shot up, but if you look at numbers before there were any muslims like 1980 and before, nothing of the sort happened.
Muslims are the worst pedophiles, BY FAR

What ethicities, prick? In Europe pedophilia is illegal. In your camel riding countries it's not.

You people always struggled with self control. That's why you dress up your women like ninjas. You are slaves to your impulses and that breeds more pedos in a generation than Europe could muster in a century.
This is the sentiment of a boy raised by a single woman.
>Could have summed it up.
Unsolicited advice.
>It's too long! I'm not reading all that!
>Get over yourself.
Feels personally insulted.
You are exactly the boy I described, anon. Ha ha. You're either a nigger (because niggers NEVER read anything more than a sentence or two) or a boy raised by a woman.
Anyways - I'm glad you made this comment. It's actually a perfect example of what I described... you wouldn't know that because you didn't read it. Ha ha.
KEK, You aren't white. You Muzzies are the ones who marry your first cousins, which is inbreeding.
are you a fuking time traveler? how is it june 3rd yet your post says its friday where you live, thats not possible its 5/2/24 today wtf
It amazes me how gullible many of us are
Are they memory holed? They're acting as LGBT was something to be protected.

Muslims do in reality what /pol/ only writes about.
Russia is the only reason you ''won'' the war. Everybody knows that, it's because Russia kept sending more men until they reached their kill limit. It was insanity disguised as strategy. You losers did the exact same shit, but at the beach of Normandy. Those are facts, not claims.

>NO one cares about your shithole country.
The Netherlands is just a modern creation and means nothing to me. I'm an Aryan, all whites share the same blood so your idea of race is completely false and imaginary. Aryans built the entire world, that's not a claim but basic knowledge. I am proud of that, and there's literally nothing you can do to change that. Ree all you want.
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He is not Hans, he is Poojeet
It's very clear how he emphasizes the "Aryan" part, which is by the way complete bullshit the indians haven't been "Aryan" for centuries,
he is just a low-IQ street shitter that will go back to this street shitter land as they have overstayed their welcome

>He isn't a semitophile like me so he must be brown! He must be!
The seethe is thick with this one. lol
Europe is home of Lgbt friendly.
You're right. It's part of euro culture to be homosexual and grooming enablers.

Yes, I'm brown and I'm mocking your people.
>He never denied first cousin marriage.
How would you have felt if you hadn't had breakfast yesterday?
You do realize that Netherlands has the least inbreeding in the entire fucking world, right? As in, less than America. And everybody likes incest except for whites, which hasn't really worked out for us it seems. lol
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So you are not only dumb, but actually insane
Nuking Tel-Aviv is semitophilic to you? >>472862688
fucking kek
By the way do you shit on the streets of Amsterdams or do you drop the deuce in the canals?
I could only imagine the smell of Amsterdam if it was full of Indians like New Delhi
Everyone who has ever been to India will never go there again because of the smell
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>Russian propaganda says Russia is the only reason Germany lost
Ah yes.
Did you know the only "extermination camps" located were by Russians? Did you know...
Russians lie?
>The normies are actually waking
No, they fucking aren't, and you're a genuine, extra chromosome carrying retard if you think they EVER will.
what a bunch of filthy racists. reddit must be cancelled IMMEDIATELY.

anyone got the pic of the two other lesbos who got diversity tuned on a bus and one got beat so hard she turned into Jennifer Connolly.
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Strange to see a lot of european flags defending the deportation of muslims.
You are a dumbass. Whenever I walk in an old dutch street I can see every brick that has been laid by hard working dutch men. The middle-eastern men literally has nothing of equivalent dedication put into to infrastructure. Asians are up there but they cannot build giant cathedrals like europeans did. You don't need minorities for labour.
Weren't you the christian Finn or the other one? Who cares, you Finns are all the same mongoloid mutts anyway. lol
That was when the immigrants were only attacking their host country. Now that they're attacking Israel it's suddenly become a problem.
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You're projecting REALLY hard for one of the gayest countries in the world, anon.
>Actually believes America stood a chance against the superior German war machine
Yeah okay, pal. Whatever makes you sleep at night. lol
>Superior German War Machine
That must be why American Pilots were the only pilots with better K/D Ratios than German Pilots, huh? Those "superior war machines?"
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Fuck LGBT.
The Nordics used all to be extremely Lutheran countries, all of our flags literally feature the cross.
Norway used to have in its' Constitution a clause that Jews are not allowed to step foot in the kingdom
So we were 100% white and 98% lutheran countries, christianity as the state religion.
Check what Martin Luther thought about Jews >>472861142
So we were quite literally the jewry's worst enemies, so we have been targeted extremely hard by their propaganda.
And unfortunately lot of people who have grown up watching jewish propaganda have succumbed to it, i can't lie about that.
Even as recently as 1980, Finland was still 90.3% lutheran even though Hollywood movies have been showed here for decades by then which are anti-christian propaganda.
But now in 2023 we are only 63% lutheran anymore, so our society is definitely disintegrating
It's the jewish agenda that is to blame for this, their propaganda is destroying the mind of youths.
And so are their nigger and shitskin golems, islam, lgbt, etc. its all part of the same anti-christian anti-white anti-family agenda.

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