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Pilot leaf here, I fly an airbus
That's the maintenance diversity hires bro. Not the boeing diversity hires.
Airbus has them too. And bugbuilt comacs will be 10x worse. Pick your poison. It's the whole ass world bro.
Also it has aids. Lots of aids.
>outsource all your engineering and maintenance to street shitters
>company rapidly collapses with catastrophic disasters
what did boeing mean by this?
Haven’t flown in 15 years and it feels good
It just proves that the whole system will collapse under the weight of incompetency at some point. Maybe sooner than expected. Accelerate.
This looks like greed and skipped maintenance.
But don't despair Pratt & Whitney is fucking Airbus ass raw right now.
>just put some tape on it
>they actually do
>buy ticket
>ask about airplane
>find out its a boeing
>get mad and ask the ticket lady if she is trying to get you killed
>"everyone knows boeing airplanes arent safe what are you trying to do here cancel my ticket I want to get to my destination not my final destination."
>if they refuse, call your creditcard company and refund that shit immediately
I aint flying no diversity hire airplane at boeing thats falling apart I want the merit hire and safety inspectioned airbus or Ill fly on a different airline, thank you very much.
Also killing all the whistleblowers means they still have something to hide and there 100% will be another disaster/tragedy caused by Boeing, its just a question of when. If the surviving victims of that coming tragedy or their families dont lynch boeing executives and drag their bodies through the streets when it happens, they deserve it. Because its not an accident if you calculated the cost benefit analysis.
If a rabid animal bites you and you refuse to kill it, so it can go off to bite someone else, you deserve to die of the rabies. The US government should seize and nationalize Boeing for national security reasons in response to the whistleblower deaths but the FBI is too busy jacking off to tranny porn and scrolling through 4chan looking for right wingers to do their fucking jobs. C'est La Vie
Wtf is this? Air Uganda?
Any engineer will tell you you only need 3 threads in there and your good.
Just when you thought free market capitalism couldn't get any worse, woke capitalism shows up. Businesses are actively hiring fucking inept morons as company policy because they have a skin complexion quota.
Everything is simply too expensive nowadays. We just can't run a basic society anymore because of costs.
Looks fine to me. Most of those screws are redundant for safety. Each panel would probably be just fine with 3-4 screws max.
It’s happening right now anon,
Quota enforced by their creditors and the government.

ESG is like FICO score for regular people.
Reminder that everything matters (counterfeit fasteners visibly indistinguishable) are important.
Get co-pilot fired for not doing proper walk-around and noticing that shit
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When the planes start falling out of the sky, the Left will defend Boeing and still call it "progress", and then blame old White men for this.
I make darn sure that the planeI get on isn't a Boeing. I fly Airbus.
>free market capitalism
Are you really suggesting we have that? Astonishing stupidity, depressing knowing people as dumb as you browse this site.
Still less chance of a lethal crash than a car.
This is how things should work. No regulations, just choose what you fly on.
>true free market capitalism hasn't been tried
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>Diversity is our strength
>Let niggers, spics and women build planes
>Shit like this happens
It's all so tiresome
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>yes yes blame each other and not the corporate shareholders who lobby government to deregulate everything to squeeze profits out of the working class.
The Boeing shit is so obvious it's obnoxious. You know how you know it's bogus? All the maskies are talking about it. I don't need to go into all the reasons why it's bullshit, like how Boeing doesn't maintain their planes after they sell them, and the MSM never mentions the airline or maintenance.... Since you would have to be a retard to think a landing gear falling off 1 plane out of 2000 planes made with millions of landings between them all of them is a manufacturer defect, and not a maintenance issue.
You do realize, we thinks it's both. These two observations of reality are not against one another. You're just coping and denying the reality of race and culture.
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They want you dead
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Wife tits nao
What culture? America isn't a culture. And that's where Boeing does business.
You can keep dividing yourself further and further away from the super rich and elites and keep up the inner class conflict tho, they love it. They don't give a flying fuck if a plane crashes or not, that's just another old ass plane out of the insurance pile and more incentive to build new ones.
the other bear notices him and runs off
>zoomers pretend one loose screw on an inspection panel that is opened several times a month by airport staff is a manufacturer issue
If it's not riveted, it's being removed at least once a year.
People dont understand simple things like that, but when the news is covering plane issues once a week, a loose screw can be transformed into a big deal, and honestly I dont blame the average joe for being extra cautious
“People” are retarded and should stfu about things they don’t understand
he's like 3/4 asian or some shit, who the fuck is lowering the standards of even being a nigger? This country can't even be niggers correctly anymore.

So it's a ground crew issue, who pays, trains and hires the ground crews?
Yes, but there have been massive issues with airplanes as of late so every little thing will be looked at and people will wonder if it means the plane will crash, someone out will be so scared of all the news and see a rip in the carpet on the plane and start thinking the plane will blow up mid flight
hello glownigger, it doesn't matter how many whistleblowers you kill, you can't hide the wounds of your rotting empire
This is literally because of DEI regulations.
The paint is chipping. I use to paint planes and walk on the wings
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It's over. Nigjeets are going to tank every corporation and industry this country has.
"If it's Boeing I ain't going."

That's not a statement of bold personal choice, the plane's just not going to get there.
Everyone wants to act like it's strictly diversity hires that ruined being and that it has nothing to do with being moving to South Carolina to hire non-union workers.
More like airbussy. Real men fly planes you never know if the landing gear will off.
What happened to him? Poor bear... This gets me down more than 1 gorrilian dead muzzie kids. Bear didn't deserve this...
>What culture? America isn't a culture.
America has hundreds of different cultures.
>And that's where Boeing does business.
And denying race is part of some of those cultures. You're not engaging in sicentific analysis or critique. You're engaging in a religious ideal.
>You can keep dividing yourself further and further away from the super rich and elites and keep up the inner class conflict tho, they love it.
Yet again, you can oppose both. I don't have to pick one truth and one falsehood to make you feelt better because you're too much of a coward to engage in proper critique.
>They don't give a flying fuck if a plane crashes or not, that's just another old ass plane out of the insurance pile and more incentive to build new ones.
And those same people were more or less in charge before when plane crashes were far less.

How do you explain that?
Because it's both. Just admit you're a coward.
A White Socialist state is a utopia.
yeah im sure if they pay 3rd world shitskins a little more they will do a better job. fucking retard
Thats an airbus wing faggot
Op is a faggot

That is an airbus wing from lagaurdia new york from February.
Well Embraer planes aren't falling of the sky.
what the acutual fuck?
I used to work as a subcontractor for Airbus Helicopters at Marignane.
There is a quality controller that is supposed to check every operation that was done by fitters-assemblers. Everything is riveted in place, and a sealant that we call "PR" is applied on every single rivet.
I've heard that planes built in Toulouse are held to a much higher standard than helicopters. Rivets are checked one by one with a tool.
he woke up from hibernation calm down I (checks flag) am assuming you are already intoxicated ?
>*giga-corp fucks up in some way*
>racist assholes: ITZ NIGGER'S FAWLT
Every. Single. Time.
they want to ban flight for the slaves so only the moloch worshippers can travel.
It's the 737-800.
Look here dileep

Its not. Its from a few months ago. It was an a330

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There is no picture in your link.
Pic related is a Boeing 737-800 wing. Same as OP's webm.
One more here
Was macht es für einen Unterschied?
Fliegen doch sowieso nurnoch vaxxtards.
No I'm just retarded kek We don't have any sort of bear here so I'm unfamiliar with their ways/habits. I thought it was some form of mange or other dermatological illness. Good to know he's alright. Thanks for the prompt response heckin kind stranger! Have my updoot and Plebbit Gold Keanu Chungus!!
This is Russia (Africa with Snow) though
>Each panel would probably be just fine with 3-4 screws max
>t.head of maintenance ranjeesh
>outsource all your engineering and maintenance to street shitters
I'd wager the problem with Boeing is the same problem I'm seeing with many manufacturers and maintenance industries as a parts provider; they don't have enough employees, and they refuse to hire more because they don't have to. Refusing to hire employees to do a job is the final cope of a capitalistic economy that refuses to pay workers. All of these major businesses and corporations have such an established footprint that the quality of their product is erroneous when taking into account their earning power. Boeing has so many assured sales over the course of a year that they will continue to make money by just existing, but it's getting to be that the only way CEOs and shareholders can see a profit is if they cut it from somewhere else. The economy is just at the point where they're trying to squeeze blode from a stone, so the only course of action is to under-hire, and let the consumer bear the brunt of that horrid decision.
>overtorqued or loose

Fucking niggers
When youre driving maybe
Yeah uh huh ok sure prakreet
Well, I dont see you solving the problem without racism faggot. Racists dont build planes that fall out of the sky because they dont want to offend someone. If you valued merit instead of skin color you would have an argument but you dont so you dont. If being nonracist meant the best people got the job I wouldnt be a racist but what "diversity" really means in the corporate world these days is just "nonwhite." Fuck Im less racist than you are nigger.
You don't get it do you?

Boeing has a shitty DEI score, they aren't hiring dozens of pajeets and Nigerian engineers they hire their DEI bullshit positions low end of the totem pole to fill their "share".
What's happening is that Boeings shareholders are maturing and either looking to cash out big time or their trust fund kids are cashing out or trying to squeeze as much profit as possible from the operations, and at the same time corporations are lobbying government to deregulate safety standards so when an audit goes in they've lowered the bar so shit slips through the cracks.

Back when Boeing was new they had the same motto as NASA pretty much a 99% go rate for safety, and that was highly regulated by the government because it was part of the national security programs they ran.

There's a reason why China doesn't manufacture shit kind of shit because the safety standards are abysmal there. And before you yell
>wahhh it's all race!!
East Asians have higher IQs.
Boeing isn't hiring random niggers off the streets of Zimbabwe you stupid mutt.
>Latin script on a "Russian" airliner
Yeah, ok pooshit, back to cleaning my toilet now.
Cool it with the antisemitism
More like bow-wing.
>cross-headed screw
Dios mios
>pay american price
>get worse than chink tier aircraft
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But the jews said that D.E.I. is only a good thing?
Why would jews lie? Jews never lie.
free trade and private ownership has always worked. the only people who have ever been against it are the niggers of the world who are a net negative on humanity. kys.
You are Indian, kek.
Plumbing is redundant anyway, you can just shit on the street.
Waste disposal is redundant anyway, you can just drop your trash on the curb.
Asking white man whether I'm welcome to his country is redundant anyway, I'm going to go anyway.
Its OK to be racist.
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When the central banks are privately owned by the jews, that whole thing falls apart though.

Good documentary how post-war Japan used economic policy similar to natsoc Germany, until the Jewish IMF took over.
>Princes of the Yen | The Hidden Power of Central Banks
can't argue with that desu
It is the nigger fault because of their genetic inferiority and its the corp fault for treating niggers like humans.

All antiracists be placed on a plane staffed and maintained by niggers, plummet to the ground antiracist.
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Ironically D.E.I. bites everyone in the ass in the long run. High-IQ black men are very rare, but they do exist. Imagine their frustration when now everyone looks at them as the D.E.I. hire when he would have actually had the merit, but he was given free pass along with 19 other niggers who were D.E.I. hires.
Same with the schools in USA, if you see a jew or a nigger in a school you assume instantly that they're a D.E.I. admission, since they almost always are.
That is poison for the rate black who would have got in strictly by merit.
You are right they are hiring random niggers off the street in America which is worse
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>just import billions of indians for cheap labor bro
>What's the worst it can happen?
Oh maybe everything?
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I don't understand what is so wrong with poojeets, it's not like they're even human.
And even many animals are cleaner than poojeets.
A cat has the sense to hide its poo, unlike the poojeet.
>get cancer installing electronics in Apache
>get laid off 1 year from retirement
Im going to find out at what frequency the metal melts and rage
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Even the Mexican Pringles is upset with them, see picture related
That was NASAs mistake not the manufacturer...Thorikal told nasa they were dumbfucks...and there yeah go boom
They're hiring niggers off the streets of Detroit
They arent but OK.
Yeah, I'm sure a dude with a camera is a reliable expert. Fucking chuds. Thousands of highly trained technicians worked every day to make sure every play is in top working condition, I think they know a little more than your retard asses. Literally nothing wrong here.
...and OF COURSE they are standing on a railway track. What could ever go wrong with jeets and trains, right?

Don't worry, this is only a temporary setback. Their best minds and hand are occupied with their new space program
>Checks Straliner programme
Well, fuck me sideways.
Did you do that, f**ing moron ? If anything happens here, there will be consequences and you won‘t like them.
>ceo pay increased massively during all of this
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if it's a Boeing mishap, my dick is growing
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Of course it's all about race. Always has been.
Races build their socities into their image.
IQ isn't end-all-be-all, and chink "high-IQ" has been proven to be a myth anyway, just like the jews.
Why the fuck do you think non-whites are flooding the white nations, and not vice-versa?
Yes it's the jews that are holding the doors open for them, but the jew is not forcing them at gunpoint to come here[*].

[*] Well with some exceptions, sometimes they literally are forcing the non-whites here.
I don't even know how that is legal, deporting immigrants to Europe instead of back home, but somehow the yids can do do that
>Also killing all the whistleblowers
it's fuckin insane how that is all forgotten about and accepted, just like Epstein.... kek this civilization is finished
I’ve worked for Tesla, they don’t give a fuck about quality at all. Stripped bolts everywhere, anons. Tesla’s are the Boeing of the car world.
Not a boeing issue, that's a "niggers and heets doing maintenance" issue. Root cause is demographic not company policy.
Same here. Even our military stopped ordering Boeings. Killing whistleblower is not a good way to fix things.
you fuckin idiot
Based pilot in a safe plane made by sober whites.
>Tesla’s are the Boeing of the car world.
i believe it
the truck is cheap garbage
Just a loose screw bro, it's ok bro!!
This is all done on purpose. The purpose of it is to degrade quality of life. Why? Lowest common denominator. Bring us all down to nigger level.
Family business goes tits up, the whole family suffers and losses almost everything.
Corporation goes tits up, CEO still walks out a millionaire even he left the company in shambles.
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>be me
>30 years ago
>putting panels on an ea-6b
>many fasteners missing
>tell crew chief
>"its fine"

Nothing happened, no in flight issues reported. Still, it was an eye-opener. Why the fuck would you not want 100% of the fasteners in place? And no, the seargent was white.
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In retrospect the Challenger disaster was an auger of things to come for Western economies/industry/science. The stain left at the high water mark.


Because they're largely redundant and skinning isn't structural. 3-4 screws it all you really need. Each one of those screws has a clamping load well in excess of 1000lbs.
You don't understand the stress a plane goes through at takeoff, do you?
It literally is this case if you stopped refusing to look at reality coward.
Kek leaf pilots are some of the lowest paid jet pilots in the world. When will you guys finally get a decent CBA?
I wonder how poorly the sales of this nigger’s autobiography did. And he’s not a 777 pilot, OBAP just paid for his type rating.
leaf pilots have to check in with 4chan for manuals while in flight because they're too afraid to communicate with tower niggers
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>No one:
>Literally nobody:
>Poland: RUSSIA
Capitalism can be summed up with the simple question:
>Can i fuck your kid in the ass for 1 million dollars?
National Socialism is INFINITELY better for the human spirit.
Hopefully AC ALPA gets a pound of flesh from Shylock this fall. WJ have shown themselves to be absolute cucks.
> uuuuuh we'll settle for 15% increase and the death of sunwing, but in 5 years from now, we'll really show management who's the boss, for real
At least the AMEs showed these faggots how it's done.
By miles, not by occurrence.
zigger detected
this is russia i have been there they had orgy with ukranians there
NTA, but you don't understand airplane maintainence. A lot of theose screws are redundant. Each specific aircraft has a specific number of screws that can be missing on each panel.
I've been trying to time my puts option on Boeing for a few weeks now. I think if the astronauts end up dying I'm going to be a rich man
All it takes is one wrong one missing and it's game over (meaning I make bank on the stock market)
There's a minimum equipment list for aircraft. You can actually have a lot of screws missing on airplane panels and the plane is still airworthy becasue they are overdesigned. That isn't a actually a problem.
>That isn't a actually a people.
thanks for showing me the error of my ways
You literally don't know know what the fuck you are talking about. Google "aircraft" and "minimum equipment list." You can miss about ten more screws on that panel and the aircraft is still airworthy.
>t. aircraft mechanic
Typo faggots are the worst posters. Figures you are also a leaf.
You can well imagine the stress Boeing mechanics are under, they can't be expected to tighten down every screw. Just relax and enjoy your bag of Chinese peanuts.
Oooooooh nooo oooooo ooooo ooooo a dzus faster or whatever nutplate is fucked up!!!! Call the airplane poliiiiiiiiice!!!!
I believe you. I still think it should be best practice to have 100% in place. Otherwise it just seems 3rd world tier effort. The white man seeks divine perfection in all things.
All it takes is one. Might want to do some research on airplane crashes instead of act like a pRedditor who thinks he knows everything
>one loose screw on an inspection panel
I don't leave things like that unaccounted for even on my $500 shitbox.
this is how le shuttle went titsup
idiots like you kept taking on risk
Atlas will shrug one way or the other.
Do you say that like you're going to get other than a thank you for your service to israel?
That's an old bear waking from hibernation. That's just how old age happens to pretty much every species on the planet. You're pretty much a fucking weak pathetic sⲟyboy manlet to let such things bother you.
>its gigacorp's fault
>nationalize it with proto-communist shitskin niggers
For the people indeed, that will fix it.
That stuff gets written up in a log and handled at the next B check or if it’s down for any other maintenance event like some kind of avionics issue. At any given time there are about a dozen screws that are fucked up on non-critical components. It becomes an issue when there are two consecutive, although not a big one. People fuck up, but there are tertiaries in place to prevent catohosteaphic failures. They probably had it off for preflights and that was the last fastener to go back on ( typical ) so they yolo’d it.

Full stop chang, this an american aviation forum and you will respect our veterans that gave their blood sweat and tears for your freedom. Adam and eve, not adam and steve. Praise Jesus.
I would certainly hope so, given every driver is responsible for their own driving, and the maintenance of their own car.
This is our strength tho
Thanks for this info
whose fault is it then?
Boeing Going Gone
Shit like this passes yet I need to get car inspections and have insurance. Fucking hate the government.
I flew last month for the first time in a decade, for a funeral. Flying is unbelievably gay now. Crammed in like sardines, I mean virtually no leg room whatsoever. Everyone is on their phones the whole time and you have to fight for access to electrical outlets, and it seems like only half of them work. Because I was flying out of a smaller airport, the plane I was on didn't let you take a carryon. We had to give them to flight attendants as we boarded for them to take them below, and then wait for them when we got off, which completely clogged up everyone else trying to get off the plane.
Extremely gay experience.
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>fucking gremlins
>Full stop chang, this an american aviation forum and you will respect our veterans that gave their blood sweat and tears for your freedom. Adam and eve, not adam and steve. Praise Jesus.
you are the gayest niggers here
Ohhhhhh noooooooo oooo oooo the terminally online zoomer is going to callout culture me!! AaahHhH
kek this was my first thought also
>when nothing fits and not even hammering the parts together to force fit them is enough for the screw to fully engage the threaded hole
anotha 33.8m for the CEO please
It sounds like you've never been able to afford a plane ticket before. It tells you the plane type before you book retard
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Years ago, a woman was boarding a flight, saw that a 1 inch square portion of the fuselage looked to be slightly separating from the layer underneath it, and didn't say anything. The plane ended up having a large portion of the top rip off at cruising altitude, decompressing the cabin, and sucking out a flight attendant.
lol this nigga is so paranoid flying Boeing he noticed one bolt on the wing
Boings dope, yo
Wickity wickitywickity
You don't understand how the airline industry works, retard.
covid happens, reduces airline stock price
stock price is so heavily tied into a company's viability that they have to start cutting costs
they stop maintaining planes at all
stock price rallies
"but we need to make up for the losses we experienced during covid"
still don't maintain planes
>why would boeing do this
Who are the corporations hiring to design, build, and maintain planes?
I was going to say Air Congo.
show foreskin, kike
Still different from a sheet panel with 50 bolts missing one.
It absolutely will not fail from one bolt. Because otherwise these things would be going down every day.
Malaysia 370 taught us that rogue pilots can get away with it with the benefit of the doubt.
I bet youd like that, gayboi
Some races are more conscientious than others. And biological Leninism has artificially elevated inferior gene pools to levels of control and responsibility that are so obviously beyond their abilities that it has made normies into racists. With good reason.
You would want a nigger in your surgical theater. Don't begrudge others for not only not wanting it, but being honest enough to also say so.
>this is how le shuttle went titsup
>idiots like you kept taking on risk
Hilarious becasue I doubt your country can produce bi-planes effectively.
>There is only that one cockroach that I saw. There wouldn't possibly be more.
Yeah, so this was a budget airline, the plane was in service for about 30 years and the problem was corrosion in the fuselage skin. It wasn't a fucking missing screw.
No it actually doesn't just take one. You would need about 20 more missing screws before that would be a problem.
get lost, pissbritches
Paid shill. Someone can't mention Boeing without someone (usually within the first three posts) going "Delta bad, it's the airport's fault."

This is true on every social media platform.

Paid shill
my country produces semi-decent aircraft during the times it can get its shit together enough so that dev funds don't get stolen by gyppos
most recently a jet trainer iirc
Honestly if there weren't any Jews everything else would sort itself out
Plane I went skydiving out of looked like this. Made the experience even more terrifying
The "left" wont defend anything. But they'll nod and agree while paid shills and their bot farms flood absolutely everything with blatant lies, not because they agree, but out of fear of retaliation.
I'm a machinist who used to make the doors for Boeing airplanes (don't work there anymore). AMA.
Those are the people pushing it.
They want to destroy family formation and replace the population at a rate of 10% a year.
To facilitate this they use militarism and finance to wreck third world countries so they can pluck talent for peanuts.
Then they make sure the immigrants go extinct before they can build generational wealth and repeat the process.
It's a system of control to keep the incompetent children of familial dynasties on top.
>a single loose panel screw
Please stop making aviation threads. You're all retarded.
>> imagine going to a funeral at all ever just to prove to the people who are still alive that you care

I'm not even going to my parents' funeral. you're gone, that sucks, but I have shit to do
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If it ain't Embraer, I ain't getting in the air.
lol they are going down every day

certainly more often than in the 2000s
They use that and the fucked up tail repair that was a total loss as examples of what not to do. They were doing inspections at night and there was a delam and cracks from the rivet counter-sinks.
This is all you will ever amount to.
>don't work there anymore
were you replaced by a nigger, or were you just not replaced at all?
Whats the story behind the westjet strike?
This is American greatness.
It's called hundred mile an hour tape for a reason.
Not sure. I quit the job. Lots of spics and niggers do work on Boeing planes though. The spic I used to work with is still there. He's actually a good worker though.
How does poop on the tracks cause a derailment? Surely the trains are heavy enough to handle dried turds, let alone the liquid permadiarrhea of jeets. Unless it became so caustic it ate through the rails.
maybe it was a big mound of elephant shit or something?
anyway, with the state the rails and carriages must be in, it probably doesn't take as much as you'd expect
>omg a loose screw I am going insaneeeeee
grow up faggot
So basically what you are saying is that your country can't produce bi-planes and you are talking shit about the U.S. space program.
Hey newfag,it's "If it's Boeing,I ain't flying"

Lurk moar.
If its boeing better call towing
the US space program was shit, and now is no more
without Elon you're nothing, you realize that?
ULA can't get anything done, the Boing capsule is stuck on the ISS...
Also I'd point out that the pilot was able to actually land this plane. For as much shit as Boeing takes, the Aloha 737 was still able to fly with a large chunk of its fuselage missing. It's a solid design. Perhaps they went overboard on the Max with weight reduction, composites, and Pajeet programmers, but it's still a solid design and I don't think any Airbus aircraft could fly with a chunk of its fuselage missing.
how's that equity thing working out for you lol?
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>without Elon you're nothing, you realize that?
Don't remind me. At least rapid progress is being made finally. The Starliner fiasco is objectively being blown out of proportion but the optics are so bad you almost can't blame people. What's going on with the Starliner is akin to Biden's latest debate performance. Absolutely shitting the bed when the heat is on.
IFT-3 did not fail, why not post that?
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Because none of the engineering grade ultra telephoto footage of stage separation and maneuvers of ift3 or 4 have been released yet. I've got these though.
pure kino
this pretty much
That doesn't seem very green
Boeing planes are worse than the cheap fair rides that alcoholic dopehead carnies cobble together in a matter of a couple hours, and then disassemble four days later, throw the pieces in the back of a truck, and repeat from town to town. I honestly think the Dept of Agriculture's ride inspections are more thorough and trustworthy than Boeing's quality control department. Rather ride the rusted out Fireball run by a non-English speaking Squatemalan illegal alien than get on a Boeing plane.
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It's stainless steel anon, why would they paint it green?
>deregulate everything to squeeze profits out of the working class.
What is "immigration" and "DEI hiring practices"
I think the biggest issue is what other anons have already touched on. They tried to union bust too hard to appeal to the shareholders and ended up lowering the quality of PC and QC. We’re entering another gilded age in America where and things are going to get worse before they get better.
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It's so funny to watch whites make fun of ethnic names when you abandoned your own ethnic names and are all named after jews.
>t. David
>t. Elijah
>t. Noah
>t. Jacob
>t. Joshua
the list goes on. At least the Indian is named after his own culture unlike you ultra kiked cuckold race not even named after your own ancestors
Speed tape.
Boeing making sure to close that gap asap to get back in the race it seems.
I never liked flying Boeing even before the recent shit. The planes flop around, the wings bounce up and down, and you feel like you are riding a busted bicycle with bent rims. Used to occasionally fly on some kind of Lockheed with two rear engines and the thing was steady as a rock, a whole different world. Asked a pilot about it once and he said, yeah, that is a great airplane.
If it's boeing your life expectancy ain't growing
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This all stinks of their psyop against freedom of movement
These are all of the countries that are fully, or partially, banned from flying into and over the EU for various reasons.
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I think I know the answer to this one
That's Venezuela you idiot.
>shilling boeing? you are glowing
No, thats just because it is true. You can see the wear and tear on the wing. That didnt leave boeing like that, god knows how many times wrench monkeys have pulled that panel off.
barely heard about jal123 the other day, another boeing fuckup in the 80s. one of the largest aeronautic disasters of our time, >500. the cockpit audio is pretty bad, ngl.
both destroying it from within from the business side and amplifying the reaction from the media
the jew has its finger on all the springs
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Kind of a poor example. Boeing did fuck up the repair causing the crash, but almost all the deaths were the result of exposure because the japs were being austere retards and refused assistance from the nearby US military base whose crafts spotted the crashsite in the first place and only ended up making it to the site days later.
Are you the same leaf that had trouble sleeping?
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Giga corps fucked up by adopting DEI in the first place
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This is what happens when airlines hire diversity retards. Someone call Becky the "aircraft mechanic"... seems like she done fucked up!
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Some airlines are now 100% diverse.
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Us Airline also outsource major maintenance and major inspections to central and south Americans 3rd world shitholes. Domestically, the airlines hire affirmative action subhumans for diversity.
Not my problem, recently the news was very happy to say that the majority of travelers are single women. Empowerment levels reaching over 9000!
All we need now is an aircraft filled with 100% female skanks to crash due to the female pilots and crew. I would laugh so hard... I might even die laughing
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>whole ass bro
You are a disease.
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Yep, the last time I few Delta, I was sitting in their Atlanta Hub listening to their nigger employees talk about doing drugs and rug deals.
Diversity is our strength!
all those corporate tax cuts SURE went into innovation and productivity improvements. yessir. totally didn't get pocketed by sick fucked up executives who love living in the country that punishes none of them.
I literally cannot wait until the killing starts. I will kill so many Republicans it'll make Hitler blush. Ya'll are so fucking dead it makes me LOL watching these MAGA fags spend their summer doing white people recreation shit. No fucking clue what's coming.
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We’ll get em next time!
Best of luck to you leafbro.
Isn't this the 787 with the carbon fiber that can't be painted properly so the paint keeps falling off? Pretty sure it is.
God damn you fucking Poles are insufferable. You could call the USA "Africa with Money and Faggotry" for the same shit. I doubt Russia has a fucking 787 anywhere but I can't be arsed to check it.
Have you ever seen carbon fiber? You're retarded if you think the airframe is carbon fiber to begin with.
fucking meth head
i knew so many pilots that were smoking meth to stay awake and alert, mostly in the CAF tho
id fly boeing fuck /pol/
>You're retarded if you think the airframe is carbon fiber to begin with.
>he doesn't know
Look up a materials diagram of the 787. Almost the entirety of the airframe is composite. The only exceptions are the engine pylons which are TI I believe and the leading edges of the wings and stabs which are aluminum.

It used to be a huge problem during assembly because the floor of the cabin was a carbon fiber composite and knuckledraggers would fail to clean their shoes and fail to put on their overshoe booties before doing work on the interior of the fuselage, drag a single rock or grain of sand in, and cause dozens of point delaminations requiring the removal and replacement of vast sections of very expensive hard to install composite.
well, americans aint too smart so thats to be expected
No one does preventable tragedies like America. TOP KEK
>Ayesha Gross
Even their names are gross
reminds me of the russian hero Vitaly Kaloyev who killed a retarded atc that got his family killed
>A lot of theose screws are redundant.
Redundancy seems a fine thing to have on an airplane.
Poo poo ranjeet mad af lol
If that screw came off and flew into an engine, would the passengers and crew die?
those are camlocs, not screws but you are still correct
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>Boeing did fuck up
>poor example
>muh passenger vehicle miles traveled
A statistic only becomes that derivative when it's bullshit meant to cover up the ugly truth.
You have absolutely no control over the risk factors.
Automobile death statistics involve retards who drive the wrong way down the road, drunk, without their seatbelt on. It's like idiots who say "well getting hit by lightning is rare so I'm going to go dance around in a thunderstorm"
The lightning death statistics involve all the people who stayed indoors. Meanwhile for people who frequently do outdoorsing lighting is one of the top killers.
Cars are a darwin award dispenser, but all of the risks can be managed. Skilled, defensive drivers, who give their undivided attention to the drive almost never die.
You sit on an airplane you are at the mercy of whatever monkeys are flying/maintaining the aircraft. It's not a manageable risk. It's basically a game of dice.
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>poor example
Yeah because you cited it as one of the worst aeronautic disasters of all time. Boeing was responsible for the airframe failure resulting loss of control but the Japanese govt was responsible for waving off the US military assets which were patrolling the crash site within 20 minutes of it going down and prepping to scramble a full rescue response at the nearby base resulting in the majority of the victims dying of exposure on the top of a mountain overnight. As far as crash landings go JAL123 was an unusually gentle one that was very survivable, especially when an emergency response would have arrived during daylight mere hours after it going down.

A much better example would have been Alaska 261, but that was a MD80 back before the MD Boeing merger so it doesn't fit the narrative quite so neatly.
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I was going to say Uruguayan Air Force
imagine being able to afford to fly anywhere or do anything when you get there to begin with.
>28 people on mascot costumes vs thousands of shitters
>I can assure you almost all 28 of them will be beaten to death by the end of the month
Its a stealth bomber get it right chud
randomly met a spirit hostess recently and she looked drained
i mentioned not flying recently(it was a few weeks ago when boeing news was really flying off the handle) and her face just went into a catatonic state like i just spoke about some loved one who was brutally murdered
I'd actually disagree with this. In both Max 8 crashes, the anti-stall system was disengaged and there isn't a back-up system to that as on most other jets. It was a design issue and not a production issue, as well as the pilots being retards and being too reliant on software emergency features to cover their assess. The other issues seem to be rapid decompression and the Dutch roll issue. I'm of the opinion that the only way you really dutch roll in an airliner is if your frame is too flexible, which means too many composites used in the skin and they shaved off too much weight from the longerons and the bulkheads. Yeah, you can design a plane to be that flexible and it will still be airworthy, but you will run into the issues you are seeing right now. The FAA is up everyone's asses all throughout the production and maintenance cycle. I really doubt it is a production issue.
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i fly Spirit and it tells me what type of plane it will be. if you click around it shows somewhere.
>without Elon you're nothing
That's like saying without Werner Von Braun, the U.S. space program would have been nothing. You are probably right. But the reality is dudes like Von Braun and Musk do exist and do work for the U.S. government. Seethe more Eurotrash.
Why the apostrophe? It's the same number of keystrokes to just finish spelling the word, and then it actually rhymes instead of just suggesting a rhyme.
>Boeing was responsible for the airframe failure
Let's be more specific. JAL was reaponsible for the tailstrike that necessitated the repairs. Boeing repaired it. JAL then fucked up the maintainence and the inspections that should have identified the structural issues of the empennage.
Lying Freemason niggers … too bad they didn’t really die
I'm shocked that there hasn't been any sort of legislation against Boeing by any of the world's governments saying that Boeings won't be allowed to fly through their airports until something is done about their quality control issues yet.
You will fly Chinese, one day
Let me guess, it was this nigger, under whose watch lost the train car filled with ammonia between Cheyenne and California
if it be a boein' I is a goin'

ta die
For the MAX, they violated basic aircraft design fundamentals for the larger engines (for more range and better efficiency). MCAS was to compensate for the root design flaw. A single AOA sensor was also a critical system design error.
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Bruh I’m operating that flight. Come say hi.
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>The diversity hire pilot is on his phone and flying the plane upside down
Jesus fucking christ, does it ever end?
You niggers are retarded. The dogshit engineering is done by poos while the poor maintenance is done by kiked out airliner companies that are so fucking cheap that they can't even keep adequate replacement parts in stock. A fuckload of sketchy ass workarounds are made in order to get shit done faster instead of following recommended procedures per manufacturer guidelines. Why spend 4 hours lubing the rudder mechanism when it can operate well past its acceptable amount of wear and tear? GD&T? Measurements? What the fuck is that shit? Just slap some tape on it and get the bird in the sky! Spare parts are too expensive!

*rubs hands*
Well screw it in. Stop sitting there filming. What do these people get paid for?
Report that if you see it, and get off the plane.
Someone has huge shorts on Boeing or is planning a leveraged buyout. The coverage makes no sense, almost all of these issues have been the airline.
>tell person they're going to die
>why are they weird
you're fucking stupid anon. nothing personal, you're just dumb.
Also, technically not on Boeing, that's an Airline mistake.
It’s absolutely true and whoever is responsible for this retardation belongs in prison for SEC violations.
I bought a 2018 Honda partially assembled in the Carolinas. IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING LEMON
And it still didn't crash. This is another reason to keep your seat belt on.
Stay mad grezgorz
t. Virginia oblast
Bro inspection panels on pressurized aircraft are torqued and sealed for a reason
Lexus is building some cars in AL now. Thats a no for me. I only want cars assembled by Japanese hands.
It means some lazy, absent-minded maintenance nigger couldn’t be fucked screwing something down properly. Maybe that screw is not particularly important, but that lazy incompetence transfers over to things that are important. Also, did you notice how butchered the other screws were? Should someone who does that be working on aircraft?
My wife used to take her car to a particular mechanic. A couple times we were given the invoice for a different customer. Okay, a bit mindless, but not a big deal. Another time they left a large breaker bar tool in the boot of our car. Again, absent-minded, but not a big deal; I kindly returned it to them. Then one day one of the brakes fell off the car; an independent inspection showed that the brakes hadn’t been bolted on properly by the mechanic who had changed the brakes a few weeks earlier. $3,000 worth of damage and what could have been potentially fatal.
The transcript of the alleged final moments reads like a bad script.
>a woman was boarding a flight, saw that a 1 inch square portion of the fuselage looked to be slightly separating from the layer underneath it, and didn't say anything
I respect the game, I never tell anybody anything either
not even trains are safe from diversity
That would be that Arabian pilot who pushed the nose down after saying alan snackbar killings everyone on board
Some form of Duct tape is commonly used in aviation repair. They need something that will keep things together but still be malleable. That's why they don't weld it. If they did, the wing would be too stiff and have more of a chance of falling apart in flight.
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In your dreams
Most of the "Boeing" issues are issues in maintenance rather than manufacturing defects.
Companies have started buying a lot less Boeing planes, shit design & maintenance isn't profitable for them in the long term
Sorry, I blame Boeing. Spirit started as a Boeing spinoff anyway.

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