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I'm tired of losers blaming da joos for their terrible mistakes in life.
It's tiresome.
Get over it, losers.
Yes, the holohoax is fake!
yes ww2 was a huge mistake and stupid
yes, many joos are rich and love their kids, nepotism and you are envious,
yes many joos are commies
yes, joos commited genocide on russians and created ussr and almost destoryed the whole world
yes joos faught civil war against germans in 1917
we get it, i know, but the da joos didn't make you a loser
da joos didn't make you worship a joo
da joos didn't make your parents not love you
and everyhting da joos did was with the help of willing CHRISTIANS
we live in a society
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>Jewish online shills are lower than animals. They’re soul-less, double digit IQ consoomers who spread poison for just enough shekels to live in a cuckcage, eat goyslop and masturbate to blacked porn in their free time. They have no inner monologue, no humor and lack any creative thinking. All they’re able to do is reposting the same images from a shared folder and using the same feminine sophistry Socrates btfo’d twenty five hundred years ago. They unironically believe they only pretend to be retarded! They have no friends, no girlfriend, and every night before sleep they fantasize about a Rothschild knocking on their pod’s curtain one day to congratulate them on their work and elevate them to a position of power. In reality sooner or later they all commit suicide as a result of their botched circumcision, which makes their penis hurt to touch whenever they pee or jerk off, because the rabbi was too eager to suck the blood or had herpes. Can you believe there are npcs with more lines of dialogue in a single video game than what some of the jewish online shills will ever utter!? Even when taking a dump and pondering the nature of my excreta I cannot possibly imagine a more wretched and subhuman existence than that of a jewish online shill.
I farted
Shut up kike
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why can't you just say "jews", you dumb kike?
People aren’t blaming Jews for their own mistakes, that’s just a cope to hide the fact that people are aware of Talmudic practices and the crimes committed onto goyim for millennia. I don’t care if a Jew is rich or successful other than that.
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Christianity is just globalized jewry.
Same methodology, same superiority and persecution complex, same results
yep yer a kike
No, it's Jews.
Golem posts
>everything you hate is because of jesuits and jews (and muslims, and asians, and athiest)
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(and jesuits *and every other satanic world religion*)
>that's right goy keep blaming each other instead of the joos
When I had problems going to the bathroom this morning it was the jews fault

Because of the well poisoning they do on the food in America
>Protestant Judeochristians aren't Jews!!!!
Ok moshe
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now denounce talmud and torah
Shut up kike
You subhumans never create anything good because Satan is your master.
Keep running your kike mouth faggot because it won't be long until you are smashed into a million pieces and thrown into the wind again
He's right , all the jews ended up in eastern europe where the Slav upper classes were used to treating their serfs like dogshit. Jews fit right in.
2/10 meme
kys kike
its called "noticing" christcuck.
Christians didn’t write the Talmud and Christians aren’t writting anti-white articles and tweets at the same insane level as Jews. Now yes Christians Simp for Jews and other issues that weaken our way of life like Trans shit and feminism. But at the end of the the root cause is and will always be Jews.

That's maybe why I hate Semites, "good Christians" are Jews, too. Anon
trace back feminism and progressivism and you find yourself among ""christians"".
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I'm message and I endorse this joe biden.
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I am a 39y old 4/10 neet chud with no job, no house, no money, no future, nothing. But I won't settle for anything less than a 7/10 with a banging body and pretty face who is half my age.
God owes me a beautiful loving white wife to make up for the cards I've been dealt in this life and for all the suffering I had to endure.

That's probably the best Non cringe Non shill meme I've seen posted on here lately, basically that Anon
Inside every Catholic is a jew - the pope

His blood be upon us and ours - the jews

Your part of the "ours" now Catholic boy.
The jews must be worried that the Thomas Sewell interview is going viral.
Your time is running out
That's high praise coming from you Joe.
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Wow it's full of Jewish subversion. What atheist or pagan group isn't pozzed by Jewish infiltration? Who do I vote for? There's never a suggestion where to turn only that you turn from Jesus. Why are we looking back 100 years instead of the future?
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>There's never a suggestion where to turn only that you turn from Jesus.
No one is going to save you, but yourself.
Relying on a magic jew to save you is, again, circling to the beginning, not taking personal responsibility for your life.
You don't need a jewish book to know what is right and wrong.
You know he was a devout Christian right?
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I only want 10/10s and a bunch of them, chastity, and common ground with high compatibility, otherwise I don't give a shit Anon lol

I'm not God fearing, it's on them and if it's not mutual nor genuine it doesn't matter... If Jewish ones "passed me by" because of their Jewish beliefs and assumptions, it doesn't matter

Judging goes both ways Anon :)
What's the root cause for jews still being all over the west?
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>still believing the lie thay modern jews are related to ancient Israelites and aren't just the pharisees thay killed christ
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>They still believe the lie that my headcanon from mental gymnastics isn't true
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You are literally taking jews at face value when they claim to be ancient Israelites.
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>yell into the abyss
You're performing mental gymnastics to convince everybody jews appeared out of thin air after a single historic event to avoid making it seem like you're taking a jew trying to scam other jews at face value.
so the reason i made this thread i can't even listen to talk radio zionist republicucks without hearing pastor dan tell me about how i should love jewsus every commerical break, complete with soaring orchestral music
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Take a shower already you shit skinned mutt
You understand that you only need the modern jews and the israelites to be unrelated people if you're a christcuck right? Those of us who aren't brain damaged spiritual kikes recognize that the genocidal raping foreskin eaters who celebrated hannukah and passover 2100 years ago are the same ones doing it today.
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If you are so keen on believing jews you can take their word
Da joos made this thread because they're trying to shake my faith in you King Jesus but I will never I'll never lose faith I am your slave forever.
It's actually the other way around though?
fuck you kikel
>That's maybe why I hate Semites, "good Christians" are Jews, too. Anon
I really appreciate your endorsement, Joe. You are a living legend.
I don't like the church but I love Jesus
Its caused problems
>Everything you hate about Jews is because of Christians.
Thanks rabbi. You have converted me now. Which Christian sect did the most to create the hate?
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The chingchongists.
Analogies are not arguments no matter how good you think they are
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That's great, now face the wall.
>Christianity and Judaism are utterly opposed in what the believe in, their laws, theology, teachings, what's considered sin and what's blasphemy.
Israel will be destroyed and Palestinians will repopulate the Levant region
>da joos
yep yer a kike
Sure are doing a lot of threads, stinky poo.
Gas the kikes.
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Pick one. Or you could just say real Christianity has never been tried.
I said before all Christians are willing accomplishes.

If one or more people are participating in the felony, they can all be charged with felony murder. One such example is an armed robbery. If a group engages in the robbery but only one person shoots and kills the victim, all participants can be charged with felony murder towards the victim.

So even though the Jews committed the crimes, the Christians were accomplices and can be charged with felony murder too.

Even though technically Christians didn't the Jewish crimes they are guilty according to US law.
I don't label myself anything but have my own individual beliefs... But I recognize Semites, and hate them Anons
>according to Us law
>yeah kikes are at fault but what about all the goyim???
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So by your definition
Kid Charlemagne was innocent of inflicting the crime of usury on his people because he didn't do it,
the jews did it.

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That's how Christians work. Get the Jews to do their dirty work. So they can keep their hands clean.

I haven't had sex because of the Jews. They are paying all the women to ignore me because I'm an existential level threat to Israel
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lol, jews suck dick.
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I appreciate effort posting.
Christians can't defend themselves.

No one will debate on their behalf, not even themselves.
>Stop blaming others, loser
>Ackshually you hate Jews because of christians
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The whole thread is just ad hominem attacks.

Zero defense of Christianity.

Which makes sense Christianity offers zero defense for whites.
Satan is already defeated
You would know that if you were a christian
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Either you're an actual like/jeet/glowie or you're historically illiterate. Christians have been the premiere Jew killers throughout history, the crusades even produced a genetic bottle neck
Only after the West secularized did Jews gain any power whatsoever
Now do the world a favor and hang yourself
Jesuits were infiltrated by Jews very early on
>Only after the West secularized did Jews gain any power whatsoever
Lmao no, pagan Romans killed millions of jews before christianity allowed judaism to spread through Europe and handed them a monopoly on banking.
>Yes, the holohoax is fake!
Well, there you go. Every reason there is to exterminate these liars.
I didn't read beyond the first line but anyway you're going in the cattle car you filthy kike. Also no bump.
just like how it wasn't the joos that killed christ, but the Romans right? Mr. Joo? Always looking to deflect blame rather than confront it, own it.
Mutt education is truly an embarrassment.
Jew thread. Don't read it. Sage and report.
Remember when Pissrael was under attack and all the BBC bait porn flood stopped for 24 hours?
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well hold on a second, why then are there so many "jews" (synagogues of satan) embedded in the church systems? why don't they just leave us alone?
Did I say that Christmas were the only one who persecuted the Jews? No, they make enemies of all man kind, it shouldn't surprise you that others killed them.
Also saying Christianity allowed Jews to monopolize banking is like saying white people allowed niggers and spics to monopolize the drug trade because we didn't participate. It's retarded logic
Don't try to jew me down, you pedophile christkike. You understand there wasn't just one revolt, right?
>Jews have average 83 iq
>Satan is already defeated

Until I see his minions dying violently no he isn't
Romans owned the banks before christianity prohibited usury and told jews to bank for them. You had no problem participating in it when you were on the receiving end.
Yes, so do most christcucks seeing as how christians are majority brown.
>da joos didn't make you worship a joo
FORCED christianization would want a word.

>da joos didn't make your parents not love you
JewOwned MSM/Hollywood, Feminism, Sanger+abortion pushing, LGBT, fear-of-being-called racist which together demoralized and brainwashed "parents" for decades would also want a word

Who you thing you're talking to Moshe, some 4y olds?
I hate feminism and I know it was pushed for Jews but it was the gentiles who decided to listen to them I mean they didn't have to listen to the Jewish doctors pushing feminism and man-hating but that's what they did Christians listened and were willing accomplices to feminism Jewish feminism.
The Jews are why my parents never loved me.
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Wtf are you saying here? Assuming we're making a separation of Romans (who outlawed usury) and Christians (who outlawed usury), who is participating then?
Sorry Schlomo this shit's not going to work anymore. Your people have never been able to outrun their sins no matter how hard they try.
Stop trying to make us hate Christianity, I Reject Nomdak
Pre-christian Roman banks charged interest, but the banks stayed in Roman hands because they didn't have religious prohibitions against it. Christians didn't allow themselves to charge interest and outsourced banking to kikes, who were allowed to do so. Christians had no issue with borrowing from kikes and paying interest, but wouldn't charge interest themselves which allowed kikes to monopolize the finance sector.
Fuck jews. They change their stances, opinions and allegiances depending on how the wind blows. Always subverting everyone.
christians are the golems, hence why western society is collapsing
I denounce the Talmud, the Old Testament/Torah, and the New Testament, also the Quran, Book of Mormon, all Abrahamic cults
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Actually usury was off and on in Rome depending on the time, mostly because of economic shit storms that would force the government to outlaw usury. To add Roman lenders typically offered loans at 1% per month. Not exactly the same as Jewish banking.
And no, Christians didn't outsource banking to the Jews. The knights Templar had the most advanced banking system in the world at the time and allowed free movement of money without the risk. If you want someone to blame for their downfall and the rise of Jewish banking it would be the French (and some Italians)
And again, I don't think stooping to the level of Jews is the way to go, I won't debase myself so I can't be as brutish as niggers, nor will I engaged in shady finance. Having moral principals is what makes me white
Jews never existed in England until christians introduced them until after 1066, Aaron of Lincoln(a jew) quickly became the richest man on the island and financed christians + offered to cancel debts to pagans who converted to christianity = odd
St. John Chrysostum's 'Against the Jews' is pretty damning, anon.

how's the weather in Tel Aviv Moishe?
Had to look up the guy because I'd never heard of him
Pic rel lol
I didn't find anything pertaining to Christianity, least of all Christmas bringing Jews to angerland or the latter claim
Is there a difference?
The Templars basically pioneered fractional reserve banking by issuing letters of credit in excess of the assets they had on hand.
>If you want someone to blame for their downfall and the rise of Jewish banking it would be the French (and some Italians)
Christian kings like Charlemagne were welcoming the jews with open arms well before the founding of the Templars. It's no coincidence that the Rothschilds amassed their family fortune under the Holy Roman Empire.
Fractional reserve banking is fine if you don't charge interest, if you want to move money without the fear of getting robbed on the way it's just about the only way unless you're rich and can afford security
And I'm not defending the HRE, it was a shit show and the emperor had only his self interest in mind, hence his actions
>>472880986 the pic from this post shows how the people actually felt about Jewish banking
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Each kike that is murdered is one less pedophile. You would do well to remember that, moshie.
I worship the Hogfather.
>yes, Jews set fire to your house and killed all your neighbors
>but you're the one who decided to become burned, homeless, and alone
I'm going to start learning how to sew lampshades and make soap right fucking now in preparation
Does that include rabbi yeshua?
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kys synagogue of satan
Make a lampshade out of all the foreskins that are claimed to be from babby jebus.
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Are there any white people in your heaven?
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no, society is failing because of atheism (which is jewish)
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atheist and jews are politically the same
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atheist are anti-white.

did you know atheism originates from jewish occultism (religion for goyim) and spread during the (jewish) french revolution?
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>da joos
What a fag lmao
We say kike here.
Loving trannies is bad, but loving kikes is worse.
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Ok lets settle with 85% of the modern worlds problems are because of jews, sounds like a reasonable number
What fucking heaven you disgusting filth
There is no god and every Jew throat will be slit in the streets
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okay christkike. now i feel like i really belong to this subreddit.
Only jews use the term golem as an insult. Kosher post
Jews are so stupid that they don't realize that literally every group on the planet is turning against them
Such a moronic fucking race that they built their homeland in the middle of Muslim territory, who hate them more than anybody
And THEN they sent Muslims all over the planet, so that they could ensure there would be a significant population of those who hate them in every fucking country
And they also hammered into everyone everywhere's heads for 100 years that the most evil thing you could do was genocide brown people
I rest easy at night knowing that Jews are so fucking retarded that they'll eventually just destroy themselves without me having to lift a finger.
Spilled Jewish blood is a healing ointment for the Earth.
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Japanese hated Jews before they had any contact with Christianity
first mention of tengu was 720 years after Christ
That's irrelevant to what I said.
85% seems a little low, maybe 100%? There now you have zero blame.
You feel a lot better now right?
And feeling better is what is most important.
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Clownworld doesn't happen without Whites. They've fueled everything. The cowards here don't have the integrity to admit it.
>Clownworld doesn't happen without Whites. They've fueled everything. The cowards here don't have the integrity to admit it.

No it isn't. Jews were reviled for the exact same reasons hundreds of years before Christ. Christianity is a response to how evil jewry is.
You have a vivid imagination.
In fact, Christ was created to "bring the goyim to obediance" and clearly, it worked.
christianity was created by jews, so yes, it is the jews, the root of it all is jews
jews should never haver existed
hardrian should have finished the job
“I’ve had to move cities 1334 times and start again somewhere NOBODY knows my name because everywhere I go, I ALWAYS get someone accusing me of being a child molestor and getting me dragged into a police station to defend myself, ruining my reputation!”

“it must be that da goys just have wild oddly specific imaginations!”

miserable jews have only one philosophy: they can do no wrong, and nothing is ever their fault.

you'll be genocided. so what?
and the world will "miraculously" become a better place when you're gone, and humanity will ascend.
The subverted Christianity to make it pro jewish, it's a recent phenomenon from the 20th century.
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And when was that written?
I'm sure if you and Nick Fuentes sperg out more about how da Jews killed Jesus and the like, that'll fix it.
>yes, many joos are rich and rape their kids,
Cope Christian Rome loved jews 100x more than pagan Rome. Christianity was built on sucking jew dick
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Listen faggot they are a parasitic race.
You're not cool for trying to fight back facts.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is king. He makes kikes and atheists seethe. I wonder if OP is one or the other, or both. Jesus loves all of you, including OP, despite half of you being unrepentant faggots. OP is also definitely a faggot.
Digits don’t lie. I’ll point them out myself, because OP’s thread blows and nobody else is in here to do it. Also sage.
well tried. there is no "take a step back". we wont fight your war
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kek so it IS jews spamming all the anti-christian threads!
>falsely accuse people of being jewish as often as you breathe
>eventually your false accusation becomes meaningless due to endless repetition and refutation from the accused
>hurrr durr guess that means the false accusation was true
it is always the jews
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its true, i hate christians way more than jews. with jews, i know what im getting, i cant blame their nature.
but the christian is another thing entirely, they make a conscious choice to worship a jew, to throw their entire identity aside, to become transjewish. "spiritually jewish" as they call it. spiritually kiked. the christian is the type of person whod stab you in the back for trying to burn down a synagogue where jews sacrificed a child. the eternal boomer.
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retarded take, kill yourself. the israelites are white.

Reminder that (((communism))) is a widespread jewish political system kicked off with the bolshevik jew "red terror" that genocided 40 million White Caucasians. Jews/judeo-bolsheviks (including american jews) also sponsored the chinese communist (((cultural revolution))) that genocided another 40 million mirroring what (((communists))) achieved in russia & eastern Europe. Jews were instrumental in orchestrating ww2 with 10's of millions more ethnic Whites killed. Fuck communism and fuck jews
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thats literally adam green on the right lol and he hates kikes

also, a christian wouldnt tell somebody to kill themself. larp harder jidf

although to be fair they would use a bunch of forged sources to reinforce their opinion, that part you nailed.
(((christian judaism))) is a jewish death cult and those who convert to this judaism (or any other form of abrahamism really) have renounced being White ... they're jewish golems
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why is there a doctored photo of pic related in your meme? why her specifically? you know she thinks your larp is asinine right?
pictures of jesus exactly like that existed before adam green was born you moron.
>also, a christian wouldnt tell somebody to kill themself.
why not? some times i do wish these people would put themselves out of my misery. they're annoying.

i don't keep track of which models in which infographics.
this. the so-called jews are truly the synagogue of satan
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>(((christian judaism))) is a jewish death cult and those who convert to this judaism (or any other form of abrahamism really) have renounced being White ... they're jewish golems
yep, nailed it
christians are transjewish
theyve caat down their identity and heritage and have elected to have a jewish egregore theyve never even met as their logos, which is why they have no capacity or experience with the divine. its literally a skill check which they fail.
so you just blindly regurgitate memes for an ulterior motive
got it
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so youre saying adam green is jesus reincarnated? they predicted his coming? based
Oy Vey! Am I right, my fellow Christians?
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wait.. nope
it says right here jesus was a total manlet
cant be adam green

imagine worshipping a manlet as god tho lol
may as well worship just ching chong
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no, adam really means to show blood in the face. nazarites are described as having eyes of polished sapphires. the israelites are white, 100%.
that faggot hangs out with richard spencer, confirmed fed. not interested.
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the garden tomb where Jesus was for 3 days was expanded to accommodate a man of about 5'11" and the man in the shroud of turn is 5'11"...
You can hangout with uncle Leo, faggot
lost sheep of israel didn't want to kill him because they heard his voice, and knew him. eagle (and snake) a symbol of the tribe of dan.
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So 9'11 was an outside job
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those are based on jewish 23andme which purports ashkenazi are german because they resided in germany
so now they can say jews are genetically similar to europeans
its bullshit. we are nothing alike.
but even if we granted them that, what about behaviorally? culturally?
because thats your ticket right there

no white man ever looted a battlefield for foreskins

no white man ever thought god was going to kill him but was saved at the last minute by his quick thinking white wife who had the brilliant idea to mutilate their white son's penis and then proceeded to jerk off her white husband with their own white son's foreskin and calmed the white god's anger and spared the white man's life

no white man ever memorialized god's wife as being a tranny with a penis

white people had been in europe for 50,000 years at this point in time (thats over 10x longer than the (((israelites))) believed the age of the earth was). the out of africa theory was deboonked. the closest thing to white people in the hebrew bible were armenians

if you are white, you have zero relation to any of the events of the bible except the rare exception of possibly the new testament and getting to be related to based longinus who had the honor of being the one who speared the dirty jew claiming to be god

>inb4 but ma galileans werent jews
yes they were. jews fighting other jews
>b-b-but ma canaanites
jews fighting other jews
>b-b-but ma tribes ma heckin edom
all a bunch of dirty jews being dirty jews jewing jews. its the jewcentric world view of a bunch of primitive sandniggers.
but i can't stop noticing how the collapse of society and decline of christianity coincide.
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show me him "hanging out" with richard spencer. he interviewed him one time, which literally nobody approves of. but when you have a family and your job is literally naming the jew and the christcuck, your financial options are few and far between, and interviewing someone like richard spencer brings viewers, and viewers bring donations.

it wouldnt have to be this way if christcucks handnt systematically handed jews control of the money supply and then the government in every country they ever resided in like clockwork

you erase christianity and you remove the jews shield and sword. its that simple. with no one left to protect them they are vulnerable
>inb4 but then whose protecting whites
not christcucks, thats for sure.
Ironically Jews invented Christianity
Lol idgaf about the Jews
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Thomas Massie: Submits a bill to end the fed, and hymie arranges his wife's death.
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it's 1,948 nautical miles from solomon's porch to the london stone. uncanny!

>those are based on jewish 23andme which purports ashkenazi are german because they resided in germany
seriously doubt it. blue eyed migrants overtook israel and the levant and then were pushed out after arab conquest and wars.
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christcucks and muslims are jews

and jews are con-artists
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Great advice.
Now face the wall, kike. I have been derelict of my duty as an American Citizen for too long.
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>the shroud of turin accomidated a man of about 5'11"
which is ironically one of the best evidences we have that the shroud is fake and gay but ill add it to the already expansive list of reasons for why its fake and gay
i do believe the thread about "after christianity" featuring those losers was deleted when people started making connections themselves. you can delete this thread too if you want, it's not like anons nooootice this.
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>muslims are jews
work together to destroy white nations because they're genetically the same people, see here: >>472902959
>the best evidences we have that the shroud is fake and gay
idiot. several of the STRP original members have since declared it legit after new evidence has surfaced. even contains 3D time-series information.
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more likely jews obtained some white slaves and raped them as children and killed them after 10 years of bearing them children, like that spiritual guru of Oprah's did. jews are a genestealer cult. they cannot sustain themself, theyre naturally entropic.

always remember: 1 drop of jewish blood = jew
jews know this. it is like a cancer, it cancels out the humanity. so you can be 99.99999999% european with 1 drop of jewish blood, and you are no longer european, youre a jew. you are a ticking time bomb. it might not be within your lifetime, or your children's lifetimes, but as some point youll notice a predisposition towards schizophrenia, a compulsion to rub the hands together due to poor circulation, your kyphosis spine will naturally manifest, you will feel an urge to naturally undermine your host nation, to engage in depraved acts of sexuality, the list is endless really.

which is why no matter if we exterminate the jew, the dormant jew will always be a liability. some 25% of hispanics have jewish genetics, many of them are jews who do not know they are jews, but you will see it among them sporadically arise.

what else are jews known for besides their traditional behavior? their close association and habituation for niggers. which is why latin america is such a shithole. bunch of jews who dont know theyre jews fucking niggers, jewing each other and doing other incompetent shit which would necessitate an entire thread by itself
>"Stop blaming the Jews, you have to participate in society"
>Proceeds to list a bunch of ways in which you have been systematically excluded from society
Cool so it's not the joos - what now? I've still been fucked from before I was born
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>more likely jews obtained some white slaves
look here dumbass: >>472902959
your theories are dumb and don't align with observed reality: the fact that the levant was more closely related to europeans, contrasted by the "jews" being more closely related to arabs? proves your theory flat out wrong.
Go take an IQ test because you sound retarded
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even if i granted you that, you forget two important distinctions and mistakes jews made when writing their fake and gay bible:

1) jesus was ethnically jewdean which is why he was born in jewdah
>as it is written, jacob have i loved, but Esau have i hated
2) job was an edomite, not descended from jacob (whose mother rebekah was a 3 year old sex slave considered a miracle because she wasnt first fucked by her father before being sold into sex slavery, as i just mentioned)

just one of the many thousands of contradictions which is to be expected of jews without a prefontal cortex lying about a creator, who they hate, as a way to spiritually disarm their enemies.

honestly i spend way more time than i should having to undo these jewish lies about a character they call god rather than focus on our actual creator. these people are a fucking cancer and need to be eliminated once and for all and that is only possible by removing christianity, the golem which protects them and creates npc slaves for them to use as weapons against their own people
>1) jesus was ethnically jewdean which is why he was born in jewdah
yeah and before 70 AD, that would've been the actual jews who are white, because the israelites are white. after 70 AD those that remained and went into babylon/iraq, eventually migrated northward and founded khazaria.

>>as it is written, jacob have i loved, but Esau have i hated
>2) job was an edomite,

>not descended from jacob (whose mother rebekah was a 3 year old sex slave considered a miracle because she wasnt first fucked by her father before being sold into sex slavery, as i just mentioned)
your quoting the talmud means absolutely nothing. they've been known to lie and make shit up all the time. the talmud contradicts the scriptures all the time, it can't be taken seriously. you keep the claims of the talmud with the talmud, they don't belong in a discussion about biblical facts. wasn't even written down until 200 AD.

>just one of the many thousands of contradictions which is to be expected of jews without a prefontal cortex lying about a creator, who they hate, as a way to spiritually disarm their enemies.
yes, exactly.

>honestly i spend way more time than i should
you don't know shit, you're mixing things up all the time. you're intellectually lazy. lots of handwaving here! bye loser.
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i literally do not care
what dont you get about that?

youre literally the type of jewish slave who could read this entire list of jews killing children and disregard all of that evidence based on jew uttering the words "blood libel" and showing you an edited wikijudea article

exercise some critical thinking ffs
Oh look, the nazis are here, bring the flamethrower
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>stop hating us, you only hate us because you're jealous!
If you weren't massively narcissistic ego-centric self-absorbed, subversive, destructive pieces of shit, we wouldn't hate you. Americans love successful people, we're not Jews or communist retards.
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Also, nobody calls them Joos except Jews.
>i literally do not care

>what dont you get about that?
the forger confession is fake and gay? duh? lol retard. there's no way the shroud isn't real. it's made of linen and is from the 1st century ad, matches the herringbone weave common to that area and era, matches newer carbon 14 tests, etc. etc.. just watch the video.
Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Judean.
They literally mention this like every chapter in the New Testament. Try reading it.
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That's a stupid request. It's not a gotcha at all.
Jews are permitted to lie about the Torah and the Talmud, and that includes denouncing it. Better to demand that they renounce their chosenite status.
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Forgery implies there's a legit original, Jew.
Remember that the next time you denounce the protocols as a forgery.
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i think you might be literally retarded
we have literal remains of these purported "israelites" and they are most genetically related to modern day samaritans. they are a semitic people, theyre so fucking distant from europeans it isnt even funny. thats like like saying we're more closely related to asians than niggers, WHOOP DEE DOO
theyre still not white or anything near white
i wasnt joking when i said that the closest thing to white people in the hebrew bible were armenians
>If you weren't massively narcissistic ego-centric self-absorbed, subversive, destructive pieces of shit, we wouldn't hate you. Americans love successful people, we're not Jews or communist retards.

Why don't you kill yourself...like, right now. Really, kill yourself, you must live a sad sad life and that pain can go away if you kill urself
i think you might be literally retarded.
we have literal remains of the israelites, and they match western european R1b haplogroups. "modern day samaritans" are arabs you fucking idiot. they've since replaced the actual samaritans that lived there previously. there's even arabs in the modern day with white admixture from being taken as slaves in muslim raids of european coastal cities. you have to know the histories of these places and the migration patterns for it to make sense, as well.

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m'bappe isnt french because he has a french passport and plays for france, you know that right?
which is why theres a dozen other points of evidence for why its fake, including the one which you just added, that the forger stupidly made by assuming he was a 5'11 european instead of a 5'1 manlet semite
youre thinking of counterfeit
if you had kept reading the definition instead of cropping out the remainder youd have probably noticed that a forgery is something made falsely with the intent to deceive
you want the jew proofs or the christcuck proofs?
just a friendly reminder: the bible is fake and gay. there are very little "proofs", just evidence of their own jewish contradictions within their storytelling ability
>because of
there fixed it for you. Zionism is a way for whites to explain that they follow the editted censored version of the "bible" therefore blah blah blah blah
infiltrated. how the FUCK.
no you wanted it thats what
how does "jews" just infiltrate you. Imagine saying that and its niggers.
>"yea the niggers just infiltrated us"
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>you only need the modern jews and the israelites to be unrelated people if you're a christcuck right?
You only relate them because your nose is crooked and you crave the blood of baby goyim.
Jews migrating all over the world, unmolested.
the old testament god is satan
imagine, creating something with free will then saying
>"yea you can do whatever you want, just don't eat from this tree"
lol, you call that God?
>infiltrated. how the FUCK.
well, you see anon, when a moma jew, and a poppa jew get together, they make a little shrewd jew, this shrewd jews instincts tell him that in order to survive he must climb to the top of a social ladder, so that he may skim the wealth off the top, the cream of the crop.
this is where the chackra kundalini serpent symbolism comes into play.

and so, one day, a cunning jew (more cunning than the rest) realized that he'd be safer working IN rome, rather than against it, so he regrew his foreskin, murdered saints, molested little boys and became a jesuit priest, and rome saw that he had take to their culture so well, that they created a whole religious order on his behalf.

and so that jew still runs that order of jesuits.
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Ok what is the JIDF trying to slide this time?
Something must have happened today to make them panic like this.
Everyone faces hardship. Many people have it worse than you. Your question is one of a child.
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When you're God, you can make creation whatever you want, until then, you'll just have to accept the sinful world for how it is instead of how you would have it. Make sure to write that one on your heart, it might save your life.
you say that's god and not satan. and that whole stories REAL. on what basis let me guess ..god wrote the bible LOL shutup faggot
I was in a christian homeschool, failed to make friends and have social awkwardness, christianity is jewish
therefore jews ARE the reason my life is horrible
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You were just criticizing it at face value. The bible can very well be believed to be as ancient as it claims, it has been tested in translation by the resurfacing of old scrolls that validate the scribes' accuracy. There are also more than a few geographic discoveries that imply the miraculous events of the Old Testament occurred.
and so what. who do you think was talking to adam and eve really telling them that. you really think a magical place called eden like that existed with gates blocking it literally and all that? you have the mind of a 3 y3ear old
I am a literalist, but not every Christian is.
the old testament is a book of fables because noone was writing anything down back then. some stuff later but genesis is a like half truth book. nobody was around then. also it takes some intelligence to understand, some thinking to understand the stories in the old testament and what they mean
>how does "jews" just infiltrate you. Imagine saying that and its niggers.
>>"yea the niggers just infiltrated us"
Great analogy.
you are the one who made that exact analogy. its not any different.
>but but hes a little bit white
so are blacks. there is no perfect black or perfect white color.
A book of fables wouldn't have the family genealogy laid out and a continuous story about man and God that refers to itself repeatedly. The scrolls were the religious writings of the early religion.
there were no families when genesis started were there?
which community got prayer out of US schools?
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>You're thinking of counterfeit
Same fucking thing. Both imply there's a legit original version of a thing that the forgery is a copy of.
Shit! You got me.
Well played.
They believed this stuff without the advantages of geography in an age where nobody would be digging up the past to check the authenticity of it. It's millenia later that we're finding evidence to its' authenticity. Your ancestors just believed like their ancestors and so on...
shutup retard. there wasn't just one man and one woman suddenly. if anything there were multiple suddenly and somebody later made up a story. to think you understand the full entire history down to every single relative is bullshit. and the story about what happened there is made up, and wrote by satanists to try to enforce a god that would try to get you to worship a certain useless bunch of parasites

How many years have they been trying this now? At least since 2016 right? They understood they can't get to us directly, so they're trying to divide people attacking the most common religions and see if it works. They believe it's all going away if they simply attack other religions, heh. Wow.
Zionism is a relatively new phenomenon for the almost 2,000 year old religion. Secret societies, cabals, Jews... Would you really say we aren't born into iniquity, with an unfathomable belief in purity? The garden explains why that is, and so much more.
Never saw a more jewish post in my life anon, kindly get into the oven now
it doesn't explain anything. your a utopian retard. all of you are satanists

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