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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What is a hon?
I don't understand why an atheletic woman would get tattoos. You would have a nearly perfect body and then you making it completely ugly by putting meaningless tattoos on it.
I've never known an Olympics like this with so little pre-coverage or enthusiasm. Literally nobody seems to care. I personally welcome the inclusion of troons in women's sport.
He will win the women's world record
Not even a woman
Because people are apparently openly cheating
Most big white countries are being represented by niggers and it's become a joke. Now with the addition of troons, the media doesn't want to radicalize the general public during an election year.
We used to have men's and women's sports. Now we have men's and crazy men's sports. Bitches can go back in the kitchen and make us a sandwich.
It's not a woman, retard.
>I personally welcome the inclusion of troons in women's sport.
Agreed. Women need to suffer.
The based ones who throw their careers away by speaking out about it are pretty fun to watch
Am I the only one who read paralympics, and would that not be a more fitting space for him to compete?
A more appropriate space for them to compete would be the Macabee games
surely they won't let 'women' compete the olympics? surely saudi arabia or someone would start chopping heads?
>That's a man
That's a man
The coverage is always shit, the Olympics should be free and every game should be watchable live in some capacity. I like the summer Olympics for sports like Handball, even table tennis, the gimmick games I guess you can say, but they show stupid shit like floor gymnastics, do they know how boring that shit is after you cum?
>second fastest
Imagine being a male athlete pretending to be female and not even beating them. What a pathetic troon.
Further destroys interest in the Olympics.
The tattoos are last problem on that thing's body
The coverage is shit but it's literally the only thing to watch. All the other stations run repeats and shit no one cares about in order to boost the viewership of the olympics. I'm not sure when they started doing this but it was true last olympics and I don't think it was true for earlier olympics. So why would a competing television station defer to nbc's olympics programming? Don't they want to make money as well?
Cheating 101.
You're dealing with a male brain, he's obviously thought this through during his goon sessions,
and to a narcissistic troon it's better to be #2 in the world than #18383
Yes, the “prestige” of the event is declining because even European nations are being represented by non whites. Nobody will care about the Olympics in a decade or two
He's using it as a jumping off point for a discussion about actual female athletes with tattoos. I guarantee you're all ESL brownoids.
This. Only female gymnasts with confirmed pussies shall by watched by me.
its the sound a french chud made in the audience after the race
Based Canadian gets it
I hope he takes all the medals before inevitably committing suicide
the tattoos should be the least of your concern about female athlete bodies when your launchboard is some degen LARPing as a foid
why don't they have trans olympics, like special olympics?
If you feel that way then you don't need to reply to him, but the ESLs do and entirely miss the point
Based. Accelerate. There is no other course of action anymore.
I dint expect every game to be on TV but the issue is last summer Olympics they had a pay wall preventing you from watching, fucking jews man, just surround the video with ads out the ass or something, GOD DAMN IT I JUST WANNA WATCH SOME HANDBALL!!!! Just looks like a fun, Flag football was fun, and maybe one day they will add Kendo, and dodgeball.
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/pol/ should be happy about this development.
The more coverage there is about this, the more regular people will be confronted with this absurdity. I know I will try to get people around me to watch it and 'innocently' discuss it afterward.
Please God, make this happen.
biological female
This is unironically the strat. Let the feminists see what stupidity they vote for and pander to on a regular basis.
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he should take 'roids.
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>girl throwing her arms up behind the tranny

Says it all kek
Gymnasts are whores. The patrician's choice is curling cuties. Also, it shows one of the only acceptable sports women can compete in, sweeping the floor.
in a very convenient turn of events, France is all of a sudden saying the migrants gotta go. so no, no heads will be chopped because they will be magically swept off the streets just in time for the olympics.
Didn't they used to do the Olympics naked for just this reason?
Its because society is collapsing. No one cares about movies, celebrities, songs anymore.

The culture is collapsing. Who is the youngest A-List Actor with mass appeal?

Ryan Gosling maybe? he is like 50 now. There are no new celebrities to fill the gaps
Well it wouldnt be fair for the actual disabled.
I think mentally Disabled people should have have their own olympics.
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I fucking hate you all so much
>Biological female, competing all her life in female sports
>History of success, some 1st place international stuff in 2019
>2021 "look at me" era of LGBETEAUS makes an Instagram post saying she's "transgender non binary" (wtf even is that)
>Keeps competing in the women's leagues because lol of course, slow as fuck for a dude
>Literally nothing about her is actually trans
it's a juke, a feint, a fucking trick. It's the anon posting pictures of women on trans subs asking if they pass to make actual trans depressed

You're all falling for it. Fucking shame.

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