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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Down with the catholic church, whore of babylon!
Thank God for Protestantism for breaking the shackles of Rome, which enslaved our European ancestors for 1000 years.

Thank God to William Tyndale for the English Bible , Amen.
Israel in the whore of babylon. The catholic.church is just loaded down with too much false doctrine.
you know nothing.
protestant churches have that flag on their churches 10x more often though
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They should have went back to Easrern Orthodoxy and not start your own religion. CHRIST IS RISEN!
Protestantism has freed us from enslavement from the catholic church, without the reformation we would be in the catholic inquisition being tortured for not confessing our sins to a pedophile that makes you call him "father" and wears a dress your mother would wear.

You should be grateful.
Orthodox and Catholic are the same thing, just different side of the coin.
One pedophile wears a white dress, the other wears a black one.
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"roman catholics" were the first protestants. they were neither Roman nor Catholic, though.
The catholics were never in babylon. The jews were there 400 years. That's where they learned the Talmud, which is idolotry.
"Whoring" in biblical themes is always and only a euphamism for fake religion. Which they both have done, but the whore of babylon does business with everyone.
It would be more likely that the vatican is associated with or is the false prophet of revelation.
Fake news.
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The cool thing about Protestantism is that we can just reject obvious heresies like that, because it's simply one congregation of retarded activists who probably don't even believe in Christ, but are using the church as a legal front for tax evasion. Meanwhile the pope (who claims to be Christ's representative on earth) has started blessing fag marriages, and even approved of a new minecraft saint. This is official roman catholic doctrine now.

ok that doesnt really change what I said though
lol, I'm going to share this with my catholic cousins
they arent blessing fag marriages though
The inquisition was a good thing. It was used to root out Jews and muslims who were infiltrating christian spain after the reconquista.
I've only ever encountered sectarianism online. Everybody I meet irl doesn't seem to care about denomination. I question how many of you autists even go to church
No, you are a reprobate who justifies torture.
yep. we need another one honestly

catholic propaganda. imagine justifying torture.
I dont need to imagine it. I condone it.
Good. Enjoy burning in Hell.
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They are. They're just doing the legalese thing where they don't call it a "marriage" in an attempt to pull the wool over God's eyes. It's no different from the way Jews think they can transfer their sins into a chicken, or use a magic fishing line to create a force field where God can't see. The pope even said that trannies can be godparents now. The RC church officially approves of trannies spiritually educating and raising children now.

Why, because it conflicts with your style guide?
Jews have been killing christians directly and by proxy for 2000 years.
Jews/hebrew Israel was "married" to God before they murdered Christ.
Jews broke their relationship with God by chasing after the idols and false customs of every society the encountered, and like a whoring wife they kept it a secret.
Israel turns it's young people away from God, like a whoring wife would with her children.

How do you identify the catholics as being the whore of babylon?
imagine being roman catholic in 2024, when everyone has the internet on their phone, and a bible in their own language.
it's just bizzare.
Fake news.
the lutherans, methodists, non-denoms, and calvanists are 100% doing what you described - fire away
>meme flag
>defending jews

its too easy
Fake news.
>devil digits
>false accusations
Everything you say is fake news, so that is the only worthy reply. You know nothing. I recommend you start reading books.
Oh wait, nevermind my previous mockery>>472855085
You were agreeing, i got carried away, and thought it was OP.

That's the problem now, is who could be trusted to run an inquisition? I wouldn't trust it personally, but yes, the Jews are making a bunch of trouble, like their fathers
what denomination are you?
Come on, at least make a case. If you're going to shill ill help you buy cheetos, but you're really gonna earn your 17 cents
your schizophrenic hatred of the Jews leads you to not realize the catholic church is worse. Not even comparable. The catholic church has murdered tens of millions of people throughout human history.

Also, what denomination are you?
I go to the church of the repenting sinner.
Hillbilly clapistan religion
typical Jewish way to avoid the question
Hell ya brother! Prince of breaking kikes into peaces,
i see, you are Roman Catholic scum, I knew it.
The jews have caused 2 world wars, the american civil war, iraq, afghanistan and ukraine, and have been shilling abortion of children, which together killed over 200,000,000.
Catholics have their faults and shortcomings, but body count, nah that doesn't compare.
fake numbers, also you will burn in Hell, roman pagan.
Orthodoxy or death, as seen in rainbow flags at other churches
catholicism is cancer.
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See >>472854102 Protestants don't believe that shitlib activist congregations speak on Christ's behalf the way RCs believe the pope does. You're equating the actions of some subversive false teachers who use the existing tax carve-outs for churches for left-wing activism to statements from the highest authority in the RC church.
I don’t have to imagine
it's just bizzare, makes you wonder how stupid one can be.
Amen brother, Roman Catholicism is a joke. How anyone can be catholic, is just beyond my comprehension. You have to be truly stupid to be catholic.
Babylon was just the Nazi Germany of Iron Age kikes, so they called everything evil Babylon like jews call everything evil Nazi Germany. When Christians rail against Babylon, they sound like cuckservatives calling dems da real nazis. Babylon was a strong, successful empire that conquered resentful kikes and burned down their glorified tent of a temple.
No, i just don't see how the jews who
>lived in actual babylon, hence "OF" in the title
>whored after false gods, talmud and kabala witchcraft
>became drunk on the blood of the saints
>have the spirit of babylon, which is one worldism and open borders
Could be anyone else, since the jews/israel fit the bill and have the pedigree, and no one else does.
The catholics are more likely to give rise to the false prophet, or the antichrist, since they are directly associated with christ, at least nominallly, and would have an easier time implementing a false version of christianity, like with the queen of heaven stuff where they soft peddle mary as divine. That has potential for end times craziness.
Jews don't repent of sin, the use legalism to pretend they're innocent on some technicality.
you wont even say what denomination you are, you are a roman catholic devil.
WW1 killed 40 million
WW2 killed 74 million
Abortion in the USA killed 65 milliin, and abroad even more
Your styleguide is just terrible, the snippy accusatory bit is just lame. Are you new at shilling?
Babylon was a multiethnic multicultural empire. Tha's why it failed, like all multicultural empires.
The bible refers to babylon a few times, and except for addressing a few passages, babylon is just a description of a mentality, or zeitgist.
False doctrine.
In 2024 you think there is a relevance to denominations? Christ found 6 of 7 churches as having turned away in the opening of revelation.
I already told you want I believed in, and it isn't a church catholic or otherwise.
how do you get saved
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There are no 'based' denominations of jew worship.
You are just dodging the question, what denomination are you
And what is your doctrine?
Who do you say Jesus is?
What is the trinity?
What was the purpose of the Law given by Moses?
Who is to follow the Law of Moses?
Why did Jesus die on a cross?
You don't believe in the Bible. Can't even say what church you belong to.
Same as anyone else. How do you think it is done?
I am purposely giving an accurate answer that is outside your styleguide.
>worshipping a Marvel character
You constantly push the burden on others, because you're reading from a script.
You are a heretic anyways, was nice talking to you.
The Jews and muslims were antichrist criminals and invaders, the inquisition was a good thing and protected society. Unfortuneately, too many jews and muslims were permitted to "convert" which was false, they didn't worship christ let alone repent of sin, and they spread false doctrine and corruption.
You're not even a christian.

Enjoy your snacks.
Question for all the bickering Catholics and Protestants in this thread, do you guys actually believe that the other side will go to Hell? Is there really that big of a difference between an orthodox LCMS Lutheran and a Roman Catholic? I'm not talking about those heretic ELCAs and other denominations. Seems like we're fighting over trivial things when we should be uniting under Christ.
Lmao protestardism

Remind me where in the bible it says to ask Jesus into your heart as your personal savior and where the sinners prayer is?
Also, tell me where sola scriptura is in the bible. If scripture alone is true then I should be able to find that doctrine in the bible.
Also, tell me what the "keys of the kingdom of heaven" Jesus gives to peter are supposed to be. Hint, Isaiah chapter 22.
Also tell me what St. John 20:23 is supposed to mean.
Also tell me what 1st Peter 3:21 means
>do you guys actually believe that the other side will go to Hell?
The protestant world is extremely broad. I don't think God is going to hold it against a protestant if that's the only thing he knew during his life. But a protestant that lives his whole life in deliberate opposition to the catholic church might bery well have a heavy price to pay.
Some denominations are certainly closer to apostolic traditions than others. High church anglicans are just about the closest you can get to catholicism without being catholic. Other traditions like american evangelicalism is barely even a religion.
Protestantism was created and funded by the Ottoman Empire to destabilize Catholicism in Europe.
The inquisition was not a good thing. They simply moved to Eastern Europe and Anatolia and doubled down.
Aren't they the church that allows gay marriage and gay clergy and women priests? Not to mention divorce?
The memeflag OP was a shill, and he abandoned the thread for this one, if you want to help him make his shekles

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