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They're walking back Trump's sentencing! What does this mean!?

>does everything
>then wins

How does he do it?
It means they are too pussy to sentence him to prison for committing 34 felonies. This happened before he was president so it can't be considered an "official act". So the SCOTUS ruling does not apply. They are just bitching out.
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>What does this mean
The game was rigged from the start. Trump is uniparty.
that is a state conviction, has nothing to do with SCOTUS
4 years of prison should do it
It mean's their plan "B" failed. On to plan "C" which will be an assassination attempt.
>How does he do it?
>he really was playing 6D mahjong
Never backing down, never giving in, never admitting to anything. He simply denies and attacks the other side, and it's genius. It probably takes a lot of will power as well. You'd be amazed at how most people fuck themselves over by trying to appease others and avoid conflicts.
A bloo bloo muh precious kangaroo court realized they overstepped and are doing course correction. All leftists will hang. See you in the streets.
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the SCOTUS decision does cover state cases





There was evidence presented in this case that revolved around Trump's communications in furtherance of his Presidential duties, based on the new Supreme Court immunity decision this case can entirely be turned over on this fact alone.
Not happening and you won't do shit nigger
trump has the devils luck, if he can kick the can down the road, then it will be better for him, he is already ahead because of the debates, he will get another boost when he announces the vp and does the convention
do not forget about his tickets for jaywalking
Jews want Trump to pump up recruitment for their gay zionist wars
>no, i have no idea what fruit of the poison tree is
say, do you happen to know if ANY evidence used in the trial was from when he was acting as president?
>have problem
>just stop having problem
>problem solved
>sign tapping intensifies
but he wasn't president when the payment was made, and when Choden was reimbursed.
the state of NY doesn't have a case, they need to fizzle it out slowly to avoid blowback
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it means libtards should get in the oven
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doesn't matter, part of the evidence presented was Trump communicating with his aides as President, they were trying to show his intention

remember how they overturned Weinstein's entire conviction because some of the evidence wasn't legal?
It does though. Check it out. Trump's legal team argued in a letter to Judge Juan Merchan that the verdict on the hush money case should be invalidated because they believe the jury was exposed to evidence during the trial that should have been shielded by presidential immunity. https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-trump-moves-to-overturn-nyc-trial-conviction-cites-scotus-immunity-decision

I think campaigning is an official act. I remember Elizabeth warren got away with some straight bullshit lying or something because it was part of her campaign and therefore she could not be charged.
Wrong. https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-trump-moves-to-overturn-nyc-trial-conviction-cites-scotus-immunity-decision
no one cares lmao
Yellow fringed flag. That court is illegal.
of course it is.
The test is "would he have done this thing if he wasnt running for/the president".
They want to sentence and detain him right before the GOP convention which is in... two weeks
All of this happened after the debate night. The media turned on Biden, the Supreme.C rulling. Called me crazy, but I think they were preparing to switch side
Some of the testimony about the payments included meetings in which Trump and his associates were sitting around congratulating themselves about the successful payoffs. The meetings occurred after Trump took office, so yesterday Trump's attorneys filed to have them stricken from the case. Under the new rules that the SCOTUS invented, the events can't be used as evidence without a successful impeachment that happened to incorporate those meetings as its own evidence. SCOTUS created at catch 22 situation in which even when you have non-official activities, you can't gather evidence to prove that they were not official.
Proving my theory of the Israeli nationalist faction in our government being the one with more influence at the moment correct. The only thing keeping me from putting money on a Trump comeback is the question of if they’ll go with Kamala over Trump. She might not be as open of a jewlover as Trump, but she’s willing to do ANYTHING to move on from being “first woman VP” to being “first womam Prez”. So the conservative “protect Israel and jews at all costs” faction is spoiled for choice at the moment, in my opinion.
Woah buddy, you forgot to hail Israel before their appointed figurehead for the North American Economic Zone. I’ll let it slide just this once, but you’d better not forget to pay your due respects to our masters in Israel next time. Have I made myself clear?
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the DA just agreed to Trump's request to delay sentencing to see how the new Supreme Court decision effects this case

the Judge has basically no choice but to agree

>Under the new rules that the SCOTUS invented
lmao, you act like every single SCOTUS decision isn't a new "invention"
>SCOTUS created at catch 22 situation in which even when you have non-official activities, you can't gather evidence to prove that they were not official.
no they didn't, they're more than welcome to use unofficial acts as evidence

they just can't use official immune acts as evidence

your seething is palpable
Aka they want in as an October Surprise
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there is nothing more Jewish than the Democrat party

why are there so many Jews in a Democrat Cabinet when only 2% of the US Population is Jewish

What if the cabinet were full of Chinese, who are also 2% of the US Population?

Trump's cabinet never or will ever look so Jewish.

but a Democrat Cabinet is 100% Guaranteed to be 100% Jewish

it's weird how you even try to compare the two
It means we're fucked hurry up and get Michelle ready for a debate against Trump.
it's the American way
He should have done everything he could to get a prison sentence and then dare NY to try and enforce it. I want a big glow nig shoot out on live TV.
Trump had (((Jared Kushner))) leading him by the ear every second of his presidency. Both parties are helmed by jews, just jews with slightly different ideologies. One group of jews is more focused on protecting Israel and keeping antisemitic sentiments both in America and throughout the West in check. These are the nationalist Israeli jews, or the “conservative” jews.

The other group, in the Democrat party, focuses more on Tikkun Olam bullshit. They focus more on “marginalized groups” and using them to sow discord in Western societies, to create an environment where everyones too busy squabbling with each other to notice jews. This has been the group with the mist power since Obama got elected, a d remains so, even though their power has been waning in recent years
>not knowing about law of assumption
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if Trump didn't win in 2016
>Affirmative Action would still be law
>Roe v Wade would still be law
>Student Loans would be forgiven
>Conceal Carry would be unconstitutional
>Chevron Deference would still exist

your yiddish talk is unconvincing when presented with actual facts

Trump is America First
Democrats are Jews First
Finally, a MAGA who gets it. Who do you think he goes after first, former advisors/allies turned enemies, or the left?
Always play the long game.
>leftists fail at this task
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>Trump is America First
This nigger…
If thats so, wheres our Wall, like Israel has? Wheres our deportations? Why’d he keep Obama era appointees around that he could’ve easily fired so they would get in the way of his campaign promises? Why’d he in favor of private institutions punishing antisemitism so heavily? Why is half his fucking family jews, just like Joes? Why’d he go pardoning niggers and rabbis on his way out when J6thers needed those pardons more?
>leftists fail at playing the long game
Is that why we live in a world where leftists have a death grip on every important institution?
That’s how trump beat the muh russia mueller stuff (hilarious how quickly that got memory holed lel). If you’re getting baseless accusations thrown at you, all you have to do keep saying
>okay, prove what you’re claiming. I’ll provide whatever evidence you need
Speaking from experience, pussy boy?
they know he has a good chance at becoming president
and then he will turn the few good fed's on them
and lefties always have skeletons in their closets
You are coping hard dude
Face it faggot, he did nothing wrong. THE most investigated person in human history and they have fucking NOTHING against him. He must be a literal fucking saint.
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>The game was rigged from the start. Trump is uniparty.
Recruitment would be better served by an assassination carried out by {insert_controlledop_terror_group]. It would be easier and more effective than trying to control Trump.
>It means they are too pussy to sentence him to prison for committing 34 felonies. This happened before he was president so it can't be considered an "official act". So the SCOTUS ruling does not apply. They are just bitching out.

>If he wins they die
Right but let me make it simpler than the other anon: if the evidence can't be submitted legally, then it's considered invalid as evidence (ex: you record a phone call of someone admitting to a crime but they live in a state where recording phone calls require consent, that's considered invalid evidence). If the prosecution used evidence for their case that is not admissable by law, then that's grounds for a mistrial.
You’re in flat out denial if you don’t think Trumps a jew puppet, just like Obama, and Bush, and Clinton, allll the way back to Woodrow Wilson. I’m either talking to a legit retard or a child who just so happens to be surprisingly literate and a big fan of Trump
What is he guilty of
>You’re in flat out denial if you don’t think Trumps a jew puppet, just like Obama, and Bush, and Clinton, allll the way back to Woodrow Wilson.
Probably Teddy too, though indirectly. His fucking Bull Moose stunt gave us Wilson.
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>He did nothing wrong.
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radical left activate!!!
They're only realizing how fucked they are now
Starting to think there might be a Red Team version of Shareblue infesting this board alongside the usual Shareblue and IDF shills. Too many posts of the last few days doggedly denying Trumps undeniable philosemitism.
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Immunity for official acts means bombing children in foreign countries not illegally falsifying documents for porn star payoffs you disgusting fat orange cunt
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I'm starting to think that there might be bunch of retarded newfags that have never lived through an election campaign before.
>the last few days
They've been here forever. Everytime Trump comes out with a speech proclaiming how much he loves jews and Israel more than anyone else or receives some zionist award and they're still here 5 minutes later claiming he hates them.
>What does this mean!?
They are waiting for the optimal time when most damage can be inflicted. It also means Trump is likely to hold office and torch all those who conspired in some seedy leatherbar against him.
Read Clarence Thomas‘ opinion!
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Sorry this is happening to you saar
stopped reading there
This, and nothing more. Businessmen solve problems.
The case itself is complete garbage and the judge acted with blatant bias and malfeasance in rulings and jury instructions.
That shit was dead in the water
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Fruit of the poisonous tree
Man if this is just kayfabe they hired some fantastic writers
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Wr already know you're a shillfag you don't have to keep trying
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Yeah, bitchtits?
Heres your based antisemite candidate telling off American Jews for not loving Israel as much as he does
the orange kike capitulated to zog
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Lmao are they hiring boomer shills now? Holy fuck shareblue must be desperate
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>muh 34 felonies major league big time felonies
Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit nigger loving leftoid faggot.
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Damn, its almost like I pay attention to the politics of the last decade instead of sucking off the Based Trump tulpa that lives in my head. Damn its hard having an attention span longer than ten minutes and a normal IQ
It means they're trying to rig their kangaroo trial into kangaroo 'sentencing' to coincide with the election to try and interfere with it.
>major publications headlining articles suggesting Biden administration assassinate Trump "legally"
Leftoid cocksuckers are going to get what they fucking deserve in full, tenfold in return of what they've done themselves -- enjoy it.
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I wonder why so many people publicly support Jews. It is not as if you would be penalized for snubbing, or even speaking out against them right?
>Under the new rules that the SCOTUS invented, the events can't be used as evidence without a successful impeachment
>Successful impeachment
Why did you play yourself like this?
Congress, and only Congress, can impeach, trial, and remove and imprison the executive.
This has been the case since 1787
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Damn, it's almost like you're just pretending to be smart on the internet.
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Sure wish Trump loved Whites like he loves Jews.
First they ignore you
Then laugh at you and hate you
Then they fight you
Then you win
it means the other were the lynchpin and the first egregious show trial was the setup
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Almost like jews don’t want Muslims access to the first world blocked because thats part of the fucking Kalergi plan.
Whats like with your IQ like, I’ve always been curious.
>The Jews win the Stanley Cup
What is this?
Wrong.. large part of the case was during the presidency. Idiot
He has the biggest penis in the cuntry.
Alvin Bragg may not have shown up for work this week. There is an unconfirmed report he was taken into MILITARY custody bound for GITMO. If true, the prosecution is more than happy to see Trump walk.
>How does he do it?
Literally protected by the Almighty himself. Trump is the one who restores everything...
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Damn, would you look at that, more evidence of Trump being the favored candidate of the nationalist Israeli cabal in our government. Who the fuck do you retards think runs AIPAC? Not progressive kikes. Its the fucking nationalist ones, the /pol/ version of jews who don’t habe time to traffic the Tikkun Olam bullshit because their focus is on safeguarding Israel and keeping antisemitic rhetoric in check
Immune to all laws, state, local, whatever.
Gonna need you to get Trumps jizz outta your eyes, you’re typing some real retarded shit right now
>remember how they overturned Weinstein's entire conviction because some of the evidence wasn't legal?
Yeah you have to do it because the jury result may have been different.

Same here. Case is dead.
The wall was being built and only halted by kike Cordoba 2.0 niggers and stay in Mexico was an incredibly successful policy and there were 400K deportations a year (missing a zero I know)
The appointees not being cleared was a massive fuck up.
Don't know what you mean by punishing counter semites
He has 3 out of 9 jewish grandkids versus all of Bidens family, aside from a bastard child
The pardons were absolutely disgusting, accept for lil Wayne. Wayne called BLM a scam and said Huwhite people were awesome and a Huwhite cop saved is life when a bunch of niggers stood around watching him die and the shit (((people))) thrown at us was gross and evil. He actually is a solid negro
The evil rabbi was heinous and I have not forgotten it.
Because, as people have been saying for a decade now, he's actually clean. You can make up as much shit about him as you want, but none of it will stick because other than just being a sleazy real estate guy in NYC he's never done anything illegal.
hoping he doesn't declare them hostile domestic terrorists. He still should, and Trump deserves to lose everything if he doesn't start killing these motherfuckers this time around
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See this is what happens when someone told those niggers they’re going to get Seal Teamed 6.

Same for the DEI hire niggers who bitch endlessly about every white person they don’t like trying to destroy their lives.
Didn't calculate that the more it looked like they were political prosecutions the more support he would get. He got a bump from the arrest photo, he got a bump after getting convicted, they probably redid the math and he was going to get a big enough bump after sentencing that there was no way he wouldn't loose. The biggest thing they wanted was every time they mentioned him was convicted criminal Trump.
Woodrow Wilson actually was fooled and spent the remainder of his life bemoaning the horror he unleashed in the world. But his foolishness cost us everything and the hate for him is entirely justified regardless of his personal regrets an
So basically I’m mostly right. Dunno about those deportation numbers but I’ll trust you bro on it for now. And I don’t give a fuck lil Wayne had a based nigger moment, most niggers are a broken clock is right twice a day situation. You think niggers can’t see the problems in theor own society and occasionally have the honesty to comment objectively on it? Doesn’t stop em from being antiwhite 98% of the time.
I don’t know how they couldn’t have understood that before. Trump’s entire campaign is
>the man is out to get me because I actually want to fix things and they’ll do anything they can think of to make me go away
Whether or not you believe that is irrelevant because his fanbase does and running Soviet-tier show trials “convicting” him on bullshit that isn’t even illegal if he did do it sure does makes it look like “the man” is out to get him
He won’t because Trump isn’t the medieval king we want him to be. He’s a boardroom brawler, not some hardened gangster who climbed from the dirty streets of New York to the top floor of Trump Tower, leaving behind a mound of corpses below.
Wayne is a rare case of a decent negro. And as you said the vast majority of the rest are a disease in semi-human form weaponized by malevolent kikes as a bioweapon against humanity
Apmost forgot about the Trump shill I spent most of this thread sparring with. Get the fuck back here, I’m not dine rubbing how much of a jewish pawn your beloved Trump is.
If he loved us half as much as he did jews, there’d be Right Wing Death squads clearing out thousands of nonwhites from every city coast to coast. jews nationwide would be on the run and blacks would be terrified to lift so much as a candy bar from a gas station
They've been removing them in the background for several years, which is why the clone/doubles that pop up look different.
If you make your enemies lose, they win.
>Gonna need you to get Trumps jizz outta your eyes, you’re typing some real retarded shit right now
If you had read the Bible with an open mind, you would agree with me. The signs of testing and protection are all there.
ngl bros the fact the storyline is going this way is concerning, just the fact the supreme court made this ruling at all right before an upcoming election, let's hope we aren't in for some big changes
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they are afraid of people taking matters in their owns hands so they want to throw you a bone and give you illussion of victory even though they are just shifting between both candidates loyal to them
Orders from on high (israel). Whites in America have gotten too uppity with the antisemitism. The plan is to bring in trump as a dictator and purge all the antisemites by declaring them traitors and executing them. Understand that the definition of antisemite in this case isn’t “hates Jews” so much as “hates Israel”. Meaning the people purged will mostly be the far right and far left.
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This nigger needs to move to pissreal and run for office there already, fuck. Theres at least five other headlines of him Sunday morning quarterbacking every move the israeli government makes lmao
Its probably because Trump and the Republican party are far more pro Israel than the Democrats. So those interested in Israel's expansion want Trump in.
Its a banana republic
There are judges that recognize this
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>not illegally falsifying documents for porn star payoffs you disgusting fat orange cunt
The SC says this is allowed now too, if you're the president
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It means two scoops
Pretty much this
the AIPAC wants Trump so Trump will win. If Israel was at peace, Biden would win. Simple as.
He's the Antichrist
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I like how this slightly critical Haaretz headline makes this jewess out to be a literal who when
> Elise Marie Stefanik (/stəˈfɑːnJk/ stə-FAH-nick; born July 2, 1984) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for New York's 21st congressional district. As chair of the House Republican Conference since 2021, she is the fourth-ranking House Republican

You’ve got bigwigs jews in Israel and the US courting Trump because its like I and others have been saying, there have been and currently are, two groups of jews vying for control of the American golem right now.
One wants Trump, the other the Biden administration.
Only a person who made a deal with the devil could be this lucky. I wish you morons could see the end is finally here and we are fucked
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You have to be touched in the head to think that Trump is spending a second behind bars.
The most they will do is fine him or put him on probation. IF they even do anything kek
it means gov't broke the law when they got their evidence against Trump.
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That ruling was whole cloth unconstitutional bullshit but even that won't stop this conviction. They're just postponing his sentencing a bit for due diligence. Trump is and will remain a convicted felon
The Trump shill really did disappear, fuck. Guess finding out theres a couple anons wise to the Esau gambit forced him to disengage.
Threads gotten kind of boring now tho
Trust me keknon, the smarter of us have a good idea of what's going on. Not just A happening, THE Happening
why you so low iq and fail to grasp basic english? read again what he wrote and try again. I'll give you a hint, he'll have to be impeached again but with appropriate charges included for it to stick
nothing. they have the right to appeal so they are.
Trump's faggot lawyers will now make even more bad faith arguments. Everything will be labeled an official act. Now this gives crooked judges an open to agree with crooked lawyers about what is an official act.
Republicans love ambiguity because it allows them to justify crime and evil behavior.
turns out 12D jewish jacks is a thing
>20 posts
>Just rambling about Trump, Israel and how it's over
lmao leftie shills are coping hard
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I agree, but the SC says the Pres is the same as a king now. The judge is probably weighing the possibility of retribution when Trump is elected again. I mean, he's probably already on Trump's list, but who knows
Bring back the other Trump shill
He was mediocre, but not as low effort as you
The left. His supporters will follow suit. Leftists are going to be eating a lot of shit soon. Payback's gonna be a bitch.
Trump came out in favour of mass immigration. Every since he's been backed by the establishment.
>It means they are too pussy to sentence him to prison for committing 34 felonies. This happened before he was president so it can't be considered an "official act". So the SCOTUS ruling does not apply. They are just bitching out.
but the district attorney alvin bragg used the pretext that what trump did - paying hush money to a potential problematic person - was election interference and thus teh whole basis of transforming the misdemeanor charges into felony charges.

so either it wasnt election interference and thus the charges are dropped back down to misdemeanors, or if it was election intereference and the charges are felonies, then its an official act of his campaign.

cant have it both ways, you satanic homosexual.
Such an obvious shill much Zion Don… Fuck off faggot nobody is falling for that reverse psychology bullshit. Granted when you first started that shill campaign back in 2017 a lot of stupid /pol/tards fell for it, but it’s really run its course. Talking about how they’re should’ve been right wing death squads going through cities sounds exactly what buzzwords a shill would be instructed to use…

Muh Zion Don, Trump is such a crypto kike we just need to let the faggot democrats continue to use every form of government against us…. Die faggot
So you're all on board with one party state and no criticism of Trump? Also, what do you want to happen to the left? Removal from jobs, property seizures, etc., or more execution/expulsion?
They'll fall on the private acts side which they should.
private acts? like disappearings?
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Like Red Teams much different from Blue Team
At the end of the day, its your vote. Do as you like. Cast it, smoke it, wipe ass with it.
Just don’t be delusional enough to think you’re making a difference. One of the few pros to a secobd Trump term is pissing off people we hate. Pretending it yeilds greater returns than that is stupid.
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Much as I want to believe in the dream of seeing leftist faggots in camps, I know Trump doesn’t have it in him.
Lol.. talk about getting black voters... if they didn’t back off using law wrong. He’d get all the blacks. (Except for ones who use the law wrong to hurt people)
So states can have opinions?.... interesting comment from a lefty
>Trump doesn’t have it in him
If he isn't going to put all non-MAGA in camps, what would you like to see?
>It mean's their plan "B" failed. On to plan "C" which will be an assassination attempt

I'm not calling for anyone to get hurt but if this happened I would laugh so hard. even though I support him I also want things to accelerate ASAP, and this will definitely do it.
Yeah like that or Deutsche Bank whistleblower suicides
I want my goddamn wall.
I want mass firings in the White House and for their replacements to be based.
Frankly, I want the JQ out in the open, even more so than it is now. I want AIPAC listed as foreign influence.

Basically, I want the Trump that exists in leftists heads. That guys awesome, I wish he was real
Mandate of Heaven, Leaf.

“God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.”

-Otto von Bismarck.
(smartest Kraut that ever lived)
When Biden reduced funding to Israel the jews decided to put Trump back in instead, at that point there was a radical shift in the way the media portrayed him and all these cases started ending / stopping / getting delayed.
I'm leaning towards that for those closer in his circle. Kind of telling that he kept the news clipping of that, just such boomer behavior. He's always been unintentionally hilarious though
It means they know criminally charging DT for Stormy alleged payments, is bullshit,
No one has proved that the payments = election interference, which is the whole basis for the criminal charges to apply
It means :
“Mr. President, please don’t have me sent to Gitmo and waterboarded every fucking day for four years after your election.”

They proved in court that he caused electrion interference by not using election funds to pay her. Paying her money helped his election so he was supposed to use election funds. He used his own money. This is one of the charges he was found guilty of in New York.
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it's all fake and gay? i told you so?
everyone has an aipac guy.
kinda miss my wife bros.
Keeping trophies that way is some serious Mindhunter shit though
He's going to win and they fear retribution because that is exactly what they would seek if they were in his shoes.
It is not illegal to pay off a whore with your own money.
>delay sentencing
so in other words, they can throw him in jail whenever they want
it is in New York if it helps your election.
I hope Biden will grow a pair and take advantage of his new godlike powers. Maybe establish some death camps for Trumpkins. Throw Trump in jail. Declare martial law, outlaw maga. You know test the waters and whatnot.
He is incredibly weird. Probably why he's lasted so long and gotten so far. He reminds me of the Hunter S Thompson quote about his lawyer
>One of God's own prototypes. A high powered mutant of some kind never considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die
>They proved in court that he caused electrion interference by not using election funds to pay her.
They didn't prove, they DECLARED it to be true
The reason criminal charges were brought was specifically that they were 2 crimes combined.
Election interference + false bookkeeping
They needed to prove 1st that the alleged payment (1 payment in installments) was election interference. Then assuming they DID PROVE IT, bring criminal charges.
That never happened.
They went straight to criminal charges. Meaning the election interference claim was allowed without proving it first.
You can’t honestly believe Trump is clean. I think he’s as dirty as those he keep company with but he’s smart to insulate his decisions and directives with enough in between and plausible deniability. He’s not the devil or le orange Hitler but he’s certainly not a clean businessman and good Christian American man. He’s an imperfect vessel as Bannon said but if he is the better alternative than so be it just don’t pretend he’s anything more.

The left seethes so much that they think with emotions not reason. Hence they go headlong into any and everything avenue of attack and genuinely believe “this is the thing that will stop Trump and get him locked up.” But if they took a step back they’d realize the hush money money thing is a nothingburger just like everything else.

They should have spend all that time, money and effort getting a good candidate in line and actually improving the middle class’ lives so they’d get support. The “Not Trump” option looks less viable when people are poorer and more miserable now than during Trump’s tenure. Not to mention the constant high pitch hysteria turns off most normal people in the middle.
Spoiler alert: He died
Trump winning 2024, would make him the greatest comeback story of our lifetimes,
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>How does he do it?
They never had a legit case. New York is using a state electiob law to apply to a federal election
They don't seem to realize that the only way that they can win in the long term is by just letting Trump take office and serve another 4 years and then ride off into political irrelevance. He already served a term as President and didn't destroy democracy or become a dictator or any of they shit they said he would do.
We all know that Trump will probably only have moderate success at best at actually achieving all of his campaign's goals. He will probably decrease the amount of illegals crossing the border from "insanely high" to "still too many." He will deport some illegals, but definitely not all of them. Demographic change and White replacement will slow down, but will still be happening. The economy could get better, or it could get much worse because there are a lot of things outside of his control. WW3 happening will be less likely, but he will still cuck for Israel. A second Trump term would definitely be better than a second Biden term, but it's not like he is going to create the 4th Reich or anything.
Democrats just need to sit back and bide their time, wait until they can take back Congress and the White house and start giving citizenship to those 20 million illegals. Or just wait until all of their anchor babies with full citizenship are old enough to vote Democrat and win every election forever.
Any other outcome, no matter if it is killing or imprisoning Trump, rigging/delaying/cancelling the election for reasons, refusing the certify the electoral college vote, any kind of shenanigans that keep Trump out will inevitably lead to very bad outcomes for leftists/democrats.
>No one has proved that the payments = election interference, which is the whole basis for the criminal charges to apply
No, actually, the Federal Election Commission already looked into this years ago and decided that nothing criminal happened and there was no reason to charge Trump with anything.
Lol, true, and Trump will too, but probably not soon
>they have been chasing down every little bit of dirt on trump to the point where they print on front page news that trump got two fucking icecream scoops while the rest of the office got one
he is mr clean himself, otherwise they would have found something, the recent lawsuit was also a fabrication just to fuck him directly where he supposedly frauded a bank when the bank itself said that they were pleased about the deal and would deal with him again
>absolutely abhorrent post
The most powerful conglomeration of mass media, lawyers, and intelligence agencies that has ever existed has spent the last nine years doing almost nothing aside from trying to find even one thing to nail Trump to the wall on. If it existed it would have been found, I can guarantee you that
Some Teflon people exist and it isn’t because they’re peerless. Look at Trudeau that greasy fucker. Or the Clintons, Biden etc.
Inb4 he closed a deal with the jews which can't use Biden now.
Payments happened in 2017 and 2018 when he was president
yeah, i dont understand how trudeau is still in office when he has violated so many things but i guess leftist retards that dont care about what he did keep voting him in
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They are scared to sentence him now because he is obviously going to be president again in a few months and the court just basically gave him permission to kill them legally.

His opposition is an entire party of diversity hires. He's retarded but is enemies are just somehow even less competent.
It's going to 2-3 appeals courts over 2-3 years with the majority of the charges dismissed/dropped since Trump secured the jizzreal endorsement
>inb4; muh convicted felon

A real 5d-chess move on NY's part,they'll get a favor from the appeal when Trumps President
You could pray to jesus, mohammed, buddah, kali, thor, marduk, ukko and the great spirit for his demise
when you manifest destiny, destiny will reward you greatly as thanks
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to bad cheeto benito couldn't manifest a win in 2020 loser
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I said it the other day they were never going to sentence while he is winning. They are scared shitless.
Behind the scenes they are probably offering Trump to pay for all his legal expenses and anything else he wants.
They know he can do the same shit to them, even worse now. Mechan did not want his fingernails ripped off in a Hungarian prison for the next four years.
The niggers are going to jail. Screen cap it. Willis, Bragg, and the other sheboon. Someone has to take the hit.
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Trump is going to lose to Biden again.
>not illegally falsifying documents for porn star payoffs you disgusting fat orange cunt

LOL U Dumb. The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false. It's fun to watch Trump live rent free in your big empty head.
Trump needs to go to prison for this to end the right way, punished Trump needs to take office from his cell.
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Trump is just a spoiled town rich brat from New York. He's always been lazy. An entitled insider. Couldn't get women so he raped and paid for sex. Personally I think he's always been a little light in the loafers and secretly wants a man in his life. Seems attracted to dudes Like Putin and Bolsonaro. And dumb as hell, too. Anyway, not my problem. Biden is going to win by 20 million votes.
That’s a weird way to say Vassal of Israel.
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It's called being a chad

Can't con the Don
Can't stump the Trump
facepalm Lol, I'd say seethe cope dilate but in this instance go directly to
>do not pass Go do not collect $200
Aw, there it is. You shills don't spam your "Ziondon is an orange juju cum guzzling MIGA chud, potato_drumpf.jpg!" lines much anymore. Used to be I'd see it dozens, if not 100s of times per day, now it's dwindled to a trickle. What happened, has demoralization set in or is funding drying up?
Before the Great Normie Awakening to how badly Biden’s brain is rotted and how badly the MSM has lied to them, added to the unprecedented Lawfare against Trump leading to the SCOTIS just handing him carte-blanche, he might just create a Rooseveltian ideological political dynasty out of this.

Consider that now, as an Official National Security Act, he could censor any media outlet with a foreign money controlling interest.
Same with any lobbying group or NGO that gets cash from (((funds))).

I’m not sure Israel is gonna see much as some might expect from Trump 2.0. After he was their #1 Kikesucker his first term, but Jews trampled each other to derail him.

If Trump can get union leadership on his side, (he largely already has rank and file me,vers), and the money and boots on the ground they bring,..
As CNN as been blaring all week, Trump is legally allowed to assassinate political enemies when President. That means come next Janurary, there is a good chance that judge and DA are going to be executed by hanging on the Whitehouse lawn under Trump's orders, and it will be 100% legal.
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>leading to the SCOTIS just handing him carte-blanche
Yeah the seditious right wing scum on the supreme court made up some larper rule like nu uh Trump was akcshually using an invisibly potion when he planned a coup to overturn the election
>How does he do it?

By being part of the rich elite sucking jew cock, selling his daughter off to jews and befriended jews like Epstein?

You guys genuinely believe he was in risk at all?
You guys genuinely believe democrats actually hate him?
He probably plays patty cake with Hillary Clinton behind closed doors.
its all fake. the only reason trump would win is some kind of hair-brained attempt at mobilizing Caucasions to fight for some Jewish interest or other. In which case, i hope it back-fires, bigley
Imprisonment for re-education, and depending on level of faggotry and degree of leftism, execution.
Bailed out, immunity, next is being cleared. You should be used to this by now, why aren't you?
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We all know Biden will win again. Trump's just made a huge mess of things, and he's too much of a doomer, spy, etc. people are looking for a calmer, cooler leader without all the legal and personal baggage.
Jews have aligned behind Trump heavily, especially now that Biden done. He can give them things Biden can't anyway. He's golden forever now.
The meltdown will be epic
It's a parallel to how illegally obtained evidence (i.e. a search without a warrant) can not be used against a defendant even when they do not have immunity.
It happens because it's the funniest outcome simple as
I think it could be argued that no person in the history of American politics has ever been investigated as deeply. Entire teams of forensic accountants and lawyers have poured over every scrap of data that could be dug up from years of off book IRS and FBI investigations. Just imagine how many man hours that would be? Maybe hundreds of thousands of hours looking for one legitimate illegal act, that they were absolutely certain they would find. Crimes were literally committed attempting to uncover his, and nothing was found. Just imagine their celebrations if they found Eric Trump selling painting to foreign nationals for $100k. Imagine they found an email with Don Jr. mentioning, “10% for the big guy”. They would have been popping champagne and probably a fucking ticker tape parade.

Everything youre watching is a pantomime carried out to redpill americans slowly enough that they dont tear the country apart out of shock.

Imagine the reaction if trump had prosecuted the bidens, clintons or obamas in 2016. Now imagine if he did it today. Or two years from now as people learn even more about them.
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They got Trump on so many crimes. Justice will find him soon.
Savagery and slaughter could not even begin to describe what the American people will want to do to you when all is laid bare. Continue. I entreat thee, keep doing what you are doing, you have not even the slightest inkling how much you inspire your enemies.
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If you want to get savage for Drumph then by all means have at thee

LOL. Sure, kid. Republicans are about as scary as a bus full of mall shoppers on Sunday. Walking sticks and false teeth.
Let's see how many take the bait.
You know you are falling apart. Your fellow leftists and colleagues, the ones that actually had any morals and merits to speak of, cannot stop noticing Israel's influence in every nook and cranny. You bore witness to the silent majority in 2016, do you really believe the performance from the past 4 years of your regime did anyone any favors? Do you truly believe the government acquired any love or loyalty from it's actions in the past 4 years?
>no, of course not, the point isn't to govern properly it's to destroy Trump
We're aware, we're VERY aware, which is why he is given standing ovations in every corner of the country. A noose would be ceremonial and far too gracious for you and yours, but there will be a need for SOME examples.
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Israel, huh? tell me more
>how do I attack this person, how do I break their spirit, how do I remold their mind
Like I said you have no idea the zeal you inspire in us. To know we have a daily, hourly, by the minute enemy that wishes destruction upon us is more purpose than any of us could have imagined we would have in this era of man. And yet whose political spectrum is the one deteriorating? Whose government and institutions are now turning their back on you after years of your dutiful bootlicking? Only reprehensible degenerates beyond any reproach benefit from leftist rhetoric now, the blacks left you, the mexicans left you hell even the migrants are horrified by the degeneracy that they bear witness to when they touch shore.

Please, continue.
>Read da bybull
You shut your fucking mouth didn't you? Good. You're learning. Do the needful next.
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It's a play, dummy.
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He's 100% immune. Lawfare is over.
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>They're walking back Trump's sentencing! What does this mean!?
Trust the plan?
How come all they have is some bullshit minor charges combined with other bullshit charges?
Talk is cheap. Prove it in court.
Prove point 22, for example. Conspiracy to commit murder.
That's an outrageous crime, so why is no one charging him?
>The niggers are going to jail. Screen cap it. Willis, Bragg, and the other sheboon. Someone has to take the hit.
So that's why they chose a team of blacks, to take the fault. Makes sense.
>please dont hurt us Daddy Trump
It means the jews need their puppet back into office again so he can serve Israel.
Imagine all those trumpsters joining the army at his command to die for Israel like good goyim.
He's a winner.

Simple as.
You live in an alternate reality where Trump is the hero of a sword and sorcery paperback amd is destined to cut down the evil enchanter whose magicks poison the once prosperous rivers and soil of the Kingdom.
I simultaneously envy and pity you.
Legitimately delusional.
Whatever happens to Trump is set to happen to Netanyahu and Hunter Biden because who gives a shit anymore if they arrest the popular president. And presumably Biden as well after his term ends. Probably every world leader on earth should be afraid of this ruling, since it would open the flood gates of it not mattering to avoid the scandals.
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Leftists are incompetent, corrupt, evil, pederasts. They are as incapable as they are sleazy.

means the nigger DA is scared at how colossally they fucked up

hey stupid nigger, you you're the stupid nigger
that clown court used white house documents in the trial
Leftists parties sound like a bunch of people fighting about who is more victim while genociding yt peepo.
They're already starting to run away.
>They're walking back Trump's sentencing! What does this mean!?

It means that we should not give a shit about the partisan opinion of a corrupt judge of a kangaroo court in a 3rd world shithole.

It is more productive to deploy our energy and effort towards the improvement of guillotines.
> Who do you think he goes after first

"He" goes after?

Purging leftists is a participation sport, amigo. Figure out who you are going to go after when the time comes. Are you saying you haven't already made a custom map of all the homes in your neighborhood with the lefty yard signs?
The democrats are just that wrong. The whole thing was a sham, there was no legitimate reason for them to do what they've been doing. It has been a political witch hunt and they've been lying the whole time.
No, you are going to die before Trump does and they're never going to get Orange man bad you histrionic dipshit
>Republicans are about as scary as a bus full of mall shoppers on Sunday.

You think it is the "Republicans" you have to worry about?

We aren't Republicans any more. And we will not announce ourselves.
This 100%. Also, Jack Smith about to be booted to the curb. I think our God Emperor should sue him for illegal prosecution.
If he'd just won back in 2020, his term would be over by now. In hindsight, they just made the Trump Saga longer by having Biden win.
>What does this mean!?
I means they dont want to confront the appeal that the convictions are illegal due to jury not being unanimous. Now they will have the convicted felon thing to harp on for the campaign period, like it's gonna do anything. Desperate.
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I'm truly humbled. All praise, Zognald!
Being a convicted felon won't resonate with the brainwashed maga cultist and the billionaire donors
Pussy? What happened to all that federal reserve hack talk? That seems like pussies
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Ay yo!
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>The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false
>Trump just gave a porn star 130k for reasons ok!
He is Jesus.
Why can't people see it?
Just like Jesus has been crucified over and over again and came out on top
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frankist lubavitcher who hates christians, is Jesus?
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>>The whore herself has published a stating that she has never slept with him and the accusations are 100% false
>>Trump just gave a porn star 130k for reasons ok!

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