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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Picrel would be illegal in America.
>You must be set back from the road
>You must have parking for cars
>You must have two stairwells
Boomer regulations have ruined America
>>You must be set back from the road
>You must have parking for cars
Zoning code, not building code
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Thanks to American building codes, all multifamily looks like small wooden commie blocks
>When that ann girls "just a couple family" moves into the attic with her
>She didn't build a bunker under her small wooden up to code commie box
these rules aren't the problem with housing in the US. the problem is local control by neighborhood groups and the use of environmental laws to block development. The issue is NIMBY's and the system is set up to empower them. NIMBY's fight housing because they know that more housing will lower their real estate values.
I thought we all hated lolbertarians here?
Now we're saying government regulations are bad?
Explain that.
>the problem is local control
>but somehow, every single local area has the same brain dead laws
Us 'nimbys' bought homes in rural and natural areas where we could enjoy nice, peaceful, quiet lives in relatively small communities of people like ourselves.
When some shitbag developer comes in and buys up 2000 acres for a 'planned community' in the middle of our hiking trails, where the deer and elk graze, where excess groundwater is soaked up by thousands of trees, where our aquifers' water comes from, then yeah, we have a problem.
Urban sprawl includes 6,000 house 'developments' full of hastily crapped together particle board immigrant-built condos.
Fuck off, we're full.
Not boomers, unions.

Muh skeeld twades!
>muh nature, muh elk
also /pol/
>DRILL BABY DRILL! Need lower gas price for muh car!
>1 nigger sets a fire in the entrance hallway
>15 people die with no means of escape
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Cite the law that prohibits that.
>/pol/ is one person
yeah this lol. building codes were literally written with the blood of thousands of terrible deaths that could have been preventable if not for some jew. look up Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire if you want a fun story about that
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QRD on how to bring back what we lost during the Jewish Century:

>Abolish the placebos of HOAs, zoning laws, and building permits and rely on personal liability again. Abolish property tax for primary residences so people can own houses again.

>Abolish the CIA and return intelligence agencies to the army again.

>Abolish the DOE and let people homeschool and start their own colleges again.

>Abolish DHHS and make children the sole responsibility of their parents again.

>Abolish the ATF and allow all citizens to produce alcohol, tobacco, and firearms again.

>Abolish TSA and allow guns and smoking on planes again.

>Abolish the IRS and get revenue from tariffs and sales taxes again.

>Deregulate automobiles so anyone can buy or make their own again.

>Bust monopolies in manufacturing and distribution so that anyone can buy raw materials and parts again.

>Deregulate pharma so anyone can buy or make their own drugs again.

>Abolish the AMA and let anyone practice medicine again.

>Make all drugs available over the counter again.

>Limit copyright and patent protection to 14 years again.

>Bust monopolies in media to bring back local tv and radio again.

>Legalize smoking in public again.

>Cure our addiction to (((statutory law))) and rely on judicial decisions and jury trials again.

>Abolish plea bargaining. Rely on personal liability instead of the placebo of regulation. Reduce the legal code to a manageable size again.

>Defund and disarm the police again.

>Make prisons transparent and bring back the Town Farm again. Restore constitutional rights to convicts again.
>thought we all hated lolbertarians here?
That's only the glownigger shills, newfag
where would the people who lived there park their cars?
>Fire doesn't exist in Europe
You guys think maybe it's the flex board and OSB? I mean shit, even Japs don't have this problem, they figured out how to yakisugi.
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>where would the people who lived there park their cars?
americans aren't europooran, they're white
Yup. In my town, any new home has to have a 3 acre lot.

Of course there is always a way around that if you grease the right palms. A neighborhood was built where the houses have 1.5 acres each because there is a common green space/park that makes up the remainder so it "averages" out to 3 acres per house. But somehow the company that was building it pulled out and the next company was able to build a single house on that huge land so it's still an "average" of 3 acres per lot in the development but now there is no common green space, that space is someones property.
>americans are white
>but we can't have public transport because
europoor immigrants to america mostly commies from the east are to blame for social services in america, you have to go back.
Everywhere else is full too, so hopefully you get even more developments so you can suffer like the rest of us.
Consider the following:
According to building codes, the post must be anchored to the stone, because high winds could "blow the house away"
anchored with a piece of metal which will just rust away in 20 years or so
but in the meantime, this totally defeats the purpose of resting the post on a stone
since the post can "walk" off the stone in an earthquake instead of snapping
but that little stone, which probably weighs less than the post resting on it, will totally prevent the house from blowing away
because it is anchored like the building codes said so

What kind of 80 IQ imbecile wrote and enforces these building codes?
Just build dwellings underground no one will ever know
The National Fire Protection Act is one thing, but the developers are driving inflation. Oh, and with all this surplus housing what happens to property values? I have to conserve water and power? How about you go build your tower
in Hell?
This is capitalism?
Vehicle owners pay taxes (gasoline,registration,tolls, etc) for the roads and it gets diverted to public transportation. Property owners pay property tax and get assessed for public transport. Public transport has never run without handouts. How about the riders pay for the ride? But, even with the subsidy there is never enough ridership. The roads get redesigned to slow down the cars by removing lanes, putting planter boxes and bike lanes and a bunch of other crazy stuff. The roads are no longer for cars even though the taxes built the roads. The roads are to create chaos and drive people away from logical thinking. Trains are loud and busses are pretty inefficient when driving around almost totally empty.
Then the developers build high rise projects. Trash blows around because there is no pride of ownership. Oh, and a bunch of community development crap like bycycle sharing, etc. They want everybody hand to mouth dependant and subservient to the master planners. Whell, all this development produces nothing and I mean nothing besides development. Once it's built them what?
I can't even think any more, but am content, except the dam three ring circus must go on. It's phony as all hell, folks wake and bake (weed) themselves stupid in an effort to cope.
The root of the problem is the legislators profiting from the laws they make. Legislators drive public money by removing choice. Legislators drive cash with inflation. They sell ignorant people feelings to get votes.
I say stop the money from moving- stop all discressionary spending right now. This is not capitalism if you get to decide the value of my assets. Can nobody else see this?
>hese rules aren't the problem with housing in the US
They are a major part of all the problems.
You can drill for oil while preserving nature.
>in before pic of Canadian tar sands

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