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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Did we ever determine if Q was a basement LARPer or was he/they legite working with the Trump admin
Isn't that the only way to tie Jan 6th to the president? Through Q?
give me the top 3 pieces of evidence q was anything more than a larp/cia experiment. be specific
Q was a glowie psyop to keep the migachuds from actually doing anything and instead just "trust the plan".
1. blue
2. eisenhower
3. november
so it wasn't just some basement troll?
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The fire is rising.
Patriots are in control.
It was an IIA operation.

IIA stands for "Interactive Internet Activities"

IIA is an online psyop tactic to create interactions and discourse that never go anywhere, in order to never foment an effort at the grassroots level, online.

In other words, when you watch Alex Jones, David Icke, Nick Fuentes, Tucker Carlson, CNN, Joe Rogan, IRL; when you watch any social media influencer of any status, always keep in your mind the concept of IIA Operations—limited release, or, limited hangouts, controlled release, information suppression, narrative containment, redirection and misdirection of information into meaningless, manufactured, online issues, arguments and circular dead ends that exhaust and confuse. -Brendan O'Connell.
Seth Rich
>IIA is an online psyop tactic to create interactions and discourse that never go anywhere
so this website is a main component of that right
Ezra Cohen Watnick
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Stop posting
I'm afraid I can't do that
hint: if the larp thats supposed to predict things doesnt have the fanatics tumbling over themselves to answer what it successfully predicted, it is in fact a larp
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didn't that alphabet person literally say "no outside comms" or some shit? Go back and read.
They definitely piggyback off of it. sometimes successfully, like with Q, sometimes not.
>Did we ever determine if Q was a basement LARPer or was he/they legite working with the Trump admin
It's probably multiple people, more specifically Jim Watkins and his son Ron Watkins. Jim is the owner of 8kun, where Q posted. There's no evidence anyone in the Trump admin is Q. All of Trump's cabinet were elderly republican party elites who can barely operate their emails.

>Isn't that the only way to tie Jan 6th to the president? Through Q?
No. The main argument of Trump's culpability on Jan 6 is that he incited the crowd into action through his words and actions from the presidential election up into that day.

Q made a lot of specific predictions and none of them came true. You were duped. Get over it.
Faggots on this website developed the models to influence people and mass media because it was fun. Funded political organizations then copied the methods and flooded the internet with psyops. The governments, media and orgs were completely incapable compared to internet nerds for like 15 years.
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Q is US Mil counter-intelligence.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Just one would be tip top.
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Q is an annoying fucking nerd.
Okay, that too.
If you weren’t here before /pol/ harbor then fuck off my board, newfag.
I have reasons to believe Q is not of this earth. Q is an alien ai like ALICE. They might be one in the same.
It was designed to keep you passive while the coup was executed. It worked flawlessly.
Anyone who believes in that Q garbage is a special kind of retard whoever made that shit up deserves a medal just for showing us how retarded people can truly be.
We trolled them, they trolled us. We laughed but they cried and can't get over it... just took it way too seriously and started trolling the whole world... Sad.
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hoes mad
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I'm pretty sure Q was just a bunch of democrats sitting in a room trolling the CHUDS and tricking them into going to the capitol on January 6 in order to entrap them as insurrectionists so they can punish those people with severe prison sentences, effectively torturing political prisoners, in order to create a chilling effect to make Republicans scared to question the rigged election. Nancy Pelosi and her Demonrats basically doubled and tripled down on her crimes so that she won't get caught and punished. Nancy Pelosi probably fears that she'll be hanged as a traitor for what shes done, if enough people ever get wise to the scheme. It's all sick if you ask me. These people are sick and at the minimum, they don't belong in government. They should quit and let honest people do the job, because they have lost the plot and have become a cancer on the Earth.
most likely Jim & Ron Watkins
this is the correct answer

Trump is controlling by Mossad. The Q operation was to feed support, interest, and buzz around the Trump phenomenon. Nothing more. Keep you spinning in your hamster wheel. No one goes to jail. Not Trump and not Hunter Biden. The Deep state marches on. They're all in it together. Controlled opposition.
Kys faggot
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It's pretty easy to see the entire world as a TV show when you're not really participating in it. "The Deep State" is a bunch of faggots taking orders from other faggots for a pension. The only thing that makes them special is how their lies can be made "official" and legalized violence.
Q was literally a meme here before boomers on social media got exposed to it and started thinking it’s serious
same goes for Trump, he was seen as a funny candidate and people hate Democrats, no one was serious about it before /r/the_kush niggers swamped the board
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Then why are free thinkers like us still around, wouldn't we be in FEMA camps by now?
You really think that all of the pedo gate stuff is just going to get swept under the rug forever?
>if the goal is just to put Trump in office, going through all the trouble to expose an international child trafficking ring is kind of an extra step
Q was a psyop to dissuade lone wolf radicals from carrying out attacks by believing Blumpf was not a MIGA plant. That he was secretly based and not spinning his wheels at all.
Source: Been on 4chan since 2006.

Look at the seething ITT
That man was a paid actor hired by Antifa
>because pantifa funds its own ventures and psyops
Do you also believe that Obama is still in the white house right now calling the shots himself?
they sold merchandise
most likely a jew
God I wish Jacob Chansley were my husband
I was curious after that dude got released from jail and I remember I found a video somewhere on Rumble before January 6th where he was going on and on about his idea of utopia and he drew the layout of this ideal city and it was literally a star of remphan
it was obvious larp was called out here and moved over to inifitechan. Boomers slopped it up
As in he was giving this long speech and then literally drew a Jewish star on the Whiteboard and said this is where we're going to live goys!
It started out as an actual schizophrenic. Nobody would take his revelations seriously, so he started LARPing as an insider, and MIGA retards ate it up. At some point it was hijacked by the CBTS Stream/Patriot Soapbox crowd, and became more of a grift. Initially, it was a mentally ill man trying to present information be believed to be true.
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QAnon is not a person, but a committee. Some of them are likely regular Anons, given their compulsion to drop redpills here that we all already new for years.
The Q crew were the ones encrypting Blumf's messages while he went around business as usual.
Their main priority was to keep the radicals from staging revolution while Drumf was president.

I vaguely remember something in the Pacific Ocean happening and something was about to happen to AF1. The media then retold the story that legitimized the Q post.

They certainly were outmaneuvered by the feds eventually, and they went silent soon after.
Were they bad actors? No. They did their tasks well enough before Krumf had his fiery but peaceful protest in capitol hill.

Honestly, the person to blame was Skumf because he failed to fulfill a lot of his promises.
However, with the Supreme Court recent ruling that presidents have extended immunity like dictators, that may change on the next term.
If Chumf fails again, then I won't blame people for waging revolution. He's literally the sole reason we didn't have Jeb! vs Hillary vs Civil War.

I genuinely wonder how Morpheus is holding up since he got deposed as the schizo storyteller.
He seemed really butthurt that attention diverted from him.
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The cutoff for oldfags is the baby tray tray memes. fuck off with this zoomer shit.
i mean they openly occupy the church supposed to be the holiest of their holies you think they wouldnt be other places as well?
hint: when you anti-Qtards respond to any evidence Q was a legitimate insider with "omg cope 8d chess take meds schizo" every fucking time over several years, we give up trying to convince your asses.
He had access to glownigger alerts. Isn't that evidence that he's a glownigger?
I think its just pattern recognition. Which has a +/- in any prediction.
He made an extremely vague statement, and McCain died a month later. Any kind of media coverage could have been seen as validating that post, and it was clear at the time that McBrain's days were numbered.
>newfag thread
Also, could you make an Old Fag General? The twitter screenshot dialogue is exhausting.
Yes. There was never a question of whether he was a glowie. The question was whether the Q psyop was benevolent or malevolent. My assertion has always been that if it was malevolent, it would have been exposed by now and the adherents humiliated as gullible sheep by the mainstream media. That's the payoff for a malevolent limited hangout. Since there has been no payoff, I continue to believe it isn't malevolent.
>He made an extremely vague statement, and McCain died a month later.
To the minute. See, this is why we don't bother.
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MIGAtard invasion = newfag cancer that killed /pol/
It's a coincidence. It's not like any kind of direct statement was made.
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>It's a coincidence.
Sure it is. Post a picture of any celebrity one month to the minute before they die and say they're returning to the headlines. I'll wait.
Prediction of wet start’s exact death dare, along with some boomer pol by mistake saying he was killed turned my head.
2018 will be glorious
So Q tricked 1700 Americans into becoming political prisoners who have endured years of torture and slander. People who showed up to peacefully protest were entrapped by Democrats and called insurrectionists. I consider the Q psop to simply be a piece of the larger mind control operation aimed at sparking a color revolution that they could crush to weaken the populist and nationalist movement. If you can't see that it was an evil scheme probably orchestrated by various governmental agencies intentionally, then I don't know what to tell you.

To me it was obvious that Q was bullshit because the information was always presented as a riddle that only schizophrenics can solve. No real movement would be indecipherable to the general public. It had more of the flavor of a cult, but to me it was clearly a government run operation. A psychological operation that sowed confusion among the right, and created a vulnerability for legal attacks against the right, specifically those who were politically active and noticing. They punish the noticers in the same way they are here in 4chan every day bullying us. It's psychological warfare and we're all the hardest of the hardcore veterans with decades of experience swimming in the sickest psyops the world has ever seen. We've weathered more ridiculous lies than any normie. We're the elite of the elite of the elite noticers.
I thought it was the same minute not a month apart. Make daily vague posts. A portion of them will roughly line up with news with coincidences like that.
I havent looked into it. But Im leaning more toward gov or spook or glowie larp honey pot. seemed to organized and well funded and the timing felt inorganic. Im not a betting man. But my guess gov fed or intelligence or honey pot operation of some kind. I have only briefly overviewed though and it didnt seem interested enough to look into. Could be bait. Could be honey pot or trap. Who knows. Shrug. I like harmless speculation as much as the next guy. I assume nothing though. Seems to fabricated and inorganic
I sure hope so.
How many different Q posts were there? Coincidences happen. It's not like it was the next day, and I guess you're suggesting Trump had a guy with brain cancer executed - and he didn't just die?

The earliest Q posts were very direct predictions, with exact dates and times for arrests and, shockingly, none of it came to pass.
If this murder case wasn't a pysop did this man and his family ever get justice?
As I recall, it was an ironic apphorism with direct reference to the holiday he died on. 100/1 at least against it being fortuitous. Also some pol accidentally said he was killed instead of died.
I am 34 and have never followed the Q stuff, but it seems like something the reptiles would get a kick out of. You know, fucking with us even though they're actually getting BTFO in October.
assume nothing. Could be a front. Could be astro turfing. That could just be what they want you to think. Never assume. Always view from all angles or possible motivations. No way to tell. Who knows. assume nothing. Interesting thought provoking discussions though from time to time. Used to be much better
>So Q tricked 1700 Americans into becoming political prisoners who
Q never mentioned J6. Try again. Not reading your wall of text, either.

>I thought it was the same minute not a month apart.
>posts at 6:28PM EST on 7/25/18
>McCain is announced to have died at 6:28PM EST 8/25/18
Found it. It was Kasisch.
It was an obvious larp for lulz and (perhaps predictably) boomers got ahold of it and thought it was real.
BET YA HOT SHIT DONT CHA. lul That larp got a bit too crazy for me. I like to remain neutral and pragmatic. Yall got too culty and it became silly over the top
In 2019 the Q thing was huge, but notice as soon as the Democrats secured their rigged win, Q kind of disappeared. The psyop was no longer useful once they achieved their objective. They won, you lost and nobody had the balls to fight the cheaters. Especially not Trump. So everyone rolls over and lets the senile pedophile in chief drive the country onto the rocks where it can sink like the Titanic.
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>How many different Q posts were there? Coincidences happen.
How many other posts just had a picture of a person and said "back in the headlines" that Q posted? Fucking zero. He wasn't just throwing shit at the wall until something sticked. Again, this is why we don't bother, because faggots like you will go
>la la la coincidence
SPBP. It was always just a psyop to keep Trumpniggers pacified while he "drained the swamp" into his fucking administration.
Highly unlikely..... but the never know.... truth is stranger than fiction sometimes..... hmmmmm. Who knows. I just like reading and keeping track of all the conspiracy theories and cool ideas and cool larps yall have. It could all be bs. But its interesting bs. And a fun read regardless if true or not. Big fish
> Jew
> Jew
> literally vatnik, Russian Jew
Best to assume 99.99% is fake and gay larp or otherwise. Thats just common sense. Interesting read though
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By the way: neither of these niggers have ever done anything and never will. Yet they like to claim Qtards are somehow worse than them for not doing anything.
Keep calm. And God bless AMERICA. Nothing ever happens. Just keep calm relax and enjoy the ride
>the globohomo awakening is completely staged and gay
Imagine that

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Q was a bunch of different anons who were bored and thought it was funny
>t. Q
This. Even my boomer dad was spouting numerology bullshit to me mentioning the number 17 and crap
Every single Q post was throwing shit at the wall, and typing meaningless strings that boomers would associate with hacking.

His only direct predictions were the original schizo posts, none of which happened.
This. we will invade Iran soon now
So, Trump could have McCain executed, but he couldn't stay president and prevent everything that happened to him and his inner circle?
This is all a slide...people want carpet and teslas so Americans are going to have to drink poison.

Q was an invention of the media. There were never any "secret far right Q discord groups" ever discovered. It's all fake and gay.
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>how do you do my fellow oldfags?
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>It took a LARP to keep people from being revolutionary
That didn't take much
She was the first one that made me simp.
Also looking for her unmasked photo, seems it was deleted from internet, weird.
i've been here since first of june so i'm a bit of an old fag, not like these reddit reject presidential debate new fag tourists. i have good information that this "Q" is Steve Bannon so don"t expect much from "Q" for a few months.
- Predicted John McCains death to the Minute exactly one month before. Claimed he was executed, for treason.
- Predicted every US Mass shooting that got pushed by the Media to push disarmament. Always 48 before they happened. Called them False Flags.
- Predicted the Chritstchurch Mass shooting 12 hours before it happened and even hinted that this time it will be a False Flag to Disarm outside the US.
- Predicted Hawaii Nuclear "False" Attack 48h in Advance.
- On request of the community Trump held a White House Easter Speech. And included the requested code phrase "tipsy tipp topp" and published it to twitter.
- Predicted "Suicide Week", then Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain both died hanged with a red scarf.

There was much more but that is what I remember.
Its far too obvious what Q was, the bigger question that I want someone to address is WHY for all the J6th was 9/11 shit by the left has NONE of them seriously investigated the qanon thing? Its like they all dropped it as some flat earth thing, only it was the underlining movement behind their 9/11.
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non-sequitur bot replies don't normally post more than once in a single thread so you've piqued my curiosity

describe this webm if you're a human
I like how Q is simultaneously a basement dweller and CIA psy op. Pick one faggot.
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anons told people not to go to jan 6th. they were just trying to take control of that momentum building from the richmond va 2nd amendment rally. and yes the top left panel is kinda inaccurate, but the point is trump approves of these people and hangs out with them. but anywho, told you so, it's not going to get better. prep and then prep some more, but also train and zero in your funz.
Nice source and quotes nigger.
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This. They can never explain why the cabal would radicalize its own people against it, making their forever wars and child trafficking visible to the point of mass resistance and reporting. Q named the Jew as well. I think it's schizo to claim that Q is somehow a trick. Anyone attacking the federal reserve is good in my book. Anyone defending it is a kike.
>kike with a memeflag
>"oy vey!"
Lol okay you jew-rat.
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Wonder what the red scarf means in judeo-masonic symbolism? Any other fellow travelers know that one?
We never found out who Q was. We have the FBI, CIA, NSA, Congress, the DOJ, and the military. They never found out who is it was and nobody noticed.
Actual oldfags remember when the Q poster got laughed off of the fucking board for being so fake and gay that it was hard cringe
>White House Easter Speech. And included the requested code phrase "tipsy tipp topp" and published it to twitter.
All of those are wrong, but in particular, he picked out phrase Trump used "tippy top" and then "prodicted" he'd use it again.
Yea, everytime I hear a leftist reee about J6th, I ask myself why none of those same people care who was behind Qanon. There clearly was some centralized effort to make it, but instead of any of those Letter orgs looking into it, they instead lean into MAGA memaws being literal terrorists.
Sometimes, maybe
We’re just as retarded as any other group of people, though often worse if you count the true schizos.
The saving grace of /pol/ is typically “wow that’s so goofy and on-the-nose retarded that they would have to be trolling” that it’s easy to overlook people genuinely being retarded.
You can have some thoughts about the userbase but never truly know. You could be the only real poster here and never know since you can’t source things
It's because everybody who's heavily invested in the political system is retarded.

Imagine if, instead of calling it an "insurrection", somecanti-Trump PAC ran an ad where they talk to some of the Jan. 6 prisoners in the DC gulag, and their families about how Trump did nothing for them, while throwing up pictures of the rappers he pardoned, racializing it just a little. That would get some boomers to stay home.
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ezra cohen-watnick is the name you want for the q anon poster.
part of the tag, track and ID program mentioned in the final words of david goldberg:
treat the information like the protocols of the learned elders of zion: if it's fake, then why are they following it to a T? why is it happening?
This is lame bait. I've been posting on 4chan since 2005. At one point I was a well known tripfriend and met others at the con. Hilarious how some of us have grown up.
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I'm Q.
Ask me anything
qanon shit is not "oldfag". Fuck off.

>older than you, been here since /new/
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>Masonic Digits
>Judeo-Masonic criminals
Q was their undoing. Also he named the Jew. Was pretty funny.
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Whatever Q is, it's not one of the bad guys. It radicalized and made even the boomers hyper-aware of government corruption and child rape that the Jews need to keep the voices in their heads quiet. Their way of life is nearly impossible outside of their temporary home in the desert.
If you were an oldfag you would have known.
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>omg cope 8d chess take meds schizo
Exactly as I said upthread: you're nothing but kikes that claim Q was just a LARP, yet spend numerous posts in every Q thread saying "coincidence coincidence coincidence".
it might have been a youtube t shirt scam in its absolute infancy
iykikykxyz you know...
you just know OP is a massive glownigger turbofagget
UHhUHhhuuUH WhAt dId (((((WE)))) anOnS fOuNd out abOut tHe BlAcKprOjeCt????
lets make a thread and check what they know, so we can patch up possible holes.
diabolical faggotini hand rubbing intensivies
fuckno. fuckyouop
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I can give a pretty refined take. I boxxyposted, loved posting about mudkipz and called people roody-poos. I remember the stormfront, fatepeoplehate, and pizzagate waves. I was around for FBIanon, HLIanon, Frank and all of the other big, recent posters that we gave names to as well. I was around during the initial /cbts/ threads here on /pol/. The consensus appears to revolve around this being the genesis of the whole Q movement.
As for the whole Q movement, it definitely made a lot of sense when "Q" wanted to, but it seems like even seven years later, loads of the anons still informed don't seem to understand the majority of the posts weren't necessarily for us. It makes way more sense to see the "drops" as communications between secondary parties, not us or "Q" themselves. This makes a lot of the "decoding" trend completely pointless as far as I'm concerned. I'm also not really convinced the political theater and our obsessive focus on it isn't a waste of time.
Q would in the early days make a lot of veiled Mysticism references, but unfortunately gave way too much to the evangelicals, thus deprecating the spiritual side of things. The guys who would hang out in the evenings, /nightshift/, would try to steer conversations in a more fruitful direction, but that got drowned out before long by calling everyone a satanist, bible verses and "christ is king" (which I don't hate, but don't feel like using normalfag mantras when they don't really know anything about these topics). These days, the whole QR board is a glorified news aggregate and sunday school bible verse circle jerk that doesn't have room for the themes that made QR fun for the first few years any longer.
Ultimately, the whole Q situation lines up well enough with the whole Chanology themes which aim to "redpill the normalfags". QR sort of helped us do that or at least find an opportunity, but it was obviously co-opted on several levels even if Q themselves are doing great work still despite that.
100% larper.
Most people don't remember a guy who ran by the name of Anon5 or Anonymous5 aka. Frank. If you check the archives you should be able to find his all his shitty posts. He basically did the exact same shit on /pol/ shortly before Q was a thing, retarded cryptic messages and nothings + regurgitating what he could glean off /pol/, news articles, and youtube. He got doxxed and people found out he was just making shit up to bolster his own god complex because he self admitted to it on various forums they linked him to. He did it twice one with the name Anon5 and the other I can't remember, both times he got called out on being a faggot larper and stopped. Shortly after he stopped the second time Q came about and I'm 100% sure he was either in charge of that or started it, which later led to multiple different people pretending to be Q.
>only way to tie Jan 6th to the president
Trump never said storm the capitol.
in fact he said
>go home
Q never said storm the capitol
Q's famous tag-line
>trust the plan
anons were only requested to dig, and meme.
no kinetic activities
thats why some anons have associated Q with Operation Trust
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I'm Q's highest ranking retard
and I approve this message
It's funny we both used Frank as a landmark to prove our "being an oldfag", but I'm afraid witnessing Frank's posts doesn't make you an oldfag, you retard. Frank was only around within the last decade or so. You realize that right?
"oldfag" is a term that's older than /pol/. /pol/ is the retarded stepchild of /b/ and was meant to be a stormfag containment.
>anons were only requested to dig, and meme.
Anon, you're doing this incorrectly. Q didn't try to get anyone to "not do anything" and giving them ground like this is senseless. Instead, you want to reframe things. Instead of agreeing to "doing nothing is bad", you turn things on them and say something about how obvious it is that they're using fed bait to get people to do or even talk about doing illegal things. They do this because they're feds or working with feds and want people to make some reference to doing illegal things so they can surveil them, gangstalk them and plenty more.
Thanks, faggot.
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my pronounce are niggerfaggot/faggotnigger
>so there was this guy who did similar things and got doxxed
>so I'm 100% positive that Q is the same guy despite never being doxxed like the first guy was
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They're just asschapped because the Q team spent like twenty-three bucks getting reach and coverage that they couldn't get for a trillion.
Very clever operation.
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Appealing to the puzzle-loving aspect of human cognition was very clever. A positive reinforcement aspect, in contradistinction to the usual communications-operations motives, like fear or anger.
Appealing to curiosity, problem solving, and and pattern recognition--no wonder it resonated for so many people, who have had nothing but negative messaging fields aimed at them for so long.
And then after Q, or perhaps more accurately to interrupt it, the whole fucking "covid" psyop, and all the psychological tortures of that, coming out of Pharma's PR agencies and Pharma's permastate administrators/"experts."
No self-respecting person would voluntarily participate in such faggotry.
Kike psyop confirmed.
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>I vaguely remember something in the Pacific Ocean happening and something was about to happen to AF1. The media then retold the story that legitimized the Q post.
You referring to this?
>oldfag only
>posts pic of a giant faggot
You have to go back
It's a pied piper to boomer normies not ready to take the dive fully into the redpill.
Well, not every, just a lot. Such is life as a generational poster, inaugural 4chan Hall of Fame inductee, and recipient of the 4chan Lifetime Achievement award bestowed upon me at the 20th anniversary celebration.
Yeah that's great and everything you clout chasing fraud faggot
The fuck you mean candlejack is real you fucking retardos dont even know what a meme is
You think it's pictures and candlejack this candlejack that

Answer me this you fucking ancient faggot, if it's all an illusion created by intestinal parasites WHO THE FUCK is the antic
>Iz dat lauwful laul?

>clout chasing
eat a bag of dicks
Well she did worked as they worked for trump for a while, now who got paid when and why is beyond me

What you people call Q by the way is the amalgamation of knowledge of the spy network turned rogue ai and the infamous hacker known as 4chan
Trump is the Anti-Christ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7XD3Tzh8ac


>PSYOP Soldiers are assessed and selected for their intellect, critical and analytical thinking skills, adaptability and mental resilience. They analyze operational environments, physical targets and target audiences; advise on psychological effects; plan influence options; develop actions and messages targeting psychological vulnerabilities; deliver optimally timed actions and messages; and assess influence effectiveness. Operating in small, autonomous teams, PSYOP units conduct military information support operations; Department of Defense deception activities; build partner influence capacity; and, when called upon by the President, provide civil authority information support.
But if you still need more
Lack of any meaningful positive change is proof enough that Q is irrelevant.
Touch grass, you ungrateful little shit
Lol, it was a fucking troll. The early threads were very clearly satire.
Dear Q,
Why was it more important to continue to let pedo psychopaths run the show than I dunno actually save the children?
Why did you continue to stonewall the release of incriminating blackmail material?
Why did you tent poll all of the valid pizzagate research and group it with retard boomer nonsense like flat earth space is fake, McDonald’s is actually basedlant green?
Why were we supposed to Trust Sessions and Durham when they effectively covered up and sealed all the damning evidence?
Figure it out, retard.
I'm pretty sure Steve Bannon is Q. Bannon has ties to Trump. The Q stuff dealt with child trafficking. Jim Cavizel is friends with Bannon, loves Q narrative, loves Trump.

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