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>Get vaxxed
>Lose both hands and feet
I can fix her
she's so happy those doctors saved her life! thank God she got jabbed
What Thee fuck
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Good. Vaxfags proved they're incapable of withstanding the onslaught of propaganda. These seemingly intelligent people were told:
>Take this experimental gene therapy shot.
And literally NONE OF THEM questioned it. They all did what their oligarch overlords demanded.
It's only a shame more of them didn't suffer.
Cullings like this are actually good for the greater humanity because it eliminates the weak and incapable from the herd.
This means it’s working. Could be worse, she may have had a cough, she’s very lucky.

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

It would have been worse without the vaxx
Don't worry we can grow those limbs back, just fill out the following form:
Man if I lost my limbs I wouldn’t want to live. What’s the point? You’re never doing anything alone again, reliant on other people for basic functions. Sounds terrible
Imagine how much it would have been if she wasn't vaxxed.
That just goes to a 404 page. How do I get my refund?
ad hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.
Dead link, nigger
I swear the page worked 5 minutes ago
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SO much this!
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Level with me, doc, how much longer do we have to live?
lol newfag
that damn smile
Ok schizo.
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Good goy!
lmao, b-but...but anon, there IS no refunds page?!
Tradwives of the future! You have to take care of her like a baby so you can have a baby she can't help take care of. BUT she won't fuck up anything around the house, AND she won't ever cheat. Probably.
Why the fuck is she smiling? is she happy to become a living Fleshlight?
She's getting attention which is the greatest treasure for women.
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She's been in the news spotlight, some tech company will end up giving her bionic arms and legs for the publicity
She probably thought she was going to die and was living in agony, now the pain is more manageable and she believes she will live, so she smiles.
always the same sort of suspicious looking accounts isn't it
At least now she can’t run away
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She'll be perfect soon
Just literally a human fleshlight
You're already dead
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wtf she was about to learn armament haki why did they amputate
If only she was mute as well
Duck tape
i actually know this person, this is in the US. All i know that it was sepsis, I haven't heard anything about mRNA. it is a pretty popular school teacher in my area so there was alot of online posting/ charity events for her.
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Kys, but don't forget to pay for article access, subscribe to his newsletter, and support his podcast before you do
>there was alot of online posting/ charity events for her.
You might say she was trying to get others to lend a hand so they would foot the bill.
>I'll see myself out
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imagine being in a western country and letting sepsis get that before thinking about maybe possibly seein' a doc lmao
It should be "Good goy"
Cállate mongólico
I’m surprised pharma execs aren’t being beaten in the streets
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At least she still has upper arms, so she can get the next booster.
At least she didn’t get Covid with a 99.97% survival rate
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Those limb replacements are gonna run that choombatta a lot of eddies.
You can find it on the Wayback Machine
He said, as he slowly unzipped his noisy zipper.
Google the name on her shirt. Guy used to make fetish videos of nuggets. He did a great job of editing out the limbs
Look how happy she still is
Perfect goyim cattle. I refuse to believe that everyone has a soul.
Kek are diversity hire nurses reusing needles or something.
I didnt take the vaccine but I still got proxy-vaxxed fron shedding lepervaxxies
How are people this retarded even allowed to post. It's by no accident that you have a memeflag
Think of all the lives she saved
>look at all these sources just trust me
Well she is someone ampi pocket pussy dream girl now

Fake news!
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That means it's working chuddie
Imagine how bad it would have been if she didn't get the jab though
America is worse than the soviet union
we should build a wall around their embassy and turn off the utilities
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yes, im leaving
I appreciate the information. But you see, it's not about information here, it's about deflecting blame.
If people would understand that recurrent infections with the lab-escaped Chinese Coronavirus are life-ending, they'd be really mad at right wingers who propagated and enabled maximum infection.
So it must be the vax.
this link isn't working for me?
how do I get my refund?
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Imagine how much worse it would have been without the experimental mRNA Gene therapy injections authorized for emergency use only? Phew, she got off easy.

Good Christ, launch the nukes and do us all a fucking favor.
It's often just hours, little symptoms before it is too late, pain & black starts after point of no return.
Better hope Militech will give ‘em to you for free as long as you agree to become a sleeper agent.
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>vax detox kills vaxxie
oh another vaccine death
Her veins and arteries got clogged with spike proteins and weren’t getting blood flow and she began to rot alive. Thanks Uncle Fauci! #Beaglelife
there was an MP who got sepsis and lost his limbs too. he got a standing ovation when he returned to parliament, which i thought to be in bad taste given he had no legs or hands.
lol “propaganda” it was put your family on the street or get it. They pretty well coerced everyone.
too soon
Getting my booster next week!
There are a lot of behaviours that are Pavlovian in Westerners. Smiling for a camera, for example, or shaking hands when someone offers.
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Never vaxxed
Never tested
Never got the coof
I'm just not taking it
>no hands to throw stuff around
>no legs to run away

Now all you need to do is cut off her tongue and you got the perfect woman.
That's just your typical woman. Some beta simp will scoop her up and she will be 600lbs and barking orders in no time.
Only in Londonistan.
Thank you Trump, Operation warp speed lmao
>its the VAX GUISES!
It's the 3rd world diversity hires not cleaning properly.
She looks happy so whats the problem?
You're a man.
As long as her face and vagoo are okay she'll be fine. Probably has a 9/10 waiting on her already

curiosity would overpower my death instinct, at least for a while until i roll myself into the ocean

even then i would probably get someone to paint me gray and glue some flippers on my stumps so i could pretend to be a seal for a while
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She looks so happy now! Those boosters were worth it.
Let me guess, you need more?
RIP bjorn
pre-covid, someone dies:
>*shugs* muh nuh nuh?
post covid. Someone dies:
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CLAP FOR OUR NHS . . . oh wait
She's now trans-ukrainian?
by all means get vaccinated, i implore you to get vaccinated, for my sake

(i want the government to turn you into a cyborg slave)
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Do women without even arms or legs live happier lives than most men?
Why aren't they all dead then?
Perfect isolated, low pop, 100% vaxed country.
Basically all white.
Where is the wipe out? Or even severe degradation?
only if a bear in the woods tore off their limbs
>So happy I didn't get the flu.
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>start turning into a nigger
>amputate the nigger parts before it spreads to the rest of your body
Based doctors saved her life.
If I get sepsis in a hospital before my hands fall off i am killing as many people as I can
there is some excess mortality but even then the government econometric office lost count of how many people there are by something more than a rounding error

which is amusing since they could have sent an email to the national registry
This is probably the most requested page in Pfizer's Google Analytics. And it's 404.
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They had to kill and mame a few fit and healthy people to make it look like a side effect, people would get suspicous if only the elderly and disabled were dying following vaccination. That's why the government were so obsessed with vaccinating all age ranges. If we had come out of the scamdemic with hardly any deaths in the 5-50 age range it would have been too obvious what was done. Fuck the government.
Try this one newfags:
That's a poor excuse to allow yourself to be stuffed full of an experimental mRNA gene therapy treatment.
Maybe they could do an mRna limb regrowth shot.
Turn her in to a fucking octopus to finish her off.
Kek, it never gets old
She can still talk.
>They pretty well coerced everyone.
Maybe if you lived in a faggot state. I never got jabbed and felt absolutely no pressure to get it. Must suck to suck, no refunds vaxxies.
so we recently had a presidential election
and something has been bothering me about the numbers

the runner up to the office of the presidency is the chair"person" of the green party received about 24% of the vote

the green party has been polling around 3-6% so come next parliamentary election they will probably be eliminated from parliament

so the leader of the second most unpopular political party received a quarter of the votes for presidency and came in second place

it is hard to reconcile these numbers, statistically speaking, as legit

>NST Online
Sudden death of Chinese shuttler Zhang Zhijie highlights risks of athlete's heart syndrome [WATCH]
KUALA LUMPUR: Elite athletes are susceptible to a syndrome called “athlete's heart,” which can cause sudden collapse during training or...
>the cope is real, just like the media is doing with biden and everyone "just now seeing there is something wrong

Just search "sudden death" and click the news button on your fav browser!

by 2030 nearly all of you faggots who took it will have died out, with triple jabbers to the front =]

Verification not required.
neve forget putin saved you all from this shit. the whole psyop, pressure forced mandates , resteictios, everything abpt the psyop covid ended when putin invaded ukraine. he put a stop to their great reset plan.
you own your libe to putin. never forget that
btw, she was prime minister during the coof
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>Sudden death of beloved Coach Tommy Ellis prompts balloon release at Sun Valley High School

Tommy Ellis, 43, the longtime wrestling coach at Sun Valley High School in Aston passed away over the weekend after his family says he suffered an aneurysm late Friday in their Brookhaven home. See the community join together to honor the beloved coach with a beautiful balloon release.

>U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie says Rhonda Howard Massie was the love of his life, his high school sweetheart and prom date, his college classmate, his wife of more than 30 years and the mother of his four children.

>“It has been an incredibly difficult year for me personally after the sudden death of my partner Codey at the end of 2023,” Johnstone said.

The deaths of regular people don't really get reported by the news very often. Many are dying. There will be more.
Don't worry, when you finally leave your Dorito-cueva you'll start noticing all the turbocánceres.
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>live in a globohomo country
>get fucked every way possible

many such cases. nobody here has died from the vax.
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Probably yes. Reminded me of this tinder woman. She probably gets way more matches than chads.
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>be me
>baptized Lutheran
>always questioned, but never swayed
>immune to covid
what did God mean by this?

>The findings suggest that T cells in many people with HLA-B*15:01 could already recognize SARS-CoV-2 because of their prior exposure to seasonal coronaviruses. This allowed their immune systems to respond quickly and clear out the virus before it could cause any symptoms.Aug 8, 2023
Aaand it's another White. Funny how Whites keep paying the most.
Poor thing. Couldn’t sue Pfizer even without the indemnity clause (doesn’t have standing).
She’s got a disarming smile.
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I feel unfilfilled.
I wish there was a restart button for life
Help! This doesn't work. How do I get refunds for my vax injuries? NO REFUNDS?
She joins the Pfizer Stub Club!
part and parcel
The levels of cope this requires is unheard of. You’re a lost cause. You deserve it.
everything on the lhs would be absolutely true... IF THE ANSWERS DIDN'T ALL COME FROM FB/TWITTER & 4CHINZ
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Its as simple as this

>Every pro vaccine goy is alao a turbo nigger

Imagine unironically believing the following.

>Jews control the world and attempt to dwindle the goyims health to maintain population balances (true)

>Jews own/fund pharmaceutical giants to create (((vaccines))) (true)

>Viruses are made in defense departement and have been for some time (true)

>There has never been proof of a virus hijacking a cell, leaving that cell, and then replicating in another cell...ever.. (True)

>The (((cure))) to these (((viruses))) is to inject yourself with a load of the actual disease + a shit load of other useless chems and heavy metals to the point that your (((doctor))) has no fucking idea whats in them, what the chems could do over time, how they might influence your immune system etc...as if your (((doctor))) is a fucking go amongst men with the entire knowledge of the chemical and genetic engineers at pfizer and not some jew trash who knows latin prefixes really well, how to prescribe prozac to trannys and how to accept money for pharmaceutical reps. And your dumb, turbo nigger goyim ass, lets a jew doctor bite your kids dick skin off then inject him with 40+ (totally safe and effective) goy treats and somehow this will keep you safe because this time the government cares about you so much that youre basically forced to do it or not play sports, go to any events etc etc. (False and turbo niggered).

Kill yourself pro vax trash.
>That just goes to a 404 page. How do I get my refund?

Due to high demand, it can take up to 24 hours to get thru. Keep trying to access the site.
>Dead link, nigger
Keep trying, sometime it takes up to 24 hours to get thru.
Actually know someone that had that covid vaccine problem... she only lost her legs
>She's getting attention which is the greatest treasure for women.
She's thinking of all the virtue signaling points she's going to et on social media.
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all have sinned and are inadequate to God's majesty
but i don't know why thoughts and prayers are not of the more executive summary
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I feel no sympathy for vaxxed individuals. They are technically no longer human. As such, if their fate looks bleak, so be it. #pure

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