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picture of RFK Jr eating a dog, sources say kristi noem has moved up for his VP nominee

We dont need three threads about this. This place is truly a shit show of twitter reports. Nothing new, not even organic discussion. Every thread turns into people arguing like niggers because arguing online is for niggers. I hate it here.
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he now have the korean vote
That creature has 12 ribs. Dogs have 13. Fake story. Kys.
If you also eat meat, you have no place to criticize someone who eats dogs.
i don’t eat animals that worship us
I am vegan and this story is fake and the brain worms story is also fake
Most domesticated animals treat humans as well as dogs do, or can be trained to.
DNC niggers are spamming
That's 12 Ribs, it's Deer.
Just like always, the DNC are shady, should be shunned.
Deer have 13 ribs. So do dogs. That thing has 12. I don’t know what animal it is, but it’s not a dog.
Is this how he got brain worms?
I was going to say that it is a sheep, but could as well be a deer
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not a deer, i've been doing AI prompt searches for mammals from korean pennisula with under 26 ribs and so far cant find a thing that matches the size of whatever dude is eating...def not a fucking deer though
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not a sheep vpnkun
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only thing i can find remotely close to size is a sloth
He has you Dems scared shitless since JoePedo has been exposed. Keep Shillin'!
Good. Dog nuts are the most insufferable people on planet earth. Dogs do not need to be apart of our society, inside every public space making fucking noise And shitting all over the place they’re worse than Mexicans.
maybe it was removed to suck it's own dick you Vanuatu jungle abbos.
you can tell they're scared of him because of how much they send ridiculous attacks at him
its a creature of primate origin due to 24 ribs, pic is prob from africa or something as the only monkeys in korea are its people
It’s hilarious how vanity fair has essentially become an arm of the Biden campaign. I wonder if anyone has checked into any money they or their owner have received to essentially serve as an advertising arm for the DNC.
What in the actual fucking FUCK?!?!?!?
RFK is eating hobbits.
Well I wasn't considering him a candidate after selecting Shanahan as his VP. They're both sussy baka color revolution manchurians.
Also you wouldn't cook a deer like that, it's exceptionally lean meat, it would be a seized up waste of good meat
RFK is stealing the anti vaxxer/flat earth/moon landing not real votes away from trump
And this matters how?

No one fucking cares

Menawhile Joe Biden has a medical condition known as WK syndrome
I wasted my time reading this trash article. Here's a basic rundown for anons:
>RFK Jr. bad
>RFK Jr. used to do drugs and have sex with many women
>RFK Jr. has a mean sense of humor
>RFK Jr. is anti science
>his whole family hates him
>his cousins were bad people therefor he's bad too
>sexual assault allegations from 20+ years ago
And did I mention
>RFK Jr. bad
Now he has more asian vote than the asian candidate form last elections
Nice one moshe

Animals that we domesticated to eat vs animals that evolved with us for 10000 years to hunt meat
why would eat a dog when you have pigs, cows and chicken ?
Unless you are starving there is no reason to eat dogs or cats.
>eats undercooked pork like a rich uneducated faggot
>gets brain worms
what did he mean by this?
is it sad I can instantly tell it's a hog?
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Actually no. Fuck kikes. Bacon rocks.
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>he thinks he hasnt eaten dog in his life
>DNC niggers
He's taking votes from Zion Don more than anybody else.
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That gets me every time. That cap really is the majority of most threads
every form of communication is about getting attention for something
Ironic plebbit speaking is still super gay, regardless of for comic effect
Why is the media so hell bent on attacking a guy with a 2% chance of winning the presidency? Oh yeah because we have a literal uniparty in charge.
I did, but I didn't know it was at the time and just thought it was shitty greasy pork
The flips I was partying with thought it was hilarious
I have no idea why anyone would choose to eat dog when it's meat is sub par from any other domestic or game animal.
Starvation tier
shit happens, bro, specially when youre served by niggers or chinks
Looks like a rabbit to me
Just looked it up, rabbits have 12 pairs of ribs.
Kill yourself kike. Animal agriculture industry is one of the most kiked and (((subsidized))) industries on the planet along with the pharmaceutical industry. If Germany had won WW2 we would all be vegan already. Hitler banned vivisection and was going to ban slaughterhouses.
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It was Hess along with kosher/halal slaughter
Hess is a like a cartoon protagonist and is rarely ever discussed as a result because his actions are entirely justified and no real slander can ever be said about him
He even went on a suicide mission to try to save his and the British people.
Hess single handedly made me question so many things as a kid.
Perhaps in your culture. In most of the world, dogs have been domesticated to eat for just as long as well.
He's apparently claiming it was a goat.
I think he’s like 30%. Definitely 2% if a cnn pole
Oh my god, it almost looks like a human. Truly shocking. I was gonna vote for him but now I will give my vote to President Biden, the last respectable candidate
Is that the thing the ribwich is made from?
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Reminder: Pitbulls need to be exterminated.
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it's a mexican greek style cabrito
they're just fuckin' faggots
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because it is, it's A KID!!!
real kid eater here people!
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it's just meat dude
i dont criticize dog eaters. dogs are a plague on modern society. living teddy bears that women use to delay having children.
One-two punch combo, gotta make sure they don’t vote Trump, but also don’t vote 3rd party.
what is wrong with eating a dog?
Can’t have RFK eating the mascot of the the Democratic Party. Ergo, lie and say it’s dog.
based chink
You’ve never spoken to a woman bitter incel why would you care? Lmao
its an honest question
The meat is shitty.
The Jew fears the chad dog meat enjoyer.
he is a Kennedy, his whole family was assassinated
have you tried it so you can actually say that?
he ate the dog for me
when he showed his unending support for israel
Thats a kid or lamb
I read it rastes like wet dog
RFK was on Breaking Points today and said it was a goat he was eating, not a dog. He basically admits the sexual assault allegation in the story is true.

Skip to 24:30:

has any 3rd party candidate been blatantly cucked this hard by the establishment?
All 3rd party candidates get cucked by the Media, even if their politics are similar.
Please time me this is fake
No, he said "I'm not going to comment" and that he's not going to get into the details.
Smart move, t.b.h.

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