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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Of people aged 18 to 24, 69% prefer marijuana to alcohol, according to a 2022 survey
>Neuroimaging shows clearly that chronic weed smokers wither their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that inhibits impulsive behaviour
>Long-term marijuana users trying to quit report withdrawal symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which can make it difficult to abstain.
>Cannabis use was also associated with a non-heterosexual identity, lower educational attainment, lower status occupation, and not being married.

I used to heavily support the legalization of marijuana but in recent years, I'm starting to think that weed has become more and more degenerate. Zoomers are completely braindead and while I'll acknowledge that many of the concerns are out of their control, the proliferation of weed is one of the most concerning facing the next generation. I'm a teacher and I've spoke with others who've been around for decades and while there have always been stoners, but unlike this last year, students would not completely lose their shit on edibles IN CLASS. I personally have never seen a successful pothead, they're just a bunch of fucking whiny unmotivated losers and NEETs.
I will NOT intentionally inhale any particulate matter.
I like my lungs.
I once did 3 marijuanas before school and I was seeing sounds and hearing colors and then I failed my gym final
Source on that 2nd > ?

I needed to destroy my brain with weed and other drugs because I was too sensitive for this world. I would not have survived as I was in 2007.
Get a job
Why would anyone use this shitty website
I am pro prohibition of any drug simply because I don’t want normies to escape reality. Same for games and any form of entertainment
Post a link to your data source please

Also yeah, its no big secret that the alcohol industry ... also the fucking PAPER industry ... have been the main lobbying forces behind cannabis' illegality since the beginning

Hemp is much higher quality material than paper, and cannabis directly competes with alcoholic beverages
You sound pretty angry for someone who was simply asked for a link

Ok. But source on that 2nd > ?
>users trying to quit report withdrawal symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety
Yeah and these "symptoms" last a week max and then you're fine. How is "omg I can't sleep" a symptom anyways, just skip one night of sleep and the next night you'll crash and sleep 8 hours easy.
The alternative is to exist in clown world sober, id rather be high
Please keep all of your brain intact so you can be a better worker and more pliable to abuse
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niggers love weed, that is why I dont use it. I dont want to turn into a slow lazy nigger with slurred speech, and bloodshot eyes
Mary Jane makes you epic tier stupid
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No one owes you any of their time, communist.
All the data on the harms of cannabis existed over a decade ago. I argued with many people over it, citing sources and finding they never read the ones they posted. The drug pushers used all the same lies they had for cigerettes and you useful faggots let them get away with it.
>I used to heavily support the legalization of marijuana
You are the problem, regardless of whether you've ever used. The data has always been there for people with the capacity to read and understand it. You helped make this happen, as did everyone else like you to stupid to think about something before supporting it
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I don't believe anyone's honest about weed and everyone's lying their asses off, if it was 200%** legal we'd see better data and metrics. They're mad because it effects sales of "legal" things the government has better control over.

No normies drinking = revenue from charging them a billion times for DWI DUIs dries up. That's all they care about.
Niggers love, booze, fast food, cigarettes, being loud, gambling, etc etc..

You give all that up too?
You weed faggots always use the same goddamn talking points, I wonder if you ever realize how much of a poo brained NPC you come off as
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There really is no reward for being sober, is what I learned out here in adult reality. They penalize you for being "high" at one point in your existence, but never, ever, ever fucking thanked or rewarded anyone for being sober and "clean" 24/7.

I keep working under bosses who abuse all the drugs and booze in the world too. Higher up the corporate chain and you just see all kinds of substance abuse. I'm tired of them pretending that's the case and it's only those lazy stoners who don't want to work.

I see stoners working their asses off while managers who abuse meth and cocaine sit around and flirt with female subordinates.

Where is the reward for being clean and sober? And responsible? Never. There is no one keeping tabs here to dish out those Boy Scout badges.
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List out those talking points christcuck, I doubt you can given your clear lack of reading comprehension, I'm betting you can't actually type more than a sentence.

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Who cares let me do both as long as it doesnt make me lose my job and gun rights
Just dont drive drunk or high
If alcohol is going to remain allowed then weed should be allowed as well.
Not an Abrahamic you poo brained retard
Post a source on the brain atrophy any time.
Sorry ape man, the indians lost.
Another weed faggot enters the chat
>b-but Muh alcohol
>muh happy no danger plant
Always the same shit with you creatures
> legalize everything
> dysgenic tards fall for it
> collapse of welfare state
I don't use weed or alcohol I think they are both terrible for you but if one is going to be legal the other should be as well. in a just society both would be illegal.
Fuck em
Have both
Be an idort
If ciggies and alcohol are legal, then there's no reason weed shouldn't be.
Except that hasn't happened you short sighted idiot. Take a look around, Gen Alpha is still shitting their diapers and can't read by 10. The vast majority of boys are now dysgenic, while girls are going to crash reproductively premmaturely. Our entire system is fucked while endocrine disruptors run rampent with zero plan to address it.
>b-but muh profit from retards
> Muh productive portfolio
You're just as bad as them
>in a just society both would be illegal.
Nigger my fucking great grandpa actually lived during prohibition and he was so fucking glad when the 18th Amendment was repealed.
A just society would make drugs legal, women not voting, and hardly any red tape.
You faggots always do that too, when called out you'll lie about being a druggie. You're all the same, I've argued with thousands of your kind, I can smell you through my screen. I don't even care anymore, regardless of what I say or post your kind always reacts the same anyway
its cool that youre now ok to live your life by spending all day every day alone in front of a screen pooosting on this childrens cartoon forum
Be gone Iberian scum, can count on one hand the amount of times your immigrants haven't been so addicted you'll start shaking in public when over here and cut off. I can only imagine how free the drugs flow over there
If you can't handle weed,one of the mildest drugs known to man or it's pseudowithdrawals then you're simply pussy, rest is cope and seeking validation.
Gen Alpha is brown and/or raised by single moms
That combination alone is enough to ruin any society
>You helped make this happen
nobody here has helped make anything happen, you retarded loser
Yes, all of those things are degenerate. Alcohol cigarettes, gambling, and goyslop should all be illegal.
The whore house of Europe has entered the chat. I imagine you really believe what you're saying too given your options with a healthy family
>Gen Alpha is brown and/or raised by iPads
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No Iberian would ever advocate for this shit since all Euros are bootlicking faggots
I'm a fucking american on vacation
My bad, you're just a regular libertarian reactionist faggot, carry on
>I've argued with thousands of your kind
wow this guy has wasted his life in possibly the most worthless, boring way possible. at least you were sober so you could 'win' those fake gay arguments online, you fucking loser!
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>No one in the entire world doesn't drink alcohol or smoke weed
Sorry mutt, you don't get to talk about health since the health of your own population is teeny tiny bit better than Jeets. Not to mention you have legalized babymeth (Adderal) and most of your kids are hooked on it since elementary.
only niggers smoke weed, why do you care?
I'd be more worried about the zoomers hooked on big pharma's drugs than weed
One of the biggest issues is how early on most potheads start smoking. For those that start beyond age 25, the negative effects are considerably less impactful. Weed is so cheap and easy to acquire, 12 year old kids are frying their brains waaay early.
Shut up, christkike. You need to go back.
Fuck you faggot I'm not giving up anything because it hurt your sensitive feelings
I know more mexican stoners than anyone else and they're the fucking loudest.
nice cope, nigger
It is our soma
t. former adamant pothead
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lawls I smoked every day for decades. Quit for a decade. Picked it up again. It's fucking nothing. Meanwhile all my alchy friends are dead or dying. The only thing wrong with weed right now is all the fake corporate shit they are selling while still banning most of the country from cultivating their own NATURAL plants.
>lawls I smoked every day for decades
when did u start though?
Smoking every day? College.
I remember doing an English exam during winter examinations in school and I took a large hit from a bong despite barely ever smoking weed. I soon figured out I had really fucked up because I was so high out of my mind and I had no idea what the fuck I was even doing but I managed to get a B somehow. Then came half a year later the summer exam, I was completely sober and got a fucking D.

I would love to have re-read what the fuck I even wrote in that winter exam kek. I have zero recollection of it and we don't get our own works back unless asked / had good reasons to assume the grading was wrong.
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I'm just gonna say it. I fucking hate this gay plant. I fucking hate stoners. I fucking hate the way it smells, the way it makes people behave, and the fuckass Sseth Rogen AHYUHYUHYUH nigger culture that surrounds it.

I swear it gets worse and worse. Any time I go to a concert, I smell it (to a nauseating degree, far worse than ever before). Any time I'm sitting in traffic, I smell it. I have new neighbors, and I can't even enjoy my back patio without smelling fucking skunk anymore. Every single fucking day, the entire side and rear of my house smells like pot, and the fuckers are on the OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET. How the fuck much pot could they possibly be smoking? It's ridiculous.

You can't even bring it up on /pol/ without potheads and their apologists attacking you for daring to insult their green deity. I hate you fucking niggers so god damn much. At least alcoholics have the balls to admit they're fucking sad, addicted sacks of shit. I have never EVER seen a pothead admit to having a problem. It's ALWAYS the same volley of juvenile excuses. This whole country needs a fucking detox.
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And he did it all while sober,too! At least the druggies have an excuse for being retarded.
Paco your brothers and sisters are getting high right now.
Are they niggers too?
Alcohol kills your liver and your dick stops working.
Weed kills your lungs, makes your dumber and your dick stops working.
What other psychoactive drug that can work as social lubricant doesn't affect dick health?
>Neuroimaging shows clearly that chronic weed smokers wither their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that inhibits impulsive behaviour

Can confirm, I started weed again a month or so ago and I keep buying shit I don't need, and would resist buying if not high
>Weed kills your lungs, makes your dumber and your dick stops working.

I've literally never had that problem with weed, if anything it makes me too horny. As far as the lungs part, there's edibles to avoid that.

Still better to be sober though
I'm on the second day of my tolerance break and feel completely fine and clear-headed. Alcoholics would feel like absolute shit if not in a life-threatening situation.
>lower status occupation
>not being married
Complete non-issues.
Vape it
You're a dumb nigger
>Hurr your status will be low every dishonoraburrr work hardah wagie!
>Neuroimaging shows clearly that chronic weed smokers wither their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that inhibits impulsive behaviour
theres no way this is true. must be a correlation not causation type of thing.
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Here are the effects of alcohol abuse.
Weed is shit, but what is even worse than weed is weed smokers. They absolutely refuse to admit that weed does any damage whatsoever. At least alcoholics, heroin addicts, heck even smokers hate themselves and admit they are fucking themselves up in the long run but weed smokers never admit this.

"Weed is magical and doesn't have a single negative thing about it and I will go on hours long rants talking in circles violently protecting this!
t.Every weeder.
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I smoke weed every other week and I definitely struggle with some sort of addiction.

I cut down because I noticed that I could go a day without lighting up anyone who says they don't have an addiction is either in denial or a nigger.

People gotta stop comparing weed to beer too. Weed is bad for you who gives a fuck if beer is worse and legal you're still putting bad shit in your bloodstream either way.

Fuck drugs and fuck escapism its the reason the West is so Fuck atm.

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