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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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And yet these niggers in uniform let feral animals steal up to $950 or shoot up heroin in the street.
This is from years ago
now post the part where he probably littered
>illegal to eat
>in america
I wonder if the guy bought the sandwich in the train station
i hate watching people try to talk their way out of being arrested.
>huh? what? really? brooooooo
like this is how they got out of trouble everyday of their life up to this point.
What's the logic for not eating at the train station?
Not wanting trash to build up on the tracks?
>cop has a right to detain you
>you dont comply
>now youve resisted arrest
>now youre going to jail
i keep hearing negros say they give their kids the cop talk but then theres a million videos like this
I don't care what other context there is here, that pig deserves life in prison and to be stabbed 22 times by an informant just for being a faggot. "I have a right to detain you" lmao. Having his hands on the dude's bag like that. A pack of niggers needs to anally rape this cop for 25 years to life.
>Meanwhile a few blocks down the road that night
Really strange.
I eat sandwiches outside and don't get arrested. This man must have done something. Maybe it's because he's black? I understand.
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I didn't watch the video or click the link, I'm certain the skinny jeans fag who matches his baby blue shoes to his baby blue cap was in the wrong. Case closed, sentence him to The Dip.
you sound very brown, just accept the booking and you will be out in a few hours, then try to sue the city for unlawful imprisonment or what ever

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That’s the fakest video I have ever seen
shit like this is why I chuckle whenever I see a story about dead cops.
Sandwich is too healthy
Always assume there are extensive parts before the video and within any cuts that show the nigger had it coming. He was probably told to throw the food in the garbage and said fuck you back.
We see him yanking his bag from the cop. That's resisting arrest and the cop is buying time for his backup to show so he can make the collar (camera nig might join in for a 2v1).
He would be able to eat in public if his kind weren't serial litterers that ruin everything around them. I don't mind the cop actually doing his job and enforcing the law in this matter and I generally hate pigs.
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You sound extraordinarily jewish. I'm going to look up this thread after we capture PRISM in Utah during the civil war, find out who was paying the internet bill for your IP, and detain you for full genetic screening. Do not resist arrest.
Cops are total fucking scum, every single one of these kike loving nigger fuckers.
She is the all time grandmaster at Chinese roulette
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>>illegal to eat
>>in america
of course i back the blue but this time they've gone too far!!!
Fucking white cracker nazis, the wife probably sucking down Tyrone at home while your busy doing shit like this lol lmfaaaoooooo fucking cracker
yeah well jews don't get shot by the police unlike niggers such as yourself
makes a great lawsuit though if all he did was eat a sandwich
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They will be....
....They will be.
You sound like a slave nigger. Disgusting.
CA Penal Code 640(b)(1) “Eating or drinking in or on a system facility or vehicle in areas where those activities are prohibited by that system.”
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This could've been me! Free this patriot now!!!
>where those activities are prohibited
Well, is it? The cop didn't seem to care about the sandwich once he started arguing.
Yes? The Negro claimed he didn't see the signs that prohibited eating, but supposedly the signs were there.
bent $1 star badge that says POLICE OFFICER
non-issue holster
whatever the fuck slip on shoes those are supposed to be
standing there getting filmed and never looks at the camera
grabbing the bag instead of ordering compliance
"now i gotta arrest you"

if you don't understand this is staged, you deserve to be taken advantage of
Lmao disgusting jew rat, even the fucking niggers are more based, at least he would've shot at the pigger
We did it, Ticktock!
Lol someone is going to get paid for illegal arrest
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America has fallen.
>cop has a right to detain you
Cops can only detain you if you commit a crime, unfortunately for that faggot in the OP it is actually one according to california law.
>It is a crime (misdemeanor) to eat food in a transit facility (such as a train platform) when such is prohibited by the transit authority
The problem here is that you do have the right in california to resist an "unlawful arrest", so the faggot in the OP thinks he's justified.
just some friendly advice so you don't end up getting raped by niggers in prison, but I guess you probably want that
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Lmao like I'm going to take advice from a little bitch
>you're under arrest for resisting arrest
Man who is eating sandwich less likely to give trouble to cops than drug using or robbers -- same reason they would harass pot smokers but ignore domestic violence call -- we should reform police and separate them by task -- a unit that must respond and only respond to high risk case gets paid more, everybody else gets paid less, this way they can't pick and choose to waste time on things that needs less doing but is easier to do.
Id like to be in the Eating and Drinking Enforcement Unit
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People eating food in public transit should get prison time. No exceptions.
He didn't just eat a sandwich, he resisted arrest. Leave it to But I Did Have Breakfast Club to take a $40 fine and turn it into a multiple year sentence.
Damn, official D. McCormick is trying to steal the bag of that man!!!
If only
should have killed those Trump fags on sight
how's that boot taste faggot
under arrest for resisting arrest?
I'll laugh when some pig caves your head in
until you get a machete in your head from a venezulean
they put handcuffs on him like on a real criminal

is it a fetish, or what?
I understand that a lot of people can be dangerous in USA, because of gun law, but this guy isn't a criminal.

In my country he wouldn't be cuffed in the same case.
This was five years ago. Tubby gray hair got fired, homie won big in a settlement and the law cited here is about smoking, not eating. Tubby old man messed up BIG time
why police simply not asked him to walk with them? why handcuffs? the land of freedom? I doubt

even the tragedy of George Floyd (which had to be in ambulance, not under the policeman's knee) changed nothing

they put one man in jail, but hand't changed the protocol at all
you wanna say that if he would walked with them to the police car they wouldn't use handcuffs? I doubt

in my country yes, but not in the "land of freedom"

America needs socialism unironically.
Californians should not be allowed to eat in public. They should not be allowed to do anything in public. In fact, it should be against the law for californians to eat at all.
It’s illegal to eat on a public transit platform, which this dumb nigger was doing.
The culture is dead. Pretty soon people will start w*lking
that's not a crime, that's a violation of law

your country's law system simply not working if you put people like the guy from OP-webm in jail with actual criminals

in Russia for, for example, drinking alcohol in public a person can be in a jail for similar violators of law, and the maximal term is one month for these crimes, it's called an arrest

in Russia violating a law and doing a serious crime are two different law cathegories
Good thing I don’t live in California. Nor would I ever take public transit due to niggers. But cool. I don’t criticize your government for blowing up Ukies do I?
why though?
I want to know the reasoning behind the "law"
because in this case it seems unnecessary
>dont litter
>don't eat
i don't get it. charge them for littering *if they make a mess
but not for eating
Also, you’re retarded. So it’s not a crime in your cuntry but you go to jail? Put down the vodka Ivan
Fuck if I know or care. Probably some public health bs law California has that is retarded.
>force kiss cop with mouth full of food
>hehe now you're eating
>are you arresting yourself now or should I call the cops
It's California, which means the voters put that law there. The guy getting arrested probably voted for the thing he's getting arrested for. You want to fight oppression? Start by killing yourself.
>muh boots
>you pussy
Yeah sure go whine about all that when you get pulled over for speeding in a school zone in your financed Toyota and your mom ends up putting you on a t-shirt. Hopefully you end up as a halfway decent webm here.
does it make it any less wrong?
Cops are retarded, we know this.
imagine being so powerless that this is your fantasy
I audibly kek’d, thanks anon.
>why police simply not asked him to walk with them?
They likely did and the aspiring rapper decided to escalate the situation. That's what 100% of these situations are. Put a typical white person in this situation and it never gets past the first step.

>Cop sees white person eating where food isn't allowed.
>"Hey buddy you can't eat here."
>White person, capable recognizing that a police officer would likely know the rules pertaining to an area, stops what he's doing and apologizes.
>Both the white guy and the cop part ways and never meet again, all the while imagining a multicolored crisp apple rotating with perfect visual fidelity in their heads.
>Cop sees a black guy eating in a place it's not allowed
>"Hey buddy you can't eat here."
>"Fuck you saying?"
>"You're not allowed to eat here, it's against the law."
>"Fuck law is that?"
>Proceeds to argue with this idiot who gets progressively louder and belligerent. Probably drunk or high before 11AM.
>Fellow basketball enthusiast starts filming the interaction and distracting the policeman and a crowd starts forming
>Braindead monkey man tries to casually leave, not understanding that he's detained, so him continuing to try to get away means he's resisting arrest.
>Escalates to the point where the cop needs to arrest him because he isn't cooperating with anything
>Second cop gets involved
>Pavement ape swings arms frantically screaming and smacks an officer. Now adding an assault charge to this list
>fights the cops all the way to the car
>instinctively reaches for an officer's gun and gets shot
>His mother, who he hasn't seen in five years since a zoom call with the Louisiana Parole Board, starts a gofundme campaign for her darling son who was just getting his life together
>she blows all $1321 on a cruise trip with other overweight black women
Many such cases
This country isn't free at all.
Cops can arrest you for anything and everything if they want.
>Cops can only detain you if you commit a crime

/pol/ School of Law at work I see.

You can be detained for:

Being a suspect in a crime
Matching a description
ID check
Keep you in/out of an area
Aberrant behavior
If this happened to me I'd have to punch the cop. I don't care about consequences these days. I'd get out in whatever time. The cop would live with a crooked nose for life.

I threatened two cops when they tried to tell me to get off a beach during covid.
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>voters put it there
Are you a fucking jew?
Holy shit imagine being this much of a fucking npc.
Lmaoo how many jabs you got?
No cop can detain you like that lmao
Yes, we solved racism in 2020 by burning down liberal cities and murdering dozens of people in a nationwide purge during the most deadly virus our nation has ever seen.
>You got a loicense for that there sarnie, boy?
Literally cannot make this shit up! Kek
I denounce the Talmud and I denounce negros eating on my train.
Ehh too much work
>Cops can arrest you for anything and everything if they want
No, they don't.

Cops end up arresting dumb, aggre (and usually inebriated) people who refuse to comply with legitimate requests to cease doing something against the law.

They take a situation where no fine or ticket is involved, usually just informing the wrongdoer of their mistake. Then the "perp", usually thinking they're a lawyer-in-training due to several previous trips through the justice system, kicks the vharges up into assaulting an officer, resisting arrest etc.

Just like George Floyd. Had he just let the dudes bring him in for a summons he could later get thrown out, but instead he escalated the situation and he "kep' it real".
Cop wanted that sandwich. Boy should’ve been more considerate and brought enough food for everyone.
The cop talk for them is
>cops be raycis n sheeeit
>don't snitch
They love failure and want their kids to be poor and stupid. Crab bucket is a real thing.
>ACK! The consequences of our voting!
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>all the while imagining a multicolored crisp apple rotating with perfect visual fidelity in their heads

That's pretty funny dude.
Start killing cops, everywhere, and this shit won't happen.
Good. People should not eat in public. Especially should not eat on public transport, and should not eat while waiting for public transport. Also that shitskin subhuman should be arrested for having the color of dirt, should be arrested for having gap tooth, should be arested for having spectacles, should be arrested for having teal colored shoes, should be arrested for having his baseball cap reversed, and for all these charges piling, he should get the death penalty, and deport all his relatives too.
Just Digest the evidence !!!

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