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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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dude lmao 420
california is going red vecause their greassroots cheaters wont participate
Patrick Bateman wouldn't allow that
>we'll at least get 118
jesus. is this what democrats think now?
>another Biden victory
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Sounds good, OP. See you on tomorrow's thread.
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Hold up just a minute, jack. I'm not done yet.
if trump wins they're going to blame foreign intervention and have a meltdown like they did when they realized biden was straight up fucking retarded
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420 blaze it
Good idgaf
Hi, OP why is Oregon red? Thanks.
He's a (you) addict
How do these polls work

Surely the average American doesn't actually find themselves approached and asked for their current voting intentions every few weeks
theyd do it every day if they could get through my entourage of gangstalkers
>DE is red
Even if the jews are making a McGovern out of Biden, he still will win his home state. Lmao.
>Jew York, Vermont going red
>Connecticut and Rhode Islad which are suburbs of NYC and Boston going red
>Fucking OREGON going red
Fucking delusional
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Just remove Biden from the race
you will never understand politics until you realize that polls are not for measuring the public's political opinions, but modifying the public's political opinions
>red oregon
not on your life
t. oreganon
Maine is always a split.
I mean, I wish, but (x)
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>t. I'm from portland
This is where the battlegrounds stand right now
>Probably Trump
>Lean Trump
>Tossup but Trump is ahead
>Lean Biden
New Hampshire
My word the levels of fraud will have to be off the scales.
Why you American doesn't nuke Cali yet?
Kennedy wouldn’t win Iowa or Georgia
all of my uncles and aunties and cousins who live in the US are voting for Biden.
>seriously can't remember Oregon being a swing state
Kids today! lol. No concept that anything existed before they opened their fuckin
goldfish eyeballs!

Heres a blast from the past I happen to have saved. Wonder if it still holds up. I'm guessing: Yes.
"Oregon's electorate: the most liberal liberals; the most conservative conservatives"

Of course these FUCKING IDIOTS probably (for sure, for sure) cannot define the terms they using (or they'd be using different terms)....but still!pmgw0r
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Yeah ok bro…in my dreams

t. The Rochesterfag
The shame!!!!!
As someone living in Upstate NY, the last gubernatorial race was within 56% at like 90,000 votes.
That's fucking insane, and that was two years ago before immigration got infinitely worse than it was then. If there was another gubernatorial race today Hochul would absolutely lose and we would have a republican governor again like we did in the 90's-early 00's
within 5-6%
That would kill a lot of based Vietnamese.
>and the dems will still win because they will add votes and the media will report it as legit and you’re a racist conspiracy nut insurrectionist if you question them
Amirite? Amirite?
>t. slept in the rough at that Hope cemetery ya got over there. More (sadly empty) crack baggies per square foot than any urban place I've ever seen. Fuck CROTCHester and that stupid fucking Bug Jar bullshit as well. Fuck Matty Soanes and Asa Scruggs and the whole of the F Tribe lol.
Dumb trendoid cunts! lol.
Stay in your dilapidated Eastern Gutter Dystopia, in order to maintain your extremely hard fought SOCIAL POSITIONING lol.
Fucking trendoids.
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Sounds like a small price to pay to me.
Trump had a better rally in the Bronx than aoc did.

Niggers are really tired of beaners.

The abbot/desantis strategy of shipping illegals to blue strongholds is genuis and shills will attack me for saying so
>imagine believing any polls post 2016
Monroe ave is worse than ever nowadays. Niggers and meth heads far as the eye can see
Completely agree.
This November is going to get insane here in NYS
I don’t disagree with you one bit. But I’m not going to hold my breathe for NY to flip
a Korean barbecue called 420 Braise It would be genius. That idea is free to some random Koreafag anon. Go make your $$
>believing polls
You guys are just setting yourself up for disappointment
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If NJ went red I would eat my hat.
Almost as red as 1984
This is what I saw to realize this poll was completely bullshit. Whole west coast will be blue as sure as the sun rises in the east
This state doesn't like nice things
Exactly. Polls only get the opinions of living people.
Right, they only poll Jews, blacks and other commie swine to try to make the polls favor the left. That's why this is so concerning, even the people they poll, who normally lean far left, are going for Trump
I'm kek'ing imaging them trying to truck in enough ballots at 3am to offset this.
I’m an NJ native and the red/blue split is consistently pretty close, like 45/55, and the state regularly flips parties on governor, but as long as i’ve been alive this state has gone blue for president and senator every single election, probably thanks to (((Newark)))
Colorado and Minnesota?? What is this Copium...
Warren County Chad here. God's country out here bro.
they also forgot to take into account Biden's "parole in place" targeted amnesty plan, where he chose half a million illegal people in swing states to legalize.
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I don't believe Minnesota will go RED.
Based, I grew up there and would like to move back someday
All of them?
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>urrent 2024 presidential election map based on most recent polls
Pic-related is the real most recent map.
PA, MI and AZ are rigged by anonymous votes under Covid fraud rules and cannot go Republican under any circumstance. If they have to ‘count’ mail-in votes until December they will.
>he doesn’t know about stats
Sit down, friend, because I am about to blow your mind.
How the fuck do you guys notice oregon but not JEW YORK of places being red on this map
Oregon is a lot redder than people think.
Lol. Here's the most recent count I could find, from Axios.
>inb4 Axios
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Well, if I wasn't retarded...
New York and Vermont will never be red, but Trump will win. If the dems don’t cheat
> Oregon

dude. our elections have been fake for 30 years. We invented fake elections
Off the bat I can call bullshit, Biden has a +10 advantage in Colorado at the moment. Chudies prop themselves up with this kind of phoney maps, then cry voter fraud when they lose by 10 in Colorado and elsewhere. Keep coping and seething you pieces of shit!

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