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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What is the relationship between your racial beliefs and your religious ones. Or do you believe that your race is your religion and that it transcends time through the generations. I asked this question to /x/ and their answers were to the effect of race doesnt matter its just flesh and not soul.
religion provided the foundation for law and order. i dont personally subscribe to organized religion but it definitely helped humanity organize and create rules for everyone to follow
This is only a problem in two scenarios:
>1. You practice a globalist religion that is attempting to proselytize the whole world.
>2. You practice a transcendent religion that completely devalues the body / blood and the material world.
The funny thing about what Spencer is doing is that between Apollo and Dionysus, Apollo is the one who is energetically similar to Yahweh.
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This entire chain of questioning is mostly a waste of time, because anyone with a semblance of analyzing simply being familiar with both subject matters; Would know that it's only the result of how Abrahamsim developed(in a globalist way) to supplant what was always local pratices(which weren't always analogous, like Roman and Chinese ancestor worship). No making value judgements on Abrahamsim, just a fact.

Also, Abrahamism itself stemmed from an extremely ethic tradition and polytheism. The real reason YHVHs name was kept secret was to prevent people from finding this out(because was supposed to be monad/special etc).

Modern Christianity is a mix between the aforementioned monotheistic development in the Levant plus early church leaders hellenistic/pseudo gnostic/ 1st gen secret societies(made esoteric in early church).

It's just common sense that beliefs, culture and race all impact each other equally. Trying to put one part of an equation above another is illogical. The real reason this happens today is generational propaganda which builds upon previous generations form of cultural control. IE modern liberals/atheists still have mainly Christian morals and sensibilities without being aware of it.(with the modern exceptions in some areas ofc).
who the fuck decided to stack those books like that
Non-Christian Whites can give birth to Christian Whites, and will continue the White race.
Christian non-Whites cannot give birth to Christian Whites, and would gladly destroy the White race.
Faith can whether storms and barbarism, but if our blood is lost it can be lost eternally.
with beatings and bullets
Your blood and spirit must be united in a powerful ethnoreligion.
This is why christcucks and larpagans are both useless to the white race. We need a new, true faith which deifies the aryan race.
>We need a new, true faith which deifies the aryan race.
Sadly I don't think such a thing is possible anymore. Best we can hope for is to push evolution and show how whitrs are a different species to niggers
there is this turkish proverb some roach told me that went like: "religion is a choice, race is destiny" kinda weird that they ended up being the biggest race-mixers despite this but the logic still applies
a strong civic religion is still possible, the whole muhh values thing but pushed to eleven and made ethnocentric
I think the best you could hope for is some kind of ancestor worship revival.
I don't understand those who follow a foreign/globalist religion, if you're not a mutt then you should have your own
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I was going to give an actual well thought out answer until I realized
Come get me jannies.
Real religions hold races together. That's literally what religion means in Latin. Jews developed Christianity as a personal salvation cult that turns Aryans into atomized individuals worshiping a Jew deity.
tldr: race and religion are one.
Anything is possible if you have the will, desire and determination to carry it through.
don't associate with faggots like this faggot for a start, faggot.

Yahweh is saturn/satan, so you're right.

Jehovah/Jove/Jupiter is God. They're not the same entity.
What the fuck is a racial belief, as compared with a religious one? Theology answers the big questions of human existence, including certain theological anthropology ones. A concept of racial distinctions is a component of historic Christian anthropology. Denial of such is extremely recent and anti-traditional, having arisen primarily in America, the seedbed of many a schizo anti-traditional cult.
Your religion isn't true if it isn't universally true. "True for whites" isn't truly true no matter how useful you think it is short-term to your own political goals, and for this reason it will eventually come apart at the seams and you will be worse off than before.
Family > Race > Country > Religion
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>taking religious orders from avowed atheists
not even once.

Anon: "God created the universe."
Gen X neo-nazi: "NO! That's universalist Jew brainwashing! There are a million gods for every clan!"
Anon: "That sounds retarded. Who created the universe?"
Gen X neo-nazi: "Religion is a mythical archetype of the Jungian essence of the Aryan vision!"
Anon: "Wait a sec. Religion is a 'myth'?"
Gen X neo-nazi: "It's the Nietschean spirit of the Hegelian dialectic of the Evropean collective unconscious!"
Anon: "Aren't you just an atheist?"
Gen X neo-nazi: "Of course. I don't go for peasant superstitions."
The slimy disingenuousness of these Gen X atheists promoting religious nonsense they plainly don't believe is just as absurd as the Jews telling Christians how to practice their faith.
>Your religion isn't true if it isn't universally true. "True for whites" isn't truly true no matter how useful you think it is short-term to your own political goals, and for this reason it will eventually come apart at the seams and you will be worse off than before.
This is stupid. It doesn't even make sense. A pro-White religion would be universally true since Whites are part of the universe.
I'm a Buddhist... except when I'm sick, or worried about dying, or want something.

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