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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Chat, is this real?
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The shill anti-christian argument is certainly prominent. Or do you mean the substance of the argument?
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hollywood jews spent my youth attacking christianity through their comedy films. There is no way I could change my mind after everything I've witnessed.
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I wish 4chan would make a religion board so faggots who want to worship an abrahamic kike god can go argue over there instead of shitting up this already shitty containment board.
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Look, jannies, another christian spam thread
I like the one

>Jesus said jews had priority and that he should preach to jews first - he was goyphobic
but also
>Christianity was a psyop developed by jews against goyim
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I miss Chat. My thoughts are too disorganized to even want to open it on my browser, though. It's fucking over, bros.
It would get too out of hand, and people would start converting. They have a limited shill budgets, and need to keep the pace up to crush any religious argument which opposes zionism.
>>472863466 Digits
It's partially real, Vinny, but some aspects of it are misinterpreted too.
There are different sects of 'Judaism', and not all want to harm (You), but many want to see you crumble nonetheless, thoughbeit :^)
nailed it
pretty sure my country is being flooded by leftist politicians and kikes, not christians. I've never even met a christian. Just drug addicts and debtslaves.
There are at least 150 different dedicated shitposters on /pol/ at any given time. They use different VPN services to disrupt the board by filling popular threads with irrational discussion and name calling. This is done by both volunteer and paid shills, the latter contracted by groups tied to anti-extrimism NGOs. The US government does not post here because of potential legal trouble, but they do lurk.
Whenever you post something rational and genuine, only to get 10 replies calling you a jew, or a glowie, or it's something completely nonsensical, it is one of these shills.
>Fallacy of Personal Incredulity
All of history could be a fabrication.
Christians gotta go or we'll forever be arguing with them about their endless coping mechanisms. I'm literally going to deport all Christians to Africa to retake their Holy Land. You guys have fun doing that and living however you want and showing us the power of your desert religion.
Christianity is a garbage religion these days. Once it was pretty great but now it is incapable of defending itself. Sad and pathetic.
Sucks too, because it was a major driving force in the success of formerly first world nations.
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Go to this government website https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/sponsor-refugee/private-sponsorship-program/agreement-holders/holders-list.html

choose whatever province filter items "church" and look at the list of christians sponsoring refugee resettlement in Canada.
Thanks to Christianity, Jews were able to roam free in Europe and crossbreed with whites for centuries.
LMAO that's my post kekekek
But this is a political board and politics is Bible VS Anti-Bible policies. The Anti-Bible policies are like someone read the Bible and made contrary to every teaching. Abortion, feminism, gay, transexualism it's all directly against the BIble saying to be fruitful and multiply, wives obey your husbands, men are not to sleep with men, men are not to dress as women.
One side is the Satanic jew world order and the other side is the Bible.
There's no right or left it's just that.
"Chat" this is how I know you are a paid shill tourist. Sad that they need to pay you retards to post this nonsense.
The asskenazi jew race didn't even exist 2000 years ago, it's only ~1000 years old, so how did the psyop go on that long? His whole premise is flawed.
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>Once it was pretty great but now it is incapable of defending itself.
the idea of being "humane"
through manufacturing the historical context of atrocities (everything from 'ethnic cleansing' to 'racism' to power dynamics), they have created a cultural aversion to violence or self-defense of/against nationality/tribe under the conditions of their manipulation of the common view of the power dynamics.
ie, "the underdog" program. it is why they must always push the view that the jews are "the underdog" in perpetuity and that the Germanic is and always has been a villain and bully of the underdog.
The ways a jew destroys a German are not defined in historical context as evil (media (alchemical definition) control, ruining the minds of entire generations of children) but the ways that a German would defend his people (unification, outrage, criticism and eventual expulsion and seizure of hostile tools and institutions that harm his people) is villainized.
>Only started weakening whites in the last 60 years
how come jews had to be expelled 1000 times instead of only just once?
Pretty good, stay blessed and hate the antichrist
Why have they only been expelled and not exterminated? Imagine controlling all of Europe for thousands of years and not completely ridding of the world of the “synagogue of Satan” and “enemies of mankind” with that absolute power. But surely MORE Christianity is what is needed now eh?
because they wan to come back after the expulsion.
they are parasites. they will not simply leave and carve out their destiny as a people elsewhere. their entire racial character is parasitic. living without a host is not an option.
it is the death of their race to live in a homogenous jewish nation.
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You must be a /newfag/, so have a QRD.
Christians have never fully conquered all of Europe, the always scheming Jew has always been there to throw monkey wrenches in the wheels.
Norway used to have in its' constitution that no Jew is allowed to step foot in the kingdom
The jewry in Europe got that repealed

>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

I actually like Martin Luther's plans.
The only person that seriously tried to do this Europe-wide, was Hitler.
And it was YOU GUYS who got coaxed by the Jewish bankers in City of London to fight on the Jews behalf, against your brothers.
In fact, in the good timeline the traitor who sold his own kind for the Jewish bankers, Winston Churchill, would have been ousted and Oswald Mosley would have taken his place.
In this reality the Allies would have been Germany and everyone else, against the Judeo-Bolshevik USSR and pushed them out of Europe, back to the Urals.
And kick every single Jew banker out of all European lands, including North America, Australia and New Zealand and stop their influence on that day.
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All of the bullshit we see today is because we are on the bad timeline where the Jews won, and cemented their power instead of getting kicked out.
Check picrel for just some of their "contributions" to our societies.
saar, do not redeem saar
Unironically an easy read for anyone interested in a primer on the JQ circa 16th century. Alas, jews never change.
Everything I read from this guy seems incredibly based, unfortunately I’m sure if I attend a modern Lutheran church it’ll be the same watered down shit as most other churches.
Organized religion is often infiltrated & corrupted by their enemies. CIA documents show that pastors were paid to promote abortion, vaccines and other shit. That doesn’t disprove God or his Word. There’s a reason the jews bash Christ any opportunity they get.
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Yes that is one of the devilish ways of the jews, they look to subvert the faith itself.
Why do you think the catholic church reversed their stance from being anti-jewish to being pro-jewish?

Another example is how jews subverted Christianity in the USA.
The Jewish banker and family friend of the Rothschilds, Samuel Untermeyer, commissioned a golem Cyrus Scofield for this task. He wrote the 'Scofield Bible' that is used by Christian scholars in the USA. That version deliberately perverts the teachings of the Bibles and subverts the passages with a pro-jewish agenda.
That is why Christians in the USA are pro-jewish, it is entirely engineered by the jews, and most people do not know this.

Everywhere you look at, there is jewish subversion. It is absolutely insane, the amount of it.
Other good reads

On the Jews and Their Lies (Martin Luther, 1543)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1897)
Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest (Gottfried Feder, 1919)
The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (Henry Ford, 1920)
Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler, 1925)
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Louis Farrakhan, 1991)
The Culture of Critique (Kevin MacDonald, 1998)
Two Hundred Years Together (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 2002)
Princes of the Yen: Japan's Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy (Richard Werner, 2003)
The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About WW2 (Mike King, 2015)
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Luther was the most based man in existance.
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Hitler was definitely a Luther appreciator.
true the US did that.
my family were denazification exiles.
the jews casted the US as their golem for act 1.
act 2 is the golem turning on the sorcerers.
>Organized religion is often infiltrated & corrupted by their enemies.
they would especially subvert any institution that has been a historical adversary. Luther will always be Luther, Lutheranism is more a reflection of bland luke-warm modern christianity where it serves a functional subdued role in a zionist occupation civilization.
Religion is franchise commerce, because everything is franchise commerce here.
Participation can redeem them though, potentially, having a group and congregation is better than not having one.
Luther was a Lindemann, which is not surprising since most heresiarchs were either Jews or facilitated by Jews.
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Yeah it's all very deliberate.
Have you noticed how Christianity is always being mocked in Jewish movies, but Talmudism is never mentioned or if it is, it's always in passing and in good light, like bat mitzvaths or such.
They surely mock a lot of Christian beliefs and practices, but there is only *crickets* regarding Jewish ones.
I surely haven't seen a movie making fun of Yids sacrificing kids to the Moloch
Also the catholic priest diddling kids is memed in every Jewish media ever, even though statistically rabbis are much more likely to be kiddy diddlers, yet they are NEVER portrayed as such
It's all very very deliberate Jewish subversion
>attend a modern Lutheran church it’ll be the same watered down shit as most other churches.
As long as it says Wisconsin Synod on the side, you're guaranteed to have a good time. Women can't even vote on congressional matters.
With Missouri Synod you have an 85% chance of a decent church service.
Both of those synods teach the Augsburg Confession.
If it says ELCA on the side expect massive faggotry.
Anything else that says Lutheran but non of the above is ~50/50 chance of being okay. Most other sub branches broke off from the ELCA due to them becoming more and more liberal over time.
>Luthor was jew
its not the conspiracy smoking gun you think it is.
the mischling problem was real. he was not a jew though and most mischlings are not jews, there is a need for program of eugenics (approved couplings) to breed jewish genetics out of non-jewish nations entirely.
the one thing that seems to be unforgivable to the jews as a tribe is (genuine non-subversive) conversion to christianity.
a jew can be anything else, and still be considered a jew, buddhism, atheism, satanism, any kind of sorcery or mysticism, a jew can be a negro, an asian, a european, arabic, hispanic. none of these exclude them, but earnest christianity disqualifies them from the tribe entirely.
>its not the conspiracy smoking gun you think it is
Sure, it is. Jews actively seek the destruction of Christendom. Luther, Jew or not, advanced their cause.
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So countries founded as Lutheran and thus had clauses like this
Somehow further the Jewish cause?

Want to hear what I think?
You are a Jewish shill with your typical pilpul and D&C tactics.
Same as with the idiotic "Hitler was a Jew" schizoposting to drive away people from NatSoc ideology.
I find the plan of action outlined in >>472867863
to be pretty respectable, do you?
Do you denounce Talmud?
we only know what we've seen ourselves and the current versions of christianity are deadly to the white race
if you think you can change it back then more power to you but i can't ignore the painfully obvious evidence
It's a retarded meme to talk like how Mister Meteokur talks. Every day the zoomers on this site get dumber and dumber
And from the article, we read:
>The Evangelical-Lutheran religion is the state's public religion. The inhabitants who practice it are obliged to raise their children in the same. Jesuits and monastic orders must not be tolerated. Jews are excluded from access to the Kingdom.
About that D&C?

>Do you denounce Talmud?
A fatuous question. Jews are permitted to dissemble and even deny their religion if by so doing they can secure some advantage. But, yes, the Talmud should be consigned to the flames and utterly destroyed.
>About that D&C?
What do you mean? If everyone is Evangelical-Lutheran, and obliged to raise their children as such.
There is no divide and conquer, since there is no division.
>Jesuits and monastic orders must not be tolerated.
Were there not Catholics in Norway before 1814? In any case, Lutheranism did not exist before 1517. What about the exception for Portuguese Jews in the same constitution?
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who the FUCK is "chat"?
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Christian countries and empires have fallen constantly during those 2000 years.
You're just living through another one of many.
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Some word that zoomer faggots made up. I think it's referring to people in their zoom calls, but there's no way of knowing for sure. Zoomers are retarded.
The fact of the matter is kikes are not only evil, they are also cartoonishly dumb and vile, they don't even care if you notice, they will just spam like bots and just restart threads, i've seen so many kikes like spamming a thread and when they get btfo they just abandon it and start a new one talking exactly the same shit to each other pretending to be people, they are not people.
I hate vtubers so much it's unreal
Do you guys remember that schizo going around in threads like this saying that Martin Luther was pro-jew and incited the peasant revolt?
Anon, just let them be stupid, if they wanted to learn, they would have by now
"Christianity is a jewish psyop" is ironically a psyop jews spread in the 19th century alongside "judeochristian morals" and "Jesus was jewish".

But something you also have to realize is that America isn't a Christian country

-1/3 of Americans are evangelical, the majority of evangelical agree with the statement "Jesus was a great rabbi but not the Son of God" and "Israeli Jews are the Chosen people". Both statements are not Christian, evangelicalism should be considered "Para-Judaism", a religion similar to how Islam sucks off Arabs.
-10% of Americans are asian religions or islamic/jewish, 10% are atheist and 20% are agnostic. This means about 27% are Christian, the majority of this being Catholic, but post V2 Catholicism is toothless. The majority of atheists/agnostics suck jew dick.

Basically the reason Jews constantly shill against Christianity is because /pol/ Christianity is closer to what Christian religion looked like 200 years ago- with extreme Judeo-skepticism. Christ is King frightens them because they have spent a lot of energy making the US a non-Christian society where most of the population is Atheist-Agnostic (a form of Judaism in all but name) or Evangelical (another form of Judaism in all but name) with Americans not caring if Boers in south africa get ganked, but see jews in israel as racial brethren and "a western colony in the mideast". Once you realize this is also the reason for the atheist push in Europe, the West's fascination with Israel and total ignorance of the Christians of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Egypt being attacked by kikes and muslims makes sense- the West is NOT Christian, the West is Jewish (Evangelical-Atheist Para-Judaism).
>catholic priest diddling kids
Also also, lot of the kiddy diddler priests turn out to be ethnically jewish.
>Samuel Untermeyer

Some interesting things happened on his old NYC estate turned park.

>“Hello from the gutters of N.Y.C. which are filled with dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine and blood. Hello from the sewers of N.Y.C. which swallow up these delicacies when they are washed away by the sweeper trucks. Hello from the cracks in the sidewalks of N.Y.C. and from the ants that dwell in these cracks and feed in the dried blood of the dead that has settled into the cracks
Screenshotted for reference. Unfortunately I don’t live in Missouri or Wisconsin.
Former communist leader Bella Dodd repented and confessed to purposefully flooding Catholic Churches with degenerate commies to destroy them from within.
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jews never change
Stupid cringe millennial it's referring to twitch chat and streamers asking their chat if something is real or not
figures zoomers would base their identity around a porn site.
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But, they were never genocided in any real big numbers
and every time they were exiled they were let back in,
AND they got special privileges, protections and their own judicial system
all the while pagans were put to the sword
but yeah other than that, great point. /s
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Counter sage and bump.
I can't think of a single secularist nation that challenged Judaism as much as Christendom did.
Even the Africans invaded and dismantled a Jewish Arab nation for their persecutions.
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Come deport me then son
I shall. But lol
>Nooooooo don't give us our own country where we can rule ourselves according to Christcuck values! ANYTHING BUT THAT. I'LL DIE FIGHTING TO PREVENT IT!
Absolute clown religion.

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