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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Woman 'in pain' before death at slapping workshop

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

>Female workers suspended by NHS chiefs after complaining about sharing changing room with trans woman

>Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
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Thread is over.
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If we can't have a white ethnostate, can we at least request BAMEs walk in a straight line?
Eddie posted this the other day, cant tell if its a comedy or real, bike dude with the fuity goatee cant be real. Clown world confuses me ffs

>CON 26%
>REF 10%
>LAB 34%
>CON + REF = 36%



Probably going to pick up one of the Royals from Windsor to take them deer hunting in Scotland.
people forget the Josh saved his life
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maybe one of the slough residents will do us a favour.
this is over me, they do this every week
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Just seen this inglenook
How many 'cor's out of 10 would you give it?
>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

Join the army and we'll forgive the debt.

Take a screenshot.
That seethy ghost cunt hasn't been posting today I see
>I think you'll find the Prime Minister is actually an alien in a human skin suit.
>that's never gonna work is it?
The part about firing a missile at downing street is optional but strongly recommended.
think im actually having a heart attack
fucking hurts but can't be if i can still type can it
Used to just be a pound of flesh, inflation's a bitch
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i refuse to put more effort in but needless to say, pic related
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6/10. It was once great but that fire looks like it's on a screen. Too clean. No soul.
Just write parliament, no fucker's getting into power that won't be any different
You oughtta know by now.
>63% of the electorate will vote Labour red or Tory blue tie
No words.
Psyop polls, reform is gaining
guess its just crippling chest pain right
funny magnet
Cope and seethe

Conservatives are doing a big comeback

Vote Conservative get Conservative

The Conservatives will be much more conservative this time
What do you expect when the country wanted the BNP destroyed?
ffs i think its actually amberlamps time, then they're gonna laugh at me because it will be a fucking muscle spasm or something.
Thing this guy forgot to bear in mind is that some of us know what it's like to pump a bird
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The hand that seethes
Who the fuck do you want us to vote for dickhead? Nigel "hand the codes to Putin" Farage? The Green Party For Allah? Galloway's Caliphate Enjoyers? MI5 First? The Liberal "I'm Just Happy To Be Here" Democrats? Who?

Enjoy voting, I'll be writing letters to David Neal to ask him if he's considered holding the evidence over the SAS to get them to do the coup.

Just leave the UK and don't tell SLC, thanks for the free degree fuckheads
They can tell if you've had a heart attack by sticking electrodes to your chest and measuring the waves your heart is putting out. It's worth going down to A&E to get checked out if you don't mind being alive, you might have had a small heart attack along a minor passage which makes your likelihood of having a major heart attack much higher. There will be dozens of BAMEs in there with a cold though, so you might be waiting a while.
I’ve been talking to a schizophrenic guy called Usman who hangs around my local shopping precinct. He’s about forty and lives with his parents and looks quite scruffily dressed and is normally unshaven.

Sometimes Usman stops taking his medication and gets into arguments with his family. He thought his sister was plotting against him once. Every year or two it all gets too much for his family and he has to be hospitalised. Sometimes it’s just for a month, but sometimes it can be several months.

Despite these setbacks Usman is still regularly called upon by MI5 and Scotland Yard to consult on cases they can’t solve because he has unique insight which allows him to see leads and solutions they can’t detect on their own.

If Usman can find such an important and rewarding role why are so many other people who aren’t even schizophrenic unemployed or economically inactive?

Lab: 41%
Con: 22%
RefUK: 16%

Absolutely delusional stuff. Labour still have a 19 point lead, cons will be wiped out to (deservedly) to only hold 80 seats or so whilst reform will be lucky to gain 5 seats. The kikes incharge have already vetted Stamer and the neoliberal Labour party, his wife is a kike and he's rolled back on taxing bankers, corporations, closing tax loopholes used by the very wealthy etc.

Things are only going to get worse, I hope Farage doesn't win a seat either as he's just a mouthpiece for the kike vampires destroying the UK.
>single colour
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Are you guys ready for tourists like me who will be shitting up your thread on Thursday?
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Did my own low grade effort too.
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It's so Joever for #Reform LTD
>his mortal senses only allow him to perceive my ID as a single colour
Nigel is the best option
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What about this one?
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Not one person is voting Tory.

Stop with this coping.

Vote Reform.
friendly reminder that pimeyes exists
if you suspect your bird of being a slag online / doing online sex work, or having done so in the past. put her face through pimeyes and you'll find her porn / leaks
7/10 adequate but not cosy. Too well lit, too open.
Do you think Hitchens will seethe at Reform voters for 5 whole years after Labour get in?
Lol, they floated the idea of maaaaaybe forgiving 10k, at most
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Exactly lets destroy the tories
>dont call it a comeback, ive been here for sars
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Even their protests involve suicidal tendencies lmao
Someone run Angela Rayner through it I'm salivating.
I'm out of searches for today, only 25 a day
*walls fall out posting intensifies*
Geez how many birds do you have m8? Are you like a muslim with multiple wives or something?
When does "let's destroy the tories" turn into "let's kick out the darkies"
I'm a nude connoisseur
Have you seen the hue of their frontbench?
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Guys, For the last few months I've been tracking which days I wank on. Originally I wanted to just see if there was any kind of pattern, then after I wondered whether recording it would make me more aware of it and easier to quit porn

I post the data here for your own interpretation, make of it what you will
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>Labour don't take enough votes to win
>Tories and reform form a coalition
The chances of this happening are not zero
Would that be the good ending or the even worse ending?
Yeah, so how many more elections is it going to take as a rough estimate. They can't keep throwing Reform at the public to cope on. Or can they?
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How can they tell such blatant lies? They have literally negative shame.
Might have a long nap after work on Thursday and pull an all nighter /pol/ megasesh
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And this?
NHS gets sold off while troons and darkies are flung into the channel from catapults
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>the only way to win is by being exactly the same as the party you're trying to beat
democracy everybody
>Labour gets such a landslide that the left wing splits off from Labour and forms the opposition
>Reform 3rd and Tories 4th biggest party
It's not even that, Boris literally won a huge majority by appealing to the populist right. It's a factually wrong, it happened just a few years ago.
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Didn't he drive cars for Lady Penelope in Thunderbirds?
I bet those people complaining about not getting their postal vote are just the people who didn't apply in time.
jesus fucking christ
>postal vote
Just vote in person, you lazy gits.
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>does LITERALLY nothing
how does he do it
based "Masturbation May" enjoyer
It's a solid point framed by a greasy schyster.
The people that traditionally vote aren't going to sign up for what we want even if it's presented. They're still a massive block in the electoral system.
Last establishment man in Britain who understands the idea that sometimes it's better to shut the fuck up and let your opponent top himself.
It's literally
>His turn
to rule
nah that car was sick and i remember captain scarlets car and the misterons the magic circles in the sky with scary music desu
Is May the horniest month? The experiment continues.
I'd like to remind everyone that Lucy Letby was convicted of something doctors do every day with abortion.
They're never held to their promises so of course it was going to wind up like this. They can all promise everything you want.
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people think the only alternative is labour because the other parties have zero presence. and its not that people want labour. they just want the conservatives out. and the best chance of that happening is by voting labour
Too jewish to lose
I'll be very impressed if the tories get anywhere above 50 seats.
No way the libs are going to gain that many seats.
They named the sexiest month after the world's sexiest woman.
This post is a sexual offence
Imagine her on ecstasy with a slight sheen of sweat
I only today found out Keira’s wife is Jewish and both his kids are raised Jewish. LOL
Think how many white women you could have impregnated
May looks more like December ffs
And one kid is a troon
>what do you mean in slavic accent
it's a hohol
Don't write off the possibility he'd go tranny. Things are only going to get stranger
Reform is literally dominating mate. It's just BBC won't let them in the leadership debate despite being above the conservatives lmao
Not her fault she was born 50.
US President energy.
Fresh Legislations for the master
genuinely hilarious how fucked up online discourse is becoming about age, looks and sex
>if she's 17 and you talk to her, you're a paedo
>but the second she turns 18 you can rail her on a sex tape and post it online for a PPV and thats based and redpilled
>if she's 16 and looks like she's in her 20s, you're a paedo
>if she's in her 20s and looks like she's 16, you're a paedo
>you're only a not a paedo if you're a man who's submissive and willing to date / marry older women
>who btw can't be paedos because they're women
yes it goes through the mothers side
if the man is goy he is ending his bloodline because all children are automatically considered a part of the tribe, not of the goyim side
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How was she ?
by what metric?
not saying you're wrong, just don't have the info myself
even if true, what I meant was labour has been around for a long time. most people are habitual voters or protest voters and don't really put much thought into voting so will just vote for the opposition when the previous party grows tiresome. so its familiarity, and presence through that familiarity
I had sex with 2 (two) women in the period, both non-white
Ask satan
Shite but she "owned da libtards" so of course the retards will say she's fuckin' baaaaaased
Welcome to great Britain would you like to vote for the red liberal party, the orange liberal party or the blue liberal party
Unironically, was she that bad ? Which retarded American/Canadian politician could she be compared to ?
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So is Peter Hitchens. His mum was a Jew. His son is an Iranian Catholic.
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took my milk :'(
Dunno, who sold out the last parts of your country to the jews
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It is not how he does it but rather how others do it for him.
>put woman in charge of the national finances
>she sells all the national silverware to make mink coats cheaper and peasant food more expensive
There's a Marie Antoinette reference in there somewhere but I'm not finding it.
She was mixed. Strong on some aspects, but fucked over the industrial North/Wales/Scotland, so she's not well liked there
Ronald Reagan is the obvious one since they were in power at the same time and believed in the same shit.

Full on neoliberalism, free markets which destroyed and shut down Britain’s traditional industries and ability to self sustain and have autarky.

This meant that we had to open our borders to wogs in the 90s and the rest is history.
I'd leave in disgust too if the Russians tried to pass themselves off as white in my presence.
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>had to
Kinda good on social issues
Stupid uber capitalist libertarian on economics

Reminder that the cheat codes for politics is socialist style protectionist economics and conservative social values and everyone knows this but no parties run on it, the system is fake and gay
They get the men by filming them fucking kids, but how do they get the women?
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Think I might own nothing and be happy lads, idk
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Based Brezhnev
I'd say all of them since at least the 80s.
Say no more, I get it. The eternal cuckservative after all.
He's not ending his bloodline, he's donating it to the jews. Huge difference.
mad to think that in our parents day the cops would literally beat you senseless over protests. sometimes even in front of the cameras.
good post
especially the last line
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based slav cucker
>Based Brezhnev
he was a hohol. and a drunk.
Josh is the only cunt who uses pimeye
you repeat yourself
this - Blue Labour/Red Tory
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Two days until reform gets in and we get all the fucking Muslims out the mosques and turn them into Wetherspoons
>after coming out
what, as someone that spent the last 6 months eating a burger king double whopper meal every single day?
so scared the colour has drained from her face
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Final MRP Estimates

Only a miracle can save Lil' Rishi now.
Albino niggers are horrifying
also, niggers are horrifying
drugs or social media probably
What a beautiful white woman.
A part of me feels the need to buy it a coat. No idea why.
Difficult wank but I'll give it a go.
Do NOT forget your ID on Thursday, I know what you mongs are like
Unless Starmer gets hot mic'd tomorrow saying he wants to kill pensioners, it's over
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>RFM 1-16
So….would they get deported?
nazi scum off our streets
>higher end of the range for the tories is 99
>need them to win 100+ seats for a bet
It...could still happen.....right?
Around the 50 mark at best.
take a pen too no pencils
You don't make any monetary contributions to society you jobless hack.
There are 109 portfolios to give out to MPs, the government party gets 109 portfolios, and the opposition gets 109 portfolios to take on in a shadow role. If no party other than labour has at least 109 MPs they're going to have to form a coalition for opposition lmfao.
might get a job in asda and become the british breakroom tripfag
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Cant wait to see our boy in parliament.
No nazis here mate, just people that would like to bash your head in
corrr it'll be like avengers endgame only instead of thanos its labour and all the superheros (parties) have to get together to stop them destroying the world
NPCs will get you over the line, ukip tier shitshow incoming
If she looked like that I'd buy her a balaclava.
hit a nerve did i? you nazis are terrified of labour winning the election because you know your fate
>I am Irish Man
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Will be a right laugh if it happens lmao
>just people that would like to bash your head in
ok violent nazi
Corr Rishi can be Pooman, his superpower is he can travel really fast in the sewers but only in the direction the water is flowing.
I don't give a shit who wins mate. Shits fucked either way.
whats his super power?
Why would the tories suddenly want to stop destroying everything?
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commie scum off our streets
>snp obliterated
>tories (labour with blue rosettes) tied with lib dems (a literal who party at this point)
>reform winning seats
as long as farage gets in so he can barrage the commons, good
>labour supermajority
country's fucked either way, they're Kong riding the ballistic nuke into the ground
the nazis wont be winning and never will win
“And into our sheets”
to make labour look bad
He's got a high-tech bowler hat that shoots lasers
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I've only gone and done it lads. Fucking voted reform ain't I
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Not fishing
This Nazi Party everyone keeps talking about sounds quite good actually, who's running them?
What nazis?
Erm, is it Nigel Farage?
Mohammed Ali.
farage emboldens nazi scum like the orange felon in america
CPA apparently.
>We will raise money from:
>1. A turnover tax £40.5bn

>2. Cutting QUANGOs £100bn

>3. Removing additional social requirements from Government contracts £37.9bn

>WE will spend it on :
>1. Supporting Marriage and the Family £3bn

>2. Provision of pro life pregnancy care £2bn

>3. Removing the 5 week waiting period for benefits £12bn

>4. Guaranteeing anyone sleeping rough a night shelter with a free meal £2bn

>5. Cut crime by supporting people leaving prison £3bn

>6. Getting rid of commercial rates £21bn

>7. Rebuild Britain with a new London Airport and links to it £40bn per year.
>Complete HS2 £20bn per year. Take bids for other capital projects £40bn per year.

>8 Cut taxes dependent on the savings in 3 above. Raise the tax threshold to £15,000 (£20bn) and Cut income tax by 2p (£16bn). We will restore GP fundholding to renew the NHS.
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>Not fishing
Probably OP and the accuser anon (on about Nazis).
Yeah, no point voting reform after seeing this. Fuck it, another vote for Labour from me then
This is literally SHIT on a CANVAS. You can't even call it art at this point, it's a biohazard.
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
Now this is art.
Nigel Farage, errrr, total cockup.
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That pastas mouldy
the main problem with Farage is that he is a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule
The isolated online world of neo nazi russian incel bots: how brexit corruption and russian interference influenced young american minds in the farage incel era
What the sigma?
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How can postal votes be more at risk of "fraud"?
What do they think happens after all the votes are cast in a polling station? That box is packed and posted. While it's on its way to be counted, anyone could knock over that van, kill the guards, replace every vote with a vote for Putin, and then drive it on to the big counting centre.
>I don't give a shit who wins mate. Shits fucked either way.
blocko was spot on last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
>labour supermajority
un-Yank your brain
sigma balls
ha gottem
good thing all the brexit voters are dead and the younger generations are more liberal and opened minded unlike racists from little england
lol, they arent going to get a single seat, just like 2016 UKIP
Cut it out Josh
why seethe?
Don't really like either, but it would be quite kino to have Farage and Galloway both in the commons
Still meant the thing I said about bashing your head in btw
Geordie Shore, bur brit/pol/
Josh still afraid of are Nige winning and posting his anti reform claptrap?
that wasn't me, retard
who started this meme? james? I've said numerous times I'm voting reform
Absolute gigga cope.
Everyone I know is voting for them.
should I vote workers party if they have more of a chance than reform to win in my area?
This is a yes in joshspeak
nazis are scared
Can't hurt, can it?
>pretending all the lost momentum or bourgeois comments aren't him.
Number of people fooled : 0
Liar. Its a dead party with no solutions and Farage is already walked back to the zero immigration policy so at this point it makes more sense to vote Labour if you want Tories out or for the tories if you want right wing policies. There is no reason to vote for this grifter
Brackley Training Area to Brize Norton, Brize Norton off towards Aldershot direction. Nothing unusual except the little loop around Turley Grange.
Maybe someone's looking to buy?
Thought you never voted?
Bent back Spoutin'
no I've voted once when I lived with me evil stepnan. she said if I don't vote labour I'll be homeless kek. only time I've ever voted though
Your call entirely. Remember that not voting is also an option.
Listen to your heart. It will tell you which way to vote.
Vote Conservative
Bramley, even.
21 SAS(R) based there
so how much are people who work going to get shafter by sir keif ?
had sex yet?
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He won't win
Wee Naomi has East Belfast sewn up
Are they the ones going to jail soon?
Oh serb bro, you're a funny man.
>one seat
they've lost momentum, haven't they?
mt heart is telling me to go to the booth and close my eyes pick at random
>The next Labour government will therefore bring about an immediate modernisation, by introducing legislation to remove the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the House of Lords. Labour will also introduce a mandatory retirement age. At the end of the Parliament in which a member reaches 80 years of age, they will be required to retire from the House of Lords.
>Labour will ensure all peers meet the high standards the public expect of them, and we will introduce a new participation requirement as well as strengthening the circumstances in which disgraced members can be removed. We will reform the appointments process to ensure the quality of new appointments and will seek to improve the national and regional balance of the second chamber.
Labour actually just going to completely remove the last shreds of independence the upper chamber has and stuff it with partisans lmao it's so fucking over
Only way to survive the gulags, gotta crack a funny or two
What fears? Tory world has lost the plot completely.
>Shamima Begum
>Jay Slater
>Maddy McCann
Who is coming home first lads?
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It's funny, I just had these two recommended to me on Youtube.
The nation in absolute decline while the King and his missus host parties.
A student of history will see the Parallels with a certain French period.
>jew hand rub
go to bed peter
co-op do order online + delivery now
I'm never leaving my flat again
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Reform pretty much have all the solutions to the current problems this country faces.
It's gonna be like the Brexit vote when everybody though there was no chance a significant amount of people are going to vote leave.
Cant wait for the seething come Thursday. Gonna be delicious
>ends up being a x between two tick boxes
Go for it.
Lol, none of their solutions are final
Labour just announced they have removed their candidate in Clacton. Labour are no longer running against Farage in Clacton
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Fucking ectoplasm cunt tried to fool us but we all knew he was from GGCHQ
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>reform lost momentum
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They did our zesty nigger dirty
Germany final, penalties, calling it now.
Expect every last ounce of torture.
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>tfw no rural English wife
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>and Farage is already walked back to the zero immigration
>is already walked back
>The nation in absolute decline while the King and his missus host parties.
Yet these parties will last as we are not the French or anything cohesive either.
If England actually won prior the election it unironically could have led to maybe potentially possibly a tory majority
She wouldn't last two minutes when sheep go missing on a cold winter night and you have to don your wellies and go hunting through the snow
>there are signs Reform might have faltered in the final stages of the election campaign
brokenshoesanon predicted this
put her through pimeyes lad
Vote Reform
where is the TV, does it drop down in front of the creepy portrait?
Don my willies
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>Labour will lock you in your homes
>Oh wait
>Too well lit
Tern the fuggun lights soff.
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grey version
He'll draw on the table.
When you think the UK has the same population today as France but France have 2.3x the landmass than our country. Yet the state of France is in. People have no idea do they? They can put their head in the sand with football only for so long I fear.
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yarmulke version
Not bad anon not bad
Still undecided if I'm having a political sleepover on Thursday or not.
Probably going to be a shitshow so retarded that it won't be worth watching.
why thread so dead, its two days before an election ffs
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Hand over the tomboy wife and no-one gets hurt.
reform has lost all momentum
>People have no idea do they?
No. Good question for the thread though.
>They can put their head in the sand with football only for so long I fear.
It's worked well for getting on close to a 100 years. Sadly this is more effective than you may realise to the point that even our royals and leadership attend.

Only good part is the crappy GE news will conclude soon.
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Give me a rural Warwickshire wife then.
About 2-3 times a week for the past 20+ years. With real women and not mutilated freakshows like yourself.
Ywnbaw Waterflume spine
gib qt eastasian wife and we'll talk
Personally I'm bored of polls now, seems redundant when we'll all know in a few days anyway.
They won't go but let's pretend they will, just for tonight.
just like ukip all over again
>terrified whimpering
you seem mentally ill
I think most people have given up
They'll still be doing polls on polling day, right up to the end. And then through the night while votes are counted.
And probably another few after the vote, to see if people changed their mind or regretted their decision.
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There are lots of expat Japanese women in Dourados - Mato Grosso do Sul, best I can do is give you the directions.
Are you mental? They have no momentum and todays polls put them at one seat with 48 hours still to go.

Reform have flopped and they deserve it for selling out. This thread proves it, look how many people here are switching back to Conservatives.
i cant draw for shit, but i couldn't resist given he did the hand thing
Is this a Waterpark from north germany?
Ah shit, do they still have the wave machine and big screen with cartoons
imagine getting all giddy over nigel farage kek
I wouldn't last a day in Brazil.
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Because who fucking cares
Brazil is the japs version of Magaluf
And it's all funned by bitcoins
at least he remembered to book a seat this time.
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>Labour will introduce a landmark Race Equality Act, to enshrine in law the full right to equal pay for Black, Asian, and other ethnic minority people, strengthen protections against dual discrimination and root out other racial inequalities. Labour will also reverse the Conservatives’ decision to downgrade the monitoring of antisemitic and Islamophobic hate.
>Women’s equality will be at the heart of our missions. Our plan to Make Work Pay will transform the lives of working women, including by strengthening rights to equal pay and protections from maternity and menopause discrimination and sexual harassment. And Labour will take action to reduce the gender pay gap, building on the legacy of Barbara Castle’s Equal Pay Act.
>Labour is committed to championing the rights of disabled people and to the principle of working with them, so that their views and voices will be at the heart of all we do. We will introduce the full right to equal pay for disabled people. Building on gender pay gap reporting, we will introduce disability and ethnicity pay gap reporting for large employers. We will support disabled people to work by improving employment support and access to reasonable adjustments.
>Labour will protect LGBT+ and disabled people by making all existing strands of hate crime an aggravated offence.
>We will also modernise, simplify, and reform the intrusive and outdated gender recognition law to a new process. We will remove indignities for trans people who deserve recognition and acceptance; whilst retaining the need for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a specialist doctor, enabling access to the healthcare pathway.
The more I look, the more obviously over it is
Go get 'em Harris (not the legal ones though)
Pls stop bullying the millionaire football nog spackers it's not on
>where is the TV
Dunno lad.
Maybe they don't have one?
das labour reich
Real answer is people have been at work and University, they've been busy all day and want to relax. All that's been done has been done with regards to arguing, debating e.t.c. has all been said and done so now let's see what happens when the results actually come in.
There are about 50 people here and 90% are retarded doleites on mento elf or chronic alchies, homosexual toryboys and 2 seething trannies.
Not a good guidestick for the uk's overall feelings
true that, good take
Woking sports centre, by the looks of it. Went there a few times as a wee nipper, they had laser quest an all.
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Plus it's fucking bollocks
Hear hear
This place is going to be fucking dire for all of Thursday and a good chunk of Friday tbqhwyl
The next post after mine is a homosexual toryboy
Makes a change
its not like we don't know the outcome. the only surprises will be how many seats reform get. Still I suppose it won't stop josh and occunonce having a go at reform voters
Threads hit around 80 unique posters at peak times, or they did before the counter was removed. That would indicate a few hundred regulars on rotation even if we say 25% of that is josh and/or 77th. Most of us are retarded dole scum which gives us lots of time to redpill our mums on the jews and their lies.
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fuck off
I've not been having a go at reform voters
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Will Wragg poster
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>you seem mentally ill
You seem like a memeflag shill.
Fuck off gchq
Bozza has gay little girl wrists doesn't he.
(you) picked the wrong team, bender
I am a Zambian lesbian and lost my legs to a landmine during the tootsie genocide and i am voting reform.
Checkmate Woke Leftist nazi trannies
What does that mean
If they've lost all momentum like you claim, why are you shilling so hard against them.
Seems like fear to me.
The left are the real racists when you think about it
it means (you) are a bender who picked the wrong team
There's probably a few hundred posters here and 1k-2k lurkers in a monthly period.
SAFr6mqr is the goblin with his reform momentum post.
>Inb4 hurry he finks everyone is gobbo
It's him. Nobody else is that much of a sad twat to cry about reform votes.
Intcels are seething.
There is good racism and bad racism.
The left see me as an ape in need of care and upbringing like a zoo animal stunting my personal development.
The right see me as a powerful enemy and give me the respect i deserve through that and the will to better myself.
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>Operation : Deform Reform
thats not me retard
and farage himself has said he doesn't plan on winning this election. he has a 5-10 year plan for the party. so why would I sperg out about reforms chances this election on that basis? when I understand that?
farage knows they're not going to win. this election is about getting his foot in the door electorally speaking
i swear this paki bitch looks like someone at my work. or maybe i just think all jeetas look the same.
No surprises there. Similar defection happened before but it can go both ways.
The left are the real racists
Did anyone see me say reform were going to win? It's obvious gobbo takes an opposing view to the majority of brinnies simply because he's a fat sad nonce that needs (you)s to live. As if he understands politics. Lol. Lmao even. Sad fat twat. Thought he was leaving. Lol.
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someone make a new thread that is political but comforting
I wish I was a government gimp with a mid range audi on finance, a mid range home on finance, and a mid range missus on finance.
his entire personality is built around the very fact that he is a degenerate bourgeois
I genuinely wonder if we get a North Korea lite deal with them trying to stop millions of brits just leaving the country. Obviously won't be barbed wire fences and guards but I bet they will have some onerous tax or passport legislation.
You have nothing to say, and everything to say
I never said you said reform were going to win. look at you reframing to make it look like I didn't just show you up

you said its me who's the "reform is losing momentum and I'm voting labour now instead" poster

and I'm saying why would I say / do that when I've understood since farage became leader that he knows they won't win this year and has a ten year plan for the party? which he was very public about in interviews from day one

the goal is to slow walk it, to slowly generate public trust as a party and go all in at a future election. this election is just a platform for their party. they're using it to begin their multi election campaign

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