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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do american neo nazi retards idolize the 50s? Don't they know all that stability and economic expansion was in part caused by defeating the Axis in WW2?
It was still better than living around spics and niggers
You wouldn't get it, thirdie. At one point our country was nice, that's what people are looking back at specifically.
So what was it about the 1950s that made it so comfy? Was it because of winning world War 2 and being the sole superpower or was it because of FDR bitchslapping monopolies and making them call him daddy?
The 1950s-60s wasn't the peak of America, it was the 1880s to 1910s. By the 50s decadence had already set in.
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this anon knows, the gay 90s were clearly the peak.
>or was it because of FDR bitchslapping monopolies and making them call him daddy?
That was his Uncle Teddy. FDR was owned lock stock and barrel by international finance
Nothing to do with that retard. I'm not one of those claiming the 50s were filled with child abuse and wifebeating. But i find it funny how many unironic nazi faggots have basically a hard on for the aftermath of their leader's death kek
It wasn't a utopia; it's just simply better than what we have now.
America was still majority white and nominally christian until the early 60s. The currency didn't depreciate too hard until 1965. Segregation ended in the 1960s, followed by no fault divorce in the late 60s, and abortion in 73'. 1973 also signalled the end of gold backed money, and the beginning of mass inflation which ebbed in 1980-81.
By the time reagan got in the industrial sector was crushed and blue collar offshoring had begun, and he brought in one of the first mass waves of mexican criminals from cuba.
I don't. I idolize small, homogeneous kingdoms and city states.
50s american propaganda is the absolute pinnacle of human civilization...
the market crash and great depression was engineered by jews
Im not claiming you are. I'm saying that the argument that the past wasn't superior to the present devolves into that line of thinking.
The past was better in its own way, but even if you and I went back in a time machine, it wouldn't suit us at all, it would be too foreign. Even if we tried to fit in to 1950s America, they'd call us beatnicks and call the cops for cultural infractions we didn't even realize existed.
If you could have it in your own life, with a healthy family and wife and a home you could afford, and you were able to take care of the bills, wouldn't you like it?
That's why the proverb exists:
"It is folly to say that the former times were better than these"
Lamenting over spilled milk doesn't help us.
Yeah, the 1850s, before that guy with a top hat ruined everything.
Because those "neo-nazi" retards are actually Kennedy conservatives

So reading history is required as both political parties never switched sides.
First GOP president was Abraham Lincoln

Democrats have always been democrats since 1840s...
Savy slaver?

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