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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>lived in Oslo and Bergen the past decade
>filled to the brim with Africans and Arabs and Asians
>but now even my tiny, small hometown that has been 99,99% Norwegian is now filled to the brim with Somali woman with 5 kids hanging off her skirt and 3 in the stroller

There is literally impossible to escape the problem, in the past people used to say “go off pol and enjoy the life outside” but now pol pictures is reality everywhere I go.

Is it this bad in your country too?
The funniest part is the white women sleep with these vermin without hesitation.
Quisling was a hero.
Most dating is now done online and non-Whites can’t compete against Whites in hypergamy.

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

>Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters. White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>For ethnic minority men in western countries, it usually manifests itself in feeling undesirable - and Asian men are among the worst-affected.

>White women were the most discriminatory in their exclusion of Black daters, which is also an important finding.

>Meeting online has become the most popular way U.S. couples connect, Stanford sociologist finds

>College-Aged Adults Are Now the Most Likely Online Daters

>Online dating platform use is fairly equal among races, with 29% of white people, 31% of black people, and 28% of Hispanic people having used a dating app
until 2015 we had a small brown population, since then it's got increasingly dark. in my street, as soon as a white moves out a brown moves in.
Dating does not equal casual hookups
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>Is it this bad in your country too?
Always has been, no matter how many people say otherwise. In my country the nigs were ALWAYS here
When women vote for open borders, they give their consent to be raped.
bump. What's this book about?
You can throw these stats and articles at me but they are not consistent with reality. I go to Costco and see nothing but mixed race couples with nasty, beast like offspring. Usually the male is dark (black Indian Arab Mexican) and the woman is light (white, light skinned Latina, or Japanese/Korean). Went to the park over the weekend and saw the same thing. Granted it's like one fifth the couples you see, but that is way too much. There's like less than 300 million fertile white women in existence? Probably less.
Hope is gone. Europe and muttmerica will be 95 percent brown by 2060.
Yeah, niggers are cold approaching White women and fucking them without a date LMAO
No they really don’t not here
>niggers are cold approaching White women and fucking them without a date LMAO
I've seen it with my own two eyes. You have no idea how goddamn degenerate white women are.
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Mass migration of the third world into Europe, published in the 70s, largely dismissed as racist hogwash but it’s very true to what’s happening now in Europe. It’s a must read.
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Ohnononono it’s a annudah shoa
Last politician to care about Norway and Norwegians, and how did he get rewarded?

Deemed a traitor by the commies in AP and subsequently shot
>replying to shills
Hell yeah, thanks anon. I found it on audiobook on Bitchute.
>step 1
Make children

>step 2
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My local library has it (the Turner Diaries as well)
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Read a book nigga anons.
Saw two mutts earlier, ruined my day
Yeah I should have a pdf file of the book in its entirety somewhere, finding a physical copy of this book is next to impossible unless you’re willing to shill out big buckaroos
Yeah I don't wanna do that. Thanks!
Anon, you can't argue with the BBC spammers because they're not here in good faith.
It entails how the entire population in Europe are nothing but cucks who refuse to accept the reality of the demographics. Chances happening.

It has a neat bonus story of an uppity negro media personality in France whos ushering in the hordes with joyful glee, even though everything he owns is thanks to the French.

He then travels down to meet with the horde together with his girlfriend, and tries to embrace his new “comrades”. The invaders promptly respond by stealing his car, beating him half to death while they make him watch as they gangrape his girlfriend over and over
I visit Bergen frequently for work and never saw that many shitskins besides some gyppos, Oslo is another story. It's been around 2 years since i visited, did it reallt change that much in such a short time? Visiting again in November.
It makes me think something similar happened with the barbarians. It feels a bit too easy to go "Life just repeats itself" but I can see it happening in rhythmic forms: "They're christian, I don't care if they're not Roman", "They're Muslim, I don't care if they are not Arab/Persian". "They're doing the jobs our own people won't do".

Kind of becomes funny then to imagine in 650 years you'll have Mtumbu Xian Mahmoud the warlord of Antwarpiya declaring himself heir of the Ujerumani, masters of the Erropan Union, dressing his warband in flecktarn sashes, requiring visiting dignitaries practice the ancient custom of the hand shake and wear the strange suit with a lasso tied round the neck hanging down to the loins called a 'tie', demanding archaeologists translate the lost treatises from the plastiki age
Fucking ingrates.
*jews destroy countries in cycles
ftfy, rome was them
Bergen is still far better off than Oslo, but another huge thing is that in Bergen they almost all live outside the city center so they aren’t as obvious
And again the funniest thing is that their sole purpose for coming to white countries is to breed white women
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the internet is the first time we (reincarnated) humans have had the ability to know the infinite truth all together at once.
Never in human history has the ENTIRE STORY OF MANKIND been available for even the poorest peasant to read and learn about. Even the garbageman can understand the cyclical nature of time and the role the eternal jew has played in this cycle.
>You only get the jews you deserve
make no mistake, the spiritual descent of man is 100% correlated with this destruction of society every single time
Man must know he is infinite, if he operates from a finite perspective he will always be deceived.
You live in a poorfag area with all of the other poorfag nigger trash.
I live in a high cost of living town in the South that is 93% White, and rarely even see any non-White people. Usually whenever I go to a restaurant or bar or store, literally every other person there is White.
i do wonder if supposing there were a real holocaust, if it would just create a niche for nature to fill again
they aren't totally useless like indians since they to some degree act as an evolutionary drive but ultimately i think we have to learn to live with them and become immune to their deception
This is largely the point of Spengler's Decline of the West
>learn to live with them
It’s literally impossible, and if you deport them they immediately go to another country and start funding usurpers like they did with England and Cromwell
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it’s part of a larger destiny of mankind.
most people have never once thought about the evolution of human consciousness throughout the ages.
The mind of a man 3000 years ago is not the mind that you have today.
Things like the “I”, the “ego”, natural clairvoyance etc all had to be developed over time.
We are the point of developing the consciousness soul. The knowledge of the infinite “I” achieved through the power of the intellect. We are more clever than our ancestors, but they were more clairvoyant than us. They saw reality as a dream picture, like a fairytale unfolding.
We have the power to attain that clairvoyance through our intellect, rejoining the 2 hemispheres in a new way that wasn’t possible before.
Jews are of Saturn, Chronos, the strict teacher of materiality and time. Through their brazen anti-spiritual activity, they serve as a catalyzer for souls.
If you do not see their tricks, you simply haven’t developed your consciousness enough.
It is like a spiritual test, and we live in the moment where the most amount of souls can pass this test at once
exactly we've got to do the impossible, we are just constantly busy doing the impossible task of recovering from the immediate damage
shoot them.
This book and Submission were prescient.

There’s nowhere to run. Either you find a way to send them home and restrict the inflow or you get overrun. Future demographic estimates don’t bode well for whites if things don’t change.
Just imagine the total and true numbers for age 0-18 …

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