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>it's not happening
>it's not happening and even if it is, who cares?
>it's happening and it's a good thing
>it's happening and you fucking deserve it
>Europe in 1945: Helps us fight and get out of this mess!
>Europe in 2024: Fuck everybody else, not our problem
it's really funny how shitskins cope by larping as conquistadors when in reality they're just parasites looking for welfare
what does that have to do with mass immigration?
return americans and australians to europe and then we can talk about keeping your countries
Are you aboriginal?
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>Lol you guys deserve us ruining your country.
Thank you for verifying and validating my hatred for immigrants. They are an enemy. Just because I understand their motives and reasons. Doesn't mean I'm just going to throw my hands up and say "We'll, I guess I deserve it"
Every time I see a gloating muslim post I watch the christchurch shooting
are you a pajeet?
>its just a bit of banter <3
What a fucking woman
they should be thankful that white people destroyed their countries
No. You?


Its totally oke to kill invaders. Just like it was totall oke for the africans to kick out White people and kill farmers.

Its totally fine burn down migrant centers, rape black and sandniggers dauggters, kill their wives, rob and kill their fathers and also stab them to death.

Shouldnt have invaded our country.
When 'based shitskins' start getting killed you just know this dude will be the first one crying that it's jewish to shoot rapist muslims in european cities. Don't pay it any mind, because he's way beyond a weak male- he's so beta he needs people to not fight back at all in order to have a 1% chance at winning.
yup and you won't do shit eurocuck
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but especially the united kingdom has no room to complain about immigrants for all you have destroyed in the last 200 years
t. jewish controlled country

I'm a redskin and would rather while people here since if they left niggers, chinks, and spics would completely take over. I have never had to watch my back around white people and they are content leaving me alone. The hatchet was buried over a century ago.
yeah they all vote for their tokens too lmao. Turkey is a shithole because it's full of roaches.
>I have never had to watch my back around white people and they are content leaving me alone.
guess who brought the niggers to america
Never happened, we aren't brown
t. Jewish bio-weapon
There’s no way these guys are winning without cucked whites voting for them right?
That’s the real problem
yeah whites are a majority even in america so they are enabling this shit to themselves

>we aren't brown
They invaded other countries too. Now we get to invade them without consequence based on their own logic.
I remember when people were publicly shamed and called crazy for the white replacement theory.
Now its just fact.
white people already invaded them nigger
I'm not sorry for teaching you how to read and write them wash your hands after you poo in a loo. White people sailed the world for spices. Fucking spices! Imagine what they'd do if they had half a century of racial grievances to work out.
Oy vey!
And we can do it again. They're been invading each other since before recorded history. That's a lot of invasions we have to make up for. They also owned slaves so that's a double punishment we need to dole out.
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Europe honestly got fucked by WW1/WW2 in a similar way to the confederate south in America after the Civil War, reconstruction killed the south just like it killed Europe.
Why do they act like they're invading. They're not. They have no power themselves to invade. Our leaders are inviting them in. That's it.
Imported by their mortal enemies, the jews, no less. They are just tools. Muslims are the cancer of civilizations.
Hold a referendum to kick out non whites then. Oh can't do that because that would white people voting.
and who allowed the jews to bring in the slaves?
how can the jews achieve such things while being a minority?
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Bro yours invaded Europe from the desert before America/Australia for the same $$$ they did. It is always for the money.
> posts more parasites
What did Hans mean by this?
>Not pictured: The massive infrastructure investment whites left behind that the Africans didn't maintain and let rot.
We gave them free medicing, advanced scientific knowledge, free education, free infrastructure. And what did they do with all of this wealth? Nothing. They owe us reparations for ending slavery in Africa and building everything they ever had.
greeks invaded the middle east first
no one ever asked you for help nigger

white people savior complex is biting you in the ass
Then go back and help yourselves, you disingenuous nigger.
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The entire planet will be majority White within the next 100 years
you've also the reason why niggers exist outside of africa

white people have done unfixable damage to the world
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And they won't get anymore help. Now they go back to the stone age where they belong.
>nobody asked for help
>complains Whitey kept them down and needs welfare and live near White people
Yea I’m thinking a few billion people need to be ethnically cleansed from the earth
because they asked to come to america
oh wait
Greeks are adjacent to ME
so why did they invade all the way to india?
This is what the west gets for muhh capitalism even now half the right is full of libertarian retards
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I don't even blame them for Invading... I blame the leaders of these countries for allowing it... and i blame the stupid ass voters for voting for it you fucking fools!
>It's the white people, he said
>Completely ignoring modern day 3rd world pollution
>Or acknowledging the only people pushing to protect the planet
You're a trite, dishonest, shill and frankly not worth the time to respond to any longer.
Die Schweisse, ist based
If society is so advanced, why do they invade countries?
What is left to learn? Their way of destroying things and persons?
>destroyed the world in the 19th century
Arabs acting like they never invaded anyone lmao. One good thing about jews is they blow these fuckers up.
remember iraq, syria, afghanistan, libya, etc
you reap what you saw
This. It's time to declare war again on shit skin countries.
Your friends greed is not revenge
So what he's saying is, when Europeans inevitably form an insurgency and start IEDing the occupiers, it'll be earned?
funny if you look back at history 98% of white murders have been in the hand of other whites
>you can't blame all muslims for 9/11 and isis
>you can blame the irish because of other european imperialism

That’s why they just need to be killed.
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Not even remotely true. Whites are the one group least likely to be murdered by their own. Blacks and hispanics disproportionately target whites. While 90% of black murders are done by other blacks, the same is not even close to true for whites and their own.
It’ll be an easy kill.
you yourselves brought niggers into your country

also I was talking about wars
It’s not just okay, it should be encouraged. Kill them all.
I don’t care what they say, they just need to die.
non whites intuitively understand that their mere presence is a punishment. they understand they are bioweapons and dont care
>they just need to die.
by who
>Subhuman browns acting like subhuman browns
They just need to be shot. Go ahead, say muh you won’t do shit memeflag. Just proves you need to be shot too.
>you yourselves brought niggers into your country
Work on your bait you can't just say jews are white.
Europe sucks. There's a reason people fled by the thousands once the New World opened up for escape.
The sooner it dies the sooner we can get away from their god awful tacky handbags and shitty overpriced cars.
>They just need to be shot.
by who

who allowed jews to bring in niggers?
Is a memefag, what do you expect?
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>europe sucks

>who who
Pretending to be an owl isn’t going to stop you from being shot.
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The weapon of the coon-lover, he keeps it close at hand in case he comes across europeans who don't want barbaric shitskins to defile and destroy their countries.
You just need to be shot.
>who allowed jews to bring in niggers
Politicians Bribed/blackmailed by Mossad
Woah, cool it with the antisemitism
Alright, lets start the war then and see how it ends.
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>he can't even say what needs to be done
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You need to update your pic
so whites are responsible, cool we agree
Mossad isn’t white tho
I already said what needs to be done.. you need to be shot. I’d say learn how to read better, but you’re just going to be shot so it’s not really going to matter.
The only agreement here is that you need to be shot.
Daily reminder that exactly none of the white guys in this thread will ever do shit.
All the good whites died in the wars
400 million guns
0 balls
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enjoy Islam
Nope, you’re getting shot too.
>it's happening and you fucking deserve it
And Europe can do nothing about it.

>yup and you won't do shit eurocuck
There is literally nothing they can do.

>Every time I see a gloating muslim post I watch the christchurch shooting
And every time you watch, your government takes away more of your rights and opens the door for more migrants.

>Its totally oke to kill invaders. Shouldnt have invaded our country.

>how can the jews achieve such things while being a minority?
Money/banking/organization. Ever heard of AIPAC? That's how everything works in so-called democracy(and non-democracy).
lol we’re just going to kill you
Jews control the academia and mass media create dozens or hundreds of jewish organization to import immigrants to white countries as HIAS and jews politics call for laws for mass immigration.

I didn't bring niggers anywhere.
We just need to start killing them. Really not that hard.
Daily reminder you're still gay.
Don't matter. You're still gonna fucking die because you're a bunch of pussies and you actually have empathy and shit.
DEAD. You retards waged two world wars and killed off all of your strong male stock, leaving behind the cuckolds.
Your warrior class is gutted, you will be turnt out like a bitch.

Shouldn't have cared about that Franz Ferdinand bitch getting whacked like a faggot. All you had to do was shrug your shoulders and replace him. He was just one guy, not even important to the world.
But NOOOOOOOOOO, you fags waged a war against each other over stupid shit and gassed your own men and left their bodies strewn about in no-man's land.

You suck.
I'm on the brown and muslim peoples side, european whites all suport israel
its better if the brown people take over europe and rule europeans
muhammad and islam is pretty based
your ancestors did
you can thank them for jamal
And needs to be shot.
My ancestors didn't bring niggers anywhere either, ackshually. I can trace my lineage back many generations and none of them involved niggers.
Oh look, more shitskin memefags pouring in to show why they just need to be shot.
>Politicians Bribed/blackmailed by Mossad
In the 1700s? Are you retarded?
And Whites still haven't done shit about ANY of it.
To be fair, America hasn't really gotten much in the way of foreign resources. America has its own resources. I believe America/Canada are net exporters of pretty much all commodities. Europe is the one completely dependent on foreign resources.
cool story bro
say hi to jamal from me

maybe he'll understand your ancestors didn't bring him here
Nigger this just makes shit even more pathetic. You were conquered by kikes and welfare browns KEK.
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>muh colonialism
yeah, because white people bringing medicine and electricity to other parts of the world was SOOOOO AAAAWWWWWFFFUUUUUUUULLLLL
An infestation is still an infestation, they don’t care. Extermination is the only way to deal with infestations.
Only thing we’re going to do is shoot you.
The people who're responsible for the west invading the middle east are the same people responsible for the middle east invading the west, and it's not whites. This stupid shitskin is a useful idiot, a puppet, and doesn't even realise
you're actually the country with the most imports in the world nigger

holy shit grab a book
It was. We should’ve just killed them all. Lesson learned.
The jew is trying to blame me for niggers. My ancestors had nothing to do with niggers at all. Probably didn't know what niggers were until the late 20th century.
and who is going to do the extermination?
Beating you to death with a book spent have the same rush as sending a bullet into your head.

So why was Africa a shit hole so bad that the Chinese turned around and mothballed their fleet - ending their age of exploration. This was before the white man was involved much in Africa.
>Pajeet on twitter said something

Fuck off
Well an infestation is still an infestation. Idc who the niggers blame. The only thing I care about is killing the disease so it no longer exists on all fronts.
You’re just getting shot, who cares what the name is?
>maybe he'll understand your ancestors didn't bring him here
Glad you know most of them are too fucking stupid to realise slave owners were a small minority.
That’s why there’s no reasoning with them. They just need to be shot.
america went to war to defend the "rights" of slave owners lmao
Now we’re just going to kill you.
Always makes me happy to watch it
They are literally conquering our minimum wage jobs and drug dealing!
Hello kikel, stop picking your nose.
>white people have done unfixable damage to the world
Correct. Although it's debatable whether it is appropriate to say "white people".

>We just need to start killing them. Really not that hard.
This would mean giving up our empire, turning the whole world against us, and triggering a Civil War that whites would lose because the non-whites would be supported by foreigners.
>y-y-you won’t do shit
Yeah, we’re just going to kill you. That’s all.
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Why aren't there any successful societies outside of ones that are majority European and East Asian?

No matter how much you try to run away from the genetic reality of the universe, you're simply always bound to return to cold hard facts. Country after country, empire after empire, the patterns are always the same. More br*wnoids = failure. Depravity, sin, lack of technological achievement, failing currencies, crumbling infrastructure, whoredom, weakness, flaw.

What's there to brag about br*noids "conquering" a place, if they don't actually improve it, but merely destroy everything they touch?
Civilization can only function on a few select genetic lineages when you take into account the macro scale composition of a state. Period.
again, whites are the reason why niggers exist in every continent where they shouldn't
Whatever you say demoralization fag. We’re just going to kill you too.
That would be J*ws. J*wish males LOVE black males and find their sexuality very appealing in a homoerotic way. J*wish americans used black slaves, Europe used their own people for slavery with kids working in sweatshops and factories.
Again, we’re going to just kill you.
who let the jews in america?
They mostly live in ghettos and can be starved out in a week.
They’re quite bold.
No one let them in. They operate on subterfuge and infiltration principles.
Why don't you ever post these mudslime twiter account?

Because they’re protecting them.
>No one let them in.
cope kike puppet
35 posts by this id blaming white people for the actions of others. Very interesting behavior. Post your real flag, fagwad.
That’s why it just needs to be shot. Quit debating it, that just feeds it.
unironically one the the worst things to happen but not for the reason they claim
this post is so hilarious because you can look at each white country and all of your problems could be solved with policies but you are so cucked you'd rather take muslim cock lol
Nah, we’d rather just kill you.
>You're actually the country with the most imports in the world nigger
Yes, but we export commodities to China and then import finished goods. We export assloads of commodities. So does Canada.


If the United States and Canada combined together and stopped trading with the outside world, not much would change. It's Europe who has no resources.
couldn't you just leave them alone?
Should’ve just killed them all, yes.
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>couldn't you just leave them alone?
Are you aware that the middle east has constantly been colonizing, enslaving and raping europe since the days of alexander the great? So thousands of years.
>I want x to remain
Cucked mindset always loses to this because it’s defensive. No one sympathizes with losers, be offensive or stop trying
>america went to war to defend the "rights" of slave owners lmao
The North went to war to prevent secession. The south defended itself from unconstitutional usurpers and invaders.

>whites are the reason why niggers exist in every continent where they shouldn't
This is only partially true. But regardless, it would have happened even if white people didn't exist. This is a structural problem.

>Whatever you say demoralization fag. We’re just going to kill you too.
Not trying to demoralize. I'm just telling you the truth.
Lmao this I don't remember Cortez begging Monteczuma for a work visa
No, they don’t get it dude. They never will. There’s zero use in debating these subhumans.
Middle Aged Arabs were colonists in Magreb. Originally Magreb is a Romanian land.

25% of Algerian soldiers fought on the French side, fought for their home.
>n-n-no I’m not!!
Yeah you are. Been here long enough to know it when I see it.
>who let the jews in america?

>Yeah you are. Been here long enough to know it when I see it.
Just because the truth is demoralizing, doesn't mean I'm intending to demoralize. If you don't understand what the problem is, you cannot solve it.
>Let me link a couple more pictures.
you can't just import millions of refuges integrate them into you're culture and all of a sudden want them to go back. that's not gonna happen. this is our country now too. just stop immigrants from coming in in the future and shut tf up. you can keep Europe white though. but America has to stay like this. America cannot be white again. maybe Canada or whatever. but not America. America we'll always be the land of immigrants. if you don't like it. go live in Europe or Iceland you faggot. we're not going anywhere.
>I’m just going to revert to spamming the same 10 pictures I always do to shut you up
Yeah, cool, we’re still just going to shoot you.
Nobody's invading the western countries. They're letting them in with an open borders policy. It's deliberate. That's all.
>larping as conquistadors when in reality they're just parasites looking for welfare

This is what gets them cleansed shortly. I hate to spoil it but ...
Nice try. We’re just going to kill you and your family and there’s nothing you can do about it.
God willing
…we’re going to kill them all.
Here is the problem. America is already non-white. The military is half non-white(and half those whites are traitors). The American Southwest is overwhelmingly non-white. And Mexico would gladly accept Chinese/Russian support in retaking the land we took from them(along with the 50+ million Hispanic fifth-columnists in this country).

What you want is literally impossible.
come try it bitch.
Now show the raw numbers of whites. Oh theres more whites in 2021 than 1950?

Its not fucking replacement you dumb conspiracy nut, if I have 5 white balls in a bag and add 2 black balls there suddenly isnt less white balls.
Cool story, you still get shot.
Killing shitskins is easier than tying a shoe lace. Not much “trying” needed to kill you and your family. Hope your parents are still around for the fun ;)
>Why aren't there any successful societies outside of ones that are majority European and East Asian?
Imagine being this retarded, have a (You).
>ill have you know my rock pile counts as a civilization
if you weren’t such a threat, I’d be laughing at your nigger ganglion.
>rock pile
ah 37+ posts by this retard, its all coming together now lad
Best-case scenario we have a nuclear war that kills everyone in the cities. This would shift the demographics of the country back a few decades and largely prevent foreign intervention.

>Now show the raw numbers of whites. Oh theres more whites in 2021 than 1950?
That's irrelevant, retard. stfu.
>its just a bit of banter
Only while the electricity, gas and water supplies are consistent. That's the reality.
The question is, will the arabs keep them consistent?


Here is the account. Remember reading this and know behind every muslim is mostly an envious little brown shitstain.
Look at the numbers of Whites in tbe younger generations.
Now I wonder, are you a jew, some other mutt, or have you just not been here long enough?
lmao wtf is that thing in wales?
>my nigger ganglion is finally working toward something… oh wait I lost it
>ur must be a trumptard
>we just need a nuclear war!!
Nah, you faggots just need to be shot.
Brits are far better than any of you poopskins and you only have yourselves to blame for your nations being shit.
t. Irishman.
>Nah, you faggots just need to be shot.
I feel like you're a kike trolling. You cannot be white and this fucking dumb and obnoxious.
>y-y-you’re just a trolling kike
Quality beats quantity. Whites are quality. Shitskins are not quality. It’s very simple. Keep trying to demoralize White men into thinking one of them equals one shitskin, when in reality, one White man could easily take 20 shitskins. Your well poison has no effect on me. Again, get shot.

This is the part that really gets me about the whole bullshit with these half apes.
These retards don't understand that they're under strict state protection, yet they think they're conquering our nations under their own force.
No one is fighting them in any meaningful scale and these idiots think they're powerful and subjugated the West. Kikes and our politicians did it, not the muzzies.
This will however change when there's any real problem with resources, because that's when the tribalism sets in really fucking quickly. The main issue is that West has been far more resilient with infinite money printing than anyone anticipated.
Won't go on forever though, the system will crash and the comfort will go away.
This has been looking increasingly likely over the last 15 years. The major population centers in Africa have very short lifespans, the Chinese and Indians have collapsing birth rates and never actually gained anything from their population booms, and the spics gave up breeding a long time ago.

Lowest birth rate in the US is second generation Hispanics. Highest birth rate is rural White protestants. It is very over for the nonwhite and there'll be a shitload of empty cities globally by the time my grandsons set sail.
make sure you bring you're diabetes medicaion fatso. i don't want you being gassed before even reachin you're target. all my family we'll be trained and ready to go. i'll instill cameras everywhere. and have my dogs ready to chop you're fat america nazi ass into peaces. and i'll have the entire black people in my neighborhood know. you think we're just gonna sit as you try to massacre us?? this isn't like the good ole days. blacks can have guns now.
african slave owners
wtf is a non-hispanic white parent. just say white you fucking retard.
>thinks I’m going to read shitskin drivel
That’s cute, but we’re just going to kill you. We’re going to kill your family. We’re going to kill your thug gangs. There’s nothing you can do about it.
>self-reporting White just to get economically destroyed in leftistville
>either not filling anything out or marking whatever your niche 6% admixture is
pick one. Actually go to California and look around, nearly everyone passes as Italian or better.
I was going to say capitalize your words, but then I remembered you’re just a subhuman shitskin that needs to be killed.
says the pig skinned maggot skined faggot cracker. fight me white boy.
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The people who built that civilization were of European stock, and then they race mixed to produce you, the shitskin invader. You have almost nothing in common genetically with the people who've built that civilization. You shitskins always like to take credit for something that europeans built before they race mixed themselves to extinction.

Heil Hitler, you retarded shitskin invading genocidal rapist faggot
Two problems...
1) Most whites would oppose you.
2) East Asians are not low-quality.
3) Even quality cannot defeat the sheer quantity arrayed against you. If you think a bunch of rednecks from West Virginia with small arms can take on the Armies of the entire world, you're retarded.

Here are the words of a Confederate general who perceived the same threat...

"If things are allowed to go on as they are, it is certain that slavery is to be abolished except in Georgia and the other cotton States, and I doubt, ultimately in these States also. By the time the North shall have attained the power, the black race will be in a large majority, and then we will have black governors, black legislatures, black juries, black everything. The majority according to the Northern idea, which will then be the all-pervading, all powerful one, have the right to control. It will be in keeping particularly with the principles of the abolitionists that the majority, no matter of what, shall rule. Is it to be supposed that the white race will stand that? It is not a supposable case. Although not half so numerous, we may readily assume that war will break out everywhere like hidden fire from the earth, and it is probable that the white race, being superior in every respect, may push the other back. They will then call upon the authorities at Washington, to aid them in putting down servile insurrection, and they will send a standing army down upon us, and the volunteers and Wide-Awakes will come in thousands, and we will be overpowered and our men will be compelled to wander like vagabonds all over the earth; and as for our women, the horrors of their state we cannot contemplate in imagination. That is the fate which Abolition will bring upon the white race. We will be completely exterminated, and the land will be left in the possession of the blacks, and then it will go back to a wilderness and become another Africa or Saint Domingo." - Henry L. Benning, Confederate General
I only fight people. You’re not a person. You’re a dog, a very rabid dog. What do we do to rabid dogs? We take them out back and shoot them. Just like we’re going to do to you. See a nigger, pull the trigger.
>more demoralizing
Quality is better than quantity. That’s all that matters. That’s why it pisses you off so much that you have to cuck up a response like this. Get shot.
>Actually go to California and look around, nearly everyone passes as Italian or better.
I've been there, and no. Los Angeles is half-spic and half-Asian with some niggers thrown in. Only the rich areas have actual white people.
quality > quantity
It’s funny because we ARE conquerors. British faggots came into OUR land (India) and acted like niggers and ruined our way of life. You say we’re parasites? The britishers looted and plundered 45 TRILLIONS dollars from our land!! Now we’re coming to your countries to fuck your women, take your jobs and then take your country because you owe us, gora. We’re more conquerors than you’ll ever be you faggots, more and more white women are marrying us and converting to Hinduism and we’re taking all the top jobs and leadership positions in western countries. It’s over for you whiteoid parasites
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>pig skin
And yet you shitskin invading rapists masturbate to the thought of being White even for a day. You have entire religious and cultural (if you wanna call them that) ceremonies dedicated to worship Whiteness. You have products you put on your skin in an attempt to make yourselves Whiter. You salivate at the thought of even getting one of our genetic dead end White fat ugly chicks.

You think "pig skin" is an insult? LOL. Imagine waking up and being a low IQ subhuman brown piece of shit who's never going to account for nothing in the grand scheme of things. Even now, you use White technology to write your garbage, wear White designed clothing, sleep in a White built home and speak a White language, all while breathing our White air and walking our White land.

Get the fuck out of our lands, shitskin invading piece of rapist demonic shit. Nobody likes you here. We all barf a little in our mouths when we see your ugly subhuman faces around us. We all think of you as lesser beings and cant wait to end you where you stand.
We should have depopulated you filthy savage's lands and taken them for ourselves. Continents brimming with prescious resources and you ending nothing with them. No you don't deserve them.
That’s cool, but we’re just going to kill you and it’s going to be even more embarrassing for you because even with those numbers, it’ll still be a cake walk slaughtering you. We won’t drag it out. Just a simple bullet to your head will do the trick. Just need to get rid of the player that is your species.
j*ws and mudslimes have been buddies in the past
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You're not conquerors. You're parasites who outnumber and destroy like a cancer.

>British faggots came into OUR land (India) and acted like niggers and ruined our way of life
And left you with a functional country, a functional economy, rail roads and the ability to run your own country. Which you threw away and turned it all into a shithole. For every tear the English caused, they wiped 1000 more. You used to live in squalor, like niggers, you ungrafetul swine.

You take take take, no matter how much we give. You'll never be thankful or happy, we'll never be able to uplift you. You're subhuman genetic trash that needs to be exterminated. You don't have the ability nor intellect to use the tools we give you to uplift yourselves. Eat shit and die, you disingenuous ungrateful piece of shitskin trash
>invasion is such a strong word
>blame the voters
>aliens funneled in on tax payer expense
>you deserve this for reasons
traitors before enemies, jimmy, but there's enough to go around
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Why so many assblasted brownoids ITT? Go rape your grandma and worship shit or whatever you subhumans do.
it's called gaslighting your enemy until you win.
rightoids have a problem understanding deception.
I’d be fine with that if you limited it to just the anglos. They need to be destroyed in order for Europe to be secure.
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>Muslims are the cancer of civilizations.
The religion is irrelevant, its race. Most Blacks in America are Christians.
As they sat on the thread to be published, that was just the best they could think of. They only have so much time to apply the poison.
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>integrate them into you're culture and all of a sudden want them to go back.
That almost never happens. That's one of the reasons their parasitism is so destructive. They are like cultural locusts. Only in very small numbers could they ever be absorbed anyway, but now its beyond farcical to even pretend like that has occurred/is optional.

Deportation is the only way. The foreign bodies must be expelled or the nations die permanently.
All of human history has gone like this:
The west begins to prosper making scientific achievements
Middle east invades dragging causing a dark age
Asia swoops in slaughtering most of them
West begins to prosper again and advances society
Stop trying to reason with them, kick them out. There is no justification necessary.
Within 5 years the smug shitskins will be kvetching about being murdered in the street, as if they don't deserve it.
>Stop trying to reason with them, kick them out.
Removal has never been enough. That is clear from the fact that illegals flood into the United States knowing they have been ejected before. The only way to get rid of them and stay rid of them is to terrorize and destroy them.
the bot picked up "Europe"
This attitude is going to get a lot of his cohorts killed.
Weird how Qatar funds colleges in USA and yet Jews get the blame for it
Well, you have everything you need.
Whites are conquerers, shitskins are parasites.
Yeah that’s true but…..
>You improved our countries
>Now we degrade yours.
We fucking know.
>invade and colonize and destroy cultures in 90% of countries
>cries when it happens to themselves
die cracker
the white pill that keeps be going
Judging by the 74 year old man that opened fire on a family of hispanics recently, we're not far from the shitstorm.
I love diversity. It's our strength. Why do you think "European" countries are the richest?
pls use memeflag before posting gay shit like this
you bring shame to country
Europeans can eat shit. They constantly talk shit about Americans without realizing how fragile their state is. I hope your landed gentry and royals are dismantled when your society reforms.
nope it was whites, jews are a tiny minority, 99% of slave owenrs who brought to america was white
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Either way, you just need to be killed. Nothing more, nothing less.
But bongaloid, I own more property in your lands than you can dream of. Keep crying semi-detached faggot
You ready to die for your property?
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Nothing will happen, bongs and especially bong posters are some of the most pathetic fucks on this planet.
And you’re going to be even more pathetic when they kill you and your family.
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bahahahahahahahahaa I love these fantasies, here take one of these.
All around the world the White man is waking up
It won't be long and the genetic trash of the world will be begging for mercy from us
Nature is healing.
>there'll be a shitload of empty cities globally by the time my grandsons set sail.
I often wonder about this. Its obvious we are heading for population collapse in near future, especially in developed world.
>the civilized countries are being literally buried by worthless third world diaspora

Subtly based artist?
can you even call it an invasion if there is no resistance?
>doing nothing and pretending it's a strategy
Waving your hands in the air and dancing with your butt out because someone told you it would defeat the jews is also not a strategy.
you fat mutt aren't doing shit it's going to be a slavic golden age
Let's see if it's still banter after I've Invaded his wife
that is the implication.
dumb yid, you will be the first to be conscripted for the war against esther's enemies
working on my second blond haired blue eyed child just like God wants me to.
Without jewish NGOs helping them, they wouldn't be able to make it using their own wits. They're provided clothes, shoes, maps, money, phones, life jackets, and boats. These dumb niggers would be helpless and left to suffer their existence in their shithole.
this is supposed to depict success?
oh so according to your replies and image, the jews plan is to import a billion niggers so that people reject Christianity, the very foundation of their civilization and moral system that they've had for 2k years? So this was all a ploy to destroy Christianity? Thanks for the tip, rabbi.
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No, what's funny is they openly admit what you get called racist for stating.
So, what do you propose we do instead of vote? Don't say "nothing" and don't call me a fed just because I want details on a strategy that would actually work.
>you are responsible for what people long dead have done
>it's really funny how shitskins cope by larping as conquistadors when in reality they're just parasites looking for welfare
well said
same broski, wife is second trimester today. double digits or bust
>the united kingdom has no room to complain about immigrants for all you have destroyed
who destroyed?
the people who ran all that shit live in exclusive communities, jet set around the world to their multiple mansions, and never have to deal with any immigrants
and more times than not, are making money from importing them
I mean, if you can't get rid of the guilt anyway, why not do it again? Maybe we should fix it at the point of origin.
It's clearly not a conquest. It's even less of a conquest than antique Rome. What awaits shitskins is a long dark age with a renaissance at the end and their descendants will think about the "antique west" every single day and they will larp being westerners.

>t. celt
>you yourselves brought niggers into your country
This is a bullshit. There is no "us". See the current state of France that's on the brink of civil war.

Also the delusional far right take of "sending them back". So naive. We'll have to kill them all/enslave them and massively retaliate on the south by continental-scale genocide and tend to the captured land with robots. Imagine what kind of cultural shift this would imply for this to happen. Even this godamned website isn't up to the challenge. The carousel of the human circus shall keep rotating forever
nicely done brother.
Logging every owl's move in a big datacenter located in the Utah: checked.

You're on the list Okhrana bro !
What do you suggest then ?
>this one lunatic on twitter surely represents the vast majority of migrants

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