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Literally everyone I know has had covid, most of them multiple times. This goes for both unvaxxed and vaxxed people even. I'm triple vaxxed with moderna.

What does it mean? Am I the chosen one?
Do you eat buffet? Do you eat in the company of other people frequently, sitting on the same table? If so, do they speak a lot while eating?
Interesting question. I happen to almost always eat alone. Even if I'm out drinking with buddies and they want to eat together at a late night diner, i'm the one guy who gets to-go food and takes it home. I prefer eating while watching 5 hour youtube video essays to eating with company.
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Shedding is real and you must protect yourself


It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

You've probably gotten covid multiple times and simply shrugged it off. That's basically what vaccines make people do.
Im double vaxed and one booster. Never had covid. But did suffer a reaction to the vaccine and now i have fibromyalgia and my sperm is no longer viable for production of a child. So theres that..
>I've never had covid
You likely had it and didn't notice because it's a nothingburger.
I did not have Covid either, and I eat alone if possible. I grew up with siblings, so my natural instinct to eat in safety to get enough is relatively strong.
I have read all the transmission studies, and in contrast to nu science, I saw food transmission in social settings as the primary route.
Possible. Other routes would probably transmit a very low dose, and therefore create a weak infection.
Same. I believe its because I vape like a steam train.
Old school chain smoking is a good method to disinfect.
I'm a janitor/EVS in a hospital. I had covid in Feb 2020, long before the shot. I was cleaning covid 10-20 covid patient rooms a day for 2 years. For about 3 months we had no masks so we were wearing the same mask every day. I was literally swimming in covid germs. I must've somehow gained super immunity from being constantly infected. Matter of fact, I haven't been sick from anything since. Which sucks because I have to fake backaches to call off
You could always drink a litre o'lard to shart. But then, this wouldn't be considered abnormal in your culture.
I'm white so milk doesn't give me the shits.
No, you've had covid but just didn't realize it.
It is a complete nothingburger of a disease, 90% of the time when a person gets infected, they are completely asymptomatic and don't even realize they are sick unless they happen to be tested for it.
double vaxxed and no one in my family caught COVID.
my antivaxx conspiracytard friend caught it 4+ times and it's practically fried his brain. it reminds me why the average IQ on /pol/ has dropped substantially since 2020
Doesn't exist.
Never vaxxed, never tested, never infected (that I know of).

I am the one.
Fascinating. I hate the mastication of others, so I tend to eat about... At least six feet apart, come to think of it.
I forget the specific but in Jan 2020 me and others armchair evil scientists were talking about nicotine and covid also stimulants and COVID, in the event that the sudden death seen in China was related to the brain 's ability to breathe autonomously.
The quiet truth behind COVID is that it's very much a gastro-amplified. So apparently it doesn't just come out the ass, but also the mouth
>the average IQ has dropped substantially since 2020
I work in some søyience industry. People dropped from math or physics PhD level to average higher education.
I have to explain basic shit, the whole industry runs errants based on unbelievably stupid assumptions.
Something IS happening.
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> mastication
Do not look up a"ASMR FUFU" on video sites. I repeat, do not look it up.
> arse-born disease
Lower your head over some dark glass surface like a TV table or a table computer, speak for a few minutes, and look at it from the site. It will be covered in small spit droplets. Testing spit for Covid proteins works well, but they seem to be too retarded or embedded into the system of narratives to test mouth spit for viable virus. But it seems reasonable to assume that if lots of Covid parts can be found, that viable virus must be present.
Everyone's had it by now. Probably just felt tired or a bit off if ur lucky.

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