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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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"Which one of you was this XD" is gay and leddit, but seriously... own up. Which one of you was this.
I am Spartacus.
You don't get anywhere shaming women. You laugh at them and mock them.... don't lecture women that will cause them to do the opposite out of spite. Just laugh in their face and say "Holy shit thats one ugly disgusting couple, and your kids are going to look so fucked up....then laugh and walk away." she will remember it for life and it will pain her
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Aryan Bacon strikes again.
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The fire rises.
I can smell this chud from here.
>using memespeak IRL
this. no point to appeal to a woman's logic cause she doesn't have it. mockery and ridicule, that they understand.
This was staged agitprop. It's a fake "racism" video meant to go viral.
a simple:
>you're not that interesting
had a female streamer obsessed about that statement for years afterwards
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Based desu, famalam
Absolutely its a bait video. But that woman did seem dumb as fuck. Eastern european desperate for money. Probably fled the country while her husband was drafted and killed.
Isnt that hamza the indian/arab youtuber that talks about self improvement and has a white girlfriend? Looks like him
>it's the fucking canadian in poland harassing random people again
You'd be just as much of a fucking pajeet as any real pajeet in that case.
Ahahaha the cuckrainian malding because she couldn't secure herself a WASP man and settled for a jeet is just chef's kiss
>>using memespeak IRL
Is there a more blatant "I'm autistic" flag than this?
TOP KEK!!!!! look how scared that POO is. What country is this?
I'm cringing too hard
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This. Sperging out at people going about their day in public gets you nowhere and makes you look like an incel. Nobody who's getting any cares that much about whom other people are fucking. The only thing to do is to just laugh at them to let them know they're beneath you.
Yeah just ignore them. They don't exist to me, they're already dead.
Hides behind woman.
Poo’s got class.
Phones someone to scam them.
She was 18 and got told that being an 18yo girl in a bikini is not special.
Whats shameful for him would be my dream come true
>tv says
Nobody likes that or migration. It’s disgusting. Go back or be made to and to pay for it. The billionaires are lunatics who must die for their crimes.
No, I am Chudicus
Canadians need highly strict Germany-style laws to harshly punish racist hate speech
Learn something from the country you helped liberate from nazism, timmy
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Poland. It's the same guy who was antagonizing the spic/nigger ZOGbots.
bravest pajeet right there
>makes you look like a tranny word
My hoarde of children and ex’s and millionairess blonde gf might be surprised at that.
Get off the internet too you are ruining that as well.
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>hey /pol/
>let me give you advice on how to be more racist effectively in public
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It was a pigskin cuck who never got his tiny pink white dick touched by a real woman
All this so he can look cool on /pol/. Literally "we did it reddit" tier faggotry. This does nothing but serve to push that narrative back even further as the idea of white only/no migrants will just be further associated with icky schizo incels.

But hey, at least some /pol/ fags will say "le heckin based!"
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even the indians are stealing your women ytboi
and you cry abou tit, what a pathetic people
Racism irl is just cringe
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Indians keep winning
Poland, also I don't think they are couple, why would he hide behind girl instead of putting a fight. And that pathetic barbie at the end.. I will murder every shitskin and thot when there will be crisis like ruskie attack or something.
LOL what a stupid asshole, he's trying to "shame" a white women for being with a brown dude.

He obviously doesn't understand WHY white women get in interracial relationship. Part of the reason why is because they WANT to rebel against society/their dad. They enjoy pissing people off with their relationship.

He's giving her the attention she wants, and providing further proof (in her mind) that all white people are racist.

What a dumbass.
Holy shit it's abed from community
wrong the only thing women understand is social shame it works wonderfully on women
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Let’s fucking goooo
Boss, that was boss. Bravo. Tell it how it is bro.
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White nationalist on his way to protect his superior race
>He obviously doesn't understand WHY white women get in interracial relationship. Part of the reason why is because they WANT to rebel against society/their dad. They enjoy pissing people off with their relationship.
That's part of it, but women don't actually care that much about a man's race. They care more about him being a chad. It's the same way most men would fuck any woman who's hot enough regardless of color.
Yes but an incel sperging out and memeing doesn't come across as shaming. It just makes the woman feel superior because in all likelihood the guy having an autistic meltdown isn't attractive anyway. If chad laughed at her and her pajeet bf, then it would be a different story.
And those women defended that pajeet and BTFO that muttnigger out of Poland while that poo still dwells in Poland searching for bobs and vegene.
Which way white man?
Is that why you barking here? Cause his shaming had no effect? Had enough effect to get you here.

But since you came here, let me give you some uncensored truth. Most people look at that picture and feel bad for the girl throwing her life away for a piece of shit, literally.

What guy is gonna want to get it on with her after she figures out she's rubbing against the missing link between human and shit?
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Avg White nationalist
>Most people look at that picture and feel bad for the girl throwing her life away for a piece of shit, literally.
No they don't. Most people don't think about it at all. They don't care. The few who do will either virtue signal about it and think it's le heckin wholesome and there's you fucks who of course will fling shit at each other about it. So only the 2 hyper extremes of the spectrum. 90% of the world will see that and hardly think anything of it. It's amazing how delusional you retards get when you browse here for so long you begin to think the opinions shared here are actually the shared opinion of the masses. I see this in every board I browse, you speak in absolutes as if you're not some dark corner that most people are surprised even exists.
You are speaking truth.
I don't care about that poofucker in particular, but I'm just talking about female psychology. And yeah nobody is gonna want to date her after she gets done with pajeet, but it's not my problem. If you've got your own woman, then just laugh at the dumb slag throwing her life away to date a poo.
Yes, yes they do. I know what I'm talking about. We have their jeet cousins here, the gyps and if a woman gets it on with a gyp, it's over for her. So yeah, they do very much.
I know, you are from the US, you think it's your moral duty to mix. To dirty the snow, so to speak, but the fact is, everyone thinks it. Even there. And you know it.
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are you referring to your flag?
some fucking LEGS
I’m white and this is pretty funny
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And what of good....
kek, this
If it isn't fake, it is even worse. It is dehumanizing and repugnant. The Indian guy didn't do anything wrong and neither did his girlfriend. They're just a happy couple and this guy has a major bone to pick, probably because he's not getting laid and feels entitled to her body. It takes someone of conserible vileness to even utter such cantankerous words of vitriol. The Indian did the right thing calling the authorities. The accoster is bigoted should 100% be fired from his job. If I was there I would have called 911 on him and they would have escorted him off the premises and the home Depot would have banned him. Home Depot has a lot of veterans that shop there and if this was the US instead of Canada, I guarantee you they would have punched the dude for flipping out like this.

Every Indian I have ever met votes for Republicans. Literal bro tier.
Does it make you seethe uncontrollably that a woman would rather be around that dicklet then anywhere even close to you because of the smell alone?
Cope harder bong and enjoy your minor getting anal rape by muhjeets,kek.
>saying pajeet in public
Tongue my anus pale pajeet
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Filthy pagan, there were Indian hindus in the grooming gangs too, stop trying to hide.
Well, I'd agree with you if she flew her ass back to his country, but when they make it easier for these fucking parasites to infest Europe, yeah, I consider that my problem. If she takes her ass to India never to return with her halfshit spawn I wish her all the luck in the world and as few gang rapes as possible.
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This is notable situation in my country...there's no wikipedia article on the crisis in your country because it's just every day. Women despise Indians.

All you have to do is search the term rape on that website.
Two women of so called whitest country defended that pajeet against that muttroach I guess those white women might have consider that pajeet whiter than that mongrel cockroach,cope harder mutt.
Not staged at alll
Damn even smelly subhuman curry niggers now get white girlfriends. What is going on?
lmao brown hands
Nobody considers you white. They just feel pity for you, the same way they feel for a stay puppy or kitten. That's your signature. Pitiful.
Kek every so often i'll see a polish flag posting that clearly isn't a pole and wonder if it's him.

He should meet up with soup anon for double the sperg hilarity.
I find it hilarious that poltards still think Poland is this "based" country where there are only white people and polish women are trad and based.

Polish women are literally the biggest whores on the planet, and they unironically fuck pajeets. For some reasons people here find this unbelievable, but it's the truth.
And the reason nobody does anything about this is because poles are the biggest cucks on the planet
Silence pale pajeet don't fly too high and know your place as shithole of europe
Also this. Women are programmed by social approval. Jews use this to their advantage through their control of the media
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*burst of uncontrollable laughter*
*blurts out:*
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Abdoooool, never forget that you're a camel-fucking hook-nosed semites, like your Jewish cousins. You can pile on to the poos all you like abdoooool, but you'll always be an ass lifting mohammadan with Jewish features, but a nigger brain
jewish programming is manipulating polish women, via internet, TV, schools
It's over for white boys in 2024
"You have less than one year" you say
You have less than one white wife. Less than one offspring. Get used to it.
North America is BIPOC clay.
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>Just laugh in their face and say "Holy shit thats one ugly disgusting couple, and your kids are going to look so fucked up....then laugh and walk away." she will remember it for life and it will pain her
You'd sell your mom's pussy and a kidney to come to this shithole. Quit the tough pajeet talk, nobody falls for it.
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We Wuz Aryanz and Shit
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Holy shit, she is old, ugly, fat and desperate and still avoids the indian guy
The dude is whiter than half of London tho
Butthurt gas station employee acts like a butthurt gas station employee
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lil timmy can't even utter a complete sentence.
Yeah camel piss drinking obese sandnigger those were literally so called muslim grooming gang you inbred retard read those articles if you inbred can actually read.
You can shame then but you have to hold a socially popular opinion. Given that our entire society has decided that shaming women for any reason is socially unacceptable, no you cannot shame a woman
Is that the British PM?
>muh Jews
Touch your own nose
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Isn't that the guy From Ted Lasso?
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This is nothing. To be fair, in a just world the couple would beel skinned alive and made to eat their own eyeballs.
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Lmfao why don't you do your own research prakesh and treat you and your buddies to a gang raping session with the local lizard.
It appears you have mispelled CHAD.
These subhuman whores should be thrown into ironworks ovens. As for your countryman in video, how can a guy run behind woman and pretend nothing is happening in situation like this? It was cringe, not even muslim shitskins are this pathetic...
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Indian bros. How do we stop white whores from getting addicted to our dicks?
What you assholes need to do. Hell, what we all need to do is revoke the ability for women to grand males citizenship via marriage.
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>Women despise Indians
not polish women

hence this video
women are stupid as fuck.
I'm not interested in allahniggers raping some white whores in their island and that news was already worldwide and everyone knows who did it and no need of extra research from my side,from your own word I might guess your a butthurt paki muhjeet working as a toilet cleaner in Bahrain this might explain your anger on us,don't make me post all those paki nigger children that we killed in Kashmir here you inbred retard let make this thread bit more civilise
My theory is that Polish women despise Russians so much (Russia Derangement Syndrome) that they project that hatred onto all Slavic men, which results in them dating foreigners (especially pajeets, who Poland is importing en masse now)
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We need Aryan men to end the cuck white race.
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>drafted and killed
Why did I read that as "drafted and railed"?
You'll be surprised how many polish women marry men from Eastern Europe (not polish men) and Russians
very few compared to opposite
most of those are ukrainians anyway in poland
>she will remember it for life and it will pain her
maybe she will think about it when she is 75 and went through 400 dicks.
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ah of course
pic rel
polish women are at 45 btw
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Incels are pathetic
polish women are so ugly not even people in porn industry want them
it's a fact.
I hope shaming women becomes more common.
kinda true but you also train in MMA and compete in a grappling sport your whole life. Along with getting every white man you know to do the same.
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the nigglet abominations can't be undone.
>t. mad assblasted whore
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Well done that man, well it was I
"I am Spartacus"
but I'm not telling you where I live.
You can tell from this woman's dress style and his race that she is a gold digger. Indian immigrants tend to be rich, and those pants she is wearing are a keystone of snob fashion IE she thinks she is better than other woman because she is wearing them. This should be a part of the ridicule. You know she isn't dating that ugly stick man for his looks.
This Jeet is in England in this vid.
That or he found that once chick who is into scat.
The only way to push back against crazy women is by shaming them and exploiting social proof.
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cope mongrel
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I am Chudicus
STFU Jeet. Only Indians say 'bro-tier' when talking about smelly fucking Pajeets. You must think we're as dumb as you!
unironically yes
even sara jay is more attractive than average polish woman
Based. This should happen on a way more often on a much larger scale.
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Didn't like 100+ of you dalit retards just stampede each other to death over a cow or some shit? Kek
maximus incelious
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we need young white polish men in the trenches
accelerating depolulation and replacement
good thing you dont have good name to lose anymore vpn mongrel
This should be happening daily across the country.
it won't unless americans immigrate to poland en masse
I pity that faggot so much. I'm guessing he's a fent victim by now.
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White men will never allow such racism!
Because pajeets sure as hell can't do shit about it lol
the intention is based but he came off extremely bitter
idk anons, seems like something a Timmycel would do.
those are just standard parachute pants that cuckrainian refugees wear that were popular about 5 years ago everywhere else

He is right. That white woman won the genetic lottery. 1 in a billion, and she throws it away with some shitskin who is 1 in 10.
He was all laughing and joking and shit. He should've punched that whore in the mouth and threw her to the niggers.

Her man was just totally and completely emasculated in front of her. There’s no living that down. He was threatened and didn’t do a fucking thing in full view of his girl. She was viscously insulted and he fucking walked off! Like, what the fuck was he thinking? As a man you have to stand up for your girl. You fight, or take her from the situation, or at least verbally confront the other person.

Their relationship is effectively over. She will never looked at him the same. It’s totally instinctual; we know logically we should walk away, but biologically and subconsciously we want to protect outlets women (and they want out protection).

Do you think she was MORE attracted to her brown pet after this? Do you think she said “wow that guy sure was an asshole; let’s go home and do it!”?

Its funny because women date these pakis or niggers because they think it gives them social points.

Now they're seeing it doesn't. The useless cunts lmao
polacks and pajeets are not white, pajeet
>Woman openly committing bestiality, publicly shamed.

come to Poland dump these racists countries like USA and CANADA poland welcomes everyone
Ultimately, white women going with another race is not as common as it gets made to be on the internet. I also see it as a genetic selection event. The genes that would breed with shitskin will not be in the gene pool as much as they were. Most of the offspring from these relationships are mutt incels, so that problem basically takes care of itself. Doing this in public will not change anything. You need the power of the government for that.
nice delusions
shut your mouth canadian pussy and keep fighting invasion with words on the screen
otherwise you wouldnt have to cope so hard and try to project anyone but russian women is the biggest whores on the planet
Is that the same guy that was mocking the zogbots in Poland? Sure sounds like him. Fucking kek
>Lecturing women gets you no where.
Very true.

>Shaming women doesn't work.
False, shaming women ESPECIALLY publicly works wonders and works BEST when the public gets in on it. It's why women went from being openly anti-nigger to (sadly) advocating for niggers and inviting in hordes of goblinos.
im pro white wtf is your problem, are you some dirty pajeet living in poland
Lmao what a retarded take by the twitter faggot
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next time I see an interracial couple, this is how I'm going to react.
yes u are PRO WHITE fighting with keyboard i bet that this will make a major difference
This. It also gives the shitskin victim points which is what they are going for on white girls. They are basically poor doggos to the girls
I imagine him also being a pajeet, but one who convinced himself he's White.
what a plague upon the world your race is. i cant wait to watch your pajeet cities get firebombed, hated by chinks, whites and muslims. your people have no allies and will conquered this century like every other one.
is that Eva Vlaardingerbroek at the end?
based sister
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You will NEVER be an Aryan.
You're the bastard offspring of the previous Aryans, likely having 2%-3% of their genes.
Salty chang
That is not how you shame a woman. You just gave her the attention she sought from her indian baitfriend.
You mean scat play? No way.
Jews get their way by manipulating culture. None is too many
Eventually all racemixers will be removed from the gene pool and we will be free from treacherous roasties INSHALLAH
That was such a great moment. Years later she wrote a Twitter post "mimimi I still think about that guy, I wonder where he is" or some shit like that. It was still nagging her and she wanted some closure. I bet she went to therapy over that comment, I'm sure of it.
I like this man’s looks.
Then he goes and date a spictina, bug asian or even a poojeeta. While holding White women to a higher standard.
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Can you please become a bit more immigration friendly?
That doesn't even make sense, the image is insulting European men for being with Asian women, so the guy you're responding to is obviously European and fucks Asians girls.

Not that I would expect the average dumb nigger that posts here to think critically at all
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based american patriot chud
holy hell thats some micro penis right there.
>votes republican
>bro tier
You’re a retard
>that one captainess save a sistah at the end
It's just how wts are build. Wts have on average the shorted dicklets.

No wonder more and more white women are going brown / black
Pakis and jeets are the same people.
India is the rape capital of the world.
You’re all subhuman
>90% of the world will see that and hardly think anything of it.
Plebbit isn't the real world. It's the most manufactured of manufactured consent and here you are pushing it like it's real.
What a faggot and a fool.
Good goy
And shitskin as well that got me
nonwhites have a very homoerotic obsession with cocks
Vlad will forever have a big place in my heart. I think about him often. I don't know why he fascinates me so much, I'm just drawn to him.












I love it when you guys fight. It's hilarious
No wonder the kikes instigate wars every where. Those yiddie cunts do it for the giggles.
I have three blond kids
It’s deeper than that. Women genetically are programmed to procreate without thinking about race and loyalty. History shows us if male warriors failed to defend women they’d just breed with the captors. Keeping a tribe the way it is is a male thing
It's not america you mutt faggot, there are other reasons at play here
we need to enslave all women like in this show handmaids tale
This your average trad polish woman.
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Kek. These jeets ITT are MAD!
>Their butthurt,.. ITS OVER 9000!!!
honestly I think the best punishment for race mixers is to send them to the homeland of the foreigner they're miscegenating with. If they hate their own race that much then there's no need for them to live among their own kind anymore. I'm sure they'll be very content with this outcome.
I don't like that idea Ivan. It also means more dead Russian men unless you are planning on only using Churka mercenaries
honestly I think the best punishment for race mixers is to send them to the homeland of the foreigner they're miscegenating with. If they hate their own race that much then there's no need for them to live among their own kind anymore.
Every day more are coming. And every day there is less of your kind. So each day we grow stronger while you grow weaker. All you have is fantasies in your head. You won't do a thing. You deserve to be replaced.
What crawled up your anus this morning?
It’s a shame we gave them a chance and they showed us we shouldn’t have.
That’s a great idea
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>Every day more are coming. And every day there is less of your kind. So each day we grow stronger while you grow weaker. All you have is fantasies in your head. You won't do a thing. You deserve to be replaced.
That is a proper punishment.
OK, glad this guy is out there. what have YOU nigger lovers done?
Surprised that most people don't know this.
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White men are so bitch made that they are now engaging in shame culture like old war-time women LMAO

If you want your women back so bad, TAKE them back, and show you are sexually competitive instead of moping IRL like a polcel stat poster.
He actually did do something wrong, he was existed outside of India. And for that crime he must hang from a post.
God I wish that were me
(the person speaking and filming)
hahaha i heard the accent and im like "ffs it just had to be a polish chick didnt it". so typical
How do we get past the ZOGpiggies and take them back?
Lord knows they can't lmao.
when it comes to poland everyone is still stuck in 2015 for some reason
this guy is such a fuckin faggot though. he travels to poland from either the US or canada- interracial sex central- and finds the few pajeets in poland to nag them. isnt this the same guy that told the random pajeet in poland to leave the country? why doesnt he do this shit in his own country where there are a million more pajeets and a million more interracial couples
Me too. What a man he was... vgh
but its true though. /pol/aks wont do shit ever. They're too fractured and too caught up in divide and conquer micropolitics in their already esoteric and fringe ideology. Not only that they sit and wait for permission to do something regarding their race's welfare, news flash timmy, we wont ever give you permission.
Put on a balaclava or get drunk first. Anyone can be a racist hero. Even you.

This site can’t provide a secure connectionfiles.catbox.moe sent an invalid response.

What's up with catbox?
If you're going to do that then just st*b the dirty Indian and keep moving
>Take back a curry burner that smells like shit
Once you go black or curry nigger you ain't wanted back
All the disgusting creatures surfacing ITT. Like a colony of bedbugs. I bet there’s even chinese here. Ew.
Imagine being so unlucky.
There were 3 jeet/musjeet young men together and a family of 4 musjeet(?) looking things in the supermarket just now. They are trying to pump migrants into this town to ruin it. There was a young man of about 20 with that family of 4 and he either had downs syndrome ir was so mongy you couldn’t tell if he didn’t.
The (((billionaires))) and political parties/media need to all be executed.
Everytime someone uses brainwashing (msm) they damn themselves and vote for this. The education system too.
A revolution needs to happen and there is no lawful authority in any of our coubtries because if judeo klausites.
All you stinky people can talk but that’s all you are crying beggars. Utter filth,
Totally organic discussion discord sisters
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Stones and glass houses, Ranjeet
Indian men are dark and masculine with good beard growth and exotic. That's all a white female wants. It's hilarious how the incels on this forum cope with their silly memes, but on the street you look down at the pavement with anger and confusion because there are brown guys walking around holding hands with white girls everywhere. Hahahahaha, time to rope yourself racist loser. Women don't agree at all with your weird outlandish memes. They are actually strongly attracted to Indian men which shocks white incels like you!
Exactly. The entire reason she’s dating a poo is because it’s an easy way for her to spite the men of her own nation. You don’t appeal to their decency, you just punish them for treachery and eventually they begin to fear repercussions.
lol pajeet i call police
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Sure they are Saar, sure they are
And it’s a Polish woman. What the fuck is wrong with these cunts?
Naturally another cunt bitch gets violent in defense of her racemixing "comrade" femoid.

The cammer is absolutely based, they need to be publicly shamed & shunned and his points about the hamdful of White homelands already being an absolute minorty (with most of that old aged) while every (now former) White nation is being mass-invaded invaded by absolute world majority yellow-beige-brown invasive species, races of people who've outpopulated ruined consumed destroyed their home regions and seek to deprive us of ours. White populations have been robbed blind and we must suffer & fund/pay for our own replacement and feminism has stood in lockstep with the ruling class(s) inviting the 3rd world to replace us while simultaneosly gaslighting us. Our replacement by the upper class & their golems is AN ABSOLUTE GENEVA WAR CRIME and occupied "Western" governments & a myriad of NGO's & corporations are complicit
Feels so good
she look so happy
more happy than any white man could make her
what a fucking hot couple
this is me saars
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Yes you are, because you're too scared to rape a White girl and get shot, so you'll never have Aryan bobs and vagene.
You're fake. And is why you have such difficulty discerning fact from fiction. Expect a whoe lot more "agitprop" from here on in. And that's not a joke
Indians are always knocking up white females left and right. You see this happen everywhere in Europe, especially in Poland and Germanic countries. This board is funny with their memes, but you guys have to realize that you are incels, you don't live in the real world. You have no idea what happens out there and what women feel about sex/having babies with foreign men. Women don't agree with you incels at all. They get excited over the idea of mixed Indian children. Indians are dark and masculine with good beard growth, that makes us stand out in a sea of boring. White men are anemic and girly in comparison. It doesn't matter what you think about us, all that matters is that so many white women are receptive of Indian semen.
As if this is only Polish women.
The same thing happening in every western nation.
Can be white bois with indian women too
no hate we happy for all lovers
incels can get roped
>you don't do shit
didn't know you had insider info about what faceless nameless anonymous people do when not posting.
kikejeet faggot
>keep quiet about it, chuckle to yourself, and go extinct quietly ... muh lone individual
Nope ... at this point they'e all going to have to learn the hard way
They look so happy...
why arent you happy anon?
are you a racist incel virgin?
kek well looks like all you can do is
The jeets ITT are just fucking sad
I'm pretty sure that's Poland based on the accent.
>They look so happy...
>why arent you happy anon?
>are you a racist incel virgin?
>kek well looks like all you can do is
imagine saving pics otherwise other people to spite other people, the pajeet takes pride on other men's success to feel better about himself aawww so sad! =^(
another beautiful mixed race couple.
*** MUAH ***
kisses to you both.
wah what wrong incel?
no love in your life?
well i think your only hope is the rope.
dont forget to
its called google mutt
damn burgers are dum
Based. It is my legal right to not be offended by disgusting race mixers when I am in public.
Well it could have been an Ukrainian woman as there are millions of them there since the war.

>Offer up an alternative
>Give same response

If anything this is low dick energy, most people only care about others when they don't have anyone themself, its literally none of anyones business.
Kill race traitors.
Yeah but polish girls come from highly trad backgrounds and haven’t been marinated in filth like bong and burger women. And yet they manage to make these awful choices nonetheless.
the children of this couple are going to be the ones who save your kids after they have to be rushed to the ER after the next drink draino tiktok trend that all white kids love to do so much
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Truly so. But also hilarious
don't even say anything.
just laugh at them and walk away.
Everyone lives their lives through the internet today.
Most Europeans are brainwashed by American culture and the rest of the west.
This is even happening in fucking Japan.
She has overscored - you’re a bit too handsome for her.
It's due to the genetically inherited slavic behavior pattern of accepting low standards for yourself and everyone/everything around you.
It's literally working a job that pays you nothing, go ahead and do it if you want, but everyones going to look at you as being jelly or maybe an incel. People like that should go surround with people THEY love, at the end of the day its about your family that matters. Its literally Catholic tier, your cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins, is related in a sense so you must stick up for them. Didn't anyone teach you guys about nuclear family.
This. Whenever I see white women hanging with niggers I make sure to give them just the tiniest look of disgust possible. Not enough for anyone to confront me, just enough for them to notice it and see it as a genuine mask slip and not outright hate. It stings a lot more when they see normal people being unable to hide their disgust and disappointment.
Unless they have mixed kids, in which case I make my opinion very obvious.

Thank god I rarely see either, their ugly existence ruins the rest of my day. White women who fuck niggers make me wanna throw up, it's like seeing a mentally ill pervert eating feces.
I dont need to post more
seems society has already turned its back on you
poor pathetic incel white boy...
just take the pink pill already and troon out.
Maybe you will feel what it is like to be loved for once. Kek no you wont you will just be used by BBC because of



JEETS......... WIN
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I understand you jeet, I wouldn't date an ugly ogre poojeta too...
That was, quite possibly, the most based thing since Christchurch.
>YoU ArE ActUaLlY JeALOus AnD aN iNcEL
Literally kinder garten conflict handling, go back to plebbit with your nuclear mutt experiment family.
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Hes not wrong.
>British India and the $45 Trillion LIE
Indian Paki colonizing invaders see this as revenge on the handful of English-speaking countries saying and that they're now owed everything. Just like niggers do
That's Canada isn't it?

Some random guy with a random girl made some random person upset, that's the gist of it. Are there too many pajeets? Yes, but you're pissing in the wind and making the best possible recruiter for their cause, now millions will watch this and go "AWWWW".

"you are the inescapable result of your tragedy"
your perception is shit
lol nope. light skinned blacks are more desirable to white women than unmixed blacks.
Of course a women speaking some eastern european gibberish assaults him at the end.
can you jeets say anything other than bro tier? fuckin dirty brown retards
Keek in the cheek
No, it's called setting an example for others to follow. Which is what you fear
Sorry pooboy, everyone just hates you.
>Some random guy with a random girl made some random person upset, that's the gist of it. Are there too many pajeets? Yes, but you're pissing in the wind and making the best possible recruiter for their cause, now millions will watch this and go "AWWWW".
That's why such people do it, that's why you rage bait on 4chan all the time.
i didn't mind race mixing in past but it's clear they do it on purpose. When you do it on purpose you are basically guilty of bioterrorism.
Look that's what it is, from a biological perspective where you don't give a fuck about human rights and free choice (all manipulated and gamed). that's what it is, a foreign invasive overbred species flooding all over the world and trying to not only stick to itself but on purpose go and debase the other type there by mixing with it.
It's why i'm at this point like, if you want to act more stupid than a cow, then get treated as one. You are fucking retarded.
and you are trying constantly to flip it upside down and make invasive species the fucking victim rather than those who logically see the issue with it.
Wtf XD
That look of disgust costs me 1 calorie and it makes my day so much brighter and I feel really good about myself. I know there are many people like me and I try to do my part. It doesn't take that much. A white woman would break up with her boyfriend if 3 people in a row mocked her boyfriend's car.

Why are you spending so much energy defending race mixing?
this little homofaggot in the OP is going around on purpose trying to make the indians or whatever else invasive species, a fake victim by saying dumb fucking shit that only larpers say on 4chan. And they say it on 4chan exactly to make the immigrants look like victims and are not who they claim to be whatsoever.

This cockroach behind camera need to be shot. And look she has chose to do interracial with him. And the issue is when this is done on purpose and for no other reason. I don't even care about any human rights at this point. I look completely down on this entire pathetic species regardless what type you are dealing with. You are basically behaving worse than chimps, a gorilla would think you're fucking retarded. And then you god damn run around claiming it's not you that is problem.
>muh why can't we have non stop racial invasion of entire countries
>muh why is it not those who complain about it that is bad, why it has to be me.
That i even have to explain to you why it's bad to race invade entire countries. Especially the overbred ones from giga countries invading small ones. When you already have massive uneven territory situation.
This is enough for me to say, i don't give a shit about your free choice, free will or human rights of any such individuals who doing any of this shit on purpose.
It's annoying to see it. If you took another species a non human species, and you saw it was doing same shit. You'd want to go kick that little fucking shits ass. YOU WOULD. if you have any logical sense of like, it's fucking annoying to see one thing harass the other.

Lifes short, there's better things to do then worrying about what strangers are doing or who goes out with who, otherwise you're going to have a shit life, I can tell you that much. Enjoy life as much as you can with the time you have left and surround your self with people you love. As I said its like working for free and not being paid for it, fuck that bullshit. You guys have too much free time, im out.
Whites are literally an endangered species ... while several other billion+ groups are invasive and are encouraged & given incentives to replace us in our native or ancient home/motherlands.

This is very much like carving a small garden in an absolute wilderness for a few rows of precious crops just to have everyone come to trample it and spread seeds of weeds vines thorns all over
hahaahaha shitjeet pussy
Kind of cracker who would call the cops crying if he got touched.
Can you feel it?
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>Aryan men
Why don't poomen know what an Aryan is?
why flag backwards ?
Thanks, rabbi
>your true color is showing
Seethe you brown nigger
type of pajeet so ashamed of his anus flag he has a memeflag on LMAO
Like if i see some japanese with a nigger or i see some other combination of invasive species doing the same. And it's for NO OTHER REASON THAN RACE MIXING, which is heavily propagandized, you now this is biological warfare. It's nothing to do with anything else, when they doing it on purpose.
I don't give a shit what race or in what direction, when it is one trying to invade and subvert the other this way.
But however, as much as this is going on, people like the faggot speaking in OP is literally fucking cancer. And i'd gladly fucking help you get rid of such individuals. All they seem to exist for is to run around trolling trying to make that indian or others a fake victim. To try to flip it and then falsely associate that with the entire group which the indian or other invasive species are trying to invade.

This fucking retard species anyone who does anything like this needs to be chipped and tagged and treated with less rights than a fucking cow. You want to run around doing retard things that is worse than chimps, then get treated like ones. Then normal human beings who don't do this shit on purpose, can get rights but you can get fuck all.
My goodness humans are fucking annoying. And almost none of them are good or nice whatsoever.
its the gay "muh running toward the enemy to get assreemed" mantra
based! she will keep thinking about how her shitskin patel did nothing and realize guy heckling them possesses far better genes
looks like a button on a coat, unlucky
>Whites are literally an endangered species ... while several other billion+ groups are invasive and are encouraged & given incentives to replace us in our native or ancient home/motherlands.
you define it as 'white' that is grossly incorrect it's even worse cause it's not a homogenous type you dealing with, like indians, just indians are 1.3 billion.
Europeans are many types they vary almost from country to country. Just for example.
But yes let's use that argument. And then you got some overbred indians from india 1.3 billion of them in india, the fuck the indian doing over there and then not with indian woman but with one of the native species. Fucking annoying to look at it isn't.
>Lifes short, there's better things to do then worrying about what strangers are doing or who goes out with who, otherwise you're going to have a shit life, I can tell you that much.
And this is exactly why the fuck i hate you. Because you know what, you little annoying piece of shit. You dedicate your entire life to push invasion and race warfare of entire countries. And you telling me to get a life cause i see a problem with it. I'd gladly fucking shoot you and the fucking retarded homofaggot in OP that is talking shit in face. As for the pajeet and the guy she is dating. That's less problem actually than you. He's just like cause nobody is telling either of them that it's fucking retarded to do on purpose. If you do it deliberately and for no other reason, as you fucking know many do. They even brag about it online how they see themselves as champions of liberty of they go mix on purpose to 'stick it to the bigots'.
My goodness you are cockroach in human form.
Don't talk about what people dedicate their life to when this is what you dedicate your life to doing.
I don't give a fuck about you or human rights or most people, i don't fucking know you. I don't know them but i don't give a shit what they want or feel entitled to. They are just stupid human animals to me. Stupid animals who trying to conduct race warfare. Cause of morons like you say it's totally fine and please do it on purpose too. And the mixed hybrids they spawn are going to be result of that. And they going to debase the citizens of the others later on too. So it doesn't just stop with them. That's why it should be kept to a fucking minimum not done on purpose. Same with immigration, kept to a minimum not done on purpose cause it causes racial demographic warfare and racial conflict and strife. And everyone going being half african or half indian or whatever is not SOLVING a racial conflict. It's just the indians and niggers by overpopping and then invading the others territory have just debased that other type and made it half them. And how disgusting is that to do that on purpose.
And as for life being short? yeah, you don't value different human types. It seems. So you don't value life at all the intrinsic nature of it. You don't appreciate there are different types and that they should be there and that you should leave them the fuck alone. Not even when its humans, but for sure not when it's other lifeforms and their types either.
>ah let's go fucking wipe them out so we can build a highway for a billion pajeets.
Wow really!? This disgusting form of miscegenation that kikes have been promoting for decades in all forms of media actually isn't something people really like? Shocking.
White Europeans (not "white" hispanics jews arabs ETC) are about 7% of the population - and most of them are old seniors.
>Home Depot has a lot of veterans that shop there and if this was the US instead of Canada, I guarantee you they would have punched the dude for flipping out like this.
American GIs are good at killing the wrong people. They've brought all the curses upon us.
Meh...Thé guy Is not éven a nigger macaque!Low effort crap...
Attack some Computer Indian Camasutra
guy at the store just because hé saved enough money to buy a white prostitute ?
And i don't give a fuck about you or him. Or the fake nazis, or any of that fucking shit you are just retarded human animals who are annoying to look at when you doing this, and nothing else. Human rights get the fuck out of here you stupid animal. you act like animal you should be treated like one.
But that's offensive to other animals, see generally other lifeforms are far less obnoxious than humans. To compare you to a gorilla would be me dissing gorillas.
fake nazis, get bullet, retards like OP get bullet. pajeet and woman left alone. But atleast someone tell them it's disgusting to do this shit on purpose. Because whilst this fucking retard go around trying to make the pajeet the fake victim.
He is an invasive species, and what he is doing is exactly trying to debase another human biotype. It's race warfare, miscegenation done on purpose and for no other reason, is race warfare. It's not like oh it happens once in a while and it's cause they really like eachother. No it's when its done on fucking purpose. Get the fuck out of here with that disgusting shit. you pathetic human animal. You are offensive to humanity, my contempt for you is bigger than a thousand suns. And i'm already not a fan of most humans, cause i don't see how you human cockroaches ever give me a reason to, i only like the nice ones. And neither of you are any of that.
kys pendejo
>go extinct quietly
Literally just have sex. Sperging at women in public just makes you look like an incel and vindicates their behavior out of spite.
Sounds like a fucking Canadian
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>White Europeans (not "white" hispanics jews arabs ETC) are about 7% of the population - and most of them are old seniors.
of what country
Look you retarded human animal. Europeans are some of smallest countries therefore also smallest people, due to both territory and also limited natural ressources compared to other places. Always been like that. It's not news to anyone except a retarded human beast that can't look up world map. Aka an american.
That makes the others egregious territory and ressource horders for one. And also they tend to be a lot of people because of it.
When these cockroaches then can't even stay in their own lane, because it's just as annoying if they flood so many they basically on path to take over another subraces territory. But then when they not even settle for that, they actively biologically debasing the other by mixing on purpose. that's taking it to an even more disgusting level.

But yes, all the screeching about minority majority is lost on you cause you stupid human beast who can't do math. It matters none that you call chinese american a minority in USA when they come from china and there's 1.4 billion chinese there and china just as big as USA.
That's also the issue with the indians, for similar reasons.
Literally stupid human beasts who is trying to ask stupid question of why it's not okay to practice invasive race warfare. Whilst all they spent their entire fucking life doing is claiming they are victims of race hate. Gaslighting scum, get chipped and tagged you stupid creature. You don't deserve sentience when you act dumber than a fucking biorobot. What is your purpose just run around breeding like cockroaches and try to eradicate anything else but you?

>why is war bad, why can't we do war, i'm not the problem you are, you are so anti war lol nazi bigot
fuck nazis they can all get fucked, i just can't find them cause they're made up, guess what's not, THIS SHIT.

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