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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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"based Poland"

Reality -
he will be cleaning her pipes later on
Just laugh in their face and say "Holy shit thats one ugly disgusting couple, and your kids are going to look so fucked up....then laugh and walk away." she will remember it for life
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here you go kike, i will give you better shit to spam
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Its funny when Poles think they won and came out on top because Germany lost WW2
Pajeets tend to be more passive, keep the peace. Had it been Tyrone with that white girl, that wild public /pol/tard wouldn't have said shit. And if he he did, vid would have ended with the BVLL sending Timmy's head bouncing against the hard floor.
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Next time it’s gonna be real, and we’re taking every circumcised fuck just to make sure.
All that did was make her pussy wet for her poor oppressed jeet bf.
IMWF is the future
have you seen germany and russia recently?
every polish whore gets her own threads on /pol/ because they are 10 times worse in reality
Poles are extremely stupid people who think they will escape their deal with the devil unscathed.
Shame them to hell, it's the only thing that works with these retarded bitches.
even pajeets are fucking polish women

lol,lmao even

based poland my ass
Polea got dumped on the soviets and stripped of historical territory. Looking at the desolation caused by WWII, I don't know who can it won, other than ending up on the "winning side".
Polish man on vacation here in America where have we gone wrong fellow Polish people?
Keylogger, do not click link.
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>ohh no poland you don't know what's coming you're so stupeeed
and probably American

man i thought losers only existed on the internet
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Die fucking pajeet!
They're not human. No way in hell do I deem them to be the same species as myself.
>only existed on the internet
everyone hates you, shitjeet. everyone. no exceptions.
poland was never "based" u dumb idiots put it inside your head
Nice skinny jeans faggot poo.
Same story in Canada, at least 50% of Eastern European women are dating men of colour.
This. There's no conspiracy, they're just repulsive people.
>trying to shame women
Doesn't work. Polish men need to disappear the pajeet and gang-rape the woman. Women don't behave unless they're forced to.
I am 100% certain that Indian Chad was way more handsome than the fat lard behind the camera. Cry harder. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA

White boi scared
>If words hurt my feelings then it's okay for me to "defend" myself with violence
Low IQ violent inbred retard.
It does when everyone does it.
better them then canadians that cry all the time on the internet about INVASION top kek
Post wrist
Go back, jeet.
Romanian women do the same
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migacucks taking their inability to breed to a new level now. they're flying to different countries to seethe at interracial couples. kek.
>"based Poland"
As someone who lived in the UK I saw this coming from a mile away. Slavs mix more than germanic euros
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That white Pol pussy of course is going to fuck the gigachad indian tech mogul.

Fucking losers.
Castrate yourselves.
>flying to different countries to insult and verbally attack interracial couples
Unbelievably based.
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it was really crazy see /pol/ be convinced for years that poland is some white heaven when everyone who lives here knows the women are the biggest xenophiliac racemixers
they thought the women will fuck only them because they're only xenophilic to americans lmao
nah, polish women just want to fuck whoever as long as they're as far away from polish genetic make up as possible

no one thinks that
this country is hell on earth, either get exterminated by germans or exterminated by german sent nigs
this whole piece of land is just Gods experiment on how much torture he can inflict on men born on it
Bull fucking shit. romanian women are more racist than myself..
>Unbelievably cringe*
Lmao no they arent
you never talked with them . I've encountered groups of 20-30 women in different institutions and they were all making racist jokes about jeets and chinks
GTFO of Britain, shitskin.
She's disgusting
impotent rage of a migacuck. get locked in your house again, cuck boi.
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Bible says to kill them for a reason.
Bet it's near Warsaw.
buy an ad
Sure thing kiddo lmao
I don't think the Polish think that they won WW2 considering they were occupied by the Soviet Union and lost half of their country
So if the black kept peace and didn't do anything. You yokels will be celebrating saying how blacks are all talk and don't do anything when you confront them. Nah I rather they get pissed and go straight to putting you on your ass.
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no one thinks that u retard
>first pole in the thread
>immediately deflect to germany and russia
Are you also a toilet cleaner ?

The only way to stop race mixing is for the government to do it. The free market sucks ass.
>Polish women simping for a Pajeet
Poles really act like desparate croats from shitholes 15 years ago. Yes boss free overtime yes.
You had cases here in the past women looking at some british norf fc scum as some nobility. Its still present with some women. I once saw a our guy try to pick up a girl and shit literally told him to fuck off. 2 min later she is smooching some french that looks like a paki and is a foot shorter. I couldt contain laughing in her face.
Slavic girls are the biggest nigger whores on the planet.
They usually go to the U.S or Canada to commit their whoredom.
i mentioned germany because he mentioned it earlier and i mentioned russia because russian propganda agencies are the reason every polish whore gets separate thread on /pol/ and usually multiple
cope mongrel
based polish women
fuck white bois make magatards mad

The only problem with this is if she wasn't fucking the Pajeet before she is now.
eva to the rescue at the end
our women are brever than canadian men
I used to watch Aryan Bacons omegle debates during coronavirus lockdown. Can someone explain what happened to him? He has gone silence on telegram for a longer while
Excellent. The same ideology shall be used against (You).
Fuggin' based
Gave them the ol' redpill
You can be sure it will cause problems in their "relationship" not soon down the road
Jeets get violent when angry and love to hit weaker creatures (ie women)
They sure are, they're notorious for their bravery, they will face the biggest bbc without fear of bruising or tearing
butthurt gypsy mad keep living in that shithole that is poorer than romania
Use a memeflag at least
Poland is literally where rest of the west was 10 years ago.
It's really sad seeing it played out the same way like it did here.
I thought that they had the advantage of learning from the mistakes that everybody else did, but clearly they have not.
It also funny enough always starts with women.
you're next in the meatgrinder poopek ur worthless kind is on par with niggerkranian subanimal species
two more weeks nigger and people from bulgaria are even below ukranians bulgaria is in the EU and it's still poor like ukraine
This man really kind of embarrased himself. He could have instead point and laugh at how disgusting their child will look. I don't fucking understand chuds
i make 10k a week i posted the receits on my general, i'd bukakke gangbang your entire bumfuck village and still have money left over, poopykeks
As for shitgarians i dont give 2 shits about any of them, for all i care if the entire eastern europe gets nuked that would be the best, but first i'd love to see polish faggots get ground to mince while niggers are banging the shit out of your sister and mother, the kikes are right, what use do they have of you worthless cannon fodder?
Ukroniggers are more worthless than albaboons, a damn shame they didnt genocide more of you just for fun.
Is it better scrubbing granny asses and toilets at home rather than the UK?
i can understand why westoids fell for this meme because nobody knew the consequences yet
but eastern eurotards are so retarded even with examples of the west they cant see the writings on the wall
its so tiresome living among these retards watching this unfold in real time
its so unbelievably over, its never been not over
how are you coping with being a visajeet?
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Why be surprised, all Slavic men are drug addicts and sadists.
>russian propganda agencies are the reason
Calm down mykola, or you'll get sent back.
keep living in fantasy low iq nigger i was talking about bulgaria as a whole but u small brain works too slow huh
Slavs are not white
Polish men would rather have their women worship BBC than allow Russia to win the war in Ukraine.
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uderz w stol a nozyce sie odezwa you dumb vpn mongrel
no one cares about soviet civil war
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the best quote i ever heard was a Swedish guy talking about migration in to Sweden and he said something like "there's a conspiracy to bring these people here with big money behind it and there's a power bigger and stronger than anything that exists in Sweden".

I always think of that quote. Is there any power in Poland stronger than the international Jews that can resist jewish schemes?
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that makes no sense. all the russian men dying in the tranches are being replaced by niggers and muslims....
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sad but true
if you beat up the jeet the whore gets the ick, its a simple formula
imagine when the final war happens between Russian gay niggers and american gay niggers. Whose niggers will win? can you imagine an international soccer match between Russia and America and the fans start fighting and they're all niggers and then once the players realize the game isn't going to happen and they're niggers too and they start fighting and as the riot continues the jerseys come off and its just a bunch of niggers fighting.
you have to explain these memes for people that aren't russian.
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It's over. Polska has fallen
*as they realize the match won't continue
>white women are exclusively breeding poos, Latinos, and blacks
When is the world going to finally collapse from such horrible dysgenics?
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Slavoid women have no shame but this could work for the rare non-slavic mudshark.
jews mixing up european DNA has been a part of their racial warfare for a hundred years. europeans are just too retarded to understand what is happening.
Yeah I'm scared of a 120 lbs poo manlet faggot shitskin turd worlder
Muzzraeli OP begging to be tarranted
because non polish company hosts interracial propaganda on non polish platform?

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