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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What're some countries I can immigrate to where no one is racist to me?
go back to india
The sun.
India great country. Beautiful weather, pretty ladies. India love indian men!
they should go to Russia and start an Islamic caliphate or something. Get out the west
you can go to india
your home country? you'll integrate in no time! wow it's amazing, go there!
India! It's going to be super power 2025
Still the USA obviously. Trump is pro Indian and he is certainly winning
i want to spread my seeds outsid eindia, stop being retarded and suggest me a country to spread my genes into fags
Literally nowhere. (besides a country with a population of 0)
spread your seed in Pakistan
Russia, or spread your seed into the dirt
Why the fuck would we do that?
We don't want your worthless fucking genes.
indian women love indian seed
Go to nordic countries and breed with blonde white girls, they love darker men.
Literally no race likes indians. Why are you thinking of immigrating somewhere?

into the fucking ganges retard, dont try to patronise us you fucking servant of the jews, fuck off home to where you belong with all the other scamming bastards and lowlifes
Israel sir
just don't be one of the weird indian faggots who stare at people like they forgot what they were doing and don't have any thoughts in their head
How about you spread your brains on your wall.
He should go 6 feet underground.
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No they don't.
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English girls love Indian BVLLS and there's nothing you can do about it.
Not Europe.
You have a free pass to go to Russia, go there.
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Only correct answer
I'd recommend going to Serbia. It's in Europe but they're brown so you won't feel out of place
India. It's like multiple countries
Sshhh I'm trying to convince him to stay in his shithole.
>Australia has work

Indians here are SHARING part time jobs that pay half of our legal minimum wage whilst living 30-40 to a three bedroom house that they pay 200% of the market rate for.

We have created a system of industrial scale slavery the likes of which has never been seen and that exists without anyone raising so much as an eyebrow.

If they weren't so fucking stinky it'd be fucking beautiful.
Mexico is pretty good. I have Indian family members that work in touristic areas and subsequently live there now and they tell me it’s better than the U.S.

Then again they are low tier wage slaves whereas I am a high tier wage slave (developer for Microsoft).
What are you stupid? That's one of the things they are fully aware of, why the hell do you think they keep their women as prisoners? The moment pajeetas get sexual liberation, pajeets go extinct in one generation.
Your best chance would be India, nobody likes curry
maybe go back to your own shithole country with the rest of the undesirables
I'll never understand why people with no attachment to soil don't just make enough money to buy a house in Mexico and live comfy
They really dont. You are the most undesirable men on the planet, the chinese are second thats how bad you are. And most of you have micro penis. You are not sexually intimidating at all.
What about staying in your country.
I'll be racist as shit to you but I have an empty trailer on my acreage that will probably be condemned the next time any sort of municipal official shows up but you can stay there with the other Indians for 500 dollars a month.

Don't fuckin bother me
Pay your shit on time
Don't shit in the field

I have contingencies in place if you get uppity. Do not get clever. Do not travel within the boundaries of town unless you are delivering doordash. If you break these rules there are consequences .
I must find my jeeta princess
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Take it back

Don't mess with india
Sri Lanka
How do we get rid of the indian curse
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Noo Pakistan will be racist do not Pakistan go to sweden
You let muzzrats to dilute their inbreded gene into your minor children tiny pussy but you retarded faggots cry when we try to do the same,your racist as fuck man.
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You don't have what it takes pussy

This is the CE India

We are dominants. We are powered.
I want to spread your ugly shitskin face across some concrete
Nigger. You freaks buy his jizz. That's how pathetic you are.
I got banned for insulting you shitskins. Why did gookmoot allow you shit eating subhumans to become mods?
The shear number of cartel killings I've seen makes me never want to go to South America let alone Mexico.
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This is you are messing with me.

Bich dog
Israel is great
Stop now no Pakistan that
Nice fantasy. In reality I would grab your pathetic low grip strength having faggot ass by your pencil neck and turn your shit back until it creaked like the scrawny little brown chicken you are.
Migrate on the sun, duh.
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You are coward bich look like a fag talk like fag India is better in war is better in cuisine

he said somewhere people WON'T be racist against him. spend two minutes in any Jeet circles and you'll see that they hate eachother more than anyone else does.
bro this is so fucking gay and massive cope. You didn't fight off the British violently you got your ass kicked by an absolute minority for hundreds of years until Ghandi and a bunch of liberals back home bitched and moaned for so long they just fucked off.

Fuck off midget dickhead, Most of the women here hate you, be lucky if a prostitute let you pay for it.
Silence pale pajeet and was unable to catch up with your word,explain again what were you saying?
>jeet mating ritual
get a room, faggots.
Holy fuck saved to make a future edit with my roosters.
Israel is importing 100,000,000 indian men to help bolster their population
lol staying the fuck in India was never even on the table, I hate you fucking jeets so much it's unreal
They love SMC(small muzzies cock) mainly your children's,kek
your genes should die with you.

Stupid fucking faggots, you cant even fight off tiny chinamen on your fucking borders, larping pricks as usual, only time you feel brave is when a whole village full of you rape some local woman, scumbags
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Jew jewing again.
Go to Israel, I mean look at these women! They need your powerful seed.
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What a little shit
I'm more and more convinced that nocturnal mass arson is the only solution to our problems
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Imagine being this fucking entitled
Fuckin jeets just think the world is their shopping mall

Yeah another fuck over by jews in charge like letting you self same cunts into the country but dont worry, well make you wish you'd never bothered to talk shit on the internet about here when we know what all you cunts are like in your own lands, Laugh motherfucker but you'd never do it in person I'd fucking gut you on the spot.
Someone is clearly going to India and teaching every person they meet that the west is a land of infinite free luxury.
Yeah, wonder (((who))) it could be
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Who ever could that be I wonder?
Tried India?
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I wonder (((who))) could it be now?
why is litterly every pajeet so fucking ugly and dysgenic? even their A list actors are ugly as sin only somalis take the ugly crown away from them
That's a muslim
Also be isn't ugly
Just because you lack testosterone to grow facial hair
>Religion changes your genetics
nigger your people are a billion ugly street shitting curryniggers religion doesnt change that by god even your hottest woman are like a 5 here
India is the best shit. But other Indians will be racist to you anyway
wanking a poo
go to the toilet
Indians are universally hated.
thanks for the bump x
You're welcome sir
There is a non zero chance you may be murdered by cartels. Especially if you are a foreigner that looks like he had some sort of wealth or valuable positions. But it's mostly WHERE in Mexico that matters most. Stay away from rural areas altogether and stay away from the wrong side of urban areas and you should be in as a foreigner in Mexico. Tourist traps are your best bet because the local governments take their safe reputations very seriously to protect all the the business flowing in.
Why do they never want to fix India?
Too shitty
What's wrong with staying in Bharat?
everyone in bharat is mean to me lately :<
i wouldn't mind if it were higher classes but it's lower classes being rude to me. civilised bureaucrats respect me
this. the Jeet only exists to serve outside of india, at least he can get other Jeet slaves there
Romania. Go bleach a gypsy Raj
bigger shithole than India, no offence to my mexibros

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