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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do they hate arabs but practice their religion?
because they think they're white, not arab
well they are genetically greek and etc. mostly
Because they are Greeks
Define white. I don't think any turk claims to be aryan or shit like that.
Maybe same type of thing why Irish use to fight with Italians and Jews??? Fuck knows or cares
Shitskins gonna shitskin and Muslims are tribal and hate eachother
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I was under impression that turk roaches polluted the Greek genepool.
Turks and Greeks are both swarthoids who argue with each other on who's browner than the other
Depends on where. Central Anatolia is severely mutted, Kurds are a different ethnic group altogether, West Turks however are mostly Greek. Many places in west turkey there is barely any Seljuk ancestry.

Even central Anatolia is only like 50 percent Seljuk. There is however significant native Anatolian even west.
White = North Western European
Because Islam is not exclusive to Arabs, it's for mankind.
why do you think we care?
>Prophet is an arab
>Mandatory prayers have to be in arabic. You are not allowed to say prayers in your own language.
>Arabic holy book
Prayers are not mandatory in Arabic, bring me a source which orders that.

Why are you so upset that it was revealed in Arabic? Does that mean Christianity is exclusive to Greeks? (Christians don't have much of what Jesus said in Aramaic and run around with fan fiction diddled by kikes)
By prayer I meant Salah
Yes I know what you mean. Bring me a source which makes it mandatory.
Low IQ + being invaded by child kidnapping and raping inbred retards.
Turks love serving arabs though. They shaped their entire country around serving arabs

They even switched to their time zone to saudi arabia time zone
the average turk below age 45 is secular/atheist and uses dating apps for casual sex.
>you have to visit mecca at least once if you can afford it
Wow you read the sheklstein census too? My turkish friends must be ghosts.
Most Islamic scholars of the Sunni sect of Islam says that it's wajib. Dunno about shia.
Sons of the White Wolf. Rise!
>practice their religion
My nigger, Turks drink themselves unconscious every weekend, young girls dress up as sexy anime characters and they develop racial theories about how they're Aryan and all other Muslims are animals.
Which scholar says that it's forbidden? What do they use as their reasoning? I think you've been lied to, or you've seen some turbo dawah guy on youtube.
Central anatolia and the kurds are pretty religious.
Ok I am actually surprised how I can't find a definitive source on this. But during my time in Turkey and later Saudi arabia. I asked some high ranking Imams and they all said the same thing.
What do you mean high ranking imams dude? There is no such thing, that's a man made concept. We don't have a system like Christianity.

Sure you get reputable scholars who make legal rulings on certain issues, but regarding this I can't think of any reason to make this ruling.

Maybe they didn't communicate it properly to you and used the 'you have to'. It's preferable because it's the language God revealed his words in, but you don't get brownie points if you do it. But that's not to say that your efforts would be in vain if you wanted to- I'm sure God would appreciate it, but not hold it against you if you don't.
I think it comes from how you have to recite the Quran during salah and since the Quran is in arabic you have to recite it in arabic. Also some meaning gets lost in translations.
I was wondering ops question as Well attaturk de moslemized the country, but erdogan seemed to be crypto anti attaturk with the muslim stuff
it is cope. they're greek, but do not want to be greeks so much they tried to be hipsters are began worshipping a gay paedophile. at heart they're orthodox. they're just so bent they cannot accept it.
It's the general concensus but it's not exactly punishable. Arabic is encouraged in the same way that Jew prayers are in Hebrew and Christian prayers, which should be in Aramaic or at least Greek, are in Latin because somebody set up shop in Rome after the edict of Milan
>We don't have a system like Christianity.
Caliphs - successors to the Prophet Muhammed, of which some Muslims believe there have been four, and some believe there has only been 1.
Grand Imam - considered by some Muslims as the highest authority in the Sunni branch.
Grand Mufti - the highest-ranked Islamic scholar on Islamic law.
Ayatollah - a high-ranking expert in Islamic law and theology in the Shia branch.
Grand Ayatollah - an Ayatollah who has reached the highest level of scholarly attainment, and is considered to be an expert in Islamic law in the Shia branch.
Turks are mongrel dogs who took leadership of Islam and therefore surpassed Arabs as the unwritten highest caste in Islam, but it is an Arabic religion first and foremost and they can never separate themselves from it. No doubt the inability to make the religion more Turkish causes a bit of discontent, and having once ruled all those Arabs, but no longer, probably accounts for most of the rest. If there's one thing worse than making a foreign religion the basis of your empire, it's losing that empire and retaining the religion.
out of interest was one of pighammed's follows which split the religion his 9 year old wife? older at the time of course, was it the sunny-d sect or the shite sect?
To make the jews seethe, simpel as
Oink oink, pigskin
mutt calling others dog
Everyone says you can't even understand the holy book unless you speak this Chinese level language. How tf is it not an Arab religion?? If I can't even understand or appreciate the holy book without knowing the fucking language
Flagless guy is pulling your leg. There is nothing wrong with praying in Arabic for non-Arabs. Muslims aren't racist supremacists. Prayer is performed like the Prophet instructed to be performed. It just so happens that he spoke Arabic.
can you answer the question? when i was in afghanistan i coated my bullets in pig fat like a lot of us to ensure you and your people do not go to your version of heaven.
A Caliph is a leader, that's a separate issue. As for Imams and Muftis yes but it's not like Christianity where they can juggle around and claim that the Holy Spirit is guiding them. They are humans and are fallible and can still be questioned. Ultimate supremacy in those particular sections is a man made thing. But this is going into a seperate conversation.
Too bad God doesn't care what a pigskin coats his shit. If anything it gets you deeper in hell, and there's always deeper in hell to go. Besides, you lost in Afghanistan before it was cool, so if you were there it means you're a real fucking tool
what about an emir, and was aisha or ali correct?
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Oink oink, pigskin. You enjoying Rajesh taking over? Almost like you're no master race or any shit
You can still understand the book to an extent in English, but there are levels to it. It's like reading Shakespeare in spanish, it doesn't give the same effect. It's better to get the opinions and interpretations of native speakers to understand deeper meanings or linguistic flexes. The fundamental values of being a Muslim does not require that though.
i am aware that there were some 'de-islamisation' campaigns in some villages, and what did you do? nothing. you sat there, you took it like good little girls. maybe like a nine year old who didn't want to marry an old man, but thats what you did. we left the shithole, because we didn't need it. god cares when a muslims body is desecrated, which is why we used pig fat. none of them died and got their virgins when we used pig fat. purgatory only, per the quran.
>little muhammed realising the 6 foot white man has fucked his pashtun wife so has to call him the absolute king of animals
>muhammed seethes, copes and puts down his prayer matt
>sudden grenade as it was meant to be a taliban hideout :O
Tldr. I'll chalk it up to the ramblings of a suicidal zogbot

Your shit is incoherent, you don't even know the first thing about what you're saying. That's why I believe you that you were a grunt. Bottom of the barrel
a lot of muslims hate arabs but still practice their religion. I wish they would wake up and leave islam
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Oink oink, pigskin
tl;dr: you are speaking to a man who mogged your people, who mogged your women, who witnessed actual destruction of the talibs. you have never picked up a weapon, have never shot at someome, and likely reside in bradford. try harder
Still tldr. Try to go out with a bang if you decide to an hero tho. It shouldn't matter to you anyway
bong posters are like foam in water. Ignore them.
Also muslims believe walis(chosen people of Allah) exist. There are multiple tombs of these walis where you go to pray in Turkey. Hācī Bektāş-ı Vālī is the one I visited. And If I remember correctly Ottomans had a royal position named sheikhulislam who gave fatwas and their fatwas were basically the 3rd strongest source after Quran and Sunnah. It might not be exactly like christianity but a hierarchy definitely exists.
i believe that the first guy that was executed by someone who isn't me, was named ahmad khadeja, what have you done for your faith except let me execute someone?
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Saudi Arabians are becoming more tolerant and even liberal with their society. What good is Islam if its epicenter becomes a pozzed freak show down the line? Rely on Southeast Asian chimp converts to be the vanguard of traditionalist Islam?
Unlike our Arab neighbors
We had almost 100 years of very strict laicite up until the coup attempt
As a result Even though we are technically Muslim as a nation we are substantially different social wise for the most part
At the end of the day your average paki or Arab doesn't like us they like Erdoğan for being the one who ''''reverted''''turkey to islam
>except let me execute someone?
Lol who the fuck are you, pissant? Don't flatter yourself, pigskin
oopsie let slip i've annihilated your people :O!
>Define white. I don't think any turk claims to be aryan or shit like that.
Speak for yourself, we Turks are Aryan, I stand with my Viking brothers.
Hell even our Islamic terms are borrowed from farsi not Arabic
Abdest instead of wyd
Oruç insted of sawm
Ezan instead of salah
they don't practice their relgion. who says they do????
keep seething you little piggie. we'll come for you, and as i am a bit older now and have moved on to drones, i will probably execute you through drone. oink oink mohammed, i am not done yet.
You are not to pray at tombs. Now you're generalising bringing in other sects.
Oink oink, pigskin. You gonna use a gun or a rope when you finally do it?
so if osama was buried in the desert he wouldn't be prayed for? come on bahfuck, you cannot be that stupid. more than half of your religion sit in the desert sucking camels off.
what kill you? likely neither. you'll attempt to attack a base, launch an RPG-7, get laughed at and then, like everyone who has ever done that, get clapped by a sharpshooter in a tower. if i could end your life i wouldn't, not straight away anyway. you'd need questioning for a bit, like most of your mosque.
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You don't pray to a dead guy like you Christian's do.
>what kill you? likely neither.
It's an Indian larping lmao. Learn English, Rajesh
why did we throw his body in to the sea then bosniak?
The sect stuff is insane imo. Which one is the real one? Even between the schools of the same sect there are differing opinions about very important stuff. Like how you aren't allowed to eat snails if you belong to the Hanafi school of the Sunni sect. You can go to hell for eating a snail in the Hanafi school but there is no problem if you belong to the other schools? Its like every sect is a different religion.
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Not sure if you're an Indian or drunk trailer trash, so here's something for both
sorry my bradfordian friend, but you lack comprehension of the language. 'what kill you', in standard US english/grammar which you will have been taught will be: 'what, kill you?'
Crabs not snails sorry.
>'what kill you', in standard US english/grammar which you will have been taught will be: 'what, kill you?'
Sorry Nigel, making up phrases in your head doesn't count as a definition. Are you a crosscuck by chance? Definitely a typical crosscuck move
You tell me if you really did. He was a CIA stooge to grant you a casus belli for invasion of Afghanistan. I believe he's still alive somewhere that your hiding him.
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also why would i hate islam if i was a poo? here is an image of hinpoos. i denounce the vedas.
Also, what day is it? I hope you're not in the middle of having a stroke right now. What kill you bro
You can't go to hell for eating a snail lol. All you need to know is that God is a fair judge and will judge you accordingly to your actions which means he is able to read your heart and mind. No man can truly tell another that he is going to hell, because, ultimately God is judge.
sorry what? that quite literally makes perfect sense. see >>472875286 'your'
ath-tu-la-tha, we can kill you on this day without you crying about it and blowing up a random civilian market
İt was wudu blame autocorrect
Also fun fact
We had a headscarf ban on schools until 2013
And military/police had a headscarf ban until 7/15 2016 coup attempt
No but if the thing you are doing is a sin then that sin -big or small- might be enough to tip the scales.
Turkey is in a weird spot where they are both nationalists and muslims at the same time. These ideologies clash with each other heavily.
mongoloid indian import incel
That nationalism is gonna increase further thanks to the refugee crisis and Erdoğan's fetish for keeping his brothers and sisters for votes
We could have in theory have something similar to the Greek pogroms of the 1955
Turks are historically treasonous ancient Greeks. It's not even a real country. It's Greece 2.0
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>my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turkroach yugoslave rapebaby immigrant invader and I MUST rape german children bestial and sadistically to death and I NEVER got caught with it. I let my victims eat my poop on public streets and much worse. I rape my victims, the children, over years. I destroy lives of my victims family and I even would never think bad about it, if I would. It is the exact opposite, I feel very strong for that and I like it. I also like homosexuality, and incest, if the others are the ones who suffering their whole life until death. I do also like to torture pets alive (or dead) and torturing them with a passion to death.

>my criminal turkroach "father" was also in prison for many many years, but he is a good goy and dindu nuffin, just like me! I've learned sooo much from him, masallah! my "mother" knows what I'am doing and is also proud of me, of a multiple child rapist and murderer of german children. she supports me, loves me and my money from the germans.

>all of my turkroach yugoslave friends are criminals aswell of course, and we go further; we wont stop it! ("say, how could you tell?") I'am a criminal millionaire and proud muslim because of all that and it's my business!

>we dont like niggers, gypsys or jews in our countries because we are the good guys. we are not like "those" subhumans.

pic related.
What would /pol/, you, do, if this "object" did this to your children multiple times ?

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