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>No one wants to work anymore
Obviously made by a woman. She’s not hiring people cause no one wants to work for a cunt
America is such a stupid scam. Every retard out there seems capable of scamming their way into a business loan or grant.
Life is a scam and always has been. Kikes brainwash you as a child to make you think that you'll win some great lottery just as long as you're a good goy slave. All of human history has been 99.9% of people living as slaves under a king.

Democracy was a fabricated lie that was allowed to continue in exchange for dead White men. The lie has been done away with now and we're back to being openly tortured slaves. There's no reason to live and there never has been. Pointing this out makes tradcucks seethe because they want to breed more slaves to make themselves look better than fat Disney adult redditors.

The fact is, all their lives are worthless. Yours is, mine is, 99,9% of lives are and that's regardless of race or sex. Cope and seethe if you want to but it won't change this reality.
what kind of deranged boomer wrote this? if I outperform the fucking owner then I need to be paid at least as much. and why the fuck should I work like two people when it's for fuck nothing? have any of these fuckers seen the sky-high prices lately?

god I hate boomers so much it's unreal
This has to be pre covid
You're not wrong.
mental illness
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Meanwhile one of the sandwiches they make costs $15 minimum.
If $9 is the starting pay and they are suggesting $12 an hour is someone who works at the rate of two people, then it should be $18 an hour.
Glow Op ( You just cant leave me be, huh? )
No I look like this according to an AI.
They want a fucking robot.
Glow Op ( Your friends wont save you, again )
It hasn't always been. Society worked once, but Jews cried slavery for having their own inner-society but with impositions from the larger society they lived in.
>Oh noooo they told me I can't peruse their library today because it's Festivus. This is slavery!
>We aren't even allowed to scam them here?! What treachery is this?!
>works like two people
>doesn't earn twice as much
Really makes you think.
How much do you want to fucking earn for making a coffee retard? Learn to weld, proggram or fucking record funny videos on internet to my amusement wagie. It is your fault that no employer want to fight for you as a worker
>works like 2 people
>only paid like 1.33 people

>cares like the owner
>outshines the owner
>profit sharing: $0
Sounds like they’re trying to rip off anyone that works for them and can fuck off.
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>$15/hr to bust my ass harder than 'the boss'
15 years ago, maybe. Even then it would be a massive stretch.
>literally: save me jannes!
There's also a trend with salary jobs moving to "contract for hire." The corpos claim they need to "make sure you're a good fit." Dude, it's a labor contract. Pay it or don't.
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Remove fakeroom
Remove glowcoon
Remove niggertroon
Instead of getting a job, you post these threads...
> should work like 2 people
> doesn't pay twice the wage
a what now?
This is fair wages for 1995.
When is this picture from?
that's what europeans are good at
>works like 2 people
>65% pay increase
>not 100%
why would anyone work twice as hard to gain only marginally more than half are they retarded?
>: save me jannes!
Nope. Gotta maintain the integrity of the board, plus your punching right which goes against one of Pat Buchanan's 10 commandments.

This is retarded shit and they clearly have no idea the value of good labour.


I'm a one man construction company. I sub out a lot of work to other competent contractors who either do the work themselves or have a small crew. Rough estimates right now are about $65-100CAD per hour, per person, also depending if they supply materials themselves or not. If I wanted to hire my own small crew, with a lead carpenter I can trust, I'm looking to be paying them $100-130,000 a year with benefits, PLUS profit sharing. There are so few competent people that you NEED to compensate them well or they will just fuck off to someone who will. A good worker, hell, more importantly, good supervisors, will make your business so much more money. Businesses here are too addicted to cheap foreign labour because it's all subsidized by the government. Boomers are delusional in this business as well. They're charging the most money and pay their guys the least, and then wonder why they get multiple callbacks, bad reviews, and then they get sued by someone years down the line. Fuck em.
Now a what?
>all kinds of excuses besides admitting to yourself that you're a lazy bitch
>b-b-b-but MUH working for scheckelstein
be your own boss then faggot, are you incapable of doing anything unless you're on a tight leash, whipped constantly by your superiors?
Do you seriously think that calling you a glowing is against the rules? I don't think you are, but no one is gonna ban someone for calling you one.
why would anyone work if it doesn't even cover their min cost of living?
>Do you seriously think that calling you a glowing is against the rules?
>trolling outside of /b/
Sorry kiddo, I don't make the rules.
>No one wants to work FOR SHITTY WAGES anymore
crazy that the owner only makes between 14-15 an hour
>the final form of the glownigger
Final form your way into banworld.
absolutely not, I am done working, no conditions, pause.
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founders of USA had the best intentions. These guys were regular people... farmers mainly.
>Work like 2 people for ~1.3x the pay!
Oh boy sign me up!
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I will never work
(this will cause a glownigger meltdown)
>you didn't build that
At least if the business goes under you can just find another job while the owner will be looking for a gun to put in their mouth.
No but it will cause an off-topic meltdown
That's the societal issue we are currently facing at the moment. Turns out, very few want to work full time only to still be in poverty
There will always be lazy blacks, I suppose
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here comes the glownigger meltdown
One ticket to banworld
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>waaaah save meeee censorship
*rapes you*
Save yourself, spud head.
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rape yourself, glownigger
Wrong answer.
>works like two people
>doesn't pay double

Wageslaves are scum that enable all the bullshit.
I wonder why they are hiring for all positions lmao.
I am not working ever again.
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>$9 to $12
>This is a 65% pay increase
These are the people who tell you that you're a dumb low iq mutt
>checks flag
This is where mutts come from
>outshining and outperforming the owner is worth $15
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another succesful rape
It's all the can afford. You know, labor costs. This was a big thing for anyone who has worked fast food.
Glow op
Another successful shitpost that don't deserve to be here and to be handled accordingly. Good shit. That's what the fuck I'm talking about!
Glow home to mommy.
always a good day to rape glowniggers
>min wage = mediocre person
jesus man even the boomers understood that you have to smile and sound nice when telling someone a harsh truth
is everyone under 50 an autistic retard who cannot into market?
>this nigga wants to rape some nigga
Damn congratulations Dale for coming out of the closet.
>%200 effort for %25 payraise
what did they mean by this?
glowniggers and jannies both
>works like two people
Then surely they should be paid like two people, right?

Sven is right. Fuck small business.
Damn you really let fictional characters live rent free in your head? This nigga got chris-chan syndrome.
I make 4 times as much money as anybody he's willing to hire. Fuck that shit
>Then surely they should be paid like two people, right?
No. Labor costs.
>noooo glowniggers don't exist!
glowniggers always try this shit, then get raped
Then don't expect people to work like two people.
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This dude really does cry the biggest bitch nigga tears.
lmfao based
This is a good, astute comment. Also OP's pic is old and recycled and irrelevant.
/pol will ignore this and extrapolate some completely idiotic bullshit hypothesis. Masonic aliens controlled by the jews is to blame, probably.
I make 105/hr and still feel poor
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glownig visitor
>Pointing this out makes tradcucks seethe because they want to breed more slaves to make themselves look better than fat Disney adult redditors.
>just go extinct bro
>gushing on /pol/
They don't. Seek help.

Why do you think I give the illusion of movement? Kids make more walking through the door. It's what I get working for an employer and not having a favored nation's clause.

I know. It's pretty funny.
Breakroom is a glowie sent here to demoralize young workers into accepting shit wages and shit conditions because “that’s just how it is”
>inb4 his “you can’t be demoralized on the internet” pasta
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>stealing your .gif
Would explain why people that fuck with him too much catch bans.
you glowniggers always try the same tactics, even though they never work, and then you get raped
Given your obsession I'm just gonna have to call you a glownigger because it's like I'm talking to a Pokémon that can only say one thing. Welcome: Glownigger.
>Life is a scam
>proceeds to describe society

Society is a scam fren. Other than the basic attribution error, based reality appreciater.
The owner paid for property/rent, equipment and build the business. You just make burgers
Yeah, jannies were on a tear over the weekend when some threads discussing his glowniggotry were getting nuked left and right. Dude always tattles to the mods whenever someone calls him out.
Lol I make $44/hr and I just sit here and shit post between Teams calls.
I asked you previously to name one actual reason why people should serve the zog in it's final days, and all you did was just spew meaningless gibberish endlessly, so you'll just get RAPED now glownigger
15$ dollars an hour to do a functional retarded job in a place where you can buy a 7600x for U$D 200.00.

Americans will only learn when it's too late....
>I asked you previously to name one actual reason why people should serve the zog in it's final days
Final days? What are you talking about? You got some intel most don't know about? Humor me, HunGLOWian nigger.
>Why do you think I give the illusion of movement? Kids make more walking through the door. It's what I get working for an employer and not having a favored nation's clause.
I have no clue what this means. I'm not doing the job of two people for shit pay. No one is, that's why they're putting out signs like this.
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the zogtrannies are losing every war, it's joever, so why should anyone swear loyalty to the zog as it's dying? especially when their servants, like you, won't even face you directly and tell you a single good reason for serving them? namecalling and shaming isn't gonna buy loyalty you know, you can only play this "if you don't die for israel then you're a loser!" game on reddit, but that's a glownigger circlejerk so it's pretty pointless
>my life sucks and has no meaning
>that means everyone else must be the same

I bet sub 80iq nigger that can't tell what it would be like if you hadn't had breakfast.
It means my pay doesn't go up when the new starting wage does. Kids didn't have to work nearly a quarter century to get to $17/hr like I have. It's kinda demoralizing but that's why I give off the illusion of movement.

>namecalling and shaming
Nigga that's all you and your cronies have been doing.
No. That's an Israeli intel asset. Just checked their posts on archives.
They're anti-fascist and pro Israel. They also havent said the word 'Palestine' once. Just reply with 'Free Palestine' to them if you want to annoy them.
>If you are competent enough to basically run the whole show for me, you get 15 dollars an hour

Fuck off, lol.
This sounds like an out of context chatbot response. Nothing of value. People wont work for these wages. These places go out of business.
Simple as.

Glow op
I got a full-time summer job as a groundskeeper at a university in between high school and college and it paid $5.65 an hour. That was twenty years ago. I made close to 3k over the course of 3.5 months. Anyway, I tell you this because that hardly staved off taking out loans once at university, and I had a full-ride (tuition, fees, books, supplies, room and board). I cannot imagine being a young zoomie graduating high school or being in between college semesters looking for work. Summer wages now probably would not pay for books and supplies at college for two-semesters, let alone one. Forget all the incidental stuff
>This sounds like an out of context chatbot response.
Oh great now we're using Facebook talking points now.

Is this considered as a work-study?
everyone just hates you glowniggers man, your propaganda sucks, it's lame and cringe, it's pathetic that you retards think you can get us to die for israel with this garbage, you want to get us to side with the zog? engage us directly then, tell us what benefit do we actually get from serving the zog, this reddit tier lame ass indirect forced peer pressure and censorship bullshit just gets you laughed off the website
surfs lived better lives and they had zero political agency, makes you think, or it would if you gave a fuck about anything instead of acquiescing to becoming a meaningless statistic
>Delusional small business owner politely warns any prospective job applicant that working for them isn't going to be worth it

Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25

The economy sucks so bad that even $15 an hour, 40 hours a week isn't a living wage.

The labor market is such that even a semi-crippled retard with a criminal record, no skills or experience and a visable drug problem has his or her choice of $15 jobs with benefits that are significantly easier than working for a delusional small business owner.

You might luck out and hire a decent person at $15 hr but you won't keep them long. And if you are paying less than $15, good luck hiring anyone.
>still making shit up
Bye-bye apple pie!
You don't really have a talking point that makes any sense. People aren't going to work twice as hard and do the jobs of two people for shit pay. Those business is desperate to hire people, and it will go out of business. Good riddance.

Fuck Israel and Free Palestine btw.
I was also work-study, which is a great way to get experience in higher education if you wanna go student affairs or higher ed. administration. The summer job? It was a student job, but not work-study eligible. That basically means if you were rated as work-study, you would not get preferentially hired for it. With work-study, I got to work in financial aid, admissions, the library, etc.

Unrelated, but your options in college are to focus on prestige and credential and minimizing debt as much as possible, or you can focus on networking and socializing. The latter really matters at flagship state universities, liberal arts colleges, or Ivy League schools. Networking at Ball State and Nova Southeastern really don't matter.
>more gibberish
as expected from a glownigger
$15 to do my job for me
Yeah no, pass.
>Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25
Yes, but no place is paying this. The market decided during covid to raise wages. No government mandate was necessary.
Why should I work when the money is worth nothing? I was working as a night security guard so that I could finish college and making 40k. Once I graduated I got a "real" job that paid exactly double that - 80k. But I've now gone back to night security because I can stay up all night and shitpost on 4chan or play vidya. My 80k job was in healthcare and it was extremely busy and I worked 50-60 hrs/week and it was very stressful. Why go through all that to earn 80k? I can't do anything with 80k.
With 40k, I can rent a really cheap room in a house in the suburbs and bike to my night guard job also in the suburbs. There's a massive grocery store that's a 10 min walk away or a 5 min bike ride. I have everything I need. I can save money, too.

80k? Well, what changes? Could I afford to rent my own apartment? Sort of, but I'd have no ability to save anything if I did. Can I afford to buy property? Lol no. Can I afford a car? Yeah, and I needed a car to do the job. Having a car was kinda cool but working a stressful job just to afford a car that I need to do the job is retarded. Money is fucking worthless now. Why work? If a job paid something like 250k, okay, I can see working my ass off for that, because that's enough to actually buy a home and live middle class. But nothing pays that much.
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>You don't really have a talking point that makes any sense.
>Those business is desperate to hire people, and it will go out of business.
Habe you ever run a business or is this all theory?

>you can focus on networking and socializing
That's worth more than the degree. Man, I wish I had a large network on LinkedIn. Only nigga I got to vouch for me is a manager I had a decade ago that was the only one in nearly 25 years to see the value of my work.
Sorry. I'm 110% heterosexual. I know most zoomers are bisexual and I feel bad for yall. I can cure you (for a price).
>Habe you ever run a business or is this all theory?
Considering the downfall of high streets and the skyrocketing number of bankruptices and closures, I guess they don't know how to run one either.

Fuck Israel and Free Palestine btw. From the river to the sea, do you agree?
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>surfs lived better lives and they had zero political agency, makes you think, or it would if you gave a fuck about anything instead of acquiescing to becoming a meaningless statistic
we were all lied to
if it were 1400 I would still be fucking a big breasted woman, AND EVERYTHING WOULD BE SO MUCH PRETTIER
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How long ago was that sign made
>Fuck Israel and Free Palestine btw. From the river to the sea, do you agree?
Sure. Israel has been bulldozing Palestinians for decades. I'm all for a bit of comeuppance.

Is that cat real?
Serfs didn't have 0 political agency. They had a lot of control over their local politics. Village-level government was handled entirely by surfs.
It's a glowpussy.
At least 2 years ago.
>outperforms the owner

Lmao even.
I agree. Actually the best is really doing whatever you want. Society is a spook.
>laughs in $55/hr
On the whole, yes, socializing and networking are worth more, but it's all about location, really. It helps everywhere, but exponentially more at schools that are household names (Harvard, Yale, MIT); prestigious liberal arts colleges (Swarthmore, Oberlin, Bowdoin); flagship state schools (Michigan, Ohio State, UCLA). Even the degenerate students at top flight universities and colleges are related to someone important.

I think if someone is introverted or neurodivergent or disabled, etc. they might be better served by performance.
The owner didn't pay for shit. Either the bank paid it through a loan or he received it as inheritance.
But yeah, "we live in a society" where people with capital can use it to explore other people without it.
Holy shit how's six figure land?

>I think if someone is introverted or neurodivergent or disabled, etc. they might be better served by performance.
Can yoy give an example by "performance"? Like a trade?
sounds like you are a petista fucker
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>First position is 9 dollars an hour
>12 dollars works like two people

It should be 18 dollars
The only way I work for that low of money is if I also get lots of time off. I had a job like that once and was very relaxing.
You don't need to be a leftist to point out reality.
And actually I have a total neutral opinion about that, mostly because I cannot conceive a complex, modern human society working without this legal slavery system being implanted.
Glow Op
Entry level job you need to do work of two people never call in sick just get 15 dollars per hour fuck off
I meant more along the lines of grades, quality recommendations/references, building a portfolio, workmanship, etc. Some people won't be served by networking--location, social circle, major, obstacles to networking--so a different approach ought to be taken. College can and will benefit most, but the amount that it benefits is pretty debatable.
I once got a farm job in the US that paid the literal minimum wage, but I was living in the farm so I had zero utilities and rent costs.
It was fine for a young latino monkey but now it seems complete slavery.
Why don't you get a loan and have a business of your own wagie
Because no bank gives money to literal who's without collateral. All the system is flawed to just help people that doesn't need help.
15$ to be a better worker then the rich owner
>if you want a living wage you have to "outperform" me
>what does outperform mean?
>do everything I normally do so I don't have to
>then you can have a living wage
$15 isn't even a living wage anymore. I made more at Home Depot.
>brings zero drama

so no women or gay men unfortunatley
All that for 15 bucks an hour.

Laughin, no fuckin chance, youre a joke if you think this is just fine. If im working harder than the owner then why dont I own it instead? Fuck that jew nerd. Fuck your cringe business too.

this boss that made this shit up screams mental illniss. even if she paid me 50 bucks per hour i would say fuck off and stay the fuck away from that shit.
That's my point, this business owner is failing at basic capitalism

The law might say $7.25, but the market minimum wage is at $15+
Most places did not have sewers, make of that what you will
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Boomers control most of the wealth, but are also aggressively stupid because of childhood lead poisoning. It's a bad combination, especially since they're starting to retire en masse and turn to brainrot social media to occupy their time.
The chinese reads "You need this" btw.
Holy shit. Those are shockingly low wages. I make around $30/hr and there are still some months where it's cut sooooo close. How do people live off this?
Thanks Chiang. Japs use Chink heiroglyphs, too, but the meaning is often slightly skewed.
>Works like two people
>Gets paid 16% more than one
You cheap fuck
I am free to not work for people like this. Therefore, I do not work.
>does more work than the owner
This is why "people don't want to work anymore". This is retarded. If I worked harder than the owner, you wouldn't want me around your business and I wouldn't want to not run my own anymore.
They just want people to do what they say. They can't give those people what they want, though. All they can give them is "do the things I want you to and don't question me or say any words after I give you instructions other than some generic agreement".
People like this do not want employees. They just want slaves.
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>Outperform the owner
>$15 an hour
Why are boomers so bad at economics?
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mimial wage = minimal work
be glad I even work in your shitty job,
or hire a nigger who will rape you
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how do I get one of those bullshit jobs, created by fake money? Apparently it's 40% of the economy.
>how do I get one of those bullshit jobs, created by fake money?
Well, are you a nigger, faggot, woman, spic, or tranny? That's usually a good start if you are.
Find a government job. Don't list your race as white.
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nah bro I don't have those starting traits. I don't busting my ass anymore, making bullshit wage. I'm getting older and I fucking can't take it anymore.
nuke israel

And if you want to work, people around you will sabotage you and make your life more difficult.

Sad, but true.
Bye-bye ;)
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Retail jobs barely exist anymore, and the ones that are actual real work have lines in the hundreds because of an upped minimum wage. Picrel is the best Target can do, where you supervisor is a phone app that implies you'll be waiting months for a shift, as you're now one of 200 other on-demand retards doing the stuff full/part-time employees aren't doing, or don't get the hours to do
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I can tell that a woman made this. We need to remove women from management positions. They have never done a day of real work in their lives.

Fake sign. The company pretends it's "desperately trying to hire people" while ignoring all the applications in order to justify high prices they charge the public.
>$15/hr is a lot of money
lol k why would anyone work for this shit pay?
>No one wants to work anymore
Nobody wants to be a slave and work toward their own enslavement.
Imagine working your ass all day doing bullshit and only making $100 in 2024 monopoly money
lol lmao even
>1 person is worth 11$ an hour
>"works like 2 people" is worth 12$ an hour
no wonder no one wants to work anymore.
Glow Op
>be woman
>wear face mask
>record opening legs
>money for the entire month
Work is for losers like me
Bye-bye ;)
It's better than $0
$1 more
btw minimum wage is $15 in some states.
Kike city USA
>works like 2 people
>get paid wage of 1.3 people
honorable character isn't something anyone should discard.
the regimes will change, the jews will ascend and descend, corruption will rise and fall with them.
don't let the world change your sense of honor.
we're lucky to be at the end of the jewing season. this is a once in a thousand years mass reduction of jews event.
that being said, being aware that they own this world, there's no subversion of their system that isn't honorable. lying to get a 200k/year job with a company you would gladly destroy from the inside?
that's a no brainer. you're at war and they already set the tone of this being a war of infiltration and subversion.
have fun. don't get caught.
Typical boomer greed. My dad's a boomer and has a lot of wealth. He made it very clear that none of it will come my way after he dies.
>being a slave that supports the slave system is better than trying to find alternative means to live
>we're lucky to be at the end of the jewing season. this is a once in a thousand years mass reduction of jews event.

checked. Knowing my luck I'll die the day before it starts.
>find alternative means
They get patched too easily.
>muh slavery
Lemme guess: you consider your momma begging you to take out the trash as "slavery"?
Bye-bye ;)
>Lemme guess: you consider your momma begging you to take out the trash as "slavery"?
das rite
the human condition is nothing but an endless life of work work work
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>Works like 2 people+ Zero Drama = 33% increase

At least in America people have been doing cult stuff since before America was a thing. As long as you're letting people leave, and not diddling kids you're basically good.
$15 an hour to do as much work as the boss. No.
$15/hr after spending months jumping through dozens of hoops? You get that your first day working at a fast-food restaurant. That's starting wage at Wendy's in Podunkville.
Your life itself being worthless and living in a worthless jew existence are 2 different fucking things, asshole.
Of course. Can't miss free time if it doesn't go away.

>At least in America people have been doing cult stuff since before America was a thing
Of course. G.W. was a notable freemason.
No revolutions happen ever, unless they have the backing of some of the aristocracy and educated upper class.
>owner says he's worth less than $15/hour
Hubris confirmed... written by owner.
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Fucking trannyroom trying to get others to be as pathetic as he is.

You and this faggot >>472868785 should both fucking hang yourselves.
>work for yourself
Yeah I'd love the infinite starting capital. Besides, the product I sell ain't gonna move itself.
What does your life mean existentially to the cosmos?
Fucking l m a o if you really believe that.
It's because you live like a child. You spend all of your money on worthless plastic kids toys. Instead of investing in something for your future.

You're a sad sack of shit, and that would be ok if you didn't advocate for others being as pathetic as yourself. You're the crab in the bottom of the bucket pulling others down, and it would be better for everyone if you died somehow.

All I'm saying is you should take kys into consideration. I believe it to be a wise fiscal and personal option for you.
Go back to whatever subr*ddit you crawled out of, faggot.
>You spend all of your money on worthless plastic kids toys. Instead of investing in something for your future.
I gotta save up for dental work in all honesty.

>You're a sad sack of shit, and that would be ok if you didn't advocate for others being as pathetic as yourself. You're the crab in the bottom of the bucket pulling others down, and it would be better for everyone if you died somehow.
Oh no. I want everyone to do well. Don't be like me!
>All I'm saying is you should take kys into consideration. I believe it to be a wise fiscal and personal option for you.
Can't do it. I'm too important here in tryna keep you kids outta trouble. Mods: cook this nigga for 3 months.
Ive applied for hundreds of jobs and not even gotten an interview. I finished school with decent grades, so I went back to uni.
Particular discipline?
$15/hour puts you near the top 1% in the world. Are you saying that you shouldn't be expected to work very hard to be a 1%er?
Outperforms owner makes less ahahahhaahha

Women suck at business they sound cunty before even starting
>I want everyone to do well. Don't be like me!
Then why do you constantly tell young anons to be wagies?
>9 an hour hiring
What year was this taken in? min wage is pretty much 15-18$
I was applying for bottom tier mcjobs, just not food warehouses because I cant handle the constant freezing temperatures for like 8-10. My degree is in Political Science.
I'd love to have a first world wage with a third world shithole CoL, can't have that tho.
>Outperforms owner makes less
That's most businesses, anon. I was drinking all night and playing guitar while my employees were working their asses off. That's how it goes. That's why you should work for yourself.
No wonder there are so many open positions.
>Then why do you constantly tell young anons to be wagies?
I do? If they can get a better, low/lesser-stress job that isn't walmart. They exist, I hear. Summer vacation can't last forever outside or criminals, welfare recipients, and the born wealthy.

It's not like I'm not looking for other work. I'm sure I could find another job but it needs to be the right wage (>$20/hr), right ammount of weekly hours (>40) and most importantly: the right distance (<10 minutes from my residence). I just turned down a job at a dealership paying $12/hr and was an hour away. I blocked on sight!

>My degree is in Political Science.
Did you do any intern type shit? They don't have any career services or cliques you joined throughout your journey? Your situation is something I legitimately fear. You put in some work only to try to get something the average joe can't get and have to start at the bottom with the (well...) average Joe. Crazy stuff. Get that bag!

I do. I don't know why it made me a kpop boy, but I'll take it. Makes me look like 30 years younger.
Wow if I put in an extreme amount of effort to get a stingey Jew to actually notice I might make a whole extra $8 per shift.
Kids make more on roblox kek
>Summer vacation can't last forever outside or criminals, welfare recipients, and the born wealthy.
Yes it can, if you get off your fucking ass and make something yourself. Instead of being a brain dead npc who has to have a boss telling him what to do to create value. And, stop fucking lying. You are always here suggesting anons become wagie slaves to the system.

As usual with our conversation, fuck you for being a retarded wagie, and double fuck you for suggesting it to other anons here. If they don't find something of their own to do, they will end up like you.

To all the young anons here, don't be like this trannyroom. Go make something of your life. It's the only life you get, so do something with it besides being a brain dead wagie retard.
Most of these kids are skillless and living in the projects. I just hope they do well during the upcoming Greatest Depression.
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>work harder than owner
>get paid $300 less per hour
4 hour days
Outshines all the other homeless in the parking lot outside the business
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Proud to say that in my 52 years, I never had a woman for a boss. I'll be retiring comfortably in 2 1/2 years. I could never have worked for some slash and kept my dignity.
then idk maybe your country shouldn't support mass immigration and globalism? Because this is what the inevitable result is.
You some sort of mechanic?
>implying anyone wants broke ass niggas coming in
I don't want to vouch for martial law but it's the only way to get them out.
>so I went back to uni.
so you wasted your entire time in school not doing internships or making connections to line up a career after graduation? what kind of retard are you?
>My degree is in Political Science.
ok makes sense then.
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That's why I'm suggesting they figure out something on their own instead of depending on a "boss." The days of being a retard wagie, having the luxury of being told what to do, are coming to an end. The jobs are all going to shit. If young anons want a good life they're going to have to build it themselves.

We have too many worker drones, and not enough people thinking for themselves.

Work for yourself.
so the owner only makes 14.50 an hour right?

>$9 per hr 1 person no experience
>$12 per hr has experience and works like 2 people

LOL fuck right off
Internships werent something that was really talked about, nor are they avaliable locally as I dont live in a major city. I suppose I should have, but it shouldnt make much of a difference when applying for bottom-tier jobs.
No, I may try that.
>Works like 2 people
>Not double pay
>glowop faggot reports everyone who teases him
>nobody gets banned
that sounds jewish in multiple levels

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