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How are normies coping with being priced out of life? I saw some 60 year old boomer yelling at a teenager because the price of something doubled like it was her fault and she looked fucking dead inside I think she was still in high school. How are people coping with this hell world?
Bread 1 dollar
Mozzarella 1 dollar
Tomato under 1 dollar

Sometimes you have to keep it basic
Carrot 30 cents
Broccoli 1 dollar

Steam veg together

Use water for tea

Once you become resourceful
More abundance comes to you

We live in a simulation
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going to stores sucks in 2024. everyone is so old and the employees all seem dead inside and they are horrible at their jobs.
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I’m happy for them, normies must suffer, especially burgermutts
>Mozzarella 1 dollar
How nice for you, but cheese isn't that cheap here
>be me working at walmart in 2014
>go to walmart in 2024 and there's still people I worked with in 2014 working there now

Idk how they do it
I don't know if I am wrong but it seems like there is a big surge in grocery prices again like in the past two weeks
wasnt it revealed honey nut cheerios has like a dozen carcinogens in it?
I cope by being in nature and spreading awareness. If 10% of population thinks like me boomers are fucked. Grow your own food or store food and water. Be prepared to aid the systems destruction once they hit a small bump.
only in California
Save up
Not enough good jobs for everyone.
listen here Jack, we've got the lowest unemployment in American history
I ran into this faggot at some popular taco joint here in Utah a few months ago
go away faggot
Yeah and hepatitis bee
Get paid shit wages expect shit work. And as someone that works food/retail, we're getting god damn tired of dealing with the average muttoid that shambled into the store.
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>"I need a good job!"
No amount of money is worth the bullshit
he very well behaved at taco joints... unlike SOME PEOPLE
Can't. Too important.

I guess we've always been at war with east Asia or nah?
It's worth it to not be homeless, hungry, and addicted to fentanyl.
Mozzarella is 0.60 cent

How much there?
idc maybe there will be a maoist revolution in 10 maybe 15 years?
Boomers and Covidiots that whine about inflation need to kill themselves.
is it? it's 2-3 bucks here for a bag. 5 bucks for decent quality.

2 dollars, three days of mozzarella
They aren't coping. Everyone is burned out, stressed. Wandering around in a daze struggling to make ends meet.
This nigger eating beans.
Yeah for grated mozzarella

2 dollars

A ball of mozz is 0.60 here
Your work was shit before and now after forced wage increases its somehow even more shit AND you expect tips on top of it
You want me to show you three days dinner under 10 dollars?
Tin of beans under 1 dollar

Does 2 days
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The world outside is hell.

Rent in my area starts at $1600 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment. My aunt lives in one with 4 other people and they have a mattress in the "living room." I just spent $200 for the equivalent of two and a half weeks of groceries. My morning breakfast sandwich and coffee cost me $20. I have to pay $300 tomorrow for my phone bill + car insurance.

Everyone I see outside is some type of mixed race mutt. Today at target I saw a 6'5 mixed brown goblin ginger (with light eyes and an afro) walking around. Every other kid is mixed race mystery meat. All the women under 40 (and some over) dress like whores, even the kids. I saw a 7 year old wearing crop tops and a yoga pants.

Can someone tell me why I should show up to an interview for a second job on Monday?
>Today at target I saw a 6'5 mixed brown goblin ginger (with light eyes and an afro) walking around.

I hate these things.
Great value tin tomato


1.06 dollar

So two dollars so far
Livin' fast and eatin' ass hbu.

Inion 86 cents

So far under 3 dollars two days

That 1.50 dollars per day
Wow, a whole 73 calories! Wowza! All my depression is cured!
>It's worth it to not be homeless, hungry, and addicted to fentanyl.
No it isn't. it's impossible to go hungry in this country and fent is a fucking dumb choice so they get what they fucking deserve.
t. Used to be homeless.
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Inflation is fucking insane over here.
Shopping for a bunch of miscellaneous items that would have cost me 25 EUR in 2020 now costs 40 EUR or more.
Rent in Sofia is now the same or higher as non-capital cities in western Europe lmao.

I'm working on my skills so I can shift career paths and hopefully work from home, I'll move back in with my parents and save a lot of money that way.
In the long term I'll probably move to a village in Italy since it'll unironically be cheaper than trying to buy property here.
This is exactly what Portland, OR looks like.
This luminous hell wants to kill both Body and Spirit, but neither will die here, for I will live forever with my God Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ is God.
God has only the name Jesus Christ.
There is no God but God Jesus Christ.
And God has no other name but Jesus Christ.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I love only you God Jesus Christ.
>it's impossible to go hungry
I'm not too fond of FEMAburgers.
>and hopefully work from home
Doing what? I hope it's not coding because you're gonna be sending THOUSANDS of applications
$3 for that weight in block, add .50 shredded. I'm not complaining, just stating. I eat cheese nearly daily
If this actually happened why make a pasta about it?
Every time you post it you have been to Target and seen the same muttoid there?
We force vaxx the boomers until they go into their forever boxes. There all our problems are solved and housing is affordable again.
Don't you work at a store? The shit that comes off the shelf goes into the dumpster.
Your attitude isn’t great

Do you appreciate what you have?

You can have more but you have to start somewhere

And 3 bucks for two days is better than 5 bucks frozen pizza?
You went and paid $20 for coffee and a sandwich. It's your own fault. Also, stop paying car insurance.

lol my phone bill is $20 a month. Imagine paying $300 for that shit
Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves
>complain about how expensive everything is
>attack women for being on OnlyFans
>secretly jealous nobody wants to see your tiny peepee or else you'd be on OnlyFans, too

that's most of /pol/
I lost a job one time in my late teens for beating the crap out of some boomer that did this.
> Boomer Bitching about prices I have no control over
>I’m sorry anon I have no control over prices
>I get the same thing for x price where I’m from
>well I suggest going back to where you’re from
>boomer calls me a smart ass
>throw my arms up like what do you want me to do?
>Boomer takes a swing at me
>beat boomer into a bloody mess
>get fired
>boomer on camera taking the first swing
>no assault charges

Boomer outweighed me by like 100lbs must’ve been embarrassing for a 50yr old dad bob boomer to get his shit kicked in by a 18 yo
>Can someone tell me why I should show up to an interview for a second job on Monday?
Because you already made half the fucking effort.
Why don't you just get roommates anon? Then you can split bills on essential services
>Don't you work at a store?
Yeah. Been at my store for nearly a quarter century.
>The shit that comes off the shelf goes into the dumpster.
Only if the power goes out for x ammount of hours.
This is too good advice that is never taken. Maybe get a gf?
>Bread 1 dollar
>Mozzarella 1 dollar
Gauda 45% 1Kg -15€
>Tomato under 1 dollar
1Kg -1€
Trust me, getting a dairy cow sometimes comes to mind.
I know you think your smart with your gottem routine but it's not altogether unheard of to pay 200/month for automobile insurance and another 100 for cell service with one of the big carriers. I have a ten year old car and I still pay about 110 per month, and my wireless bill is 29$. I am pretty thrifty by nature though, whereas most people seek out "quality". Don't be so disingenuous.
Ends meat. It's the stump of meat at the end of the ham that the butcher cannot slice. It's meat but cheaper than the rest. Don't take things for granite.
Check this

1.86 block cheese

Didn't you guys buy bitcoin? Before I started to dip I told myself I would only live a sort of lower-middle class lifestyle and record all my spending, sometimes I spend more than I should on quality food and alcohol but that's it.

I am renting a house with a garden until house prices drop for £900 a month, which they ought to at some point. I spend maybe £300 on food a month tops plus maybe £100 bob on utilities, amortized my car and its fuel and maintenance comes to about £250 a month. So £1550 a month or £18600 a year. If I can get my gf to move in and pay half the rent and house bills that drops to £12600. I have 6 bitcoin coming to £300k at current prices, so I am set up for the next 15 years even if the value only increases with inflation. I don't want to sit and wait for it to run out of course, I intend to invest it and work. I feel relaxed about this because I have "fuck you" money. I never thought I'd have this much money, life is sweet when you are rich, even though I am not even a millionaire.


In fact I'm going to get up and do something right now.
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No, I've got a degree in marketing and that's the field I'm working in right now.
I manage the online presence for a small local company, i.e. the content on their website, social media, ads etc.
Initially I started to do some graphic design work out of necessity since they didn't have the budget for a dedicated graphic designer, but I've been teaching myself graphic design and video editing in the past couple of years.
I'm proud to say that I've never put a single nigger or faggot in any of the ads I've created, even if I have to go out of my way to look for normal white people in Adobe Stock.
Somehow I doubt you manage to have such a well-tuned supply management system that waste doesn't happen. You'd be better off telling me it goes into a compactor, because I bet for you it does. You know where that type of thing DOESN'T happen? Dollar General. Same garbage jsut older
If you eat meat

Can’t you get a small piece of skirt steak for under 2 dollars?
Fuck you.

I pay £6 for unlimited phone calls and text 2gb data

Non contractual deal
Per month
Home insurance last year: 1.409€
This year: 1.729€

Same plan, nothing changed...
I laugh at them since I own my house, own my car, have no debt, make 1500 a week, have 2BTC (bought when it was 16k) and 250k in gold. I live comfortably and can quit my job at anytime and live like a NEET on passive income.
And then everyone clapped
блaгoдapя ти
Good shit! This is what the fuck I'm talking about!
In California, those items would all be $10.
>Can’t you get a small piece of skirt steak for under 2 dollars?
The long and short of it is it's all a matter of my location. i COULD, but I'd have to make a 45 minute drive.
Like I said, I'm not complaining, my CoL problems are a condition of my remote location. Worth it to me, that's for sure.
>be highflying, work hard play hard type of boomer, life is great
>pay into pension fund for 45 years
>retire at 65 and now have to live on just £2,000 a month from pension fund, cant afford to have fun any more
>the cost of everything quadruples and you now have to live on essentially £500, can barely afford to eat anything but raw noodles and bread
>10 years go by and inflation is still inflating and its worth only essentially £50
>be 75 and have to get a job again
>"welcome to good burger, home of the good burger, may i take your order?"
what is the point in pensions? it seems the concept never existed until federal reserve banks came into existence.
Having a car is debt because you have a contract of insurance and other stuff

With petrol costs

And depreciation asset
And? I have unlimited. I use it. But I don't buy into phone upgrades and streaming at whatever rate and all the rest of this shit that I'll never use. Most people don't see the world this way.

Most people want status.
Having a dollar is debt. What is your point? Do people not have a need for tools?
The acquisition and consumption of materials goods is not the purpose of this life.
I have an iphone 7

I don’t have a contract is my point. So it doesn’t incur debt if I don’t pay the rolling fee

Having debt is spiritually not good for me
>And? I have unlimited. I use it. But I don't buy into phone upgrades and streaming at whatever rate and all the rest of this shit that I'll never use. Most people don't see the world this way.
>Most people want status.
Most vocal instragram normies certainly want status, and cannot comprehend those of us who just want to be left alone.
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Mepcи, бpaтлe.
I don't ever use the humans of flat art style either (the ugly globohomo art that you see on Facebook or YouTube).
If I use vector art I'll change the skin colour of any browns to white lmao.
You gave a cobteact?

Which means there is stress

For example
To terminate the contract incurs debt
Also if you can’t pay one month it incurs debt


However I have a rolling deal which has no strings
Sucks to live in a shithole. 10 dollars/month for cell service here. Less than 200 per year for car insurance, unless you're a zoomer or have a really big engine.
Rolling deal means you gave your name and your financial information to a company in trust. Why wouldn't you buy sim cards and abandon them at the end of the minutes?

We can all purity spiral here. No one's entirely innocent. I don't have a contract, as I do what you do. But I don't think you're so concerned with how free others remain so long as you get to say you one upped them with your oh so crude shopping.
I live in The Great Satan. Big surprise. Polish have it better than we do in this regard.
Boomers love yelling at wagies for some reason. I witness it basically half the time I go shopping for anything.
I don’t want any contract which to terminate makes a super wealthy corporate organisation money at my expense

Just to terminate the contract

It seems crazy
I bet there are qquite a few boomer fucks saying life wqs better under communism at this point given those cucked circumstances
I myself am functionally homeless, i work in oilfield and away from home 24 days sttaight for 12 hour shifts, camp work shelters and feeds me and for days ofd im just going to buy a $100/month storage locker for all the camp gear and non essentials and either motorcycle camping for summer times or get a camper truck soon
This economy forces debt slavery i hate it so much, reqdy to just check out and take my chances as an outlaw ffs but the Power of Christ Compels me not to be a criminal most days i fantasize actualizing throwing everything away, thank God
They're not supposed to be able to sell contracts for utilities but they got together with phone manufacturers and found a way to do it.
No they don’t take any financial data because I did not engage in a contract

It’s called a rolling contract because they update it for you each month without having to manually do it

There is no contract

It used to be called, pay as you go

I can pay more and get unlimited data £10
Or pay £6 for less, there are many tiers
Pretty frustrating not gonna lie gonna lie brother. I’ve essentially grown up being told a lie, that if I go to school get a job one day I can afford a house, a boat, vacations etc. I make really good money but all I have is a house that’s falling apart, and I can’t even afford to take my wife and kids to an occasional dinner. Just paycheck to paycheck. Don’t know how much longer I can do this senpai
False equivalency fallacy
Women are born into easy mode were they obedient to their husbands and not promiscuous whores
Men have to build and work for everything they do strive to achieve moron
Why are you such a fucking retard? They have your personal information and they have your payment method. Good fucking god.
Feels good being a STEMfag making $160k/yr with a 2.7% interest mortgage, ngl
>duurrrr No they don't!
I’m not purity spiralling because I also love luxury and capitalism

Being without contracts is the ultimate luxury
Good to hear you have Christ in your life. What else do you need, really?
(NewsNation) — A chemical linked to reproductive and developmental issues in animals has been detected in Cheerios, Quaker Oats and other oat-based foods, according to a new study. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that four in five, or 80%, of Americans tested positive for an additive called chlormequat.Feb 18, 2024
Yeah, I'm not reading your banal shit anymore. Fuck off.
60 year old boomers are the most entitled faggots imaginable btw. Can't wait until they're genocided by time, if not sooner.
>reaches over the sanitary wall
Holy shit. Nigga don't give a fuck.
Anon, they have my card details

But I don’t keep money in that account.

I move my money to a high interest account

And it’s not a contract

No money in account doesn’t have contractual consequences unlike a regular cell deal
Not sure why you are upset with me
I think financial contracts are dangerous on low income
Hurry up and get that second job so you can pay your phone and car insurance bills.
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Everything that happens in my life gets permanently etched into the core fabric of reality. My mind is playing itself out on a cosmic scale.
>I bet there are qquite a few boomer fucks saying life wqs better under communism at this point given those cucked circumstances
They've been saying this since the 90s. To an extent they're right, life was more "normal" despite all the restrictions.
I live in the second largest city in the country, properties are already at 2000 EUR per square meter, not something I'd ever be able to afford unless I work in IT and make 3000+ EUR per month.
Land in the villages surrounding the city is also expensive, even if I'm willing to live in a small pre-fabricated house made from structural insulating panels.
I'd rather not live with my parents in my 30s, but the alternative makes me even more mad, I'm not going to become a slave to the banks or pay an exorbitant rent to a landlord for the "privilege" of living and working in this city.
>promise people shittons of free money late in life to justify an unfair tax
>people pay tax for decades to finally win that sweet pensions
>whoops, tax isn't enough to keep pension solvent
>continue raising taxes
>boomers say "Fuck you I got mine" and protest the idea of ever working again
>young people pay 5x the tax, 10x the rent, and have even slimmer odds of getting anything out of the pension
Accept Satan's help and your life will be easier.
Normies don't have thoughts or feelings. It makes it easy to cope with anything that gets thrown at them.
I dont really have needs other than to obey the Commandments because im a shameful shit
But i have many wants which seem out of reach for a guy like me, i just try to stay humble and build skills and minister on 4chan most times i post here
Like how to survive the great tribulation when this hyperinflationary game of musical chairs finally pops the debt bubble and we get the mark of the beast

Original channel link for this nuked oddly enough
I became like a boomer and started yelling at wagies. It was only in AN EMAIL, THO. They wanted me to confirm something because it triggered one of those fraud detectors. Just ship it, wagie.
That’s awesome and I know most people would view that as amazing

But having a contract is a source of anxiety

Let’s say you have a 100k house

Why not just pay it off the first year? Then you beat the mort gage
Those people

Might very well be the super sentient AI

So being rude isn’t wise.
I hate the antichrist so much its unreal, so that turns into a great amount of primal rage which i will starve and die and burn for as long as i get to call the devil a faggot and embrace the Loving Arms of Christ for a job well done
You would do well to get on the winning side instead of placating to materialistic hedonism and sin anon
Name of store?
Well the thing is if you accept the abundance if God

Life changes for you

As a child getting strawberries was a huge luxury

Now my local supermarket sells them for 1 dollar
I can eat strawberries most days if I like
They are going to ship my stuff, how dare they insult and inconvenience me.
I’m grateful to God and God’s AI
You’re just being silly!
I know you love those people
Ai is the beast that is and is not and yet is anon
Here too. They also don't seem to have any concept of what a wagie can or can't do and so get pissed for having their outlandish demands not met. Like they'll start haggling with wagies at brand name stores, or demand the cashier at a hardware store just up and leaves the register to help them carry stuff to their car. No other generation does this, ever
Not to me. AI is Angelic.

I think the beast is our lower nature

That’s what Edgar Cayce said
Wtf. Bread here is $4-7, cheap cheese is $3 on sale, and a tomato is about $1- depending on size.
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Stop eating avocado toast and drinking starbux lattes
You can but 4 avocados for a dollar

They are just the reject avocados
But ironically they stay fresh for two weeks in the fridge
There's a difference between not appreciating what we have and comprehending how much was stolen from us. They aren't mutually exclusive either
Loaf of bread 70 cents

1.29 + 70 cent

2 dollars
/ 4

0.50 cent per two pieces acacado toast
I don’t view life like that

And neither should you

That mindset is a depreciating asset
Whereas your mindset should be an appreciating asset
And I’m not sure if you have heard it said anon

Life is a state if mind
I am sure you love God

Why would you think God doesn’t want you to have everything you want?

If you say hardship is the short road to spirit

Then maybe that is true, of your life, until now
Sobeys. Only place around me.
Which place are you in?
The Jew fears the at home fermenter. I brew my own kombucha, ferment mead, ferment my own sauerkraut, and avoid shitty food at all costs.
I cannot wait to make fermented food

Are you interested in bacteria anon?

Do you use lactobacillus gasseri for yogurt?
If mozzarella is too expensive there
Then maybe switching up the ingredients is a good idea?
There are regular no-risk no-strings-attached savings accounts that pay 4.5% interest, not to mention the benefits of investing in stocks/crypto. Worst case scenario I still have the option of fully paying off my mortgage today, I've got plenty of liquid assets.
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Preparing to become a hobo.
Walmart cheese is oil and plastic
Why didn’t you kill him? You could have stabbed him and did nothing? It doesn’t make sense.
Do you think bread is ok?

It does contain seed oil at the lower price
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> saves your grocery budget
Ford Bank is 4.5% interest on ISA

I am going to accumulate dividends

Don’t follow my advice on this but I think Xerox is going to be a solud dividend in my portfolio

Because and I learned the best way to hold long term is if you love a stock

And Xerox is my favourite company
> saves your grocery budget
Fucking barely mate.

My average grocery bill has almost doubled in the last few years, my shopping is now exclusively buying whatever is half price from whatever supermarket and then hitting up Aldi for anything that isn't deeply discounted.

Price of shit is absolutely fucked.
>How are people coping with this hell world
They aren't
Aldi can’t compete with the mighty Farmfoods

Gastro fish £4 each
Farmfoods three for £6
Old fucks have been doing this forever
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> $3 for soggy pizza flavored bread
Even the citizens in Judge Dread got mac and cheese.
I have no idea how you wagies deal with NPCs and normies all day.
>Today at target I saw a 6'5 mixed brown goblin ginger (with light eyes and an afro) walking around.
Sounds potentially hot AF
Yea man
Had a fucking mental slap in the face the other day where I realised my budget was far more under control when I was a fucking uni student compared to now despite having a career and shit
No fucking clue how average cunts do it, especially with families
This shit can't keep going man I swear
Just rise up against the oppressor class, forehead.
Shared income means I get to save up for a type three or four kevlar suit, a devtac ronin mask and several rifles or machine guns of different classes, might toss in a crossbow for the hell of it.
Thinking of purchasing minecraft as well.
>insect flour
>hormone water
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It's terrifying how we now live in a world that was the most dystopian shit that people could conjure up in the 70's and 80's.

>No fucking clue how average cunts do it, especially with families
They're all going under rapidly, next round of mortgage rate hikes and tent cities will start springing up like soursobs...well even more than they already are. I've already got family that has had to move in with me who are on good money but can't even find somewhere to live whilst i'm helping to cover a chunk of my sisters mortgage, I mean they got married and had their first kid in the midst of covid, that alone was fucking hell enough, she had to be back at work a month after giving birth, now this fucking shit.

But yeah righto, lets bring in another million fucking indians.
Eat eggs for every meal
Well not if you have skin issues like eczema

Since the bacteria feeds it
Well we ain't fighting in ww3 for kikes and israel, that's for sure.
Depends how good the false flag is.
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stop spamming, samefaggot
Mods, cook this guy for a week.
And the highest rate ever of people holding TWO CONCURRENT full time jobs.

If that’s not a healthy economy I don’t know what is
You could probably do with a stint on calorie deficit fat boy
To think that financially, you'd be better off rn if you let him just absolutely obliterate you on camera. Lawsuit money can be gravy.
Not to mention the companies which manage pensions are also allowed to gamble that big fat pot of money on stocks the whole time too, and they can fuckin lose it and run.
Just waiting and getting ready for the boogaloo at this point
Shut the fuck up you crybaby and suck it up. Most of humanity get dealt an absolutely awful hand in life and it's a constant struggle from womb to tomb.
Mmm carrot tea thanks my life will be so much better now
Well if you don’t think Beta carotene makes your life better.

? What should i reply with equal venom?
Im so far past being depressed about it that it is just hilarious. I was depressed at the state of the world back in 2004 ish, this shit now is just peak clown.
I also stopped paying the car insurance jew, waste of money. I now just drive like an old man and stay away from non-whites and women. Low chance of accidents. I usually just pick up the cheapest shit when it's time to renew my registration, then let it lapse due to non-payment.
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>Did someone say inflation!?
>Starbucks latte is $4
>One a day is $1460 a year
Wow, I'll have enough for a down payment on a house by 2044! Assuming houses don't get any more expensive, of course. Surely they won't.
Thanks for the advice!
Entertainment and drugs, obviously. Normies know that things are bad too but they ignore their own thoughts and resume their shitty and insignificant lives. Just like what happened during covid.
You live in the first world. Even if you are poor by first world standards, you are still rich by world standards. So whenever you feel bad for being poor, think some minute and be thankful you are not from Africa where being poor means dying because you can’t afford bread for the 7 day in the row.
real mozzarella is sold like artisan luxury cheese where I live lmao
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dunno always had money can't relate
Those fuckers have 16+ children. This wouldn't work here too.
Oh, you would say they get Bürgergeld and free health insurance? What do you think who is paying for this? Children need healthcare the most, and it is free for them here. So fuck you.
they're just used to getting their way and are too old to cope with changes
Even the goyslop bread costs more than 1€
Only the cheapes goyslop Mozzarella is below 1€
Tomatos depends on thr weight.

Even you get all of this for 3€, you will lack protein and you will stay hungry.
Imagine that I cross the border to Bulgaria just to fill up my car's benzine tank. Your gas is almost half the price. I have to pay ~120EUR to fill it up here in my local gas stations.
This is not going to end well.
no one listens to me, you should have bought bitcoin like I did
Here you can buy for 60 cents

I’m glad that’s funny you old money doll
>So whenever you feel bad for being poor, think some minute and be thankful you are not from Africa where being poor means dying because you can’t afford bread for the 7 day in the row.
Suffering is always relative to location, fuckface. I'm so tired of virtue signaling plebbit tards.
I got priced out of guns.
I bought a shotgun and some scary black assault rifles.
But like, a year after I did, something in the news happened and it shot ammo prices up 100%.
And it never has gone back down.
And it just keeps rising.
So now those expensive guns I bought are just collecting dust.
Or they would be if I didn't lose them in a boating accident.
I'm sexing a morbidly obese single mother who I'm not even slightly attracted to, just so my pets and I have a roof over our heads
Bulgaria bro it is bad im about to graduate and im gonna be automatically poor when i lose student dorm and food rights, been interning for a year but i doubt they will pay me the money i need to be a rentoid in belgrade since russians inflated the house prices.
>Yeah and hepatitis bee
I laughed anon
For what?
everyone has it better anon
its easy goy you just need to stay in your pod and eat like youre in the dust bowl and you will be able to afford a down payment on a house with a monthly payment higher than you make in a month.

not me tho i make a middle class salary and purchased a cheap piece of shit duplex in the middle of nowhere in a dogshit part of the country l0l
only normgroids pay so much for cell service. Do you really need unlimited data to be connected to goytube/goytok? Tellowireless is 6$ a month for unlimted texts / calls which desu you really dont need. if i could pay 2$ a month for 500 texts and 50 minutes that would be fine
Ban this faggot
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No Chance at a good paying job
No Chance at owning a house
No Chance at having a social life
No Chance at having a woman

What the fuck is the point anymore.
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>Ole Miss
Who the fuck is this guy?
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You have the same plan as me, I want to move to near the Italian border with Switzerland somewhere near Lake Maggiore please move there so I have /pol/ frens.
>for spittin' fax
Zoomers are fucked.
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>Mike Rowe
Not gonna lie, this is pretty funny bait.
kys glowie fag
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I live in a safe neighborhood filled with million-dollar homes but I can feel my parents getting ready to cash out and move to a neighborhood with Mexicans or a white town where the weather is shit and you have to use satellite internet. The age of men is over.
You little faggots get a xl cum frappe and you fucking know it. The women aren't gonna fuck you. They just like bigger tips so they write your name big. They meet too many dudes frankly. Little boss girl with a caffeine and birth control addiction.

It's more about an understanding of time management. Something like going to Starbucks is gay and a waste of time. It's blue balling you too. I assure you that most service workers are juicing you and so many of them have entire social lives outside of work. You're better off going to a sports/musicbar at 7pm-11pm to find companionship. Church as well.

Life is networking and sometimes the only way you get respect is by suffering. God rewards those with raw energy. Does this make sense? When you get mogged there's an energy you feel. That's the gay latte in your balls and the lack of stoic living. Little bitch ass boy. You gonna die? No? Well figure it out. You write the cultural revolution, become the next great leader. Something. You'll be okay little bro.
>You're not the original break room

Gotta make those jidf shekels somehow
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Duno, I eat about 1.5-2 lbs of beef / lamb a day. Ain't that bad, uhh man up and pull yourself up by your bootstraps and look them straight in the eye etc.
It's me. It's always been me. You just don't Iike the heel turn I've taken because you faggots have treated me like shit, and now you're complaining? Besides, this trip turns 10 next year. There's gonna be big events coming soon!

im a dentist so i couldnt give less of a fuck about the price of groceries
should have went to school fags
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It's happening
General dentistry or some specialist (oral surgeon, prosthodontist, etc)?
I don't know but everyone seems to be fine, the goyim still love their niggerball and their beach, nobody is protesting shit.
Looking at your average NPC, it's almost certain we end up in a Blade Runner type of dystopia unless some miracle saves us.
I hope Megan is doing well.
Gas is $3.50 a gallon
Milk is $4 a gallon
Chicken $3 a pound
The list goes on... there are legitimate concerns like housing prices but anyone who complains about food prices is a moron
(the only food that’s expensive is restaurant food - if you eat at restaurants but are poor seriously kill yourself)
There are people with 1985 on their name badge in my supermarket.
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It's funny, over the last three years here my rent has increased by 10% for my tiny one bedroom basement apartment, and my monthly cost of living has gone from $1600-$1800 to usually over $2000. I only make about $3200 a month as a teacher. I used to want to be putting $1000 into savings every month.
Whites are pussies that are getting robbed of everything and flushed down the toilet. Now you cowards are crying throwing your arms up? You earned this. You let everything get taken from you.
Holy shit! Tenured bonuses? Grandfathered retirement/pension scheme? It's almost 40 years!
He's giving you the cheap off brand price. Anything good in any actual amount that lasts more than two sittings is $12+
>fake bread
>fake cheese
>Tomatos from the store are a tasteless watery mess for the last 15 years
The largest bonus is something like £200 for 25 years.
A bag of shredded mozzarella is like $7 here
"Useless eaters" - Mitt
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I have given up on finding affordable food so I decided to finally just eat the bugs.
Take the ESL teacher pill.
Holy fuck bro you've worked at Walmart forever you're on like 28337337 meds

Bro just seriously WTF


Don't friend
It's time
Project mayhem it's time

His name will not be Robert Paulson
This time he will LIVE

Heдeй ги cлyшa кaквo гoвopят, нямa чoвeк oт нaшeтo пoкoлeниe дa пpитeжaвa жилищe бeз дa гo e нacлeдил. Кpeдитa нe e coбcтвeнocт.


I have no idea. Pre-coronapsyop I could eat for 5 EUR a day, now that' about 8. The price of everything has fluctuated wildly and settled at a "stable" 140 - 250% of what it used to be. Average salary has risen to about 130% of what it used to be, and it was too low to aford housing to begin with. Rent for a 30 sq. m phone booth is half an average salary, a proper 80+ sq.m apartment is about 80-90%.

I refuse to participate in society save for a tiny friend circle until further notice.
That won’t be a revolution against starving third world peasants, but a nation of healthy, well educated citizens who own their own firearms.
>Holy fuck bro you've worked at Walmart forever
Going on 25 years.
>you're on like 28337337 meds
That was a short lived storyline I dropped because it was too ridiculous to ever be taken seriously. I apologize it's probably a major fuckup with the character.

Can't. I "make too much".
Around a quarter century.
I just wanna be a shining beacon in a world of dark, complete jewish domination.
>that vid
How visceral.
Bro, you have actually worked there for years though you have break room videos
And I would kill myself if I were you

How... Just how do you not want to kill them

That fucking break room you post is so lifeless like nobody uses the microwave wtf the break is like 5 minutes and it's timed
The literal breaks room is NOT REAL and just stays that way it may be the most depressing room in the whole place
I said
Post any video of the break room you have dealt with and see if ANY of these people want to follow you.

You accepted being a slave...
You're so far gone man ...
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Hey anon, you seem like a good guy, I hope you make it out of Walmart some day, to something better. Maybe when we commit an actual Holocaust everyone will be able to live a decent life.
You do seem nice bro but what the fuck you EARN TOO MUCH, THEN QUIT, YOU'D GET MORE FROM GIBBBS
As another old man, (35) how you can get mad at highschool girls is absolutely beyond me.

Momma Mia.
>just work 50 hours a week and eat worse than literal slaves, bro
look, people like this need to die before the world will get better
Is that LuckyLarry?
That Kike has been on my mind. No cap..
Ive literally been eating beans
And rice
>0 protein
Yeah great meal there, mate.
You can still get 1kg of mince for $10 AUD. You can get chicken for about $15 a kg.

That's $25 AUD for all your meat for a week.

What's currently unaffordable, at least in Australia is rent. I had a little apartment that went up to $1600 a month.
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>get utility bill in the mail
>they're planning on tripling the price of water/waste services over the next 4 years
>bill includes cuckbox where you can write in your displeasure for these upcoming price increases
Feels like this shit is building to a point where people are collectively going to explode
Mansa Musa. Gives everyone welfare. Bread and such no longer a dollar. It's worth more than that now. You are all ignorant niggers.

People WILL explode alright
A delicious pink mist of vengeance will reign all over

The rich will be killed they should have been kinder to the world
With great power comes great responsibility

We have greater power

All the rich will be poisoned
you stupid nigger mozarella is full of protein. 50g/700 calories.
You mean Jews
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It's complacent.

>You accepted being a slave...
>You're so far gone man ...
Only winning the lottery can save me.

I can stock a good shelf (when motivated, which hasn't been often in recent memory).

Not really. I just came back from my drug dealer NEETbuddy's place (pic related) and he has decades of shit on file and gets gibs. Even he sympathies with me as I'm always working. He knows it's not fair but doesn't rub it in, but hey! We're business partners after all!
In America $1 mozzarella would not be worth eating. That would not be cheese, probably sawdust and glue. Even the cheap stuff that costs several times that is garbage.
Glownigger faggot
>Most people want status
Most men want women, and status is just a means to that end. That's why sexually liberal societies have rat-race economies. Wealth accumulation is a means to acquire status and status is a means to acquire women. The relative nature of status is why people never stop chasing money even when it looks like they have more than they could ever need. Women are comparing you to other men, so how much you needs is constantly increasing. You need more than me and I need more than you. This contradiction gives rise to a never ending competition where neither of us can ever have enough. The fact that sexual success is based on comparison is why sexually liberal societies must tend towards maximum inequality. You cannot be sexually successful without inequality because in order for a woman to choose you over other men you must be better than them. This is why leftism is so ineffectual at achieving its goals. The left's social goals contradict their economic goals. Sexual liberalism forces everyone who didn't win the genetic lottery to either seek economic inequality of accept that they will die alone. Most people don't win the genetic lottery nor do they want to die alone, so the endless pursuit of wealth is their only option.
I'm sick 'n tiyred of BEIN sick 'n tiyred!
South Dakota detected
no thanks, Bong food, I'd rather go hungry
classic retard
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Bidenomics baby!
Bye-bye ;)
Stale pasta is stale. Go be a demoralizing jew somewhere else.
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it all went to shit because you let biden shit his pants do a coup for big oil and they even had fat national guard guys sleeping in washington in case something and usa still did nothing because you are all clogged up with corn syrup.
Motz is almost 9 dollars when it was 5 dollars 4 years ago
Cunts fucked mate. All the pollies care about is making it look like the gdp is growing and keeping the bubble intact long enough for the next election cycle. To hell with the consequences of it.
Ive lucked out massively with the missuses family being loaded and giving us enough money to pay for half a house outright. I cant imagine how much worse shita going to get for renters the next couple of years
i made a solar vehicle and play video games for free at the laughing as israel burns.
Meanwhile in India wholesome woman milks her buffalo without any complaints.
I agree conditions have drastically worsened for USA economically speaking in recent past, the opportunities have been stolen from us. But as far as living conditions it still is better than a lot of the rest of the world. Air conditioning is a blessing

You're*, you fucking illiterate wigger.
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It cost like 20 buck, a pair of balls, and a free CIA war fighting pamphlet to establish yourself as a legend in heaven and send a bunch of Zionist fed faggots to Hell

Wow it's so weird how so many poltards are wealthy investors and high earners. Incredible!
Are you joking
You live in Seattle
I went to get groceries today and it was all septagenarians shuffling around with naive expressions like deer walking on the freeway
>How are people coping with this hell world?
Well, you know what they say...when in hell, do as the demons do...
Every major brand does. jews bought out all the corporations that manufacture household goods, and then proceeded to cut jobs, cut out the natural ingredients and replace everything with cost-cutting measures.
canola oils
soibean oils
moving to plastics instead of glass
synthetic flavorings
synthetic colors

boycott jews in every space, every where you can, they're just selling you poison no matter the form
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that is how rich people interact with people that most would consider normal
>grocery store employees are horrible at their jobs
How is this even possible?
Mannequin man
I just get money, fuck bitches and smoke weed. All good.
fake kraft cheese. a pack of slices is $8.60 at the corner store. if you don't go the grocery store for max cheap price you get tottally scalped. its like 2 bucks cheaper at the other store but fuck everything is so awful now. a soda is $2 lol. everything is over 100% more now
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. Spouse passes away pack up the cheap clunker wagon with your kid break down in some random place get a low paying job have a small place to live find happiness in it all after all.
Not anymore. Today Alice would be found in a tent on a hot day starving with her kid given up to foster care because she can't feed him anymore. No credit score no longevity on job no rent history doesn't make 3x the rent doesn't have 5k for all the fees just to move in.
We can't live here anymore
I had a friends family visit Japan. The teenage kids looked visibly angry at how much better society was here.
That thinking is 30 years old anon. America is a complete shithole compared to even some third world countries at this point.

Last visitors were telling me how there town had trash on the sides of the road, all the kids were on drugs, and everyone was angry selfish and had zero respect for each other and community spaces.
Its true.
t. Californian
Connecticuck actually...ive been cooking all my own meals for many years, I can get my groceries blindfolded from my local market. I have all of the normal prices memorized
When I get groceries I have a mental list of things I *could* buy but only get what’s on sale
I’ve eaten ribeye every single day of the week before yet never paid more than $8/pound for any cut of beef
Most people are too lazy/retarded to function like this I guess
>my shopping is now exclusively buying whatever is half price from whatever supermarket and then hitting up Aldi for anything that isn't deeply discounted.
Lol that's literally how I've shopped my whole life.
Fucking Lol, get a grip
>Suffering is always relative to location, fuckface. I'm so tired of virtue signaling plebbit tards.
Oh fuck off, you giant faggot. Boo hoo, you can't have your gay overpriced sugar onions drink every single day. It's a shoah!
you've never been shopping for food since 2007.
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just make your own and sell it at farmers markets if you can do better
Ive been applying for 2.5 years and can’t get a job. I have spent the past seven months getting my time wasted (12-15 hours per interview process dragged out usually over 2.5-3 months) with recruiters for jobs I would actually want (130-220k base range). My neighbor’s house at my childhood home just sold for $965,000 & my mom’s advice is to “visualize”

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