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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is this accurate?
If so this election is bigger than 2016 or 2020.
Im going to miss that Honorary Aryan Clarence Thomas like you wouldn’t believe
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This is accurate. And yes, this election is, by far, the largest in American History.
Trump is an absolute nepotistic psuedo-retarded clown.
Biden is literally Weekend at Bernies dead.
Ultimately - if you're White, you have to vote Trump. Otherwise, you're damning your children and grand children to a life as White minorities in predominantly non-white communities.
But half of all White people hate White people... so we're probably doomed either way. Especially since Trump LOVES him some kikes.
Please keep Biden on the ticket so we can ensure Trump gets those three judge appointments.
all those judges need to fucking die which could literally take another 20 years at the current rate.
yup, clarence is old as fuck, if trump wins it would be a good time for him to step down
Still voting Trump.
They would retire like RBG should have done for Obama if she wasn't too stupid.
he won't go during the next potus term. he is younger than bill clinton and will live another 10 years.
I think I'll sit this one out.
Get out of my country jew
>Ultimately - if you're White, you have to vote Trump. Otherwise, you're damning your children and grand children to a life as White minorities in predominantly non-white communities

Not my problem.
Well supposedly the president just became a king who can assassinate his political opponents so why don't they just use that newfound power to make an all Democrat court and stop Trump from running for office permanently?

t. every red/blue grifter every four years
>Not my problem.
When the brown horde comes crashing against your front door and sweeps you up in it's niggertry, it'll become your problem. But then again, people like you deserve nothing more than to live in a predominantly black, inner-city, urban community.
>you're damning your children and grand children to a life as White minorities in predominantly non-white communities.
That happened 30 years ago dumbass
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>That happened 30 years ago dumbass
Found the cityfag.
>oh noes we won't be able to fuck over white people as easy anymore
i think he means, do you want a south africa run by europeans or a south african ran by Buntu's
i think we all know the obvious answer
the court isn't far right there are just some very bad radical judges on it, and none of those were appointed by trump.
All of Trump's picks were duds. SCOTUS will fuck us no matter what.
Yeah I'm sure that'll happen any day now wignat.
Go be gay somewhere else
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It’s already too late. If you really care about your kids, you’ll understand that the only way out is through. Accelerate. I’m ridin with Biden.
I'm way, way beyond the "gradually I began to hate them" phase at this point
>All of Trump’s picks were duds
They definitely could’ve been better. Gorsuch and Barrett kinda suck. His next picks need to be all hardliners
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These individuals are faggots who don't realize how much more violent niggers and non-whites are so they are offended by posts telling those same faggots to move amongst the nigger horde.
>Fun Fact: Niggers are genetically predisposed to be more violent.
>MAOA 2 Repeat Allele.
>rapidly i began to hate them
>thinks liberals will let this happen

>If you care about your kids
>You'll promote the guy who wants to turn your sons into faggot girls.
I'll pray that all of your offspring identify as LGBT - particularly trans - and that they get immediate affirmation surgery.
You deserve to see your genetic line cease to exist for your shitty partisanship.
Jews want to do that, not biden. And trump is just as owned by kikes as Biden. I care about my kids, which is why my wife and I do a form of homeschooling, and I keep them from govt programs and christkike programs equally. You’re a faggot who thinks “our trannies are superior to yours” is going to help anything. Kys boomer abrahamic slave
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Holy shit do you work directly for the dnc or are you a subcontractor? You are the most racist pieces of shit on the planet..do you actually expect anyone doesn't know that you are here to poison the well? Just have your fucking suddenly already. The world will be better for it.
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> frightened jew
>Is this accurate?
>And yes, this election is, by far, the largest in American History.
false, because in addition to Trump being an absolute actually retarded clown, he slurps jew cum by the gallon
biden would if he knew where he was anymore, but he is basically a puppeteered corpse
vote for whoever. the jews have cast their lot in with trump and he'll put boots on the ground to try and save his jew masters
You're projecting hardcore there, champ. /pol/ has been screeching about this shit longer than you've been here and it never happens.
>far right
Unless they Scalia him
Lots of moving the goal posts after the debate
They really pushed the SC decisions the morning after the debate, too
>can't talk about biden
>it's not even about biden!
>so vote biden
hooray for psyops
I fucking hate this Brian guy and i'm a democrat
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>which is why my wife and I do a form of homeschooling, and I keep them from govt programs and christkike programs equally.
We're not so different afterall. I just don't think the country can take more faggotry. I think Trump could be a line in the sand.
That said - Pic Related. In PA we have to take standardized Tests in 3rd, 5th, 8th-12th. My son skipped ahead a year, so he took this test as a 7 year old against 8 year olds.
As for Trannies - I think they're all mentally handicapped. My sister works in one of the largest prisons in the country. I've toured it. I've seen what happens to some men who experience severe sexual trauma from other men.
I genuinely believe it's a trauma response in those that aren't just autists looking for attention from their peers. Over all, though - it shouldn't exist and shouldn't be treated as it is.
>t. 36 year old millennial.
Read the very last sentence in the post to which you're replying. Your sentiment is acknowledged.
>at an ACCELERATE-ing pace
Sotomayor will be the first to be replaced, that bitch ain't healthy. Imagine the seethe if Trump gets to appoint 7 of the 9 justices.
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>You're projecting hardcore
What am I "projecting hardcore," exactly? Please be specific.
I can't stand internet-vernacular buzzwords.
> /pol/ has been screeching about this shit longer than you've been here
I've been here since it was /b/ but okay. I mean... the graph I shared is 8 years old itself.
>and it never happens.
This line makes me think you're a literal bot programmed to regurgitate /pol/ like sentiment and statements. What "never happens?" Be specific.
Because it looks like you're just patching together common vernacular and your algorithm didn't realize that "never happens" is a common response to HAPPENING threads and just slapped it into the sentence.
Either that or you're just a complete fucking retard.
>this kike had a pod cast called “no lies with Tyler cohen”
>only thing he does is lie
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Balkanization is the only possible outcome for whites. And men need to learn that everyone needs to eat, but someone has to make the sausage. And start removing threats from our territory.
Pretty hard to believe that the two best current justices were appointed by the Bush's
>Oy vey we jews need to ensure that the goyim don't inconvenience our tribe or our plans anymore!!
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Semi Accurate, Trump will replace them but if a Dem won they would try and stay alive longer until a Republican won.

Trump also has a chance to replace Sotomayor, shes 70 with health issues. Sotomayor is probably the real risk for Dems because it makes the court much more conservative if she got replaced. Replacing conservatives with other conservatives isn't a huge deal but still helpful.
Pinochet is kiked, and so are you
Bush Sr was based, faggot boomers and gen x were that MAD he tried to balance things by increasing taxes on corps and rich jews a little bit.
Fat diabetes bitch, the only reason she is still alive is due to modern medicine. But look at RBG. How many people survive pancreatic cancer, in fact are cured of it? Important politicians get better Healthcare and everything wise. I think they have a cure to cancer and they give it out to certain (((people))).
That twatter post is simply more gaslighting from the left
If anyone is going to retire it's that housemaid Sotomayor. The left has known this for a while which is why they are shitting their pants over the election.
The Bush family is pure globohomo, uniparty evil since at least Prescott Bush, pretty sure Sr was the handler for W Bush, didn't he live at the White House during W's terms? Sr was also CIA and was in Dallas when JFK was shot.
RBG was hilarious, weekend at Bernied herself durin Obama's final years to get replaced by the first female president only to get Trumped, kek
jews love lawfare
Of course the alternative is to plague the nation with a far left court instead. This is why "democracy" is inherently bad. It devolves into this meaningless shit-flinging revenge politics while the nation burns and collapses from the lack of problems being solved.
>jews love lawfare

Which is exactly why the left is screaming and louder than a cesarian breach birth mother with no anesthetic. Their entire anti-Trump game plan just got BTFO yesterday.
Why not even younger? Put someone in their 20's on the bench
>in their 70s
A 70yo judge could literally live another 30 years.
>Otherwise, you're damning your children and grand children to a life as White minorities in predominantly non-white communities.
You could have pretended that in 2016, but not when he's talking about how we need more immigrants.
I'm voting for Trump because of the appointments.
Only Alito and Thomas are going to retire. Roberts was appointed by Dubya in 2005. He's 69. And he wont let Drumpf replace him. Trump will replace Thomas/Alito increasing his nominees to SCOTUS to 5. That's quite an accomplishment by The Orange Fellow.
It ensures the conservative majority for decades to come if Drump replaces Thomas and Alito.
Wrong. The PEOPLE will elect trump and trump with pack the court to the right for a generation. The Dems are trying to stop this and have been pulling out all the l stops. Because they know a right leaning count is the biggest threat to their homo-faggot-pro tranny agenda. Far bigger than Trump himself. Because even when he is gone after 2028 the right leaning court will still be there no matter who is POTUS and they will still be fucked.
I hope replaces Sotomayor as well, so we can get this to a 7-2 for decades to come. Even if Roberts manages to cling on for a Dem to replace him, it'll still be 6-3.

Trump should really go hardcore and get Jackson impeached. She's not even remotely qualified.
Nobody knows when they'll retire or die. Many continue to do the job until they die or retire in their 80s.
The president can't just replace them.
A liberal judge might be talked into retireing so another liberal judge can be appointed unde a lib president, or vise versa, but they have to be the one to decide to retire.
>plagued with far right

c'mon jewboy you know thats even more money for jews and israel
Classic kikery. KYS Schlomo.
>conservative = far right
holy FUCK imagine if trump got



scotus picks
that would be rad
Shieet, Trump is the goodest goy of all goys, but you drive a hard bargain. Maybe I should reconsider and vote for Trump.
biden in the wh would just slow stuff down. voting trump might be the fastest way for shit to topple. biden is predictable and averse from quick policy changes, but if trump lands a supermajority, shit will hit the fan very quickly. Im ready for the inverse jan 6th to be a shitshow
>40-year-old judges in their mould who will serve for decades
What exactly is this kike trying to say, that putting someone below 60 into a government position is anudda shoah?
Jews make it so easy to hate them that it makes me think they actually enjoy being a despised minority.
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That ship sailed decades ago. Zion don isn't gonna do anything for you aside from lip service to White anxieties over it, so the only way out is waiting for whatever social order comes next as the current policies are unsustainable. Is what it is.
he thinks its not the jews
Really only Barrett has sucked. She cucks way too much. Basically another Roberts.
SCOTUS Judges are on the SCOTUS for life you fucking idiot. He's saying that if you put a 40-year-old judge in, they'll be in their position for decades before they finally pass away.

I'm not sure how you don't already know this while wearing a muttland flag.
>Is this accurate?
If you have to ask, then there is no helping you.
It really is every single time huh
>Is this accurate?
Not really, RBG was 87 when she passed away.
It's entirely likely that those justices will survive the next four years, if not the four after that.
RBG has set the precedent that as long as you're technically still alive, your aides can continue to fill your supreme court position.
There's no guarantee any of those judges will retire.

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