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What caused the collapse of pagan religions in western Eurasia? Was it a Great Reset of some sort, the details of which have since been obfuscated? Why did it survive in the East?
They were slaughtered and all their texts and artifacts were burned and destroyed… learn some history anon.
The new conquered the old.
But why only in Europe and the Middle East (prior to colonialism)?
more the kings wanted to end he cycle family feuds and wanted a slave class.
Abrahamic religions appealed to urbanite plebians. That’s the most important demographic when it comes to propagating your religion.
that books sucks
You want to be told that the gods of Egypt fled to Atlantis, only for it to have sunken. That the Aesir all died in ragnarok. You want to hear that those old gods we're forcibly supplanted by a new one, erego, an event that can happen again. Am I close?
Those religions, even thousands of years ago, were already long degenerate... with Christianity, a new spirit entered, and the old was swept away.

The Pale God walked with all of the tribes, and showed them the way of peace.
>What caused the collapse of pagan religions in western Eurasia?
Blood of Abraham only murders you for non-belief, not to celebrate a holiday, create rain, bless crops or mourn a fallen hero. It's very attractive if you just want to live.
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they did not they just changed shape
when China/Japan weren't in close contact yet. and when they were conquered, western nations had already been infected with the disease of liberalism/human rights etc. so they lacked the spiritual strength to convert them by force
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Pagans are weak, it's that simple
Northern Europe was mostly rural though, if history is correct.
What are you talking about?
>western nations had already been infected with the disease of liberalism/human rights etc. so they lacked the spiritual strength to convert them by force
And thank goodness for that. Look at South Korea's circumcision rates for a preview for what could have happened if the rest of Asia converted.

Finland was crusaded multiple times as this country rejected Christianity, but eventually Swedes managed to hammer that bullshit into the culture and destroyed whatever original culture there was left.

This bullshit from the deserts also suited the controllers extremely well.
Christianity is a perfect centrally led mass slave control system and a polar opposite to a lot of original religions, where you're supposed to believe in yourself and your own power.
In Christianity you don't mean shit and aren't allowed to have any strength of your own.
Don't believe in yourself, you're powerless, only god can grant you salvation, every successful result really comes from the grace of god so you didn't achieve shit, give your money to the church and the state, dying as a good boy gets you a reward so remember to never question the authorities etc...
Perfect for pacifying the masses and giving total control to the powers that be.
Just need more gods and divinities...

this place is the cult of kek, probably what really freaks out the powers that be.
Genocidal church? Standard practice for Christian faith. Kill, burn, destroy. How is that not obvious given ALL their history.
God I wanna lay in the same bed as OP's pic
>Those religions, even thousands of years ago, were already long degenerate... with Christianity, a new spirit entered, and the old was swept away.
checked and this.
In II-III century every singler etarded emperor had a desire to proclaim himselfs as a god.
Pleb was seeing this shit, and started to consider religion of theirs ancestors as compromised.
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Just make sure your heart stays lighter than a feather.
Would you say Islam is the same?

this. basicly christianity was just like islam back in the day. its invented in the same desert as judaism and islam, so go figure.
Christianity catered for the poor and slaves what at the point they were 95% of the Europe population.
Of course is the same.
Islam is just another flavor of Jewish psychopathy.
Amazing how the tripfaggots have always the stupidest takes on everything.
If your leader converted, their soldiers and families also converted.
Access to Roman education. Anyone trying to frame this as something violent is an actual communist.
Same. I'd worship that God, if you know what I'd mean...
Seek urgent psychiatric help.
the only urgent psychiatric help he needs is DICK
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To quote some random leaf on /pol/ like 5 months ago

>There's a reason why Abrahamic religions are so popular.
>Suppose you're a trouble maker kid who did a bad thing and your father has learned of it. You expect a serious ass-whooping. Against all your expectations, you dad hugs you and tell he forgives you as long as you won't do it again.
>You feel that sense of blissful relief?
>This is a powerful drug that could put entire civilizations under the feet of those who know how to use it to their own advantage.

How exactly do Jews, with their scheming and subversive nature, possibly get introduced to a system like this and, somehow, not exploit it? What is the rational in a scenario where we all agree
>Jews are like this
>Christianity is like this
Yet somehow not agree Jew wouldn't game the fuck out of it?
Christcucks are eager to point out what spineless, libcucked faggots western atheists are, and they aren't wrong when they do so, but that shit doesn't apply in Asia. Likewise, they are eager to point out how they triumphed over European paganism as some sort of evidence of a higher truth through might makes right not acknowledging atheism is doing the samw shit to Christianity and by that logic, christcucks should adopt the most popular Christian tradition today and become atheists.

Christcucks are in a weird spot where in they are both caught in the middle of two solutions that both shit on Christianity. Moreover, wokeness only takes off on Christianity's watch. Asians have always been as degenerate as they are presently, yet never fell into transitioning kids or even allowing fag marriage, yet Christian nations went from refusing to even depict them on tv to transitioning toddlers in under a decade. What gives? The "No, it's lack of Christ" excuse falls off when places that systematically exterminated all Christians on sight suspiciously never went woke. In fact, all the Christian nations are forcing this shit on the non-Christian parts of the world.
OMG he is soooo hot I wanna shove my face in his chest floof and snuggle with him while he pets me and plays with my hair with one hand and rubs my back and squeezes my butt with his other O///O ouuuughhhh I want to hug him and give him tummy rubs and kiss him and tongue his sheath and lovingly play with his balls and marry him and be with him forever hnnnngmmmmnf I'm fucking DROOLING bros OMG my heart is fluttering so bad I love him so so so much >~<
I'm Catholic btw
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He looks like he watches his wife/sister/mother fuck human men
He looks like my husband who takes amazing care of me and his sister/mom in a wholesome loving manner like a good husband/brother/son >u>
>I'm Catholic btw
degenerate freak
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Under that logic why not cut out the middle man since Christianity appears to be so weak compared to atheism?
Based Brazil bro clearly understood it.
This is the results of midwits getting lost in particulars instead of realizing that life itself makes no fucking sense and a creator is just as likely as there not being one by sheer virtue of existence being completely impossible to begin with. Atheism is a bell curve and Christianity is an inverted bell curve. No matter what spiritual path you take in life on your search for the truth you will invariably end back up at the gospels, speaking as someone who was formerly a militant atheist and involved in a whole myriad of other spiritual and mysticism faggotry.
I’m going to a big fuckken fur con tomorrow spreading the word of Allah.
>Christianity appears to be so weak compared to atheism

The problem here is that you are using the masses as your judge. The masses are dumb animals who are easily manipulated. You might as well say "what is the point of being straight, since faggotry and troonism seems so strong compared to it."
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They were false gods.
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Your own fault for following a cuck version of Christianity
No one wanted to worship animals and natural phenomenon
Because abrahamic mind viruses slaughter and destroy everything, including themselves. But especially everyone else.
>No matter what spiritual path you take in life on your search for the truth you will invariably end back up at the gospels

Lmao, now THAT is true midwitery.
The real path to spirituality brings you or to shamanism or to ancestral cult. Anything else is already social-control, clergy-invented bullshit.

Christianity is a mythological religion that Jews invented (sewed up from dozens of available local myths) to cope the absolute drub they received from the Romans in 66 AD. The gospels are total literature.
They didn't die out, they were murdered.
first post not best post
>The real path to spirituality brings you or to shamanism or to ancestral cult.
The brazillian wants to go back to his original nigger jungle religion.
Better than dick-cutters desert bandits religion.
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Humans have a hypersocialization fetish. This tends to favor the retarded and violent, which is why absolute dogshit ideas spread easier than good ones. Keep in mind all ancient societies had powerful, righteous leaders who believed in their literal divine duty to preserve society through order. Any time a stupid idea reaches enough of the population (typically 30%) all the rest fall in line because of fear of becoming an outgroup. Basically: most humans are just fucking NPCS, but in the pre-jewish days these retards were kept under control.
>You're a nigger
>creator is just as likely as there not being one by sheer virtue of existence being completely impossible to begin with
If we assume that universe can be created (and why should it not) then we can speculate that there would be more created universes than naturally occurring ones. So we can suspect there is a demiurge who created our universe. However it is highly unlikely such being would give a singe fuck about us or our universe beyond the purpose of it's creation that is probably simulating some math question in higher universe or entertainment.
So even if there is creator involved, is he deserving our worship?
because abrahamic faiths were crafted by jews to be invasive and replace any other faith that did not worship yahweh or had multiple gods.
Nigger I've used substances you'd get one shot by. I was all over the place spiritually and have been involved with all kinds of beliefs and practices and groups in high places. No other "god" or spirit or anything has ever reached across space and time to set my heart on fire and make me realize that not only does He forgive me in spite of all I've done, but that He never left me or gave up on me in the first place - and this in the complete absence of those aforementioned substances.
I love furbait threads.
didn’t they all get jewed basically?
Holy checked
The reason Japan still has their manga filled with old folklore beings is because they murdered every Christcuck.
Thank God that this shit cult is basically dead in Europe
A demiurge necessarily implies a creator of even higher caliber. Even if you go by actual gnostic thought, there exists a supreme God and this existence was a mistake, and functions as a soul prison.
However you also need to take into account the fact that you have 666 written into your very existence - carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Saturn is the 6th planet. Saturn has a 6-sided hexagonal storm at its pole. The hexagram (aka the "star of David", aka the star of Remphan [a Saturnial deity]) has 6 points, 6 triangles facing outward (important), and a 6-sided hexagon at its center. If you draw three lines to the center of this hexagon it forms a cube. Saturnial powers are effectively interchangeable with satanic. Baal Hammon, for example, the chief deity of Carthage (who were punics like the Phoenicians and Canaanites aka racial kikes) is directly tied to child sacrifice, as were most others.
The cross is an unfolded (broken open) cube. Christ came to teach us how to escape this shithole and how to live as good of lives as we can while we're stuck here. God has never abandoned us and is at war with the forces which would see us imprisoned here to eternity. How could the ancients have known about this implication of the cube and its association with Saturn - the deity AND the planet - when they couldn't even observe this planet?
Yeah, anon, everybody knows how addictive is to create a ghost that 1) is the most powerful being in the Universe 2) forgives you even with you being the shittiest human alive 3) only asks to you believe him. Is like playing life in the easiest mode. No rituals, no offerings, no mortifications, not even good deeds as some Protestant churches affirm.

Just believe him and you're done. Yeah, how this cannot be more addictive than all the mushrooms and DMT you put inside your ass?

One day you will realize that.
>Jesus set my soul on fire
It's feminine to devote your life to loving a man, to serving him, and to living by his rules. This is what a wife does to her husband

>No rituals, no offerings, no mortifications, not even good deeds
Have you never been to Mass or even spoken to a Catholic or Orthodox priest before in your life?
Dude, you admitted to being a furfag with homosexual leanings. >>472882039
How do you pair your sexual attraction to an animalistic deity with Catholicism?
damn, that's rough but it's more of an american than a christian thing. Before I discovered the internet I only knew two guys who were circumcised and one of them was a muzzie.
>God has never abandoned us and is at war with the forces which would see us imprisoned here to eternity
God is omnipotent. He doesn't wage war
First converts weee middle class Greek women. Nigger lives matter virtue signaling of the times
Roman State Christcuckery murdered them, stole their temples, and shuttered their Academies. Theodosius forced everyone to be Christcucks. To get the benefits of "civilization" and good trade deals, the Kings of other "nations" forced their populations into it. The Christcucks are used to sucking up to the State for power and privileges. They are slowly losing their congregations, so they're desperate and they are running to Papa State to force their dying Fundamentalist - Evangelical religion onto schoolchildren's minds using Jewery. Like Christcuck sponsored Prohibition, it's going to create a huge and deserved backlash! The public school '10 Suggestion' posters would make a good spittoon....
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>The problem here is that you are using the masses as your judge.
Wrong, you do that every time you talk to pagans. I'm not asking you to actually be an atheist. I'm asking why you seem to selectively apply your own logic.
nice feet
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nice logic bro
God is above biological sex and you reducing it to that shows a critical lack of understanding of divinity. God manifested as the Divine Masculine through Jesus Christ. Christ could just as well have been a woman, it makes no difference, whichever suits the task more.
Because Anubis isn't real. I think animal men are hot, we all have our failings. I know that in Heaven God will give me my furry husbando, however that isn't nearly as important as returning to His direct presence.
Protestants are not Christians.

Rationalism is the most retarded concept that came out of the enlightenment. Generally, you can believe anything that you want as long as you can create a series of words that is convincing. Murder, sodomy, and usury are not wrong under rationalism. You just need to find the right combination of words to convince yourself that they are justifiable.

The talmud is entirely jewish rabbis taking the strict abosulte moral laws of the torah and rationalising ways to get around them. The enlightenment is just crypto-kikes doing the exact same thing to traditional europeon Christianity.

Also, I don't know what the fuck you think my 'logic' actually is, or what argument you think you are making. If you are not conflating 'strength' with 'popular appeal' go ahead and clarify what you are using that word to signify.
>Christ could just as well have been a woman, it makes no difference, whichever suits the task more.
... but He wasn't, was He?
Christianity call out to the white man's soul, and his inner desire for a perfect world of peace, kindness and generosity.
Too bad it's a fucking soul cancer that just make you an easy prey in world that isn't perfect.
>abrahamic kvetching
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>OP is a faggot
>checks flag
what even is this thread lmao
>Thou shalt not have any other gods before me.
Real or not doesn't matter. A commandment is a commandment. You're also lusting to a graven image.
>I know that in Heaven God will give me my furry husbando
You're insane or trolling at this point and for your sake I hope it's the latter.
I'm not worshiping another "god". Anubis isn't real and I don't worship him, I just think he's hot. In the same sense I think werewolves and argonians are hot but I don't worship them.
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Emperor Julian could have saved paganism, and the West from christcuckery. Alas, we refused to listen, and now our nations and people will be destroyed. This is the future that we chose.
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Why is Christianity and Judaism refered to as "desert religions"? I get it when you talk about pisslam, that shit came straight out of the sand dunes of Arabia. But Israel/Syria-Palaestina the place both Judaism and Christianity originated from belongs to the fertile crescent.
Rome had a great replacement, the irony of the slaves replacing them and their religion is relevant today. They conquered and imported so many slaves to do anything considered lowly that the founding stock fell to just 4% of the population during the Roman Empire. There wasn’t enough pagans left in the very first place
yeah I give you a couple years before you latch onto the next thing. you won't even remember me predicting this btw. but you will jump to the next ship and declare it the best ever
take a look at a historical map of the region, it has always been spotted with deserts
the "fertile" parts of the region were well underway of being poisoned with salt when the torah was first written
tfw no anubis bf
But the fertile crescent is called that due to its rich soil and ease of farming various crops. Even today the northern half of Israel is arable, with the southern half being covered by the Negev desert.
Jerusalem is in that northern, fertile area and from what I remember Abraham lived further up north and Israelites never lived in the desert, except when they were wandering the desert with Moses but that was debunked so even further supports the fact that neither Judaism or Christianity ought to be called desert religions. Call them Semitic, Middle Eastern, whatever but calling them desert religions is factually incorrect. Navajo shamanism or whatever they practice is more of a desert religion.
the entire region is scattered with salted soil deserts and has been since before the israelites arrived there

The worst
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>who do leftist shills denigrate and misrepresent religions they don't like
hmmmmm I wonder
Interesting replies, but anyone want to address civilizational reset theories? I'm thinking stuff like mudfloods, tartaria, etc. in conjunction with this.
i dont think the last "reset" was natural
i think it was deliberately done through human destruction of records and heritage in the name of the jewish false god
Post a straight image you memeflaggot
It makes me wonder if certain tech existed in a past time that the modern powers that be claim didn't exist.
Better question:

How did they get the extremely rich and powerful families of Rome to go "Oh yeah the 1000 year old statues of Gods that I am literally descended from? Yeah fuck that, I love Jessis or whatever."

Answer: they didn't. They never stopped worshipping the old Gods. Hapsburgs, Caesars, Merovingians, Bourbons; they all had their own Gods that they claimed lineage from. Hapsburgs were openly doing it in the 1700s even.
i do believe this is true
You haven't researched Xtian history, have you?
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I say the same to you
That's only for the Jew according to the ex-Pharisee and agitator, St. Paul.
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This image oversimplifies things but the general sentiment of it is understandable.

There are also suspicious pictures of early San Francisco, showing disparate grand buildings surrounded by heaps of dirt at a time when the population count purportedly had a low four digit figure.
There was, unmistakably, a nuclear war of incomprehensible scale on Mars 500,000 years ago. Cydonia is the region of Mars with the infamous face (which is roughly 2 miles in length top to bottom), but it also has massive pyramids and other structures - which are in fact visible in the uncropped "face of Mars" photograph.
Cydonia is exceptionally flat and a perfect landing and exploration site for rovers. NASA instead chose some other horribly rocky shithole to land on and explore. They also have never produced any more photographs of Cydonia, and - bear in mind I am NOT exaggerating - EVERY SINGLE TIME their feed passes over Cydonia it miraculously begins to "experience technical difficulties" and cuts out until it finishes its pass, or they just flat out shut the stream off with no explanation.
The moon is hollow and all of its craters are the same depth btw.
Built with horses and sticks during the "dark ages" (which never happened, not even pozzed kike academia can pretend they did anymore) *over hundreds of years*. People act like they popped all these things up in a few years' time. Notre Dame for example began construction in 1163 and wasn't fully completed until 1345 - 183 years of construction in total. Entire generations of builders worked on these things with many, many of them never living to see them finished.
If you want one of the best examples, Milan Cathedral was technically under construction from 1386-1965. It was a project nearly 6 centuries in the making.
Yeah? What totally based distro of kikeslave\stickjew do you run that doesn't worship the jewish foreskin eating volcano demon or his effete Roman rape baby mischling son?
Ancient priesthoods had an inner circle, the Mysteries. The high priests had basic understanding of early sciences and mathematics and practiced monotheism, keeping secret from the masses that their many 'gods' were just natural things and processes.
As greece became more advanced these secrets became widespread, and at least once the secretive mystery religions opened the doors to the many in an attempt to gain new followers, because their once precious secrets were everywhere now, known as philosophy and science.
Eventually, the ancient secrets were revealed and became the mainstream religion, as Christianity.
Jews are the only ones who claim that Christ was born to a centurion, this claim in fact coming directly from the talmud. You can argue about his actual religious beliefs all day, but the fact stands that even Hitler himself stated that Jesus was absolutely not jewish.
jews and zealous Christians did it, along with muzzies
Can you give some examples?
>I abuse hard drugs and worship yahweh
Checks out
Yeah look, kikes were there talking shit about yeshua at the time and they also will tell you the sky is blue, and the alternative you propose is that Mary had sex with volcano demon, 555-come-on-now.
Atlantis dude. It was real. No, it wasn't the weird magitech like psychic sci fi world, but they'd probably reached our current level of industrial society.
What a shitty discord thread and larpagan faggots bumping each other.

If OP wants to understand the very difference that led to the success of christianity and decline of paganism in Europe, I recommend reading Julian the apostate (king of larpagans) addressing his temple leaders, he basically told them multiple times to copy the same behaviours christian had towards charity and brotherly love between members. Then ctrl+f "galileans" in his letters to see him seething

Also I would like to add that all larpagans here are cynics in their faith, they don't really believe in their marvel bullshit gods, because they never had a true experience with the Divine
>Also I would like to add that all larpagans here are cynics in their faith, they don't really believe in their marvel bullshit gods, because they never had a true experience with the Divine
I could say the same about Christians.
Plenty of christian had unmistakeable, non-placebo experiences with the Divine, with plenty similiar points throught the centuries, me included. Read some

I can't say it was Jesus, but definetely Divine
>Plenty of christian had unmistakeable, non-placebo experiences with the Divine
Yeah maybe back in the 20th century, but certainly not in this one.
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dude read st thereza of avila, read on isaac the syrian, read meister eckhart sermons, the way of the pilgrim book. You can actually KNOW that God exists, you become the opposite of an agnostic, you will have intimate knowledge of God's existance, you just gotta put in the work, not watch a youtube video

What a fucking pleb my god
>What a shitty discord thread
>larpagan faggots bumping each other.
>Julian the apostate (king of larpagans)
>ctrl+f "galileans"
>see him seething
>marvel bullshit gods
>What a fucking pleb my god
>that gay ass meme pic.jpg

Holy shit, could you be any more of a mentally ill terminally online zoomer? And you're talking about some long gone historical figure seething? You must already have gray hairs and a receding hairline and a wrinkly face despite not even being 30. You know the type I'm talking about, those zoommutts that look 12 and 52 at the same time.
>Pagans simply "integrated" into Christianity
>Christians totally didn't take power and repress old believers once they took institutional power
lmao you are seething my friend
Uh huh. Please continue to screech like a deranged polnigger, it's funny.
>Don't believe in yourself, you're powerless
That is the opposite of what's stated in the Christian Bible. Jesus said "You can do all the same miracles I can, and more, if you just believe" And the apostles who followed him did indeed do a lot of the same miracles that Jesus did.
Orthodox Christianity recognizes the soul and the spirit of an individual. This was removed from Catholicism and forbidden to study in mainstream science in order to confuse and to break populations. Being without the soul is like building a house on sand. The entire religion becomes a celebration of being without sovereignty.
>What caused the collapse of pagan religions in western Eurasia?

Pagan churches joined up with Christianity to create their special blend

Catholic means universal
It was meant to appeal to both pagans and christians.
Many Catholic churches in Europe were formerly pagan temples
Islam is not an "Abrahamic religion." Also Christianity predates Judaism by 200 years. The Talmud was written 200 years after the death and resurrection of Christ so any Jew or boomer who tells you that Judaism is older than Christianity is being disingenuous.

Islam is a katamari ball of all the religions of people who were conquered and enslaved by Muhammed, including some superficial aspects of Christianity and Judaism. It is not an outgrowth of either though, it is an Arabic religion and it does have some traditions that were appropriated from near east pagans as well.
All branches of Christianity teach the existence of the soul.
Because BITCHES.
Christianity was appealing to women and exploited their feelings, much like wokeshit of today. Especially highborn women, who'd marry rulers and kings, pussywhipping them into converting. Such was the case in both Rome and amidst the Germanic peoples.
Also, barbarian kings would convert to seem more Roman-friendly and gain political favour, subsequently forcing their population to get soulcucked by a semitic doctrine as well.
But yeah, ultimately it was bitches.
Another larper retard who's here to tell us the Torah isn't jewish.
Jews were cool before the fall of Israel, right? Topkek.
Whites are cattle who mindlessly obey their leaders. Wokeism is the new Christianity and whites are cutting the dicks off their sons to show their devotion to the faith.

Christianity spread when wop arab rapebabies pushed it on white northern euro kings. The traitorous kings then forced it on the population. There were rebellions but ultimately the white cucks submitted to their new jew religion.
>before the fall of israel, right?
lol, read what the prophets were saying to israel, especially judeah, God compared them to harlots, and judah worse than samaria (kingdom of israel), to where he had divorced them both, but took back samaria because she showed repentance.

God was big mad with israel and judah, and sent his son to redeem them, and they killed him in cold blood.
They never died.
They never die
They are eternal

>Praise Ares, lord of war!
>Praise horus!
>Praise thoh!
>Praise sol!
>Praise Thor!
Who fucking cares about your prophets. You don't know what "God thinks". All you have are stories about Jeovah, and Jeovah is not God.
Miss me with the jewish mythology.
christians literally slaughtered people and destroyed their holy sites. how did you not know this?
Thankfully they lost the appetite for that.
oy vey, cool it with the self hate chaim.
The central document of modern Judaism is the Talmud, not the Torah. The Torah is considered important to Judaism but the Talmud is more important and it is 200 years younger than Christianity. The original Israelite religion is long gone.
their gods were not protecting their children from the people who worship yahweh.
No, they haven't. They are just unable to use government coercion. They would if they could!
They learner the truth.
Does YHWH protect your children? I didn't think so.
Did you not have history class meme flag? Or did you just start elementary school?

Pagans either converted or they were killed.
no, his worshipers are passed over and sacrifice the children of those not chosen.
Our ancestors are calling us back to the ancient ways.
Ancient furry ways OwO?
Things were revealed and they lost their mysticism. So they were reveiled.
>trip faggots
Ok. Michelle Obama photo necessary.

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