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The aircraft carrier flees the Red Sea in 3 2 1...
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Those things are about the size of a telephone pole. Not the sort of thing you can hide easily, or launch with just a couple of guys in a Toyota.
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If they want Israel to send Patriots, Iron Domes, and David Slings to Ukraine then I won't stop them.
no, they are not
thats fucking retarded
SM-2s eat those ancient relics for breakfast, shitskin.
That shit looks almost alien
fairs fair
Israel will not send anything. Yemen is far from them, cruise missiles are not a threat to their navy, they are a threat to the US and the other ZOG. Anyway, even if Israel wanted to send those weapons, it couldn't: Russia would escalate by sending missiles to Hezbollah, which shares a border with Israel; and has the Israeli navy in range.
>mach 2.6 = 1800mph
>target 100 miles away can be hit in 3 minutes
can US navy ships react successfully to a missile that fast?
would be kino if they did but Putin is a firm believer in Israel so not gonna happen. Remeber when Lawrow talked about Hitler being Jewish?
I don't see how this is any different to the US arming Ukraine but I'm sure reddit and therefore of course this board can find something to bitch about
Wow that missile is uncircumcised, very antisemetic
1 missile takes 2 missile to counter
looks like russia is winning
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Russia doesn’t want this smoke
is that the new US Aerial Dilator? you trannies sure are making advancements in degeneracy
holy shit it's the boat from thunder in paradise
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Okay, so picture this: let's say, hypothetically, these P-800s actually managed to pull it off and made America throw in the towel on their operation. Now, that'd be a pretty big deal, right? It would basically leave Israel wide open to even more attacks from the Houthis. You see, a lot of the missiles and drones that the Houthis are constantly lobbing at Israel are currently being shot down by American ships and aircraft. So, in a way, it's totally in Israel's best interest to keep this American operation going strong. They're like Israel's personal missile shield out there.
Now, let's talk about the whole Russia angle. If things were to heat up between them and Israel, it probably wouldn't end well for the Russians. Why? Well, to put it bluntly, they've have pretty much nothing in terms of protection against a full-on assault from Israeli F-35s and ballistic missiles. Russian S-400s struggle to shoot down "stealth" cruise missiles with a radar signature of 0.5m so imagine what would happen if they encounter stealth jets with a radar signature of 0.0015m.
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If a ship is expecting an attack then yes, but they get exactly one chance to shoot down the missile. There are also automated defenses like CIWS, but there's no guarantee that that will work. Even if it does, you are going to be engaging a missile that's hundreds of meters away instead of hundreds of KM.
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That's like threatening to deliver with the left hand what the right hand is already delivering. Most of Israel's weapons are either made in America or with heavy input from American companies.

If Israel wants to send from its own stocks and unilaterally disarm itself, sending their equipment to face one of the countries best equipped to destroy said equipment, I'm sure Iran and Hezbollah will be thrilled to hear it.
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They'll run out of Oinks missiles for Oinkraine
NATO provided missiles are already falling on Russian territory and Russian ships
Are you a retard or do you not know where Yemen and Israel are located on the map? The Houthis have very little they can threaten Israel with directly and getting these anti-ship missiles will not change that.

Russia ALLEGEDLY wants to give these missiles to the Houthis so they (as a proxy) can kick USN out of the Red Sea and continue to wage their "blockade" against Israel by attacking any ships owned by or doing business in Israel.

>Russian S-400s struggle to shoot down "stealth" cruise missiles
What magical "stealth missiles" are you talking about?
they're called oinks now
>What magical "stealth missiles" are you talking about?
Naval Strike Missile is stealthy.
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>Russia plans to arm Yemen with the deadly P-800 Oniks anti-ship cruise missile

Good, if the US navy doesnt want to get sunk, maybe it should go back to its territorial waters where it belongs
>gif related

>If things were to heat up between them and Israel, it probably wouldn't end well for the Russians. Why? Well, to put it bluntly, they've have pretty much nothing in terms of protection against a full-on assault from Israeli F-35s and ballistic missiles. Russian S-400s struggle to shoot down "stealth" cruise missiles with a radar signature of 0.5m so imagine what would happen if they encounter stealth jets with a radar signature of 0.0015m.
holy fuck you /k/ike brained faggots are unreal, you truly are
the single stupidest cohort of human minds ever assembled, bar none
It's a mongoloid missile

>Russia begging weapons and soldiers from other counries.
>Russia giving weapons to other countries

You can pick only one? Which you choose?
NAFO trannies, not like this. Our response without sounding butthurt?
>America throw in the towel on their operation.
1. That will not happen, the operation is already a complete failure, the Houthis have managed to cut off almost all traffic in the strait, even so, the US cannot afford to abandon the operation because that would damage its international reputation, and as you also say; the Houthis could more easily attack Israel. So the US is locked in a trap, where it can only lose-lose and cannot escape. Israel is not threatened by this move, its golem will protect it no matter how much damage it receives.
Israel is seeking a ceasefire in Gaza because their stocks (which we give them) are running so low.
Russia ain't gonna be going against Israel, fuckin Russia is about as pro Israel as the older US population. The 2nd most spoken language in Israel is Russian and Israel is who the Russians got the most secrets on the US from during the cold war. Goddam jews have their bets hedged with everyone.
I read that as anti-oinks cruise missile lol
Who comes up with these lolworthy names

usa/nato are no longer allowed to kill brown people, only white christians
Uncut missile lmao take that kikes
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Cool. When did an S-400 system engage one of those? Oh, right...
>managed to cut off almost all traffic in the strait
This is patently false. There's still plenty of traffic in Bab al-Mandab Strait. Is it less than before? Maybe. But to say it's "cut off almost all" is retarded.
>Houthis could more easily attack Israel
USN is not going to shoot down those drones/missiles because they are flying overland the other way, retard.

That said, I do agree that Operation Prosperity Guardian has been a failure and that it's all about saving face right now for the USN.
Relations between the two countries are "chilly" at best. Russia is upset that Israel has sent weapons to Ukraine and Israel is upset that Russia retaliated by trying to introduce ceasefire agreements in UN.
Jet engines confirmed anti-Semitic.
Wow. Mega Holy Shit.
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Oh OK, Russia become a state sponsor of terrorism... that will not work well for Russia. Seems like those sanctions will never be lifted.
Russia can't be held accountable for what people use those weapons for.
Maybe they are a bit chilly but Russia didn't make those moves to spite Israel so much as the US. They can't pass up an opportunity to be antagonistic to the US.
If you lived on a ship, it would be a disaster, you know
What are you saying, that Israel is going to directly attack Russians in Tartus and Khmeimim? Or what?

American carriers could still hang out in the northern Red Sea or southeastern Mediterranean and be out of range
1. Russia does not begging for arms, it buys them.
2. The weapons Russia buys are already manufactured by them; drones, artillery and ballistic missiles. If they buy more it is because a country's production has a limit, and expanding the industry takes time and money; in the meantime they buy those weapons from other countries to have more advantage on the battlefield. Europe and Russia are fighting an industrial war, both are expanding their production while buying weapons from third parties (South Korea sold artillery to the US).
3. Russia does not buy anti-ship cruise missiles, they do not need; have a large arsenal that they are not using because Ukraine has no navy. Donating these specific weapons to the Houthis is not a problem.

4. You are stupid
Lmao White man for the win
I would pretend I do not see it. Therefore, there is no problem.
Sounds like a good year for missile production, world wide.

I dont get it why they keep using missiles to attack ships.

You know you need a hole in the hull to make it sink? Something like a USV or a torpedo would be really nice. The cruise missiles they're launching are only destroying $10k to $50k worth of cargo on the ship. It's not really worth it
Those crazy Yemens
is the indian version called ramjeet
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Based Emperor Putin, let the pool be closed on them terrorist jews.
300 shahed attacks = only rubymar ship sunk
5 USVs attack which started this month = tutor ship sunk

they gotta start using USVs and torpedoes
So are the 2-stage solid fuel medium range ballistic missiles they've been deploying for months already. Cope harder.
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It's just Russian for "Onyx".
>splitting hairs
OK cool.
Harden your cock, Putin!
Looks like the other way around they needed 2 missile to take one it is a test?
Russia repeatedly accuses the west of starting shit but now they arm one of the greatest enemies of the United States so that they can sink our vessels.
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Low IQ useless brainless sand nigger.
This will force the USA to completely destroy the Houthis, regardless of the cost in "civilian" lives of the sand nigger women and children. Brainless goat fucking genetic garbage are going to escalate this until a few million of them are dead.
All the USA has to do is stop feeding these useless sand nigger genetic garbage, then do a 100% blockade of everything going into Yemen.
Dumbfucks thought an old useless sub and a useless frigate would trigger another Cuban missile crisis. Nope, but this will trigger a sand nigger missile crisis.
About 40 years ago, during the Iran Iraq War, Iran got some Chink silkworm missiles. The USA told them not to use those. One of those missile hits a US Ship, then Iran's leaders would be killed and the country under new management.
Get ready to cry for your beloved sand niggers, because I foresee a 100% blockade of Yemen and it being turned into a bombing range.
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>Israel to send
Kek, you really think you could swing that in /pol/, kike?
Everybody knows that "Israel" wouldn't be sending shit, it's all paid by U.S. since Jews have taken over the US govt.
The entirety of the Iron Dome was designed and built in the U.S. by Raytheon (not Rafael) and it's entirely funded, maintained and resupplied by the U.S. taxpayer.
If the kikes were kicked out of the U.S., the illegitimate state of occupied Palestine the kikes call Israel would fall apart instantly.
Israel doesn't give a fuck about you or your fake war you retarded nigger brained troon
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Entirely believable.
Checked. They already got lots of submarine torpedo drones.
The USV is kino af i must admit, i would like to thank the MI-6 for helping hohols use them against Russians which then taught us it is indeed possible and deadly.
Air craft carriers are effectively obsolete.
>Yemeni USV at work
>NNOOOOO you can't arm ANYONE cause WE SAID SO
>don't shoot us with hypersonic missiles of which we do not possess the technology to manufacture and sell to militant groups ourselves!
>waaaah the sheck- I mean the american lives goyim!
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They have developed semi-unmanned suicide boats. One was used on the Greek cargo ship that was hit earlier.
Trump is invading Yemen anyway.
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The snake must be cut at its' head.
The plan is very simple, yet will face considerable pushback from the Jewry
Repatriate all Jewish assets and wealth, reclaim all their banks back to national control.
This will remove their power since they will no longer own and control the media and won't be able to push the Jewish agenda, it will remove the chokehold the Jewish bankers have over sovereign governments and the Jewish landlords on the housing market.
Then expell all Jews and other non-Europeans from Europe and ban them from ever stepping foot in our lands again, so they are not able to scheme anymore.
Cut all ties with Israel and never step foot in Middle-East again nor waste a single resource on meddling with their affairs.
> west arms ukies
> russia says fuck it, we can do it too
yes, retard. the two statements are not incongruent.
The ramjet is a total failure, despite having Russians in India making them, it failed miserably.
The houthis already have their own weapons, they even said they will provide armed groups in Iraq with missiles to fight the great satan
>anti pig weapons
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i heard the brahdeep is much better, it doesn't get clogged down in the shitty indian waters
even with high feces per mille values it will chug along
>I dont get it why they keep using missiles to attack ships. You know you need a hole in the hull to make it sink?
Houthis have already sunk merchant ships. What are you even typing about, leaf
kek, this is your brain on /k/opium
Our hecking totally not rigged tests say so! Die in a ditch, kike.

For what purpose? they've already managed to shut down the canal. Only morons try to go through it and they get hit by whatever crap houthis already have.

BESIDES doesn't Russia Have good relations with Saudi Arabia and Israel who both wouldn't like to see houthis with more weapons?

With Putin, nothing makes sense.
member when you spammed the board with your delusions about the Eisenhower?
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Big if true, plot twist is going to be that none are fired at americans and all at Israel
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Don't have to invade. 100% blockade of a shithole where 60%+ of the population are dependent on foreign aide. All we have to do is stop feeding these useless pieces of filth.
Also Yemen produces very little in food. Stupid subhuman sand niggers want to block international shipping... OK, the US Navy can do that better than any other group on earth. All it would take is a few months, then the Houthis starve to death and have their own internal civil wars.
How well does it handle corpse density?
US should respond by issuing letters of marquee to enthusiast privateers and let them hit Russian and Chinese shipping in response. Age of Sail 2.0 would be so kino.
Missile production isn't meeting demand, actually its about 10% of what it should be for you mongrels LOL.
>Implying ZOG wouldnt have already blockaded them if it was feasible
iranian missile go brrr
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with a toyota you can go anywhere
>the illegitimate state of occupied Palestine
Go back to leftypol
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>everyone I don't like is a sand nigger
>my own lily white citizens who care more for their own people instead of the MIC are sand niggers
You'll do nothing but lose to sand niggers like you always have and always will, you feckless little chickenshit rat
Your empire is spewing out puss at the seams already, jew. Few more little conflicts and its lights out for amerishits and their kike masters.
based jewtin arming israels enemy, like u..s arms their enemy. jewtin can threaten the u.s. all day until he disses israel
>A recent report by the US Defense Intelligence Agency acknowledged container shipping through Red Sea has declined by 90% since December over the attacks. As much as 15% of the world’s maritime traffic flows through that corridor.
Because right and wrong, justice and fairness are not pertinent to the leftist mind. To the left all that is important is serving their immediate emotional needs, which means any narrative which allows them to feel safe in a group, get their pleasure, feel that they have power - is the correct one.
>Well, to put it bluntly, they've have pretty much nothing in terms of protection against a full-on assault from Israeli F-35s
You mean those things that never work and constantly crash?
You already blocked food for Houthis with Saudi Arabia for years and they didn't give a shit even though something like 100k people died
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>This will force the USA to completely destroy the Houthis,
>Houthis starve to death
And why the fuck should anyone lift a finger for Israel?
Yes we know that you kikes have infiltrated the US govt.
But more and more people have been discovering that the Jewish plants in USA govt have committed treason and put Jewish interests before USA.
After it is discovered and the thread between West and Israel is cut.
You can stop saying what USA or anyone is "forced to" do.
Since Israel won't be forcing anyone anymore at that point
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Why not? US gives weapons to kill Russians. Why can't Russia do the same to Americans?
I say let the war begin.
1) Israel gets glassed. No more shit posting JIDF.
2) you guys get drafted and sent to the front .

Win/win. All the kikes and incels gone from /pol/
If they worked they would be using them already. It is also very likely that a few months ago they tried to use one and it was immediately shot down.

Came from reputable sources but there is so much disinfo it is hard to know.

What is clear though is that they haven't been used widely - why would that be?
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leftypoll is full of commies, and communism is jewish.
most people put national socialism to the right, even though it is economically centre-left, and that whole left-right dichotomy is retarded.
TKD is the only thing that really matters anyway.
And making white lands white again, that everyone has their own home.
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>Just because America(NATO) arms Ukraine does not make America part of the conflict
NAFO sister troons we didn't plan this one too well did we? Dilation status?
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USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula, and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions of migrating from Europe (global cap).
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.


Have you thanked the Jews for non-white USA yet?
They don't do shit but if they do this could heavily backfire. You don't want to piss off that region. They will go against Russia.
>Russian tech and weaponry
It's kinda hard to meme pidor supremacy after they've had their shit pushed in by a farmer's army armed with drones and tractors.
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>The Houthis have very little they can threaten Israel with directly
The Houthis have been making waves with their growing arsenal of ballistic missiles and armed drones, many of which are well within range of Southern Israel which includes Israel's Red Sea port.
>What magical "stealth missiles" are you talking about?
The storm shadow.
>What are you saying, that Israel is going to directly attack Russians in Tartus and Khmeimim?
Both actually.
Is this the Islamo-Marxist alliance I have been hearing about
>armed with drones and tractors.
310 billion worth of all sorts of weapons, why do people pretend like Ukraine isn't supported by dozens of countries?
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>They will go against Russia.
Israel is already doing that in Syria.

Jews used their total control of the US government to make it destroy Iraq and Libya on the international Jews behalf.
Tried that with Syria too, but Russia saved the day, although because of selfish interests as they wanted to keep their access to the Mediterranean via the leased port of Tartus. In any case, without Russia Syria would've fallen too.
What is common with Iraq, Libya and Syria?
They're all Ba'athist.
Ba'athism is 'arab socialism', very similar to 'national socialism'. It completely locks out the (((foreign investor))), the international jew from profiting off the land, and it makes very much sense as an economic policy.
Hence the international Jewry cannot have such examples standing, lest rest of the world have any ideas.
Imagine if all countries went the national socialism route and locked their economies down, completely leaving out the (((foreign investor))) and (((international financier))).
The international jewry would instantly lose all their power, and they CANNOT let that happen.

Look at this fucking 10 page long shitshow of a list of beliggerents in the Syrian 'civil' war
The war is anything but civil, and Israel is arming and funding every rebel groups regardless of their ideology, just to sow chaos and destruction
So in a way Israel is already engaged in proxy war against Russia

Which is kinda funny because Jewish oligarchs is who own and control Russia
I guess the west/israeli/ukraine jews and russia jews are different faction of jews
You can be anti-Jew without defending sandnigger barbarians. Arabs have all the worst qualities of Jews with none of the positive aspects. At no point in history was there an independent Arab-ruled state of "Palestine" and the sandniggers don't have any more of a right to the land than kikes do.
Calm down kike. You got yourself all riled up
Israel's shit can't stop Hesbollah drones, they don't have enough for their own needs lmfao
The difference is the US isnt at war with anyone and hasnt invaded them. If you attack a US ship youre going to get hit with article 15 and NATO will replace yemens government next week. Also it will be recognized Russia sent the arms, considering again they are not at war and it will be an act of aggression and initial provocation of hostilities. Just not the same thing, even if Putins coping by pretending it is. Muh gonna arm your enemies, theyre not - at - war.
t. on yemens side
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Can't wait for the update.
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>What is common with Iraq, Libya and Syria?
>They're all Ba'athist.
>Ba'athism is 'arab socialism', very similar to 'national socialism'.

Very interesting; thanks.
Maybe but there's no direct confrontation. If you start pissing off that region they will have direct confrontation. It's not a good idea. Russia should only focus on Ukraine. If they start pissing off too many sides they won't be able to get them all. The last guys Russia wants to piss off is neighbors, especially guys like Israel and Turkey.
Of course it can, but there's way more risk to it. But when it comes to civilian tankers.. have fun kek'd
US tried to eliminate houthis with Saudi Arabia since 2016, they cant do shit without full on land invasion, houthis already fired missiles at american ships and there was no talks of article 5 and shit like that at all
The U.S. will never stop defending Israel in some capacity. What I don’t understand is why you think Israel and Russia would suddenly go to war with each other. They both have their own issues right now.
Nothing made after 1991 Russian works as adveetised so nothingburger
they would have zero effect on carrier groups, like throwing rocks at tanks, you only give away your position so they can take you out.
military noobs dont understand that american carriers are the best protected places in the world, its easier to allahu ackbar yourself into the white house 9/11 style.
thats the thing, they can with ease. they can track it for 2 of thoose minutes just to be absolutely shure about its trajectory and then they still have time to fire, see if its effective and fire again.
and again....
>why won't Israel attack one of their enemy's biggest supporters
What the fuck is this
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I'm not defending them anymore than that the jews are in the wrong for stealing their lands and homes.
Sure the Palestinians were always ruled by someone else, but they were the people that occupied the lands, the Palestinian Arabs and Christians, not the Jews.
>At no point in history was there an independent Arab-ruled state
This is just pilpul, sure it was not independent but it was ruled by arabs in middle ages for 500 years, then by crusaders for 400 years, then the ottomans for 400 years, until ottomans lost the WWI and were broken apart and palestine was given to the british mandate.
The point is, at no point in history they were Jewish lands.
The jews have the least claim to the lands from anyone.
And being the wretched race they are, even when given land which never belonged to them, it wasnt enough for those greedy fucks.
They immediately started genociding the palestinians, poisoning village wells to kill their children so they would move, etc. and the current genocide is nothing new, it has been ongoing since 1948.
TKD is really the only option, nothing will EVER be enough for the jew.
What if the defense system radar is the responsibility of Lt. Shaniqua at the time of the attack, and she's doing her nails.
Oh yeah, Russia claimed they have a porn whore that could take 4 dicks at the same time, two is the ass. It was true.
>If you attack a US ship youre going to get hit with article 15 and NATO will replace yemens government next week
>yemens government
This larping retard doesn't even know what the "Houthis" are kek'd
And how many anti-missile tubes are there per-ship? 12? 20?
That makes maybe 36-60 for the entire carrier group.
Crazy thought here but what if they fired like 200 missiles at once?
> 100% blockade of a shithole
Blockade with what? Sunken ships ? Anything near our Yemenis bros will get sunk, put these words right into your mutt slave brain.
Fuck around and find out.
They'd have to be very carefully and strategically fired because several missiles can explode in a chain reaction. The carrier group could easily retaliate if the strategy is too complex. That's all assuming they're in range.
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half of the retards around here think carriers just cruise around solo, kinda like those Russian tanks do. And you know what? The Iranians seem to buy into that idea too. I mean, check out their so-called "anti-carrier" drills. They're just taking potshots at lone carrier mock-ups, totally ignoring the whole carrier group thing. Talk about missing the big picture, right?
It's gonna be a real pain in the ass for the Houthis trying to get those 200 missiles all set up and ready to go, you know? Especially when there are jets buzzing around overhead, keeping their eyes peeled for any suspicious-looking groups or formations on the ground.
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Well what U.S. and the whole West should have done a long time ago, is to cut all ties to Israel.
Then there will be not direct confrontation with the West.
There is absolutely no reason European races should ever step foot in the Middle-East or North-Africa.
We should let them be and do whatever the fuck they like, and in return they stay the fuck out of our homes.
Simple as.
Being friends with kikes has cost the world so much, but especially the Western world.
Yeah it's known that 9/11 was planned by the kikes, but even if you don't believe that, any terrorist attack would not have happened if it wasn't for the friendship with kikes.
USA having been the attack dog for Israel and going to bomb innocent people on Jews behalf is the reason USA and West get so much hate.
All of it is literally Jews fault.
So much for:
>America keeps the sea lanes open
Lmao, U.S. Gavy utterly humiliated by sand niggers.
They even dropped a Tactical nuke on Yemenis to no avail.
>tactical nuke dropped on Yemen
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Was this necessary to mention? It's a missile. Missiles are deadly. I doubt anyone would have missed that implication.
>Sunken ships
The Houthis will never sink ANY naval ship.
Idk if you can call them "bros" since your country is more pro-Israel than Spain despite being a Muslim country.
Israel can’t attack Russia and this is something even America would put its foot down on. Israel is a small country and has some of the worst ground forces in the region. You do realize Iran itself is quite capable of leveling Israel, right?
How would a carrier group shoot down a DF-17 hypersonic missile (which can maneuverer in all stages and hug the ground)?
>oinks anti ship missile
Peak clown world
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It is clear that Islam and Christianity don't mix with each other, but both is fine as long as they live in their own corners of world.
But Judaism is tool of Satan, when it simply exist in the world it will work in infiltrating and destroying other religions and make everyone subservient to them.
So the common enemy of EVERYONE in the world, are the jews.
When the jews are gone and people live peacefully in their own parts of world, in ethnostates like we used to be before all the jewish meddling, what there even is to fight about?
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>has some of the worst ground forces in the region.
>You do realize Iran itself is quite capable of leveling Israel
After the 99% interception rate? Lol nope.
My country as a whole is pro-Palestine this is why the israeli ambassador equivalent HAVE FLED our country, he said it was UNSAFE for him.
Only our leadership have normalize but we are working around the clock to revert which they will soon do as well as joining the Brics before Algeria does.
Your time ends now, you terrorist supporter and jewish mutt slave. You have no clue how much damage the terrorist jews have done to the USD and to ameri-mutt influence.
Whats with arabs saying god is great after every other explosion? Is it because they are scared or do they just like how ''allahu akbar'' sounds, always found that pretty strange
Ah yes, Iron Dome. I can't wait to see their counter-missiles intercept eachother lol
heuheuheuheuheu kkkkkkkkk
With defensive firing. Hyper-sonic missiles aren't invincible. The advantage is not being very fast, you can already do that with ballistic missiles, it's being hard to detect if they fly too low.
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>we are working around the clock to revert
Not happening any time soon since your king wants those F-35s from us.
>Your time ends now
Two more weeks
Saying God is great is a requirement to be spoke before embarrassing death. When hearing the explosion they dont know if they would survive so they prefer to say it in case death comes swiftly. It also shows we have 0 fear of death, we embrace it.
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>Infinite money spent just to lose to once again lose to goat fuckers
>No health care
Shabbos angloids deserve it
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Shouldn't you be on a flight to Israel instead of infesting European lands, kike?
The founding stock there is getting tired of your bullshit.
I know you kikes are trying to do everything you can to displace the founders out of their nations >>472877973
and take them over, but currently it looks like tide is turning against you, and people will discover the JQ.
Wouldn't it be better to go now when you still can do so peacefully?
They don't need to be fired in unison from a handful of locations as it takes a significant amount of time to reload tubes. 2-3 fired from 100 buildings and courtyards is easy enough.
Throw some torpedos and dummy boats into the mix and the navy retards will panic so hard they'll probably end up shooting themselves.
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You can't hug your comrades with nautical arms.
Why are naval interceptors better than ground interceptors? The US failed to shoot down Iranian BMs with their patriots in Iraq but shot down a lot of missiles at sea.
You know what the funny part about Trump's tomahawk missile swarm was? It doesn't matter if the enemy intercepts 99% of your missiles if you fire 300 missiles at 3 targets.
We are even pressuring him not to get those expensive lemons. American war equipment is utter trash.
Destroyed by a 1000$ FPV drone
Defeated by Khinzals
Destroyed by Lancets.

Your time ends now jewish mutt slave. Bye bye.
This is like the 20th red line Russia has crossed and Biden still won't do shit.
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>those F-35s from us.
USA is not your country, Jew. You are merely 2% of the population, you are not part of the founding stock of the country, you are merely a parasite and a leech.
So the correct form is from "them", when you mean Americans, not "us", as that would mean the F-35s would be coming from Israel.
This nigga really thinks Israel is going to conquer Russia
Gasket seal test for roasties before you commit to buying.
The Tomahawks are actually good missiles, not glorified scrap heaps that are "Iranian" (Russian) missiles.
You tell me
This is highly illegal and antisemitic.
fuck i miss that show
the beach thing was bad news but you reddit burgers didnt want to believe it then
We're talking about Houtis right? If they don't fire in unison the group will retaliate.
>muh ancient SM-2s
nigger baiting hard when even his glorified paytreons cant hit shit
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The Israelis aren't about to march into Moscow or anything crazy like that. But they will wipe those Russian military bases in Syria off the map.
You willing to explain what Ukrainian ships they'll use their anti-ship missiles against?
Look at this brainless subhuman without one bit of knowledge of histroy.
Russia/ USSR has been arming America's enemies for 100 years. The USA just kills our enemies and makes Russia/ USSR look like an impotent fool.
How much money did the USSR waste in the Korean War? The USSR even flew fighter aircraft against US Military, and the US Military killed them. I wonder how many stupid Ivana were killed. Funny, when Stalin died, then the USSR stopped funding the North Koreans, but the war still continues.
Similarly, the USSR supplied the commie Vietnamese's terrorist insurgency against the South Vietnamese. The USA just killed more commies there.
Similarly, if Russia attempts to supply the Houthis terrorist with more "advanced" missiles, then the USA will be forced to kill million of Houthis. This would be the easiest war to win, because the Houthis get 60+% of their food from food aide. Stop the food aide and then blockade Yemen.
Similarly, the USA should stop giving food aide to the Gaza rats, and just let them die. In a moth the whole Gaza thing would be resolved for once and for all.
I said NATO not the US and Saudi Shitrapeia. Britain, France, Germany the whole group. They will send mercenaries in, and then bomb their own mercenaries like they did to get rid of Gaddafi.
Not for free they won't.
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Ha based

Death to Globohomo
Most of the “scrap heap”’missiles you’re talking about are quite capable of hitting Israel. The myth that Israel is impenetrable is a really dumb one. Anyone who has basic knowledge about these things knows that Iran can hit Israel and have demonstrated so in their last attack. You didn’t hear about it because they don’t want you knowing.

Look up Iran missiles hit Israel. The drones they sent were a diversion and Iran bombed several locations with their midrange “scrap heap” missiles. They chose targets without civilians and without soldiers to make a point to Israel and to not escalate any further. Imagine that, Iran is the more reasonable country.
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Absolutely based. The bloodthirsty Zionists committing genocide in Gaza must be stopped. If the US Navy is enabling this war crime then it is right and just that God's holy warriors the Houthis should defeat them in battle and sink their ships
Those sanctions will be in place for the foreseeable future regardless.
Retaliate on what? The courtyard that already fired three missiles? The courtyard where the militants fled from 5 minutes ago and are now 2+ miles away?
Retaliate with what? 100 missiles on 100 courtyards/rooftops? They don't have that firepower.
200 within 12 minutes is really good enough.
The US Navy hasn't experienced combat in nearly a century. They have no idea how to respond to threats outside some sterile, scripted war game where everyone plays fair.
I wish we in america could get the terror pack upgrade on our trucks but sadly its illegal to buya hillux here. instead we get the soccer mom packge. big as cab with tiny dick bed.
ok but this time its for real guys
Again, Israel is a tiny nation with conscripts that are women. They can’t win any battles that don’t involve pressing buttons and watching things explode from far away. They are not, never have been, and never will be warriors. It’s best for them to issue for peace instead of pretending they are some strong Jewish Nazi army.
>there was no talks of article 5
Brainless nigger subhuman. NATO is only in the North Atlantic, and has nothing to due to worldwide problems. If the Houthis attacked a US ship above the tropic of cancer, then NATO might apply. However, brainless nigger subhuman, the Red Sea is outside of NATO's area.
The USA only needs to blockade these useless subhumans. The USA, UN, et al have fed these useless parasites for decades.
Similarly, the USA should stop feeding the Gaza rats, then they would have died by now. After they are all dead, then they will never ever cause anymore problems.
most the trade they are fucking over is BRICS trade lmao, USA doesn't not give a fuck about Yemen
oinks missile coming for ukraine?
no need to shoot down missiles not heading your way and anyone who fires 200 at a carrier does so because they have zero aim, dont know what they are doing and just spray hoping that one will hit.
its seen in ukraine today and the reason behind the initial myth that patriot failed miserably. in reality, if you beltdump onto someome and your only hit got stopped by their body armor, does that means body armor doesnt work because 199shots wasnt stopped by it?
the patriots was effective in protecting the areas they where set to protect and they have such good tracking they can spot misfires and let them be.
>hey will wipe those Russian military bases in Syria off the map.
All useful and critical assets are underground in Syria this is a requirement when you fighting terrorist jews supported by their air-based mutt slaves.
News flash: after Iran bombed the 2 bases in occupied Palestine the terrorist jews have equipped their F35 with tactical nukes heading for Iran, the same F35 was blown up over Jordan by Russia. What did you hear in jewish controlled western media ? Nothing, crickets.
And Russia will be killing terrorist israelis if they ever enter Lebanon, but sure of that.
if the israeli energy grid goes down 10-20% of israelis will use their dual citizenship to flee
How long ago was it that israel was begging the US for an iron dome rearm shipment? A couple weeks? Months?
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Probably fake and gay but they should do it. Russia could BTFO most of the West just by sending some modern weapons to the right groups. Putin needs to realize that (((they))) aren't going to let him back into their globohomo club even after this war is over.
>the US cannot afford to abandon the operation because that would damage its international reputation
Only 4? That's an outrage.
The article is bullshit and OP, a homosexual. Iran has been arming them however, I don't know about their supersonic cruise missiles.
>israeli terrorist force
Mainly faggots and women.

Manifest Destiny
These diversity hires are biting the glowies hard.
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>They are not, never have been, and never will be warriors
Even the thought of Jews as 'warriors' gave me a good chuckle.
Yeah they can bomb children, schools and hospitals and laugh about it, sure, the jews are heartless and inhumane demons, but warriors and athletes they are not.
Lmfao, the absolute cope
Imagine thinking kikes would give anyone anything lmfao
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World would be saved by wiping Israel off the map.
That of course would need all of you diaspora to be sent there first.
You have done unfathomable damage to our societies by infesting them.
Not a single jew should ever be allowed to step foot on European lands, that includes North America, Australia and New Zealand.
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We know that you kikes think the whole world is yours, that you are the "chosen people" and you are not looting and stealing, you are simply taking what god put there for you, right?
We know all this, how destructive your kind is.
And hopefully, soon, you will be gone forever.
hahaha, fucking love this timeline. I hope every european gets drafted up and raped by a russian.
You know, ships have this thing called propulsion and bridge? 1 small missile can turn even the biggest ship unoperatiinal for day. Plenty of time to strike with somethinf stronger.so yeah you dont want to get hit. Even worse for the US. Just imagine the fallout when some (as such perceived) goatfuckers with an (perceived) 20.000 dollar missile can fuck up a ship that costs hundreds of millions. Trust me the us would be morally crippled for days.
did turkey win in soccer? they are going crazy outside first screaming now cars honking everywhere like mad
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>the same F35 was blown up over Jordan by Russia.
I appreciate this post.
it's not about the systems, just the missiles. the retards at nato never thought this through. they have enough systems just no missiles. and they don't really hit anything it's just an area denial against aircraft, no western air defense is effective against russian missiles.
>you jewish slave mutts believe israel and ukraine is winning
Lmao. Keep on jugging jewish semen.
lel...Russkie gear is absolute shit.

Russia already fucking supplies Yemen/the Houthis with a shit load of missiles though. Has been for decades now.

Maybe if Russia didn't want to experience NATO weapons striking Russia, they shouldn't have supplied all of NATOs enemies with Russian fucking weapons. What goes around comes around.
Prove that an Israeli F-35 was shot down over Jordan.
>retarded incel thinks ships still work like hand cranked .50 cal AA guns
If there's one thing this retarded cesspool of a country is good at, it's blowing shit up.
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Hahahahaha nice joke, sand nigger subhuman. The US Navy does whatever it wants in international waters. US Navy warships are off the coast right now. None of your beloved sand nigger missiles have hit a US flagged ship. None of your beloved sand niggers' missiles have hit any ship in the US coalition.
Your beloved terrorist Houthis sand niggers are parasites on international food aide organizations, including US food aide.
IMO, the US Navy should do a 100% blockage and watch millions of your beloved terrorist sand niggers starve to death. Funny how the low IQ subhumans cannot even feed themselves. Funny how they are dependent on florigen aide. Also funny how the useless sand rats cannot even grow enough food to feed their population, and they attempt to attack international shipping.
I really wish the US Government would call the whole area a conflict zone, so no sea traffic and no air traffic could enter. IMO, we should see how many sand rats Yemen could self-sustain. Maybe 10% of current population would live... I would love to see what the number would be.
Fuck around and find-out... sure, lets see what happens with a 100% blockade!
Similarly, the USA should stop feeding the sand rats in Gaza... let them all die. They cannot fed themselves, then they are simply a parasite that needs to die! Ask your sand nigger in the sky to drop some food from them. My guess... ol' Muhamad ain't going to do shit for them, mr sand nigger subhuman.
>florigen aide
foreign aide
>deadly weapon
As opposed to weapons that only cause emotional harm?
Gives girls the ick.
0/10 effortpost, Chaim
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Pure kino
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It's actually crazy that the Suez canal is basically closed by some mud hut dwellers, it's not even a news item and the world's most ebin navy is pretty much impotent to stop it.
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that image. It's gonna happen. I can't imagine how many angry brown people there are going to be soon on top of Israel, Farage and european right.
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This what ZOG-occupied Washington has been begging for. They've been doing this shit with other proxy states for so long . . . now they've completely escalated chaos throughout the entire world ultimately at Israel's direction and now they'll be a widespread conflict. And it'll be way worse than Iraq/Afghanistan. ZOG has been trying to make the West collapse by flooding us with milllions (per country per year) of foreign alien military-age men while simultaneous trying to get the West into a catastrophic conflict. Westerners can be easily overpowered in their own homelands by these 3rd world hordes since they outnumber us. I swear the West wants the (((ZOG))) banking cartel to rule the world or they'll see us destroyed while trying.
>Russia already fucking supplies Yemen/the Houthis
All 3rd world shitholes use Russian/Soviet weapons and have done so for many decades.
anything that leads to the destruction of brown countries and cultures is a good idea
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Based Putin.
Nuke Israel, kill the Old Red Guard and restore the Christian Monarchy
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What USA should stop feeding, is the kikes.
They are the parasites with largest recipient of foreign aid by far >>472876549
not to mention the trillions it cost to fight wars for them.
You didn't answer my question >>472877694
why should anyone lift a finger for Israel?
If everyone just stop aiding kikes in anyway, the kike problem should solve by itself.
Said the little brown manlet...
It’s only a rumor that leaked on Russian/Palestinian/Iranian channels. If they disclose it with proofs it’s will cause WW3 almost instantly, so both actors decided to stay silent about it. But the rumors on israeli terrorist loss are usually correct.
I have been following the israeli terrorist lies for years, they never disclose their real loss ever. You can however confirm the loss months later when they say “F35 hit by bird” which happened to be hit by Syrian S200 months prior.
That being said you will hear in few months/weeks about a lost israeli terrorist F35. For now take why i say for face value you jewish slave mutt.
>Suez canal is basically closed
Is it?
I still see many ships going through the Suez canal, but more are going around the cape - no idea if that is normal or not?
Kill some more Russian children in a Holy Day for Orthodox and instrument attacks on churches in the same day.
That will surely deter Russians from arming all enemies of the USA including myself.
>T. Ford representative
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This is true, I favor the Nazi ideology myself and otherwise would be rather seen dead than with a leftist, but this matter of getting rid of kikes is too important,
I think I share sentiment with lot of people that are willing to align temporarily with anyone that has the shared goal of finally ridding the world of these inhumane wretched kikes
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Israel gon' get got.
You're jewish
Based Bibi. Fuck mutts.
>zog occupied Washington
Through sell out politicians.
Suez crossings are down 50% compared to last year iirc, it's definitely being affected by the Houthis.
Based to see the Vasco da Gama's route making a comeback.
What a faslehood, just what the jew wants you to think. It is OUR countries being invaded while we're kept occupied (and dying) in jewish-contrived foreign fuckery/wars ... all while corrupt officials have been allowing "soft" revolutions in all White homelands. Fuck ZOG and fuck not defending literal native soil to engage in sandnigger wars for supremacist jews & their zionist golems.
There's a story that does the rounds about this. After one of the attacks on the USNavy in that region back when Russia was still considered a civilised nation, the State Dept asked them to be more circumspect about who they sold shit to. They received a curt reply to the effect that Russia would sell weapons to whomever it pleased. I bet the State Dept have that note printed out and framed somewhere now. What goes around indeed.
>The US Navy does whatever it wants in international waters.
Torpedo drones are ready, by all means come to the red sea to defend your jewish masters.
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I hope I get airdropped a lootbox with some AK's and drones.
Uncle Sam and I have a score to settle
The snakes shall be crushed, for God and his people. Russia exists for this purpose. God have protected Russia for this purpose. Russia is indeed God’s army on earth.
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>hal turner
The ones going through the Cap are israeli/jewish owned. The rest going through Suez are non-jewish owned (Chinese, Russian, and others).
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The plot twist is that the real evil was the Jews all along.
The Devil simply bribed, deceived and subverted the leaders to make brothers fight against brothers, instead of them uniting in the fight to expell the jew forever
The Suez had become a shit rout to begin with, Egyptians have invested nothing into improving it despite tankers getting bigger and bigger. the drop in ships using it has probably helped Portugal's economy slightly
Cope seethe and dilate. Terrorist jews will burn with their hoards of slaves.
all muslims and brown people will be removed
>they never disclose their real loss ever
Wait, are you saying that jews..lie?
I don't think jews would ever lie.
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Are you still trying to pass that chinsect patriot launcher for training was actually real? Even when visual evidence proves you wrong?

Now go fuck your wife (sheep/goat)
you're an idiot
Yes. And the (((lobby)))
Definitely yes
>we are winning
>Napoleon on Russian winter.wma
>no western air defense is effective against russian missiles.
Ukraine shoots down Russian missiles all the time.
But NATO doctrine is to gain air superiority and bomb missile launchers instead of waiting for them to fire.
Russia has no answer to stealth.
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Why does Jewtin wear his red jew branding bracelet?
It's not so much the danger of being sunk but insurance rates for the route being sky high.
That's a nice copium but nah, it has nothing to do with the Suez being shit and everything to do with literal sandniggers fucking ships up.
I don't care about our economy, we're slaves, nothing else. All I want is chaos and the destruction of GAE as soon as possible.
If I saw this and I was Saudi Arabia, I would max out production of oil and sell it to China and India at a loss until Russia got the message.
they are still begging you for more gibs and they cant even keep out $50 bottle rockets or Iranian ballistic missiles with their wet cardboard dome that you paid for.
yet here you are losing

If I was Saudi Arabia I would have holocausted those goat herders years ago. But they suck at military and are full of pussies.
Houthis closed the pool to jews and shabbos goyim. Only based and redpilled chads are allowed through.
Arma 3
There isn’t a jewish cum chugger on earth like mutts.
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It that were true, you wouldn't have to scream it 24/7/365 on /pol/. When does this losing start, exactly?
Its fake.
Arma 3 vidya.
that would hurt them very badly when they're fighting hezbollah
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>How Israel Created the European Refugee Crisis

>This is not the first refugee crisis Israel has precipitated. Since the creation of the Jewish state in 1948 the Middle-East has been characterized by instability, war, terrorism, sectarian violence and refugee crises, all coming as a direct result of Jewish policy, often carried out by the US acting as Israel’s proxy. Killing or removing all Palestinians is the long term goal of the Israeli state, whether the government is Labor or Likud, liberal or conservative, secular or religious. As a result, refugee resettlement has always played a major role in Israeli policy, and Jewish Zionists have created or supported an extensive network of Jewish-run NGOs and resettlement agencies in the West.
You are the one out of sync here.
This and note that there are far more mock-ups of advanced weapons systems than actual systems deployed.
For every real Patriot or HIMARS there are easily 10 mock-ups. - cheap to make and every time they fool the enemy is one less hit on a real asset.
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Webm related is a blasted wunderwafen Patriot by based Iskander missile.
Even if China didn’t receive the Patriot from Ukraine they will get them from your best ally pissraelis. Facts.
It will be a bunch of cheap drones "attacking" the Carrier group. The enemy will dwindle down their defenses then send in the heavy hitters.
The carrier group HAS to respond to each and every drone. It won't take long to render them defenseless.
When was the last time a US soldier died for Israel? 2024 when 2 special forces zogbots were killed on the coast of yemen

When was the last time an Ukrainian died for Israel? 2005 when Ukraine sent 3000 soldiers to assist in the invasion of Iraq and 20 soldiers died following a firefight

When was the last time a Russian died for Israel? Never happened
Based vlad
While you're busy fighting all over the desert ... your women are sucking & fucking your 100:1 replacements will total ZOG approval. Defend our homelands from illegal occupation & invasion . . . not go broke dead & give away your homes to the turdworld.
israel aint sending shit lmao
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Again: Why does Jewtin constantly wear his red jew branding bracelet?

Nigger, 30% of Israelis are literally Russians. Israel is FULL of vatnigs, and Jewtin worships Bibi like the second coming of Christ. Why do you think Jewtin gave Israel the IFF security codes to Iranian and Syrian SAM/AA systems Russia sold them? Holohoax denial is illegal in Russia, as is being pro-White anti shitskin/mongoloid immigration to Russia, not the US. Jewtin has been gulaging Russian right-wingers for decades.

I'll post sources to all my claims in order:

>The Million Russians That Changed Israel to Its Core
>Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country
>'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died [Mapam and David 'I am a Bolshevik' Ben-Gurion]
>How Russian is Israel?
>Russia-Israel relations
>How the Russian Elite is Shaping Israel | God's Business | ENDEVR Documentary
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>radar front array is up without an EPP
>no ECS
That's a decoy you fucking retard.
You shills are pathetic.
checked. how many we manufacture a year? not even a thousand.
Stalin purged Jews too, buddy.
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Yep ... they wouldn't create a cover story nor lie about it and lying corrupt Washington has given us total transparency
talking out your nafo ass because modern carrier has never faced anything more advanced that goat fuckers.
Reminder anons that Lebanon is "part of The Promised Land" . . .
so the real winner here are jewish insurance companies....lmao
The fact the rockets didn't catch fire or explode means it was probably a wood decoy.
Like I said the vast majority of "Partiot systems" you'll see are fake, less than one in ten will be the real deal.
So why does the launcher say "inert"?
cope. you're about to get killed by hamas
Reminder: Arabs and Persians aren’t niggers.
>radar literally smoking
>iT’s A dEcOy
The copium
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Nigger, it's a basic fucking IR camera. I know you're literally legally mentally retarded from the centuries of inbreeding, but, come the fuck on. Not giving you (You)s as you reek of desperation to make those shill shekels. Last pity (You), now back to twerking for your Imam.
>Stalin purged Jews too
They purge those that have finished their job.
>The Checka
samefag poisoning the discourse with shitty midwit intellectual conceits
How is the front array up without an EPP?
Where is the ECS?
Look, I can hate niggers and hate Israel at the same time.
My money is they didn’t have munitions in their because 3-6 millions $ per missile hohols probably stole the money and erected the launchers…
Could be also decoys, but i dont think hohols are that smart.
>Even if China didn’t receive the Patriot from Ukraine they will get them from your best ally pissraelis. Facts.
This is true, the Israeli jews have been making huge bank for a long time by getting military technology for free from the west, which they go on to sell for top shekel to china/russia/northkorea or anyone interested.
This guy must be in his 50s. Boomers genuinely can't tell the difference between video game graphics and real life. I know that cuz I've seen my parents fall for the same cheap arma 3 footage lmao
>never saw an inflatible army near the English Channel
Because someone used a stencil to mark it as such. We all know Washington has ceaselessly allowed US tech to be shared or outright stolen by our so-called allies AND rivals
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>Why do you think Jewtin gave Israel the IFF security codes to Iranian and Syrian SAM/AA systems Russia sold them?
\>Russia provided Israel security codes to access Iran’s Tor- M1 air-defense systems in exchange for an Israeli handover of codes to “hack” drones sold to Georgia, according to a leaked email from a private American intelligence company.

>Iran has accused Russia of giving the codes for Syria's anti-aircraft missiles to Israel, a senior official in the engineering department of Iran's Defense Department told the Kuwaiti daily Al-Jarida on Monday.

>Ariel Bulshtein, adviser to the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has announced that Israel has refused to sell weapons to Georgia, at Russia’s request. He also stated a month and a half ago, that Israel had refrained from selling weapons to Ukraine at the request of Russia, in exchange for halting an arms deal between Russia and Iran.
Looks the same to me. I dont speak mutt slave language, translate the ECS and EPP.
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>Holohoax denial is illegal in Russia, as is being pro-White anti shitskin/mongoloid immigration to Russia, not the US. Jewtin has been gulaging Russian right-wingers for decades.

>Russian nationalists march against immigration in Moscow - banned by Putin
>Omsk right-wing community "Nord" was recognized as an "extremist organization"
>The most dangerous "rehabilitation of Nazism" throughout the Russian Federation. 9 regions - 10 cases.
>7 far right nationalists arrested
>FSB arrest young right wing propagandist
>putin vs Russian nationalists
your shitty f35s havent dented yemen, what makes you think you can do anything at all?
And it wont be the first time either.
Engagement Control Station
Electric Power Plant
A patriot can't operate without these and that proves the "patriot" target was a decoy.
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>Movement Against Illegal Immigration
outlawed, kek.

That being said, the Jews that have taken over US govt are doing the same shit too.

>Terrorist Designations of Nordic Resistance Movement and Three Leaders


>As a result of our actions, all property and interests in property of those designated today that are subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S. persons (entities and individuals) are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them. Terrorist designations expose and isolate entities and individuals and prevent them from exploiting the U.S. financial system. Moreover, designations can assist the law enforcement activities of U.S. agencies and other relevant enforcement entities and governments.

This happened 2 weeks ago.
Peaceful European nationalism is designated as terrorism, making them unable to get any sort of funding or publicity, basically making them untouchable by any entity under threat of sanctions.
But funding actual terrorism, Zionism, is not only kosher and fine, but these terrorists actually give each Congressman his own AIPAC handler guy.
>i dont think hohols are that smart.
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May I see up close BDA Russians would've obviously done? It's not like Ukraine has been shown to have high quality decoys, or anything....
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When you become a congressman (or woman), AIPAC literally comes to your office and tells you this is your new jewish secretary that reports to them. This person operates exactly like a KGB officer attached to a military unit. They get their orders, and then they tell you what you are going to do. If you refuse, they report back to AIPAC, which is just an Israeli government apparatus let's be honest here, and Tel Aviv proceeds to come after you to varying degrees, depending on your "crime". This can range from funding your opponents to an election, to fabricating a scandal and implicating you in it, to killing someone close to you so you get the message. Largely, Congress is made up of Christians who will bow to Israel's demands anyway because Christianity in USA was subverted by jews (Samuel Untermeyer, Cyrus Scofield and the 'Scofield Bible', hence why Israel was able to get its agents into DC in the first place), so these measures are rarely used. However, when they are used, everyone in Congress knows it, even if it isn't said out loud. That's how you get so many overwhelming votes in favor of whatever the jews want, such as banning criticism of them on college campuses and allowing a foreign entity to dictate free speech according to its whims.

Another fun fact: Elite wealthy jews are in on this as well, especially CEOs. They get orders from Tel Aviv to do "what's good for jews". They ganged up on the mayor of New York and convinced him (under threat) to use violence to quell campus protests. Once Columbia fell, all other college administrators got the message and did the same.

The jews are the enemy of ALL the peoples everywhere

t. knower
>hurrdurr te carriers
that consist of a large group of ships with multiple defence systems that all been tried and tested to such level no smart enemy has yet tried to challenge one hence why only goat fuckers are dumb enough to try it.
thats real power, but shure you given a launcher and a crash course in goat fuckin you would take it out?
Fair enough you made a valid point there. Maybe a decoy. Like other anons pointed as well.
Lmao stfu tranny, keep dreaming. Our production capacity is so low it's laughable.
The CIWS is not as effective as you think and break down all the time. Phalanx is overrated, but still sounds cool af.


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>Israel aks "Little Russia"
Reminder that israel was founded by bolshevik jews, a reward for gencoding 40+ million White Caucasians
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ESL award!
I got the screen caps nigger nobody will take you seriously on /pol/ go back to where you belong you will be flagged in every thread
>Nordic Resistance deemed terror org
Yes ... many of us have been following this
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Stop being an inbred retarded annoying shitskin slurping vatnig cum, and then try to act like you didn't know when proven false beyond even your ability to ignore facts. You disingenuous piece of shit. All you shitskin sub-human are like this. You argue like jew women.

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Noooticing the tranny has begun
Didn't read your transexual nonsense or read your faggot picture nobody takes you seriously you will be flagged going forward for the knowledge of other anons
Probably because you Anglos have stuck your nose in and occupied more than half the damn world. And then when the natives told you to fuck off, you stole all of their shit and displayed it proudly in your “museums.” Those enemies wouldn’t been buying Russian shit if you just minded your own business. Simple as.
>probably a wood decoy
Cope but the tubes were empty. Probably from trying to intercept the missile that killed it.
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You think i care?
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Im not doing it if you care or not faggot. This is purely to show anons how much of a coward faggot redditor who "tried to join the legion" you truly are
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>muh stealth meme
This isn’t 1999 anymore retard. Everyone has a stealth plane and the tech to detect them. Go back to /k/ope.
Oof, the delusion is strong with this one. 1.5 million Israelis are Russian speaking dual passport holders.
three words: repeated flight paths
Two words: meme marketing
One word: niggers
You will never be able to ban me glowie nigger.
You will never be a woman
>two words
>noooooo I mean three
Kek /k/ needs to teach math in addition to basic logic and reasoning
Also dirty delete
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>This isn’t 1999 anymore retard.
Really? Can't get anything past you.
>Everyone has a stealth plane
No, they don't.
>and the tech to detect them.
Detecting something at 15nmi away isn't going to help you when the munitions the F-35 can carry will BTFO a radar from 100nmi away. Only a retard thinks stealth means it's actually invisible. We don't live in Acme land, dysgenic commie. Why does /k/ make you dysgenic tankie troons seethe so much?
>Go back to /k/ope.
Go back to leftypol, you dysgenic commie tankie. Only sub-human losers too pathetic to support themselves shill for communism.

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