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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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is anyone else annoyed that china is designing too many carcentric cities. i watch driving/walking videos from around the world and to my surprise i found a shitload of cities in china not just shanghai that are full of 6 lane STROADS. i wish they would design cities centered around WALKING/CYLCLING, not driving. i made a list and every single video here is a different city and there are even more videos and cities but i got tired of timestamping all the 6 lane STROADS. and if you don't know what stroads are, feel free to ask. i'll also explain why they should stop building carcentric cities if you want

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the risk to reward ratio of riding a bike on the road is pretty fucking bad.
I'd have had a gun pointed at him the instant that door opened.
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meanwhile the fatality rate for cyclists are lower than for drivers when you consider stuff like distance traveled or time spent traveling.
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Meanwhile you get splattered lmao
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and remember, owning a car means wasting thousands of dollars on a car, gas, maintanance, parking fees, toll roads, traffic tickets, insurance, etc. not to mention your ability to drive a car is regulated by government beaurecrats and you must pay for a licence (and renewals).

also in america, even some conservative mayors are tryng to make their cities more walkable. remember, it's a myth that walkability isn't popular with conservatives
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>b-b-but walka-AACCKKKK
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you fucking retard, there were 43000 fatal crashes in the US last year and 4500 in germany
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>he needs to post chink
Kek cope seethe spandex faggot
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Why the fuck do you care?
>country with fewer people has fewer accidents
brb, donating my cars to the scrapyard instantly after learning about this information
We NEED 200% tariffs on all chinese vehicles, to protect america.
Being annoyed about the actions of a country on the other side of the world.
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lol get fucked public transit commies. Not even the fuckin bugmen Chinese want that shit.
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cars are the most socially acceptable scam that normal people are subjected to. you will have people whose lives would be 200x better if they didn't have to drive piss and shit at any mention of bettering their lives. china fucking sucks, so why the fuck would we want to be more like them
everybody hates you.
because he's a miserable communist faggot, who can't afford a car and/or is afraid to drive, so he needs to spread his misery to everyone around him to make himself feel better
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You're posting from an American IP address, so why do you give a fuck what the Chinese do? Unless you're just a retarded commie that keep telling himself that he would just move to China if they didn't have so many cars, then I can't see how it would effect you at all.
>china fucking sucks, so why the fuck would we want to be more like them
They're the ones that keep wanting to be like us.

That's the only reason I can imagine.
>let's build a school really far away from where people live
my city is doing this right now. closing 3 schools that are nicely placed in residential areas and replacing them with a big fucking megaschool that's on the edge of the city

my kids have walked to school for years and now we have to arrange transport. I fucking hate this.
Nothing against cars, i work on a farm and no bus will take me to the specific one i work on, I need to drive to and from work. But I am 100% against designing things to senselessly force people into driving a commute when one was previously nonexistent
>stop on crosswalk
>wtf why are they crossing through my car
maybe learn to drive and where you're allowed to stop
All discussion on mobility nowadays is shitflinging between muh cars and muh bikes.

No love for trams :(
Or because people dont want to waste money. Ofcourse a gypsy is proud to show off bling bling expensive stuff but stealing copper from train tracks to have ends meet. Being able to cycle everywhere gives you more freedom and its cheaper, so you can spend money on your family instead of mrschekelburgcadilac 2000
none of that matters the instant some stranger tries to enter my car, retard.
Yes but the vast majority of people value their time outside of work more than their time at work.
My car costs me about 1/shift a month to operate and insure.
It saves me over 20 hours commuting and running errands versus public transit per month. Also and I can buy items in bulk which saves me even more time and money.
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because cartards are pieces of shit. everytime i go to work there's some asshole vroomer doing some illegal shit. in the city where i live there are barely any bike lanes even though we have 80' wide streets. and with the bike lanes we actually do have, the dumbass car drivers will treat it as a parking space.
>people dont want to waste money
how about fucking taxes you eurobitch. never hear you freaks ever mention that one. yeah we all get it you're poor and european and pay 666% taxes so you can ride your widdle bicycle to and from the gender reassignment clinic.
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If your country doesn't have these, you're not white.
I'm convinced that cyclist policy in the US is designed to make them as annoying and obstructive as possible so we all keep using cars.
post the roadmap of your city and the thoroughfares you're complaining about so i can show you all the parallel, less used streets that you're too entitled to use.
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We have these in New England, the problem is that the populace here is so slow-witted that they turn into giant clusterfucks.
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>cars are th-ACK
I'm on the car's side. It was a yellow yet multiple left turners cut him off, he didn't intend to park on the sidewalk.
Nah, you are proud of being anally gaped by scheckelberg. Its your 9nly pride. I also have a car and can take it wherever i want, or the train but i would rather not. Id save more money by cycling and the more i save the less i pay :) does that upset you? Someone not paying for transportation?
They have bike lanes and public transport, which you faggots don't have in the US and Canada
This simple intersection enrage and confuse Ameritard.
>Complaining about what China does
>Like China gives a fuck about what some white cocksucking faggot thinks
What's Timmy gon do?
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>because cart-ACK
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>YFW you're one of those parking ticket jannies and you see this
fake and gay staged shit
>the Netherlands demonstrate proper road planning and infrastructure for bikes
>Finland demonstrates proper bike infrastructure and maintenance even in the winter, treating it as a first-class option
>we should be anti-car like Europe!
>city councillors get elected on pro-bike platforms and implement them
>they're just fucking shared use graphics painted on existing roadways and parking spots
It's so tiresome...
>bling bling expensive stuff
i bought my daily beater 5 years ago for less than a price of an iphone, but if this is expensive for you, then idk what to say lmao
i'm gonna redline it tomorrow for the entire day to make the sea level rise, which will hopefully make your faggot ass drown
Cringe. Driving is objectively better than walking in every context.
You don't have real bike lanes though. You have the laziest possible shitty solution for people who get high sniffing their own farts to pat themselves and each other on the back, and for whoever gets the contract for road paint to increase revenues.
Its so fucking retarded, just make a seperated bike lane with concrete seperator it is so easy. And if cars and bikes do mix it should be a 30km/h limit
and on the busiest streets that are the least accomodating for bikes, too.
our main street is chock full of traffic, parked cars, pedestrians. a single block in either direction and the congestion is reduced by 75%.

I flat out don't get bikefags that insist on being near moving cars as much as possible. I stick to alleys, side streets, etc. without a fucking problem. I'm not wasting time taking these alternative routes because said routes don't require me to stop at busy intersections like i would have taking the "fast" "direct" route.
And i bought my bike 9 years ago for a hour of work. It carries whatever i want how i want. I had yet to pay a dime, and even if it brakes i can have a new one next week for 30$. Sure you can hope that the sea rises, but it will be manlets like you who drown first
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some good reads:



also check out the youtube channel CityNerd, he made a recent video about stroads
Why do mutt hates roundabout (rotary) so much?
Despite the fact it is proven safer.
>country with 1/3rd the population has 1/10th the accidents
Why are people from your country always so computationally handicapped? Seriously, and I really mean this: kill yourself.
And more efficient at handling traffic.
>don't follow universal rules
>expect everyone else to abide by his subjective rules
you would do nothing anyway, just scream and bitch like the Karen you are
In a lot of cities it’s illegal to use the sidewalk. Which makes no sense considering barely anyone uses the sidewalk in many cases and it is a million times safer for the person biking.
>if I just make another ten stupid threads about how everyone should walk everywhere, then everything will change!
>All this shit in English
>Complaining about China
>Which is actually run by a Communist party
Look at those ancient cars. One head-on collision later and that engine is in your lap.
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>run by a Communist party

Name it something less gay and get back to us.
>you wouldn't have lines if not for cars!!
>I'd have had a gun pointed at him the instant that door opened.

Maybe don't stop in the crosswalk, faggot boomer.
China sees the US has card and they go
>ah yes america numba want.. We wan be nimba wan so we have lots of cars too. Take that America
When the reality is many urbanites here don't even have cars. I am rural so it isn't exactly an option for me
>No love for trams :(
We whites love trams. What we dispise is being forced to share them with niggers, spics, street-shitters, druggies, and pedos.
staged. why was the following car already filming?
imagine dying in such a way that leaves your asshole pointed straight up in the air
the best part is how bike fags are such herd animals that when one gets knocked down the entire gaggle of faggotry goes right along with it like some kinda spandex clad lemmings
Shill thread
Chinks are turds but so are you.
Nobody knows whats happening in ching ching because it’s shit like you.
They build fuck all real.
Look at these guys hiding their flags. You probably don't even have paved roads. Also, I meant including the bicycle lanes. If your country doesn't have roundabouts with bicycle lanes, you're not white.
That's the entire point of a dashcam.
You have 24-48 hours of rolling footage for when something happens.
and the neat thing with bikes is that they're:
>completely unregulated
>incompatible with traffic jams
>no insurance needed
>no license needed
>no seatbelts needed
>no need for parking lots, just leave it anywhere there is a structure you can attach it to
>and even if someone does steal it, it's so inexpensive you could literally just buy another no problem
everyone wants walkable cities but no one wants to walk in a city full of honor roll students
This, i just want to pay the least amount for everything. Altough the rules for cars are also for bikes its simply just simple. I see 8 year olds cycle to school alone but apperently the average amerishart is less brave then a 8 year old dutch girl becajse of le omnipotent niggerino who are everywhere and anywhere at the same time
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>is anyone else annoyed that china is designing too many carcentric cities.
Chinkland can literally implode up it's own asshole and take every single one of those insects with it and I would have a fuckin BBQ in celebration
Seriously - WHO FUCKING CARES about the fucking insects?
Hope they all die
>But I was told China was communist!
>Muh chink cities filled with tiny little good bug-people driving their little bug-cycles
LOL, LMAO even.
/n/ is leaking again. Anyone who isn't a pseudocommie who values their time has a car or wishes they had one.
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also also another problem is that people using car sharing programs once weren’t using any cars at all to begin with, so that means the easy access to vehicles is an INCREASE in overall car use picrel
Shut the fuck up and get a girlfriend
Europeans start to die from heat stroke when temps hit 27C
It was 39C here last week.
Vegas was 45C and has 2 million people- that's more than a tenth of your country's entire population.
It's not that we don't want walkable or bikabke cities- it's just that they don't work here.

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