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Be me:
>$70k/yr as a network enginer
>A few years away from paying off home
>No girlfriend/wife
>Lonely as fuck
>Hang out with uncles Thursday nights at bar cause no friend circle
>Because no friend circle, not around any women
>Can't get any dates online, do women think I'm fat/ugly?
>Jack off to porn all the time, sometimes do cam sites so I can feel like a woman thinks I am attractive and wanted

WTF are you supposed to do? I feel like an absolute failure. I want to date, meet a woman and have kids. I can't even get asian women which usually whore for white guys.

Should I just give up, move to Thailand and spend all my money on whores until I get HIV and die? At least someone would care about me even if it is for very superficial reasons.
I would sooner inject heroin before I ever debase myself by sleeping with a prostitute. Pathetic and disgusting.
Go to church anon.
You go to church and you bang every ones wife anon.
I don't believe in God. An omnipotent God of unconditional love wouldn't doom me to a life of loneliness.
Whores are very unpopular among guys who've never tried them or had a bad one off... but strangely rich men who become whoremongers tend to be unable to quit.

And they often don't cost that much as long as you can pay something that makes it worth her while, the good ones like to get to the part where they are fucking...
He's obviously joking
Join a gym and keep putting your time and energy into yourself until you gain some self respect

Replace the cam shit with an occasional massage.

You're on tilt right now so you'll need to restructure your base to build up again.
That is way way more degenerate than whoremongering lol.
I just don't think I would find happiness and fulfillment in that. Those women want my money, not me.
Can it be a massage at one of those illegal AMPs? Or does it have to be a legit massage?
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>Those women want my money, not me.
>Men only want sex and children, not me
>life of loneliness
How old even are you? When you get to 35+, women in their 20s become super easy. And women your age will be facing the clock and desperate. In fact that’s really your prime, as a male. Just bide your time
>I don't believe in God
Then you won't feel any guilt.

How the fuck are you supposed to meet women in their 20s? I don't even know where to go to meet women other than bars or online dating and I'm about through with online dating.

Women my age don't want me either because I'm either not old enough for them (most of them date older men) or I just don't make enough money or some other bullshit.

Should I just hang out at the grocery store or something? I really honestly don't know.

I like asian women but every one of them I meet is either not interested in me or just cares about superficial shit.
>tfw no uncles to hang out with at the bar on Thursday nights

Damn some people have it so good and all they do is cry like bitches.
I am only here to talk about the shah.
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>WTF are men supposed to do

>When you get to 35+, women in their 20s become super easy.
Maybe you're right, that I should just look at the glass half full and quit bitching. It still sucks though that I do not have a woman, even one to constantly bitch about how we never talk.

I wish I could start a fight club and just fight people all night, then go back to work in the morning.
Go to female gym. Join female yoga some shit like that.
you can have my wife she is a fat lazy bitch
I've only done legit massages and as much as you want to get a nut off it's better to just enjoy it for what it is.
Have some class build your body and mind up.
>When you get to 35+, women in their 20s become super easy
Maybe if you are a millionaire
So you are the same age as me. I'm in a similar situation as you are. Just give up on ever finding a woman, it's over man. People will just give you the same BS advice that DOES NOT WORK unless you are good looking.
I’m 38 and I just post handsome selfies on facebook and they message me.
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Please that's my favorite type of woman
>Amusement parks
>College town bars
>Normie gyms
These are the only places I've ever seen women below the age of 60.
I think part of my problem is I need to lose weight too. I am 280lbs and a bit chubby and Italian. I look like a real life Tony Soprano but with hair and without the jewelery. Maybe that's what I need is some jewelery.


>>Jack off to porn all the time, sometimes do cam sites so I can feel like a woman thinks I am attractive and wanted

Heres your problem. Fix this, you should be alright.
>I’m a loser that does nothing but be a wagecuck that jerks off to jew porn and I don’t believe in the heccin sky daddy!

No wonder no one wants to hang out with you and you can’t get laid. Go lift and get a cool hobby that will put you around like minded men, then get genuinely good at it so people in that hobby will actually want you to be around them. Then worry about women after you’re not a shut in loser.

Straight up I don’t want dorks in my circle if you aren’t funny you better at least be in shape, able to fight, and are good at something I think is cool if you want to be included in any of the stuff me and my friends do.
I'm in a college town. Maybe I just need to talk to people more.

I don't do Starbucks. That place is for Democrats and faggots.

Maybe I just need to start going to bars and concerts and shooting my shot.
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The good ones genuinely like the sex part and they will come to sort of like you if you fuck them long enough despite diminished pair bonding ability.

My favorite ever (I probably fucked 70 80 times) sort of proposed that we should maybe start dating for real and she was clearly a bit hurt and pissed at me afterwords when I kind of brushed it off.
Just talk to women. you're going to have to take 181 no's per first date. get on it.
Have you ever approached anyone IRL?
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>democrats and faggots
no need to be redundant
>>$70k/yr as a network enginer

wtf, why so low?
That's the average for entry level in my area. Plus the job market is shit so every employer Jews people.
I’m am 32 with a fat, mad wife. She has BPD. Was very nice when I met her.. that was a bloody trap. After the wedding night she started cursing me and gets angry at the drop of a hat now. Last week she screamed and cried because I bought 2 packets of milk instead of 4. Before marriage she said she loved watching cricket on TV. Now she says she hates cricket. I am doomed. I wish I was alone again but now with a son I’m stuck forever. Just be careful of BPD women anons.
>37 years old
>entry level
White women and niggers are parasites, so they're generally found the same places.
Big cities + degeneracy = Ample pussy.
Starting salary is $12 an hour thanks to H1Bs. Getting into into IT if you live in an English speaking country is the worst mistake you could possibly make
Yeah, wanting intimacy and a beautiful family is definitely morally equivalent to being a gold digging whore.
Idk what divorce laws are like in India but as someone who went through something very similar you need to document her crazy bullshit and GTFO at least for the sake of your son
I tried to be a steamfitter before this and they didn't like Italians.
Anon, I was in the same boat as you (fat IT autismo from a 1st world country with decent job but no girls and super lonely) and it was either a) blow my brains out b) marry some 2/10 gook as a citizenship mule c) risk my savings to travel and find happiness.

I moved to eastern europe nigger, joined a gym and lost a ton of weight, learned basics of a language (yes its super fucking hard), married a 18 year old 9/10 tradwife, bought a house, had kids etc. Im not great looking but women here are super into starting a family and looking for a stable smart mature guy rather than some dangerous nigger or prettyboy faggot. If i can do it anyone can
Dude, everyone know everybody on your tiny inbred island. It's different in normal countries
That's not true in the US either though
Kek anon
My gf's mother is ten years old than you (47)
She has recently gotten a divorce, got two houses out of it.
She has installed Tinder and has been going on a date every day, sometimes twice a day.
If you're 37 and can't score a date then you're absolutely fucked
You're on tilt you need to get that outta your system.

Try this >>472873715
Join a "fitness club"

You need to build that confidence so you can look women in the eye hold it for an extra second and really engage with them.
Bitching and trying online shit is a brutal cycle.
>I would sooner inject heroin before I ever debase myself by sleeping with a prostitute. Pathetic and disgusting.
To be a true man boyos, you have to have the skillset to be able to grovel before, and entertain, and persuade, coom addled, ADHD addled, SSRI addled, social media addled sub 80IQ sloots to spread their legs for you. Otherwise you cannot feel like a true man. And that, that, is the quintessence of the bull-dyke mindset. The gynocentric shaming language. The religious and fanatical toxic pedestalisation of “free” pussy. Defining your masculinity and your very existence by approval from sub 80iq coomdumpster and their gynocentric society, and how much pussy you can ignobly slither and jestermaxx your way into for free at all costs. Stop trying to buy your manhood. You cant be a true man if you pay for sex. Ever.

Well in that case, in that case, all of the ancient greeks and romans, Persians, assyrians, Phoenicians, never had the chance to experience what it means to be a true man. They all died unfulfilled beta losers because they only ever had arranged marriages and banged slaves, and whores, and raped the women of conquered men. They never had the chance to experience the life affirming gynocentric hunt of the modern day masculine alpha slayer court jester. They only ever knew a world where the women were mute, and feminine, and obedient, and raised to diligently serve the needs of men, even for pleb rights. What an absolutely androcentric nightmare…

Boyos, lets pour one out for achilles, Ajax and Agamemnon, and mark Antony and all the billions of ancient men who died without ever having the chance to be true men.
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I am 40.

I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will it be my turn to be on top bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
>I'm tired of this life
Make yourself useful and take some feds with you
I’ve thought of that but it’s pointless. Divorces here favor the women 100%. I’m trapped forever.
sorry anon
indian marriage seems even shitter than a lot in the US
This is off topic. There are plenty of PUA books for beta's like you
Just bang a couple of whores anon. You could work 1/2 the year, and then spend 1/2 the year in some place like colombia or mexico. The whores are cheap there like 10 to 30 an hour.
I really think a lot of this is phony demoralization shills.
I’m 38, recently divorced and I can’t fight the sluts off fast enough. Them falling in love with me is the big problem. I posted some text screenshots in a thread yesterday and everyone called me a cringey douchebag. I’m starting to think incels aren’t even real and it’s all a psyop
Based and same
>using dork as an insult
>extremely soft language
shalom and welcome
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their defense mechanism is your pity. don't fall for it.
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>men want a caring wife & have to settle for a stupid bitch on 5 different psyche meds
More than anything it’s the constant lies that gets to me. Makes me feel like I’m going mad myself.
>”I HATE that song you’re playing!”
>but you said you liked it before?
>”when did I say that?”
>a few months ago at the mall..
>*play that song a few weeks later*
>”such a nice song :)”
>but you said you hated it?
The bad ones yes. But treat yourself they're a tally good looking here spend some time. You'll have to learn Spanish but whores are fun to talk to
Start going to church. Eventually do a six month missionary trip to Philippines. Find a decent girl, not a hooker or cam girl, from a good family.
M8, everyone's brains are completely ruined by excessive consumption of media. It's over. There are no good people left, both men and women.
>let me tell you a couple of three things
Good god man I would actually steer us into traffic
Hey man you stepped into vortex of chaos
God just made it
>network engineer
You are not even a man but some stupid cable guy nerd. No wonder that no women likes you
>I'm sad
>anon, turn to a higher power and let Him help you
>no I dont believe in God because if He existed, i wouldnt be so miserable
Doesn't work like that you heathen. Why should He help you when you deny His very existence? Turn to faith and let it heal your pain. It works, I'm speaking from experience.
women's brain goes crazy if you don't make her orgasm. she needs a brain adjustment fren
You forgot to post your height like the rest of the absolute faggots around here
There's only two types of honest women in the world, virgins and prostitutes.

The roastie you meet anywhere else will lie about her morals and what she wants, but the fact of the matter she sleeps with men for money and status and she has no intention of ever stopping.

If you can't get a virgin, get a prostitute. It's the next best thing.
Prostitution is the best if you have clean participants. Everything is simple. Pay, fuck, clean up, leave. Done.
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yeah they'll sit him up with a single mom
It's a Chad only world, there is no hope there with hoeflation, however 70k? You're underpaid by about 70k.
use dating apps or cold approach. complaining on 4chud won't get you any pussy.
I've just left my wife and I'm enjoying just having some fucking free time lad. Probably more difficult if you haven't got a routine and friend circle though. Try hitting the gym
>do women think I'm fat/ugly?
My friends ask why girls always say hi to me and come over to talk, and it's pretty obvious. If you look good, girls stare and try to talk to you. If they don't, you're not attractive.
That's fucking a lot. Stop whining faggot and appreciate what you have.
>and they didn't like Italians.

wat? were you transported back to the 1700s or something?
My friend works at ammo plantation for 4 years and gets paid only 20$. You're making horseshit assumptions. Where do burgers even get to get paid 50$ or more in USA?
Tell me anon, which of the following sounds more appealing to you rn? Cumming inside a used up whore, or getting to see the (((people))) responsible for your suffering dead at your feet? The answer to my question is the same answer to yours.
The male female like economy on tinder has been compared to South Sudans economy.
If finding a woman was a country it would be South Sudan.
It’s over.
The least you can do is make life harder for the homosexuals in the CIA and the jews at AIPAC who have authored this living hell.
Larp is for faggots unless you're the one who willing to do something.
Fuck thai-monke

Also consider learning a lil espanol and go to columbi*,argentin*,peru
Of course I'm larping, why would I incriminate myself on this glownigger monitored website? But there's no harm in encouraging people to think of the aforementioned hypothetical. I would NEVER encourage someone to harm the jews and government agents responsible for their misery irl, NEVER!
>>$70k/yr as a network enginer
did you think your stupid certificate from a degree camp was valuable? you're the equivalent of medical billing, dental assistant, office coordinator. if you were valuable you'd be making at least $150k. not including benefits, bonuses or 401k matching. let me guess you're some shade of brown?
Only jeets get those jobs.
Find a church. Any woman not accompanied by a man there is open for relationship
>WTF are you supposed to do?
I'd say join a league of some sort: pool, bowling, volleyball, kickball, dodgeball, etc. Go to one of these business professionals meetups where people exchange business cards, and make small-talk. You can just say "I work with computer networks."
>Should I just give up, move to Thailand and spend all my money on whores until I get HIV and die?

Hire a matchmaker in the Philippines, then travel there, date, repeat until you find one you find a match.

Yes, it's somewhat transactional -- many women in the Philippines would rather be anywhere than the shithole Philippines. But that just gets you in the running vs no shot at all.

Filipino women typically speak English, are super loyal (Catholic), don't worry about age gaps that much, are educated, believe in traditional man/woman roles, and want to have kids. Basically, if you're not a shithead and can provide her with stability and kids...you're golden.
What's up with this obsession with being able to fight? A lot of the sigma grindset Andrew Tate types really push that. I get being in shape, getting rich, etc but fighting? It's 2024 people with money and status don't get into bar fights. Any fight you'll get into is going to be with a retard hick, spic, or nigger who has much less to lose than you if you have anything going on in your life.
Churches are filled with boomers retard. I just today checked the website for biggest most active church in my area. They do social groups weekly and i thought “oh wow this might be good” so i click the group list..

>ages 50-60
>ages 60-70
>ages 70-80
>ages 80-90
>mothers group

There is NOTHING for young people in this god forsaken shithole country

>just join a league, club etc bro

Go to church.
Why not use heroin and bang a hooker? It's double based and you'll never bust a nut so you'll get your money's worth. Win/win
You are the retard who can't think of a way to find a girl lol. It's easy. Just talk to them online and don't act like a faggot like you do here...
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>t. “Just find a girl bro.”
>70k as an """""engineer"""""
Lmao IT trannies on suicide watch

I make 75k(more when you include largely optional overtime) as a hardware technician. All I have is a made up associates of applied science and like maybe 3 years of experience. There is also a significant promotion/raise coming my way. I cant tell you how many software jeets I meet that can "code" but can't use a scope or multimeter for shit. Those are the tools of a respected white man, not some keyboard like a woman or minority
Then stop complaining. It really is easy to get a date if you really want one. Stop making excuses.
networking? no. it's all niggers and mystery meats who think they're big shit now that they have a salary and work in an office or colo. nothing funnier than watching them google how to do shit.
Stop being a bitch and master yourself. Condition of the world doesn't matter. You can always enjoy a good life when you find the way.
>just fuck the 300 lb hog bro. Its ezpz
You're probably an ugly dysgenic mutt.
Get up in the morning and go do group yoga
Work out. My cousin was ex military, got fat and lazy, decided one day to get back in shape and get a girlfriend. That was a few months ago and he has a girlfriend now.
Yeah, thats the rules bud. You can plapjak or hold out until you find a girl thats in shape and actually feminine. You can also do both. Here's some expert advice; women are not entitled to a serious relationship just because they fuck you. Its the obverse to the fact that you are not entitled to sex just because you are nice/buy dinner to a woman
Impossible for any man with standards. I am super fit and attractive and refuse to date any woman that is:

Run through

Literally fucking impossible. Your cousin is dating a blown out whore roastie guaranteed
When it comes to women in church, it's the same scene everywhere.
>already married
>15 or younger
And any who don't fall under the above are either "reformed" whores, or chad only. At the end of the day, Christian women are still just that, women. I really can't believe people still recommend church as a place to find a wife.
what do you fix? like routers and switches and shit?
I'm in the same boat. Don't even want to make it anymore because I'm convinced I'm too flawed to reproduce. The West feels like a death cult to me but it seems to be working for everyone else so more power to all of you.
Good luck anon. I hope you make it
>I don't believe in community
Anon, there's truly not that many options. If you're stupid enough to stay lonely because you want someone that shares your exact same beliefs and worldview then just an hero now because you're always going to be alone. No different than the hippy weirdo that lives off grid and eats roadkill for dinner.
your problem is that you have a dumb gay nerd job while i smoke meth and bang my mcdonalds coworkers
You are supposed to be finding ways to survive outside of civilization by learning skills for gardening, animal stewardship and navigation. You should be looking for land to buy that's out in the middle of nowhere and spending all your free time and every extra cent you have in building a homestead.
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Work out. Stop jacking off to porn. Drink water. Never lie.

3 month and you'll see the change
3 years and you will be a changed man.

I made it to Chad, you can certainly.
Beggers can't be choosers. :^)
>Racemix with the most disgusting slimy chinks with shit colored pussies!
Imagine your disgusting offspring, lmfao.
If you're 16 you can find a decent wife at church...

I fucked whores off tinder until I got bored off it and that made talking to actual women significantly easier.
But I think I might be handsome, so that's kinda unfair.
Do whatever you want

I recommend something other than women, conditions have never been this bad in this hobby scene
You are already on top at this moment. Just needs to alter your perspective on what is actually worthwhile and what others chase but is actually hollow.
Are you really in india
I dont directly fix our switches, I'll replace them though. Most of what I do is very bespoke hardware, VME and VPX type stuff, lots of custom boards and crates. Very much legacy mainframe nonsense too, stuff before IoT became a thing. Most of what I do is turn the thing off then back on and see if it starts returning data
I used to think like this when I was younger. When you get older, lonely and tired, and you've been divorced raped once or twice, and women stop looking at you, you'll be singing a different tune
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Did you get raped on a night out
Degen AF
I will never be a sack of shit


Well, there's your problem right there
Bro I make that much and I just chill with old high school buddies or /k/ frens and smoke cigars and drink beer
Desperation + Low Confidence = Low Value

You might as well be a Temu Product.

Start by making female friends. They aren't the goal but the network, don't burn the bridge like an incel. Once you have a solid group of females that trust you in your life they will flock to you like sheep.

Inb4 "but the first female I see I must make her sex me!" Stop cucking your future for short term impulsive proposals.
> No you can't get sexo by paying a small fee to fuck a girl who will be pleasant and do what you tell her to you have to jump through hoops trying to appease the tingles of a fat roastie
Shutup NPC simp.
>sometimes do cam sites so I can feel like a woman thinks I am attractive and wanted
ok so you're just ugly. normal guys don't look at porn and think they need to be wanted, because they just want to jack off.
Must be great to piss your country away. You're everything wrong with patriots
NOOOOOOOOO you can't pay a small sum to hire a prostitute for a short amount of time, you should acquire a big sum and hire a prostitute for a lifetime, that's what a REAL man does!
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>Dear diary,
Not your fucking blog, homo. Just go suck a few cocks and get it over with.
That contract has not been enforcable since the mid 1800s and cultural pressure to make it kind of enforceable disappeared in the 1960s and 1970s. Now you just get divorce raped.
>Be me
>No house
>Have a loving GF and kids I take care of with what I have
You just suck.
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>WTF are you supposed to do?

Ask your family, friends, fellow workers if they know any single women interested in dating.
That is it...
Too bad, buddy. You live in the most strange and unpredictable time in human history. At least you could find comfort in knowing you're not alone.
Maximum chud lmao
>If you're 16 you can find a decent wife at church
I'm doubtful of that, Gen Z and A women are being raised even worse than their already awful predecessors were, not to mention we have the stats on how hilariously skewered relationships are between men and women. Again, Christian women are still just as shit as normal women. They aren't gonna touch the average Gen Z or Gen A guy in their church, and would sooner "date" the hot atheist guy at their school.
>I fucked whores off tinder
>But I think I might be handsome
If you have literally any success on dating apps for even fucking whores these days, you're likely extremely attractive with very, very few exceptions. In your case, yeah your advice is unfair, because the wide majority of men can't even hope to use it. Not to mention if a man is actually Christian, the last thing he should be doing is screwing whores.
>You live in the most strange and unpredictable time in human history
imagine actually believing this you pathetic sheltered first world degenerate lazy underdeveloped weak typhus kut
I'm a 35 year old virgin.

Start designing and then building cruise missiles with bunker busting warheads! Set yourself an ambitious goal and stick to it!
Calm down, gypsy.
I was made aware of the literal shitheap I was buried in 2016 and "acting" on it would only give the feds (you) more ammo to use
AMPs are addicting. Tread lightly.
If you only make $70k as a network engineer something is very wrong.

I work at a soulless, low paying franchised company (think like McD but not in the food industry) in IT (where only retards work, anyone smart works at a software company). Any 20 something with 0 knowledge of IT is guaranteed 6 figures. If you are late 30s and can do something actually requiring technical knowledge you’ll get TC of $200k.
You don't let me cigars with you so it's kinda suspicious imo
Several months of abstaining from porn and technology fixes it. But nobody really cares.
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>Most of what I do is turn the thing off then back on and see if it starts returning data
I hear that.
Turns you into a disgusting faggot. Just use your imagination about the woman you saw at the supermarket. You're welcome.
But what if they can't pass the apple imagination test

Its social media, isn't it?....
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In Leafland IT salaries under 70kleafbucks aren't unusual. pic related are the top results on Indeeed.

On a per capita basis we have about 5 times as many Temporary foreign workers (Canada's version of the H1B) than the US. There's fierce competition for a job at a grocery store:
Then they should neck asap
>>Jack off to porn all the time, sometimes do cam sites so I can feel like a woman thinks I am attractive and wanted
If you didn't jerk off so much you'd have the drive to talk to women.
>What are we supposed to do?
If you are a White man, you need to find your people and Tribe and Train.
Get radical, get strong, be aggressive.

This kosher system will destroy you if you let it and you can't go at it alone. You won't survive. Find your brothers.
Don't blink Bro, life will be over before you know it, go on weekend getaways to a few places you haven't been, do some stuff that you've always wanted to do but seem to put off for some reason or the other.
Some of us have and more everyday will left out of the marriage kids and family life, you need to find your level of contentment with life and what you're willing to let your settlement of life is going to be.
If you really want a female to see you above the others it will be the way you make her feel and desu girls really aren't that hard to get especially if your outgoing and fun to hang with.
>Should I just give up, move to Thailand and spend all my money on whores
YES, and coke
>Because no friend circle, not around any women
That fact that you've identified this problem means you're not a lost cause. The answer is 100% making more friends.
Might be cliched advice but try joining hiking groups or similar. A lot of girls are struggling with friendlessness recently and join these sort of groups. They are largely decent normie girls instead of barthots or churchwhores.
Just being around new people more often will help and you can start developing a social circle and improving social skills and confidence.
Also, stop masturbating so much. I'm not talking full nofap but porn is genuinely really bad for you.
True but OP is in burgerland. I mean, the grocery store down the street pays $16/hour, which means that with 15 years experience in IT OP only makes double what a 20 year old Shaniqua with 0 experience or education makes stocking shelves.
Yep. I started noticing this a few years ago and i'm just thinking how long is this gonna last? Generations have always complained about 'the end of times' due to 'generational incompetence' since the beginning. So surely this must be the same right? Finding your tribe is the only way to survive though. Just a collective of like minded people. The problem is finding these people
Get a DUI, ive seen so many bad bitches at community service. It's unreal, they're all kind of broken
Fight back, you fucking cowards. Or keep getting shit on, robbed, killed, and wiped out. No other race would tolerate a fraction of this shit. You're fucking pussies! Disloyal, cucked, and cowardly. Enjoy your life of misery. All of you let it happen. Don't cry now. You had the world by the balls and you just handed it all over.
>GF and kids
Nigger-tier. It's depressing. No offense if you're White, but what the fuck, get married.
warrior in a garden, not a gardener in a war
>Fight back
With what and against who? Go ahead, give me your plan
How old were you when you started dating and married her? I've accomplished a lot of things that few have, had more than average success with women, have remarkable willpower, reasonably good looking, told I have good social skills, but I'm short and poor which is a mark of death in this country. I'm pretty close to just tossing myself in the ocean on a stormy night, as the lack of consistent companionship with attractive women (and especially traditional, as even church girls are whores in the religious parts these days) has largely killed me inside. It's pretty much the only thing I ever wanted, and never achieved.
you are very poor.
you should try to make more money and be able to support a family.
stop watching porn.
you want children that look like your own people.
>ocean on a stormy night
So romantic, anon, have you considered getting married and having a family
Become a rapist.
Yeah that'll solve his problem. Retard.

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