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Why do you fags simp for Russia ?
Glownigger thread

Step 1: Install violetmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved. Thank me later.

If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.
/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
Reminder this is the same glownigger on a VPN

Notice how their "filters" never include templates to filter actual glownigger slide threads and ads like ptg generals or spam containing terms like Hillary, Trump, Biden and Trumpf, Republican and Democrats, instead always attack anonomity on 4chan which was drastically degreaded along with quality of threads by the introduction of country flag faggotry detracting from the substance of posts?

But thats not their actual goal. This addon "violentmonkey" is literally spyware that creates loopholes to circumvent core browser security features preventing cross site tracking alongside tracking you itself. They file them as "known bugs" or "feature request" then stall for years to "fix" them. Besides that they only "promise" to not collect and share your data with the U.S. government as a "policy". Policies are worthless words. They are legaly obligated to spy for the U.S. government by U.S. law if it demands so, which they dont need to because usually the fags either work for them or they are just cucks and hand it over "voluntarily" under durress of paying insane lawyer costs or getting suicided. Reminder they never say they do not "receive" any data from you.
Theyre mutts, jeets etc.
No one is worshipping Russia, just hopping that NATO loses enough to fracture and relinquish control over Europe.
>No one is worshipping Russia
>implying nato has any power whatsoever
We don't Simp for Russia we just want Liberal/zionist/feminism/LGTBQWERTYUIOP/Nigger Loving/PedoCapitalists globohomo collapsed.
Russia has no interest in conquering Europe. The US has interest in expanding its Empire eastwards in Europe at the expense of Europeans.
Only one is acting in defense, and it's Russia.

If we had any altruistic motive towards the wellbeing of Ukraine or Europe, we would've fostered good relations with Russia, making Ukraine a trade hub.

Not pro-Russia, but they're definitely not the ones who broke the peace.
>inb4 unprovoked holocaust
I don't, I genuinely believe the US state department and assorted intelligence agencies have the American peoples best interests at heart. God bless America.
explain how that improves your life since another power simply makes you vassal right after...i'll wait.

I'm part Russian, ethnically.
Putin is the lesser evil to the jewish dictator who is genociding his people, simple as.
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the explanation is pretty simple
Better than simping for Jewkraine.
US boots in every european country says otherwise.
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>nafo tranny link
not sure if troll or not

afaik, Russia's been the only one true to its words.
>US: NATO will not expand and inch easwards
>RU: We will have to respond if this keeps happening
>NAFO Trannnies: You won't do shit
>RU: responds

Weird how one talks openly and truly, while one speaks in snake tongue.
>only my fsb nigger approved list of propaganda
kek cry faggot.

nato expands...explain how exactly.
You do realize that the ones who will fill the power vacuum is China and Russia?
nah we just want to see west humiliated
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>aka seething inferiority complex
Seething memeflaggit
death to ZOG
simple as
We don't. We simp for China, the real fascist power
Not Judeo-Mongoloid Russia
Countries beg USA to put boots on the ground so they dont get invaded but thanks for your input Satan
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>nato expands...explain how exactly.
Pretty much by the same technique as MOSSAD. Perversions or money and blackmail. Certainly not by ideological or a sense of self-preservation.
Ruzznigs before Putin were not half bad
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They are not run by Jewish Homosexuals
All the kingdoms of the world are in Satans hand, that's what he said to Jesus Christ, all of them, there's also plenty of proof i used to argue with a bunch of people irl and presented it to them and they just said that they dont care about that stuff, they think le based jewtin wont microchip them and syphon their cbdc and ship them off to a gulag lmao
I'll take Nigerian dark blue niggers over your kind you filthy rat
would you feel better if nato expanded by sending its citizens to immigrate into russia and once settled become dissidents that seek to secede from russia which naturally will result in military force response which is then used by nato as excuse to invade...would that fit you tastes better?
You all do realize that bot farms are real, right? That the vast majority of Z shills are Russians from shit holes like Chelyabinsk making less than an ugly Tijuana hooker. Not all of them are, but the overwhelming majority are fulfilling their post quotas under fluorescent lights on a PC that would overheat if it opened two tabs on chrome.
Why are nafoid memes so utterly awful? Is this the best you can do?

>Look at these 5 people
Meme flags are only used by shills and retards. Which are you?

At least it's not the land of ebonics and obesity. Fucking hell I hate America. Freemasonry: the nation. A fucking abominable experiment that needs to go up in smoke.

>A literal kike
Brown ppl do this
You think you do, but you don't
You just have too much free time so you get bored and spew nonsense
No one in this board would enjoy living under Russian or Chinese world order
USA world order is so far the best one we ever had
>id rather be a russian or chink slave or conscript than know a fat nigger is somewhere within the geographic borders of the ground controlled by the gov of which i am a citizen

kek kys retard
Nah kys kike
I'm not worshipping anyone idiot. Russia is the lulzy choice. You're taking /pol/ too serious. I enjoy the suffering of those who deserve it and the west deserves it
Check e mm
>the west deserves it
do you? how soon will these russians give you what you deserve i wonder?
i dont know about the homosexual part but russia is a jewish controlled shithole. i am still not for the west though. its asshole vs asshole. not our fight.
Supporting chechens was an approach.
Plus you can’t get your citizens to emigrate to Russia on a scale that you’re fantasizing about, even you have no idea how that will work.
I will never have what i want, what I deserve is what I'm worth. but cold war boomers are paranoid about their living standards getting any lower. You know, boomers fucked up because they were so selfish.
i was referring to the method by which russia has expanded in the most recent scenarios....and dismissing this notion he put forward that nato expands by blackmail or bribery, joining nato is a bit more of a process i'm afraid.
I don't. I hate my govt. and the people that allows them to remain in power. The same people that hate whites and promote sodomy. It's not that hard to understand why some of us would rather see them fail in spite of anything
that doesnt answer the question for me and seems like a dodge.
move asses and seats then, but cheering for the house to burn down leaves you sleeping in a ditch.
I don't I just hate Ukraine and everyone who supports the Hoholocaust.
Forgot your memeflag
you forgot to address what he said
listen kike, just because the russian czar made your ancestors pay taxes 120 years ago that doesnt mean we have to start a war with them in 2024.
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>would you feel better if nato expanded by sending its citizens to immigrate into russia and once settled become dissidents that seek to secede from russia which naturally will result in military force response which is then used by nato as excuse to invade...would that fit you tastes better?
No. Are you implying that's what happened in donbabwe and Crimea? I doubt it. Ukrainians and Russian's don't want this war. It's just a spectacle of retarded US foreign policy. Russia's been pushed into a corner, and is rightfully lashing out. The US, priding itself an almighty hegemon completely absolved of lawful judgement, finds itself in a sticky situation that it did not expect, despite decades of warning from the collective east (brics+ is just the top of the iceberg).

Just as Kissinger, despite his flaws, said
>Ukraine was a mistake, but now we have to own it
meaning that they went too maliciously aggressive towards russia, and now is in a precarious situation.
Better than simping for some jew faggot
That job has to suck, and on a personal level, I get it. Everyone has bills. That being said, I know the game they are playing. The smart ones know it is a pointless job. They are literally being paid to run on hamster wheels. This isn’t a viable informational operation. It’s a waste of time.
Yoy asked what I deserve. What is "deserve" I understand need and want, but what is it I deserve? Are you one of those stupid no pussy no work idiots?
Yikes. You really think voting matters? Do you realize that political parties/candidates receive donations from lobbyists that have their own agenda? Trump literally did what Adelson wanted (relocate the jerusalem embassy and took over the golan heights). Politicians answer to powerful people first, you will always be last. Once you realize this voting shit is rigged, the faster we move on from this perpetual failed of a state
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What does that have to do with you claiming the Russian government purposely settled Russians in Donbabwe and Crimea? They've been ethnic Russian's for decades.

You're of script, kiddo.
What you mean they’ll take no for an answer and not try to meddle in the affairs of a neutral nation?
Past history shows that NATO doesn’t give two shits if a nation is guaranteed to not join Russia or that it’s wrong to coup a nation.

It drives you people insane whenever I have to remind you of a fact the US didn’t make a secret of 10 years ago. Or that they’ll just admit to it again in the future, because you don’t care either if they are guilty despite your bullshit appeal of innocence on NATOs part.
kek see also:

>america made me invade

its amazing how the commies killed god in the soul of the slav nigger and replaced it with the state, but that wasnt good enough satan has to go to...but what to replace him with? i got! america-the west-nato

i asked if you deserve to suffer as you said as you are part of the west and will always be seen as such in the eyes of these fags you simp for.

noise. changes nothing about what i said. get control of your shit dont scrap the whole railway because you need to replace a few miles of track.

you are pretending to be retarded faggo?

show me evidence of a coup starting with defining a coup simp bitch.
Russians arnt going to mass immigrate to America you idiot. Only like 1 perfect of the population can even speak English. This is what I mean, boomers are afriad of this world domination shit. Russians arnt dominating the world, it would be hilarious! But I don't vote, never have never will so it doesn't really matter what I believe, I'm going to side with what side is the lulzy side
wonderful...but do you deserve to suffer for being a westerner and how soon can we expect to get you fitted for your suffer pants?
Haven't seen a good pro Russian post on /pol/ for awhile. OP is a bot?
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People like you probably walk being surprised at everything.
>:0 perma mouth-breathing goy constantly shocked and surprised
even your NATO 'defensive'/offensive alliance Stoltenberg admits that Russia was provoked by NATO expansion, to the point where they were left with no choice.

Just admit it, you're a larping /k/ike teenager fueled by goywood military propaganda, completely disconnected from reality.
kek...does stoltenberg know exactly how nato expands, has anyone told him?
Control of what? Are you stupid? If the US regime wins this war (and i think they will somehow find a way) it'll only tighten the grip of these corrupted satanist. The same people that have been blood libeling our people, destroying the mind of our kids with perverted sexual degeneracy and programming them to hate themselves for the last two decades. I'm sorry but i will never ally myself with this current version of the USA
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>If the US regime wins this war
hyperbole, little girl? for shame faggot.
>Why do you fags simp for Russia ?
Why do you simp for western banks? You do nothing but bitch and cry about corporations, but you're perfectly fine with them sending a bunch of people to die in a ditch.
he didn't forget a goddamn thing, faggot
imagine seeing that flag and thinking anything that follows will be in good faith
yes queermeat bitch nigger he fucking did he forgot to address anything and sought only to whine about a flag, aka irrelevant teen girl horsefuck....you simp bitch faggot.
You must be retarded. It's a proxy war, we are giving them weapons, we are paying their govt. And it's not just us, plenty of countries europe are doing it as well
Me? Suffer? Unlikely.
Yes. Their suffering isn't necessarily the physical torture kind. Do you know what trump derangement syndrome is? People will create reasons, completely fabricated, in order to suffer. Self inflicted suffering that leads to more suffering. So, no, westerns may not he tortured with chains, oh but they'll suffer
you are a female brained bitch nigger running on emotion and narrative and nothing else you puffed up drama queen cocksucker...now what faggot gonna cry?
nigger you are the west to these faggots whose cocks you suck and if you get your way yes you will suffer...when it happens i want you to remember this moment and laugh at yourself.
No you idiot. It's just the idea of Russia existing that torture them. I told you Russians arnt coming to America to take over.
/pol/ is a Zionist Russia board that hate Europeans and love shitskins and le based Russian jews. Basically if Serbia was a online forum
lmao, what are you talking about retard? Sounds like my argument is very convincing that you had to already rely on ad hominem. The only guy trying to convince himself here is you (19 posts out of 78 are yours)
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>kek...does stoltenberg know exactly how nato expands, has anyone told him?
By soft coup's. Same way EU dictates our domestic politics. It certainly doesn't reflect the will of the people, so what else could it be?

Watch guys he’s not gonna read it
>memeflag screeching he now has his shit countries as a stain on his posts
>not just a memeflag but fucking NATO
Why simp faggots?
>suicidal simp calls you idiot
ok faggot go simp in the corner.
>citing post count
like a female bitch nigger kek, no updoots faggot. you had no argument btw... rusniggers have been flooding world with weapons since 45 faggot, what was vietnam...but no its unprecedented and a western sin here...you have been mind fucked son gtfo of discord
provide proof stop crafting fairy tale head canon

NATO didnt pledge shit faggot and you know it. read that.
>>citing post count
>like a female bitch nigger kek, no updoots faggot. you had no argument btw... rusniggers have been flooding world with weapons since 45 faggot, what was vietnam...but no its unprecedented and a western sin here...you have been mind fucked son gtfo of discord
meant for faggot
Your seething is convincing me to install the filters. They clearly hit a nerve. And websites don't get much more compromised than 5chinz as far as safely browsing online goes, so your whole security argument doesn't work either. Reddit, a literal glowie domain, at least runs on HTTPS unlike here
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retard, shill, or 2/10 troll
This, the idea of dissidents in the USA Is preposterous. We've never been more united, prosperous or powerful. The wrong think is literally Russian shills who speak weirdly good English.
you have accurately described yourself slavmutt. does it make you cry?
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Watch he’s gonna do it again and respond
>wants a system run by kikes
Surely it's because you have white people's best interests in mind
And I'm aware they recently swapped to cloud flare and finally added an HTTPS link, but that doesn't include the decade of compromised shitposting I did on here. They also snuck in a board merge with 4channel to cross track your digital footprint in case you want to tune down your power levels on blue boards.
I'm the female bitch nigger? You are the one acting like an emotional faggot. Again, nothing i said is suicidal.

>rusniggers have been flooding world with weapons since 45 faggot, what was vietnam...but no its unprecedented and a western sin here...you have been mind fucked son gtfo of discord

??? What are you talking about? I never said russians are saints you stupid nigger. I'm saying i wont support this current version of my govt. You know, the one actively discriminating towards my people.
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yes i am and i will keep doing it until you swallow the cum simp bitch boi

yes you are you only deal in narrative hyperbole and emotion...bitch nigger. you are disgusting quisling shit.
What hyperbole? Tell me
Russia is based. And Russia will win
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go re-read all your posts, all collectively carry the emotionally charged implication "bros are we the bad guys" for doing what russians have always done...kek a proxy war
Kek mindbroken shits/k/in. Everyone is laughing at you, nigger
>Everyone is
teengirl bitch nigger confirmed

tell me child why would it matter to you that shitskins who are beneath you should laugh at you? you gonna get updooted off the island baby girl?
You’re taking pictures from NATOs site that doesn’t address the outside world of documented agreements recorded under the US government, NATOs word doesn’t mean shit to past events that contradict what they’re saying now.
Unlike you I actually read your link
show agreementa...NATO is an alliance and U.S. is not its boss.
It isn’t that odd that they are good at writing in English. Most of the demographic that are in these jobs need to be able to speak and write English well to get a job in Moscow or Saint Petersburg. These are the people that didn’t get that office drone position in Gazprom. A decent amount of them aren’t even Russian. I have heard since Utkin and Prigozhin were assassinated, most of this type of stuff has moved outside Russia itself. A decent amount of them are probably from the Sahel.
So you can't pinpoint to anything i said that is a "hyperbole".

>We are the bad guys
We literally are. Our govt as intentionally imported millions of south americans. Actively calls for white replacement in jobs and education. Calls their opposition the enemies of democracy. Celebrates sodomy. And so on.
thats a translator app, type like a nigger like dis raht chere and they get assmad because their app hates it and it slows them down\
proxy war is hyperbole as has been shown, and "we are the bad guys" is bullshit, kid you are a fag for believing in binary good/bad at all you realize i hope...gtfo of discord you mindbroken bitch.
He was being facetious, you fucking retard
Proxy war? Hyperbole? lmao nigger google the definition.
Conflating telling the truth with simping for Russia.
the local pawnshop is engaged in a proxy war backing nigger gang a agianst nigger gang b

kek, thats a wide ole definition you got thre child...
Really? Are you sure?
>Proxy war, a military conflict in which one or more third parties directly or indirectly support one or more state or nonstate combatants in an effort to influence the conflict’s outcome and thereby to advance their own strategic interests or to undermine those of their opponents.

I didnt know the local pawnshop was considered a military. My bad, fucking retard.
>still dribbling /k/ope
Keep going prolapse boy kek
Absolutely. if you click his ID and look at his first post, you will definitely see he is being sarcastic/facetious
So if me, a kike wants a kike run system
and you want a Chink run system, i conclude that you're a chink, disgusting bug
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>angry brown noise
awww its shitter is ripped again...

explain how U.S. or the west or nato instigated a russian invasion please faggot retard.
>Moves goalpost after getting btfo
nah i'm good, i will take the win
where is the moved goalpost nigger? just hyperbole headcanon and feelings with you isnt?
This is the average NAfo tranny. Below 80IQ, and most likely with brown skin
Go play with your trains dude. Jesus fucking christ.
>says its not a proxy war and that im being hyperbolic
>I give you the definition and destroy your analogy
>instantly shift the topic to something else
Yeah, looks like you moved the goalpost... or do i have to give you the definition as well? kek

Anyway, keep projecting your emotional outburst, im out
What kind of retarded insult is that? Go play with trains? Why are you even mad at me? I pointed out he was trolling
i show you the definition faggot and now its on you to show how the situation complies with the definition...so explain if its a proxy war how exactly nafo the west muttmurica instigated the russian invasion you sad coping bitch nigger
Manufacturing a coup in Ukraine that put into power a regime that wants to genocide it's Russian minority and bring zog weapons closer to Russia.
Also because Russia can. What are you going to do about it, brown skit skin zog servant?
>Manufacturing a coup in Ukraine that put into power a regime that wants to genocide it's Russian minority and bring zog weapons closer to Russia.
just narrative and head canon huh brown boi? no proof...not even defining a coup...kys.
>shits/k/in can't even come up with it's own original insult
Lmaoing at your life before you inevitably die of fentanyl overdose
Your skin is brown, and your masters are brown
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>moar faggot noise
aww you ok brownie? want moar nigger jizz?
post hand brown fag.
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>Memorandum Robert M. Gates, From The Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996), pp. 490–492; and Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniaed and Europe Transformed, p. 184.

This was on Die Welt with signatures, but was deleted like the wiki article I sent you. Using NATO as a source for your argument is like using the CCP as proof they weren’t involved in Tiananmen Square.
yes we all know this is derived from non-agreements and rumors faggot...but thats the point you are supposed to know better, kek.
Nuland call is a direct proof of mutt shitskins orchestrating the coup. Your brown low IQ brain can't comprehend this
>obese bitch hands
you have not defined coup or proved anything faggot you just cite shit that has been circulated on your discord. try harder brown boi.
Ukraine is a set up
Putin is a jew and a wef young leader
OP is a pedophile
and brown also...the catch is thats not my hand thats toby nigger a fellow faggot like you who hates the west, in all his brown stubby glory...rofl
Lmao, fat fuck shitskin. Lay off the MacDonalds. Your fingers look short as fuck, are you like 1.60m tall? Brown, short, fat and ugly. Sucks to be you
>he verbally torments poor toby nigger his fellow anti-western pro-mutt assblast spammer
you are so cruel anon...
You just admitted trusting NATO is a bad idea, justifying Russias response.
>if its a proxy war how exactly nafo the west muttmurica instigated the russian invasion

This literally makes no sense. Did you read what a proxy war? It doesnt matter the reason for which it started, if theres a conflict between military powers and one is using another country as a 'proxy', then it is a proxy war. Please go read, you are embarrassing yourself
>Define this
> Source for that
Low IQ fat brown shitskin destiny fan. Fuck off back to redit
Then he's as much of a bitch as you lmao
nato did not make any agreement, a russian heard a rumor on a port a potty wall and swears its a binding agreement and you swalllow it because you think its russian cock, kek

>nooo you cant just make me provide proof nooo
kek stay mad brownie

he and you belong togetheer sweet thing, birds of a feather, hating the west and simping for russia or chinks is a brown disease.
Cause the last 20 years have shown America must never be allowed to rule the world alone. Hell, I'd root for Best Korea if they were last men standing.
nobody likes russia or china. people are just sick and tired of america's blatant corruption. china is corrupt, russia is corrupt, but only the united states galavants around telling everyone they are the good guys, will being openly hostile to their own citizens.
koreans are a slave race of slave people. they are what is wrong with america, multiplied 20 fold.
>only the united states galavants around telling everyone they are the good guys, will being openly hostile to their own citizens.
that strikes me as false and i would posit that this is normal across all nations, just look at this thread.
They are brown
You are the brown disease, you don't even have foreskin lol
no, china and russia tend to keep that shit within their own borders. america is unique in that it has its head fully up its own ass
I’m not mad at you. Of course he was trolling. Did the collective IQ of /pol drop to the point that you need to explain that? I appreciate the thought. Rule 14. Don’t feed trolls. Go play with your trains is a decent insult in the ground zero of autism that is /pol.
i have a whole jar of foreskins brownie, why you hungry? you didnt strike me as a kike but you can have them if you want...

what shit exactly within its own borders because right now russia is sorta up inside someone elses borders for example...
>I was just pretending
Ok, sure

>Don't feed trolls
That's exactly what you did, but ok
You saying “no” doesn’t make the memorandum non-existent.
It was signed, direct promises are ratified even verbal as they’re recorded and documented on government sites because it’s recognized as legal clause which is on the link and I have. France, Germany, UK, and US recognized it and have links to their respective government sites that designate the memorandum as a legitimate deal that happened.
The beauty of this thread is that it’s a permanent on archives that is a reminder of your shitty gaslighting attempts.
was it an official no signed in writing in a formal agreement by parties with authority to do so? no, no it wasnt.... now what?
Nothing in your kvetching suggests you have white people's best interests in mind. So white people shouldn't fight for you.
come on nigger should be easy to show the agreement or treaty where fucking nato agrees with russia that it will refuse membership to anyone east of it....it just doesnt fucking exist does it niggers...

Russia mistake was accepting Jewish mutt word as good enough. Yet another case of white men being deceived by brown kikes.
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>Why do you fags simp for Russia ?
who the fuck is nimrod
kill yourself redditspacing tourist
reminds me of the social security number argument; fdr said it would never be used for id...today you cant fart w/o it.

one thing is constant, gov power only seeks to grow, reach seeks to expand...ALWAYS oppose giving any gov any power at any lvl....if they ask for power to paint a curb white to end traffic accidents you can be assured they will wind up painting the whole city white and jailing anyone who complains....like seatbelt laws, when passed it was"cannot be used as pc to pull you over" but now years later its reason to stop you....

this disconnect between statement and intent is one of the demarcation points of adulthood for human development. a child brained faggot will always go the naive route and not ask why or who or how.
nah how about you suck my cock and call me daddy?
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you're a paid shill?
united states coup'd ukraine back in 2014 and installed a puppet leader.
no fag im not a paid shill and yes ive heard that fairy tale, never no proof though.
Intercepted nuland call, you brown shitskin kike lover
roman catholic aquaduct tablet you monkey fucking retard....did that make sense because thats exactly what your reply sounds like.

show call verify call then make sure its even relevant and in context...child.
Because we understand the importance of denazification. /pol/ is an anti nazi board.
Putin is the lesser evil compared to the jewish dictator who kidnaps handicapped people on the streets.
Simple as'
What's the proof the US wasn't involved? It looked pretty involved when they sent mccain and nuland to the protests
the same as the proof that you are not sucking my cock between posts.
nope, I do it for free
>54 posts by this nazi
>nooo you cannot reply to everyone you can only have fewer replies than i have penis inches nooooo
kek kys brownshart.
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>who will fill the power vacuum is China and Russia
you killed the golden goose
all you had to do was not steal so much it was noticeable, and not fuck the children
but you cant help yourselves
You're literally a fucking nazi. An antisemitic freak, Russia recognises the need to get rid of you.
this guy is a paid shill.
no motivation to learn any truth
pushing his dogma to get paid a few sheckles

date the video was published 2014

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have a cookie
i am not i would the ever loving shit out of a jew whore or nigger.

>guys hes totally a paid shill
kek kys paid shill faggot, go back to discord and ask for new bitch nigger talking points....telling everyone i have cooties isnt gonna do it teen girl.
I just notice all the retarded lying. That you don't only serves as a constant reminder about how braindead and useless you are.
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traitors in the mists
He refuses to learn about the rise of nazism in Ukraine. Its pathetic.
Why do NAfo trannies love to bring up faggotry out of nowhere?
Nazis are faggots it would seem.
what is this supposed to convey exactly as i see nothing that helps your (russias) argument at all, just tea leaf reading and groping in the dark...

no mcain visited some tards nooo this is a coup halp kek easily fooled faggot.

because your womanly hips and lips make them hard?
Shut the fuck up NAfo tranny reditor. Nobody is buying your false flag
I miss the good old days when you'd get executed for being a Russia simp

Because NATO is the devil and everywhere they go so do gay rights and race mixing.
>Why do you fags simp for Russia ?
Because this site is dead. It's all look-at-this-white-bitch-getting-fucked-by-a-nigger threads, "comfy" ukraine happenings, palestine happenings, etc.
It should give you an idea of who's running this board.
so they've been to russia?
Wtf are you on about. The Russian government have made it clear that denazification is a goal of the special military operation. You can't support Russia and disagree with their aims.
NATO jews enforce tranny grooming on everyone. No thanks nigga
going back to the original topic of why people hate the united states. america blew up the nordstream pipeline fucking germany over all because they wanted to weaken russia. All of this garbage btw is because america needs to go to war with china. it's insanity

RyLp5H22 has been on this thread for almost 2 hours with over 50 posts. This guy is either unemployed, or employed to post here.
>america blew up the nordstream pipeline
dont recall that being anything other than your assertion, was there ever proof of such?

>RyLp5H22 has been on this thread for almost 2 hours with over 50 posts.
so have all of the rest of you minus being too pussy to post because some fag might cry about your post count....whats that make your faggot ass nigger boi?
maybe this is just a farm thread to train more shillbots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

read "War is a racket" to understand the true purpose of war
the 1pbtid filter doesn't work.
>The complete shitshow of Iraq and Afghanistan, including the proof that all evidence was fabricated didn't do shit
>But losing proxywar in fucking Ukraine after watching Russia get clowned on constantly will totally fracture NATO!!!
NATO was literally dying pre-invasion because nobody outside of USA wanted to spend money on military, it's more unified now than it has been for ages
Russian nigger
Wow and it only took 4 CIA coups/attempted coups in countries neighboring russia!
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>simping for Russia
>simping for NAFO
>simping for Chyna
Same shit.
They don't give a flying fuck about you and only see you as a pawn.
When are you finally going to figure it out?
If Ukrainians love Russians so much, why are they killing them?
I like Russia because they and china are trying to demolish the US. it's really that simple, I don't care if Putin comes out as a child loving tranny who worships cows and smokes crack. as long as he keeps up his efforts to undermine the kike host then I'm k okay with the guy. same goes for china, iran, Brazil...ect.
>They don't give a flying fuck about you
So they are better than my government and their masters, who openly hate me and want to dispossess me and kill me
Your government is part of the collective NAFO regime.
Because the CIA committed a coup against the ukrainian president elected by a majority of ukranians, convincing west ukraine to try and genocide east ukraine which is why their country is fucked permanently now.
>even if he is a kike and so is everyone else, fuck the us (they are kikes too)
Moroccans are just discount europoors in outlook.
Yeah, you low IQ mongoloid, that is exactly my point
You're missing the point, dumb shit.
NAFO wants to replace you with muds.
Russia wants to replace ethnic Russians with churkas.
China is just committing suicide. Heard about the bachelor tax for men they're going to implement, when the male/female ratio is 60:40?
It's all the same fucking shit. The best you can do is go someplace their tendril haven't reached yet or at least have less influence.
yes. you guys are blight on this mudball. if the US fell, the Jews would instantly follow. India would be clean of all poo. Europe would be free of all immigrants and Africa would have all the water and food in the world.
>It's all the same fucking shit.
No, because EU, NATO and muttmerica enforces genocide on my people, while Russia and china do things to their own people. One side wants to kill me, other side doesn't care about me. Not the same thing, fucking mongoloid shitskin
Also, if they are the same thing, why does it bother you if I support Russia? Let me just have my bread and circuses, after all it is irrelevant who I support, right?
any fag simping for a nation regio etc other than his own needs deported to the country of his affection. in the west i live comfortably for the most part with few real worries, which would not be the case if the gov collapsed or was replaced with an outside force, its only problem right now is the people in gov have not done their jobs wrt to their bretheren being corrupt, that can be fixed and would be far less painless than this retarded idea that a collapse is somehow going to save you from nigger trannies...who would be raping you to death in event of a collapse regardless unless slain or otherwise mitigated.
>why does it bother you if I support Russia
because obviously if they have a say you are more fucked than now; if they see you as russian then refer to your own earlier words, back to square one essentially...if they do not then you are the west their enemy they want you humiliated and poor and defeated and dismissed...only more overtly so than your own supposed gov does.
You know, if GRU murdered finnish leadership and announced that Finland is now joining BRICS, and in response USA landed troops on Senaatintori, I would not be shooting at them, even if the newly installed president Ivan Trotsky ordered me to, because they are not my enemies
So Ukrainians gunning down Russians, who are apparently coming to save them from NATO, without any reservations is a bit strange
You are crazy if you believe this. NATO eill never die unless the US allows it
Don't simp for anyone. America first.
That's what you say now, with a gun pointed at your back you would say otherwise
This right here. I could care less about Russia. Globohomo jews rule over me and replace me, while making it all but illegal to employ me. They steal all my taxes to use on evil jew wars.
>America first
While I agree with you in principle, everyone knows Trump is gonna go full MIGA once he’s elected again.
fpbp, and remember to always sage in all fields in 1pbtid threads, preferably not posting at all

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