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This is Natalie Biden, pictured here on the far left. She is reportedly one of the people who encouraged Joe Biden to not drop out of the race. By encouraging him to stay in the race, she is indirectly ensuring that Donald Trump is elected the next President of the United States, thereby changing the course of events in the world for years if not decades to come.

How do you feel that one teenage girl has so much power?
I bet hunter told her to wear open toed so he could get that primal kind of footjob
Looks like a tranny
this. It's a fitting outcome for a man (Joe) who let the country fall to shit like this
>already hit the wall

Sad! That video of her giving her uncle Hunter a footjob was hot.
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didn't hunter take pictures of himself fucking her while she was 15? the depravity of the bidens will never cease to amaze me
primates like Hunter are what guns are for. Although, killing lesbians is pretty funny
Biden's using 2 phones at once.
>that moose knuckle
It's the latest Jitter Bug model!
This whole family is something else man...everyone is either a pedo a druggie or dead
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I can save her.
she's perfect.
>this is the face of the most powerful teenager in america
She cute. I wish I had a Biden waifu.
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This is the butt of the most powerful 22 year old in the country.
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>no knee spots
Its not her
Shes encouraging him to keep running so more people are exposed to his crimes and maybe someone will bring that child-blood-drinking pedophile to justice.
What did you do big guy?
>How do you feel that one teenage girl has so much power?
Not surprising. She has the spirit of Brezhnev.
Well i dont know how old she is now, but she was not 22 in that picture lol
She's a victim of east coast pedos, many such cases.
> literally "uncle fucker"
did she abort that kid from Hunter?
>hereby changing the course of events in the world for years if not decades to come.
America is an irrelevant niggerhole on today's world stage, nobody cares.
I think he has her nudes
>letting your instathot granddaughter and power hungry wife and crackhead son decide your legacy
Respect to her. Sounds like the only good one. Wondered why she hasn't done a Tucker interview. Maybe this is better.

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How would you know ya fuckin pedo.
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timothee chamlet could play her
we need an enhance expert here.
whose the girl wearing the big guy's coat?
More like Fatalie, if you ask me.
Hunter already got her.
she is a whore
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That is what you call dedication, Hunter Biden getting his daily blowjob.
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No one cares.
We the people will be torturing ALL democrats to death for treason.
I wanna fold laundry with her
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I kind of feel sorry for her getting peak dick so young, the rest of her life will be nothing but disappointments, unless...
I'm sure the pedos and vote riggers are shaking in their crocs right now.
That's a tuck.
No, I am by far the most powerful 22 year old in the country.
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post benis
The first family always says to stay in office. Nixon's wife and children told him the same thing
I'd believe it. I'd also believe you're the only 22 year old in Albania.
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Natalie Biden, last of her name. Eventually the scribes will record that after the events of Great Cleansing concluded, she was taken into Reichemperor Barron's harem, with no further mentions of her in the historical record.
>she was taken into Reichemperor Barron's harem

I imagine it'll be like Dune, where Barron takes her hand in marriage by force to create the American royal family who then establish a Masonic ultra-constitutionalist monarchial regime as the Federalists intended.
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She'll be my war bride
She must suck a mean dick
Yuck. Typical champagne liberal look. Peaked at 14 or whatever.
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I'd eat her pistachios if you catch my drift.
She just turned 19
What happened to her baby?
Why are rightoids so obsessed with Natalie?
You've been obsessed with her since she was little.
I guess it's better than being a leftoid and obsessed with black cock and little boys.
Why do rightoids watch child porn? Why do you find tits "yucky?"
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Why do you fuck kids?
Why do you think you're a woman?
Revenge for the shower.
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"She" looks like a disgusting TRANNY.
Each democrat that is murdered is one less pederast.
Why can't rightoids see a picture of a child without immediately thinking about sex?
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Name presidents who have never "partied" with Jeffery Epstein. I'll start: Joe Biden.
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this u?
How come when you read the words "Chicago hot dogs" you immediately think about little boys penises?
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What the fuck are you talking about you schizo lol
She's a jew, and Trump is more pro-israel.
'Nuff said.
idk whythey stick around and talk to them. I would just walk away and tell them to fuck off
because of barry sotero, any other stupid questions?
He didn't need to party with epstein, he partied with his daughter ashley in the shower
lol we lose either way i think. if Biden stays in, he's obviously incompetent and our enemies see us as weak.

if Trump wins, he's at risk of becoming incompetent due to his age. but at least he isn't a pussy and pisses off AOC.
The two should marry. And peace be
Nice try.
Dude that's not a girl look at his skull
Yours is not an argument
Look at the fridge body.
>the flight logs are just AI
Yes, we want you dead.
Yes, we think it's funny.
>chad catholic Biden playing with his little daughter in the shower vs INCEL Trump asking his Jewish friend to provide him underage prostitutes
Caterpillar eyes tongue my anus.
Nah I'm voting RFK JR
Id vote for Biden before zion trump
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You aren't the first schlomo.
Not the last. I impatiently await your arrival. My six dogs will alert me of your presence. They can smell your kind all the wa down my driveway.
Now go play dead.
Why do 4channers watch so much tranny porn that they cant help but see most females as trannies?
Get help with your tranny addiction faggots, your brains are deluded and detached from reality.
That's barely scratching the surface. Image shows basically just the superficial personal family issues that are trivial in the larger context of other evidence present on the laptop
So you're voting for Trump kek
She's a little too old for my taste. Plus she must surely be pair bonded to her uncle.
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Project much?
That's the degeneracy qrd, the shell companies and Burisma stuff and Chinese money are on a different pic
I've noticed the slow steady change since around 2007. It seems as if there is no perfect woman. Boxxy, Chloe, (it's too soon chick) never had these issues despite no concrete evidence supporting otherwise.

im suprised they didnt give natalie a rape test after those text messages with hunter leaked
If Joe Biden is sexually assaulting kids, why are you joking about it? What is it about molesting kids that you find funny?
Literally more than half the content of pornhub was scrubbed of unsigned models just to conceal the video evidence of Hunter and Natalie he had posted
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>one teenage girl has so much power

I don't feel bad at all.
On a human level I feel bad for Joe. Beinf such a POS must feel awful.
That's what YOU voted for..
Why do you see a video of a man having sex and immediately imagine that the women he's fucking is his underage niece? Is that the only way you can enjoy it?
That our entire system of justice has at least two tiers if not more? There's a sad and somber mirthless joke in that somewhere.. the rules exist only as a harness to the captured.
So you are a professional liar on assignment?
The world is ruled by strong, powerful men.
That's why Republicunts don't rule it.
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You're telling me that you wouldn't bang THIS?
Imagine if they married each other and became emperors. He deserves a younger girl though.
Pedojoe could do worse for an advisor. It's not like he has a felon crackhead telling him what to do.. oh, wait. <cough>Hunter<cough>
The blackmail photo shoots are the real big deal that makes it clear how far they have to go to follow the directives of their owners.
lmao, you're a pedo
I'm not above fucking skanks but dammit you at least gotta admit that's what they are.
She's actually beautiful. No I wouldn't. Not only because she looks 99% like my daughter but because I like chicks closer to my age. Personal preference.
Fuck out of here kike mutt.
You think everyone in high school knew she was banging her uncle?
Would seize all her assets since they were stolen from the People in corrupt political deals then deport to Israel before it's nuked.
Shouldn't she have a figure by now? Those are troon hips
Looks guilty
The rightoid calls you a criminal before he commits a crime.
The rightoid calls you a tranny before he becomes Lady G.
The rightoid calls you a pedo before he fucks a kid.
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thats a tranny.
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top kek kike
Lol. Wrong. I denounce the Talmud faggot.
I actually wasted my time to say this cuck so seeth and violate somewhere else.
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I guess everyone already knew this.
yeah but that's not funny, I always rather be funny than right.
When the rightoid sees a little girl, he immediately thinks about her sucking dick.
When the rightoid sees a jew, he immediately thinks about sucking his dick.
The rightoid is evil. Killing him is not a sin.
>Natalie Biden
Shower Stall Sukkake
no u
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Anyone who supports keeping Biden in the race is committing political malpractice
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She turned 18 before the 2020 election
>elephant on the shirt
She’s telling us something
Enjoy your ban.
What's the age of consent in your country, Mexibro?
Ask the cartel, not anon
well done natalie, bravo!
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Finally years when she can use her SS body guard to keep Grandpa from trying to fuck her.
Of course she's not wanting to leave.
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>How do you feel that one teenage girl has so much power?
She has earned it. She paid her dues.
Natalie Biden is ugly. She looks like Nikolas Cruz in a wig.
Why do rightoids know the age of consent of every country?
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the only logical response in this whole
shit thread
fuck jannies
Its revenge for Daddy Joe forcing her to suck his cock in the shower from the age of 10yo on.
To bother old jewish women
is she wearing a kabalah bracelet?
We live in a clown world. The extreme vast majority of people are incredibly dumb. That's why our candidates are Trump and Biden. You get what you asked for. I'm done caring at this point, you deserve this.
Why the fuck do they keep dragging their poor, mentally and literally fucked up neice around? Goddamn, these fuckers are worse inbreds than the goddamn Clintons.
>The rightoid bruised her knees
Simply fucking kill yourself you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker
>I'm voting for this zionist, not that zionist
why even grandstand if you're still giving one to the kikes?
Natalie is the only child that Joe and Jill had. She looks nothing like either of them.
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it's odd the way she walks so far away from Biden in this picture.
Serious family issues detected. He definitely licked her ice cream
Helping him crash and burn is her revenge for the inappropriate showers
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<baby bump>
>The whole world knows Dad used to force me to have showers with him

What an utter clownshow for a family. They make some of those degenerate communist leaders look like saints.
>She turned 18 before the 2020 election

She was born in 2004. She was 16 in 2020. Which incidentally was her age when the pregnancy picture posted above was taken.
Looks like she does a lot of cocaine.

The book she's reading, Profiles in Corruption, has an entire chapter dedicated to her family.
She has that Jewish girl ‘been raped’ eye look
Lmao. It's probably some bullshit cia secure phone whoch blocks out any potential signal interception. I've always wanted a phone with hard switches but the OS available isn't there quite yet.
Hunter must be so excited for his baby
Jewish woman have that tranny phenotype
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That's Jordan Pedersen. Kek, see the tears?
>I bet hunter told her to wear open toed so he could get that primal kind of footjob

This- forget the shower, diaper joe wants a footjob. You know that fucker has seen the videos.
yes she is. wow I didn't even notice that
That was over 4 years ago shes a hag now
Wasn't there a note that said "Grandpa is eating from the box tonight" or something like that
That’s an Israeli. Is that Biden’s AIPAC guy?
She wanted grandpa to stop showering with her
The girl is completely broken inside. Just a shell.
How could any father molest their child or any child...
It would be instant death if I caught them.
Looks like a coke whore
She looks like all the half Pajeeta here.
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>This is Natalie Biden, pictured here on the far left. She is reportedly one of the people who encouraged Joe Biden to not drop out of the race. By encouraging him to stay in the race, she is indirectly ensuring that Donald Trump is elected the next President of the United States, thereby changing the course of events in the world for years if not decades to come.
>How do you feel that one teenage girl has so much power?

What surprises me, is how come every one of them is playing along. What sort of dirt do they have on all of the Biden and Co team to make every single one of them play along and act like nothing is happening. Are they being paid? Are they bribed to hush and let things play out?
Natalie has to realize that is not her grandfather, that guy is one of the facial surgery body doubles and not even one of the better ones. Not sure if this is a staged pic, or actual real pic but when they are all together she has to know thats not her grandfather.

Pic.rel is the last picture available of the REAL Joe Biden. The guy in the picture on the phone is NOT this guy.
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>didn't hunter take pictures of himself fucking her while she was 15?
Pretty sure he started sexting her at like 12 and fucking her at like 13
She got preggers at like 14

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welcome back faggot
join the party
>>The whole world knows Dad used to force me to have showers with him
Are you a jew or do you just lie like one?
I’ve never seen a leftist wear that hat. I wonder if she lurks.
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>She just turned 19
>She turned 18 before the 2020 election
no stupid she was 14 in 2020

>Natalie Biden/Date of birth
>August 4, 2004
>currently 19 years old
There was no kiddie porn on the laptop. None of women he fucked looked anything like Natalie or children or anything other than busted up whores.
Why does lying come so naturally to you kikes? I'll never understand it. It's hard for me to lie and when I do I feel guilty. How does the kike manage to do it every time he opens his kike mouth?
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>What happened to her baby?
he's doing well i assume....
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>What happened to her baby?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is pretty common. You don't hear it happening because of all the censor, taboo and laws around it
He’s just been given life immunity for any crime by scotus.
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>Its revenge for Daddy Joe forcing her to suck his cock in the shower from the age of 10yo on.
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>I bet hunter told her to wear open toed so he could get that primal kind of footjob
>This- forget the shower, diaper joe wants a footjob.

Footjob video overlaid to one of her pix
same person
I've never heard such malarkey
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Hunter Biden here. I was high on coke and vodka one night and thought the little one was a roast so I put it in the oven and cooked it. Tasted pretty good. H
didn't think i could like her any more, but here we are. hit the wall pretty early tho.
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>There was no kiddie porn on the laptop. None of women he fucked looked anything like Natalie or children or anything other than busted up whores.
this is incredibly and provably false
no amount of damage control you bots and Leftie Loonies do will ever un-remember everything we have seen and learned by looking into Biden and Co corruption. You can claim nothing is true but when i've seen it with my own eyes, you are the lying kike doing damage control.
Get the fuck outta here, we are the big boys and you are a fuckin flaming faggot playing twist the truth and you will never win here against us.
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fuggin triple czech't
When she gonna troon out?
post the CP idiot
lying kike
yes we want you and family dead and yes we think it's funny
yes the holocaust happened and yes it will happen again
Hitler 2.0 will have a (D) next to his name and you, Trump, and Lady G will be buried beneath the rotting corpses of the kikes you worship
Jews really going overboard for Trump this year.
this is peak nat.
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>TFW when she had Hunter's incest baby but not yours
why even live
She hit the wall
Is that rightoid speak for "she hit puberty?"
She's got those puffy nipples which I love.
While you were sucking your first dick in a middle school bathroom, we were watching vids from torrents of the laptop. Lets Go Brandon!
based unclefucker hoholina
Jesus, she looks absolutely strung the fuck out
I would too after doing it for the entire flight
if i get her pregnant i could save her from being a democrat, just listen, trust me bro
We've already seen how you kikes going after a man's family, by why go after a teenage girl? This is why America will be country #110.
Crackheads, whores and thieves
We get it. You hate white people. That's why what we're going to do to you it justified.
and I should care because...?

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