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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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With this Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity the President can now:
>1) Start a war civil war, killing 600,000+ Americans.
>2) Put an entire race of US Citizens into camps without due process.
>3) Drop nukes on civilians.
>4) Invade/bomb a sovereign country without a declaration of war.
>5) Illegally spy on US Citizens.
>5) Drone strike US citizens.

And face ZERO consequences. Think about it is this the America we want to live in?
i dont know how 1 old man is going to personally fight 600,000 people but it sounds cool.
Why don't you just impeach him then?
I hope Biden will grow a pair and take advantage of his new godlike powers. Maybe establish some death camps for Trumpkins. Throw Trump in jail. Declare martial law, outlaw maga. You know test the waters and whatnot.
do you think Joe's gonna do all that if he wins the next term?
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I think the recent debate made it pretty clear that no one sees white people as part of America's future. I don't think I can remember the last time I heard anyone in a position of power mention white people in a positive context. Think about that. Trump and Biden both... neither one of them even acknowledge white Americans as a group. They won't even say "white people."
Of course there can be consequences from the American people as long as they stop being pansies and take advantage of the 2nd Amendment.
Agreed. The meaning of that court ruling is simply codifying what has already been.
>people who don't understand basic english let alone basic law principles pretending to know shit, ignorance encouraged by media grifters
Yeah I think I'm going to take a break from the entire internet today, just like I did during RoevWade overturn
Biden won't do shit, glowie
>Congress can remove a President with this one weird trick
damn you niggers are dumb
nothing has changed, they just reaffirmed the immunity that already existed.
cope and seethe tranny chud
That's not the interpretation of official acts retard. Also such acts are prevented by other checks and balances. I do like how the assholes of the internet everywhere jumped on it as if that's what it means that biden can assasinate trump right now etc.
sneed, seed, fuck, and suck
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The establishment has a monopoly on violence and won't hesitate to prove that. If Americans still had any sort of homogeny as a culture or people, what you say might have merit.
This isnt to say Im against the second ammendment, but the time that could have done any good feels long gone. We're in the controlled demolition stage now, and what youre talking about was intended to be used as a tool to keep things from getting here in the first place. It's like taking a fire extinguisher to a fire thats already grown so big its burning your entire house.
Sensationalist garbage to gather Reddit upvotes
Whats going on on the rest of the internet?
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>SCOTUS rules against excessive political persecution against former Presidents since impeachment exists
Every liberal in the world:
I'm scared to roll but fuck it... YOLO or whatever.
Ok, not the worst outcome. Do you have more of these games Anon?>>472883111
Everyone else has already grown up since yesterday. Try to find some shame in your stupidity.
This is just another piece being moved in preparation for coming events. biden is the fall guy and probably wont benefit much from it. also, the president may be immune, but anyone working for him wont be.
then why he no do?
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I see what you did there.
>reddit fantasy
no he can't faggot and you will never be a woman
OP sucks cock
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none of that is true nigger lips
>The establishment
The establishment are a bunch of incompetent, inept, midwit boomers who utterly fail at pretty much everything they try to do. Clowns. And they have formed a coalition of the weakest, softest, weirdest, degenerate, dysgenic losers and failures imaginable.
I am sure many of them would love to wage a war against muh right wing White supremacist MAGA cult gun owners or whatever, but how would that even go down? Senile pedo Biden ordering some troon general wearing furry bondage gear to rally the troops that they don't have because all of the White men quit and now they just have a bunch of retarded fat niggers and spics and trannies and faggots in the ranks?
They would immediatly rip themselves apart due to all of the internal bickering and in-fighting and virtue signalling and jockeying for position in the "who is most oppressed" hierarchy. The whole thing would collapse before anyone fires a shot in anger.
>Put an entire race of US Citizens into camps without due process.
Stop teasing me with a good time.
>>1) Start a war civil war, killing 600,000+ Americans.
I`m in.
>>2) Put an entire race of US Citizens into camps without due process.
Should have been done long ago.
>>3) Drop nukes on civilians.
Got my iodine pills for the exact scenario.
>>4) Invade/bomb a sovereign country without a declaration of war.
Some need to be eliminated.
>>5) Illegally spy on US Citizens.
Why stop now?
>>5) Drone strike US citizens.
Have drone will travel.
Gas the democrats.
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He can't do shit! That fucker can be shot or exploded into pieces like anyone else!

Stop that utter BS! He has no power and no authority over you! Only the attention, power and authority you voluntarily give him.

Stop giving him any and stop caring about him and the jewish zionist media and kill every armed state sponsored government goon or state terrorist that dares to come after you.

Seriously fuck that shit show and that stupid charade! He is a stranger, a liar, a traitor, a coward a murderer and a pedohile and most likely a doughterfucker.

Fuck him and all his minions and handlers!
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>entire thread of braindead newfags not getting the joke
why am i still here
protip: just because he gives an order does not mean it must be followed. an obviously illegal order must be disobeyed. retarded ass libs
I like how presidents had immunity and never got in twubble before the supreme Court told us that's how it is. They are supreme though so ya gotta listen.
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lel, nice one

>pic rel
besides summer fags are here
you're a fucking idiot
sounds like a lot to do for one man.you assume his immunity makes others immune that do dirty deeds for him?
Umm doesn't that already fucking happen?
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I would be more worried if he knew that he was president most days.
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I'll post this here for any brighter than average minds who don't fully grasp the situation.


Basically the US government is a child sex trafficking operation and gets away shipping 200k + kids a year throughout the states and other countries. Each ten days we have been filling and removing 100k refugees from specific venues and releasing them onto the streets. We have 50 million illegals and the country is only working to divide and destroy working class. The reason I posted this here and not start my own thread is because glownigger jannies have banned me every single time I did just that. I doubt that many people care enough here but this really woke me up. I am already buying up land in a under populated, underdeveloped state. The US is finished as we know it.
Six million bodies got fed to the labor camps of the last meat grinder.
couldnt have been any worse
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the only whites (i.e. 100+ IQ) anons left on /pol/.

what the hell happened to this place?
Trump didn't mention white people once during the debate. He also seemed a lot more reserved than last time around... no 2016 energy whatsoever. "Muh white MAGA" doesnt exist.
The issue is it's going to be whites sent to the camps, if anyone.
Next year they'll be saying it was really 11 million.
They have done all of these things with no consequences for decades now. I get that was the bit but still.
Have you considered that this viewpoint is exactly what the establishment would want someone to think.
>Most hylic lobotomites don't give a shit what they do
>Demoralize anyone who actually cares to the point of feeling powerless
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Leftists are now just qboomers on overdrive, I love it.
Some one never played Metal Wolf Chaos
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>America has a deepstate president who is above the law anyway
>America has a president of the people who is not pissing on the law in the first place

One or the other must be true and so this ruling effectively changes nothing. All it does is give the presidential immunity afforded to deep state presidents more legal clout. But they obviously did not need this if they did then Nixon and Johnson would have spent their entire lives after their presidency in jail for treason.

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