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THIS TICK bite a child and she died

girl, 9, was bitten, she died 2 weeks later


the girl had complained about headache exactly a year ago and was magnetically scanned in Swedish hospital, nothing weird found in her brain

then, 11 months later, she got bitten by a tick in Sweden and she died 2 weeks later

this time no magnetic scans because despite her symptoms the doctors believed only a year had passed since she got her latest scan so there possibly couldnt be anything in her brain

they were wrong since a tick virus killed her, as revealed by autopsy
she likely had got infected 2 weeks ago

her symptoms before death were various neurological spasms and seizures which could be anything really, but a pathologist found a fresh enough tick bite also
The JEW tick, attacked again.
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The world needs many more of those ticks in huge numbers bigger than ever.
Don't let your children play outside! Ticks are going to be the least of your worries once those US bases get built
Wait, are jews biting people now?
They've been linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Don't know if its proven or a theory. I know someone who got it at the same time as a child that his friend got it.
The girls parents had an animal farm.
So what are the odds?
probably the rheymatoid arthritis is is also linked to them but they also spread some fast acting virus that might kill

the girl probably didnt die from simple rheumatitis
You can thanks for this to US biolabs
You found out about ticks yesterday? Petting an abandoned dog is very dangerous because of ticks. I'm sorry for the girls and her family but this is not news.
There are ticks in europe?
yes the menace has spread to Europe
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Ticks are such fucking niggers

Some of there are literally not even visible, we're talking tip of pencil sized

I had Lyme twice as a kid, I'm sure it's caused lingering issues to this day

Anyone involved with the GOV lab on Plum Island deserves to be murdered in their sleep for what they have done

I know person who got those to his balls...doctor had to removed them...guy did not died but got too sick to work.
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Ticks fear me.
She was bitten by a skunk, this is probably rabies.
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Thanks NewsFinn
So when do we write on the side of a bugspray bottles with whiteout and name the girl with it before we raid them tick mosques?
>Swede ded
skunk ticks
stinky and dangerous
I’m Hindu and I say no

Confirmed: whites are NOT God's chosen people.
one of my semi crazy beliefs is that there are GMO ticks -- especially in America. the US had bio-labs studying ticks as a vector for bio warfare and there are lots of weird lifelong diseases these days from tick bites.
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Trust the science.
"The Tick vs A Little Girl".

What am I looking at?
Their fat bodies remind me of obesoids.
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Swedes needs to start to kill deer and not quit until the deer tick population crash.

Just remember guys: Kill the deer, and you kill the deer tick jew.
If we just killed off most of the deer, then the deer tick problem would go away.
gmo ticks killed her
It is my understanding that any major shock to the immune system can trigger autoimmune pathologies in people that have them lying dormant.
I got bit by a tick a year ago. Found it taking a shower. I managed to pull it out and put it in a Ziploc bag. Went to the doctor and showed them the tick and said maybe they should test it for lymes disease. They did nothing. Just gave me one little pill to prevent lymes I think? and told me to come back if anything was worse. Luckily nothing happened. But our healthcare is so shit. They didn't even test the fucking thing.
I fucking hate these things. They are all over my property. I’m going to obliterate them this year by giving all the mice on my property pemethrin soaked cotton for their spring nests. This should fuck up those retard disease Satan ticks. They are fucking worse than mosquitos.
Haha ween are so le funny xD look at their sweaters, and the weird glass! Hysterical
Ticks mostly get spread by mice, not deer
Smart anon
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I spend alot of time in the woods and swamps. And I don't mean like hiking on a trail I mean deep thick stuff. Maybe three or four hours every other day.

I've only ever found about six ticks on me and none of them ever bit yet. I basically take a shower as soon as I get home from the woods as a routine though.

Anyways ticks are hyper local. You can go wallow in underbrush in one place and not get a one, and you can go five Mike's down the road and do the same and have a dozen on you. There's no rhyme or reason. Luckily I'm not in one of those pockets because if so I can guarantee I'd have gotten Lyme by now (knock on wood or course).
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Alpha Gal syndrome
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When I was little, I had one bite me on the tip of my dick. It made my urethra opening larger than normal. Words cannot describe my hatred of these fucking things. Ticks, yellow flies, no-see-ums, all of them deserve death
Nice /out/
When I go into the bush or an area with tall grass ill wear long pants and typically tuck my socks into the pang leg to prevent ticks from sneaking in. It seems to be effective. All the times I was bit by a tick was below the belt and on the thighs.
Ticks and tick eggs.
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I wear full length snake boots anyways that go up to the knee, with light baggy shortsleeved shirt tucjed into pants but I don't cover my arms up or anything.

I used to treat with permethrin but haven't done it in a year or two now.
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Lol yeah I'll post more if you want- if you haven't seen them already.
>died from a little tick
lol I got bitten like 100 times by now, nothing happened to me. She was a weak future leftist with high mutational load.
whatever you do don't show /out/ this shit. They are already obsessed with these things.
When there are more than five posts an hour on /out/, 90% of them are squabbling about gear.
I vomited a little
Nasty way to go. I suppose it was an act of mercy considering we get to suffer the effects of the biggest parasitic being of them all. The jews.
Why do you type like an Indian speaking
They only really test if you push it or it's a animal that got bit. If you havent developed symptoms and they get you on antibiotics right away your chances are slim to none to get Lyme disease.
If you had symptoms tho, they'd get it tested right away.
Well we do know that Plum Island was working on GMO ticks to infect communities with horrible diseases. Lyme Disease came from their research. Fucking psychopaths. But that is the military industrial complex.
The point is she was fully vaccinated against TBE which can cause some kind of brain inflammation.
The problem is that the bullseye rash isn't 100% there is no way to know for sure after a bite but before symptoms.
The only time I had a tick was on the balls. Its not common they search safespace from genitalia on humans. Boy if he only knew.
>But our healthcare is so shit.
Even more reason to kill so many deer that the deer tick population collapse.
I meant its not uncommon*
Groin and neck is where they go.
>Ticks mostly get spread by mice, not deer
Most ticks are harmless, but deer ticks carry harmful diseases.
Yeap. I know a woman who had it inside her puss. Many areas in Finland is filled with ticks nowdays. While I lived in Helsinki and Turku I took like 70-100 ticks out of my dog every summer. Now im back on southern ostrobothnia and have taken out one this far.
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>A riveting thriller reminiscent of The Hot Zone, this true story dives into the mystery surrounding one of the most controversial and misdiagnosed conditions of our time—Lyme disease—and of Willy Burgdorfer, the man who discovered the microbe behind it, revealing his secret role in developing bug-borne biological weapons, and raising terrifying questions about the genesis of the epidemic of tick-borne diseases affecting millions of Americans today.

Not only did Burgdorfer discovered the microbe behind Lyme disease, but he gave his name to it, "borrelia burgdorferi".
I'd trust this man to tell the truth

I always get 5-10 ticks when I hunt and carry out deers, thankfully I never hunt without fully covered clothing so the ticks can be brushed off before they bite.
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Trips of truth.
>one of my semi crazy beliefs is that there are GMO ticks

From 2022

"It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up.

Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others, experts in the theory of bioterrorism."*


*goes to paywall if you don't click 'stop' when the article loads
>US had bio-labs studying ticks as a vector for bio warfare

Informative article if not for the obvious agenda - this is warfare

"Why is alpha-gal on the rise? Could it be increased awareness? The number of people on the planet? Or could it be the earth’s way of telling us to focus on climate change? With increasing temperatures, the tick population is rapidly increasing and the number of cases of alpha-gal syndrome rising. Cattle raising produces large amounts of greenhouse gases. Is this nature’s way of controlling how much red meat is produced and consumed on the planet? A little food for thought."

But she didn't die from borrelia. She died from brain inflammation caused by TBE which she was fully vaccinated against. There is no vaccine against borrelia only against TBE.
The article dont mention hemorragic fever, but tick transmited this
However this is most likely:
Trust me... you'd know even before the bullseye rash. I've had it and seen other people get it and a dog die from it.

BTW ticks have gotten noticeably worse within the last five years, sometimes I now second guess going into the bush even if I have my socks tucked in I just don't wanna chance or deal with that one rogue tick climbing up my back or something.
I used to go out wild garlic picking but I noticed lately the usual garlic spots are getting overgrown and the ground firmer.. ticks aplenty.
Like I said, I spend 3-4 hours every two days or so in genuinely thick shit and have only found a half dozen on my in many years and none of them had bitten yet.

Even if they were bad here it wouldn't stop me from going out there though tbqh.
>vaccine against borrelia
In the making
Anyway I'm sure she didn't die from a man-made bug, virus or bacterium. Let's not be conspirational here.
>Anyone involved with the GOV lab on Plum Island deserves to be murdered in their sleep for what they have done
tough luck scrawny weak vaxxmaxxed white kids die of peanuts and tick bites, tough luck
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Peanut bites?
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Retribution for killing our elms
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This. Crazy how Lyme disease just happened to appear around US bio labs. What did pic rel know?
Dude... There is massive amount of ticks.
Biological weapon released on us.
Not sure where you live but I've been going into the bush since I was a kid and they're getting worse.

In late March I was walking over some dead cattail reeds and there were hundreds it was disgusting. Mind you, wood ticks, not deer. And I know ticks take a while to latch they go through some ritual or something but still. Maybe it's me getting older and more cautious who knows.
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Yeah, good luck with that :Y
Free healthcare strikes again!!!
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The only thing I fear in the woods is a big 1000lb oak limb falling on me.
You look like you live in a place where ticks will die or humidity...
I didn't know that was possible but if it is then there should be zero here.
I’ve always feared a situation like that. Unfortunately we’re too busy flooding our hospitals with foreign browns, both patients and doctors, to worry about gaps in testing.
Similar situations probably happen in America numerous times each year, but the medical system is too far gone to discover such cases, much less do anything about it.
It was a joke... ticks generally don't like humid climates tho they like medium humidity and heat, where grassy areas quickly cool after a rain fall and quickly dry out.
If I feel I have Lyme I can go to my GP tomorrow and pretty much demand to have a Lyme test and/or antibiotics. And insurance will most likely cover it.
See I thought they didn't like dry cool weather. Here it is 85-100 degrees and 95% humidity from May to late September.
i got lime disease from a tick it sucks /

so be very afraid.
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I have had some ticks on me before but never gotten bitten.
How do you not feel it when they start biting you?
I mean they literally burrow their heads deep into your tissue, how doesnt it hurt? at least you gotta feel something?
they secrete a numbing agent when starting the attaching phase
In the US you can get a scan EVERY DAY
AI can't replace doctors soon enough.
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They should deport all shitskins.
Yes retard. We also got spiders, cats, wolves, deers...
>pretty much demand to have a Lyme test and/or antibiotics. And insurance will most likely cover it.
That doesn't necessarily mean you'll be rid of it. See also: post-treatment Lyme syndrome/Chronic Lyme.
Perhaps that's true but I'm not familiar with any other treatments- and what's the point of talking about healthcare being good or except in the case of getting available treatments quickly?
Lyme disease is from a US bioweapons program this isnt new information
also lone star ticks carry that red meat disease causing you to become allergic to hemoglobin or some shit like that, definitely a bioweapon too.
I agree on the bio weapon stuff. Apparently there is a place in SC with a treatment for the red meat allergy
I had a tick on me a week ago but it was an American dog tick not a deer tick luckily
> Apparently there is a place in SC with a treatment for the red meat allergy
and the dialectic is complete kek
The hollywood effect.
>THIS TICK bite a child and she died
past-tense of bite is bit
>girl, 9, was bitten, she died 2 weeks later
"was bitten" was used correctly in your context.
Perhaps, and it's disgusting of course- but it's better than them turning it loose and everyone just being fucked.
one of the last products available that can honestly sport the label "Made in USA"
>american education
you can hover your cursor over his flag to double check next time you attempt to make a post like this, I think you're shit out of luck if you're on a phone, maybe learn flags, but we all know that's not going to happen
> Alpha Gal
just call it the feminist disease wtf
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I'm talking Europoids in general, dutchfag. Considering OP’s Finnish and the anon I was responding to was Croat, I thought that’d be obvious nigger.

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