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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So, why are muslims like this?
It’s not just mudslimes, this is just how all males are: Subhuman.

You know how moids in jail rape other moids and then say “I’m not gay, I’m a giver not a taker. HE is gay” the same rule applies, they hate faggots that willingly do gay shit, but they love to rape little boys because it’s about dominating another moid into doing subhuman moid depravity.
Bacha bazi existed when Afghanistan was ruled by the American puppet government. The Taliban outlawed it and executes anyone who practices it.
the punishment (according to hadith/mohammed) for having sex with a little boy is you are forbidden to marry or have sex with the mother of the little boy.
>very not da'if
Homosexuality is not haram is he passes. Plus why would you want a disgusting fish-smelling hole when you could have a beautiful fempenis?
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white men dont do that shit pedrito, dont project your oaxacan dwarf subhumanity on us.

my guess is that fag shit as we know it is just instantly seen as american embassy propaganda. as to actual fag shit, yeah brown people have been doing that culturally forever.
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Why you lie Achmed?
What a very odd thing to say.
Bacha bazi is from gayreek influence during the bactrian empire. Based Talichads outlawed it whereas Amerigolems teamed up with the pedos
I’m Muslim and this is completely made up bullshit that the us army promoted in Afghanistan
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talisisters not like this
They do, unless you don't consider Brits and Frenchies white. They used to fuck little boy prostitutes in Morocco. Similar to how catholic priests love to fuck boys all over the world, wish it was just in shit holes but no. There's no escape from male depravity
You know how when you talk about j00z, people say "omg so offensive" but they don't say "those are lies" ;^)
I was there. Did a lot of medical calls in villages. Ask yourself why does 40% of the Afghan Male population have syphilis? Why do Afghan men fuck their women in the wrong hole and wonder why they don't get pregnant?
Syphilis or gonorrhoea... makes sense with how unstable and violent most are.
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Basically if their book strictly prohibits something that implies it was something rampant in the native (arab) culture before islam took over. Islam was meant to stop it but like citizen kek it got absorbed by the native culture and became a career in spreading it across the world to other races who practitioned islam
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the gay aids is very popular in the muslim world also
Muslims are literally just extremely violent jews there's no real difference between the sand nigger religions.
this shit makes democrats jealous, this is why they wanted the taliban removed. the tali-chads ended that.
>citizen kek
citizen Kane
Sorry sleepy
Reason why most arabs are in closet. They get groomed as kid because of this shit. Its like systematic cultural child abuse.
I had a talk with one of my pashtun interpreters.

Their concept of it is: "its not gay if you don't love the guy, and if you get married and still have sex with men you are gay"

Imagine being Afghan, surrounded by some of the hottest women in the world (North Afghan tajik women are smoking hot)

Choose to shove your dick in a stinky unwashed dudes ass instead...

Sounds f'ing gay to me lol
Pedophilia doesn't have one skin color or group, it comes in both genders. People are sick fucks
>white men dont do that shit
Is this dumbass for real? Majority pedophiles in America are white at a disproportionate rate
Don't they have to pay the bride's family to get married? If that's the case and they're broke, it's no wonder they turn into little boys or goats
>1yr ago
>mashallah sisters
No dude, they ride around on dirt bikes with their "boy toys" dressed up like girls and they think that shits normal. They are like Aliens compared to us.

I didn't live in a super FOB when I was there.

I'm blonde with fair skin and hazel eyes, had a bunch of the Afghan Army weirdos try to touch me and tell me I'm beautiful. Whenever I got the chance to shower I showered with my pistol ready to rock.

And all these shitlibs think they can just cross the border and become normal lol
The cost of a bride when I was there was 2 AK47 rifles or a goat.

I should have bought a Tajik chick there lol
>because it’s about

No. They love raping men because gay sex is pure pleasure.
bro you're just mad you got molested. Go wave your rainbow flag proudly
You totally convinced us. Now we believe an ignorant, insecure banana picker! Taliban are le bad now, guise!
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>white men dont do that shit pedrito
They fuck dogs
I don’t know what’s gayer, That you wrote all that out or you want us to perceive youre a bitter femcel.
>Lock up women in houses so they don't get raped by mobs of horny chudslims.
>Horny chudslims start raping boys instead

In the words of Ian Malcolm, life finds a way.
Ok basement dweller.
wtf why are mudslimes like this?
They do worse to dogs. They seriously think its fun to just throw rocks at them. The dog we had in our Combat Outpost was a rescue when a bunch of those turds were trying to stone him to death. He was a good dog. Barked whenever an Afghan came near our compound.
foid cope
The only muslim i know is married to an irish women and is cucked hard. They think they can come to the west and be dominating to their wives and then they get here and the women use a feminised system against them its hilarious. Also just a fun fact a muslim woman who have had sex before marriage are not seem fit to be an islamic wife. Give every burka bitch some peen and make thier religion even more of a joke that it already is
That's why during the middle ages in europe prostitution was tolerated as a "necessary evil" by the church. Young women without other options were basically "taking one for the community" by disgracing themselves as "common women" eg. women the community shared communally, but at least the young men weren't jacking off, fucking each other or seducing the maidens of reputable households.
Taliban banned that thing, all what is left is fake articles saying something like "uh no it actually still exists" just to smear the Taliban.

Also, hi Jason!
Whats bitter about the truth?
Debunk it then, subhuman. Why do moids love to rape other moids in prison and dont think they are faggots for doing it?
That seems a little cheap for raising a girl aged 12 or whatever age they put them on the marriage market. How is that a good deal for the father?
The more women call me a rapist the less i care if they get raped
they ARE faggots, and i would never do it.
you being a prostitute in Tijuana is not da mooooids fault, alejandra.
>believing the globohomo golem shills
>over the based talibanis
Jew, ngmi
>Throwing stones at a dog is worse than raping it
Yep, it's a westoid
funny story, in South Asia the word chud is derogatory term for sex
No need to say it, I know, because only humans (women) have empathy, males could never relate
>be an analbanian mudslime posting on /pol/
we shouldn't just have let the Serbs have their way only in Srebrenica
foids literally have ZERO empathy
please do try to justify your worldview to me
Lol woman are just salty they dont have the strength or constitution to rape men so they settle for raping and murdering children. Sids is just women smothering their own offspring you know
There's a lot of "we shouldn't have"s in your future, pigskin. An infinite amount in many cases
muslims arent like that, it doesnt say muslim it says persian. muslims kill these guys too.
Allah fucks little boys after eating bacon
we will definitely have an infinite amount of TSD (Total Semite Death) though
I can't wait for the day when mudslimes & kikes can show us one last time how much they hate eachother when they both spend the last minutes of their lives together in the gas chamber.
Only a subhuman (male) would want to rape another subhuman. Hence women don’t engage in such depravity.

It’s already extremely hard to enjoy the company of a male, why should we force ourselves into one? Even if we had the strength, you are all worthless so what benefit could we get from “raping” you
You have no husband
This poster is honestly the strangest prolonged shitposter I've seen on this site. Truly bizarre.
It's called "pilpul" and it's what the Satanic Bloodline from Cain does. Since Arabs and Muslims are cousins from the same corrupt family tree, they're essentially always going to do the same shit.
source: some jew professor at yale in the 1970s
every time...
all you femcels rape little boys. keep projecting becky.
>anglin says literal Taliban govt is needed in US and Europe
>kike shills come to #metoo the Taliban w bullshit
Just lol
It's not just male kids. They literally use small female kids as dancers as they say mujda.
Not only males are subhuman, they can’t read either. Zero reading comprehension.

>Males are worthless subhumans

>”Lol you are not chained to a worthless moid”

Ok… I guess I should kill myself then, no point in living because I don't have a scrote in my life :(
>So, why are muslims like this?
its only the ones that america supports
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ok bro thats enough we both know there are no women here, so, drop the charade buddy
Women can’t rape males. Stop projecting your fantasies.
And why would a woman want a tiny child dick? Only males are obsessed with tiny children’s genitals. Fucking schlomo
Lol, Nice try Akmed. Sadly your projection fell apart.
There are guys who think they are women. Does that count?
big difference between fucking a man and a little boy
so you admit that you femcels molest little boys?
I think we should understand we are both human. Be well.
No husbando 4 u luv #bornspinster
Annoying, but I’m kinda glad you didn’t go for the retarded “TITS OR GTFO” like most moids. Don’t come to school tomorrow :)
Yes they can.
tits or gtfo
Another moid that lacks reading comprehension. You should be ashamed than a spic woman apparently understands English better than you...
Kidnapping and child abuse
Go to your redlight district and get aids from one of those trad dutch women you people love to brag about
>this is just how all males are
I'll avoid vacationing in Mexico I think.
you said that women can't rape men but you didn't deny that femcels have sex with little boys
>Women have the strength to hold males down, make their dick hard against their will and force the poor moid into inserting it into the vagina

funny thing about the red light district, the majority of prostitutes there are eastern europeans, some of them albanian girls, all of them trafficked by albanian gangsters, your fellow albanian muslim brothers that you love to brag about
>Little boys are males
>males are subhuman and we hate them
Is it fucking clear now?

God you're so dumb, now I want to rape you. Are you a pale skinned white boy?
yes, and i am underage.
see? you literally proved me right.
>all men are rapists
>women arent
>want to rape you
Even your shitposting is subpar and inconsistant. I imagine your rape would be feeble and a little bit funny
Chill Gonzales. Calma te. That's not the only way to rape. Even so, one of them bull dikes vs one of them emo limp wristed boys, the dike is gonna ride his ass like he's a burro, right? But you can drug a guy and his strenght is gonna mean shit. You know? Mierda. Right?
>R*manian thinks he can talk shit
Hey, it's ok, amigo, I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you here cause you keep saying dumb spic shit.
>So, why are muslims like this?

It's bad to engage in sick, perverted acts, but it is much worse to seek to normalize it and try to recruit others and spreading the sickness. There is no contradiction.
oh you wanted the fucking a boy? ask me for it and I shall deliver, achmed
learn english
dont be sad. would you like the hadith?
sure why not. i need something to read between pederasty sessions apparently
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you can have sex with your wifes sister and your mother in law, too. so theres that I guess
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Finally I understand what's this
Islam is a false religion and it's nothing more than an excuse to pillage
America supported these people over the non boy fucking faction in Afghanistan btw. In fact the military would punish soldiers who took issue with the child rape. Thankfully he was cleared of charges.

Oh yea let's allow these people in Europe

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